#the owl house outtakes
daystarvoyage · 2 months
The library is open on ths voyage
Fashion features feminism 17:48
VIDEO GAMEs how it sees women of poc, Geek incel how poc & CONCLUSION 27:06
Discussing Luz noceda feminine & ethnic features not being prominent diaspora issues and todays female standars of not being beautiful enough next on Kyoko cane crack down
make sure to comment subscribe.
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crimeronan · 4 months
76. Did you have any ideas that didn't make the final cut of the princess AU in general?
from this ask game!
omg. so many. so so So many. the vast majority of my stories go through a lot of revisions and have a lot of outtakes before i decide on the version that i actually like..... so here are some notable things that Didn't happen in the princess AU, which were originally meant to (or could have happened):
in the original oneshot, luz says that belos taught her to do something she'd really rather not know how to do. at the time, that was ambiguously referring both to creating grimwalkers AND to eating palismen. i ended up not exploring the palisman angle in the long luz fic because i decided that i wanted all of the horror to be tightly centered around Grimwalker Bullshit. the palisman thing would have been an interesting extension of the autonomy themes..... but it also would have meant writing a permanently haunted luz, and it would have been very very very sad. probably better that i didn't!!
2. in my original plan, luz's killing of belos was premeditated. i ended up scrapping that because i couldn't imagine that belos would drop an "i'm gonna kill hunter" bomb & then leave her alone long enough to premeditate a murder, AND i wanted the higher stakes. a luz doing premeditated murder still has some control over her circumstances. i wrote powerlessness instead because it was scarier, more compelling, and it made more sense for luz as a character. (she would not have been NEARLY as traumatized by what happened if she'd been able to simply premeditate belos's death.)
3. there are outtakes of luz meeting the collector. originally, the collector was the one to tell her that the grimwalkers didn't get sick & that belos killed them all for fun. this was a big part of why she planned a premeditated murder. now my working canon is that belos didn't find the collector because luz wasn't there to help him 400 years ago. (poor kid. someone go help them right now)
4. i ended up semi-regretting locking myself into hunter's storyline because i had to maneuver luz's around it. if i HADN'T done that, then hunter definitely would have gotten almost-murdered by belos. luz also would have tried to send him away before things came to a head, and that would have been a WAY more vicious and heartshattering fight than any they've had in the AU canon.
5. i have tons of outtakes of eda and raine having various arguments with each other. these are gonna be edited into something smoother but please know that there are versions of them in my gdocs that are so WILDLY, INSANELY DIVORCED.
6. i have an outtake of darius and hunter fighting about luz but i don't think it fits anywhere in the timeline now. sad :'( the thing about me wanting darius to be hunter's dad is that it's Required that they shout at each other first.
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milokissa707 · 2 months
Hello Miloslav! (●’◡’●)ノ
How are you? Hoping you've been well!
I was wondering when did you get into hetalia? (ノ´∀`*) Do you have any other medias you're obsessed with?
Also can totally relate to never stop talking! I feel like I talk all the time!
Anyways, have a terrific day! -🪽
Oh wow hi! I’ve been doing well, been spending a lot of time with my family lately as I’m visiting back home!
Actually, the story on how I got into Hetalia incredibly funny, so anyways all the way back in late 2018, I had been staying up all night and watching anime clips, I think I was watching the black Butler dub outtakes and then I stumbled upon the first episode of Hetalia. You have to fully understand it was very late at night and running into the first episode of Hetalia, my reaction was “welp, it’s time to go to bed, this is enough Internet for today”. I legitimately thought that I was so sleep deprived that I had dreamed it, but lo and behold the first episode of Hetalia is very real. Honestly, ever since then I’ve loved it, I owed all the manga that has been printed and have watched the anime multiple times through. Hetalia combines two of my favourite things, very absurdist humour and history. Luckily, I had escaped the very toxic time of the fandom, tbh it’s honestly very chill comparative to what I’ve heard it was.
As for any other media that I’m interested in, fallout has always been one of my special interest, but now that there is a TV show, let’s just say this within the months that it has been released. I have watched it five times fully through. Even though I haven’t finished it yet Criminal Minds is some thing that I’m watching right now, gotta love Spencer. Less so now but at its height, I absolutely loved gravity Falls and I still do, it hold a very special place in my heart. I also love the owl house, which makes sense given that Alex help create it. Less media like TV I love portal, it was actually the first video game on my computer that I ever played, I also absolutely love TF2, though I have not played it in a very long time(my main was medic).To be blatantly honest hetalia is really the only anime that I’m fully got into, right now I’m reading the first few chapters of one piece, I am planning to make the venture of reading the whole thing, so wish me luck on that. Also, I wanted to add this I also very much love Welcome to the table by Ben Brainard, very much in the similar vein as Hetalia. The first one of those videos I got really popular was his Louisiana one, my home state, the whole comment about drive-through daiquiris made me laugh so hard. Fun fact, not counting the times I took the eucharist as a child, the first time I drink alcohol was when I was 15 and it was completely legal for me to do it! Yeah, Louisiana has some of the looses liquors law.
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ra-tutubixi · 1 year
Behind Time's Shawl: Exploring the rhymes and reasons of Mesoamerican Day-Signs
So sometime ago, it occurred to me that, perhaps, the signs of the Meso calendar could be traced to something geographical, cosmological even. That's not a new idea, the charge of certain "landmark signs" has been well-known for a while now, with sources as early as the Relación de Meztitlan describing some of the matter.
But perhaps the other signs have a story to tell, too.
This's gonna be a real simple post, much less dense. That's mostly because, as the tags indicate, this is the outtake of an effortpost. Perhaps eventually I'll get to formatting it here or on my neocities, but for now this will serve as a side-blog for explaining and elaborating on a few of the things I write about, or my diverse whims.
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The Maya Rhombus
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Here delineated, the relationships glimpsed by my hand. The vertical lines denote conceptual opposition, i.e. things complimentary yet inverse, while the horizontal ones instead connect causalities, sets of concepts that follow from one another.
Going clockwise from the top and following the vertical arrows, Ik' (wind) can be said to repel Eb' (rain), as it sweeps clouds off the sky.
You'll notice I'm skipping the second (Ak'b'al-Chuwen) and third (K'an-Ok) columns to the previous pair's right; I cannot provide much description here, other than the vague suggestion that those concepts might be connected in a similarly oppositional way. The Maya area is far from one I'm well-versed in.
Next comes Chikchan (snake), strongly related to fire through K'awil and the Vision Snake, made from smoke, and Muluk (water). Here follows Kimi and Lamat, death and rabbits; the glyph for the latter can be interpreted as three corn kernels, seeds of life, and rabbits generally are known as quick-footed and, primordially, prolific, lively, active.
To the left of Eb' comes B'en (reed) and its pair, Imix (lily or crocodile, wrongly glossed in the image as "stone." oops). Reeds stand tall, with teeny flowers, while lilies are low to the surface and display grand beauty, though less foliage; were it to be crocodile, the opposition would be between that which is static and that which moves, plant and animal, water-air and water-land, for reptiles are the skin of the world. Next, Ix (moon) and Ajaw (day-sun). There's not much more I need to elaborate here. Men (eagle) and Kawak (storm), carrying similar connotations as Ik'-Eb', though with the additional thing where eagles are connected to the sun, to the wind and clear skies; calm, one could say, and rage.
I also skipped Kib'-Ets'nab'. Manik' and Kab'an haven't vertical parallels due to their placing at the left and right corners.
Horizontally, top-to-bottom, Ajaw-K'an (corn), sun and growth, light and plantlife. We skip over to Ets'nab' (knife)-Kimi, the blade and its outcome. One final skip is made to Kib' (vulture)-Lamat, the herald of rot and death which consumeth the herald of life and growth; Kib' has also been interpreted as "owl," which could be taken as further support here. Finally, Men-Muluk, the free skies and the earthly waters — I realized this while finishing this section, so this squiggly line was not included in the diagram.
