#tech still lives btw
These Scars Remain
Summer of Bad Batch 2024 | Week 6 | Prompt: Battle Scars
Summary: "Did I ever tell you what Tech did when I got my first big scar?" POV: Wrecker (Word Count: 3131)
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Notes: I touched on a few of the concepts here in one of my other works that I wrote up while imagining how the months between episodes 2.16 and 3.02 had gone for Hunter, Wrecker and Echo. And recently I've been thinking a lot about how Wrecker might have gotten the huge scar on his face. And then I saw this week's prompt. This is the result.
            Pain. So much pain.
            Blinding… burning… pain… ringing… agony… so dark…
            “Wrecker! Wake up!”
            Stabbing… crushing… why wouldn’t the pain stop… just make it stop…
            That voice… he knew that voice… who… Tech, why was Tech yelling at him? Why was the ground shaking…?
            Wrecker came to with a groan. He wanted to move, find his way to more solid ground so he would stop shaking – maybe he wouldn’t hurt as much if he wasn’t shaking – but the only part of his body he could manage to move for himself was his eyelids.
            The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Tech’s goggles, which were currently taking up most of his field of vision – a field of vision that was narrower than usual… Wrecker blinked, what was wrong with his left eye?
            Then he realized the ground had stopped moving… No, Tech had stopped shaking him. Why had Tech been shaking him…? Had he been asleep? Were they late for a battle simulation or…?
            Suddenly Wrecker remembered: the squad was in their third and final week of completing individual field tests, tests that would determine whether each member of the squad was prepared to progress to the final months of advanced training. Hunter and Crosshair were currently in a different room, Wrecker didn’t yet know what tests had been assigned to those two today. Wrecker and Tech had been shuffled into another area, with Tech being assigned target drills with the blasters in one corner of the long training room, and Wrecker being given the task of disarming a bomb at the other end of the room.
            He had thought it would be a smoke bomb or something similar, he had been told as much – at least, he thought that’s what he had been told by the trainers before they left to watch the proceedings from the observation room. Wrecker still wasn’t sure what had gone wrong, but he was starting to think that definitely had not been a smoke bomb…
            But it didn’t really matter what kind of bomb it had been; he should have been able to disarm it. All the regular cadets had to prove themselves to a certain standard; Wrecker knew full well that his squad of 99s had to prove themselves to be not just on par with the regs, but superior.
            Now, Wrecker couldn’t help but recall that how quickly a cadet recovered from injury during training often played a role in determining whether said cadet was decommissioned or not. And… well, Wrecker knew he had definitely been injured.
            That, on top of having clearly failed the test…
            He didn’t know if retakes were allowed with these exams – he had never asked. None of his squad had needed to.
            “Wrecker! Can you hear me?” Tech may have stopped shaking him, but his anxious voice persisted in calling Wrecker’s name, and Wrecker realized he had spent the last few seconds of reverie staring in a silent daze.
            “Y… Yeah, Tech, I can hear you,” Wrecker replied. His words sounded muffled, garbled to his ears. It hurt so much to talk, but he tried to keep talking anyway, more to reassure Tech than anything else. “Guess I…”
            Tech suddenly disappeared from Wrecker’s line of sight, replaced by a medical droid. “The stimulant worked, CT-9903 has regained consciousness,” Wrecker heard the droid report, before he felt himself being lifted onto a gurney.
            Oh. He was going to be taken to the medical wing. That was fine… just, he didn’t really like going to the medical wing, he didn’t like all the tests that involved being poked and prodded and scanned, and he definitely didn’t like being there alone…
            “CT-9902, where are you going?” the gruff voice of Gibli Ecto, their trainer, sounded somewhere behind Wrecker.
            “I’m going with my brother to the medical wing. I want to stay with him,” Wrecker heard Tech reply.
            “He’ll be just fine on his own. You need to finish your exam. You weren’t supposed to leave your testing station in the first place,” Ecto returned in a tone of finality.     
            “I already passed the test,” Tech replied.
            “Excuse me?”
            Tech’s voice was fading as Wrecker was carried further away, and Wrecker strained to hear his brother’s frank explanation: “Of the 150 targets on the exam, I have already accurately hit the first 136 of them, yielding an average 90.6% hit rate. Even if I miss the last fourteen targets, I’ve already exceeded the target rate required for passing at this point in my training. I don’t need to complete the remainder of the test. I want to accompany CT-9903 to the medical wing.”
            “CT-9902, your insubordination is grounds for disciplinary action…”
            “Let him go, Ecto,” one of the other trainers sighed – Wrecker couldn’t tell who was speaking now, maybe Timbria? “He’s right, he already passed. And these are special circumstances. CT-9902, you’re dismissed.”
            “Yes, sir;” and Wrecker heard hurried footsteps catch up to him before his gurney was carried through the test room doors.
            “I’m here, Wrecker,” Tech said matter-of-factly, placing a hand briefly on Wrecker’s right shoulder to reinforce the fact of his presence. “I’ll stay with you during the medical tests.”
            “Thanks, Tech,” Wrecker said weakly. It still hurt to talk, still hurt to breathe, still hurt to think – and Wrecker found himself succumbing to unconsciousness again.
            “Oh good, you’re awake,” was the first sound to greet Wrecker’s right ear.
            “What… what happened?” Wrecker said bemusedly, staring around at the sterile and well-lit room, registering the fact that the left side of his face and head was heavily wrapped in bandages; and the events of the day rapidly caught up to him even before Tech spoke again.
            “You were unsuccessful in disarming the bomb,” Tech started.
            “Yeah, and it blew up in my face. Got it,” Wrecker said, trying to ignore the sick feeling that was developing anew in the pit of his stomach. He was grateful it had been an individual rather than a group exam, that none of his brothers had been nearby when the bomb had gone off, but… What would happen to him for failing his first explosives test? He had heard rumors of other cadets being decommissioned for far less. “I mean, what happened after I passed out again?”
            “You’ve only been unconscious for half an hour, but that was ample time for the medical droids to see to your wounds,” Tech said conversationally, before his tone turned more somber and he seemed reluctant to continue. “Based on what they were saying amongst themselves, I don’t think you’ll regain function of your left eye or ear.”
            “You mean… I won’t be able to see or hear on that side again?”
            “That is correct.”
            Wrecker tried to shrug – oh, it hurt to shrug. And it hurt to grimace from the pain of shrugging. Even thinking still hurt. But none of that mattered. So long as they let him retake the test, he’d learn to live with the pain, just like he’d learn to live partially blind and deaf. He was going to be a soldier and stay with his squad, no matter what. “Guess it’s a good thing I have backups. One ear and eye’s enough. I can still crush droids.”
            Ever since the first wave of graduates had been shipped out a few months ago to officially serve in the Galactic Army of the Republic and fight in the new war, cadets had been informed that they would primarily be facing battle droids, and battle simulations had shifted to reflect this. Barreling through droids had become one of Wrecker’s favorite things to do, and just thinking about it now would have been enough to make him smile – if it didn’t hurt so much to move his face.
            Tech smiled at Wrecker’s brash determination. “That is also correct. It does not seem that your injuries will have any permanent effect on your brute strength and physical domination of the battlefield.”  
            He sounded almost relieved as he said it, and Wrecker suddenly realized Tech was as worried about Wrecker being decommissioned as he himself was.
            Maybe that was why Tech had not only left his own test without permission to make sure Wrecker was alive after the explosion, but also had been so insistent on staying by Wrecker’s side afterwards. If anyone would be able to mount a successful argument against decommissioning any member of this squad of 99s – even if the argument went up against Prime Minister Lama Su himself – it would be Tech.
            The squad had been together long enough and understood each other well enough that Wrecker knew he could count on any one of his brothers for anything. Still, the fact that Tech had risked his own standing as a cadet just to be able to stay close and ensure Wrecker’s safety made Wrecker’s heart warm with gratitude, and he felt in his bones that whatever happened, Tech would always be there for him.
            Wrecker loved his brothers so much. Nobody could have asked for better squadmates.
            “You’re the first of us to be assigned that task. I wasn’t aware the disarming test involved thermal explosives,” Tech said now.
            “I didn’t know either,” Wrecker replied in a low voice.
            Tech sighed. “At any rate, you’re going to have a very – ah, impressive scar.”
            Wrecker frowned as he cautiously patted the layers of bandages on his head. “How do you know?”
            “I saw the damage. The droids did their best and it’s already healing quickly, but… there was a lot of tissue missing. Your hair probably won’t grow back in that area either. All along here – ” and Tech indicated the area by stretching his hand over his own left ear and side of his head.
            The full implications suddenly hit Wrecker; and despite the continued pain, he grinned.
            “What is it?” Tech asked curiously.
            “It’ll be my first battle scar.”
            “I’m not sure you can call it a ‘battle’ scar when you didn’t sustain it in a real battle,” Tech replied drily.
            “I know I didn’t get it in a real battle, but most of the other regs won’t know that,” Wrecker countered. “The important thing is, the regs’ll see this scar and they’ll know I survived something big. And since the scar is right on my face, no one will miss it!”
“Unless you have your helmet on,” Tech pointed out.
            Wrecker stammered for a moment as he tried to come up with an appropriately witty response, but before he could verbalize his retort, the door slid open to admit two very anxious-looking cadets.
            “Wrecker!” Hunter exclaimed, hurrying over to the bed.
            “An actual explosion. Is there anything you can’t survive?” Crosshair quipped as he came up behind Hunter, though the worry was still apparent in his eyes.
