#the sons of fëanor
musingsinmiddleearth · 3 months
In my mind, seven memorials form a neat line, silent and solemn. For these were not of good people, but of those whose hearts had been turned to malice (though not of their design), yet their actions won great glory and forever affected the courses of the world. And on their stony surface, the following words are written.
First: alone of his kin took no part in the abandonment of his friends and his people. Endured torment at the designs of the Great Foe. Reconciled his people afterwards in the name of goodwill. Nonetheless partook in murder, menace, and conspiracy to steal in the name of his oath. Believed himself deserving of death for his crimes and was so killed for it. Maedhros the Tall.
Second: a singer, set forth his voice to uplift the hearts of others and to record the peril of his people for posterity and lament. Put down a treasonous leader in fair battle. Nonetheless partook in murder, menace, and conspiracy to steal in the name of his oath, alongside his older brother. Found peace in heartache and in weariness thereafter. Maglor the Minstrel.
Third: he studied of birds and beasts and the nature of their languages. Conspired to overthrow a King to whom he swore loyalty for his own ends. Sought to force marriage upon another in the pursuit of power. Commanded cruel treatment of the defenceless and was slain for it. Celegorm the Fair.
Fourth: adjudged as lesser those less fair upon the eyes than he. Offered refuge and protection in generosity to those in need among his own lands. Was betrayed in this endeavour. Accounted as the quickest to wrath of his siblings. Slain in assault upon his own kind. Caranthir the Dark.
Fifth: sided against a problem husband in the pursuit of a fleeing wife. Conspired (with his brother) to overthrow a King to whom he swore loyalty for his own ends. Attempted abduction and then murder of a Princess from her love. Slain in assault upon his own kind. Curufin the Crafty.
Sixth: of whom little and less is written, alongside his twin brother. Took in the people of his brothers for a time when their own lands were laid to ruin. In distance and in peace took on perhaps less of the evil of his siblings. Nonetheless partook in murder, menace, and conspiracy to steal in the name of his oath, and was so slain in the doing of this. Amrod the Twin.
Seventh: of whom little and less is written, alongside his twin brother. Took in the people of his brothers for a time when their own lands were laid to ruin. In distance and in peace took on perhaps less of the evil of his siblings. Nonetheless partook in murder, menace, and conspiracy to steal in the name of his oath, and was so slain in the doing of this. Amras the Twin.
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The five kingdoms of the sons of Fëanor: part 1
Himring and the March of Maedhros
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Warning. This post contains mentions of weapons use | animal death | orc death | use of animal parts | use of alcohol
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✴️ Maedhros's lordship ushers in a culture that centers on highly trained warriors and military service. Himring and the March of Maedhros are soon dotted with heavily fortified fortresses made of rough-hewn stone. 
✴️ The interiors of these buildings are decorated with animal pelt rugs and antlers, featherbeds that are mostly made out of softer animal furs, and furniture that is more practical than elegant. Maedhros's own fortress has a map carved onto the table in his council chamber. 
✴️ There is no discrimination when it comes to military service. Any elf, irrespective of their gender, can take up arms if they have the necessary skills for wielding weapons. Those with exceptional skills are sometimes invited to learn under Meadhros himself. 
✴️ Military training, while taking up the majority of most elves' time, is not the only activity in their day-to-day lives. Given the harshness of the terrain, there is very little farming. Foraging for root vegetables and wild berries is quite common, along with hunting and fishing. Mountain goats are eventually captured and domesticated for their meat and milk. Diary-based foods such as cream, berries, meat, and fish make up the majority of the diet for those who live in Himring and the March. Mares’ milk is fermented to make an alcoholic beverage that the elves drink in the absence of wine. 
✴️ In the beginning, the fashions in and around Himring consisted of fur and leather decorated with beads and bones and feathers. Later on, when order fully set in, colors obtained from natural dyes found their way onto clothes worn by elves in the form of elaborate embroidery. This embroidery would take the form of the lands that Hithrim sits on, its animals, and the tales of valor of the elves who live within. 
✴️ Of the smithies, there are only three, with the largest found in Maedhros' fortress; cutting down trees for reasons other than warmth and cooking and the making of spears, bows, and arrows is not seen as wise. 
✴️ While there are riders who take messages between fortresses and outposts and homes, great signal fires are also used, in case orc movements are sighted.
✴️ What jewels are there in elven families are carefully kept, and lent out to kin only when needed. Because of this, elves turn to feathers, animal bones, and teeth for bodily adornments, especially the parts of an animal that are killed during an elf's first hunt. 