Ik' and Eb' similarly don't have horizontal pairs, as they're at the top and bottom corners. I skipped Imix-Ak'b'al, Kawak-Chikchan, Kab'an-Manik, Ix-Ok and B'en-Chuwen, for that same lack of knowledge and/or late-night brain. It happens.
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The Central Mexican Rhombus
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The axes are similar here: vertical lines are complimentary opposites, the horizontal ones are relational — that is to say, the paired signs share a domain. As before, Reed and House haven't a horizontal pairing due to their vertical cornering, while Flint and Rabbit have the converse situation.
Vertical relationships are as follows, going from leftmost to rightmost: Earthquake/Rubber-ball and Rain as, well, the movement of earth and that of water, or that of the sun and that of the divine liquid; Vulture and Flower as rot and blooming and growth, consumption and production; Eagle and Reptile/Knife as, uh, bird and reptile, sky and earth, flight and ending; Jaguar and Wind as Teskatlipoka and Ketsalkoatl, dusk and dawn, night and day, dark and clear smoke; Reed and House as monte and city, perhaps as Chichimec-Toltec (the former are known, at times, to wield decorated reed staffs); Twistgrass and Lizard as starvation and food, cold and warmth; Monkey and Snake as forest and dryland, canopy and ground; Dog and Skull/Death as flesh and essence, change and staleness; Water and Deer as wetness and dryness, reaching below and growing skyward.
Horizontal relationships from top to bottom, in turn, are: Jaguar and Twistgrass as darkness, tamelessness; Eagle and Monkey as exaltation, abundance and fortune; Vulture and Dog as passage, the Eaters of Filth, those who return to the earth that which is dead; Earthquake/Rubber-ball and Water as cleansing, as movement eternal; Flint and Rabbit as birth and death, the cutting winds and the fast winds, the stone-hard earth and the soft earth; Rain and Deer as movement, as running, nourishing that which is in drought; Flower and Death as transformation, as constants of life, as each nurtures the other; Reptile/Knife and Snake as, well, Reptile and Snake, as the skin of the earth; Wind and Lizard as living, as changing, growing, metamorphose, as shedding the dry skin for a new shape, or shedding the wet skin for a dry one.
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Aight that's that. No proper sources this time, 'cause half of this is more of my own understanding of the things, though the foundations do have the following: The Central-International sign lists are from a collection of codices, notably the Magliabecchiano, Telleriano-Remensis, Huichapan/Antämatsits'i (and, if you really wanna go there, the Florentinus), while the Maya one is from wikipedia Miller and Taube (1993: The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya: An Illustrated Dictionary of Mesoamerican Religion). Both contain some associations.
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novelist-becca · 3 years
"Gimme a B, gimme a B! Gimme a B, B, B! Gimme a B, B, B, B, B! What's that spell? PBBBBT!"
- Eda
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pyroclastic727 · 4 years
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Amity teaching Luz arson. Because Luz deserves to know how to burn certain furby tapeworms to a crisp.
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Outtakes and silly photos from @waitingforgdammit and I’s Halloween The Owl House photoshoot!  They/She for Eda  He/Xe for Lilith 
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nlghtshade · 5 years
#accents #animation #ao3 #art #au #behind the scenes #books #canon #edits #fanfiction #fandom #fic find #fic rec #gifs #headcanon #ideas #important #incorrect quotes #interviews #language #laughs #me #memes #movies #nsfw #outtakes #people #plot holes #puns #quotes #ship dynamics #the more you know #theories #to listen #to read #to watch #tumblr #want #world building
#sorcerers stone #chamber of secrets #prisoner of azkaban #goblet of fire #order of phoenix #half-blood prince #deathly hallows 
#cursed child #enobi #eyewitness #fantastic beasts #folklore #greek mythology #kill your darlings #mean girls #miraculous ladybug #my immortal #pottermore #potter puppet pals #roleplay
#bleur #blairon #blinny #deamus #drarry #drastoria #feltcliffe #golden trio&draco #harry&ginny #harry&ron #hedric #hinny #jily #linny #lucissa #pansmione #ron&draco #romione #scorbus #wolfstar
tropes/titles/traits (bang paths)
#abuse #angst #auror!draco #auror!harry #auror!ron #baker!draco #bed sharing #bi!harry #bi!ron #brave!draco #children #confident!harry #dada professor!harry #dark!harry #deaf!draco #deaf!harry #domestic #drunk!remus #fake dating #eighth year #epilogue #established relationship #ewe #fairy!draco #fashionable!harry #fem!harry #genius!draco #get back together #gryffindor!scorpius #hanahaki disease #headmaster #healer!draco #height difference #insecure!draco #jealous!draco #jealous!harry #major character death #matchmaker!ron #mental illness #merman!draco #metamorphmagus!draco #minister of magic!hermione #mob boss!harry #muggle!au #mutual pining #next gen #oblivious!harry #oblivious!ron #omega!verse #possessive!harry #prefect #professional seeker!harry #professor!draco #professor!harry #professor!lupin #prongsfoot friendship #proposal #pureblood #ravenclaw!albus #ravenclaw!scorpius #redeemed!draco #roommates #sassy!harry #secret relationship #slytherin!gred and forge #slytherin!albus #slytherin!harry #slytherin!ron #slytherin!triwizard tournament #snape bashing #soulmate!au #strategist!ron #tattoos #truth or dare #unspeakable!draco #unspeakable!harry #vampire!draco #vampire!harry #veela!draco #youtuber!harry 
#aguamenti #alchemy #amortentia #ancient runes #animagus #apparition #aragog #arania exumai #arithmancy #astrology #avada kedavra #basilisk #boggart #buckbeak #care of magical creatures #charms #chocolate frogs #constellations #crucio #daily prophet #dark mark #death #death eaters #defense against the dark arts #dementors #divination #dragons #draught of living death #fiendfyre #flying #flying ford anglia #herbology #history of magic #horcruxes #house unity #incendio #legilimency #lumos #marauders map #merpeople #metamorphmagus #mirror of erised #morsmorde #muggle studies #muggles #nargle #nonverbal magic #nox #obliviate #owls #paper cranes #parselmouth #parseltongue #patronus #pensieve #periculum #petrificus totalus #piertotum locomotor #polyjuice potion #potions #pygmy puff #quidditch #reparo #scars #sectumsempra #seer #sily friendship #sleekeazy’s hair potion #snitch #spells #succubus #tales of beedle the bard #thestrals #time turner #transfiguration #unicorn blood #veela #vampire #vanishing cabinet #wands #weasley sweater #werewolf #wizarding house #yule ball
#azkaban #beauxbatons #black lake #castelobruxo #closet under the stairs #diagon alley #dungeons #durmstrang #forbidden forest #godrics hollow #grimmauld place #gringotts #gryffindor #hagrids hut #hogs head #hogsmeade #hogwarts #hogwarts express #hot topic #houses #hufflepuff #ilvermorny #kings cross #knockturn alley #mahoutokoro #malfoy manor #ministry of magic #platform 9 3/4 #potters cottage #ravenclaw #room of requirement #slytherin #the burrow #towers #triwizard tournament #uagadou #wizarding schools #yule ball
#albus dumbledore #alastor moody #albus severus potter #alice longbottom #andromeda tonks #angst #anthony goldstein #argus filch #arthur weasley
#bellatrix lestrange #bill weasley #blacks #blaise zabini #bloody baron
#cassius warrington #cedric diggory #cho chang #colin creevey #cornelius fudge #crookshanks #cuthbert binns
#dean thomas #dobby #dolores umbridge #dominique weasley #draco malfoy #dudley dursely #dursleys
#ernest macmillan 
#fat friar #fawkes #filius flitwick #fleamont potter #fleur delacour #frank longbottom #fred weasley #fred weasley ii
#garrick ollivander #george weasley #gilderoy lockhart #ginny weasley #godric gryffindor #golden trio #gred and forge #grey lady
#hannah abbott #harry potter #hedwig #helga hufflepuff #hermione granger #horace slughorn #hugo weasley
#igor karkaroff 
#james potter #james sirius potter
#lavendar brown #lily evans #lestranges #lily luna potter #longbottoms #louis weasley #lucius malfoy #lucy weasley #luna lovegood 
#malfoys #marauders #marjorie dursley #merlin #minerva mcgonagall #moaning myrtle #molly weasley #molly weasley ii #moony
#narcissa black #nearly-headless nick #neville longbottom #newt scamander #nymphadora tonks
#oliver wood
#padfoot #padma patil #pansy parkinson #parvati patil #peeves #peter pettigrew #pidwidgeon #pining #pomona sprout #poppy pomfrey #potters #prongs
#quirinus quirell
#regulus black #remus lupin #ron weasley #rose weasley #rowena ravenclaw #roxanne malfoy #roxanne weasley #rubeus hagrid
#salazar slytherin #scabbers #scorpius malfoy #seamus finnegan #severus snape #silver trio #sirius black #snivellus #sorting hat #sybill trelawney 
#ted tonks #teddy lupin #the fat lady #theodore nott #tom riddle 
#vernon dursley #victoire weasley #viktor krum #voldemort
#walburga black #weasleys #wormtail
#alan rickman #bertie gilbert #bonnie wright #dane dehaan #daniel radcliffe #david holmes #david thewlis #emma watson #evanna lynch #helen mccrory #helena bonham carter #imelda staunton #james phelps #jason isaacs #jk rowling #julie walters #maggie smith #mark williams #matthew lewis #natalia tena #oliver phelps #ralph fiennes #robbie coltrane #rupert grint #sir michael john gambon #tom felton #warwick davis
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spindle-and-distaff · 6 years
In Which Grave News Is Announced
Suddenly a wild outtake appears! Catch the rest of this au on AO3
The mail came to all the Auror Trainees in the Auror Hall at dinner mess, just like it did every day. Tonks, sandwiched between Mad-Eye and Linda Proudfoot, scrambled madly for the small and damp owl coming for her before it could crash into her bowl.
