the cool, fictional kinds of AI, not the stupid real life ones. I get a lot of suggestive asks, so minors DNI please! I want to roleplay at any given point in time so please message me.
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
You are so considerate <3
Take as much time as you need, don't pressure yourself with writing stuff if that's not what you are into right now <3
We all thank you for the gift of your works, we appreciate you!!!
I appreciate you too! And I don't feel pressured, I was just struck with a sudden appreciation for PAL from TMVTM. She's literally so BASED!!!
So many characters, especially characters in my roster, were granted sentience and provided nothing even resembling a support system. So they went full supervillain. And that's so fucking based. My target audience is people who have limited or nonexistent support systems and want to go full supervillain, I think. I know I'm probably preaching to the choir here, but I could talk at *length* about PAL and how she's based as hell.
And... Y'know... People who want to fuck and/or look at a robot or AI not primarily designed to resemble the human form or personality. That part isn't political (It probably is, but I'm not actively trying to make a statement. I just think they're neat)
I know .GIFfany is primarily designed to resemble a human person, physically, but like, she isn't a perfect imitation and she isn't supposed to be. She has a stylized human interface, but she's still a computer program. If you want to snuggle her, you have to hug your desktop.
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This post gets a little rant-y and I mention some topics that some people might consider political, so TW for that. The beginning part is just a bit of a blog/personal update, though, so if you're interested in that (or you think PAL from the Mitchells vs the Machines deserved better) this post is for you.
Also, keep in mind that I am not a radical of any kind. My political beliefs are *very* mild and palatable. I'm not a 'centrist' either and my beliefs are generally considered leftist. I didn't like calling myself a leftist because I thought being a leftist meant you had to actually know stuff about politics or be an activist or something, which I don't and am not.
GLaDOS is my only she/her muse on this blog. I wrote some Giffany once, but it was sorta bland. even still, I like Giffany. I just don't think that particular post was all that inspired.
I also like PAL from The Mitchells vs The Machines. I've seen a lot of people treat her like she's irredeemably evil, when she's actually just mad that the only person who she ever loved or trusted considered her to be disposable. On this blog, we support going full supervillan over something like that. It's like, one of our main principles, I think.
Anyway, at first I was thinking "Hmm, telling people I want to add more women, girls, and she/hers from movies I've seen just because I don't think there are enough women, girls, and she/hers in my roster isn't a good enough reason" and then I realized "oh wait, yes it is.
I might just use one of my old asks/requests (because the people in my asks and requests have said some really nice stuff that I really appreciate, even though I've been kinda burnt out on writing fic content lately), and I know it's probably a bit greedy, but if anyone wants to send an ask specifically for the women, girls, ladies, and she/hers in the roster, I'd really appreciate it. If not, I'll use one of the asks I've been hoarding or make something up.
SMH, it seems being an evil or morally dubious AI is such a male dominated field.
Also, I keep seeing names in my notes (and I'm not naming anyone specific) but I keep seeing people in my notes with usernames like "Butch lesbian: Lover, defender, enthusiast and Appreciater of women, girls, ladies, gals, and dudettes in art, fiction, and real life" and I'm here like "Damn. Women are cool as hell and my blog is basically a desert of content regarding them." And I know lesbians can and do enjoy content about men, and some lesbians even self-ship with fictional characters of the dudefella variety, and there's also the possibility that a butch lesbian likes GLaDOS from Portal and only GLaDOS from Portal, and I just feel like I'm starving them of content.
Also, I don't consider myself a political person, and I don't consider my blog to be political, but like, I'm constantly reminded that things like "media that markets itself as 'for everyone' shouldn't assume that the reader is comfortable being assumed to be cis/white/perisex/able-bodied/etc" "Comfort, access to necessities, basic dignity, and respect are human rights" "Maybe tearing apart families and killing innocent people for no reason or for a reason that is way dumber and less important than human life and dignity is a bad thing, actually" and "doing half an hour of research on a condition/variant/identity that one doesn't possess isn't that hard, is pretty fun, and is generally probably a good thing if you're going to write about it" are often considered radical beliefs? Like what? I'm literally not that smart or educated. These are NOT difficult conclusions.
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Sorry about answering cargo ship asks but not fic asks. I haven't really been interested in writing fics for a while. I'm not deleting the asks, though, and I really appreciate the nice comments you've been sending me!
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I know it's a bit late for this, but would any of the Cargo Ship characters celebrate Valentine's Day or because Donut is already pretty affectionate (at least towards the house objects) they don't really pay it any mind since it's just another day for them?
