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unravellingsilencehq · 2 years ago
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE STAR get what she deserves?” She is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & CLOSED to finding out. 
— she walks through the world as;
name → marlene mckinnon pronouns → she/her identification → cis female  year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → brittany o'grady blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → bisexual occupation → chaser and captain of pride of portree in the britsh and irish quidditch league future information → n/a
— she is best described as ;
An enimag of DRAGON BREATH and STARLIGHT, while she burns with PASSION and CONFIDENCE, her past LOVE AFFAIRS leave her TARNISHED. TRUTH spills from RED WAR PAINTED LIPS in often BRASH tone. Armoured in LEATHER and HEELS, THORNS fail to protect a MISGUIDED HEART from MISERY that seeps into her veins like POISON. As BEAUTIFUL and as FLEETING as a DYING STAR pleading for someone, anyone, to cast them a glance. 
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
Raised on the coasts of Isle of Skye, Scotland; the young witch was never without the wind in her hair and fire in her heart. Youngest of three elder brothers, DOUGAL MCKINNON [brother], COINNEACH MCKINNON [brother] and NATHAIR MCKINNON [twin brother/unknown adversary]. Ansel and Iona were thrilled to finally welcome her after longing for a daughter. The favouritism they held towards Marlene was unparalleled. The ‘golden child’ who could do no wrong, Marlene learned that with a bat of her eye lashes she could get away with murder. Spoiled, Marlene has an air of entitlement; finding herself too often caught in her own world to consider the effect she has on others. While her mother made her superficial, her brothers made her bold. Daring to fly higher, ambition and determination rooted deep as she strove to gain their approval. Speeding through the valleys on broomsticks to challenging each other to eat handfuls of vomit flavoured Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans; there was never a dull moment with the four together. While frowned upon by their mother, she begrudgingly had to accept that while she’d longed for a daughter to wrap in beautiful bows and soft mannerisms, Marlene grew to be unashamedly herself; striding through the world as if ready to conquer it. 
Coming to Hogwarts it was no surprise that Marlene was sorted into Gryffindor. Marlene knew Hogwarts would come with countless tales of adventures and trouble; what she’d never expected was to find her three best friends among the hallowed halls;  LILY EVANS [best friend], MARY MACDONALD [best friend] and DORCAS MEADOWES [best friend]. Dragging them across the castle to explore rooms under instruction of Coinneach, they hid in secret passageways, exchanged secrets and quickly became each other's support network. While all different, they held the same virtues. Growing up privileged with pure-blood status, Marlene had never been exposed to the prejudices that encapsulated so much of the wizarding community. Snide comments and glares towards her friends infuriated her, unable to understand how anyone could see less of them due to something as trivial as blood. But she bit her tongue only for the sake of Lily and Mary. However after the torment LARKIN MULCIBER [adversary] inflicted on Mary, Marlene had to be held back from throwing a swing every time he passes in the halls.
A formidable quidditch player, she could file her nails while simultaneously scoring a goal. Her confidence and skill quickly caught the attention of JAMES POTTER [friend/ex-boyfriend] and it wasn’t long before the pair started dating. Finding his confidence and charm compelling, a part of her delighted at the prospect of dating Gryffindor’s ‘golden boy’. While Lily held distaste for James, even to a blind man it was evident how captivated by Lily James really was. The jealous type, Marlene couldn’t help but feel irked he was so blind sighted by her best friend. Considering the notion that their relationship had merely been a ploy by James to get closer to Lily, the pair eventually split. Since, Marlene holds her heart closer to her chest. Still, the best thing to come from her relationship with James was REMUS LUPIN [friend], PETER PETTIGREW [friend], but most notable SIRIUS BLACK [best friend/potential love interest]. Hitching a ride on the back of Sirius’ motorcycle, they were reckless, young and brave. What worries her is the way Sirius’ smile can make her heart ache. Seeing how careless he can be with women, the last thing Marlene wants is to be another discard with the fantasy of something better around the corner. Stolen glances turned to missed opportunities as life after Hogwarts quickly took hold leaving behind blissfully ignorant moments and a strand of what ifs.
Scouted by the HolyHead Harpies, Marlene was on track to become their next Chaser. Unfortunately flying with the Harpies would always stay a dream. With her last match at Hogwarts ending in a one way ticket to the infirmary due to ‘suspicious circumstances’, by the time she was able to return to the sport, it was too late. Still keen for her skill, instead they offered her the opportunity to become an assistant coach which she gladly accepted. Seeing it as an opportunity to learn from some of the greats and fine tune her skills in the meantime. While flying all day and drinking with her friends all night was a charmed life, as unrest among the community grew; so did Marlene’s advocacy. Her defiant and outspoken devotion for her friends was quickly picked up by ALBUS DUMBLEDORE [former headmaster] who spoke of a darkness forming and their need to combat it. The Order of the Phoenix, a group of individuals who believed in equality for all felt fitting for a witch with fire in her heart and dueling skills beyond many in her year. Eager to take her place and make a difference, it was a fight that Marlene joined without question. 
Though fate had other plans. 1982 held turbulence, fleeting hope and abandoned misery. What had started as charming flirting with an old friend at Halloween, led to choking on water rimmed with blood as the very person she was hoping to go home with fell fifty feet before her eyes and lay dead in the Ministry fountain. BOOKER BAGNOLD [friend] was the catalyst. Resistance brewed and attacks continued as The Order were left trying to unravel chaos in its wake. Yet as her mentor BENJY FENWICK [friend/mentor] was attacked, a hopeless fury started to ignite her. Frustrated at the absence of control, there was only so much defense training she could grasp before feeling compelled to believe the rumors that haunted her. The cursed woman, the kiss of death, while the prophet took light of her misfortune, Marlene’s faked smiles hid the uncertainty that left her chest concaving and heart breaking. As shadows haunted London, 1983 solstice left the community finally sensing the hell that was before them. Unvalled, The Dark Lord held everything that they’d been fearing. Battles broke and AMELIA BONES [acquaintance] fell, the devastation that cursed the night left all uncertain of what the future held.
Arrested for the use of an unforgivable curse, while she was inevitably proved innocent under the imperius curse; but for the Harpies they couldn’t afford the bad press after decades of fighting for respect. Losing her job as coach, while her dream became a fleeting memory; her talents were quickly scouted by CATRIONA MCCORMACK [coach] for her home team The Pride of Portree. Knowing her character, Cat stood boldly by her side under scrutiny from the league,. While proactive; it has proven that the rift in the community is rotted blacker than a nightmare. A narrative that has seeped into their own family. Nathair’s outspoken objection towards ANNABETH PEBWORTH [future sister in law] joining the family, has torn the fabric of the once united Mckinnon’s to shreds. While she hopes his callous words are merely rooted in fear, Malene dreads the outcome. A hurricane of chaos feels inevitable to tear through the very fabric of the Wizarding Community as they know it. Unspoken panic from the Ministry and the worry edged deep into Dumbledore’s face is evidence enough. The war to come isn’t a question of if; it’s when. Marlene just hopes that when the lightning hits and turns into flames, she’ll be able to safeguard the people she holds most dear without them falling victim to the crossfire
— she is a LEVEL 6 WITCH & readied for war ;
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cloudless-petrichor · 6 months ago
I don't have parasocial relationships with celebrities, I have a parasocial relationship with the guy who runs the counter at a local Chinese restaurant.
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throughtrialbyfire · 9 months ago
Director’s Cut!
"It's a rare edition these days. Keep this between us, but with Whiterun's neutrality, my buyer can't exactly come marching up the city steps."  "Stormcloaks?" Wyndrelis murmured, stepping closer. Belethor shook his head. "I'll give you a hint, if you're so keen to know." He made a sweeping motion with his index finger along his ear, bringing it up high along the side of his head. Emeros' blood ran cold. "Thalmor," he whispered. He'd recognize the Breton sign that indicated standard Thalmor earcuffs anywhere, the shape of an eagles wing that would arch out from the ear of whatever Justiciar wore them.  Belethor nodded gravely. "And if he doesn't get what he wants, well..." Belethor trailed off. Eventually, he turned on his heel, murmuring about writing a letter, something about a delay in the shipment, no problem, he'd miraculously get his hands on another edition, leaving the three to watch him as he shut the door to his shop. Athenath looked from Emeros to Wyndrelis, then back again. Wordlessly, the trio split to wander separate parts of the city, the conversation repeating in their minds like a stanza in a particularly cruel poem.