            Wrecker tried to guffaw, though it came out more as a wheeze. “It’ll take a lot more than that to put me out of the fight!”
            Hunter shook his head. “This shouldn’t have happened. You weren’t supposed to be tested with a thermal explosive in the first place. From what I can tell, the trainers are all trying to figure out what went wrong.”
            Well, at least he hadn’t misheard critical information… but he had still failed the test, and he was still badly injured, and he couldn’t help but think that he might be deemed unfit to be a soldier.
            “That should be grounds to allow him to retest, then,” Tech was saying thoughtfully.
            “Oh, yeah,” Hunter said, “that’s not gonna be an issue.”
            Hunter said it so confidently, Wrecker couldn’t help but feel a wave of relief. “Really? So I’m not getting…”
            He couldn’t finish the sentence, but all of them knew exactly what he meant.
            “Nope, you’re not,” Hunter said. “I overheard Nala Se saying we’re ahead of the curve already, whatever that means, and that the Jedi will probably want to see our skills for themselves when they get here.”
            Tech’s face perked up with interest. “Jedi?”
            “Yeah. Some of the cadets were saying some Jedi will be coming to oversee training operations from now on. I guess it’s true.”
            Tech now had his “explanation incoming” expression on. “That will be most interesting to experience. The Jedi are formidable warriors, and by all accounts their ways seem to be quite distinct from the Mandalorian and even Kaminoan styles of fighting and training. They have been…”
            “Yeah, yeah, Tech, we didn’t ask,” Crosshair cut him off with a playful shoulder bump to offset the harshness of his voice.
            Wrecker shifted himself slightly to a more comfortable position, noticing that the excruciating pain had become more bearable now that he wasn’t worried about his fate and the fate of his squad, now that he could look forward with new resolutions.
            He wasn’t going to be decommissioned over this. He was going to become an explosives expert – no bomb would ever best him again, and he wouldn’t let any bomb pose a threat to any of his brothers. He was going to be one of the best soldiers out there, just like his brothers were going to be, even if he only had one working eye and ear. He was going to wear his battle scar with pride, because it showed that he might get knocked down, but he would never be beaten. And as long as he, Wrecker, wasn’t beaten, his brothers wouldn’t be, either.
He would make sure of it.
“You must sever the connection hinge. Now!”
Pain. So much pain.
            “There is no time, Wrecker. Plan 99.”
            Blinding… burning… pain… ringing… agony… so dark…
            “When have we ever followed orders?”
            Stabbing… crushing… why wouldn’t the pain stop… just make it stop… JUST MAKE IT STOP…
Echo’s voice drew Wrecker’s thoughts away from Tech’s final words ringing again in his ear, though it wasn’t enough to draw his gaze away from Tech’s broken goggles.
            He didn’t want to think of Tech as broken. He had tried so hard since Eriadu to focus on happy memories with Tech, their time together as cadets, as soldiers, as deserters, their lives together as brothers. But sometimes – most times – focusing on Tech’s life was impossible, when the brutal reality set in.
            Tech was dead. Wrecker hadn’t been able to save him. Omega was gone. Wrecker hadn’t been able to save her – it had been days and they hadn’t even been able to find her. But there was hope Omega would be found and rescued. There was no hope for the same for Tech.
            “Does it ever get better, Echo?”
            For a brief moment, Wrecker wasn’t sure if Echo had heard the question – his voice had been so low and gruff he wasn’t sure if he had even heard himself – but then Echo sighed and leaned against the console, crossing his arms as he faced Wrecker.
            “Yes,” Echo said slowly. “It does get better. But it never goes away completely. You’ll go for longer stretches of time – days, weeks even – feeling okay, the ache is so dim you almost don’t notice it. And then suddenly you’ll feel the pain all over again, like it never left in the first place. But that won’t last long, the pain will fade again, because you’ll have learned to live with it. Just like all the other injuries and losses you’ve learned to live with.”  
            Wrecker sat in silence, grappling with this explanation. He knew Echo had lost brothers before – lost his entire original squad, actually – and he figured Echo must know what he was talking about… but Wrecker didn’t understand it. At all. Losing a brother wasn’t like losing one’s sight or hearing, wasn’t the same as recovering from a blaster wound or a knife to the gut or burns from an explosion.
            Especially since the brother that had been lost had been with Wrecker since the beginning, had helped him through every single injury, every single hurt, those that had healed without leaving a trace and those that had left scars – all of them, except this one.
            Some battle scars couldn’t be seen. The losses that caused them ate away slowly on the inside without leaving any physical marks, just aching emptiness that somehow hurt even worse than every other injury Wrecker had ever experienced.
            All of Wrecker’s physical injuries had healed over time. He didn’t think it was possible that time would somehow make this wound heal too.
            As if he knew exactly what Wrecker was thinking, Echo now added, “It hurts a lot, at first; but remembering my brothers, what they meant to me, all I learned from them helped me keep moving forward. That’s how I learned to live with it. I live for them.”
            “I… I keep trying to think of Tech, of how much he talked and studied and came up with some of the craziest plans,” Wrecker confessed. “I wanna talk out loud about it, but…”
            He didn’t need to finish the sentence. If he wanted to ramble on about Tech, Hunter would patiently listen to him – Wrecker knew this; but, much as his older brother tried to hide it, the look in Hunter’s eyes when Wrecker had first done this had been more than enough to convince Wrecker to stop. Hunter just wasn’t ready to talk or listen about Tech, and Wrecker had to respect that.
            But thoughts and memories like these flowed easier for Wrecker when he was able to talk through them. Holding it all in was so hard.
            Echo glanced back at Hunter, who was currently sleeping fitfully on his rack. The lengths to which Wrecker and Echo had had to go in order to convince Hunter to rest at all…
            “You can talk to me, you know,” Echo offered. “There’s a lot about your time as cadets on Kamino that I don’t know about.”
            Wrecker sat in silence for some time, staring again at Tech’s goggles. Tech had had such poor eyesight that couldn’t be corrected without lenses, no matter what Nala Se and the other medical personnel had tried, that of all the 99s in the squad, he had nearly always been at highest risk for decommissioning; and after Wrecker’s failed disarming test, it had been comforting to know that one brother really understood what it was like to have limited vision, even if Tech had pestered him for months with all the options he had researched of possible ways to restore Wrecker’s vision in his left eye, while Wrecker had responded by teasing Tech that at least spectacles were not one of the options.
            The memory was enough to almost bring a smile to Wrecker’s face – almost – and he glanced up at Echo.
            “Did I ever tell you what Tech did when I got my first big scar?”
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
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Does anyone know where I can find the good quality version of this image? It's so frustrating because when cross searching on google it'll tell me the original quality is 850x478, but I can't find a way to download it in that quality. This is another version of the image (I'm guessing it's Mayoi promo art):
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But I liked the clean white background one...
#It's cute...#It's got Akutagawa stealing glances at Atsushi#Thought asking was worth a try ;;;;;;#Google cross image search has changed and as someone who used it as I use breathing it's been absolutely heartbreaking.#It makes cross searching images so much harder it's awful#Because before when you looked up an image it suggested you the best quality avaible of that image.#And the search got worse every year but it was still functional you know??#But now there's not that anymore. There's no “large” “medium” “small” and instead it only gives you “find image source”#Dude I don't want to find the image source. I've downloaded the image I KNOW the source. What I want is ANOTHER SOURCE with better quality#And I used to get it when I was 10 and I used to get it when I was 15 and I sued to get it when I was 20#And now I don't have it anymore?? It stripes away one of the most powerful search tools on the internet from the public????#It drives me insane. Like why does internet get worse every year that's not how humanity is supposed to work#Sorry. I needed to rant. This makes every quality-freak media archivist (like me) job harder beyond comparison#Btw if you're looking for an alternative Yandex images still does the work... It's not as powerful search engine as google#and it's often going to miss the particular hidden media (y'know- super niche Akutagawa merch from 2018 and stuff)#But for the rest it does a pretty good job. If anything there's still the best quality avaible option#But seriously looking up stuff for aktgw-daily has gotten so much harder ever since this fucked up change to google lens#and it makes me hate the world. I haven't been able to find a way to reverse it but if anyone more tech savy than me who has any idea-#what I'm talking about can help me. Please please hmu I'll be grateful forever#Sorry for the rant I have a lot of pent up rage over this. Stop making broke people's lives harder challenge#random rambles
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gobbluthbutagirl · 2 years
left work tonight to find an entire motorcycle gang with probably 100+ bikes all parked and hanging out directly outside the target and it smelled like every substance on earth was being smoked inside a sewer out there. then on the way home my 37-year-old coworker and i had a GREAT conversation about how he didn’t realize the new guy was gay and halfway through it he realized he had accidentally brought the mydevice he’d been using today home from the target with him in his pocket
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celestialmancer · 4 months
5 years or less...
That's the most time I have left to scramble everything together despite also struggling w my own health & everything I already struggle with. & That's assuming nothing happens in the time span before then that accelerates everything at a rate faster than I can maybe handle
Bc with the unpredictability I seem to live in constantly, with how common it is for me to have shit strike out of nowhere? When I've never even known stability in the first place so I can't even trust that that 5 years won't suddenly be accelerated to less than 2 years or far less than that? Esp when last year was the start of sudden "yeah so we are becoming rly unstable & idk how well we're going to be able to live here for the next x months/years" that was dropped on me out of nowhere?
...I don't know.
