#m frank longbottom
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE QUEEN OF SWORDS get what she deserves?” She is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & CLOSED to finding out.
— she walks through the world as ;
name → annabeth pebworth pronouns → she/her identification → cis female year of birth → september 1952 - september 1953 face claim → jessica henwick blood status → muggle-born sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → deputy head hit wix at the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic future information → head of hit wix at the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic, wife of dougal mckinnon
— she is best described as ;
Forged by DRAGONS BREATH, she is the ASSURANCE of a NEW DAWN coloured in scarlet yet the CAUTION warned in it’s wake. The GUIDING HAND of a blade, SURE, STEADY and UNYIELDING in the face of PROTECTION and PERSEVERANCE.  While they can be as TENDER as the whistle of wind through mountains, it’s a gift for only those stubborn enough to unlock a IRON CAST HEART sealed from decades of hopelessly cold, to hold.
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
There is little that Annabeth cares to remember of her time before becoming a Pebworth. Merely a collection of disjointed memories, fractured hope and careless actions from those that were meant to love her. The product of a careless night, Annabeth was born to a mother too young to look after herself let alone a child. Abandoned and left in an orphanage, Annabeth raised her sister Isla with protective hand and the overbearingness of a mother at only seven. Seeing it as her duty to protect her, she vowed even then that nothing would be able to tear them apart. While the orphanage was as bleak and grey, the people inside held hope for the young souls within. Finding families for as many children as they could muster. Isabella and Angus Pebworth hailed from the highlands, simple folk who always wanted a child of their own; the news of a newborn looking for a home brought them to the orphanage. Only to find that if they wished to take Isla; they’d have to take Annabeth too. While it wasn’t what they’d wished for, it was still a family.
Annabeth knew that she wasn’t wanted. Her age made her less desirable, her guarded attitude and protection over her sister was a challenge. Especially when strange things started to happen. The crashing of a plate when tears started to fall, the playing of the gramophone to sooth Isla without it being turned on, the flickering of lights to accompany her tears. While her parents swore the house was haunted and insisted they fled to the Isle of Skye to escape their demons; Anna feared it wasn’t the house but herself. Exploring the fields behind the village they lived, her eyes fell on four figures all of whom were flying. The magic she’d been hiding under her covers at night of flickering flames wasn’t insanity, it was real and there were others just as she. As quickly as her realization came, she was knocked to the ground by COINNEACH MCKINNON [future brother in law]; who was swiftly scorned by DOUGAL MCKINNON [best friend/fiancè]. Annabeth’s short temper and spark only made the McKinnon’s smirk, who welcomed her to join them gladly. The McKinnon’s saved Annabeth from loneliness and self destruction; akin spirits they taught her about the wizarding world, showing her life, freedom and how to finally breathe.
The Pebworth’s fear of magic tore the family apart. Superstitious, the unknown whelm of witchcraft they saw as cursed. Deeming that no child of theirs would have a hand in such unnatural acts, they burned Hogwarts letters upon arrival only until a mysterious cat appeared at their window. Transforming into a woman before their very eyes, PROFESSOR MINERVA MCGONAGALL [mentor] escorted the witch personally to Hogwarts, throwing shame in her wake for their negligence. Hogwarts was beyond anything she could have wished for. Doned in red, she soared with her fellow Gryffindor’s; atlast finally wanted and free. The brightest witch of her year with resilient prowess, the girl excelled far beyond anyone’s expectations. Able to fight her own battles when the likes of LACHESIS MALFOY [adversary] shouted mudblood across the halls, though with Dougal, ALICE YEN [best friend], FRANK LONGBOTTOM [close friend], AMOS DIGGORY [friend], HESTIA JONES [friend] and IAIN WOOD [friend] readily at her side for once she didn’t need to be her own champion. Yielding a fury of protection for the people she loves, the witch’s devotion to safeguard her chosen family and those vulnerable became her striving purpose. Graduating and taking a job as a Auror under ALASTOR MOODY [boss], she became bold and defiant in her untouchable youth.