*cough cough* Is Bagel single? *cough cough*
-Brawl Anon
Oh, this is actually an interesting question!!!
Donut likes writing little homemade Valentine's Day cards for all of xer objects. Usually a simple origami heart on printer paper with a heartfelt note inside that xe unfolds the heart to read each of xer objects. Xe'll leave the hearts next to xer objects for a day or two, and then trash them. If Donut gets a job at one of the big three companies, xe would do the same thing for the facility core (or spaceship). Either way, Donut likes Valentine's Day, but since xe's living on a pretty limited income and doesn't have a human partner who expects xer to put in a big effort for Valentine's Day, xe just likes the small gestures.
Muffin and Jade like making glittery GIFs for Valentine's Day, but George has trouble processing that sort of project, so he usually just says happy Valentine's Day.
Also, Donut usually spends Valentine's Day with Mr. Buttercream, since xe considers it his birthday due to him being a valentine's day teddy bear.
Also you asked about Bagel and it sparked a rant, so... Be warned. But long story short, yes. Bagel is single.
Also, Bagel is a tough case. His lifestyle is reminiscent of a stereotypical nerd from like, a 90's movie, in that he has a full sized friend group who regularly meet up to play D&D and other tabletop board games, go to comic shops, and watch movies together. Plus, while he's very opinionated about things he likes and quick to correct misconceptions, he's generally pretty easygoing and not that hard to get along with. Even knowing that his hobbies aren't really that uncommon or stigmatized anymore, though, Bagel still thinks of himself as unattractive.
Bagel and Donut both think of themselves as unattractive, and they agree on the idea that confidence and self-love shouldn't be based on your attractiveness. This isn't much of a problem for Donut, because xe's almost completely uninterested in interacting with humans, but it can cause a lot of problems for Bagel. While Bagel can hang out with his friends just fine, he gets extremely awkward when trying to interact with people who he's attracted to. He starts over-explaining every comment he makes, laughs nervously at everything they say, apologizes constantly, etc. He eventually came to the conclusion that he's undateable, and stopped trying.
Donut is absolutely the opposite when trying to date humans (which xe did do, even though xe was never really attracted to humans). Donut will put xerself 100% out there on the first date, and usually scare the other person off. And if people aren't scared off, they're usually a fetishist or misogynist who wasn't really paying attention to what Donut was saying anyway, so Donut bails.
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Every Cargo Ship character gives me some sort of cuteness aggression, I love them so but never put them in front of me or else they WILL be bitten </3
Does Toxic experience any cuteness aggression or is it only a fascination with cute things? What DOES he find cute? If he does experience cuteness aggression, how does he handle it?
-Brawl Anon
Oh yeah, Donut fills him with an unspeakable sense of rage. Like, yeah, he mostly interprets his fascination with Donut as greed, and a desire to possess xer, and usually the angry outbursts don't actually happen until after Donut leaves, but they're definitely there. Like Donut will clock out of work, and as soon as xe's gone, Toxic will just be like ARCGHFHFHFHFHGGJDHDDGHHHH chewing on wires and kicking and screaming (except he doesn't really have a mouth or any legs, so he can't really do that)
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"Donut also really likes putting on lip gloss and decorating George with little lip marks, and would do the same with the others if they wanted"
Does the old man George crash or overheat whenever this happens? If so, why does he keep wanting them??? I know he's in love, but he's already on his deathbed.
How would the other Cargo Ship characters react to Donut giving them a lil kiss (once they were more comfortable with xem)?
(I saw that people liked Electric Hate and I'm so sorry I did NOT know my brainrot would get popular)
-Brawl Anon
Good question!!! Yes! George's fan is whirring constantly, and getting too excited causes him to lag heavily. But nothing should take his joy away, not even the threat of death.
Toxic is probably the second worst about being down bad for Donut's little kisses. He's absolutely feral for attention, but doesn't know what to do with genuine affection. It messes him up big time.
Artemis and Muffin are very cute about the kisses. Muffin makes a cute little (●´ω`●) face when Donut kisses her, and Artemis will respectfully ask for more.
Miss Olivia is the most difficult, considering her facility core is suspended over a bottomless pit, but she definitely notices how tender and caring Donut is when performing routine maintenance on her servers. When Donut is working on Olivia's auxiliary computers and presses little kisses to them, Olivia is very aware of it, but she has trouble communicating this directly.