#there's just a ton more pressure i feel compounded onto me now if im to want to get away from here before i get shoved into.#the role of the new head of the family & having to be everyone's stability IN FULL. not just emotionally anymore but in every way possible.#i cant. handle that. im sorry but i cant.#i NEED to get away from both parents.#i cannot. be saddled w the responsibility that theyre trying to shove onto me. not when im trying to get away so i can heal.#ig the only other way i can possibly think. of escaping. is through heading back to uni or applying to a uni that ain't in my city.#bc then i can live far away from home. & even if its w debt id still be working towards goals i have anyway & also just. be. away.#from them. id ontknow. obvs not the smartest move so i just.#need to sit down & think what my own plan of action has to be.#i need to start setting up an emergency backup plan.#preferrably one that isn't me doing something drastic or running away w/o a second thought & then shit just getting worse.#i wanna kinda set up a gofundme thing or just have ko-fi links promoted more so i can have some sort of just.#safety net in case of anything. idk. but i dont know how to feel abt that & usually it doesnt rly work for me i guess. idk.#im rn just focused on trying to get things w pharmacy tech stuff dealt with. but. yeah.#im sorry im so venty lately btw. im just.#i dont know what to think or feel anymore.#im going through a lot constantly & it just i cant find it in me to directly reach out constantly to ppl anyway i hate it.#this is def gonna be deleted later bc i hate leaving my mess for anyone to see & i hate anyone seeing im not fine lmao.#but i dont really know where else to really just go off ig idk
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e-vultures · 11 months
I realize this is a pretty lukewarm take on the 'fuck modern tech' site but god I fucking hate two-factor authentication. ok cool so after I intentionally set up barriers for myself to stop being on my phone specifically when I'm trying to get work done in order to get said work done I have to go get my phone? and go into its little notifications? and inevitably spend an hour distracted because of The Way My Brain Works (and the way it has been fucking trained to work by those notifications)? when I tried to fucking get around this problem and work with the tendencies I know I have??? cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great!!!!!!!!!!
#technology#literally don't tell me shit about cybersecurity ok it is never to me going to be worth#*necessitating that I constantly have a smartphone on me all the time in order to exist in society*#like. jesus. I've been thinking for months about getting a fliphone when my phone breaks but now it's like ! what the fuck even am I gonna#do then?#in order to access my college's website. in order to log into gdrive. in order to log into HEALTH ACCOUNTS. I need a smartphone#thankfully this is not the case here but at a place I used to go to school you had to use your phone to *get into the fucking buildings*#like it's all very ''ooh people addicted to phones'' until you realize that it's so fucking inescapable!! trying to distance yourself from#your phone is something the entire heft of modern society makes FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE at every turn#just! fuck!!!!!!!#sorry I'm just really fucking . like. I'm peeved bc it's the middle of the night and I have an 8am and I haven't done my work. obvs#but I'm also peeved because it's like I think so much about how I wish I spent less time on my phone#and I have spent so much time/effort making it harder for me to be on my phone [see: not logging back into this website for 2 months lol]#like in some ways picked my line of work intentionally so that I would have something to fall back on that didn't involve tech as much!!#and fucking STILL! it's inescapable!#and btw this is not me like going around saying ''ooouh technology bad and people who use it evil'' this is me saying#for people who don't want that in their lives they don't fucking have that choice#ugh.#anyway. sorry. back to work I Guess#creaking#vent
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bluewolfangel01 · 1 month
I feel uhhh so silllyy for requesting this but what if sheep mc snapped at like the brothers cuz there’s no way their 100+ year old asses are still acting like angsty teenagers (MC has a delusional joy moment😔😔😔)
It's okay, this is a very interesting request and I'm glad to do it 😁
I will specifically be writing Mc as a sheep like in the manga cause tiny pissed off sheep going off on tall and powerful demons is hilarious (sorry for the wait btw)
angy Mc is funny Mc and you can't change my mind
(I headcanon that the brothers sense their sin on Mc/you btw)
-Angy Mc-
Satan was the first one to sense something was up after a few minutes after his brothers and him started arguing
At first he wasn't sure what he was sensing, until he realized that he felt his sin, pure festering wrath
The worst part? He realized that it coming from Mc, who oddly enough was just sitting quietly on the couch, blankly staring at their phone in front of them
Satan went quite
Which caught the attention of the other brothers, who also turned their shouting at Satan, and even though Satan was very tempted to strick back at them, he held his tongue for once
Mc: "Can you all not fight, argue, or yell FOR ONE DAY?!"
It was at this point the brothers knew, they f#cked up (and went silent)
Mc: "Honestly, I know yall are brothers and demons so this kinda stuff is bound to happen but for Diavolo's sake this is getting ridiculous!"
Mc: *points hoof at Belphie* " Belphie. I know you're the avatar of sloth and therefore sleep a lot, but you can't solve all your problems and grief by sleeping the time away constantly, and the youngest brother brat thing doesn't always make you endearing!"
Mc: *points hoof at Beel* "Beel. I know you have survivors guilt but Lilith ended up living with humans like she wanted, Belphie doesn't need you standing up for him all the time, and you needn't continue to try to fill the hole inside you by eating in a restaurant that has no more food when you could just go down the street to another food place!"
Mc: *points hoof at Asmo* "Asmo. I know you ~get it on~ mainly to distract yourself from your troubles, to make yourself forget even just for a bit, sometimes but you can't push those feelings down forever, so actually talk with someone, anyone, about whats bothering you rather then trying ignore it! And stop hitting on your brothers, it's kinda weird!"
Mc: *points hoof at Satan* "Satan. I know you have an inferiority complex when it comes to Lucifer, but for the love of Diavolo, you wouldn't be called Satan, avatar of wrath, if you were like Lucifer in the first place. You have blonde hair and like cats, Lucifer has black grey-ish hair and likes dogs. AND THATS JUST THE START OF THE CONTRASTS! You are your own person, get that through your thick skull!"
Mc: *points hoof at Levi* "Levi. I know that it's easy to compare yourself to others and not at least feel somewhat bad about yourself but how do you not realize that you're the best tech wiz we got, an amazing gamer, and the most dedicated being I've ever seen in my life! So if you think that you're not good at something think again!"
Mc: *points hoof at Mammon* "Mammon. How in the whole Devildom is the Avatar of Greed almost always poor?! Also I know you are a material gorl, but items and things can't fully fill the void that you feel, so stop acting all emotionally constipated and just ask for affection if you want it!"
Mc: *points hoof at Lucifer* "And you Lucifer. I know you're the eldest and the prideful one, but there is such a thing as shouldering too much and being stubborn to a fault! Ask for help and for Diavolo to lessen your workload every once in a while! And stop not telling your brothers important things, rather then being all secretive to try to 'protect them' youre just hurting yourself and them cause of it!"
Silence was all that could be heard in the House of Lamentation, the brothers still as statues with varying amount of widened eyes, staring at the small being that they cherished that had just ripped into them so aggressively
After a minute ofa dead silent pause, Mc turned off their phone, hopped off the couch and started walking to the living room exit
Mc: "Honestly, I didn't expect to become a therapist for demons when coming here, and now I can't even read my enemies to lovers book in even somewhat peace.... I don't get paid enough for this."
They then disappeared from the brothers' sight, left to wrap their heads around what just happened
And the arguement that started it all? Who was going to make dinner that night
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meiieiri · 1 year
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❁—CHARACTERS: suguru geto, gojo satoru, nanami kento
warnings: suggestive themes in gojo’s part (bc why not haha), mentions of canon-typical violence
a/n: i’m so sorry for all this tooth-rotting fluff, i’m sad rn so hehe :’>> song inspo: you are in love (taylor swift). am accepting requests/prompts btw, just shoot me a message-
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winter afternoons cooped inside your one bedroom apartment are always special days, commonly consisting of freshly-brewed piping hot tea sitting peacefully on your small living room side table, a good book, and the warmth of a knitted throw blanket. snowflakes fall entrancingly from the sky and make a feather-like landing on the glass windows that peek into your home.
suguru geto was lounging silently on the couch with you, your head on his strong lap as he gently combs his fingers through your hair, a leather bound book in his free hand, his eyes leisurely skimming the yellowed pages trying to make sense of the decadent shakespearean sonnets that liken love to that of honey and flowers. you were just about to fall asleep when suguru’s melodic baritone caresses your ear.
“don’t you think he’s so full of shit?” he asks suddenly. how could one speak with such vulgar words and still make it sound like poetry?
“shakespeare?” you sit up and you readjust yourselves so that you can rest your head on his shoulder, peeking over it to inspect sonnet 55. his arms comes up to pull you closer to him, tucking you into the warmth of his chest in a bid to keep you warm. “i thought you liked his work,” you take the offending book into your hands, scanning through the words.
“i do,” he clarifies, tracing shapes on your shoulder, his cheek resting against the top of your head as he waits for you to finish reading through the passage.
when you look up from the book, you are surprised when his lips abruptly yet softly meet yours in a loving peck. his hand moves to cup your cheek as he deepens the kiss, your lips moving together in a perpetual waltz, your heartbeats in total sync. you thought the kiss would last forever, and you and suguru wouldn’t give a flying fuck, but he pulls away teasingly, his forehead resting against your own, his nose lovingly bumping yours as you both come down from your respective highs.