Though one night, everything changed. Ravagers stormed the mountains of Skye in hope to capture the famed and protected Hebridean Black dragons. The roars of fire shook the town as dragons cried for their children leaving the McFusty calling any wix on the island to help. Fighting in combat alongside the McKinnon’s, McCormack’s, Wood’s and McGonagall’s the families united managed to ward off the thieves; still with great consequences. Isla had followed her sister with the ambition to help. Though at only twelve, her skills weren’t nearly enough to match that of older wix. Caught between a spell and a dragon, in a blink of an eye Annabeth lost her sister forever. With no body to be found, any life that Isla Pebworth had once held; simply turned to memory. Blamed for her sister’s death, the Pebworths disowned Annabeth. Wanting nothing to do with magic and the daughter that had left their greatest treasure dead, they left never to be seen again. Devastated and plagued with grief; Annabeth’s heartbroken cries echoed through the mountains. With a piece of her soul stolen, despite the McKinnon’s taking her in; the witch was unconsolable. Turned reserved from fear of the unbearable grief that comes with love lost, Annabeth became colder and guarded in a fleeting attempt to protect what remained of her heart.
While many tried to heal the mourning witch, it was Dougal who found a way into her heart. Though arrogant, there was something about him that was disarming. For a man too proud and noble it was maddening, she offered a wit as sharp as a viper leaving their interactions often comical to those around them. Years of friendship turned to love as they bickered over games of wizards chess, sipped butterbeers and healed each other through the misfortune that had befallen them. While their years of friendship, love and then engagement were news celebrated by friends, by most however distaste could be felt in their stares. Most surprising of all; Nathair who’s objection ripped through the fabric of the McKinnon family. Obstinate that she wouldn’t tear them apart, Annabeth fled to the hills. Only for Dougal to capture her in an embrace, claiming there was no place on earth that would be far enough for him to forget the bond they shared; assuring it would meet good ends. While fraught with concern at the growing unrest both within her family and community, Annabeth dove into work. While Alastor fought against the head of law enforcement BARTEMIUS CROUCH SR [boss] insisting she become the head of the department of Hit wix, with her muggle-born status; the Ministry board refused. 
Angered, Alastor spoke of a group forming to combat against discrimination and offer tangible change; The Order of the Phoenix.Hungry for purpose, while she knows her time will come, with the growing strife she aches being on the sidelines wanting nothing more than to wage her own war. Though, even she knows it's not wise with anonymous threats of violence left in her office. What started as one, became two, till she was finding threats daily scattered on her desk as pureblood propaganda. While the letters of terror and dark symbols are unnamed, even Annabeth knows she’d be a fool not to dismiss such cryptic messages. Keeping them hidden from her friends and Dougal to not cause alarm, Annabeth has taken the situation into her own hands. Seeking consort from EMMELINE VANCE [friend], the pair are trying to detect a magical trace off of any of the letters she has received. Testing the ink and parchment, to see if it will lead to a clue but coming up nout. But with the most recent letter being slipped under the front door, Annabeth’s nerve is growing strained with how close to home the threats are turning. With Muggles disappearing daily and the threat on non-pureblood wix growing; Annabeth fears that it’s only a matter of time before her name is added to the missing persons list.
— she is a LEVEL 8 WITCH & readied for war ;
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aparecium-rp · 2 years
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Character name: Frank Longbottom Age & Birthday: 27 & UTP Gender & Pronouns: Male & He/Him Occupation: UTP Blood status: Pureblood Previous house: Gryffindor Affiliation: Order of the Phoenix Face claim: 
[to be written by player]
Played by:  Time Zone: 
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drarry-reccage · 2 days
Notes on a resurrection by newleaves (126k, M)
Tags: Unspeakable Draco Malfoy, Professor Harry Potter, Bring back Black, Secret Relationships
The Potters stop arguing, for the moment. They look over, their expressions matched in steely irritation. Thankfully, for Draco’s nerves, they’re easy to distinguish besides this. Harry is full of storms, as usual, on his feet as he paces the rug not far from the door, shoulders up around his ears. His father is leaning artfully against the honey-brown Chesterfield sofa, one foot crossed over the other and hands in his pockets, all clean lines and angles. It’s not clear why they’ve been keeping each other company, but Draco supposes that Harry at least can’t resist throwing himself at a problem until it’s either solved or successfully killed him. “Masters and Mistress,” drawls Kreacher, living for this moment. Draco’s often thought that it’s a cruelty, the way that Harry and the others so frequently refuse to let Kreacher express himself. “Mr Potter. May Kreacher present Mr Malfoy…” The pause is exquisite. “And his guest.” This is Lupin’s cue to come out from behind the doorframe, and Draco gets the impression that he’s very nearly run off again. “Just me, I’m afraid,” he says with half a wave. There is the requisite pause as the room takes him in, but then it’s James Potter who reacts – or, more accurately, erupts. Collapsing away from the sofa, he lights up like nothing that Draco has ever seen, breaking into an ebullient laugh, storming movement and a bellow. “You fuzzy cunt, Moony – what?!”
