#also The Metaphor™️ of world-ending tech being tangled up with the technology to go to space
It’s hard to talk about this without it sounding like a Mass Effect crossover (which is not what I’m suggesting), but I genuinely think that some/all of the evanuris have been to outer space.
A very straightforward interpretation of “the Void” is space. Like the only reason we don’t instantly think it’s space is because we’re in high fantasy.
Ditto for “Forgotten Ones”.
The astrarium sidequest encourages us to connect old gods with the stars.
Falon’Din walks the night, where the People cannot live, through “airless skies”.
He’s also associated with uthenera, aka cryosleep.
Some very alien monsters are now appearing in Thedas, and also in Ghilan’nain’s workshop(s), which seems to have some connection to the Blight (darkspawn and wardens are the ones being “treated”).
Where does the Blight come from? Oh yeah, that’s right, the Void. A place so hostile Andruil had to don armor of the Void to enter it. 🧑‍🚀
tl;dr the reason the elves lost control of the Blight is because it’s alien terraforming tech. Yes it can injure the titans; yes it may grant you power. But there will be a couple very unwanted side effects.
BTW I know not everyone is a huge fan of sci-fi crashing into fantasy stories, but I think it can be fun if everything is through the eyes of the fantasy characters. You get very poetic interpretations of what’s happening, which is a different angle than what you usually see in sci-fi. If this theory turns out to be true, I imagine everything will still be treated largely as magic, with the sci-fi elements remaining slightly ambiguous.
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