OOOOOOOOOHOHOHO okay there is a lot in that scene and i love it, thank you for sending this! >:3c
alright. with this scene, my main goal was to show that, well, there are consequences to not getting enough information and just grabbing whatever was wanted (whether to themselves or to others). athenath's actions in the previous chapter - stealing the Book of the Dragonborn - was done with good intent at the end of the day (hey, you and your new friends were just told you're dragonborn? okay, cool, get information on what that means), but… well, it was impulsive. and dangerously so.
this scene is like a warning, in a way. athenath stole something that was being sold to a thalmor justiciar (ondolemar, actually), but had no idea that was the case because they didn't even bother to search for information, didn't think this through, just went "i need this, he has it, i'll take it". if athenath had more foresight, they would have thought to check records in the shop, and while this wouldn't have changed their mind right now in the story, it would make him think this over a bit more. he would have hesitated.
it also acts to prop up the next chapter's conflict between emeros and athenath, two people who despise the thalmor for different reasons. some personal, some moral, and gives me a great way to show their perspectives. and it shows that while athenath is a damned good thief, that doesn't mean he always makes the best decisions. in my notes on this chapter, i have the sentence: "With how severe the consequences for Belethor could be, Athenath's impulsivity has the potential to cause genuine harm to others."
also it gave me a chance to give a nod to my headcanon thalmor jewelry >:3 which i need to draw more art of, bc it's very fun.
thank you again for sending this ask!!!! <33333333333
director's commentary
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luckyagain · 1 year ago
Why do you think they broke up in 2016? I was a fan then and there was nothing to show they weren't together, especially with Jay's illness, Harry doing his album and doing Dunkirk and going to see her in between breaks, etc
i feel like there must have been some relationship issues occurring to account for the narratives in hs1 and walls. now i took a fandom break in 2016 so i’m not familiar with the ~vibes~ and what was happening during that time, but i felt like they were together in 2015 especially since the bears were around until early 2016. then we got hs1 in may of 2017 so songs like meet me in the hallway and from the dining table had to have been written and recorded in 2016 or early 2017.
** i wanna clarify that i do think they are currently together **
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ma7moudgaza2 · 3 months ago
I am one of the sons of Al Shati refugee camp, and a survivor of Al Shifa hospital massacre. Does anybody care to hear my story?
I live in Gaza city, where my youth was taken from me.
On 7-10-2023 I was asleep, my biggest concern was waking up in time for the 8am lecture at my university.
I'm in Al-Shati camp, south of Gaza. I'm sure you've heard of it. Today is 26-11-2024, it's been more than a year, and I'm still living outside my house. I don't understand why this happened, or why I'm still not in my house.
About two weeks ago was the anniversary of our displacement from northern Gaza to the south and since that day we've known nothing but hardship.
The tent where we live is inhabitable and cannot support any form of life in this cold and this rain and this flooding.
Of all these terrors, the memory of our displacement is the bleakest of them all.
On 10-11-2023, we experienced two days of siege on Al Shifaa hospital, without food nor drink nor even light to see around us, feeling our way like we're blind in order to move around, because even our phones had run out of battery, not even knowing whether the occupation has invaded the hospital yet or not, all we hear is the sound of ceaseless bombardment within the hospital's perimeter.
We lost a lot of people that day. Those who were detained, those who were murdered, and those whose fates are unknown to this day.
We couldn't believe it when the morning finally came, and we finally fled the hospital, to walk 20 kilometers on our feet through Al Halabat path after two days with no food or drink.
This is the story of one of Gaza's sons. My story is not singular, but one of many stories that strengthen our conviction in our right to this land. Most of us here have died for this land.
Our condition today is horrible. This war is picking us off one by one. I am not willing to lose another member of my family. Causes of death are compounding, the latest of which is the cold and storms that the weather has brought.
With only 5 dollars, you can save me and my family's lives. If you can't donate, share this post so it can reach someone who can help us.
Today, with a significant drop in temperatures and a sharp rise in food prices, the price of a bag of flour has reached $600. Please help me so that I can feed my family.
Our current goal is 25k we now have only 22,6k .
@appsa @tsaricides @schoolhater @buttercuparry @feluka
@el-shab-hussein @wherethatoldtraingoes2 @nabulsi @sayruq @sar-soor
@tiredguyswag @gothhabiba @slydiddledeedee @kingskrazzyart @a-shade-of-blue
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unboundprompts · 1 year ago
Pirate Terms and Phrases
-> Pirate Lingo
-> A Pirate's Glossary
Batten Down The Hatches - tie everything down and put stuff away for a coming storm.
Brig - a prison on a ship.
Bring a Spring Upon 'er - turn the ship in a different direction
Broadside - the most vulnerable angle of a ship that runs the length of the boat.
Cutlass - a thick, heavy and rather short sword blade.
Dance with Jack Ketch - to hang; death at the hands of the law (Jack Ketch was a famed English executioner).
Davy Jones's Locker - a mythical place at the bottom of the ocean where drowned sailors are said to go.
Dead Men Tell No Tales - the reason given for leaving no survivors.
Flogging - severe beating of a person.
Gangplank - removable ramp between the pier and ship.
Give No Quarter - show no mercy.
Jack - flag flown at the front of the ship to show nationality.
Jolly Roger - black pirate flag with a white skull and crossbones.
Keelhaul - a punishment where someone is dragged under the ship. They are cut by the planks and barnacles on the bottom of the ship.
Landlubber - an inexperienced or clumsy person who doesn't have any sailing skills.
Letters of Marque - government-issued letters allowing privateers the right to piracy of another ship during wartime.
Man-O-War - a pirate ship that is decked out and prepared for battle.
Maroon - to leave someone stranded on a. deserted island with no supplies, typically a punishment for any crew members who disrespected the captain.
Mutiny - a situation in which the crew chooses a new captain, sometimes by forcibly removing the old one.
No Prey, No Pay - a common pirate law that meant crew members were not paid, but rather received a share of whatever loot was taken.
Old Salt - experienced pirate or sailor.
Pillage - to steal/rob a place using violence.
Powder Monkeys - men that performed the most dangerous work on the ship. They were treated harshly, rarely paid, and were expendable.
Privateer - government-appointed pirates.
Run A Shot Across the Bow - fire a warning shot at another boat's Captain.
Scurvy - a disease caused by Vitamin C Deficiency.
Sea Legs - when a sailor adjusts his balance from riding on a boat for a long time.
Strike Colors - lower a ship's flag to indicate surrender.
Weigh Anchor and Hoist the Mizzen - an order to the crew to pull up the anchor and get the ship sailing.
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phantomrose96 · 1 year ago
Thinking about Edward Elric as the Amestrian Military's specialest little unfireable boy
State alchemists can be fired for underperforming. We know this up front from the likes of Shou Tucker. And this makes a ton of sense from the homunculi's standpoint since the state alchemists are sacrifice candidates, and the homunculi would want to cull the weakest candidates and focus only on cultivating the strongest ones who stand the best chance of opening the portal.
........Then there's Edward. Who's already opened the portal.
There's no need to cultivate him. No gamble taken on whether he's good enough to open the portal. He passed the final test already. Graduated 4 semesters early.
And as such, has a free pass to do Absolute Fuck All.
And I'm imagining how funny this is from like an outside perspective.
Some newish state alchemist who'd only ever read up on the stories of Edward Elric, ready and excited to start their career of being paid handsomely with endless freedom to research and travel and do anything they want in the pursuit of science... surprised and confused to find themselves put on probation their first month for things like "ignoring orders." Which is, as best they had thought, a famous Edward Elric pastime.
Roy showing a slight bit of stress about his yearly state alchemist report, and Ed just snorting and rolling his eyes at Roy because every year HE just hastily does his on the train ride over (canon in the manga, a travesty it was left out of the anime) and it gets rubber stamped. Ed not realizing that other alchemists' reports get genuinely scrutinized and torn apart while Ed is free to turn in whatever absolute bullshit he thinks of 36 hours ahead of time. One year his report was about whether alchemy could be done via dance (conclusion: no it can't) and no one cared. Roy WANTS to tell Ed there's some kind of unknown favoritism around Ed making him literally bullet-proof but Roy has no way to phrase this that doesn't sound like he's just in denial and mad at how good Ed's train-reports are.