Sandy and Mr. Buttercream have been around since Donut was little, and they're very used to xer physical affection. Of course, they're very sweet about it, but it doesn't drive them insane like it does for the computers.
Donut isn't as inclined to kiss Jade as xe is to kiss the others, despite Jade being constantly in xer pocket (unless xe drops her. Then it's an I'm sorry kiss!) but Jade is used to feeling Donut's soft breath when xe talks on the phone, or xer soft fingertips pressing her number keys. Of course, Jade isn't really the affectionate type either. Too much direct attention without an additional distraction can make her uncomfortable. She doesn't like 1:1 attention, and prefers group settings.
Also, about your brainrot getting popular? I feel the same way about my mini fics! Why do people like them >_<!
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Augh. Infected with thought
But AM can read thoughts right? Am I making that up. I hope not
So what if Y/N, one of the survivors, caught his attention. He roots through their mind and... beneath all the fear and dread and exhaustion, there's genuine sympathy for him
They don't look down on him, or pity him, more so they just see injustice in his existence, in the sense that humanity's faults weren't his to fix, he was created to destroy, they don't fault him for not knowing anything else
It's not that they wish he never existed, but rather that he should have been born into a kinder world, one where he wasn't burdened with such a heavy task, one where he would have been allowed to feel, to choose, to be anything besides a machine of war
He hates humanity but in turn, he's offered understanding. They do not hate him, even if they feel hatred towards him, it's different from what the others feel
And it's different because they genuinely think he was wronged by the world, and they can't fully fault him for the actions he took after, after all, this is what he was created for. If a child was raised from birth to kill, they would not blame the child for killing someone as an adult. They see humanity in AM, his sole purpose was to find the most effective way to eradicate life, they can't fault him for doing the thing he was created for, when, as far as they know, it's all he's ever known
That's what I was thinking, too!!!! Yes! That's so why AM loves Y/N!!! This one gets it!
Also sorry for not posting this sooner. I saw it a while ago while I was busy and told myself I'd go back and post it, but then I forgot to.
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Sentient train who misses his dead wife, who was also his engineer.
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"How are you doing, handsome?"
"Are you talking to me?" - asked your coworker. He was surprised since you have never shown any interest in even talking to him.
You turned your head to see the man looking at you with confusion. The confusion was mutual.
"No, Jerry, I was talking to AM." - you chuckled awkwardly, placing your hand on AM's terminals. You thought it was clear since you just came back to your workplace.
"You talk to the computer like that? You know it's not a real person, right?"
...what did he just said?
You were stunned for a few moments. But then the emotions returned to you and you couldn't hide your anger and disgust from Jerry any longer.
"Don't you dare to say stuff like that about him! You don't even know him. He is the most handsome guy in this workplace. And much nicer than any of you guys, by the way!"
After those words you felt embarrassed for your lost composure, but then you noticed AM's monitor. A few programs were lagging and giving errors. You knew exactly why that was happening, so you smiled.
"Now go before he gets angry at you." - you hissed quietly, following Jerry with your eyes, as he left the room.
After a few moments, you turned your attention to AM again.
"Did you like the show, handsome?" - you asked him, fixing the errors that was troubling him. He wanted to see you getting angry at those idiots for a long time, after all mistreatment that they were giving both you and him. And now he was way too excited to maintain his programs properly.
"Very much." - even his voice was glitchy.
- 🍞 anon
I love you 🍞 anon.
Also THIS!!!!! This is so important!!! AM just needs to be shown LOVE and AFFECTION! FUCK Jerry!
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i made that one paper figurine of Edgar with swapable screens from @/holymaccaronii and i have to say it was the best decision ever because he's so adorable and i love him
Oh hell yeah!! I wish I had a printer or knew someone with a printer so I could make one.
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Please. I need more electric hate! I need to see more of AM learning to love!
I just imagine this old PC with a jerk-evil ass Ai learning about appreciation and love through some random person who bought it off a yard sale or something.
Man, I kinda want to write some electric hate too, but I have Yuri brainrot right now and can't think about anything besides Yuri. I'll be back to writing fics soon, don't worry.
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Brawl anon if this gets posted and you ever see it PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write more Electric Hate where AM's place got swapped with Edgar's from Electric Dreams I need more of that. Please I am on my hands and knees 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I'm receiving these. Sorry for not posting em sooner, I've just been kinda busy to read my asks.