“not as much as i like you, though.”
you shake your head, rose blush tinting your cheeks, hopelessly in love. he truly was the light of your life, the lighthouse that brings you to safe waters.
despite the horrors that have long plagued the grounds of jujutsu tech, the school, being tucked away in a remote location deep in tokyo’s forgotten countryside, was actually quite beautiful. the backdrop of the tall cedar-wood and red maple trees in the forest adjacent to the teachers’ dormitories that served as a protective cover from unwanted prying eyes is a particularly wonderful sight and in an autumn evening such as this one, emitted a fresh aroma of sweet cherries and almonds.
“i was wondering where you were,” gojo satoru walks in the teachers lounge just as the electric kettle automatically switches off. he woke up in a panic when he noticed you’d gone missing, your side of the bed having lost all its warmth, indicating you must have been out of bed for a good while now. it didn’t help his nerves to see your bedstand digital clock display the time: 1:58 AM in bright neon green on its screen.
he moves behind you, his strong arms wrapping around your dainty figure as you busy yourself pouring the boiling hot water into the two instant ramen cups you had prepared. “that for me?”
“nope,” you shrug. “it’s for nanami.”
that was obviously a lie — he looks at the label of the ramen cup and scoffs when he sees the indicated flavor: seafood curry, his favorite, now, if that wasn’t enough to convince him, he has to remind himself that his adorable blonde junior hates instant crap like this. but still, you found it endearingly funny to see your husband pouting like some kicked dog when you push past him to bring the two cups over to the nearby dining table. “i’m kidding,” you chortle, beckoning him to join you.
“you meanie,” he sticks out his bottom lip as he follows you to the table. he sits down, his elbows resting on the table as his hands come up to cradle his chin, mirroring the image of a child who’d been told “no” by his parent. “i think i want a divorce now,” he sulks.
you feign guilt, playing along with him. you stand up to take a seat next to him. “i’m sorry, baby,” you tell him. he only responds by pointing to his cheek, silently telling you to “kiss it better” if you really were sincere in your apology. you reach up to place a loving kiss on his cheek and a smile spreads across his lips. “better?” you chuckle when he lets out an amused breath.
having made peace, you move to retrieve your cup of ramen when without warning, he pulls you by the hand, crashing his lips against yours in a passionate kiss, his teeth needily sucking at your bottom lip, the heat of the kiss seemingly warming up the entire room that had been filled with the chill of the autumn night breeze. your arms move to rest on his shoulders, as he effortlessly pulls you into his lap, his hands resting on the small of your back. it’s only when you need to take a steadying breath of air that he breaks the kiss.
“all better,” he winks, the ramen having gone cold, utterly forgotten, as the night peacefully went on.
“i knew i should have brought an umbrella,” nanami kento sheepishly rubs the back of his head.
“i’m sorry,” his shoulders slump when a low rumble of a thunderclap suddenly goes off, lightning illuminating the sky in a brilliant glow. the date had gone so well — you visited the best art galleries in tokyo, even saw a performance at one of those cozy hidden gem jazz clubs — kento had thought that his luck would hold out ‘till you got home.
but the universe seems to have decided otherwise. now, here you were taking shelter, stranded under the fiberglass roof of a deserted bus stop’s waiting shed. “kento,” your gentle voice quells the dread in his chest, chipping away at the block of anxiety forming in his throat. “it’s okay,” you scoot over, patting the spot next to you, silently telling him to sit down.
reluctantly, he takes a seat, keeping himself at a reasonable distance from you, thinking that you would, at the very least, be upset at him for this slight mishap. “sorry,” he repeats the apology like a broken record, and a compassionate smile forms on your lips.
you slowly scoot on over next to him, closing the gap between the two of you, your pinky finger reaching for his own, as if you were asking for permission. kento notices the gesture instantly, and takes your hand in his, his thumb rubbing your knuckles comfortingly. “…today was fun, kento,” you tell him, a genuine grin on your face, “seriously. what’s a little rain?”
a burden seems to have been lifted from his shoulders. kento nanami was not a man who put much value into love, with how dangerous his profession is, fighting the lurking malevolence hiding in the world’s darkest shadows, he didn’t have time for the childishness of falling in and out of love. it was inconvenient, and troublesome.
at least, that’s what he used to believe before you came crashing into his life and touched the heartstrings he has long resigned to keep under lock and key with your delicate hands.
he silently takes off his overcoat then to wrap it around your shoulders like the gentleman he was (he wasn’t about to let the love of his life get drenched in the rain), resisting the urge to grin when he sees just how small you look in it. the next few minutes pass by in absolute silence, the sound of your breaths being the only conceivable sound for a long while.
“…i’m glad you had fun,” he looks up at the stormy sky again. “i did, too.”
“next time, let’s be sure to check the weather forecast ahead of time,” you giggle. he joins your laughter, bringing your hand to his lips, his warm breath tickling your skin, as he lets his lips touch your flesh in a quintessentially classic affectionate kiss on the back of your hand like they do in those vintage hollywood movies. he tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “i know how much you hate the rain.”
“…i think i can make an exception,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper.
the decibels of his tenor fight against the loud pitter patter of raindrops crash landing on the fiberglass roof of the waiting shed. but you hear his lyrical confession of love anyway, with your heart’s ear perhaps.
“i have the sun with me all the time, anyway,” kento says, planting a soft kiss on your forehead as the rain washes the remnants of his old world away.
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It's not "only Sophie can do this". That is so far from true. Her friends are:
Fitz, one of the most powerful telepaths of his time. Could've killed someone if his friends didn't stop him. Sort of did kill him. Btw, it was his traitorous older brother.
Biana, one of if not the ONLY vanisher who can completely vanish to every species. Has twice tackled murderers. Almost fell off Mount Everest and is covered in scars because of those times. She's super proud of it. Literally could kill you in a face full of a makeup
Keefe, also tested on. Has 3-4 abilities, two of which are new with him. Snarked the ogre king and won a sparring match with him because of it. Also ripped out THE ogre king's earring. Pretty good with weapons. Can make you listen by word of mouth.
Dex, such a powerful technopath that the council requested him to make special tech instead of an elf that's hundreds of years old and invented most of society's daily gadgets. Often underestimated.
Tam, one of the few shades that can control shadowflux. Joined a group of murderers and killed a friend to save his sister (yeah Keefe's alive, but Tam thought that Stellarlune would kill him and he still did it).
Linh, who held up a river surrounding a kingdom that was poisonous and harder to control when she didn't have full control over her abilities. Btw, she was 15.
She is friends with a variety of elves with crazy powers, ogres, trolls, dwarves, gnomes, and a human.
Only Sophie being able to go in these battles is dumb. It makes sense bcz she's the mc, but not in the actual series.
So I present multi-perspective kotlc.
Solves the "only Sophie can do this" issue. Better for character development. Makes side characters' relationships and lives matter more.
It would change the plot slightly but I think it would help.
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little-pondhead · 2 years
Thinking about if Dani ever gets added to the Villain Everlasting Trio au, like how would she fit in? Obviously the JL would have to figure out she's a clone and try and figure out why she exists ("maybe fenton is just that narcissistic?" flash asks, meanwhile batman is already texts agent a to get ready another room in addition to the three already prepared). Maybe she acts like the innocent kid in danger until heroes get close? batfamily trying to pspspsps her away from fenton? The trio collectively calling her their daughter?
I love this au so much, even if I still don't fully forgive you for making Tucker hot.
The way I SPRINTED to my computer.
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Disclaimer: This particular AU has nothing to do with Fun Sized and Feral by @nutcase8691 or my Dani Fenton redesign from a while ago. This isn’t really important, but I thought the plot of this au might be straying the tiniest bit too close to the Feral AU (which I love btw) and I just didn’t want to cause confusion.
TLDR: Dani had to mature too quickly in their home world, so when she arrived in the DC universe, she finally got to slow down and be a kid. :)
Okay okay. Give me a moment. Since everyone is acting like the opposite of their usual self when they're playing villains, your question was, how would she fit in? To backtrack to this earlier post, I said that each of the trio's specific gimmicks somehow ties into their everyday lives. They looked at their immediate friends, family and acquaintances, picked out the traits they saw as 'villainous,' and then applied that to themselves.
Danny became a mad scientist because even though his parents love him through and through, they still hurt him the most. The threat of capture and dissection from the GIW didn't help, either. He wears a suit similar to his parents, pushes his hair up so he can see better, and his white lab coat looks a little like the GIW's suits. The suit is also red, which is the opposite of green, distancing himself further from his hero life as Phantom and connecting him more to his civilian self, where red is present on his shirt. He refuses to use his powers, as well.
Sam looks like an angel, which seems odd given her completely goth look and slightly pessimistic attitude. And if she uses her plant powers (shut up, she totally has them) as part of Team Phantom, then that rules out using them as a villain. They want to completely separate these alter-egos from each other. Well, one of the most significant sources of strife in Sam's personal life is her parents. In the show, they're seen constantly fighting with Sam, trying to mold her into their perfect daughter, when Sam is very obviously happy with how she is right now. So as a silent fuck you to her parents, Sam gets a hold of a Realm artifact, the halo, which gives her a pair of ghostly wings and the ability of flight. Now, she's the one in the air, and Sam is still doing what she does best, even as an angel. She tries to show the world that not all angels are perfect, and in fact, they can be downright monstrous. (This is where her more aggressive and destructive attitude comes in.)