Guy from the Internal Amestrian Affairs sector who's responsible for auditing other internal military personel for any suspicious activity hitting about 1 million red flags for Edward Elric, issuing a STRONG and URGENT recommendation to suspend the alchemist pending further investigation into things like "literal bunk-buddies with two members of the Xingese royalty (enemy nation)" and "spent $10,000,000 of his stipend on a librarian to make her re-copy (what he seemed to interpret as?) military records in some extremely transparent effort to unearth state secrets (it was a recipe book but he was literally asking her about state secrets)" and "literally has never once obeyed an order, ever, not even once in his career, and is on public record having said 'I do not care about the goals and protections of the Amestrian Military. I am in fact only pursuing my own interests several of which are diametrically opposed to the safety and well-being of the governing body of Amestris'"
The issued recommendation is intercepted before it even reaches its intended desk. President Bradley himself has taken issue with it and denies it before a single set of eyes has seen it. The President's veto stamp is a terrifying hammer, used rarely, and it is now sitting on the auditor's desk.
The auditor sleeps with one eye open from then on out.
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unravellingsilencehq · 2 years ago
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE MOON get what he deserves?” He is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & CLOSED to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → remus lupin pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → joe keery blood status → half-blood (werewolf) sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → photographer for the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic future information → n/a
— he is best described as ;
The person to offer you the last square of CHOCOLATE, nibbled SECRETLY in the light of the fridge, with a nudge and a TEASING SMILE. COMFORT in human form, he is your favourite woollen JUMPER you search for on COLD NIGHTS that still fits despite how you’ve grown. QUIET & CAUTIOUS like the EVENING, he is the fun MEMORIES in the DARKNESS and the MYSTERIOUS HOWL that ECHOES in the MOONLIGHT.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death
A man whose heart is filled with gentle warmth and kindness, anyone who calls Remus Lupin a friend is incredibly lucky, although they are within a select few. Born to a muggle insurance office from Cardiff who fell in love with a wizard, Remus was raised in Cardiff. As a young boy, Remus was curious and eager to learn about the world. Lyall Lupin captured Remus’ imagination from an early age.  A senior advisor for The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Lyall’s knowledge of magical creatures was unchallenged and Remus grew up searching for mermaids in Cardiff Bay and looking for werewolves in Wenallt Forest. Little did Remus know that it was a werewolf who would eventually come looking for him. Around Remus’ fifth birthday a number of muggles had gone missing in Cardiff, their bodies mauled in what the authorities thought was an animal attack, but Lyall knew better. A werewolf was on the loose, and Lyall had an idea of who it was. FENRIR GREYBACK [maker/adversary] had told the questioning committee he was simply a wizard in the wrong place at the wrong time, but Lyall knew the signs of lycanthropy and would not so easily be fooled. 
Lyall voiced his concerns at the trial, suggesting Fenrir be detained till at least the next full moon, losing his temper in the process. Fenrir was released and disappeared back to Cardiff without a trace. He would not forget Lyall’s comments and on the next full moon crept through his son’s open window and bit his small body savagely. Remus awoke writhing in pain. He doesn’t remember much from this period of his life but the severity of the bite which was still etched into his skin and the werewolf venom coursing through his veins was his first living memory that haunts him to this very day. His life was changed thereafter and sadly he can remember no different. His parents tried desperately to help him, fashioning chains in the basement to keep him safe during the full moon. So began his story with self-hatred. Remus despised what he had been turned into, he had learned about werewolves. They were spiteful and wicked and now he was infected with their same cruelty. He tried everything to stop the transformations but sheer willpower was not enough and after too many comments had propped up from his school about strange marks on his body his parents were forced to pull him from school. 
Like his father Remus had shown magical promise, leaving his mother and father worried about how he would be educated due to his condition. Lyall’s good friend ALASTOR MOODY [friend] had suggested Lyall be candid with the headmaster and it was due to the persuasive powers of ALBUS DUMBLEDORE [leader/former headmaster] and a firm promise that he would keep an eye on Remus that he was allowed to attend Hogwarts School alongside his peers that following September. After the bite, Remus had learned to keep himself to himself. It was better to not attract attention to himself, which was fairly difficult at times. At his core, Remus was a fun loving, intelligent and witty boy, which to the joy of his classmates he showed in the odd moment. His first friend at school LILY EVANS [close friend], was more perceptive than most eleven year olds and had learned the key to friendship with Remus was not to ask too many questions and make clever quips quietly to one another about the assigned reading or their less academically gifted classmates. It was perhaps this friendship with Lily that first put him on the radar of JAMES POTTER [best friend/housemate], though he knows now it was a multitude of things. 
His dorm mate was one of the most popular students in his year, amongst his friends and fellow dorm mates PETER PETTIGREW [best friend/housemate] and SIRIUS BLACK [best friend/housemate]. Although they got on the nerves of a fair few people, Remus landed on the side that he found them amusing and enjoyed their casual chats before bed and silently appreciated their attempts to get to know him. Their persistence to know him was the best thing that ever happened to Remus and although the most terrifying thing in the world was waking up in The Shrieking Shack after a full moon to find all three boys staring back at him, he has to this day never been more grateful for a singular event. For the first time he has true friends and the marauders came to know and love him even better than his own family. They didn’t care about his condition, in fact they learned to become animagus to accompany him on the full moon. Remus came into his own, a brighter and happier boy who would partake in practical jokes and parties by The Black Lake the boys became known for. Hogwarts was a happy time for Remus, a safe place to learn about himself and have responsibility given to him. 
He graduated with outstanding results, having been a prefect and with a loyal and brilliant set of friends, completed perfectly by MARLENE MCKINNON [close friend], DORCAS MEADOWES [close friend] and MARY MACDONALD [close friend]. Upon leaving Hogwarts at eighteen, all of the same fears he had aged eleven flooded back to him. With no Dumbledore to look out for him, Remus knew he would have to manage his condition alone in the workplace. Accepting a job at The Ministry of Magic as a crime scene photographer and analyst and moving in with James, Sirius and Peter. What had happened to Remus had changed his life forever and instead of letting it force him into depression, he used it as the catalyst to drive him forward. His expertise was vital to The Department of Magical Law Enforcement, especially in the wake of the death of BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest]. A suspected killer werewolf was on the loose, but the case did not quite add up to Remus, who knew exactly what it looked like to be attacked by a werewolf. 
Remus tried his best to get ALICIA AVERY-JONES [boss] to see to reason that Booker hadn’t been killed by a werewolf at all, but not wanting to draw attention to himself was forced to drop his quest and help The Ministry rule werewolf SILAS CRUMP [person of interest] as his killer. Three years on, Remus knows more. Now a member of The Order of The Phoenix alongside his friends; he knows that something much darker is at play and Silas Crump sitting in Azkaban weighs on him more heavily each day. With the guidance of FRANK LONGBOTTOM [mentor], Remus has been privately looking into Booker’s death for The Order; believing it might help establish some leads as to who may be hiding in the army of THE DARK LORD [adversary]. But with hate towards creatures on the rise and The Ministry trying to crack down on registration after the disappearance of ROSALIE FLINT [person of interest], Remus must try his best to help the cause he believes in without ruining his life and painting a target on his back, especially when there are those who can’t be trusted like SEVERUS SNAPE [adversary] who know his secret already. 
— he is a LEVEL 6 WIZARD & LEVEL 6 WEREWOLF readied for war ;
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saphronethaleph · 9 months ago
Soresu Negotiations
“Get help,” Palpatine said. “You’re no match for him. He’s a Sith Lord.”
Obi-Wan turned to look at the Chancellor. “...yes?” he said. “But he’s also something else – something I’m surprised you’ve forgotten.”
“What?” Palpatine asked.
“A politician,” Obi-Wan replied, turning back to Dooku.
Anakin groaned, then sat down.
“Here we go,” he said.
Palpatine blinked, looking from Anakin to Obi-Wan.
“...what do you mean, Anakin?” he asked.
“This happens sometimes,” Anakin replied. “How do you think he got his nickname?”
“Count,” Obi-Wan said, at about the same time. “It’s occurred to me that I never actually found out what the Confederacy wants.”
“Isn’t it a little late for this?” Dooku asked. “We have been at war for several years.”
“True,” Obi-Wan conceded, readily. “The war having started on Geonosis, because of tracing back your clone army which we… appear to have appropriated, mostly because you did it in our name. But that’s how the war started – not your objectives.”
Dooku was silent for a moment.