My notes are under cut, containing what could be considered spoilers (though the big plot points I mention didn't come as a surprise to me while reading).
(rec by @dontthrowsticksatme)
Caveat here is that I'm only halfway through the fic as I write this. If the second half is horrible, I apologise, though I can't imagine it to be <3
I LOVE the characterisations in this fic. The way the marauders are portrayed are *chef's kiss*.
I especially love how Harry is juxtaposed with his posh, happy-go-lucky dad. Who, after finding out their old friends Frank and Alice Longbottom have been in St Mungo's all this time, suggests they should have a barbecue. For Neville. If the weather's nice.
Or with cute Lily and her thick accent, and the way her love for Harry sparkles off the screen immediately and in every way. Or little shit Teddy meeting his dad, and the way Draco only encourages him by setting up a prank the day the two meet.
Drarry is almost - but not entirely - secondary to all these family relationships, but their love is a very sweet one, sketched in moments woven throughout the story.
Draco's character comes through in subtle ways, throwaway lines, funny actions and mostly the way the other characters look at him, interact with him. He has the worst blind spots for how much people like him.
And you cannot help but love Harry through Draco's softly adoring eyes. I want to wrap him in my arms and hug tight. Actually, I want to wrap all of them in my arms and hug tight.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 8 months
The Riddle of Tom Riddle: Part 1/?
(Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7)
The Death Tool of Voldemort's Wars
So, I did say I'll make this post somewhere, so here it is.
When trying to make sense of Voldemort’s behavior in the books, I noticed that the two wars were actually very different. How they were waged, how many people died, and who was most targeted along with Voldemort's goals.
(Because I mentioned it, I'll just say Voldemort’s behavior in the book is really weird and somewhat contradictory, but I found a way to explain that. Consider this the second post on my way to analyze Voldemort after the Horcruxes one)
The Wizarding Population in the UK
The first step to figuring out how bad the wars with Voldemort actually were is to know the size of the wizarding population in the UK. Numbers of deceased don't mean much without being able to calculate percentages.
If there are 40 students a year at Hogwarts in 1990s → 400 wizards and witches between ages 10-19
Account for fewer births during and right after the war with Grindelwald in the 1930s-1940s, and the war with Voldemort in the 1970s
Account for longer life acceptancy (Average of 130)
And we get an estimate of something like this:
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With wizards being around 0.01% of the muggle population in any country.
The population in Britian in 1991 was 57,359,454, making the wizarding population 57,359*0.01% =~ 5,700
The population in Ireland in 1991 was 5.1 M, making the Irish wizarding population about 510.
So as a rough estimate, we'll say there were ~6,200 wizards and witches in the UK and Ireland together in 1991
Probably less though considering JKR killed most of Harry's grandparents' generation with Dragon Pox....
By the same logic above in the 1970s the Wizarding population in Britain and Ireland was ~5,600 + ~300 = ~5,900 wizards and witches.
So, now we have the estimated size of the population and we can gage how much damage these wars actually caused.
So, I may have compiled a list of all war casualties from both wars. I will not place the full details here (like the exact year each died), but I'll mention sides, who they were killed by, and any other information relevant to understanding the war's influence on wizarding society, and what we can learn from it about Voldemort's intentions.
For these lists:
(M) - muggle (MB) - muggleborn (PB) - pure-blood (HB) - half-blood (O) - other $ - Death Eater or affiliated ^ - Order of the Pheonix member or affiliated Italics - killed against Voldemort's orders
The First War: Surprisingly Targeted
Killed By Voldemort Personally:
~4 unnamed goblins (O)
Dorcas Meadowes (PB/HB)^
James Potter (PB)^
Lily Potter (MB)^
Killed by Death Eaters:
Mr. Bones (PB)^
Mrs. Bones (PB)^
Robert McGonagall (PB)
Marlene McKinnon (PB)^
~4 more unnamed McKinnons (PB)^
Mrs McGregor (M)
Douglas McGregor (M)
2 McGregor Children (M)
Caradoc Dearborn (PB/HB)^
Dean Thomas’ Father (PB)
Edgar Bones' Wife (PB)^
Edgar Bones (PB)^
~2 Edgar Bones' children (PB)^
Benji Fenwick (PB/HB)^
Frank Longbottom (PB)^ - Not dead, but counts
Alice Longbottom (PB)^ - Not dead, but counts
Fabian Prewett (PB)^
Gideon Prewett (PB)^
Killed by the Order of the Pheonix & Aurors:
Evan Rosier (PB)$
Wilkes (PB)$
+ 13 muggles killed by Peter Pettigrew on October 31st, 1981
+ Regulus Black who died in the cave with the Inferi
This lands us at 45 casualties (including the Longbottoms) for the first Wizarding War. Now, let's look more closely at the numbers.