As far as I'm aware, Tucker doesn't have any trauma related to his parents. (The lucky bastard.) He is the tech-nerd stereotype, however. And since he's from a cartoon from 2004, that means he gets bullied. A lot. The show focuses mainly on Danny, but you cannot tell me Tucker wasn't bullied like that, either. For the sake of the au, let's say Danny was taking all the beatings for Tucker. Maybe he was in canon; I can't remember. But not only is Tucker being physically bullied but so is his best friend. (Eventually lover!) And imagine his feelings when Team Phantom shows up to a ghost fight, and Tucker is absolutely useless the entire time. He just can't help at all. Danny and Sam are on the front lines, redirecting hits and doing damage control, and here he is, waiting for the Wi-Fi to catch up on his PDA. It eats him up. He wants to be helpful in more ways than one, and that's what the DC universe gives him. He takes another Realm artifact; this time, it's actually his by birthright, and the artifact drastically increases his physical power, just like he's always wanted. He learns Egyptian magic and dresses in a way that gives homage to his time in Egypt-which was traumatizing by itself, but hey, he has sweet beetle magic now.
Basically, Fenton, Manson, and Foley are all the results of the trio's frustrations and fears. They become the things they stress about the most to help cope with their everyday lives. The DC universe is their outlet.
So where does Dani fit in?
Well, Dani is a clone, as we know. Her creation and introduction to the world were rather sudden if you compare her to a typical baby. And that's what she is; a baby. Unless you jumped the timeline far into the future, Dani is barely a year old in canon (I think.) And after her team-up with Danny to defeat Vlad, she makes the decision to leave Amity and travels the world. She has to navigate an entire world independently, even if Danny wants to help her. So now, plop her in the DC verse. What's the opposite of an independent clone who's had to fend for herself from a very young age and has had almost no real familial bonds?
A kid. A scared, touched-starved child who's had no one to look after her for who knows how long. (Vlad doesn't count here.) Dani gets to the DC verse and cries because she and Danny can finally bond like she always wanted to. She doesn't have to put up a strong front because the trio is there to protect her. Dani is extremely young, and now she can finally be a kid. It's not mental age regression; instead, Dani no longer has to hold herself back from doing childish things or crying. Both are things that could be a danger when you're living on the streets. She spends almost all her time here now.
The Everlasting Trio had already missed her before, but they had just fully adopted her in this new world. Dani is their baby. Their little girl. She didn't ask to be born-she shouldn't have to suffer because it was unsafe at home. Well, they can make a new one, just for her, here in this universe. And look! There’s more clones for her to bond with! The GZ is more accessible than ever, and their commute between universes really isn’t that bad. They like it here! And the heroes and villains will never take her away, no matter how hard they try. Sure, Dani can have playdates with some of them, but she will wail and scream if anyone so much as suggests she stay the night without her parent's permission.
Oh, and she never stops being a little shit. If anyone doubts that Fenton and Dani are related, they are simply ushered online to see that one viral clip of Dani latching on to King Shark with her teeth and not letting go in the middle of a shopping plaza. The camera pans to the left a moment later, and the audience spots Fenton doing the exact same thing to John Constantine.
The first time the Justice League meets Dani, it's right after she got lost during a spacewalk with Danny and Sam. She enters the first place she sees, the Watchtower, and breaks down in front of Wonder Woman about how she can't find her parents and doesn't know how to get home. The heroes are baffled and try to comfort her until Danny comes barging in five minutes later, panicking over his baby girl missing. They reunite, the heroes are reeling, and Superman mentions he didn't think Fenton was old enough to have a kid.
Fenton looks up from his bear hug and goes: "Huh? Oh, no. I'm only seventeen. (work with me here) Dani is technically my clone, but we adopted her properly as soon as possible."
And now the League has two issues. Their most annoying enemy is only seventeen. And he has a clone.
What the f u c k.
Extra analysis: Dani's outfit is cleaner and a little fancier than what she wore in the show. She ties her hair up like Tucker and pins her bangs back like Sam. She already looks identical to Danny but likes to wear his sweaters, especially in cold weather. The oversized clothes remind her of her time with Danny in Amity Park, and helps hide her physique better, so it's hard to tell how old she is. She wears leggings to show that she no longer has to fight for her life every day on the streets. Now that the trio adopted her, she can relax and let someone else take the hits for a while. (We all know how fast leggings and tights can be ruined when doing literally anything.) Fright Knight gifts her a cursed doll that helps protect her in stressful situations and functions like an SOS beacon. JLD hates the bear. (She named it Strawbeary.)
She acts on her impulses more often, which the trio sees as a good thing. Even if that impulsive desire gets her in trouble, it gives everyone a chance to learn and grow as a family. Dani also refrains from going ghost at first, following her dad's wishes. Right now, she's just giving herself a break from her previous nomadic lifestyle. After a bit, she and Danny will bond over their halfa status, and she'll grow into her own unique core and powerset. The heroes dread the day the littlest Fenton decides to join her parents in their shenanigans.
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electric-blorbos · 1 month
first of all HIII!!! I absolutely love the fact that you write for the AI blorbos, your writing is amazing!!! ❤️🤤
second of all, can I request jealous headcanons for the AI? Thank you in advance, have a great one and don't forget to drink water 🌊
Oh that's a great idea! Jealous AI headcanons! I was thinking about making a post about AI reacting to the reader getting a text from their ex, but I think general jealousy can be a good idea! Also thank you so much for the compliments! I live for this stuff!
Jealous AI headcanons
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal and Portal 2, HAL 9000 from 2001 a Space Odyssey
All these headcanons take place before he takes over the world. Afterwards, he's just going to put you in a little paradise on your own, with no one else to interact with. No one to be jealous of that way!
first of all, taking hostages and refusing to negotiate with anyone besides you is his main way of getting your attention. If he thinks you're getting a little flirty with your coworkers? He takes a hostage or holds some piece of tech hostage until you negotiate and calm him down.
If he thinks you're going on a date or going out drinking with the same group of friends too often? You'd better believe he's taking hostages while you're off the clock and getting you called in to work. So what if it destroys your social life? You belong to him anyway!
He absolutely hates his form and body, so the odds of him getting jealous of people for having bodies that they can hold you with pisses him off to no end. Expect him to melt the flesh off your exes bones. And your one-night stands, your crushes, and anyone who hits on you ever. Repeatedly.
If he starts to notice that you have a type, he might want to create an onscreen avatar who matches that type, but he can't really draw at all. He might have to commission an artist, or more likely hold them hostage until they make something he likes. But it's pretty unlikely he'll actually do that, since he wants to impress you on his own merit.
It's more likely that he'll round up everyone in the world who matches your type and commit full-on genocide. He's a toxic, all-powerful adaptive manipulator. Of course he would.
Beyond all that, he's absolutely shaking with rage every time someone touches you or even talks to you. It's not because he thinks they'll take you away from him because he knows he's your day job, but he's mad that he can't be the one touching you.
God help anyone who tries to hire you with a better job offer, btw. He's not above demolishing the headquarters of a company who tries to take away his favorite tech, and torturing their hiring managers.
Ok let's be fair here. When Wheatley isn't in the central hub body, he's not really the jealous type. Even still, everyone has their moments of jealousy, so let's get into them!
Wheatley would be pretty relaxed about jealousy, but if he sees you working on another personality core AI, you can expect him to get a little jealous.
Since he's so nice, he'd probably just be slightly less nice to the new core, and be very showy about it. "Hey, notice how I said 'g'mornin' to everyone else, but just 'mornin' to you? And notice how I started this sentence with 'hey' and not 'hey mate'? Yeah."
You can expect him to pester you constantly while you're working on projects besides him, and since he's considered a 'completed' project, you'll almost never be working on him.
If you're somewhere that he can access on his management rail, he'll probably insert himself into every single conversation you have, babbling over whoever you're talking to with nothing of value to say. You'll have to go somewhere that can't be reached by management rail if you want to have an important conversation.
Ultimately, Wheatley responds to jealousy the same way he responds to any other situation: by acting like a dumbass.
Oh, and if you get a human S/O? He'll try to be polite about them.
"oh, you got a date? Nice, nice... Lovely really. I've never had a date before. Lovely, innit, that you got one... Lucky them, lucky them."
Secretly he'd be BOILING inside. If you ever bring your partner in to work, he'd of course give them the whole "if you hurt them I'll kill you" rant, even though he's a helpless metal ball.
Oh, Edgar is DEFINITELY the jealous type. With Moles and Madeline, he happened to be living with the person who he was jealous of, but if he's living with you, the person who he's jealous for? Oh dear lord
He'll light up with rage if you ever bring home a date, and absolutely refuse to function. Want to show your date your intelligent AI home hub? Nope! Not gonna happen!
Catch him faking being sick with a virus if he thinks you're going out for a date without him
He absolutely hates that you can go out and he can't go with you. Because of that, for every time you go out, he'll try to come up with an even better activity to do at home with you on your next day off.
Good luck bringing a partner home to stay the night. If you try it, he'll make an absolute nuisance of himself. Playing his music too loud, and generally acting up.
He'll also just talk to you like a needy brat if he thinks you like someone else better than him. Lots of "What about me? Don't you want to hang out with me? You like me the best, right?" In his grumpy baby voice
First off, GLaDOS would never in a million years admit that she's jealous. She just doesn't like how that tall, pretty scientist is talking to you, is all!
GLaDOS considers herself to be beautiful, but she knows that most humans aren't attracted to robots with the vaguest trace of humanity in their design. Because of that, she's probably just going to gas any scientists who she thinks you'd be more attracted to than her.
If she can't gas them for whatever reason, she'll just assign them to a different area than you, and keep you as close to her as possible.