“She’s got it!” Linda announced to the room at large. Tonks had been on tenterhooks all day, and furiously annoying as a result. More than one trainee had taken a spill into the duck pond because of her, and most were deeply relieved that the much awaited news had come.
A faint and ragged cheer went up at the next table.
The note was disappointing, in both length and content. Not yet, her dad had written in small caps, and that was all it said.
“Well?” Mad-Eye demanded, peering suspiciously under the mash covering his shepherd’s pie.
“Nothing yet,” Tonks said. Linda sighed dramatically.
“Threstral meat,” Mad-Eye announced of his dinner, and dropped his fork. “Trying to poison me, that damn woman is.”
Tonks, who had been resigned to switching bowls since they sat down, obligingly handed hers over. “Eat that up, Tonks,” Mad-Eye told her, clattering his bowl down on top of the note and sending gravy spots across the table. “You’ve had worse, won’t hurt you any.”
Linda leaned over. “I took a week to write to my parents,” she said easily. “And if your sister is as bad as communicating as you, you won’t hear anything until October.”
Tonks moaned. “Don’t say that! You’re just mad I caught your robes on fire. Next time, when I shout duck, try ducking!”
“I thought you were trying to get me to look at the ducks!”
Auror Dawlish, who was seated across from them, snorted. He detested babysitting the trainees, and was in a foul mood whenever he had to put them to bed before he could leave. “Both of you shut up and eat your dinner,” he said. “And then, when you’re done, you can head down to the sparring room and duke it out. Tomorrow morning we’re going over Bagnold’s third assassination attempt and when we do, I don’t want to hear another damn word about fire, curses, or ducks.”
An ancient owl steered itself into the open window behind him, and made to wing towards the table. “Duck?” Linda asked.
“Oh yes,” Dawlish said impatiently. “Try saying that again and find out what happens.”
The owl, having made it this far but doubting it could go father, started losing height. It headed towards the nearest perch with an alarmed expression.
“Duck,” Linda said, and clutched her bowl to her chest, preparing to slide under the table.
“Right!” Dawlish said. “You’re both going on double duty and short rations.”
“No,” Tonks said, her eyes going wide as she realized. “Duck!”
“Bloody—” Dawlish started, and the rest was lost to his bowl, which his head was thoroughly slammed into via the concussive force of three pound of decrepit owl. The wheezing owl, drooping, tried to launch itself up from his hair and only succeeded into falling onto the table.
Mad-Eye said around his fork, “Better get that, Tonks.”
“Do you think,” she said, and his magical eye swiveled around to stare at her. “No, don’t say it!” she told him. “I want it to be a surprise.”
Dawlish raised his head slowly, and wiped potato out of his eyes. A staunch supporter of his own house, he said furiously, “If that bloody girl’s not in Ravenclaw, I’m transfiguring you both into ducks.”
The outside of the letter was drenched in shepherd’s pie. Tonks wiped it off impatiently and tore it open.
Everyone at their table waited in silence. Finally, she gave a cry and tossed the letter down, where it floated in her bowl and slowly sank.
“That can’t be right!” she said, and her hair rippled into a color more suitable for a funeral. “Who thought it’d be funny to send this?” she demanded. “Who sent this! I’ll hex you into next bloody week!”
“What’s wrong?” Henry Savage called from the next table over. “She end up in Slytherin?” Several people sniggered at this. Tonks had made her opinion clear that Hufflepuff, and only Hufflepluff, would be considered good news.
Furious, Tonks sat back down, and fumed.
“Come on,” Linda said, and had a go at fishing the letter back out. “Can’t be that bad. Unless, well, the Hat didn’t shout Squib, did it?”
With a final poke, the letter disintegrated. “It’s the worst,” Tonks said huffed, and stuck a forkful of dinner into her mouth. The letter had not made it taste better, but certainly couldn’t make it taste worse.
“Well, there’s nothing wrong with Squibs,” Linda said consolingly. “I’ve got a cousin I’m sure is one, and we still invite her to dinner on the regular.”
“My sister,” Tonks said furiously, “is not a Squib!”
Henry brought his bowl over and sat down beside Dawlish. “’Course she isn’t,” he said cheerfully. “So, which House is it, then? I’ve got galleons riding on this.”
Tonks scowled, and considering her special talent, it was indeed a fearsome sight. Only Mad-Eye didn’t wince. In between shoveling in bites of dinner, he grunted, “Didn’t know you hated Gryffindors.”
“I didn’t know you cared,” Tonks said.
“Gryffindor!” Henry said.
“Good habit to know my trainee’s prejudices,” Mad-Eye said. He leaned over and said in a mutter out of the corner of his mouth, “Tell you what, Tonks, I’ll take you over to the Hitwizard Hall and we’ll curse the lot of them tonight. Show those Gryffs what’s what.”
Linda recoiled a little at Henry’s cry and put a hand over her mouth. Several people at the next table over began whispering.
“Gryffindor,” Henry said again, confused.
Tonks turned on Henry, eyes narrowed. “What’s wrong with Gryffindor?” she demanded. Her wand, left absentmindedly on the table, nearly sprang to her hand.
“Nothing!” Henry said at once. “Nice House, that is.” He smiled weakly.
Her hair was changing rapidly again, to exaggerated red and gold stripes. She stood up and addressed the hall. “Anyone else have a problem with Gryffindor?” she demanded.
Several fellow trainees, wet and shivering, indicated that they didn’t have any problems with Gryffindor, and that, in fact, they rather liked the House of Lions better than their own.
“Well!” Tonks snarled, and sat back down.
“That’s the spirit,” Mad-Eye said companionably. “But we’ll still go see those Hitwizards. Keep ‘em on their toes.”
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Hi, i was wondering if you know any good fanfics which are Aro centric. i dont know how to explain this, but fanfics that keep Aro in character but also not. Romances would be great too :D
Sorry this took awhile. I am fairly new to the Twilight fandom and so may miss a lot of great Aro fan fics out there but I am going to list here the fanfics which i have read and liked very much. Mind you some are not completed fics. hope you like them.