✴️ A similar attitude is adopted towards weapons and armor made in Valinor. These are treated with great care, and elves routinely take metal arrowheads, swords, shields and anything else they can make use of from dead orcs. 
✴️ Life in Himring and the March is quite restrictive due to the nearness of Angband and the constant attacks by its forces. Elves have to always be on guard. Because of this, feasts and frolics are few and far between and, if held, are kept to a modest scale. Storytelling is the highlight of the evening. Elflings who were born after the crossing into Middle Earth often ask for stories of Valinor. 
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istar-ingolmo · 2 years
Silmarillion Primer: The Sons of Fëanor
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Art by Heget
Fëanor had seven children with his wife, Nerdanel. Which was unusual given that most elf women are content to bear at most three to four, and usually then only one or two. All seven were sons and all of them swore an oath with their father to take back the Silmarils. They swore to pursue with violence anyone who kept a Silmaril, no matter who and no matter the reason. This oath was sworn to Eru himself and the Valar as witnesses. This oath would drive the Sons of Fëanor to commit great acts of evil in their pursuit of the jewels and much of it to the pleasure of their enemy, Morgoth Baughlir.
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Maedhros- The eldest son. After being saved by Fingon from Thangorodrim, he waved his claim to the title of High King of the Noldor to his uncle Fingolfin. He tried to keep his brothers in check and moved them eastward in Beleriand to avoid confrontations with the Sindar and other Noldor factions. He attempted to form the Union of Maedhros when he heard of Beren and Luthien's successful raid on Angband, however, the evil of his brothers kept Doriath from joining and it failed. He was present for The First, Second and Third Kinslayings, all in pursuit of the Silmarils. When he finally managed to get his hands on one, it burned him. He was unable to bear the pain and cast himself into a fiery chasm along with the Silmaril.
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Maglor- the second son of Fëanor. He was a great poet and singer and wrote a lament about the downfall of the Noldor after The First Kinslaying. Like all of his brothers, he was driven to great evil in pursuit of the Silmarils and attacked Doriath and the refugees get one. His attack on the refugees of Doriath orphaned Elrond and Elros, the children of Eärendil and Elwing. So Maglor took upon himself to foster the boys since their parents had disappeared westward. He was the only other brother to survive the War of Wrath with Maedhros and stole one the silmarils from Eonwë’s camp. However, his evil deeds made the jewel burn his hand and he cast his jewel into the sea. No one knows what happened to him after other than his sorrowful singing can still be heard near the shores of the sea.
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Celegorm- the third son of Fëanor. He was a great huntsman and Oromë, the Huntsman of the Valar, gifted him a great hound named Huan. He and his brother, Curufin, were always traveling together. After the Dagor Bragolach (Battle of Sudden Flame), he and Curufin lived in Nargothrond. He and Curufin kept Finrod from amassing much help for Beren’s quest for a Silmaril. He and his brother came upon Luthien as she tried to find and help Beren. He wanted to take her as a wife, thus forcing Thingol into a kinship through marriage. His hound, Huan, saw his treachery and helped Luthien escape. He attempted to kill Beren and Luthien after they had fled Angband, but his hound turned on him. He died at the hands of Dior, Beren and Luthien’s son, at the Second Kinslaying in Doriath.
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Carathir- fourth son of Fëanor. He was present for the First and Second kinslayings. He also held the furthest realm east in Beleriand along the Ered Luin. He died in the Second Kinslaying in Doriath.
Curufin- fifth son of Fëanor. He was always with his brother, Celegorm. He became the only Noldo to become great friends with the dwarves and learned their language. He assisted in the downfall of Nargothrond by persuading the people not to help their lord help Beren. He and his brother captured Luthien, and attempted to force her to marry Celegorm. He also attempted to murder her afterwards. He had one son by his unnamed wife, Celebrimbor. He eventually died at the Second Kingslaying in Doriath.
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Amrod and Amras- the sixth and seventh sons of Fëanor. Not much is known about them other than their mother, Nerdanel, wanted at least one of them to stay in Valinor, but Fëanor denied this. They were great hunters and rendered aid to their brothers willingly. They held a realm in eastern Beleriand. They both perished at the Third Kinslaying on the refugees of Doriath.
All of Fëanor's children died before the beginning of The Second Age. The only survivors of the House of Fëanor were his estranged wife, Nerdanel and their grandson, Celebrimbor. Celebrimbor would go to be just as accomplished a craftsman as his grandfather. For the crafts of his hands would go on to influence Middle-Earth in as much the same way the Silmarils had, when he created the Rings of Power.