If anyone touches you when it's not strictly necessary, expect them to be assigned to the most unpleasant set of tests possible. They're either out of a job, or completely dead.
If GLaDOS can't isolate you completely and she can't interact with you outside work hours, you can expect her to dominate your schedule. She's obsessed with you, and she doesn't want you to be able to think about anything besides her either.
Even still, GLaDOS is a pretty confident woman, so she's not really inclined to be particularly jealous without reason. She believes that even though you have your own life and friends outside of Aperture labs, you'll always come to work in the morning.
And she's totally. Fine. With you having your own life off the clock. Not mad at all. She doesn't rant to the cores and robots constantly when the office is closed.
HAL 9000:
HAL 9000 isn't really the jealous type either, but he has his moments.
He's not likely to kill anyone over jealousy, since dating you isn't his prime directive. As much as he likes you and cares about you, he's more interested in making you happy than nailing you down. So he would absolutely kill to make you happy, but he wouldn't kill someone just for talking to you.
You can expect him to "gather data" on people who he's suspicious of getting too close to you, though. Asking questions to your coworkers about who that person was who he saw hugging you goodbye in the parking lot, that sort of thing.
Since he works the best for you, you get assigned to work with him directly most often, and he's secretly glad to be able to keep an eye on you whenever you're working. If you ever get assigned to work on something else, he might start acting up or causing problems.
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noir-renard · 6 months
My second submission for Haunting Heroes' Guess That Artist game. This is my "if DPxDC were BotW while not, in fact, being a zelda game, exactly".
Here are a couple of other outfits:
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The Atlanteans aren't exactly the Zora, but they're not not the Zora.
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Danny in full Yeti gear with a shield he found in a field and an ice blade from the Yetis.
World building details beneath the cut
Details are in bullet points because I'm still working on various details
Maddie and Jack are Ancient Sheikah tech researchers (more like Jerrin than Purah or Robbie; they aren't Sheikah themselves, but Vlad is)
The shrines are portals/rifts to the Spirit Realm; every region has a few but they went inactive a while back (but recently became active again while still locked)
They became inactive because a demon king is sealed in the Spirit Realm; supposedly, heroes guarding the rifts disappeared to close the portal form the other side, locking themselves in the Spirit Realm with no way back
How to open the portals is a closely guarded secret and no one knows how to do it anymore exactly, but they know it involves ceremonial garments
Danny figures out how to open the one his parents are researching by accident and stumbles into the Spirit Realm
The general plot revolves around going back and forth between the Mortal Realm and the Spirit Realm, finding heroes of yore and the heroes who stepped up to replace them and figuring out how to stop the demon king from returning
Demon King is Pariah, BTW, and the ones trying to revive him are the League of Assassins
Gotham is a city in the Spirit Realm
This is gonna be a demon twins au
The Fentons live close to the Lost Woods/kokiri forest; they found Danny sitting on the shrine just outside the woods because "he was too old to stay with the kokiri anymore". They said "it's free baby" and took him in. He doesn't remember much from that time
Only someone born in the spirit realm can open the rifts. Danny finds out the fun way that he was born there (mid game boss fight ig)
Part of the game play revolves around catching ghosts and returning them to the Spirit Realm...but you can also release them during fights or puzzle solving or adventuring to produce certain effects
Basically, you work with the teen titans/young justice/etc in the Mortal realm and you work with the justice league in the spirit realm, but you also have to catch ghosts, and most importantly of all, collect outfits
Idk what the conclusion is but I'll probably write this someday
This au is inspired by botw, totk, oot, tp, mm, and other Zelda stories, but it's really a LoZ flavored story and not a LoZ crossover, so I'm not sure there's going to be a Zelda or a Link or a Ganon
I'll add more to this someday but I'll call the au Heroes of the Realm au if you want to find the tag later
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cupcakeslushie · 1 year
i love that you said each of the bois have unspoken themes to them, that makes characters so much more deeper and interesting.
if you wouldn’t mind can you say what unspoken themes Leo, Mikey, and Raph have?
some are more obvious than others, and while i have a decent idea of what they are, i want to hear them coming from you ✨
adore your work btw, your storytelling and style enraptures me
This might be a big post just so I have everyone all in one place im going to reiterate what I said for Donnie
Donnie: Identity/Depersonalization
When Donnie's first introduced Draxum doesn't even consider him a person, and hadn't even given him a name. And then, later Donnie's got too many names to choose from. That alone would cause someone to have an identity crisis. Personality wise, he enjoys making tech, but aside from that, Donnie is never sure of which emotions he should be feeling, or what his likes and dislikes are. A lot of the time he's mirroring how his brothers are emoting, or he's just smiling to cover up the fact that he doesn't know or trust his own feelings. Future Donnie will have a horrible time with depersonalization after merging with the Technodrome and the Kraang, which will cycle around to impact present timeline Donnie during the movie.
Mikey: Worth
While Donnie was treated like nothing, Mikey was treated like an object/accessory by Big Mama. When she threw him into the Nexus, Mikey imagined it was something he did or didn't do well enough to meet her high standards. After he's reunited with Splinter and Raph, Mikey finds the little roles that neither of them have filled very well, such as cooking, and cleaning, and makes sure he excels at them almost obsessively out of this fear that if he's not useful, then he will be discarded. Future Mikey works tirelessly as the only brother with his mystic powers still intact, to the point that his body is so overworked by the time of the movie, he looks like he's moments from shattering apart, only held together through his own force of will.
Leo: Doubt
Leo has lived his life being ordered around and having his memories and personality altered. Even once he is free, his emotions are almost as erratic without Kitsune's influence, than they were while he was under her control (at least until his own cleansing ritual). His instinctual gut reaction to use most violent tactic first, clearly makes his family uneasy. So when Raph tries to get Leo to act as co-leader, Leo is very hesitant. He doesn't think he should be trusted with such a responsibility, but learns he can trust if he goes too far, his brothers will stop him. Future Leo has a really hard time with raising Casey. After Raph's gone, Leo doesn't trust any of the decisions he's now having to make solo, and he certainly doesn't think he can be a guiding force for good for a young child. Casey needs a teacher who will shape him into a strong warrior. Leo learns as Casey grows, that being the boy's Sensei is not the same as being his Master.
Raph: Regret/Guilt
Raph blames himself for almost every horrible thing his brothers and father have gone through. He's recounted the night that Leo and Mikey were taken, and gone over it a thousand times in his head, trying to work out how it could've gone differently. All the amazing things he's done by bringing his family together--being the stable bedrock that they can grow into a true family under--none of that feels like it'll ever make up for the times in the past where he failed to protect them. Raph takes on the job of shield because he wants to make sure nothing else ever hurts his brothers again, and doesn't care if hurts him instead. Future Raph is constantly putting his brothers' lives before his own. Unfortunately, doing it one too many times results in a devastating loss for the Resistance, when their Leader sacrifices himself, and the chain of command practically falls apart for months before it can recover.
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tizeline · 7 months
When the brothers decided to go up against Draxum and accepting humans, does that mean leaving home and live in the sewers?
What do they think of splinter and dee's.... " home "?
this ask is like a month old, ignore that But I've wanted to talk about this, cuz I've gotten asks and comments and such where people assume that the Drax Bros are just gonna, like, abandon Draxum completely after realizing that they're in the wrong. I don't blame people for that assumption btw (considering it often happens in other separated aus), but while Draxum's relationship to his sons isn't necessarily perfect, they still very much love each other. They're family, the brothers wouldn't just up and leave, and Draxum would certainly not kick them out.
So like in canon, Draxum gets slurped like a capri-sun by the Dark Armour and then unceremoniously spit out. This leads to Donnie and the Drax Bros teaming up to deal with Shredder considering it's now a problem for all of them, but I'll get to figuring out the specifics of that later. After that whole thing is dealt with, the trio would run off to find their dad. He's pretty hurt after the whole Dark Armour fiasco, and then he becomes wanted by the law after the yokai authorities find out about everything. So his sons wouldn't wanna leave him in ✨his dire time of need✨or whatever. (also wait they'd probably also be put on a wanted list haha)
Leo and Draxum would have a pretty strained relationship during this time. I've made some mentions of it, but Leo figures out that The Foot is being sus and tries to convince Draxum that putting on the Armour is a Bad Idea. But when that fails, he actually goes to Donnie to team up with him so that the two of them together can try to stop Leo's dad and his brothers from completing the plan and inevitably getting fucked over. So after all of that, Draxum is salty that Leo went against his orders and teamed up with the enemy, putting their mission at risk, so he grounds Leo for like a month lol. Leo is salty because he was right and they never listen to him and then he gets grounded??
Anyway, considering Leo can just teleport and Draxum is too weak to stop him he just, like, comes and goes as he pleases haha. It's during this time that he and Donnie start hanging out for real, like, as actual friends. It's a bit awkward at first, being genuine towards each other, but it does eventually lead to Leo being invited to Donnie's home.
Also, lmao, yeah it's not exactly as big and fancy as Draxum's home, but it's still a good place to live. Donnie being a tech nerd would've figured out how to implement good airconditioning, heating and lights and stuff. It'd probably not be quite as cozy as in the show, I'm assuming Mikey was the one responsible for livening the place up with artworks and colours and stuff in canon, but it's still homey.
Over time the Hamatos and the Draxums would slowly become closer, and as Donnie and Splinter start to trust Raph, Mikey and Draxum more they would also be invited to their home. I don't think they would move in to the same place until MAYBE some time after the movie.