Not counting the muggles and creatures other than wizards lands us at 24
24/5,900 =~ 0.40% of the wizarding population was killed in the first war.
And did you notice anything interesting about the names on the list? There is only 1 muggleborn and 1 muggle family, whose death wasn't even on Voldemort's orders. What does it tell us about the war?
Well, first off, Dumbledore's idea of morality and not using dark magic and lethal curses kind of sucks. This is hardly a war, it's a massacre. 19 Order members and their families die compared to 3 Death Eaters, one of which was killed by Voldemort's creations. Moody and Mr. Weasley aren't kidding when they say the first war was rough in the fifth book. It really was, but only for their side.
The innocent casualties of people not belonging to any side in this war stand at 19 (including the 13 muggles killed by Pettigrew), and 6 (not including Pettigrew).
It's just wild how Peter Pettigrew has the most kills in this war, more than Voldemort. And it tells you a lot about Voldemort's priorities.
His priorities clearly aren't to kill all muggleborns, we can see that much. So what are his priorities? What is he actually waging a war for if it's not to kill all muggleborns like all the characters tell us?
Well, I will post a full rundown of the timeline of the first war at some point, but for now, what we know is that Voldemort is targeting the Order of the Phoenix, who opposed him. And he is in general causing chaos for the Ministry of Magic.
We know that by 1981, Voldemort practically won, with the ministry having more spies of his than any other group. The ministry was made up of Death Eaters. But we don't know of any rules he passed in this time, or moves to legalize dark magic or outlaw muggleborns — nothing like that happened.
What did happen, was that Voldemort made a cave filled with Inferi and experimented with potions (he invented the potion of despair in the cave).
It seems, more than anything, the war was there to distract the ministry or weaken it, and less about accomplishing a specific political goal. And if he was after a specific political goal, then it isn't blood purity as he isn't rounding up muggleborns like in the second war.
The low death count overall (especially when compared to the second war) is because Voldemort is there. Voldemort does not approve of unnecessary death, even muggle one:
“Nice costume, mister!” He saw the small boy’s smile falter as he ran near enough to see beneath the hood of the cloak, saw the fear cloud his painted face. Then the child turned and ran away. . . . Beneath the robe he fingered the hand of his wand. . . One simple movement and the child would never reach his mother. . . but unnecessary, quite unnecessary. . . .
(Deathly Hollows, page 295)
Voldemort himself does not like unnecessary death. He considers it and killing in rage below him at the end of the First Wizarding War. He doesn't do it himself and doesn't let his followers kill unnecessarily up until the night he kills the Potters.
What exactly Voldemort was trying to accomplish is a question I've pondered and have a few more posts about. But understanding he wasn't really after the death of all muggleborns and neither was he after control of Magical Britain, which is made very clear by the second war, is the first step to understanding him.
The Second War: Chaos Galore
Killed By Voldemort Personally:
Bertha Jorkins (PB)
Cedric Diggory (PB)
Bathilda Bagshot (PB)
Charity Burbage (PB/HB)
Alastor Moody (PB)^
Rufus Scrimgeour (PB)
German-speaking child #1 (M)
German-speaking child #2 (M)
German-speaking woman (M)
Mykew Gregorovitch (PN)
Gellert Grindelwald (HB)
Peter Pettigrew (PB/HB)$
2 Unidentified Death Eaters (PB/HB)$
Severus Snape (HB)$
Killed by Death Eaters:
Bodrick Bode (PB/HB)
Emmeline Vance (PB)^
Sirius Black (PB)^
Amalia Bones (PB)
Florean Fortesque (PB)
Mrs. Abbott (PB/HB)
Igor Karkaroff (PB)$
Montgomery (PB/HB)
4 Unidentified Muggles (M)
Gibbon (PB)$
Albus Dumbledore (HB)^
5 Unnamed muggles in Gaddley (M)
Gornuk (O)
Edward Tonks (MB)^
Dirk Cresswell (MB)
Dobby (O)
Lavender Brown (PB)^
Camelia (PB/HB)^
Vincent Crabbe (PN)$
Colin Creevey (MB)^
Remus Lupin (HB)^
Nymphadora Tonks (HB)^
Fred Weasley (PB)^
Killed by the Order of the Pheonix:
Bellatrix Lestrange (PB)$
Killed by Golden Trio:
Bogrod (O)
Tom Riddle (Voldemort) (HB)$
+ 42 more casualties for the Battle of Hogwarts.