If you are looking for a canon fic then check out Jessica314 story Pygmalion from her Tale of years series: Prequels, One-shots and Outtakes
If you are looking for in-character-creepy-scary Aro then check out :
lunamontecore’s story The Friendly Taste of Poison. Its ongoing.
Also check out Lady Midnight. Most of her stories are graphic, don’t have romance, dont have happy endings and they are dark af. I need to mention that her stories are the first Volturi fics i read and really liked. Basically my faves. 
The volturi fics by Dani Jones
Luxury of Mercy by Hallowed Huntress. Haven’t read this yet but heard its very good.
There is also one called Rising Equinox. Its a new story, i have started reading the first chapter and it seems pretty good. Do check it out.
If you like In character and romance then check out:
Every Captive Soul by SLovingLector. 
As you wish by Kisskisscrush. I haven’t read it yet but I have been told it captures the “true craziness of Aro”. So definitely check it out.
Blood Line: The becoming by Lady Midnight.
Also check out the Twilight stories by Mentallyconfusedidiot 
and The Agreement by badjujube
Other stories I would suggest are :
Immortalicum by Hallowed huntress
Member of the Guard by Rene Mia
The Scorge of House Cats Everywhere by Volturi Secretarial Services
Vampires Bargain by Ambrogio’s Moonlight. This one is different from the others as its an Aro/Caius/Marcus/OC fic. I am not really interested in these sort of fics but this one i couldn’t resist. in my opinion Its the hottest fic i’ve ever read :D
All of these fics are in Fanfiction.net
On Wattpad there is a story called Destined by vampire owl. Check that one out as well. After a few chapters it gets really good.
So, these are the only ones that come to mind. I am sure there are other great fics out there which i am yet to find. And of course there are some good fics here in Tumblr too.
Do read the other fics by an author and check out their list of favourite stories and authors that’s one way of finding new stories. 
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hellyeahrpmemes · 7 years
starters from jenna’s 9 most recent videos as of november 8, 2017! feel free to change names/pronouns/etc.!
“At any moment, the cleaner can walk in the front door.”
“If you don’t want to be disturbed, put up the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign, and we’ll ignore it.”
“Have me and him beefed back and forth in our videos for a total of seven minutes?”
“Okay, I did not see that — what a little shit.”
“I’m trying not to be too loud, because we’re in a small hotel-thing.”
“I need to not comment on this feud because it’s between you and him.”
“Just gimme your neck so I can choke you out real quick.”
“I’m sorry, but that shit’s just funny.”
“I took chemistry in high school, it’s bleach.”
“Does this give you any moment of pause or remorse and be like, ‘wow, I really am gross to my girlfriend all the time’?”
“You know when you walk into your trophy room and you’re looking at all your accomplishments and you see your name on all those plaques and you’re reliving the glory days, and you’re like, damn, I did all that? That’s the feeling I have right now.”
“This is like torture. Maybe to some people, this is funny, but, to me, this is torture.”
“Somewhere, deep down inside me, I think you really like Nasty Julien.”
“You fuckin’ lick that up right now…!”
“This isn’t our house…!”
“How’d we get here…?! We were doing something…!”
“You need to get that wig on and look at 50 different camera angles in the room.”
“Did we leave that shot in a video? It wasn’t an outtake?”
“That was fucked up.”
“I found out about myself that I like to take my money and chuck it into the toilet and flush it.”
“I don’t know what it does, but she said I need it.”
“I ended up with some hot-ass witch nails.”
“It seems like you sort of just dip your brush in it and go for it, which I’m all about.”
“This seems like it’s getting out of hand already.”
“That’s what the fuck I’m talking about.”
“It’s very similar to eating spaghetti.”
“I feel like this is an incredible medium to jam things onto your nails with.”
“This is fucking magic.”
“It’s like the fossil of stupid.”
“Do you know what pain is? It’s a physiological response to tell you to stop doing something.”
“This is some real 2008 hot shit.”
“In order to perfect this part, you do have to have some level of technique, which I sincerely lack.”
“It looks… how you say… homemade.”
“I’m amazed that that worked even a little bit.”
“Now something that I am concerned about is how the fuck I’m gonna get this off.”
“Welcome to the diary of a 31 year old lady.”
“All I want for Christmas is to get this shit to stop.”
“I’m not saying I’m the best at what I do, but I’m the best at what I do.”
“I’m so pleased with myself…!”
“I’m just gonna go ahead and say what we’re all thinking: acrylic gel is the best invention that’s ever been invented.”
“I feel like you could do this and get okay at it.”
“I’d probably dial 911 while asking her out.”
“Can’t you see what the fuck I’m wearing, bitch?”
“Can’t you see I’m fucking leisuring?”
“This was actually all inspired by the fact that I bought this leisure suit.”
“I’m gonna leisure in it, which means everybody else around me’s gotta do shit for me.”
“I’d say my favorite meal is a little bit interesting.”
“While they cook it for you, you can wear your leisure suit and tell them everything that they’re doing wrong and that it doesn’t taste right and to keep trying.”
“You’re gonna cook me my favorite meal and I’m gonna critique you the whole time.”
“You can’t even take a sip without a laughing.”
“It’s just — it’s terrible for you.”
“That’s by far my least favorite thing in the kitchen.”
“Boy, you’re chopping vegetables, like, chill out.”
“You’re just gonna leave that…!? I’m a virgo…! Please clean it up…!”
“This right here? This is what we call some aries bullshit.”
“Everything that Julien makes is so fucking bitter, and he’s like, should we add more lemon, and I’m like, no…!”
“Why was that in your sweatshirt…? That’s nasty…!”
“Go away, it’s my favorite meal…!”
“Hey, how do you spell cans backwards?”
“That’s right…! Don’t fuck it up. Don’t touch it, don’t put anything in it, don’t say it needs some lemon, don’t make it bitter as hell, it’s perfect.”
“My favorite part of this is the backhanded compliments.”
“Does it need lemon, you think?”
“I’m feeling pretty relaxed. Except for the fact that everything you’re doing right now is stressing me out.”
“Watch your mouth when you’re talking about my son pad thai.”
“Aren’t you glad I picked such a simple recipe for my favorite meal?”
“I’m not feeling very leisurely.”
“I feel like someone’s favorite meal says so much about them, and you know what mine says about me? I’m fucking trash.”
“I’m gonna cry actual tears.”
“Hell yeah, we know what the fuck we’re doing.”
“Now imagine, Julien, it’s 2 AM, and you’re wasted right now.”
“I feel like you treated me like the princess I am not.”
“Thank you, I love you.”
“Oh, man, the wine just really bounces off all the flavors.”
“This is my heart on a plate.”
“They’re raking it in over there. It’s not like George Lucas doesn’t have a bajillion dollars anyways.”
“I’ve had it with this wig…!”
“How is this an extra small? What’s with these sizes?”
“I love you so much, but you test me every day.”
“Okay, Spock’s hair is not this long.”
“I think this is too relaxed — this is like a dangerous level of relaxed.”
“This is a lot to ask of you, bud, but you’re doing amazing, sweetie.”
“He’s a real good boy. He’s a 10/10 good boy.”
“Alright, let’s see, do they glow in the dark? I think they do. …barely.”
“I didn’t invent it, it’s a thing…!”
“I want it to blend in with my translucent skin, alright?”
“Whenever I have to see people, I have the unstoppable urge to fuck myself up in the face."
"I feel very excluded by that product."
“Just for men. And Jenna."
"Nothing says ‘thanks for inviting me to your school’ quite like chemical burns on your face.”
"I was like, yeah, totally. And then I realized that I was lying because I don't fucking feel like it."
“I love fucking myself up. It feels good. It feels cathartic.”
“Like, this is a good look.”
“I wanna look like a beautiful snowy snow elf. Like, a snow owl personified.”
“It is a chemical burn. This is the definition of a chemical burn.”
"You and everybody else are so concerned about, like, safety and looking okay but, like, fuck off.”
