#elros tar minyatur
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ladycassandra04 · 17 hours ago
Look at them (@thetiredprometheus the tags were amazing):
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They think they are helping to keep the kids alive
They are not wrong, but it's also not how or when you generally teach such things to children
headcanon that in the early days of their captivity Elrond and Elros tried to kill maedhros and maglor multiple times (even if half-heartedly. They are still good kids) and like, expected to be either punished, killed or thrown out and instead they got constructive criticism back
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braxix · 1 day ago
Maglor: Nelyo. I nearly shit myself last night.
Maedhros: Good for you. Didn't need to know that.
Maglor: Not like that. Elrond and Elros scared the ever living daylights out of me.
Maedhros: I didn't know you are scared of tiny defenseless children, Maglor.
Maglor: You'd think so, but they're not.
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youmisguidedmartyr · 6 months ago
What if you were born during a WAR and your dad became a STAR and your mum became a BIRD and your people were KILLED and then you and your twin were KIDNAPPED and then your kidnappers either DIED or fucked off to the BEACH and then your twin chose a MORTAL LIFE and then you became a HERALD and then your King got given a really cool RING but there was ANOTHER WAR because SAURON WAS ACTUALLY the RING GUY and then your King DIES and then your cousin/wife gets ATTACKED and then she SAILS and then your Foster son falls in LOVE with your DAUGHTER and then there's ANOTHER FUCKING WAR because SAURON IS BACK and then your daughter also chooses a MORTAL fucking LIFE and then you just FUCK OFF TOO but your twin sons didn't make up their MINDS
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thesummerestsolstice · 6 months ago
Notes on Keeping the Children Alive, by Maedhros Feanorian
One of them tried to bite me yesterday. A spirited effort, but doomed to failure. I will teach them how to do it better– their teeth are certainly sharp enough for it.
Woke up with flowers growing through the crack in my bedroom window. I suspect this is their doing. They are not very good liars.
Letting them climb on me has proved an effective bribe for good behavior.
They appear to like being tall. (possibly related to being descended from Turgon and Thingol??)
They stopped being afraid of me faster than most adults. Am I losing my touch???
Disregard previous note. Eldritch monsters recognize each other.
Am teaching them how to make the most of their shapeshifting abilities for political intimidation. They are shaping up to be menaces. Good.
Twins are old enough to begin swordfighting, and clearly eager, regardless of what Maglor says.
I have taught the children to argue with Maglor. I am certain they will eventually wear him down.
Gave the children more blankets so they would stop using my cloak as a blanket. New blankets have been resolutely ignored.
I am sure they'll stop commandeering my coat if I ask them.
I have decided not to ask them. (They are very cute when they are asleep)
Children are now attempting to negotiate their way out of bedtime.
Small animals appear to like the children. Especially birds.
They found a kitten in the stables yesterday. They would like to keep it.
Teaching the children to argue may have been an error.
Children asked whether it was possible to have three fathers. I am uncertain why. (Thingol homophobic??)
One of the children called me "Atar" today. Definitely did not cry about it. Not even a little bit.
It appears the children were asking about three fathers because they would like to be adopted.
I informed them that two fathers was the limit, but that Maglor could be their second mother, if they like.
Kano was too stunned at being acknowledged as the children's parent to correct them about calling him "Amme." Another successful plan.
(Kano, if you're reading this, then yes, this is payback for referring to me as a "brooding drama queen" for patrolling Himring's walls, in a very un-dramatic way, like a normal, responsible lord)
(Also, you of all people do not get to criticize me for being dramatic)
The children's Quenya is finally good enough for them to start reading higher level diplomacy treatises. I couldn't be prouder.
The children have never done anything wrong, ever, in their lives. I know this and I love them.
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minahwa · 9 months ago
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elwing the white
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sakasakiii · 2 months ago
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new year new m... aedhros 🥳 yahoo!! i think i hv to return to my roots and devote entire sketch pages to him again bc i was checking my archive and realised the last time i drew him properly was exactly one year ago holy moly..... anyways the sketches are divided into valinor -> angband/recovery -> himring and amon ereb eras so i could experiment w/ how i think he may differ in each :D
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elven-sisters · 7 months ago
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Elwing with her boys!
Aren't they cute little smols?
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millenariumhappinesstheorem · 9 months ago
After the destruction of the Havens, Círdan is certain that he will never see Elrond and Elros again—and for a long, long time, he doesn’t.