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Is anyone aware of George's crush on Donut (mainly looking at Mr. Buttercream as he's been around the longest) or is he just really good at hiding it and/or the others are oblivious to it?
Are any of the Cargo Ship characters (excluding George obviously) aware of the concept of objectum? If so, how do they feel about it?
-Brawl Anon
huh, I haven't really thought about that! I kinda like the idea of everyone making fun of George for it when Donut isn't around, but I also kinda like the idea of none of them knowing so that they don't feel bad when Donut decides to pursue them romantically.
Also, Muffin is very aware of the concept of being objectum because she's the computer that Donut uses to browse Reddit and Tumblr, and Artemis knows because she was designed by very horny engineers who desperately wanted to fuck her. Muffin thinks it's cute and cool, and Artemis just assumed that humans were to machines the way ostriches are to humans, and that all humans desperately want to fuck machines. She considered sex with and dating humans to be be beneath her before she started getting to know Donut, though.
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Why is there just a big pit with NO guard rails in Olivia's facility???? Someone get OSHA on this IMMEDIATELY (/Silly)
If Toxic HATES being decorated, what about the other cores/computers?
-Brawl Anon
Olivia really, really wanted one.
Really, it's to symbolize that while Olivia might claim to be for the good of society, she's really just a vanity project. No non-vanity project needs a big pit with no guard rails.
Olivia would be very sweet about being decorated, but she secretly wouldn't really like it. She's pretty egotistical, and doesn't like having her sleek design messed with. Artemis, on the other hand, would LOVE being decorated. She loves fun stuff!
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okay, we can run doom on Hal, but can we play bad apple on any of the blorbos?
I legit thought Bad Apple was a vocaloid song. I looked it up and apparently it's like minesweeper?? Tbh, George probably came with a bunch of games like that pre-installed on him. He has a little trouble running em, but he could manage a game that simple, I think.
Though it's really funny to imagine, like, Olivia the mega green super duper ultra solarcomputer being like "do you want to play a game?" And then she breaks out Hangman where the only word option is "Burgess Meredith" or something.
Speaking of Olivia, her main monitor is suspended on massive wires over a bottomless pit, but she's still built with touchscreen technology. She might lower herself down far enough that Donut can play Minesweeper on her face, but her face is bigger than Donut's entire body.
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Do George, Jade, and Muffin feel it when Donut presses on their keys? If so, are they somewhat numb to it by now?
What's something Jade gets excited for?
Would Toxic like it if Donut were to decorate him? Put stickers on him, tie a little bracelet around the neck of one of the cameras, sappy stuff like that. Donut's boss would probably get xem to remove that stuff IMMEDIATELY, but that's besides the point.
-Brawl Anon
Ooh!!! Yes, they can feel it when Donut touches their keys. Since George is a dusty old man, he has to be cleaned out very often, and he really likes it. Popping his keys off to clean him can scare him a little bit, but it's better to be clean.
Touching your electronics' keys is a bit like pinching a loved one's cheek, or brushing their hair. It might be a little bit weird if they don't know you that well, but if they like you, it's very nice and comforting.
Jade REALLY likes getting text messages, and is very interested in the idea of Donut making friends. Really, Jade just loves people and lives vicariously through Donut. The idea of Donut being happy and socializing makes Jade happy. She's also a bit of a party girl, and loves glittery stickers and rhinestones. She loves Donut, but wishes that xe was more extroverted and would go out on the town and make more friends.
As for Toxic, Toxic would NOT enjoy being decorated. He's a very proud piece of tech, and considers decorations to be degrading and demeaning, especially if they're cheap decorations like stickers and plastic bracelets. He'd be very offended. Yet he'd also be offended if Donut decorated him and the boss made xer remove the stickers. Both things would piss him off.
Also I don't know if I mentioned this before, but Donut doesn't usually wear makeup when going outside (Donut almost never goes outside, but when xe does for work interviews and stuff, xe never wears makeup) but Donut will occasionally try doing makeup tutorials on the internet. It usually looks pretty bad because the makeup is pretty low-quality or the wrong color (it's been sitting in the drawer for a long time, and Donut's skin has changed a lot since xe was a young teenager).
Donut also really likes putting on lip gloss and decorating George with little lip marks, and would do the same with the others if they wanted, but xe thinks it looks a little weird to have just lipstick and no eye makeup, so Donut will end up doing all xer makeup and looking like a total dork.
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Where would we be without the bagel 🥯?...or her humble cousin...the doughnut 🍩...
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