What we see here is that this second war was much deadlier. The Battle of Hogwarts alone had more casualties than the entirety of the First War. Even if I'm generous and add 20 more dead to my estimate of the First War, it doesn't come anywhere close to the death tool of the Second War.
Now, I ask myself, why?
The Second War was much shorter, officially ongoing between May of 1996 and May of 1998 (2 years), with the First War officially waging from 1975 to October of 1981 (6 years). What was so different between the wars that caused this kind of escalation in the second one this quickly?
We see the Second War unfold, we watch how quickly the Ministry of Magic falls and the Death Eaters take over. They quickly make laws such as the Muggleborn Registry — things that didn't happen in the first war.
“Attendance is now compulsory for every young witch and wizard,” he replied. “That was announced yesterday. It’s a change, because it was never obligatory before. Of course, nearly every witch and wizard in Britain has been educated at Hogwarts, but their parents had the right to teach them at home or send them abroad if they preferred..."
(Deathly Hollows, page 182)
Lupin is talking about the Muggleborn Registry and compulsory attendance to Hogwarts — completely new things, never seen before in Britain. They weren't around the first go-around even if Voldemort had the same amount of control over the ministry (it being made up of his followers even in the 1970s). So, what changed? What's the difference?
I pondered this question, and I realized what the main difference is — Voldemort. He is different. His priorities are different.
In the second war, Voldemort doesn't show any care for the ministry, government, or unnecessary death the way he did in the First War. In the First War he limited his Death Eaters, focusing them on targeting only Order members, but in the Second War, not only did he let them loose, but he let himself loose as well.
And I'll prove just how unconcerned he is with Britain and the war during Deathly Hollows and Half-Blood Prince.
In Half-Blood Prince, when the Death Eaters break into Hogwarts to kill Dumbledore, arguably their biggest achievement in the war thus far, and where is their leader? Off, somewhere. Researching wands so he could kill Harry Potter.
And where is Lord Voldemort, leader of the Death Eaters when his followers take over the ministry and start passing the aforementioned rules? He's in Germany, tracking down the Elder Wand.
“That’s—that’s pretty, Dolores,” she said, pointing at the pendant gleaming in the ruffled folds of Umbridge’s blouse. “What?” snapped Umbridge, glancing down. “Oh yes—an old family heirloom,” she said, patting the locket lying on her large bosom. “The S stands for Selwyn. . . . I am related to the Selwyns. . . . Indeed, there are few pure blood families to whom I am not related. . . . A pity,”
(Deathly Hollows, page 225)
Voldemort is so unaware and un-present in Britain during the time he supposedly rules it, that Dolores Umbridge can strut around the ministry with the locket that is his Horcrux and holds a piece of his soul and is his Slytherin family heirloom and claim it to belong to the Selwyn family and to be hers. And she wasn't tortured horribly to death.
Yeah, Voldemort never stepped foot in the Ministry throughout Deathly Hollows. At least, not until he retrieved the elder Wand and was convinced he could kill Harry.
In the First War, Voldemort had intentions, unrelated to blood purity as they were, but intentions nonetheless. He was actually leading and had goals for the war. In the Second War, it looks like he gave up. Like he decided killing Harry Potter is the only important thing and he isn't even bothering with anything else and lets his Death Eaters do as they please.
Voldemort didn't really plan to win the Second War, he didn't really care what happened to the Ministry, as long as he could kill Harry Potter whom he is quite obsessed with. Like, he's really weird about Harry Potter, and maybe I'll talk about it more in-depth, but he's obsessed with being the one to kill Harry with a wand of his own, to the point of ignoring literally everything else.
If you are going to fight an opponent that is trying to kill you, you should probably be just as willing to be lethal in turn or you'd end up massacred like the Order of the Phoenix from the 1970s....
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thetorturedpoetsfest · 3 months
Welcome to Day 5 of The Tortured Poets Fest!
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Click the links listed below to check out all of the content our lovely Tortured Poets have created for all of us today! (and go to our bio to access the rest of the AO3 Collection)
✍️ these are the hands of fate by kakumeizenya
Ship(s): Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Rating: M
A fall from grace. An escape from hell. A new beginning.