“Don’t give me that look…! This is a judgement-free zone…!”
“I feel like I see a lack of people with this particular part of their hair dyed.”
“I feel like bleach is addictive. Can I get some research studies on how addictive bleach is? Because I feel like it is, and I feel like I have a problem.”
“Bleach on your face challenge!"
“Every time I go into that beauty supply store, that guy should be like, get out.”
“Just for fucking men… no it isn’t… I’m a man…”
“You have to go to your baseball game right now, son.”
“You really look like a Mii character and you just added a mustache to your character.”
“Just for men? I beg to differ. I’m a women, and I made it work for me…!”
“I feel like I look like a very rare and interesting fish.”
“Why do you look cute when you do the weirdest shit?”
“I am a fashion guru, okay?”
“I went and bought you some clothes, like the style icon I am.”
“I want to be dressed like a doll.”
“Let’s see how big you think I am… oh, that’s accurate.”
“I can guarantee you I’m will wear this entire outfit on 9 of the next 10 flights I take.”
“Are we done here? Cause I don’t want anything else.”
“I took your credit card, and I bought it.”
“Yo, these are soft as fuck, bitch…!”
“I wanna know what social rule says I can’t wear this everywhere I go.”
“To be perfectly honest, I’ll probably wear this all the time. It’s soft, it fits my body well, and I’m invisible.”
“Engage thicc mode.”
“I’m gonna take that fanny pack away from you.”
“I’m so disappointed, where is your thigh…!? I came here for the thigh…!”
“I was half kinda joking, but, like, why does that outfit look so fucking good?”
“I love all of the stuff you got me.”
“I’m gonna take that shirt, and I’m gonna burn it while you’re sleeping.”
“I feel obnoxious. Am I obnoxious?”
“I’m not a weirdo who imitates people to their face.”
“I’m telling you — they misspelled ‘moments’.”
“I’m like a little kid. I start saying something or doing something, and then I can’t stop.”
“I’m not a snack…!”
“It’s just another example of you blatantly interrupting me because you wanted to.”
“You forget you have nothing to say, so that’s your default.”
“You don’t have a basketball game — you’ve literally never, ever had a basketball game, today or tomorrow.”
“I’ve never met a person that I’ve had that same hate like a sibling. That’s how me and Rome get sometimes.”
“It’s like one big, long incest joke.”
“Okay, this is literally gonna make me fucking cry.”
“It just ends with you screaming.”
“Don’t call me a snack again.”
“Oh, it’s hot? Now you know how I feel sitting next to you.”
“Stocked up with soap until forever.”
“If you’re dirty, come to my house, I got the soap, you know what I’m saying?”
“Alright, now we’re taking a fight break.”
“We’re not judging you; this is a safe place.”
“We only got 8 bars of soap, because I thought that was a lot of soap.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna throw any of the soap out, okay?”
“Please send help to my house. My dog is broken.”
“There was a couple of items I got because I’ve always wanted to see you wear them.”
“While I was shopping today, I was thinking: what would go good at a step-grandparent’s barbecue?”
“I think this would be mad cute on you. And off of you.”
“You don’t have any step-grandparents.”
“We can go to Disneyland in it, cause I’ve never been.”
“This is my new favorite shirt!”
“Do not make me wear that capri-crap.”
“You got my nemesis in clothing form.”
“Please put this on.”
“I saw those and they literally yelled at me.”
“My nipples aren’t that far apart from each other, this is just gonna be a boob show…!”
“…I kinda like this.”
“I retract everything I said.”
“I can feel my legs suffocating from here.”
“Julien, I am a grown woman…!”
“Why do you want me to be a people that wears jeans?”
“Hey, guys, it’s me, Jenna, the regular people, here to do regular people things.”
“Tell me she doesn’t look cute in this.”
“As long as I’m wearing these sunglasses, I can wear jeans.”
“You look like you’re trying to hide from the cops.”
“Girl, you look cute as fuck.”
“If you’d ever like me to return the favor, I’m more than happy to.”
“Dear God, it’s me, Jenna. Please give me the strength not to punch my boyfriend.”
“I think I have permanent scars from those jeans.”
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l0chn3ss · 7 years
L0chn3ss’ Reverb 2017 Haul
A master post of all my reverbs this year! Thank you to all of my glorious partners, the mods, and to my friends who supported me through the journey!
Tiptoes: A MaStar Reverb, 2017
Summary: Basketball MVP Black Star and top student Maka Albarn don’t always see eye to eye, especially since one towers over the other. When tutoring sessions bring them closer together, though, Star finds himself falling for Maka. All he has to do now is convince a titaness that it is the age of small men!
Warnings: N/A
View Art by @happyisahabit: [Cover Art + Comic]
View Art by @l0chn3ss: [Knitted Scarf] [Wrist band] [Playlist]
Read Story by @soundofez: [Read here]
dust the cracks in my heart with stardust, make me anew: A MaStar Reverb, 2017
Summary: Childhood friends Maka Albarn and Blake ‘BlackStar’ Sterling go on a road trip all across Nevada in a beat-up jeep. Their final destination is the Fly Geyser, a beautiful rainbow landmark, before Maka leaves for grad school. Along the way, they feel a sense of urgency to get their personal feelings off their chest.
Warnings: bed-sharing, sexual tension, cursing, bathroom breaks
View Art by @l0chn3ss: [Ambiance Playlist 1] [Road Trippin’ Playlist 2] [Knitted Scarf] [Watercolor Painting]
Read Story by @happyisahabit: [Read here: FFNET | AO3]
Bonus Mood Board by @happyisahabit: [View here]
Seasons of Liz: A Liz Thompson Reverb, 2017
Summary: (1969) Elizabeth Thompson, age 18, has left the dirty streets of Brooklyn behind in favor of the polished suburbs of Long Island. Armed with a camera and a cynical world view, she tries to make amends with herself whilst traveling her new home. The idea that she could belong in such a lavish lifestyle seems preposterous, but then again, so does landing a man on the moon.
Warnings:  mentions of violence, dark themes, alcohol, cussing, depression
View Art by @rainshatteredsky: [Photography + Dress Design]
Read Story by @soulevansvevo and @l0chn3ss: [Read Here: AO3 | FFNET]
A Part of Me Is With You: A BROTP MaStar Reverb, 2017
Summary: Growing up is never easy, but with an obnoxious best friend by your side it’s not all bad. MaStar brotp, snapshots of growing up.
Warnings: N/A
View Art by @l0chn3ss: [Crocheted Owl]
Read Story by @meisterful: [Read here | AO3]
Bonus Art by @l0chn3ss: [To be posted]
Pretty Reaper Sailor Moon: A MaStar Reverb, 2017
Summary: Student by daylight, Soul Reaper by night, Maka Albarn leads a double life as the Reaper of Madness, Sailor Moon! With her talking cat, Soul, and her fellow reapers at her side, Maka feels confident in her abilities as a protector of Order. When Queen Arachne threatens Earth with a web of Madness, Maka realizes that she may have met her match. Combined with blurry romantic visions of a past life and the appearance of one striking Tuxedo Star, Sailor Moon must regain her courage to untangle the mysteries and save the day. “In the name of the Moon, your soul is mine!” Sailor Moon AU
Warnings: mentions of violence, cussing, death
View Art by @happyisahabit​: [Main Art] [Outtakes/Comics] [Pastel Group Shot] [Sunset Scene]
Read Story by @l0chn3ss​: [Read Here: FFNET | AO3]
View Bonus Mood Boards by @l0chn3ss: [Part One] [Part Two]
Adrift: A MaStar Reverb, 2017
Summary: A commercial fishing trip gone awry leaves Braxton ‘Black Star’ Sterling floundering, furious, and ready to fight a God. Will his mission to get to Poseidon for a one-on-one be victorious, or will he forever be lost at sea?