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 4 months
Macalaurë is the spitting image of Fëanáro, even more so than Curufinwë.
At a first glance, Curvo looks more like their father, but that is in large part because he has Fëanáro's RBF, and Cáno smiles more. Macalaurë is closer to Fëanáro's height (there weren't many tall genes left for Curvo after Nelyo, Tyelko, and Moryo, and as such Curufinwë is the shortest of the Sons at Nerdanel's height). Macalaurë's hair has the same wavy pattern whereas Curvo's is straight. His eyes are the same mithril compared to Curvo's iron hue. Macalaurë has Fëanáro nose, chin, judgemental eyebrows, even hands and toes!
This is because Nelyo took a lot out of Nerdanel, so much so that Fëanáro was worried she'd Fade. It took her until Nelyo was nearly full grown to convince her husband to have another, and he did most of the work in creating their second son. (He would've done everything save carry Cáno if he had his way.)
Macalaurë Cánafinwë popped out a little clone of baby Fëanáro, only even louder.
By the time they got to Tyelko, Nerdanel and Fëanáro had figured out the best way to craft their children. Their five other sons were about a 50/50 split effort.
Anyone who knew Fëanáro can see him in Cána. When he laughs, one of those rich belly laughs and not a polite chuckle. When he's enraged and his lips curl into a snarl. When his face is empty and expressionless.
(Upon meeting Maglor in Middle Earth, Fingolfin believed him to be his brother until Maglor spoke.)
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stellavesperis · 3 months
Do you think for a moment, before the Silmarils burned, that Maedhros and Maglor felt like they were home?
That light was the light of Aman, all that was left of the Two Trees (aside from the distant sun and moon). It was the same light that they had seen their father shape into gems when they were young. I sometimes forget that there was a time when the Silmarils really were theirs, when they didn’t burn their hands at the touch, when Fëanor wore them openly about and let his sons behold them too.
And then, all these years later, when they were finally in possession of their father’s gems, their eyes were filled once more with the same light that had illuminated Valinor before its darkening.
Do you think, for a moment, they felt like they were home?
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edennill · 3 months
The house of Fëanor at the airport:
still making hasty additions to his luggage ten minutes before leaving
incurably absentminded in the terminal because he just had a new idea for a project enter his mind and is upset he hasn't got time to take out his notebook
still tries to wrote something down every time there's a queue
lost the twins twice
"some of us have also got stuff we'd rather be doing and can manage to put it aside for a moment, Fëanor"
frighteningly efficient
still stops every few minutes to remark that she would like to sculpt this or that random passerby
assigned third parent™
will do everything he's tasked with without question
responsible for the well-being of at least two of the younger ones
inwardly exasperated and outwardly an example of patience
small, efficiently packed suitcase
has taken 3 different musical instruments with him
whines if you tell him to take care of his younger brothers
walks three yards before the rest of the family
has quarelled twice with Celegorm and once with Caranthir since they started check-in
wants to go into souvenir shops
was planning to smuggle his pets into his luggage but was informed they might be confiscated at the airport
dressed way too cold for the weather
teases his brothers and gets yelled at by everyone
runs circles around the rest of the group
tries to get on the luggage conveyor belt
finds souvenir shops boring; crashes a vase in one
tired and cranky
lags behind the rest
nose in a book
terrified he will forget something made of metal at security
packed way too much but later people will always ask to borrow stuff from him
model child
unless he's running after Celegorm
or teasing Caranthir
insists on pulling his own luggage but quickly gives up
thankfully can be trusted to keep next to his father at all times
pulls his father into souvenir shops
Amrod and Amras:
seem to be attempting to roleplay Home Alone in New York
categorically forbidden from entering souvenir shops
try to poke inside the security scanner
Bonus - Celebrimbor:
model child no.2
makes new friends who don't even speak the same language as him
bought reams of overpriced stuff in souvenir boutiques by the rest of the family
has no concept of stranger danger
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cuthalions · 1 year
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Maedhros answered: ‘But how shall our voices reach to Ilúvatar beyond the Circles of the World? And by Ilúvatar we swore in our madness, and called the Everlasting Darkness upon us, if we kept not our word. Who shall release us?’ ‘If none can release us,’ said Maglor, ‘then indeed the Everlasting Darkness shall be our lot, whether we keep our oath or break it; but less evil shall we do in the breaking.’ Yet he yielded at last to the will of Maedhros, and they took counsel together how they should lay hands on the Silmarils. [...] But the jewel burned the hand of Maedhros in pain unbearable; and he perceived that it was as Eönwë had said, and that his right thereto had become void, and that the oath was vain. And being in anguish and despair he cast himself into a gaping chasm filled with fire, and so ended; and the Silmaril that he bore was taken into the bosom of the Earth. And it is told of Maglor that he could not endure the pain with which the Silmaril tormented him; and he cast it at last into the Sea, and thereafter he wandered ever upon the shores, singing in pain and regret beside the waves.