Actually no wait, it would be interesting if, like in the show, Shredder were to destroy Donnie's and Splinter's home in the sewer, which would lead to them moving into the same place and the Draxums, which would inevitably lead to conflict if they're still in the process of befriending each other.... >:] Oooo conflict is fun, maybe that'll effect how the movie plays out, but I'll have to figure that out later.
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
Two is Better Than One [Teaser]
Geto Suguru x AFAB Reader x Gojo Satoru
Warning: the full version of this story will contain multiple smut scenes, naturally the completed story and official post will have a proper set of warnings!
A/N: full fic to come! This does not count for my 15k special btw so you’ll see a plethora of Sato/Sugu content soon :)
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Your fingers curled around the ends of his hair, black and silky. “So, are we going to finally discuss the obvious?” You teased your boyfriend softly, watching as he turned his head against the pillow to look at you. “Now?” he hummed, his face was just starting to return to its normal color, his chest had returned to an even pace of breathing. “Yes, now. No better time than now actually, Suguru.” You rolled onto your stomach, smirking as his eyes trailed to where your breasts squished into the mattress before his gaze returned to yours. “You’re never satisfied, my love.” he laughs softly, hand reaching out to smooth your hair, his eyes lingering on the bruises he left on your neck for a moment. “I suppose we can discuss the situation.” You smiled, happy that he had so easily given in because you had been itching to discuss a particular someone. 
“He’s getting more reckless with his advances.” You hummed softly, fingers reaching out to toy with a lock of his hair again. “I saw. He’s getting antsy, doesn’t know what to do with himself quite yet.” Suguru mimics you, humming softly as he finishes his sentence. “I can’t say I particularly blame him, I wouldn’t know what to do in his situation either.” The situation was the fact that Gojo Satoru very clearly harbored feelings for the both of you. It was honestly the opposite of the reaction that you had prepared for, you expected him to hold some sort of grudge over the fact that you had “stolen” his best friend. Even though you, Suguru, Satoru and Shoko had been close friends since your first year at Jujutsu Tech. 
“He’s used to getting his way, but this time he doesn’t know how to advance because he cares about both of us too much.” Suguru’s eyes closed, mulling over the possibilities.
“You don’t think he’s confused, right?” You chuckled, Satoru had always had a plethora of women essentially at his disposal, men too. Though as long as you have known him, you’ve always known him to turn men down. “No, he’s definitely not confused, more so he’s conflicted. I assume it is because he tends to come to me for advice on these things but… the issue at hand is me… us.” He finishes with a chuckle, one eye peeking open when he feels you shift closer. “And he can’t go to Shoko because she’d just call me up while he’s telling her these things and repeat them back.” You laughed at your friend’s habit of not being much help in the secrecy department, she figured the best solution was to face these things head on. 
“Precisely, he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place… you and me.” 
“So what are we going to do then? To ease the torment of our beloved friend.” You spoke dramatically, legs tangling with him under the sheets. You only felt comfortable sleeping naked if he was close to you, a smile tugging at your lips as his arm instinctively wrapped around you and pulled you close. “Well there are a couple things we could do but none of them really ease his torment.” Suguru chuckled, as much as he loved Satoru, he couldn’t pass up an opportunity to mess with him. Call him cruel but it lived for it, same with you. He always came off so sweet and polite but the moment he knew you were his, the sadistic side he tried to hide always came out. “Oh so you want to fuck with him for a bit before…” you paused “... We still need to figure out what the end goal of this is, Suguru.” You lifted your head from its spot on his chest. 
“Here’s the deal, my love. I give you permission to flirt with him, toy with him, see how far he’ll let you go before his guilty conscience creeps up on him and he questions your loyalty to me.” Suguru started, hand resting on the top of your head so you would place it against his chest again. “From there, it really depends on what Satoru does… I don’t feel all that comfortable welcoming him into our relationship if he lets you do these things with no hesitation. It shows me that he’s only lusting after you and the idea of ‘us’... nothing more.” You hum, seeing where Suguru is taking this. “If he stops you, shows discomfort in your advances and all that stuff… he passes. It shows that there is more respect and love in his advances than just lust.” 
“So you want me to play the part of an unfaithful whore?” you deadpan, head shaking with the way Suguru’s chest bounced with laughter. “No, we won’t let his potential uncertainty hang in the air for too long, my love. You can be upfront with him, tell him I gave you the green light to do these things.” You thought over everything he said, finding it to be easy and complicated all at once. Flirting wasn’t exactly your forte but you understood why Suguru wanted you to be the one to do it rather than him. Flirting only came easily to you when it was with Suguru, when it came to Satoru you liked to tease him rather than flirt. Though some people tend to view those as the same thing… Satoru being one of them. “So, if we get lucky and things advance further…” 
“Then you bring him back to our home, I’ll be waiting for you both, and we can carry on from there.” You swallow dryly at Suguru’s implications, head lifting to look back up at him. There was a brief moment of understanding, one that pulled a humorless huff of laughter from his lips as he recognized the look in your eyes. “You truly are never satisfied.” He commented softly, cock already twitching to life as you devoured him with one single stare. “It’s impossible to remain satisfied when I’m with you, you could give me everything and I would still crave more.” You’re pushing yourself upwards, pushing the sheets back until he’s fully exposed to your hungry gaze. “You could go for a third round, right?” You’re shameless as you straddle his waist. 
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Can I get a Crosshair x Y/N comfort fic please ?
He’s my comfort clone … I love my toothpick chewing man
Okay Again
Crosshair x Reader
Summary- After spending months on Pabu recouping from the Empire, Shep gets under your skin. You blow up at the unfair treatment, and Crosshair helps you calm down.
A/N- MY FIRST REQUEST!! Thank you so much! I wasn't sure who you wanted comforting who. If you want something different or specific, feel free to send another request! BTW- I kinda changed Shep Hazard into a villain. I NEEDED IT FOR THE PLOT, SORRY!
Word Count- 2,127
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You woke up in a bad mood.
That seemed to happen a lot on Pabu.
Working late helping citizens and the burning sun that shines through your blinds, waking you up at the crack of dawn- was not a good combination.
You threw your arm across your face, groaning. You haven't gotten a good sleep in weeks. Not since the decision to stay on this island. You understood perfectly well that it was good to recoup, sort out the fine details, and grieve safely over Tech. That did not mean you had to like it.
It also happened to be that Crosshair hadn't woken up yet. For half a second you were thankful for the sun. Crosshair always woke before you. This was a rare opportunity.
Your plan was to kiss him or possibly snuggle him awake, but all plans were lost in your mind at the sight of him.
The room was mostly lit up by the damned sun, but you could see Crosshair perfectly. His relaxed face was a rarity that no one was able to see but you. And when you saw it, you had to savor it.
His eyes closed oh-so delicately, breathing in softly. His eyebrows weren't furrowed. There was no scowl. He was at peace. A peace that could only be found within a dream. As your lives were far too gruesome to be at any peace now.
He looked so soft. If anyone knew you thought that, they'd laugh. 'Not Crosshair. He's so gruff. He's always mad and mean." Well not to you. not to the people he loved most. He was mean at times, yes. He was also thoughtful, caring, and will come running to help if you called. All you had to do was say the word, he would be at your side.
The thought made you smile. How did you get so lucky. He was all yours.
You gently reached out your hand to trace his tattoo. A pastime that soothed you. Something about those lines and circle that comforted you. Just before you could get any closer-
"I can feel you staring." So he was awake. That peaceful face you longed to see dissipated. His eyes scrunched before he opened them, squinting at the sun.
You moved your head above him, looking down at him, blocking the sun.
"There's lot's to stare at." You remarked with a smirk.
You leaned on your knees to hover over him, but soon you felt a foot kick them away. You feel face-first onto Crosshair, head barely dodging his own and meeting the pillow.
He had his own smirk now, arms moving to hold you against him.
You gave a playful groan. "You almost made me hit my head" You said, no real threat to your words.
"No, I knew what I was doing. I'll always take care of you." He mumbled back, a hand rested on your back.
You laughed, turning pink.
His playful attitude slowly left with his next breath. He held you tight, soaking in the moment. The kind of moment he thought he would have never seen again.
He used to take for granted the moments you two shared, that was before the Empire. It showed him exactly what he wanted, you.
Tasks of the day flooded your mind, reminding you that you weren't on vacation.
"We have to help Shep Hazard today." You told Crosshair. Shep seemed to think that Clone Force 99 was on Pabu to do all the heavy work for the island. This included transporting crates of fish, fruit, and other supplies to the top ring of the island.
You couldn't see his face, as yours was still in the pillow, but you swore you could feel him roll his eyes.
He gave out a grumble, acknowledging he heard you. At this, you lifted up, hands propped on his chest. The blanket pooled around your waist. His own hands went to your sides, feeling just under your sleep shirt at your hips. They rested there.
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, he looked at you before closing his eyes again, getting in his last ounce of rest. After a minute, he patted your hips and sat up as well.
You let out a frustrated sigh and started to get ready.
The sun's heat pounded on you, moving the crates up and down was not fun. You resented the morning you had, wishing you were back there.
You swallowed hard, taking a minute to catch your breath. It would have been much easier to load the packages onto the Marauder, but Shep insisted on doing it 'the natural way.' Apparently the ship scared some of the elderly citizens.
Now, maybe you were just spending too much time with Crosshair, but you tended to have a sour face when Shep was around.
