#Silm crack
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ghost-of-morrowbright · 10 minutes ago
lol dying
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Found him.
(in which a liberal interpretation is taken of Fingon’s attempt to rescue Maedhros)
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lyragoth · 3 days ago
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(...) Then Eöl sprang onto the back of his cardboard box, flicking his tail as he spoke: "It is well, Lord Curufin, to find a kin-claw so generous in my hour of need. I shall remember it upon my return."
Curufin’s gaze darkened, his whiskers twitching in disdain, tail high. “Do not puff up your fur and prance before me with the title of your mate,” he meowed. "For those who steal the kitty-ladies of the Noldor and claim them without toys or milk do not earn a place in our pedigree. I have given you leave to go. Take it, and be gone." @curufiin
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astral-aromance · 22 hours ago
Fëanor and Nerdanel built their house themselves.
I imagine that they both have a very keen eye for architecture, though it is not their chosen field. They are, however, rather eccentric. Their home is a mix of multiple styles from all over Aman and some styles they just made up. They sourced their materials from all over Aman during their travels. It started as a nice, cosy cottage with a huge creative space for forging and sculpting and science experiments, and with each new addition to the family, they expanded. Their floorplan is super confusing to those who aren't over frequently (Finarfin definitely got lost once), and every nook is filled with art so beautiful you'd think you stepped into a museum.
It's filled with unhinged things: Their basement is made to look like a natural cavern. There's a tree in the middle of their kitchen. There's a pond with a waterfall feature in the living room, complete with fish. Their library has a climbing wall. There's an anvil in the dining room. There's a life-sized statue of Huan on the porch to scare people off. There are at least 5 different pianos, one outside. They have a natural pool with several 6-ft catfish Celegorm brought home. Maedhros has a special, extra tall door in his room. Maglor has a window that doubles as an instrument of sorts made with different thicknesses of glass. Celegorm has a huge lizard terrarium in which he can comfortably lay down and nap. Caranthir has a full-sized crystal-powered "electric" loom. Curufin has a fully functioning mini forge on his desk. the twins sleep in hammocks 12 feet off the floor. one of their bathrooms has beach sand incased in crystal as flooring. Fëanor and Nerdanel have a comically large bed so that all their boys (and the magic dog) could come in for a cuddle when they were smaller. Huan has his own bedroom with an en-suite bath. Yes, there's definitely an anvil in the master bedroom, and yes, it gets used for things that have little to do with crafting. Nerdanel made several statues with Fëanor's glowing crystals as eyes, and they are strategically positioned to give people a freight at nighttime. Their kitchen has 3 ovens and 3 stove tops, each made specifically to cook different dishes. Nerdanel's workshop is so large that the whole extended family could comfortably fit in there. Fëanor's workshop is in the basement, it has reinforced steel doors.
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Fingon: what if I cracked you like a glowstick?
Maedhros: sweet release.
Fingon: *groans*
Maedhros: of death you perv.
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thewolflingofnoldor · 1 day ago
Yeah and Maedhros is essentially the Young Cindy Crawford of elves XD
Whoever mentioned a post about going to war and meeting Maglor is like going to war and meeting Beyoncé, I love you lmao- Now consider, going to war and meeting Maedhros, which is basically like going to war and meeting the world's top super-model✨
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realest-silmfacts · 3 days ago
Turin's favourite animals are frogs. As a child in Doriath he used to sneak away from court to go catch frogs by the nearby pond and sometimes Thingol would come with him.
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psstwantsomecheese · 5 months ago
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When burning to death in a fiery chasm isn't even the worst thing that's happened to you
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vildo · 2 months ago
This is the kinda shit I wanna see Ungoliant do
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balrogballs · 2 months ago
“Elves do not need to shit. There are no execratory processes happening within the elven body. There are no toilets in Lothlorien. Celeborn tells Gimli to just “go on a tree, like a hound”. Legolas spends the entire quest feeling sad, left out and excluded from the camaraderie building activity of the communal morning shite. Half-elves may need a shit but only sometimes. Like when they’re particularly sad, or ate something bad. When Finrod discovered humans he was fascinated by the concept. Lúthien (re-released edition) and Arwen had the capability to take a shit but chose not to. Elros wanted to but couldn’t. With the Maiar it’s Russian Roulette. Saruman can’t but tells everyone he can. Mithrandir can. Sauron won’t, which explains a lot.”
— JRR Tolkien, Laws and Customs Among the Eldar
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barelyanartblog · 5 months ago
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"But Fingon could not release the hell-wrought bond upon his carpal pad, nor sever it, nor draw it from the stone. Again therefore in his pain Maedhros begged that he would slay him; but Fingon cut off his paw above the carpal pad, and Thorondor bore them back to Mithrim."
– Of the Return of the Noldor, The Silmeowrillion
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lscullzthegreat · 2 months ago
Findëkano *newly Fingon*: Look I"m just saying it would be really funny
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thetiredprometheus · 4 months ago
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A chart by Maedhros Feanorion
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lyragoth · 3 days ago
Maedhros let out a deep, rumbling purr of amusement and flicked his tail. "A king is he who can keep his own perch, or else his title is but an empty meow. Thingol does but grant us land where his paws have never stepped. Indeed, Doriath alone would be his nesting place this day, were it not for the coming of our Noldor claws. Therefore, let him prowl content within his hedged den and be glad that he has the Kittens of Finwë as his neighbors, and not the rats of Morgoth that we drove away."
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eloquentsisyphianturmoil · 4 months ago
My favourite thing about Turgon are the seven increasingly spectacular gates he built along the entrance to his city that no one’s supposed to find anyway.
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feanors-mom · 3 months ago
As a follow-up to my prior post, I present:
Top 10 Characters in the Tolkien Legendarium who are so psychologically healthy my broken ass finds them difficult to relate to but nonetheless is inspired by.
10) Gandalf: if it weren’t for the pipe-weed dependency he’d rank higher. But he’s late for Council meetings and annoys Galadriel, who has better things to do. Yeah I know he’s on the other list too, but I am large, I contain multitudes.
9) Celeborn: not a jealous bone in his body, content to be a background wifeguy who somehow wasn’t even a little bit annoying. Utterly unrelatable
8) Nerdanel: Literally the only reason Fëanor didn’t go off the rails sooner. If those 7 little shits were still minors you can BET she would’ve been granted full custody.
7) Sam: only crime was loving too much (see: Frodo, potatoes)
6) Legolas: a literal prince content to risk his life for a cause bigger than himself. Also a silly boy.
5) Fingon: did what even Maedhros’ nuclear family couldn’t (or wouldn’t), now he soaks in Bubble Bath and sips miruvor in the Undying Lands
4) Glorfindel: could have rested on his Balrog Blaster laurels but willingly went back to a shitstorm. Sort of regretted it as soon as he landed but shrugged and just did what needed to be done.
3) Miriel: the human one (the elf one is as broken as they come, but damn I love her for it) . She tried her best but just couldn’t win against Tar-Patriarchy.
2) Aragorn: head on straight. But yeah, completely unrelatable
1) Finrod: so good Mandos just fist-bumped him back into a body
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valar-did-me-wrong · 4 months ago
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Part: 95/?
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