#present perfect
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absolutebl · 1 year ago
Thank you for so much info and effort in your posts ✨
I have a question: which couples (main or not) feature men with facial hair?
Facial Hair in BL
OMG that is a so rare and I have never gotten this ask before.
I'm posting an answer but this is something I do not track, so I will need help. Keep an eye on the comments for the ones I missed.
BL's with facial hair
HIStory 2: Right or Wrong - this is an age gap romance and I suspect it was done, in part, to age up the protag, this is usually contrary to BL casting needs.
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The Immeasurable (Taiwan), but that's a short.
I Feel You Linger in the Air, briefly and badly. Keep Thailand away from fake hair in general (their wig game is atrocious).
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Present Perfect, but it's kinda for travel reasons.
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Tonhon Chonlatee the sides. Man has it been a long time since I thought about that BL. (Did GMMTV let Mike have facial hair in 2gether too? I can't remember.)
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Given's sides. Although nothing much happened with them.
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Ossan's Love (SIGH) the love triangle
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I feel like I have a memory of Earth, of EarthMix having fuzz on his face at some point. Seems like a sin since his angles are so good.
Our Days maybe?
The coach in the original Waterboyy? But do we want to remember (or even think about) that?
Korea is mildly obsessed with jaw lines so I highly doubt we will ever get it from them, unless they go for a true BL historical. Even then it will be a side and they rarely do sides... so unlikely.
So far as I know, nothing from Vietnam. But one of the first Tein installments might have had something in an alt timeline.
Philippines is not unlikely. In fact, if I missed any major ones it's probably from there.
BL facial hair right now?
The sides in My Dear Gangster Oppa.
Upcoming Taiwanese BL VIP Only looks like is has a main with facial hair.
I mean there are some wisps on Jimmy in Last Twilight but do we call that facial hair or laziness?
Which should tell you this post is dated late 2023 and may not be updated after that date.
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twistednuns · 5 months ago
September 2024
Being the first one up in a quiet house. Sitting outside journalling, enjoying French sea salt butter and passion fruit jam on toasted pieces of baguette. The view of the sea. Painting, reading, a nap. Vacation mode.
The familiarity of it all. The house, the area, the people.
Snorkelling in Les Issambres with C. Trying to snatch away stones from octopus tentacles. Hanging out on the SUP together. Many cute kisses here and there (C. was in a very good mood).
Learning to communicate a little better. Slowly, slowly.
French supermarkets. The greedy first day haul.
Working on a mixed media painting which turned out useful for Trypophobia exposure therapy. I kinda like the depth of it though and the interesting shapes I created.
A chubby restaurant cat called Patate at Pampelonne Beach. I secretly call her Chonkita. She was very happy about my scritches!
An amusing sight: the lady in St. Tropez who was walking through town with a pack of about ten tiny dogs.
Little intimate moments with C. Analysing my friends and my relationship to them. Also: the realization that a chapter is closing. That I'm ready for something new that'll be so much more what I need.
A trip to Grasse. Walking through the medieval old town, visiting the perfume museum, shopping at Fragonard (I got a hand-marbled oversized shirt in earthy colours). Iced cappuccino with flower petals at Café Fleur. Eating a rich and delicious Galette in Fréjus.
The gorgeous light and shadow pattern on all of us when we were having drinks at the beach.
Driving through the back country to eat at a fabulous little restaurant by the sea. I had a three-course-menu: summer truffle burrata with roasted nectarines, zucchini filled with black olive tapenade (with puree, breadcrumbs, chickpeas and salad) and a delicious pistachio semifreddo with balsamic prunes.
Getting everything I want at the supermarket so I have a few kitchen souvenirs that'll make me smile when I think back to this summer.
Strawberry-flavoured sparkling water. The Maison Perrier x Magnetic Juice water in strawberry/kiwi is such a delight.
And, a final delight on the way back: a large cappuccino and a box of tiny Pocket Coffees at Autogrill.
Desperate measures after a weekend hiding in bed, trying extra hard to pretend not to exist: an evening at Therme Bad Wörishofen with Manu. Drinking a strawberry cocktail in the warm pool. Talking, no pretense.