Returning for her final year at Hogwarts, Hermione is still grappling with her new identity. Draco wants nothing more than to leave his past behind and start afresh. They fall in love, drift apart, find each other again, and discover that life is not as simple as they once thought. 🕯 Soliloquies by staringathesun @staringathesunbabe
Ship(s): Regulus Black/James Potter
Rating: E
The first person James has to fight is himself.
Right after that, there’s everyone else.
In a world where Voldemort and his followers were defeated before a war could break out, James navigates a life he believes he deserves. He has his friends at his side, and he plays for one of the best Quidditch teams in the League.
People had decided whether to stand with good or evil and were now facing the consequences.
In the middle of it all, in a dark gray limbo everyone’s hatred keeps pushing him into, stands Regulus Black.
🗝 The Existence of You by @elderwanderer
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, Minor Remus Lupin/Alice Longbottom/Frank Longbottom, Remus Lupin & James Potter & Peter Pettigrew & Sirius Black
Rating: E
Marauders. In. Space.
Need I say more?
📜 Your arson's match, your somber eyes, and I'll still see it until I die (you're the loss of my life) by Sagiko_AKA_RegulusBlackKinnieBITFW
Ship(s): Peter Pettigrew/James Potter, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Rating: E
Truthfully, James had grown quite a lot in the recent year, since the fall out of the prank they still couldn’t speak about.
“And she’s blind if she can’t see that.” He followed up quickly before ducking his head, letting his strawberry blond fringe hide his eyes.
“Thanks, Wormy,” James looked his way with teary eyes. “You guys are going to be my best friends, forever.”
The words felt like a hug and a knife digging into Peter’s chest. He had a feeling he’d never quite be more than one of three best friends, to James.... 🖌 Drowning in the blue Nile by @heartsoncover
Ship(s): Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Rating: M
Harry has been drowning for longer than anyone has realised. **************
Be sure to check our page for Day 6’s reveals! Until then, Tortured Poets <3
🩶 Your mods, @wolfpadx @multiimoments @heartsoncover @lemonlans @mercurial-witch @steveahoi damagecontrol & shewritesmaybe
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cosmal · 2 years
.。*゚+.forourmoons marauders era fancasts part two!
timothee chalamet as regulus black
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Ive never disagreed with timothee as reg. he's him like????
beabadoobee as marlene mckinnon
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I feel like she gives off the grunge aesthetic I associate with marlene. esp her blonde era yeahhhh
minnie mills as emmeline vance
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emmeline is so underrated shut up!!!! but shes exactly how I picture herrrrrr
elle fanning as pandora lestrange
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esp her in the great! and maleficant! the vibes ugh the the aesthetic!!!! I love pandora
glenna walters as alice fortescue
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plussize!alice for life <3 yes I love her shes mine
steven yeun as frank longbottom
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the hair!! the smile!!! hes so pretty and so frank yeah
bonus: eren m guverchin and paul ahrens as wolfstar
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can u see them??? how could they not! be wolfstar????? look at them ahhhhhhhhhhh
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major-toast · 3 months
7 Words // cw: blood, murder // minors dni
This one is for my beloved @panchashire
I know it's not the streamer AU, but I hope it's worth your precious time regardless <3
Hunting - it's an ancient thrill. Without it our ancestors would have starved, our civilisations sentenced to fail. Humans are predators, after all; vile and cruel. Hunting - it is the foundation of our very being. Why keep to a life of rules and manners, if it so against our nature? Why not embrace the killers we are built to be?
Barty believes playing by the rules of righteousness and good-natured morality is part of society's decline. It is boring, bleak. He? He is born to hunt.
And - fuck - is he good at it.
Laughing, he crashes into the corner of the hallway, his broken arm throbbing in pain at the impact. Still, he laughs. What is a little pain if the outcome is so rewarding?
"You cannot escape from me forever, Alice", he mocks, following it with another manical giggle. "I'll get you sooner rather than later!"
Alice doesn't even turn around, stumbling along the hallway as fast as her feet can carry her. Of course, it's not enough. It will never be. No matter how fast they run, Barty is always faster.
They always try so hard.
Adorable, really.
In a frantic attempt to ward him off, to bring distance between them as Barty slowly walks after her, the knife held firmly in hand, she pushes over a small side table. Clinking and crashing, the vase on top falls to the ground, the shards falling all over the carpeted floor. Casually, Barty steps over them, taking all the time in the world.
"Oh, thank god!" Alice exclaims in shrill panic, falling into Evan's arms, who just appeared at one of the doors. Raising his brows in surprise, he wraps his arms around her small and shivering figure, the blood on her hands leaving pretty stains on his clothes.