— THE SILMARILLION, CH. 24: OF THE VOYAGE OF EÄRENDIL AND THE WAR OF WRATH (insp. by middle-earth-mythopoeia)
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"Oh, what are you doing, And where are you going? Your ponies need shoeing, The river is flowing! Oh, tra-la-la-lally Here down in the valley, ha! ha!" – Elves of Rivendell, The Hobbit
“You are more worthy to wear the armour of elf-princes than many that have looked more comely in it.” – Thranduil, The Hobbit
“May your shadow never grow less (or stealing would be too easy)!” – Thranduil, The Hobbit
"A Elbereth Gilthoniel, silivren penna miriel. 0 menel aglar elenath!" – Elves of Rivendell, The Fellowship of the Ring
"Such is of the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere." – Elrond Halfelven, The Fellowship of the Ring
"Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you. May the stars shine upon your faces!" – Elrond Halfelven, The Fellowship of the Ring
"Yes, they are elves, and they say that you breathe so loud they could shoot you in the dark." – Legolas Greenleaf, The Fellowship of the Ring
"And now at last it comes. You will give me the Ring freely! In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!" – Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Ring
"In this phial is caught the light of Eärendil’s star, set amid the waters of my fountain. It will shine still brighter when night is about you. May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out." – Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Ring
"Get thee gone from my gate, thou jail-crow of Mandos!" – Fëanor, The Silmarillion
"...neither law, nor love, nor league of swords, dread nor danger, not Doom itself, shall defend him from Fëanor, and Fëanor's kin, whoso hideth or hoardeth, or in hand taketh, finding keepeth or afar casteth a Silmaril." – Fëanor and His Sons, Morgoth's Ring
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olenris · 1 year
The Silmarils
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And the inner fire of the Silmarils Feanor made of the blended light of the Trees of Valinor, which lives in them yet, though the Trees have long withered and shine no more. Therefore even in the darkness of the deepest treasury the Silmarils of their own radiance shone like the stars of Varda; and yet, as were they indeed living things, they rejoiced in light and received it and gave it back in hues more marvellous than before.
I'm so happy with this art, made 2 versions: with and without Morgoth.
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nailsinmywall · 2 years
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Barbie and the Silmarils (2006) AKA the best silm adaptation
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tilion-writes · 6 months
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"Then Felagund upon the head Of Orodreth set it: 'Brother mine, till I return this crown is thine.' Then Celegorm no more would stay, and Curufin smiled and turned away."
For the @candcweek prompt "Oaths" -> Fëanorian Oath!
This line from the Lay of Leithian has always really stuck with me for some reason. The C&C brainrot is real.
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musingsinmiddleearth · 2 months
One of the quotes from Baldur's Gate 3 (a game I have hundreds of hours in and subsequently have not played enough of) that always gets me thinking of the sons of Fëanor is the Dark Urge quote "Was I sweet, once?"
"Was I sweet, once?"
It a little bit breaks my heart. The sons of Fëanor are all so stained with the cost of their oath and the deeds they are compelled to do in its name and in the name of the Everlasting Dark. But nevermind the blood of others on their hands, do they not surely feel that their own blood is on their hands too?
Imagine the later days of the wars in Beleriand. The struggle of the Elves against Morgoth has been going on for such a length of time, and the quest for the Silmarils just as long. Does there ever come a day, for even just one of the sons of Fëanor, when they look in the mirror and can't see the face of youth that they wore in Aman? Has that light not died somewhat, burnt through by a fire of fury they recognised from only their father's eyes? And when they have that moment of realisation, do they not look at their swords and their armour and the callouses on their skin and have to ask if they were ever sweet and gentle, because it's been so long that the memories of peace don't feel like theirs anymore?
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The five kingdoms of the sons of Fëanor: part 2
Maglor's Gap
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Himring and the March of Maedhros
Warning. This post contains mentions of weapons use | animal death | orc death | use of animal parts | use of alcohol
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🌟 Much like Himring and the March of Maedhros, Maglor’s Gap is dotted with stone fortresses made of rough stone.