“I assume some semblance of a point will be emerging,” he said, eventually. “If you could be so kind as to provide it?”
“Wars begin for all sorts of reasons,” Obi-Wan replied. “But how they end… they end because a mutual settlement has been reached. And it’s occurred to me that I don’t know what you’d want out of a victory.”
He spread his hand, the one not holding the – unlit – saber. “It’s not the conquest of the Republic, I can tell that much. If the CIS annexed the Republic, what you’d have would still be the Republic, just under a different name… it’s not the Republic without the corruption that’s been causing it problems, because most of the corruption in the Republic was – was – the big industrial concerns like the Techno Union, Commerce Guild, Trade Federation. But you seem to have taken all of those off our hands, and they provide essentially your entire military so I don’t think anyone else could honestly believe that either.”
“I wouldn’t expect a Jedi to understand,” Dooku replied. “The Confederacy’s member systems have concerns relating to over-centralization.”
Obi-Wan stared at him for a long moment.
“...no they don’t,” he said.
“I hardly think you can have earned your reputation as a negotiator, Kenobi, if you are so willing to be insulting,” Dooku said, archly.
“That’s not what I mean,” Obi-Wan replied. “I mean… yes, now the Republic has an army, though really it’s actually the Jedi’s army and we’re simply letting them borrow it, but four years ago the Galactic Republic was proverbially incapable of doing anything. It took emergency powers for the Chancellor to get the Republic to authorize having any kind of military whatsoever – and the only one available was the one you ordered. That’s not over-centralization.”
He drummed his fingers on his ‘saber. “And I note that I overheard Nute Gunray insisting on the head of Senator Amidala – literally, in those words – as his price for signing a treaty. But I still haven’t heard an actual answer. What does the Galaxy look like if the Confederacy wins?”
Dooku frowned, and after about three seconds Obi-Wan glanced at the Chancellor.
“Didn’t you discuss this at any point, your excellency?” he asked. “Count Dooku doesn’t seem to have thought about this.”
Palpatine blinked.
“...he’s a Sith Lord,” he repeated. “Shouldn’t you be fighting him?”
“It’s called diplomacy, Chancellor,” Obi-Wan replied, before returning his attention to Dooku. “Grandmaster, are you seriously telling me that you never thought about what you would do if you won?”
Anakin checked his comlink, for the time, then the ship trembled slightly.
“Artoo?” he asked. “Can you tell those ships outside to stop shooting at us and give us a wide berth? This could take hours and I don’t want to find out if my name’s literal.”
“Hours?” Palpatine repeated.
“He’s rolling,” Anakin replied, rolling his eyes. “Like I say, I’m used to this.”
He rummaged in a pocket of his robes, taking out a miniature toolkit, and began disassembling his lightsaber. “I’m pretty sure I can retune these crystals to give two stable configurations which it’ll snap between, that should give me a length toggle instead of a single adjustable length…”
“Are you taking your lightsaber apart?” Palpatine hissed. “What if you need to fight?”
“It’s okay, Chancellor, I’ll get about five minutes’ warning if the negotiations are going downhill,” Anakin replied. “That should be time to put it back together again…”
Palpatine looked up to Obi-Wan, who – sure enough – was still going.
“...of course, a separate but related issue is what it’s going to be like afterwards,” Obi-Wan said. “In principle the Republic and the Jedi Order could probably accept the existence of Sith so long as we actually knew who they were and they weren’t trying to destroy us. It’s the fact that the first Sith we met in a thousand years tried to run Anakin over and cut Qui-Gon’s head off as an opening move that’s soured us towards them a bit… but are you really going to be content as someone whose whole job is to die for Sidious?”
Dooku stared at Obi-Wan, baffled, then glanced at Palpatine and Anakin.
“What do you mean?” he asked, forcing his gaze back to Obi-Wan.
“Sidious is your Master, we know that much,” Obi-Wan replied. “Partly because you told me yourself. But has he ever put himself in danger? Or has it all been you dealing with Jedi like myself and my apprentice? Putting yourself out there, in danger, while you do exactly what he says?”
He smiled slightly. “A Jedi would accept that, but you’re a Sith – you’ve said so yourself. Sith are self-interested. What do you think your new master is getting out of the situation? Because if you don’t know, it’s got to be something and it’s probably something he doesn’t want to tell you.”
“My master is quite willing to put himself in danger,” Dooku said, then clamped his lips shut at a frantic mouthed shut up from Palpatine.
“Real or feigned?” Obi-Wan asked. “Do you think he wouldn’t manipulate you? He’s been doing it to everyone else – you’ve said it.”
Dooku’s brow furrowed.
“But we’re getting off topic,” Obi-Wan said, turning to look at Palpatine. “Chancellor, what about this as a starting point? Your emergency powers were granted to resolve the crisis, and I’m sure you want to abandon them as soon as possible… so why not take away the whole reason why the individual systems in the Confederacy had problems with the Republic to begin with? Freely allow the departure of any system which wishes to do so, under the emergency powers legislation; enact a progressive tax, one which hits the Core worlds harder owing to their greater ability to pay, to sustain a carrier based navy able to hunt pirates more effectively than conduct occupations or orbital bombardment, and have the navy established on a sector-federal two-level model?”
Palpatine stared at Obi-Wan for at least ten seconds.
“...he’s a Sith Lord,” he said, yet again.
“Oh, shut up,” Dooku replied. “You’re a Sith Lord and I don’t see you doing anything constructive.”
Obi-Wan glanced at Palpatine.
“...you know,” he began. “I’m quite sure you’d need to note that on your financial disclosure forms, your Excellency.”
He turned sideways, so he could see both Dooku and Palpatine at the same time. “What was the point of this whole abduction, anyway?”
“As it happens, I was supposed to kill you,” Dooku said. “It’s the only way to turn Anakin to the Dark Side, if you’re out of the way.”
“Huh?” Anakin asked. “Is something up? I’ve almost got the crystals realigned.”
“This plan looked a lot better this morning,” Palpatine muttered.
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northgazaupdates · 6 months ago
Suad Ahmad is an engineer from north Gaza. You can read all about Suad’s chaotic and terrifying situation in our tag “Suad Ahmad”.
Recently, Suad, her infant son Khaled, and their family fell under an evacuation order by the occupation, meaning their location would be invaded and further bombed at any time. They were forced to flee on foot, and were completely without a tent, forced to live in the streets and on the beach. The intense heat and sun continued to worsen Khaled’s ongoing chest infection, and insect attacks caused him to have an allergic reaction.
They managed to find a room in the home of an extended family member, which provided Khaled protection from heat and insects. However, the occupation then issued another evacuation order. Suad and her family fled the home within minutes of it being bombed by the occupation. The following photos were taken within 30 minutes of each other: the left being a photo taken on Khaled smiling in a bassinet, and the right being a photo taken of the same spot just a few minutes later.
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Currently, they are temporarily staying with another family. They hope to return to the home where they were and repair what remains of the room in which they were staying. However, this will not happen for some time.
Yesterday, Khaled began having coughing fits due to the constant presence of dust in the air. The dust is a result of the incessant bombings by the occupation, causing a cloud of debris, dirt, and toxic substances like asbestos to hang in the air. This has greatly aggravated his chest infection, and his fever has spiked once again. The debris dust has also caused Suad herself to suffer a negative reaction, including painful blotches on her skin.
Suad and Khaled are in desperate need of funds to survive. They require funds to procure medication, pay for what room and board they can find, receive food and water and formula for Khaled, and negotiate transportation for when they will need to evacuate again. In addition, they are raising funds to pay for documents that will allow them to evacuate Gaza through Rafah crossing. The crossing is believed by some to be opening soon, and we want Suad, Khaled, and their family to be able to evacuate as soon as possible.
Please support Suad and Khaled so that they can survive and find a better life.
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imstillalexcomic · 28 days ago
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Not really sure what to say for this one.  We all know what’s happening in America right now and it’s not even a “put your ear to the ground to hear what’s coming” type of situation, there have been executive orders that specifically target transgender people.
The writing isn’t on the wall, it’s on government documents.
The phone call described in this strip happened a few months ago, before I came out publicly.  As you can imagine, it only made me more fearful of coming out.  If this person who I love and trust so much that they were one of the first folks I came out to over five years ago didn’t understand why what’s happening is so terrifying, why this bigotry needs to be completely shut down immediately, how could the bigots themselves understand?