At first there are letters from Maedhros, sometimes threatening, sometimes pleading, always vague about the condition of the twins. Perhaps this is intentional. Perhaps, says Gil-Galad, he means to keep us in suspense. But Círdan is old. He has played this game before. In his letters to Maedhros, he asks only for the return of the bodies.
But even this request Maedhros will not answer. Months pass. There are no more letters. Gil-Galad takes matters into his own hands, organizing search parties, offering bounties, and after a few years his efforts are rewarded: Hunters report two small, dark haired boys playing in the hills near Ramdal. But when Gil-Galad sends his men to investigate, the children flee from the high king’s banner and vanish into the forest.
It wasn’t them, says Círdan. Elrond and Elros would not have run. And Gil-Galad, exhausted, is finally forced to agree.
The hunt for the twins never ends, officially. Sometimes Gil-Galad searches alone in the woods, and when he returns, Círdan speaks gently of grief. But when that grief is abused—when pretenders come forward, and forgers demand ransom, and at last the Enemy Himself baits His traps with missing children—then Círdan is forced to be stern. The twins are dead. There is a funeral. A stone is raised in their memory at Sirion.
Only later will Círdan remember the songs. No, not songs—lullabies. All those years that they searched for the twins, lullabies were suddenly, maddeningly popular. Everyone was singing them, and if Gil-Galad had traced the music instead of the reports, he might have had better luck.
But Círdan never hoped for anything more than bodies to bury, and while Gil-Galad might believe that the twins were alive, the best he could imagine for them was a small, dark cell. That they might be well—
That they might be loved—
That they might show up at the gate one day, cold and proud, demanding entry to the keep in lisping Quenya—
Even Círdan never thought that the Fëanorians could be so cruel.
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mahtariel-of-himring · 6 months ago
Long ago, when Elros was still building his Kingdom, and Númenor was young, he had his twin brother officially crown him, as a symbol of their bond.
After the first King died his son reached out to his uncle, and asked him if he would crown him as well.
From there on a tradition was begun.
Every time a King died a letter was send to Elrond, and in addition an invitation to the coronation of the next ruler, and the question to be the one to crown them.
Over centuries every King and Queen of Númenor was crown by Tar-Miniatur‘s brother, as a symbol of the bond between them and their half elven kinsman, who loved and cared for them dearly.
But as the centuries passed something changed. When in S.A. 2029 Tar-Atanamir first spoke out against the Valar relations slowly began to tense, though there was no one who greatly worried back then, except for Elrond.
In S.A. 2737 Elrond began to fear for his brother‘s people, as he noticed more and more how they drifted from the old ways with the coronation of the 18th King of Númenor, Ar-Belzagar, and the change in name.
In the year of S.A. 2899 the 20th King of Númenor was crowned, and for the first time in all its history, no letter to Elrond was send, and Ar-Adûnakhôr was crowned by another.
With the reign of Tar-Palantir Elrond felt a flicker of hope for the first time in decades, but it was quickly overshadowed as he realized his brother’s folk had already gone too far.
After the fall of Númenor the surviving faithful came to Middle Earth, and there, Lord Elrond welcomed them with open arm‘s. Their leader, Elendil, happily welcomed their estranged kinsman and was more than relieved that he was still receiving to them. And as he was crowned in S.A. 3320 Elrond was once again the one to set the crown atop a Númenorian‘s head, and the tradition was reawakened and continued ever on.
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pastelsugar6w6 · 2 months ago
Little Stars
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naarisz · 9 months ago
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Peredhel power
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sunnyshinesunshine · 8 months ago
Instead of Elrond looking like some vague Finwëan-Sindar combo
Elrond looks a little different to everyone that sees him
His face doesn’t change. He is still very much Elrond Peredhel, but his features will always remind whoever sees him of some form of a regret.
He supposes it is a combination of being a healer and the descendent of Maia but he tries not to dwell too hard on it.
(It is very uncomfortable to be the image of the deepest wounds of another’s heart)
Nonetheless, it is difficult to heal one’s own soul without facing the reasons for its damage.
Elros Tar-Minyatur was the only one to ever look at Elrond and see only Elrond.
If this was because his blood matched Elrond’s, or because Elrond was Elros’ deepest regret, Elrond doesn’t particularly want to know
Maedhros, utterly predictably, saw Fingon, and in doing so, found both comfort and misery.