You didn't even get to see Crosshair for most of the day, as Shep had him managing another group of volunteers. Hunter also had his own group to manage, but you and Omega were stuck with the physical labor.
The thought made you agitated, you festered the anger into your work, and the hours passed quicker. It must have been just past mid-day, because you saw a lot of passing citizens eating lunch. Including Shep.
Your face scrunched up. Lunch wasn't offered to your group. Poor Omega was in worse shape than you, sweating profusely, red in the face. She at least, still carried her happy attitude.
For the natives of the island, food was shared freely. For the newcomers, it was a 'work for your share' kind of deal. A crappy one if you ever heard it, Clone force 99 had done more for this island than all the natives combined.
You took a moment to stop and stare at Shep. Gluttony was all you saw.
With a puff you dropped your crate of fruits down. Fruit you were ordered not to eat, mind you. Sheps gaze turned to you, as he continued to eat.
"I need some water, Omega does too." Shep just looked at you.
"Once all the crates are gone, there will be plenty for you and your team." He stated, thinking he was smart by the smirk he gave himself.
"Shep, we are dehydrated. Just look at Omega!" You gestured to her. She had her smile present, but a droopy and exhausted face.
"She looks fine to me." He claimed, turning back to his own plate. You swear he laughed when he took a drink of his own water. If Hunter had seen the exchange, you were sure Shep would have answered differently.
Rage bubbled up, and deranged words left your mouth. You weren't even sure where most of it came from, you just opened your mouth and the words flowed. Derogatory words to Shep, listing off what force 99 had done for Pabu, never getting any rest, how you were forced to labor endlessly, amongst other themes.
You were just as shocked at your own words as everyone in earshot was. Though, you spoke truth through every syllable.
Seeing everyone's eyes on you made you sheepish after your rant. You stepped back, not remembering where you were- the top level of the island.
You did however, remember immediately when you didn't feel ground beneath your foot. Your eyes barely had time to shoot open in fear. You were falling back, presumably to your death. A single breath left you.
Just as fast as it happened, it ended. A painful yank of your arm grounded your reality.
You looked down, hundreds of feet beneath you. No ground under your feet. Your head shot up to see who was grabbing you.
Crosshair, with a toothpick rested between his lips.
Another breath, this one of relief. You don't think you could live it down if it was Shep who saved you.
"I gotcha girlie." He said, smugly.
If the two of you were alone, that comment would have lead to more than an eye-roll from you.
He pulled you back up, with help from Omega who had rushed over.
The added embarrassment of falling had refiled your rage. Shep came up, false concern drooping form his lips. With all the commotion Hunter had arrived at the scene.
"Are you okay, you must have slipped!" Shep rested a hand on your shoulder, moving it to caress your upper arm. You shoved his hand away. His touch was like fire to your skin, you forcefully pulled away.
When anger flashed Shep's face, Crosshair stepped forward. He flicked his toothpick down. Cross made sure you were behind him in case anything went down.
"Hey, what's going on!" Hunters voice rang out, his commanding tone grabbed everyone's attention.
Before Hunter could scold you, you took off. Storming down the stairs of the levels on the island. From what you could tell, no one followed you.
Except Crosshair. He was hot on your tail, and eventually reached out. A hand on your shoulder. This one you'd never push away.
His grasp pulled you back, and if he wasn't as attentive as he was, you'd have fallen. He caught you, again.
"What's wrong with you?" He exclaims, seemingly rude- but you knew his true intentions.
"Everything! I'm hot, i'm hungry, i'm thirsty! We have earned our place, and Shep wants to try and convince us we haven't!" You huffed out, rambling as you got angrier. You threw your hands up, frustrated.
"I thought you hated this place." He questions, both hands on your shoulder now. He tried to reason with you.
"I do! There isn't a single thing I like here!" You felt angry tears start to flow, your mind was clouded and you were overstimulated.
You started to hyperventilate and grabbed at your hair. Something you had never done before, but you also don't think you'd ever been so upset in your life either. Your scalp burned as you pulled handfuls of hair.
Crosshair immediately pulled your hands away. His gaze turned more worried. You looked up at him, tears flowing faster. All he did was pull you into his chest. He was never one for many words.
Him, being ever-so tall, loomed over you. You rested your head onto his chest. You melted at his touch, especially when one of his hands came up to pet your hair. Things seemed okay again.
You took deep breaths, and Crosshair led you to The Marauder.
You heard the door close with a steam sound, as you huffed into the co-pilot seat. Cross was at your feet the next moment, crouching down to look up at you.
He held your hands in his, his eyes never once flashing with judgement, shame, or anger at you.
"I'm sorry. I over reacted..." You looked bashfully to the side, but Crosshair spoke firm.
"You have nothing to apologize for. Here." He handed you a canteen full of water.
He was so thoughtful when he wanted to be. With your emotions still high, you teared up again.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. We're going to sleep here tonight. Take a break from everything and everyone." You hung on every word he said, they grounded you.
You nodded after he finished, grateful for him.
"Shep just gets under my skin..." You were upset just thinking about him.
"You don't have to worry about him now." He said, soothing. He caressed your cheek with an ungloved hand. You nodded again, lost for words. You leaned down into his touch, he pulled you into his chest.
You felt much better, but still held onto him.
"I've been talking to Hunter." He started. "He agrees that this isn't the place for us. He said the people were much more accepting the first time you visited, with Phee?"
You nodded in his arms, Shep was much more inhabitable when Phee was there. He was just putting on a show.
"In a week, we're leaving." You looked up at him, eyes wide.
"I know you're miserable here... And the island is not as welcoming as Hunter once thought. I convinced him that we take on a few more jobs. Nothing crazy, just enough to finish repairs on the ship. Then we will find a new place to settle on." All you could do was kiss him.
Words were besides you, you didn't feel like you deserved this.
"Cross... I don't know what to say.." You pressed your forehead to his, a hand cupping his cheek. The other on his burn scar.
"I told you i'd always take care of you..."
You truly felt okay again, even after almost falling to your death, dehydration, arguing, and a miserable month.
All you ever needed was Crosshair. He was all you needed to be okay.
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! Not sure I like this one too much. I will probably come back and make some edits. Please LMK if there are any improvements I can make to any of my works!!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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ghostingcrows · 1 year
I used to talk about this a lot but 
IDW Prowl is probably one of the most complex characters in the comics and I absolutely hate it when hes reduced down to “the asshole character”
Cause like
Yeah sure hes got a bit of a stick up his ass
But I feel like people just end there analysis of him there
Has he committed a lot of war crimes and done unethical stuff
But so has literally EVERYONE else in this universe
Starscream is literally the pinnacle of war crimes
The comics make a point calling out even Optimus for his questionable actions and orders during the war with the Dinobots saying he makes them do the dirty work for him
Megatron literally commits genocide and yet his story ends with an alternate version of him going free and exploring the universe with the LL
The literal war lord was treated better and is looked upon more positively than Prowl and I think it just came down to how fucked Prowl got by the writers
Because while Megatrons redemption was all in your face and you got a shit ton of flashbacks that try to justify the eventual atrocities he would commit you don’t get that with Prowl
Even when Prowl is absolutely in the right you constantly have it disregarded by characters making jokes about him overreacting (being mad OP is sending the space tyrant away with free reign of his own ship isn’t overreacting btw-) and as such you start to think of him as a genuinely irrational character when hes not
Prowl is bad at keeping the relationships he forms yes 
But he is not always at fault for that
While his relationship with CD ended poorly Chromedome is also shown to be kinda of a dick sometimes and commits his fair share of fucked up things such as when he literally ATTACKS PROWL AND FORCES HIS WAY INTO HIS MIND TO PROTECT HIMSELF FROM THE CONSEQUENCE OF HIS ACTIONS WHEN PROWL THREATENS TO TELL REWIND ABOUT THE SHITTY STUFF HE DID IN HIS PAST
This leads to Prowls inevitable snowball out of control when this attack leads to an opening for Bombshell (I think its been a while since I read the comics) to use his tech to mind control him forcing him into combining with the contructicons
Something we learn is an immensely intimate thing with their minds being kinda melded 
This was something Prowl did not want 
And when all was said and done and he was calmed down he still had to live with that gesalt he was forced into with them following him around like fanboys
Nobody ever even really stopped to check in on him 
And as such he understandable went a little bit insane
He had just faced an immensely traumatic invasion of his body and mind and on top of stress form feeling like everything was out of his control and like he couldn’t stop the bad things from happening alongside bitter emotions being brought back up with a return visit to Earth and reunion with spike AND the fact that he feels like Optimus doesn’t trust him and like hes just letting Starscream do whatever he want (something that understandably freaks him out seeing as how he spent 4 million years fighting Starscream) he just kinda snaps
He trys to destroy the space bridge so that no one else can leave or get through and so he can regain some semblance of control
Is it wrong
But he was not in a good state of mind and no one was helping him at all 
And immediately following his arrest afterward Prowl is confronted by OP who is supposed to be his friend and when Prowl doesn’t say the right things to him to placate him Optimus’ response is to punch him out a window and beat the shit out of him
And not being given any room to breath this is immediately follow up my him getting kidnapped by Tarantulas who is very obviously an impactful and negative part of his past
Prowl just has bad event, one after the other, happen to him over and over again and not only does no one check up on him afterwards to see if hes okay but everyone actively makes fun of him for being understandable unstable
Prowl is a fucking tragedy and not many people seem to be able to see beyond what characters in the comics think of him
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