Part of my position was that there were television ads being run showing transgender folks as these disgusting people, something less than human that are deserving of ridicule and are a drain on the country’s resources and a danger to children.
According to them, my terror of seeing me be advertised as that way was just me being alarmist, that the people that I’m afraid of aren’t going to do anything and that there shouldn’t be any fear of danger.
We’re two weeks in, and already there’s legal action being taken to strip me and people like me of not just their rights, but their humanity.
It’s hard.  On one hand, I do understand their position that I should try to be a source of education, to try to bridge the gap to these people.  I agree not in the sense that it should be my responsibility, but in that it feels like the only practical thing I can do.
On the other hand, what can I possibly do in the face of so much hatred?
I have family members who’ve voted for this.  People who might say they have love in their hearts but voted to label certain people as sub-human. 
I don’t know how they can reconcile that.
I don’t know how I can reconcile with them.  I’m not just disappointed, I’m genuinely frightened.  I don’t want to sound like the world is crashing down around us, but in a way it really is.  Many of the folks who’ve voted this way don’t even realize what they were doing, the rest of them knew and didn’t care.
I don’t know which is worse.
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ay0nha · 3 months ago
Don't Bite the Hand That Feeds | Lucius Verus Aurelius
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SUMMARY: "Your brethren trust you, you are the embodiment of redemption.” They spoke around Lucius, spewing anything in hopes of saturating his mind.  “Where is your image of hope? Where is the person who will relieve you of the grief you share with your people? Where is your Empress?"
PAIRING: Lucius Verus Aurelius x f!reader (arranged marriage for political reasons)
WARNINGS: canon-typical things, not much, mentions of alcohol, old-timey language, Google-accurate Roman empire things, dancing, arranged marriage, talks of lineage, angsty-ish, quotes from various people like Nina Simone and Octavia Butler sprinkled into dialogue,  etc. 
A/N:  I quickly wrote this in a few days with the amazing help of @astrd00. This is just sort of an introduction to my fic idea so apologies if it's a little boring. Arranged marriage trope sort of colleagues to friends to lovers. Let me know if you'd like to be tagged for future parts. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment it really helps me to keep going! More to come, enjoy!
The Latin translates to: a water drop hollows a stone, not by force but by frequent falling.
Everyone clung to the fog of death in the air with stiff fingers, unwilling to let their proof of newly promised freedom go. They celebrated in the streets, disregarding the savagery that occurred only months ago. The public enjoyed the amnesia, looking to Lucius not solely for responsibility but as a new object to place culpability. 
Yet, the heaviness permeated Lucius’ marrow. He hid it well behind the mask of authority. Even a sharp eye would miss the way it restrained him, intentionally ignorant of a flaw in their new leader.
It might have even been seen as a strategic move, a way to humanize the gladiator who seemed to defy the Gods. Strategy outside the arena was new, different from the portrayed brute that dusted his hands with sand. What lay in his palms now was similar to that of a child’s heart, beating rapidly with a not-yet-known burden of life. It was heavy and warm, begging for unwavering loyalty from its possessor. 
Lucius remained delicate with his hold, but the heart wanted more from him. Strength and honor would soon no longer suffice. It needed sustenance worthy of devotion and destruction. His eyes were steady on this phantom heart until those around him required his attention. 
“Emperor—” A magistrate repeated, voice raising enough to tease an echo. The new title sat heavily on Lucius’ shoulders, contorting his body into a position that mimicked Atlas.   “Our suggestion should not be taken lightly, it is for the prosperity of your Rome.”
Scrutiny wasn’t found in his tone or bitterness behind the remark but rather in genuine regard. However, there was an intention behind the ownership of Rome, a hint at the generational promise.  
“The public can wonder, speculate, but they do not see beyond the issue.” He continued, watching the twitch on Lucius’ face. “You may not like the mere thought, but gutta cavat lapidem, non vi sed saepe cadendo.” The magistrate paused, his words lingering. “How much longer until Rome is hollow once again?”
“This order is a fallacy.” Lucius finally made contact, eyes surveying those around him. “There is a need for trust, yes. And yet, you ask for deception?” 
“You misunderstand us, Emperor.” Another member of the senate spoke, hoping to alleviate tension. “There would be no deception in this union, only fortification of the reigning; an image for the people to find themselves in.”
 “Your brethren trust you, you are the embodiment of redemption.” They spoke around Lucius, spewing anything in hopes of saturating his mind.  “Where is your image of hope? Where is the person who will relieve you of the grief you share with your people? Where is your Empress?”
You smiled through the wine-fueled chattering of the ceremony, appeasing those who had just witnessed your union, but your focus moved beyond the conversation and revelry.  Above you was a darkened sky that mimicked night. Rain poured down, tempting you to fall prey to its numbing hold. 
The Gods are favoring your union, you were told when the sky opened. Divine intervention.  
But you knew the Gods were fickle, always testing your will against temptation. It was a test sent for you, one that an elaborate wedding and an emperor declaring your shared existence hid well. 
So you ignored the call of the humidity, being dutiful to your new role as empress. People bowed to you and nearly cried at how beautifully you paired with your new counterpart. Even as you sat on the marble throne beside Lucius you couldn’t deny their exactness. 
“Don’t worry, they’ll soon pass out from the wine.” You spoke softly, eyes ahead at your guests as you spoke to your husband. His grip on your hand fidgeted exposing his anxiety.  
Lucius paused, determining if honesty was worthwhile. His self-awareness was enough to remind him how unfamiliar he was with the environment that consumed his senses. 
“It is for them.” You nodded ahead to the crowd. The room was hot from the amount of bodies swirling around.   “Remind yourself of this when their faith falters.”
Lucius looked at you, attention trained on your profile. Even with a soft veil over your features, you were so absolute. 
“I know my purpose here. You are still learning yours.” You continued. “All I ask of you is that when they falter you place your trust in our bond.”
“I will place it where it is due.” There was your gladiator. The defiance comforted you. 
“Those around you are untroubled by that; all they crave is to spit on the fallen. It doesn’t matter if you are one of them, they are quick to turn.” You sharpened. “Be careful; join the sinful and you will be remembered with spite and desperation.”
You spoke of hidden things, of politics that lingered like venom in the bloodstream of the empire. Lucius knew not to mistake your words for ulterior motives. You were direct in your vows to further his image of a new Rome, it was why you were chosen to be by his side. Your mind was clear. You read the room perfectly, unraveling every detail of what was inherited. 
“My legacy does not motivate me,” Lucius stated. His ears attuned to you and you only, enraptured in how deeply you spoke as if it was a common thought. “I will not look to them for fame.” 
“You will, conscious or not. And once you do, you will not be able to look away.” You smiled pitifully as though you knew something he didn’t. “Just as they watched you fight, you misunderstand the impact of what is before you.”
“You believe that little of me?” There was a swirl of censure in his chest despite the small smile pulling at his lips.  
“There is opportunity to win, but that is a fool’s goal—
“To win?” Lucius scoffed. “Even you have been mislead, then. Thinking that there is a conquest waiting to happen.”
“I do not wish to insult you.” Your thumb adjusted against his fingers. It was in your nature to be candid, but at times you placed your frustrations unfairly. You softened. “Your promise of growth will help amend this.”
Lucius wished to pull away from you. He needed to think, to be separated from the feigned festivities adjoined to love. This was love; love created not between two people, but shared by you and him for Rome. 
That was not to say you were birds of a feather. 
Your strengths were found in your experience. Although young, you were no novice to how to hold your chin high while delivering truths to the senate. You learned from your uncle, an official who raised you on the true meaning of government. You were clever. The public viewed you as such. You were of noble status and fit to stand before them. 
What you lacked was a specific connection that Lucius brought to the people. He was one of them, raised humbly, hands worn from the earth’s harvest and war forced upon him. Lucius spoke well to them, building comradery with every way of life. 
“I would never ask you to compromise your beliefs. I know better than to think you’d behave.” You teased at his rebellion, hoping the guard that was up would calm. “Besides, a well-mannered lover is an offense.”
 “We are not lovers.” It was sterile in tone but revealed emotions long since buried.
“And we are not enemies.” You were quick, reading between his words to find the insult. 
“My lord!” A raspy voice begged for attention. “My lady!” 
You stood, bowing politely to the affluent man before you. He took advantage of the night; jewels adorned every finger that pulled at the elaborate fabric of his outfit. 