The jay (Garrulus glandarius) I keep seeing behind my house. I just looked up its meaning and apparently it's connected with accepting responsibility for yourself and mustering up the courage to master a hard test. There are so many signs reaching me at the moment. Teachings about personal responsibility in the Gestalt therapy book I'm reading. Instagram bombarding me with messages about Eclipse Season and that something old has to go in order to make room for the life I've always wanted. It's slowly starting to sink in but I'm still so afraid. Stuck with my insecurity, between different needs and feelings. Inside a contradiction between safety and sensibility on the one hand, taking a risk and stepping into freedom and my full potential on the other.
A hit of nostalgia when I heated up the milk for my cereal. It was soggy and disgusting but reminded me of my childhood.
Realizing that I've never seen the last season of The Umbrella Academy!
I have very cute and supportive friends. Who tell me how talented I am and that something better is waiting for me at the other end of this crisis.
Making a decision. Seeing psychiatrists. Informing my headmaster. This is the beginning of a transformation and it's not gonna feel nice for a while but I'm sure it'll be worth it. I'm excited about what comes next.
Little trinkets: a glass bottle with a round wooden lid, a green glass candlestick holder, and a yellow T-shirt.
Spending a few days at Christian's place. Staying in my comfort zone. Honest communication and support.
Baking a buttery mirabelle cake. Sharing it with a few neighbours at the garden table.
Feline affection: The orange cat who was waiting for me outside the doctor's office. All that crazy Findus energy. And cuddling with Charlie who was sleeping inside the little blanket fort in the garden.
Going on a little bike tour through the forest on a beautiful afternoon with golden light. It smelled of moss and mushrooms. And I couldn't resist squeezing a few Impatiens seed pods, of course.
Reading a great book about the origin of Gestalt therapy. Analyzing my own process.
Spending an afternoon in Munich with C. and L. We went to the Archeological museum and Haus der Kunst where we had a snack at Goldene Bar and then I saw the exhibitions alone. Of course I found an interesting book about Marina Abramović at the bookstore there.
Productive procrastination. Observing myself in my avoidance of hard tasks and difficult feelings. Self-compassion.
Finding a small book about sleep, dreams and the night on a park bench. Cutting out poems and illustrations.
Birthing a chestnut from its spiky uterus.
Meeting Madeleine, a Gestalt therapist who works with somatic techniques, voice and breathing. I felt seen and I think we have a very similar approach to healing. She said that self acceptance might be something she could help me with. I'm curious and excited about working together.
Primavera Energiekick spray. It smells so good. I got it in an esoteric store after my first Gestalt Therapy session along with a tiny golden Om ornament. A few houses down I also discovered a little Indian shop and got two pictures of Kali/Durga. My last treat: three stalks of yellow and dark red Chrysanthemum.
My first meditation in a while. I actually craved it. I looked into the mirror, moved my hips, felt the need to turn inwards and connect with myself. I felt gratitude, joy, safety, confidence. Now I'm trying to reprogram my brain to get rid of my negativity bias and addiction to suffering.
Being helpful: translating something for a Chinese family at the supermarket. And forgetting about myself for a moment to be there for others: genuinely caring for Lucie, asking about how she felt after her cold - and leaving it at that. Not forcing my own problems on others for once.
Back on track: returning to yoga and choir practice after the summer break even though I already had two appointments in the afternoon.
Waking up energized with a desire to move.
Making coconut rice pudding with chunky mango cubes.
A vision that came to me during savasana: a cluster of luminous white diamond shapes and sparkles against a dark background. I wonder if I could paint what I saw or use it as inspiration at least.
Visiting Becki and Janina in Augsburg. A staredown with their cat Leo. Their gorgeous apartment and the tea book that Becki co-authored.
An evening dedicated to tantric rituals at Lachdach Pling. It was different than expected but a lovely event nevertheless.
Cat therapy. Having Findus lying on my chest, purring. It feels so soothing and nice.
The sickly summer lilac I planted in Christian's garden actually started to bloom again!