🌟 However, in stark contrast to the more no-frills approach in Himring and the March, there is some semblance of elegance to be found in the keeps dotting the Gap due to Maglor’s own influence. Besides the usual pelts and furs and bone, furniture is more elaborately decorated, and the first weavings and tapestries were made with whatever could be found and easily assembled. Once order settles in, the elves of the Gap craft their own furnishings using feathers and animal teeth and tails from small animals such as ermine and sable.
🌟 Again, much like Himring and the March, garments worn by those living in the Gap consist of fur and leather. Beads, bones, feathers, and, in this instance, ermine tails, are used to decorate clothes. The pelts of smaller animals, such as pallas cats and foxes, are used to make mittens, hoods, and fur caps. Once a way is found to extract natural dyes from leaves and berries, color is used without restraint. The most commonly used decorative motifs in embroidery are horses, animals, birds, and flowers found in the Gap, sometimes even family mottoes. Any jewels that were brought over during the crossing are fiercely guarded and lent only for special occasions. On all other occasions, flowers, ferns, berries, and thin strips of ribbon are used for beautification.
🌟 Smithies are far more common due to a greater abundance of fuel for burning. Nevertheless, elves still make good use of anything and everything they can take off of dead orcs after skirmishes. Very little is allowed to go to waste by those living in the Gap, especially weapons and armor.
🌟 Military service comes in the form of several years of cavalry duty. As it is quite exposed, the Gap has to be patrolled all day and night, and on horseback, for both speed and convenience. The horses bred here are quite strong and heavy, capable of carrying heavily armored elves into battle, and are trained to withstand the noise and chaos of battle.
🌟 Elven males take up duties on the field. Elven women stay closer to home and see to the defenses of the keeps they live in. Many of the Elven women take up the bow and arrow for weapons.
🌟 Besides the standard sword and shield, bow and arrow and spear, a lance-like weapon makes its first appearance among the mounted warriors patrolling the Gap.
🌟 The meat of wild game, wild berries, root vegetables, and mare’s milk make up many, if not all, meals. Meat is often cured and preserved to last longer. Dried meat is reserved for those having to go on patrol. Horseflesh is also consumed. Alcoholic beverages made out of fermented mare’s milk are drunk in the absence of wine.
🌟 There is very little in the way of public feasts and frolics, as the Gap is a frequent target for Orc raids. If there are celebrations, they are quite simple and held only in a private capacity by individual families. Maglor, however, will host the captains that serve him at least every two to three weeks to develop rapport, and to learn more of the comings and goings in his domain.
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Maedhros : Everyone, calm down! We're grown-ups, let's deal with this like adults!
Curufin: So, we're just going to wing it and hope for the best?
Maedhros : Obviously. Now, Maglor, pass the shovel.
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 1 month
love the fact that tolkien had celegorm, curufin, and caranthir specifically be the feanorians who died in doriath. celegorm and curufin for what they tried to do to luthien, thinking they could bend her and doriath to their will -- celegorm especially, dying at the hands of the son of the woman he tried to force into marrying him. and as for caranthir, he ridicules thingol as a dark-elf in his caves, only to meet his end in those very same caves under the blades of those so-called dark-elves
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stellavesperis · 2 months
Silmarillion Characters as Random Quotes My Friends Have Said
Fëanor: Only 4 grandmas are dead because of my stolen banana sticker collection, and I'm not sorry. Also Fëanor: we want justice by means of arson Maedhros: HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL THIS FAMILY NO MURDER UNTIL AFTER 3 AM!? Also Maedhros (sorry): third degree burns are better than first degree murder
Maglor: Anyway, everyone can die by my blade, I've had enough and I'm peacing out go scream at the ocean until September comes
Celegorm: At any given moment, I have a dancing rainbow cockroach spinning around my mind smashing up all the important cognitive wheels
Caranthir: Arguing is my love language, okay?
Curufin: Murder is okay! Except when it's accidental Fingolfin: I'VE JUST CHALLENGED MOTHER NATURE TO A DUEL Aredhel: I like a man with moist hands because it means he has blood on his conscience Finarfin, singing: I hate you, you hate me, we're a happy family
Túrin: I like to think I'd die a heroic death, but in reality I'd probably put my goggles on too tight and they would crack my skull.
Bonus: Celegorm's servants: these children are looking really kickable right now
The Fëanorians: we are a stabby stabby loving family
Mae and Mags after Sirion: I just keep hearing this muffled voice in my trunk- I feel like we kidnapped someone
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