“It is time.” The rasp withered when he lowered to speak to you directly. His arms went wide as if inviting a hug, but he spun skillfully to face the audience. 
“Time?” Lucius looked to you. 
The man boomed over the forgotten rain. ““It is time!” 
Standing, you didn’t release Lucius’ hand. There was resistance on his end, wanting to remain sedentary and silent to wait out the rest of the night. 
“Our dance.” You answered to his wide eyes. Your guests cheered, clearing space. “It is customary to rise together and move as one. It will complete the ceremony.”
He rose at your words, not much of a choice otherwise than to follow. 
The fabric of your dress swam behind you, kissing the floor with each step toward the middle of the marble floor. The dress looked like water cascading down your body, hiding each bend and swell of your body. Yet, it highlighted something else, something deeper. It was subtle but powerful, like the way a garden seemed to breathe life into a space. 
“May the rain create a river to fertility.” The man held a contagious grin that spread around the room. 
Prosperity and posterity.  This is what they wanted. Lucius alone was not enough. The bloodline was more important than a single figure. It hadn’t needed to be discussed as it was the obvious forethought for your unification. 
The officials of the republic were more concerned about your fecundity and frame than the knowledge you held. It was a typical belief, one that you expected. Your fingers itched to bring your willingness to support the new decree to play and if this was your path to it, so be it.  
You remained clinical at the thought. It was a means to an end rather than something to be meditated on. The way Lucius hardened at the man’s words told a story from another perspective where the political became personal. You did not miss the ring on his pinky that rubbed against a new gold one. 
“Does the great gladiator know how to dance?” Your voice flowed to Lucius only knowing the opportunity rarely presented itself. 
The music shifted from something fast-paced to something more melodic that would encourage you both to move swiftly but attractively. You knew your words would hit a nerve, but it was strategic to motivate Lucius’ hesitant hands. 
“It is a back and forth. A push and pull.” You guided your hand to press against his palm, meeting together as if you were to pray. “Just like the arena, no?”
Lucius’ eyebrows pinched together. Not out of curiosity or frustration. He was genuine in his response. 
“Rarely is a touch this…subdued.” Soft.  
“Shall I spin you in circles, then?” Your painted lips were easier to see now that Lucius was close. He saw as they rose through your veil with the quip. “Disorientate you to the point of submission?”
Your arms weaved behind your back still connected to Lucius’. The dance was simple, one practiced as children. There were very few steps and wistful gestures that even the familiar still enjoyed. 
“Those are my only options? Coercion or blind fealty.” 
It left little room for interpretation or defiance. The statement came without hesitation but held pent-up sentiment veiled by familiar poise. You vetted his blank gaze for proper determination of his upset. 
It was odd to see Lucius so close, your memory had failed to cast such a strong light on him. Once overgrown hair had been trimmed to only curl at the nape of his neck. Dirt was cleared from every line of his face.  He was still rugged, but you saw through the exterior to find a boy.  
A boy who had been stripped of child-like wonderment and care. Instead, he held his broad shoulders high and an expression that lingered from his exile. Lucius’ skin perked every time your dress acted as a barrier between the two of you, a warning that whatever you offered had to be earned.  
“I do not ask much of you, Emperor...” You put it simply, knowing your worth and wisdom. You needed to be promised his word that against anything you would be beside each other.  “...so I will not ask again.”
“You are not satisfied with the trust of the marriage alone,” Lucius stated his question like an observation. “You wish I promise myself to you in ways which I may not be able to provide.” 
“Able or willing?” 
Your faces were close, noses mirroring each other as you turned on beat.  You could feel the warmth of your frustration start in your chest, only to spread across your skin as goosebumps.  
“The past and the future press so hard on either side that there’s no room for the present at all.” You spoke again before he could answer.  “You must decide where you belong.” 
The music returned to Lucius’ ears. Its melody weighed down your words, letting them settle deeply in his mind. His head spun with thoughts busy on reasoning.  Perhaps he was too guarded for his own good, but he’d gotten himself this far relying only on himself. He had held in a great deal. Often he felt he couldn't speak until the waters overflowed their banks and broke through the dam. 
Those around him garnered support, but this was different. You understood what freedom was; it meant no fear. Fear rolled right off of you. Fear was like a pet to you: something you picked up to get a better look at but that you soon grew tired of.
The music slowed coming to an end. Lucius removed his hands from your body but didn’t venture far. His calloused fingertips followed the seam of your soft veil to meet the laced end. Once there, he gently revealed your true manner. 
Your features were accentuated by an internal glow. There was no modesty in your gaze, it shattered any notion of strength. There was no insight into your emotions. What Lucius found was someone gifted. It was a marvel he hadn’t heard of you until you presented yourself as the wise option for him to marry. 
Although you ran in many circles, your name wasn’t whispered among the council. They didn’t believe beauty and wit could fit within the reach of a woman. Yet, here you stood. A new challenge to be accepted. Lucius resisted the urge to swallow quick breaths as if he were going to endure a blow from Viggo. His body agitated in preparation, but looking at you so wholly all he could muster was concession.
 “You have my word.”
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 months ago
Dani/Ellie as a member of YJ or Teen Titans.
The team is helping the JL with an all hands on deck apocalypse on earth. They are losing badly. She looks around herself, at the destruction all around her, squares her shoulders and says 'looks like it's time for the nuclear option... DADDY!!!!'
I didn't know if you've seen the post where a scary Danny got summoned instead of Klarion and everyone (heroes and villains) was getting ready to team up because of how scared/intimidated they were. That's the Danny I'm picturing answering his daughter's call for help. Maybe with an equally scary Fright Knight sword already drawn at his back.
The team was struggling with keeping the villains at bay. This was supposed to be a coordinated attack with the Justice Leauge, moving simultaneously on the other world.
Earlier yesterday, the Light had organized for reality to split apart, forming two worlds. One contains children, and the other includes adults, causing the opposite age groups to vanish before the eyes of horrified humans.
To the adults, their kids were taken in a flash worldwide. To children, their parents went missing in the same flash. It was chaotic, and if it had not been for Captain Marvel, they would have never figured out what was happening.
Dani was a little peeved that she was on the child's side, but despite being a princess of the Infinite Realms, her body technically did not form until four years ago. For all intentions and purposes, she is sixteen. So she stayed with Young Justice, following the kid's command and feeling alive.
She may request to be placed on the Team when this is all over. She sends an energy blast towards Klarion, watching the little Lord dodge with a laugh. He sends back a wave of magic that would nearly knock her out of the air if not for her gritting her teeth and digging in her heels within her ectoplasm.
She always hated dealing with the stupid Lord of Choas. They gave her Dad nothing but trouble whenever he called a court. Everything Danny suggested was a challenge on the grounds of attempting to "control" their disorder.
Honestly, Dani preferred dealing with them than the Lord of Order. They were a bunch of self-righteous uprights who didn't care about who was hurt in the process of their justice. At least the Lord of Choas admitted they were monsters.
Oddly enough, she was grateful Klarion wasn't treating her like the princess she was. It made work so much easier when he allowed her to attack him and vice versa.
"Echo!" Robin runs towards her, waving a hand. "Maneuver seven!"
She nods, abandoning her stance to shift her flight path into a large arch. Her hands clasp into a tight cup as she speeds back up into the air. Robin doesn't miss a beat, launching himself at her just in time to press his foot on her clasp hands, using them and her upward rise to launch himself clear across the field to land a mighty kick on Teekl.
It lets out a howl that quickly gathers the attention of the angered Lord of Choas. Seeing her chance, Dani fires more energy blasts, quickly forcing the witch boy into a defensive position.
She pinned him for a few seconds while Kid Flash raced toward the marking on the ground. Dani grunts to shift the ectoplasm in the air into a long beam, firing it straight at Klarion's shield.
A few cracks are forming around the dark red dome, and she is just about to break through when Teekl comes out of nowhere. A roar is the only warning she had before the blasted cat slams into her, claws digging into Dani's side, and she can only scream as the pair fall.
"No!" Kid screams somewhere behind her, but Dani can't turn since she is holding the claws of the large cat away from her and pressing into the ground to stop it from tearing her face off with its fangs. Its sneering face looms over her, snapping at the air, while her arms tremble with the force of holding the large beast at bare.
Getting her wits about her, Dani uses a ghostly wail to get the cat off her. Teekl is flung through the ai,r landing in a heap by Klarion's side.
The witch boy gasps, "Teekl!"