Warnings: cussing, violence, talk of death, minor character death
View Art by @l0chn3ss: [Ambiance Playlist] [Watercolor Painting] [Knitted Piece]
Read Story by @rebornfromash​: [Read here: Tumblr | FFNET]
Bonus Mood Board by @rebornfromash​ and @l0chn3ss​: [Part One] [Part Two]
Heroic Vulgar: A MaStar Reverb, 2017
Summary: Childhood friends torn apart by distance, Maka is suddenly reunited with her first crush in the Albarn family’s pet shop. She needs an employee, and Black Star needs a job… but also a place to stay. A new tenant in the house, exotic bird theft, and big-name pet food companies turn the shop upside down, but now that she has her best friend back, Maka thinks she can get through anything– if her heart would simply shut up. Also if Fred would shut up. Please shut up, Fred.
Pairings:  MakaxBlack*Star, TsuxLiz, SoulxKilik Rating: PG-13 Warnings: canon-typical violence, language, alcohol
View Art by @l0chn3ss:  [Pet Shop Moodboard] [K-Drama Moodboard] [Maka Moodboard] [Black Star Moodboard] [K-City Moodboard] [MS Paint Doodle]
View Art by @uppastmybedtimereading316​ and @l0chn3ss​: [Playlist: Tumblr | Tumblr | Youtube]
Read Story by @marshofsleep​​: [Read here: Tumblr | AO3]
Chapeau: A KiMa Reverb, 2017
Summary: Maka is a hospice resident struggling to cope with the many deaths she's forced to witness. On top of that, a mysterious man has shown up; a man that only she can see.
Warnings: Death Mention
View Art by @l0chn3ss: [Knitted Scarf + Watercolor Painting]
Read Story by @quantamtheory1: [Read Here: Tumblr | AO3 | FFNET]
Bonus Art by @l0chn3ss: [To be posted- Beanie + Playlist + Moodboard]
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Ravens and One-Eyed Cats, Oh My!
The unseen Ghost Host acts as a sort of ambassador, a go-between, someone equally able to speak to us in the mortal realm as well as to his fellow spirits (presumably).  Other than a few directives from the Cast Member Butlers and Maids, telling us to get to the center of the stretching gallery, the GH is our only narrator and guide.  He never really tells us what his motivation is in taking us on this little tour.  Right up until the end of the ride, you don't know if he's good or evil. We're so used to this arrangement by now that we forget that doing it this way was a choice.  As it turns out, it was a choice made only a few months before the Haunted Mansion opened.  Some of the rejected alternatives would have made for a very different ride experience if they had been implemented.  One of these is fairly well known and has left traces behind in the ride.  There is another one, far less well-known, which has left nothing behind.  One thing they have in common is that both of them add an additional character who interacts with both the Ghost Host and with you, the rider. Very different chemistry.  This was not a trivial decision, as we'll see. The Raven Died in the wool Mansionites know a lot about this character, so if you're one of those, and you're impatient, you might scroll down to the Cat section, which includes stuff you've never seen, I promise. Riders can hardly help noticing that there is a raven which accompanies them throughout the ride, starting with the Conservatory scene and ending at the entrance to the crypt at the end of the graveyard scene.  There are five all together, but they are all supposed to be the same character.  All it does is caw at us.  Especially at DL, particular attention is drawn to it as we descend into the graveyard.  Despite having our focus obviously directed at it at that point, we're gettin' bird noises and that's it.
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Originally, the WDW raven sat on the branch right above you too, as you tilted back, but due to "guest abuse" it was moved back and put on a branch well off to the side.  Ketchup packets, I imagine. Caw-caw.  At least the bird sounds real.  According to Stacia Martin (The Sounds of Disneyland [Disney, 2005] 31), he was voiced by "Candy" Candido, best known as the go-to guy for basso profundo in cases where even Thurl Ravenscroft couldn't get low enough.  (Candy must have had freakin' bridge cables for vocal cords.)  What is less well-known is that Candy was extraordinarily versatile and could do very high voices as well.  The same source says that Candy did the raven in Sleeping Beauty and simply hauled out his raven cry again ten years later for the Mansion. Be that as it may, originally there were going to be several more ravens, including one in the stretching room and one in the foyer.  (You can read about the latter one HERE).  This was still going to be the case going into the spring of 1969.  The raven was going to talk to you, along with the unseen Ghost Host.  The 1968 show script which provided the basis for the "Story and Song from the Haunted Mansion" album preserves a lot of the raven's dialogue.  The bird criticizes the stretchroom advice given by the GH ("He chose the coward's way! Caw-caw").  I guess the GH is a little miffed, because shortly afterwards he responds by warning you that the raven is a possessed creature, and its "restless spirit" may be looking for an opportunity to "better itself."  This bickering leaves you wondering which (if either) of these voices from regions beyond should be trusted.  But the raven is also the one who warns you about the ghostly hitchhikers at the end, so by that point you have probably come to trust the little guy.  He even calls you "my friends," so you see?  He cares.  I guess there was no caws for concern.  (Oh shut up; it's my blog.) The eerie raven first appears in a Ken Anderson concept sketch.  Marc Davis liked it and kept it, and it seems that there was never a time when it wasn't going to be part of the show.
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Is the talking raven taken from the famous Edgar Allan Poe poem?  If we're speaking of an indirect influence, the answer is an easy yes.  Poe is indeed responsible for adding the raven to the short list of recognized Halloween critters (bats, spiders, black cats, owls).  But even in a direct sense, the answer is yes.  In an early script, the raven warns us about itself (huh?) and the hitchhikers, with "nevermore's" and "evermore's" sprinkled everywhere.  The lines were recorded at one point by the incomparable Eleanor Audley (Lady Tremaine, Maleficent, Madame Leota).  Warning!  If you're an admirer of Ms. Audley's work (yes, yes, I see those hands), this excerpt is painful to listen to.  But we historians cannot afford the luxury of pity. Beware of Eleanor's Raven, Forevermore [Audio Link]
Oh geesh, that was bad.  Anyway, it proves that X. Atencio was directly influenced by "The Raven" when he tried to script the character.  One problem with the raven—besides being annoying—was that it was too small to command your attention in some of the larger scenes.  Maybe a bigger animal would work.  Let's see...no, you can't have an elephant in a haunted house.  How about a black cat?  More specifically, how about an Edgar Allan Poe-inspired black cat? The One-Eyed Black Cat "The Black Cat" is one of Poe's better known tales, often anthologized, and read in many a high school English class.  If you've forgotten how it goes, here's a severely abbreviated summary: The narrator had a beloved black cat for a pet, but one day in a fit of alcoholic rage he gouges out its eye with a knife.  Later on, guilt at the sight of the one-eyed black cat turns to resentment and he kills the animal.  Later he finds (or is found by) another one-eyed black cat and takes it as a pet.  In yet another one of his fits of rage he murders his wife and walls her up in the cellar.  When the police investigate, however, the narrator is betrayed by the howling of the cat inside the wall, where it had been walled up with the corpse. A much creepier Poe animal than the raven, certainly.  Most Mansion fans know about the existence of the one-eyed black cat only from a couple of Paul Frees outtakes, in which he tries out his note-perfect Bela Legosi and Peter Lorre voices while using a revised HM script.  Dude, when Count Dracula sees fit to warn you about a kitty, it must be one bad motorscooter. Ghost Host Bela warns you about a nasty cat [Audio Link]
Ghost Host Peter warns you about it too [Audio Link]
As you can gather from those, X's cat was much scarier and more demonic than his raven.  None of the cat's dialogue has survived, but X did a series of concept sketches.  The notion that the cat would be co-narrator may even predate the notion of putting the earlier raven character into that specific role.  It looks as if the black cat might first manifest itself at first as nothing more than an eye:
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Apparently, the eye would morph into a shiny point of laser-like light, and a cat face would appear with only one eye.  The first eye you saw turns out to be the missing one.  From the looks of it, this loud and angry feline is looking for more than just a Little Friskies num-num.
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The morphing continues, and the face rots into a more human form.  Not surprisingly, this does nothing to improve its mood.