Occasionally he would see in Elrond the ghosts of all his brothers, and he would again face the knowledge that he was not able to save them from their doom and the dark void.
Maglor sees Maedhros, and feels regret, not for the violence or the death, but for days in far off Valinor, under the light of the Trees. Days of running off with friends, to sing, to compose, to preform for adoring fans, to do anything but stay at home and help Maitimo take care of their small army of younger siblings.
(Maybe then the title of eldest brother would weigh less heavy on Mae’s shoulders. Maybe then the responsibility of care for them all would not have driven him so far, and to such a bitter end.)
If Glorfindel is to be asked, he’d tell you Elrond appears to him as the spitting image of Turgon
If you are Erestor, you know Glorfindel mostly sees Maeglin, Maeglin young and quiet, Maeglin older and scared, but sometimes also Aredhel, defiant and ready to disappear into the woods without a sound
Elwing once looked upon her son and saw naught but the visage of her little brothers
Galadriel sees Finrod, as does Celebrimbor, for very different reasons, but mostly because they share the same kind of kindness, and there is little that marks a person better than that
In quieter moments Galadriel will glimpse what her husband sees, Lúthien, as she was after Beren died, solemn, trapped, and entombed in misery.
During Bilbo’s final years, he can’t quite remember what he first thought upon looking on Elrond’s face (he’s sure it’s written down somewhere) but in those last days, he sometimes sees Frodo, wary and so very afraid. But mostly Elrond resembles Thorin and that is something Bilbo shall never set to paper
(Someday, in a time far beyond the counting of years, Fëanor will find himself staring at the face of his grandchild and seeing the eyes of Míriel Þerindë above the features Indis and will have a very small, very quiet meltdown.
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braxix · 3 months ago
Elrond: *Feral*
Maglor: Why is your one feral?
Maedhros: You think this is my fault?!
Maglor: Mine's learning math!
Maedhros: Stop talking about them like they're toys, Maglor. Elrond's just learning different things right now. He'll get to math when he's ready.
Maglor: Yeah, if math involves how many time you can bite something.
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silmarillion-ways-to-die · 9 months ago
Fans who haven't read The Silmarillion thinking movie Elrond is a dick, not realizing he's lost his father, his mother, both his adoptive dads, his twin brother, and his wife, so OF COURSE he doesn't want his daughter marrying Strider and dropping dead!
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thesummerestsolstice · 6 months ago
Notes on the Care and Keeping of the Peredhel, by Maglor Feanorian:
Need to eat three times a day, more if they can be persuaded (they do not seem to have the refined palettes elves do, and do not like my attempts at Valinorean fine dining)
They are very fond of maple syrup
One of the human healers told me they were "growing boys," unsure of the significance of this– a reference to their shapeshifting abilities, perhaps?
It does not appear that they will reach a full elvish height, though that may change
They can hear high tones that elves can, but humans can't
This bodes very well for their education in music theory
They do not appear to have the venom that some humans do, as evidenced by the fact that both Mae and I have been bitten several times with no ill effect
Still, I am thankful that Finrod warned me of this human feature, as it has served me well in many battles
They have not bitten anyone in months, which I appreciate, especially given how sharp their teeth are
Boys said that they could talk to shadows– unsure whether or not they were just attempting to scare me (ask later? Bribe with maple syrup??)
They like having their hair brushed, but do not like any of the scented hair oils we have at the fortress
They refuse to eat bird meat; unsure of why but I won't push
Elros prefers wooden toys, Elrond fabric ones, and neither of them is fond of metal
They grow faster than elves, but are still too young to begin intensive battle training, Maedhros
They are very sensitive to the cold, ensure that they have ample blankets and cloaks, especially in winter
Feel much better after spending time with them– those who spent time around Luthien reported similar effects
They appear to appreciate being pat on the head
Based on information by uncle Arfin (regarding Eonwe), this is common amongst Maiar
I've only had them two years, an incredibly small time in the face of the centuries I've lived, but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this fortress and then myself
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badplacetohaveagoodtime · 2 months ago
Anyone else: the hands that cradled your face and tilted it upwards to kiss your forehead are soaked in unfathomable quantities of blood.
Elros and Elrond: But they cradled me, yes?
(Credits to @queen-of-hobgobblers )
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