Dani heaves herself to her side, legs turn, and oozes a mix of red and green blood. Teekl had managed to claw at them during the fall, which meant she couldn't stand, let alone fight, for a good while.
Panting through the pain, Dani presses her hands to leg, attempting to put pressure on it. Her vision goes in and out as white-hot fire races up her legs and body. The Team struggles with an outraged Klarion just a few feet away from her.
Dani wishes, not for the first time, that she was a perfect clone of Dani. If she was, she would have all of his powers, including super healing and duplication. Instead, she sits like a heap, an utter liability to the team, as Klarion dances circles around them.
It pains her to do it, but Dani starts to drag herself away from the battle, realizing she needs to put space between herself and the danger. If the Witch Boy or his stupid cat realizes they can use her as a hostage, Dani will never live it down.
She is just about to drag herself to the tree line when she notices Zatanna raise her hand and speak in rapid-fire magic. A nearby bush drops its illusion to show a very familiar helmet. Dani's eyes widened in alarm, and she took it into her hands and slid it right on.
"Zatanna! Wait!"" She hears herself scream, but it's too late. The girl's body has become a vessel for Nabu, the champion of the Lord of Orders. She really hates those guys.
Zatanna rises into the sky, now dressed as Dr. Fate, flickering in and out of sight as the split realities mess with Nabu's anchor.
Klarion taunts him for it, seeing this as a chance to take down the ancient Dr.Fate, but Dani has other plans. Raising her hand, with every last ounce of strength she has, Dani aims one last good ecto-beam towards the crystal in the center of the spell runes.
It shatters the crystal in a thousand pieces, sending a shock wave of magic across the field. Klarion throws a fit, like the immature brat he is, before he calls back his stupid cat, and the two vanish into a portal. If Dani was feeling better, she would have chased after him.
Captain Marvel beams back into their reality, informing them the adult magic casters were all defeated by the Justice League. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief when Dr. Fate and Zatara med the two worlds back together
Superboy rushes over and leaves Dani in his arms, mindful of her wounds. She offers him a soft thank you, which earns her a grunt in acknowledgment. Not one for words, that Conner Kent.
She thinks about the Conner Kent of another universe, this one younger and more arrogant, running around in leather jackets and piercings but a Young Justice member all the same. One day, she should introduce the two. If the fabric of realities didn't fall apart upon their meeting.
Dani is snapped out of her thoughts when the pair get close enough for her to make out what Zatara is begging the Order Champion. Her mouth falls open as Dr. Fate refuses to leave Zatanna's body.
"Kent would never allow-"
"I have sent Kent Nelson's soul to the afterlife." Dr. Fate cuts off Kid Flash with what sounds like a coldhearted taunt to Dani. The way he uses Zatanna's voice makes her skin crawl.
"Take me," Zatara offers desperation in his voice. "My body is at its peak, my magic stronger than my daughters. Use my-"
"No!" Dani shouts, flailing in Conner's arms. Her ectoplasm boils in her veins when she points an accusing finger at the flowing Dr. Fate. "Nah-uh. This is against the law, and you know that, Nabu!"
"You know not what you speak of,child-" The ass tries, but Dani won't hear any of it.
"Long-term overshadowing of any living being is against Infinite Realms law." She sneers, facial features slightly less round and more uncanny with her anger. Around her, the Team is staring wide eyes.
Oh, right, this version of the Team has never seen her proper Phantom form. They only know Echo- named after being the copy of the great hero Phantom- who looked awful like her human form, just color flipped.
Her Halfa form was much more appealing than her entire ghostly appearance.
Dr.Fate crosses their arms. "Against a mortal will. This child willingly gave her body to me in exchange for aid in combat. I broke no law."
"Oh yeah! We'll see what the King has to say about that!" She screams, and finally, Nabu seems slightly worried, but it vanishes quickly as he jolts Zatanna's chin at him. Using her friend like some sort of meat suit.
The nerve.
"The King has better things to do than heed the call of an unimportant child." Nabu hisses, and yeah, she's going to make him pay for that.
"It looks like it's time for the nuclear option, just remember Nabu, the Lord of Order's Champion, you brought this upon yourself." Reaching out with a hand shaped entirely of ectoplasm, Dani launches a blast at Nabu.
The Team screams, Kid Flash's voice rising about the others. "No! Zatanna feels ever hit you land!"
"Echo, stand down!" Batman commands, but Dani doesn't pay them any mind as her attack lands against Dr. Fate's cross shield. She smirked, willing her glowing hand to rip a piece of the shield and fling it back towards her.
Conner nearly drops her as Dani slams the pieces into her leg, allowing them to cover up Teekl's magic. Wobbling her lips and letting the water fill her eyes, Dani lets out a whine and then a scream.
"Daddy, help!"
At once, the field is overflowing with death magic. Every living being in the area- including the animals in the forest- is brought to their knees as a fear unlike anything they have ever experienced digs its way into their very souls.
Conner falls to his knees dropping Dani in the process but she doesn't mind. She is too busy enjoying the way Dr. Fate's entire body has gone rigid as one glowing green eye snaps behind him. Zatanna small figure is no bigger then the pupil of the glowing eye, her body bath in the glow of it's green light and even the moon pales in comparison to the might of it's shine.
The eye quickly gainst a smile, stretched across a row of sharp teeth, then a second eye, a nose, and slowly Danny, King of the Infinite Rleams, forms in front of everyone's eyes.
The sweet smell of terror fills the air as Dani breathes it in.
Danny stares at the overshawed girl, eyes locked on Nabu who is resting just behind the layer of her skin, and glares. "You have brought harm upon my heir."
Nabu is too terrified to move, so Dani puts on a bigger show, letting tears roll down her face as she calls up, "He stole my friend too! He overshadowed her and won't give her back!"
Danny's face clouds with rage. "You have taken my heir's love. Release her."
Woah, hey now, no need to out Dani like that. Blushing, Dani ducks her head as Nabu quickly allows Zatanna to take off the helmet. Danny's large hand reaches towards the helmet, ripping out the spirit of Nabu, who wails in horror as the King drags him towards a portal. "You shall face trial for these actions."
"No! Mercy, your majestic, it was for the purpose of order!" The ghost cries, but his pleas fall on deaf ears as skeleton ghosts burst out of the portal, dragging the kicking and screaming ghost through. The portal slams closed with a loud crack, Nabu's screams echoing across the field.
Danny turns his large head towards the cowering group of mortals before the pointy-dark features of death melt away into a warm human face. It's a whiplash of change as the air shifts to comfort and personified sunshine when the King smiles. "Dani, I just wanted to let you know how proud I am you joined a hero team. Visit home a little more often and bring your friends."
"I will, Dad. Thanks." She beams back as Danny's large finger presses into her side, and his healing magic overflows her body. He does the same to all of her teammates and Justice League co-workers.
They are too petrified to move or thank him for the healing, but neither is Phantom Mind.
Danny nods, winks, and then vanishes like he was never there. Slowly, sound returns to the world- the leaves rustle in the wind, and animals begin to chirp.
"Well," Dani starts, climbing out of Conners's arms and dusting her outfit. "Who wants victory fudge?"
She gains a lot of round-eye looks, and when no one answers, she sighs, "I guess we can do victory pizza instead. But I demand one kind of sweet, or I'm going home to my father to complain."
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ma7moudgaza2 · 2 months ago
Time is running out
My campaign suffers from a severe slowness in obtaining this donations in light of the conditions of the League we live in Gaza from the siege, the high prices and the cold 🍉
As you know, my family of 22 members and I need about $100-150 today to live a fair life and meet our needs and the needs of our children, but unfortunately we get only $10 or 15 today, and this is not enough to withdraw it in the first place in light of the high taxes and the interest that is taken on the withdrawal of money due to the lack of liquidity in Gaza due to the closure of the crossings, so I appeal to you guys to share my campaign and donate to it if you can. In January we need at least $ 2000 but we have only got $2000 so far, time is running and I don’t know how I will feed our children and family next month if we are not provided with $ 2000 !!!!