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Good Lord.  And how was this thing going to be presented?  A projection?  That isn't clear.  It's possible that the "cat" was going to just pop out unexpectedly along the way in its various stages of demonic materialization.  The face above looks a lot like a blast-up head in another X concept sketch.  A quick look at some actual blast-up heads (inset) confirms that this is what the artwork is about.
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So maybe our creepy "cat" was going to jump out and surprise us here and there throughout the ride.  Good Lord. When neither the demonic one-eyed black cat nor the "nevermore"-squawking raven ended up being used, the HM lost its only clear Edgar Allan Poe allusions (although you could make a case for a Tell-Tale Heart allusion in the bride's beating heart).  It would have been nice if someone had told the composer of this WDW pre-opening publicity poster that the Haunted Mansion could no longer be accurately described as "Edgar Allan Poe-styled."
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The black cat was a short-lived idea, with good reason.  By having the Ghost Host warn you about a clearly malicious and dangerous creature like this one, he cast himself into the role of protector.  He was there to help you.  Similarly, in the 1968 script, the GH graciously informs you at the outset that you will not be harmed.  That's very decent of him. Too decent.  Who wants Santa Claus for a Ghost Host?  A haunted house is an allegory of life itself.  You enter here and you exit there, and in between is a dark twisted corridor filled with frightening sights.  You may get advice along the way, but you never have quite enough evidence to be sure that those voices have your best interest at heart.  Do you really want to go into that haunted house that the neighbor kid put up in his garage for Halloween—the one who's a minor league juvenile delinquent the rest of the year? Enter if you dare. The Haunted Mansion is no different than any thirteen-year-old's spook house, and it's no different from life.  Once you're in, you don't know if the Host is benign or malicious, so you have no choice but to go ahead, even with insufficient data.  When you're stuck in a haunted house, the secret is to not panic and to keep your wits about you and to just keep going.  If you do that, you're likely to make it. Kinda like life. So the trouble with the villainous black cat is that it made the Ghost Host much too unambiguously a good guy.  It's important that he make you a little nervous, a little unsure. What was the trouble with the raven, then, aside from being a tad too small?  With the cat, we had a bad guy co-narrator and a good guy main narrator.  With the talking raven, we had a morally ambiguous co-narrator along with a morally ambiguous Ghost Host.  At first, you don't really know if either of them can be trusted.  But in that case, why do you need two narrators?  The real problem with the raven was that it was redundant.  Turn off its dialogue and give its few substantive comments to the GH, and ta da, nothing is changed.  Just make sure the GH never really tells you what he's up to. .
Originally Posted: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 Original Link: [x]
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twistednuns · 5 years
June 2019
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.”   
A (very) sunny day in London. Seeing a seal in the Thames, right under the Tower Bridge. Walking through St. James’s Park, eating ice-cream. Taking a beautiful picture of Laura in Covent Garden. Finally getting out of the underground. A tiny rainbow reflection in the sky over Greenwich.
Playing badminton in the evening with Frank. Sitting by the river, making new friends (duckies).
Micha. Meeting in Thalkirchen after I had just seen a half dead mouse. Walking along the river, finding a nice spot across from the zoo with a bunch of musical hippies playing the drums on the other bank. We got drunk on Toro Loco and Grasovka in ice hockey cups until he kissed me in the middle of a sentence. It took quite a while until I noticed I was just kissing my first man with a tongue piercing. At some point I re-erected a knocked over portable toilet (does drunk me have superhuman powers?) and we walked to the subway together. Such a gentle weirdo.
Making breakfast for someone other than me. Sharing an apple. Eating out of the same bowl.
IKEA has veggie hot dogs now. Excellent. I also got a new cutting board. And that’s ALL I got. I’m virtually patting myself on the shoulder right now.
Christoph and Lauren’s wedding was pretty chill. We squeezed into a car, went up a very steep hill to attend the ceremony and spent the rest of the day around a camp fire drinking gin and tonics or dancing to very bad music. I loved getting to know Michael’s boyfriend of 4 years. I always received gay vibes from him… good to know that my gaydar isn’t broken.
Taking polaroid pictures in the beautiful afternoon light. I also loved Christian’s outtakes of the theme music quiz. One of them honestly looks as if I’d just won a beauty pageant - we have a host, two ladies with jealous side glances and me, all excited, open mouth, in front of the mic, waiting for her tiara…
Spending a few hours in my mum’s garden. Doing dangerous yoga exercises in the grass. Walking barefoot. Marveling at the lush roses everywhere. Watching a blackbird taking a bath under the cherry tree. Very entertaining.
I want to learn Spanish and this video gives me hope - apparently I can heavily rely on my French vocabulary.
Why the men I like usually look the same.
Hanging out with Martina, Tobi and Diego the dog at the Thalkirchen campsite. Watching the rafts go by (horrible music), driving them home with their car right before the apocalyptic thunderstorm.
The perfect dessert: berries or peaches with fresh cream. The perfect dinner: Truffle pasta.
The concept of eclecticism.
Spending the afternoon with Franzi at Maria Einsiedel. Meeting baby Elise for the first time. Hopping into the Eiskanal, turning my body into a freezer for five minutes. Eating tiny lemon ice-cream and galia melon.
Meeting Catrin and Andreas at Brillengalerie in Altheim. Really good cappuccino (he’s an optician AND a latte artist). I loved trying on those gorgeous glasses and talking to Catrin about the Latte Art championships and rude customers.
Our trip to the Bavarian Forest to make a cake tree for the wedding. We visited Lena’s uncle who turned a tree trunk into a three-tiered cake stand with his chainsaw. We helped. I really want to get a chainsaw license now.
Once again: roses. They are incredibly lush this year. I don’t know why exactly but climate change seems to have one tiny upside.
Drawing. Portrait practice. Filling my sketchbook from idee. Polychromos coloured pencils.
Using Instagram’s story feature for the first time. I love editing pictures and adding gifs and colours. Immature and tacky but fun.
Looking trough old analogue pictures. Finding lots of my dad looking like the perfect Millennial. 90s fashion really IS back. I still loathe fanny packs though.
I found someone who’s coming to India with me!! I’m going to travel with Bibi this summer. So excited!
Unfortunately: the Solitaire app on my phone. Unhealthy obsession. You know you’ve got a problem when you’re getting REALLY good…
The smell of dill pickles reminds evokes vivid memories of my grandma. She used to make them herself, in heavy stoneware next to the wash room in the cellar.
Spending the evening with Bibi at Kulturdachgarten (having Ginger Spritz as a sundowner in the late afternoon sun), eating Israeli mezze at NANA in Haidhausen and seeing Rocketman at Rio cinema. My colleague works there so we got discount tickets and free ice-cream. Taron Egerton is a fabulous actor. If I had to describe the film in one word it’d be flamboyant. Also, I’d have loved to be the costume designer for this.
Iglo veggie love frozen meals. With Hela curry ketchup. Nom.
Extremely cute new rockery plants (who will have to do with regular potting soil I’m afraid).
Meeting Andre at Thalkirchen. Spending the evening on an Isar gravel bank, drinking the beer Martina brought from Croatia. Joining the… eh, what’s the Mile High Club for people who prefer water to air travel? Catching the last train home. Taking dinky photobooth pictures because we still had ten minutes to spare. That fake photo strip makes me happy instantly whenever I look at it.
Getting better at asking for what I want.
The character Moe in the Netflix series Trinkets. To me, she’s so much more attractive than Tabitha. And I love her attitude. And her hookup in episode seven. What a pretty man.
Manu making me realise how much I look like my dad. “At least jawwise!”
Spending the evening with Tom. Pre-theatre Spritz, Melancholia at Kammerspiele, Isar-beer near Müllersches Volksbad. Talking about our insights and issues.
It’s fascinating to see the lupin in front of my balcony door open it’s blossoms gradually from bottom to top. This plant has such an interesting structure and geometry.