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trolledu · 1 year ago
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zhaozi · 2 years ago
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ingkonulari · 10 months ago
ingilizce konu anlatımı present perfect tense konu anlatımı
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hopefulpenguincreator · 1 year ago
Present Perfect vs. Past Perfect
Past Perfect (had)
To express something that occurred (for a while) BEFORE another action in the PAST; our reference point is the past.
So, it's used to express a timeline like this:
Past Perfect -> Past Simple -> Now
Example: "When Sarah arrived, Paul had left"
Present Perfect (has) - what I use most in SV study
our reference point is the PRESENT.
started in the past and CONTINUES to the present.
Example: "I have lived in this city for six months"
an action that happened before now (UNSPECIFIED time - dont say specifically when something happened). Listener is not waiting for more info bc you have caught up to the present with this tense.
Example: "I have been to Japan twice."
If "I had been to Japan twice" was used instead, more info (past and maybe present) would be expected by listener.
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absolutebl · 2 years ago
I saw you reblogged your post about BL directors and also recommended The New Employee again. I actually made a post about the other (gay, since he has a few non-gay) works of TNE’s director Kim Jho Gwang Soo that your followers might be interested in! Besides directing the CLASSIC Just Friends? he has some other really good work, my next favorite being Made on the Rooftop. Much like TNE it’s more queer than most Korean BL (bc it’s not really BL or for a BL audience I don’t think), and some of it isn’t exactly happy, but some people might find his stuff worth checking out. If you’re interested: https://www.tumblr.com/archiveofmystuff/707288674854912000/the-other-works-of-the-new-employee-director-kim
I'm not wild about Made myself, but you are right others may liek it. For me it falls into the Present Perfect or ITSAY category of gay cinema.
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Which, while I get it, is no longer strictly to my taste. I think maybe I just feel like I lived through it once already, or something?
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trolledu · 1 year ago
This is what you've been searching for
This is what you’ve searched for
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twistednuns · 20 days ago
February 2025
Dinner and cuddles with C. Watching a movie in bed.
Therapeutic boxing.
Painting a life-size map of my body in Art Therapy. And grounding myself through intuitive painting. Flow.
Visions. Reaching a meditative state after feeling dissociated for a while. The sudden insight that it's all about energy and attitude (which can also mean posture in German).
New gadgets: a visual timer (a cute one with clouds and rainbows) and a tiny reading light.
A huge art supply haul from Boesner.
Late night conversation with Maria. She's easy to be with.
Marion said that my free dance moves inspired her to start dance therapy!
Sauna and cold water plunges in Bad Aibling. Snacking in one of the nest chairs. I call them Kuschelmuschel. Hanging out in the outdoor pool under the full moon in Leo, talking to C.
Hugging Maria when she reappeared from her room after a few sick days. I even checked in on her one night to see how she was doing and to tell her that I missed her.
The guy who slipped a pack of candy into my hand at the supermarket checkout.
Delivering little presents to Leah's doorstep.
Vöslauer sparkling water with raspberry flavor.
Physio therapy with Mrs. K. She's got the magic touch.
Talking with Lea and Anne during our walks. Breakfast with Christian. He just invited himself to my table. I love it when people help my a little with my social awkwardness by being straightforward and open.
The herons flying in during sunrise with the almost-full moon still shining bright in the background. Seems like more and more birds are joining in each morning.
Delicious Korean food in an unexpected place. C. got dressed up for Valentine's Day and even treated me to dinner.
All the people who stopped and asked me if I needed help when I was standing on a lonely road with my warning lights blinking after an accident with a deer.
Joking with Robert. I love people you can be silly with.
A Sunday at Filzhof. Cooking together. A Spotify jam session. Playing Photosynthese with Tobi. Operating a tiny piece of glass out of Markus' foot. Being extra cuddly and lovey-dovey with C.
Walking up to a paddock. A horse saw me and came to the gate. Allowed me to pet it. I just freakin' love animals. Usually I pet a cat when I walk past that particular farm but this time I got a horse instead!
Going to the cinema alone. Feeling a few feels.
A lovely, extra-long massage.
Talking about life, the universe and everything with my therapist. Feeling seen.
The items people put in my imaginary suitcase to say goodbye. Things like a sword. Time. An anchor. And a safe, loving space.