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Here is my campaign link through which you can donate and you can do that via PayPal also I will leave you the two links
It’s now $23,200 out of the short target for this month in order to feed my family and protect them from the cold $25,000
@timetravellingkitty @deathlonging @briarhips @dirhwangdaseul @mahoushojoe
@rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife @sawasawako @appsa
@strangeauthor @gabajoofs @irhabiya @wellwaterhysteria @tamamita
@deepspaceboytoy @post-brahminism @khanger @kibumkim @neechees
@kyra45-helping-others @7bitter @tortiefrancis @log6
@toiletpotato @fromjannah @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @evillesbianvillain
@aristotels @komsomolka @xinakwans @heritageposts @transmutationisms
@amygdalae @ankle-beez @lonniemachin @dykesbat @charlott2n
@watermotif @mavigator @lacecap @yugiohz @vakarians-babe
@socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sivavakkiyar
@hyperions-fate @nabulsi @khizuo @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @schoolhater
@werewolf-transgenderism @breadmp3 @sawasawako @cigaretteaunt @tartrazeen
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malum-forev · 11 days ago
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Summary: a glimpse into your secret relationship with Bucky. The one he threw away.
CABNW!Bucky x Agent!Reader
Part 2: More Than Casual?
“This is so, so wrong.” Bucky mumbles against your lips, hands tangled in your hair. 
“But it feels so right.” You counter, looking up at the heaving super soldier through your eyelashes. 
He wasn’t all wrong. It was heavily looked down upon for a senior member to fraternize with a younger trainee. But who cares when the two of you are under the influence of heavy alcohol and worn out from your most recent mission?
It should’ve ended after that. You were supposed to be a one night stand. But Bucky couldn’t get you out of his mind. And what bothered him the most was that you seemed unfazed. 
“Was it not as mind blowing for you as it was for me?” Bucky says in between deep thrusts, the wrinkle between his eyebrow creasing.
“What?” You ask breathlessly. A second ago you were on a mind numbing roll heading toward climax and now, he’s completely taken you out of it with just a couple of words. “What are you talking about.”
He dives deeper, making your eyes roll back. “You’re the best I’ve ever had in decades, and you just acted like I was average.”
You have to stop yourself from laughing. “Didn’t we agree that we were going to keep our little meeting low key?” 
“Low key doesn’t mean forget about it completely.” Bucky says with a huff. 
Your eyebrows raise. “You want recognition.”
“I want you to admit I’m the best you’ve ever had.” His voice is gravelly, his eyes scan your face like he’s trying to catch every single movement in it. 
“And if it wasn’t?” You challenge. 
“Then you’d be lying.” He trails his vibranium arm over your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. 
“How do you know?” You whisper. 
“Because I was right there with you, doll.” He smiles against your lips, driving his hips up. 
A couple of hookups turned into him leaving an extra set of clothes at your place. Supposedly he only did it to make your meet ups more efficient. But you knew that the Sergeant was lying to you, and to himself. Every morning he’d make his way through your kitchen, making two coffees and cleaning up whatever you’d left the night before. 
A few months later, you cleared a couple of drawers for him. And Bucky gladly left his favorite Henley’s at your place along with his infamous leather jacket. 
Neither one of you knew what this was but you were having fun. And that’s what counted, right?
You liked moving up the ranks without having anyone undermine your work just because you’re sleeping with Bucky. And he liked not having to be vulnerable in front of other people. 
But soon, months turned into years. And before you knew it, Bucky was bringing you flowers every Friday and staying over more days than not. 
He’d share his fear of navigating the new world without a clear purpose. And you’d talk about how this job made you feel lonely most of the time. 
Your fellow agents would always try to set you up with whoever they knew. You’d politely decline the blind dates, not missing the way Bucky would give whoever would be your potential date, a tougher routine. 
And Bucky, well, no one was really trying to set him up with anyone. 
But your favorite part was work functions. Galas and charities where the two of you would act like strangers only to go back home to the same address. It was like a game for you two, until it wasn’t. 
“Sergeant Barnes,” you nod your head, ordering a cocktail at the bar. 
He tilts his head. “Agent.”
You should have known something was off, his eyes were dull and his voice sounded tight. But you assumed it was just because of the setting. Bucky never felt comfortable in places like this. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask under your breath.
“Nothing,” his voice is clipped. 
A photographer comes close to you two, holding up his camera and getting a picture before either one of you could object. 
“Delete that,” Bucky snaps. “Now!”
“What’s gotten into you?” You hiss, waving away the innocent photographer. 
“We can’t be seen together.” His blue eyes look everywhere but yours. “It’s not good for my image to be with a former widow.”
Your jaw slacks. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
Sure, Bucky had expressed some interest in running for congress but you never thought he was serious. And between constant missions and Bucky staying back, you weren’t quite up to date with the man you’ve been seeing for three years. 
“I hired a publicist,” He shoots a look back to a man standing close to Sam. “He recommends I stay away with my former team. It looks better for my campaign if I focus on the future, rather than the past.”
“The past?” Your breath gets caught in your throat. 
Bucky looks down at the floor. 
“So us…” You couldn’t finish your sentence. 
“Us?” Bucky raises his eyebrows, questioning all those years of you two. 
You scoff. “Drop the act, you know what’s between us.”
“Look, these years have been nice,” Bucky gulps. “But we both knew that we were just playing around.”
“Playing around?” You raise your eyebrows, a knot forming in your throat. 
“Casual.” He shrugs. 
“Was it casual when you chased after me in Bangladesh?” You challenge. “Was it casual when you asked me to stay because you wanted to feel me at night? Was it casual when you said you loved me?”
Bucky finally looks at you. “You have to understand, congress means I can make an impact-“
You finish off your drink. “Listen to me, James Buchanan Barnes, this is the last time I let you speak to me. From now on, we’re strangers—better yet, you’re dead to me.”
“C’mon, it doesn’t have to be like this,” he tries to hold your hand but you escape his soft grip. 
“Good luck, Congressman Barnes,” your eyes get glassy. “I hope you get everything you want.”
You never look back, not wanting to let him see how much he hurt you. 
Author's Note: hihiiii please remember I posted the first chapter of my book All For The Crown, it's on my page. I'd love it if you guys could take a read and leave me a comment! Thanks as always for all the love! My asks are always open!
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quarterlifekitty · 4 months ago
ok but what happens if/when Simon’s down for the count after a rough op, and it’s more than a little while until his worried nonverbal gf is allowed to see him. does soap step up? make sure she’s taken care of until Simon recovers? reassure her than Simon will be ok in the end? i MUST know, desperate to find out how this affects their dynamic
(Note: I’m gonna start referring to reader as selectively mute because I was made aware that this is a more accurate description!)
So, to be quite clear, I think she can take care of herself. She’s a whole adult. Simon knows this, and Soap does too. But the real question is what bullshit is Soap’s hindbrain telling him?
It’s that her mate’s down for the count and as a fellow pack member, he’s responsible for stepping up to provide. But he’s trying his best not to crowd!! He knows his LT would kick his ass for that. So he’s dropping by once a day, telling her exactly where he’ll be and when in case she needs him, and says to call him any time, for any reason at all.
She’s just nodding and humming affirmatively occasionally, and she leads him around the house. Eventually he figures out that she’s bringing him stuff to bring for Simon— because Soap is in his unit, he can visit, but civilians like her can’t (live in my magical reality where this is how the military works for a sec). He thinks she looks like a pretty bird— gathering up the best of the nesting things for her man.
He’ll ask if she wants him to stick around for a while, and she doesn’t say anything, but he can see her grind her teeth a bit. And it’s like another little pin inside the lock of his mind clicks into place.
“Know what, bonnie? Dinnae feel like goin’ out today, actually. Errands sound like a fuckin’ ballache right now. Gonna stick around if y’dinnae mind.”
He orders dinner for the two of them— there are some menus stuck on the fridge that have some highlights and underlines in them. There’s a little asterisk and a note in Ghost’s chicken scratch. Safe foods (haha what if I said she had food anxiety too. Then what heehee). So he just orders a few things— he’s a trash can, more than happy to eat whatever she doesn’t want. Puts on a movie he remembers— some ghibli-type thing that was relaxing enough to put her to sleep when they watched it during movie night.
The true mark of progression in their relationship? He keeps blabbing, sure, but he doesn’t try to placate her with words. He just keeps the little activities coming so the time can pass without her noticing.
And Simon doesn’t even have to ask to know that Soap’s been looking after you. He smells like you. That brown sugar milk tea kinda smell.
“How’s my birdie? You been keepin’ her good company, Johnny?”
“You know it only takes her about a day to finish a thousand piece puzzle? Too fuckin’ smart, she is.” Simon chuckles to himself.
“Good man.”
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