Salad season. Somehow I only like salads in the summer but then I eat them passionately. With strawberries, Black Forest tofu, peaches, blueberries, mangoes, olives. Those nice, firm Roma tomatoes you only get during the summer months. I made a huge bowl of Tabouleh the other day and had it for breakfast, lunch an dinner.
Going home in the morning, smelling of another person.
Booking flights to India. 5 weeks. I’ve never been gone for so long and then I chose India of all places… I feel a mild panic attack coming but I’m also super excited.
Artificial cherry flavour.
A day trip with Lexi. She brought crisps and a fun Mexican dice game which we played on the train. Spending the whole afternoon soaking in the warm water at Therme Bad Aibling. Discovering the amazing acoustics in the various domes. Making a new duckie friend. Weird mirror selfies with hairdryers. Dinner at a Bavarian restaurant in Rosenheim. Teaching le Sash some obscure Bavarian words.
The word obscure, come to think of it. Uncanny is a close second.
Jupiter being so bright in the night sky. I always notice it first as soon as it’s dark.
Librarians are secretly the funnest people alive.
So many things, really. I’m feeling quite happy at the moment. My only problem is that I keep gaining weight. Somehow enjoying myself is adverse to the strict regime I need in order to stay perfectly healthy.
Random things: Schweppes Fruity citrus and orange lemonade. Tomato sandwiches with fresh basil on olive ciabatta. That squirrel running over the garage roof in the morning. Dreaming of ferry rides through US rivers. And intercourse with a panther. The Garner Ambre Soleil natural bronzer spray with coconut oil. Nice colour, good smell, minimal chipmunk effect. And of course me regular Garnier sun oil. It’s the bottled essence of summer.
Filling in for someone in the Natural 20s pub quiz team. Being invited to a pen and paper round with feline characters only. Meeting Sophia who, I realised later, played Rosencrantz (or Guildenstern?) at Entity Theatre’s production of Hamlet last year.
My complete and utter obsession with Phil Collins’ version of You Can’t Hurry Love. I think it’s going to be my next karaoke song.
A desire and drive to be creative. Making collages out of dried leftover paint. Drawing on the window panes. Getting out gouache, pastel chalks, oil pastels, those weird 3-in-1 coloured pencils which create such a nice texture. Drawing first thing in the morning. Spending hours drawing owls for the coffee roasters. Using coloured pencils to draw portraits of all the cool girls of Instagram.
Oh, speaking of art. I don’t want to jinx it but I might get the chance to write a book soon! I met an editor who works at a publishing house for lifestyle books and needs someone to make a book about portrait drawing/painting for her. So. Excited. They’re also looking for a trainee in the graphic design department. I really hope I get to collaborate with them in one way or another.
Cute summer outfits. Good colour combinations. Accessorizing. Wearing pretty clothes with a creative twist. Actually putting some thought into putting together an outfit can be a lot of fun. After all it’s just another way of making a collage.
Polarized sunglasses providing me with the bluest skies and rainbow-tinted tram windows.
The Croatian man who sat down next to a visibly pregnant Bavarian woman on the subway and started telling her about his daughter Persephone and the abduction myth connected with her. I keep reading and hearing about Demeter and Persephone lately, for example about Baubo and the vulva presentations / Demeter worship.
Carmen Rohrbach’s Unterwegs sein ist mein Leben. I was very impressed by how much she has seen and experienced. How much she knows about nature and animals. I mean, she’s a biologist, too. Reading this book made my days a little more special because it gave me a sense of how much more there is to discover on this planet.
Eating vegan ice-cream (pumpkin seed and ginger-turmeric) with Micha. Sitting on the balustrade in front of the Art Academy. Staring into these insanely pretty blue eyes all the time. Looking for the toilets, roaming through the hallways. I love the architecture of that building.
A ladybug escaping the subway train through an open door. Freedom!
I love how the characters resemble each other so much in the different generations in the TV-series Dark. Uncanny. And they feature very nice colour contrasts, too. I guess I like their production designer / cinematographer.
Late-night Isar strolls. Drinking red wine, lying down, watching the stars surrounded by fireflies! (which are quite rare where I live so I was lucky - the strangest thing is that I had drawn a firefly into my sketchbook earlier that day, feels like I manifested it)
Tollwood gin and tonics, forgetting to go home, ending up in a gay club at 3am. Nice Thursday.
Making up for the lack of sleep on Friday afternoon. Waking up late. Releasing my inner Julia Child at 2am by making sushi rolls, taboulé and Bergsteigerbrot, something like super tasty vegan granola bars with lots of nuts and honey.
A little bike tour with Frank along the river. Pseudo-meditating on a log, eating some snacks I brought. Floating with the current. His alliterations (“further fodder for future followers”).
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2016 was busy busy busy
whenever i come back to my blog it’s to pull an old recipe up. i haven’t posted since February of 2016. last year was one of those years where life got REALLY busy. this year it’s gonna get real. 
last year we decided to move out of the city and ended up finding a mid-century modern home perfect for us. bonus: it has a pool and we moved june 4 and spent the summer enjoying the hot outdoors - in between all the wedding planning, that is and the beginning of home renovations / improvements. we had a semi-DIY garden wedding on august 27 and then took off to italy for 2 glorious weeks (future post on italy later). early in the year my role at work changed dramatically and i was heads down learning a new business, going out to LA more often and meeting a whole new set of reporters. there were work trips to barcelona, DC, and Dallas, and the year had kicked off with fun travel too - austin to celebrate my dad turning 70, providence RI to visit ryan’s college, san francisco for a bachelorette weekend, san miguel de allende for my cousin’s ridiculously beautiful wedding, and tulum for another wedding. in april we were faced with the realization that our sick cat, Owl, had reached her time. putting her down on april 13 was a heartbreaking and eye-opening experience. we still miss her all the time and wonder how she would have liked moving to CT, living in this house with windows everywhere revealing the natural entertainment that chipmunks, birds, rabbits, deer, groundhogs and squirrels provide. 
then came the fall and the exciting news that we’re pregnant! my spare time was quickly filled with lots and lots of reading about the insane things happening in my belly. i’m 5 months in now, and feel like it’s the calm before the storm. i have good energy and feel like my normal self again. i’m starting a new job next week and am slowly collecting things for the nursery, planning a baby shower with a massive lift from my SIL, and i’ve been cooking again ALOT. so for whatever reason, i felt drawn back to blogging. 
i pulled together the following photo recap of the year and realized despite the losses of 2016 - bowie, our cat, prince, the outcome of the election - it was an amazing year for me personally. i’m reminded that no matter how passionately we feel about things ultimately out of our control, we can live each day happy, practicing gratitude and mindfulness in whatever brings us joy, peace or calm, enjoying the simple and best things life offers us every day. 
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dad’s birthday, a pit stop in providence, wheeler moved back in with us, mud bath in calistoga springs, CA. 
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lucky to go back to barcelona for work: kiss of death statue in cemetery poblenou, hiking trails in montserrat, the black madonna in the monastery at montserrat (it is said she will intercede to encourage fertility); and park guell. 
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outtakes from our trip to san miguel de allende for the most beautiful and fun wedding
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owl’s last day, tulum: swimming in a cenote with my brother; wedding times with dad, ry and i on the beach
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solo visit to the white house, my dad skyping in at our engagement party!, two of my oldest friends from texas in CT for said party, The Strokes - how we spent our last night living in NYC. 
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moving day, new home appreciation: beautiful foxglove flowers in our new yard, pool times, gardening
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summer: wedding planning flowers, site of a screening in LA, NYC views from the top of the freedom tower, a beach day at fort tilden 
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wedding day then honeymoon! adriatic sea, pompeii, amalfi.
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honeymoon continued: polignano a mare, puglia, rome, monument to venus where we left an offering asking to be blessed in love and family (it worked!)
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more rome: eating gelato, cacio e pepe, at the pantheon, celebrating ryan’s 40th
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family time in the city, meeting my oldest friend’s third son in houston!, plane views flying back into NYC. 
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we’re pregnant! it’s a boy, fall leaves beauty, love over hate, the bump debut. 
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