"What's wrong, Al?" he asks calmly.
"He's- he's trying to kill me! Evan! Evan- He already killed Frank! Please, you have to help me! Please..."
Barty smiles, twirling the knife in his hand before wiping some of the sweat off his forehead with this same wrist. It ends with even more blood smeared all over his face. Can't she see she just walked right into a trap?
"He's not going to help you", Barty coos. "You're lost, Alice. You hear me? Lost as all of you petty souls have been."
"Evan, please", Alice begs, tears streaming down her face as she tugs at his hoodie. "He's insane..."
Evan, whose eyes had been on Barty the entire time, finally looks down on her. Suddenly, the bored expression receives a devious glint.
"Who tells you I am not?" he simply remarks, his lips twisting into a cruel smile.
Before Alice knows what's happening to her, Evan slides out a knife of his own. Wrapping the arm now around her neck, he turns her around, holding her in a tight headlock. Barty grins devilishly as her widened eyes meet his own.
"Rosie is not as innocent as he might look", he comments, stepping closer and closer. "But the innocence makes for a good alibi, I have to give him that."
"Shut up, Crouch. You had your fun."
Fair enough, Barty thinks.
Huffing, he takes a small bow. "After you, Mr Rosier."
Rolling his eyes - if a little fondly - Evan raises the knife to Alice's throat. He doesn't blink once as the smooth metal glides through skin and flesh. Doesn't even wince. Whenever Evan kills, he does so with no empathy, no remorse. Barty believes it's the hottest thing to ever witness.
With the gurgling sound of someone choking on their own blood, life leaves the delicate frame that once has been Alice Longbottom. Barty watches pleased as the light dims inside her eyes, how the blood stains the floor and the gorgeous dark tone of Evan's skin. Licking his lips, he cannot wait to taste the blood now clinging to it.
As the body slumps to the ground, Barty slams into him.
Breathing heavily and crazed with desire, he presses Evan into the door long closed. Evan doesn't hesitate to tear into his clothes.
"Ever made out on top of a corpse, angel?" Barty pants into his mouth, biting his lower lips and tasting his tongue and teeth over and over again.
Evan smiles into it, gripping the back of his head.
"Something tells me I am about to find out"
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dhr-ao3 · 4 months
Choose Us
Choose Us https://ift.tt/f1WTHFk by impostersyndrome88 Pansy Parkinson adjusts to her new life following her Ministry-mandated marriage to Neville fucking Longbottom. *** This fic is spin-off of Ten Out of Ten by MorriganMercy (and written with her permission). I recommend reading that fic before reading this one, but this fic can be read as a stand-alone. Words: 3305, Chapters: 1/12, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Neville Longbottom, Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson's Mother, Rita Skeeter, Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom, Augusta Longbottom, Theodore Nott, Tracey Davis (Harry Potter) Relationships: Neville Longbottom/Pansy Parkinson, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: marriage law, Forced Marriage, Eventual Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/YL0Zm6z June 03, 2024 at 04:04PM
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tedwardremus · 4 months
Tagged by @annabtg!
🍓 how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I wrote fanfiction with my sister in a shared notebook when we were in elementary school. Then when the first Harry Potter movies came out in 2001 I was an active pre-teen on the WB Harry Potter message boards which then brought me to Mugglenet and FictionAlley.
🍇How many fandoms have you written in?
4- Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Princess Diaries, Twilight,
🍈 How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Over twenty years but with breaks
🍎 Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I've gone through phases. I went ten years without writing anything but I was still an active reader. I'm no back to writing and reading
🍌 What is one way you've improved as a writer?
Well since I've been writing since I was a kid I hope I've improved a lot lol. I do one think is confidence though. I write for myself, not for the approval of others.
🍑 Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
Posting quickly. I need to slow down and allow things to breathe before I post.
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I went deep into medieval markets but then I didn't use any of it because I just wanted to do what narratively made sense and not what was historically accurate.
🍉What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Any comments! It is such a gift to receive a little note that someone enjoyed what I wrote, even its just a little heart. I appreciate everything.
🍐What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I'm the only person interested in writing about Frank Longbottom (if another Frank girlie is out there please hit me up)
🥭What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Multi-chapter (I'm too impatient!)
🍏What is the easiest type?
Simple scenes or one-shots that have been stuck in my brain for a long time.