I asked Erika about a really cool vase in her greenhouse and she told me I could "borrow" it and she wouldn't be mad if I didn't return it!
Going to the cinema alone. Eating popcorn. Watching a movie about patriarchal structures. Feeling something. Rage. Compassion. A reminder that I tend to act in an anti-feminist way myself sometimes. And often lack female solidarity. I feel more comfortable being one of the dudes. I want to change that.
HOWEVER, I felt a little honored to be accepted as one of the dudes when C.'s friends were visiting him for the weekend. One of these balance things I guess...
Shopping in the men's department. Much better quality!
Watching my favorite French summer movie with my boyfriend. And he absolutely adored it, too!!
My last full day at the clinic was very insightful. I added the energy centers to my body silhouette and had a really good talk with M. about it. In Escrima, R. talked about the Sacral Chakra, too. Life force. Manu had an emotional moment and we were holding space for her.
Noticing a smiley patch on someone's back pocket. Telling him I liked how positive his butt looked that day. He smiled and asked me if I wanted another look. I said yes! Of course.
I went to the Slutering Let's Play event without C. and had a great time! And my first threesome with K. and U. (I loved the deep talk afterwards!) When we played Truth or Dare I kissed Martin and it was lovely. I adore his intense energy (and how he tastes).
Making a cup of hot chocolate using raw cocoa powder, chestnut honey and spices.
My last minute decision to join Anna's co-creative community weekend. I picked her up and we set up the space together. We played Krazy Words, burned a Chili Sin Carne, went swinging on the playground, cuddled and sang. I loved the makeshift doublebed for me and Christian.
I bought an e-bike! Finally!
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trolledu · 3 months ago
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orchidvioletindigo · 1 year ago
Really really recommend anyone who struggles with perfectionism (OCPD or otherwise) check out the book present perfect by Pavel Somov. Your mileage may vary obviously but I'm not kidding when I say that reading this book fixed parts of my brain, and I didn't even have the spoons to do all the exercises in it.
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trolledu · 1 year ago
Roman villas. I've seen the remains of a few and they all must have been lavish
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‘House of  Amphitrite’, Roman Villa (2nd century) with an extraordinary  mosaics floor.  Archaeological site of Bulla Regia, Jendouba Governorate, Tunisia.
Photographs: Noomen9 /CC BY-SA 4.0 / Wikimedia Commons
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zhaozi · 2 years ago
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what else would you do in the gym?
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puppppppppy · 3 months ago
who is your favorite AA character? 👁️👁️
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ziska… I hope capcom brings her back someday
#shes cool as fuck to me bc when I first played jfa I found her really frustrating to deal with#not just as Phoenix but I mean like on a personal level she is challenging because she’s so thorough#and yet I also find it fascinating that she breaks the character she’s built for herself once in a while#i 100% believe that I don’t think she would have caught on to what Phoenix was trying to do while stalling for time with engardes trial#so it’s probably a good thing edgeworth subbed in but she literally busts her ass to bring evidence to court#almost right after having a bullet extracted from her WHICH SHE ALSO PRESENTS AS EVIDENCE. thats metal as fuck ok#especially since she would technically have nothing to do with the case after edgeworth fills in and she still decided to do that anyway#maybe it was blind faith to use that evidence to win since she wasn’t there for most of the trial but still#and even if canon doesn’t give it to me I still firmly believe there’s be at least some chemistry between her and Maya#like especially if you hold it next to wrightworth that works bc there’s already a history there and majority of Phoenix and miles trying#to relearn their relationship is Phoenix coaxing out that side of Miles that he remembers from fourth grade#but with Franmaya it’s something new and they’re basically strangers to each other and one of them almost got the other convicted#and I still think that’s fascinating and it’s a damn shame thay half of the fics I find for them on ao3 is background in wrightworth fic#i did find a good one that touched on Franziska trying to win pearls approval because Pearl does hold a grudge against her#and seeing that trying to live up to perfecting even her personal relationships without getting to know Pearl to even know#why it wasn’t working feels believable when I think abt her as a character yk#myart#my art#doodles#aa#ace attorney#franziska von karma
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luxurious-realty3 · 1 year ago
Learn Present Perfect Tense with examples
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