🍑Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Google docs. Usually in the morning before work
🍋What is something you've been too nervous/ intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I'm not sure. I'm pretty much of the perspective that this fun and I do this for me so if I want to write something I will and if I'm struggling to write something or not having fun I'll table it for later.
🍇What made you choose your username?
Back when I was in grad school I made this secondary blog so I could share my depressed grad school thoughts away from my main blog. When I started writing fanfiction again I just started posting on this blog instead of my main since I didn't want to flood people with Harry Potter content. I debate with myself all the time if I want to change my username becuase I don't feel a connection to this username anymore and I don't really like being reminded how depressed I was in my twenties. But I don't know what my username should be so I;m stuck.
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE KING OF CUPS get what he deserves?” He is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & OPEN to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → dougal mckinnon pronouns → him/he  identification → cis male year of birth → september 1951 - september 1952 face claim → kendrick sampson blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → senior researcher for the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic future information → married to annabeth pebworth
— he is best described as ;
A LION'S BREATH roaring in the blazing sun, they are the STRENGTH of an OLD OAK yet the waring weight held in its years. The SURE STEP of a WISE MAN, he is the CONSTANCE of day break PROUD and PROTECTIVE in it’s overwhelming MIGHT, yet the quiver of BURDENED RESPONSIBILITY forced into the light of day by UNYIELDED DEVOTION at its amber dawn.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death
Raised on scottish bravery and the freedom of the skies, Dougal is as daring as any Mckinnon that came before him. With his mother a socialite from Paris, she took great care to ensure her children knew etique, language and politics. While their father - who worked for the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau within the Ministry - bolstered courage, with flying lessons and dragon eggs, even for a child of the wizarding world Dougal’s youth was vibrant. The thrills of adventure set him alight. Screaming into the sunset as Hebridean Black dragons dominated the skies, they soared through Scottish valleys and dove into locks exploring the creatures that lurked in their depths. For eight years he grew an only child. Books towered the tables in his room, with wizarding punk posters overlapping pinned anecdotes of muggle folktales; he thrived under the encouragement of his parents' love and the stubborn companionship of his fellow islanders. The eldest of four, with an eight years difference between him and the youngest, he took on an over protective role of MARLENE [sister], NATHAIR [brother] and COINNEACH [brother] often when he didn't need to. He loved them all with pride, fulfilling his big brother duties with compassion as his temperament made them squeal with delight. 
Adamant in his valiance, he longed to be a hero fighting for the voiceless. Following in the footsteps of the fabled heroes he admired; Dougal daydreamed of taking down villains like Robin Hood, bolstering with ROBERT MCGONAGALL [best friend] by his side. Sword fighting like knights, they charted maps of hidden caves, and taught his siblings to fly. Until his brother knocked an unsuspecting young girl off her feet. ANNABETH PEBWORTH [best friend/fiance] was poised with a quick witted remark and disregard of his help. Maddening even from a young age, they were similar in more ways than one. Competitive as they bustled for first place, for a man so used to being right, she had an alarming ability to disarm him. He loved her from the start. While it took time for her love to grow, his affection for her was one thing he couldn’t shake; even as they joined Hogwarts together. Filled with lion hearted pride, Gryffindor boosted his morale as he wrangled with the best of them; FRANK LONGBOTTOM [best friend], ALICE YEN [close friend], HESTIA JONES [friend], IAIN WOOD [best friend] and AMOS DIGGORY [friend]. Eating rogue plants Frank discovered in Herbology to challenging Iain to fly around the Whomping Willow; without the need to be the protector, Dougal thrived with the reckless hearts of youth and merlin did he bask in their glory. 
A chaser for the quidditch team, a Prefect and Slug Club member; achieving greatness was his aim even if his quaking black and white morals left him in detention from dueling whichever pure blood asshole decided to throw a sneering comment that week. Graduating with honors, while his years were spent fixating on the history of the ministry of magic, Annabeth brought entertainment to life. Tightly wound with the pressures of success, she pulled him out of books animatedly recounting 50s horror movies or singing - out of tune - to The Rolling Stones. With his long-eared owl flying notes between them; barely a day passed where they didn’t exchange a glance or a taunting jab from across the room. Until, everything fell apart. Ravaged home land, fire fury scorched the Highlands as dragons cried for their young against wix in search of loot. Dougal and Annabeth dove into action without a moment's thought. Fighting to protect their home alongside CATRIONA MCCORMACK [friend] and the McFusty clan; sparks flew as duels ensued. Paranoid for Annabeth’s safety, he let his guard down for a second when a scream pierced through the cliffs as ISLA PEBWORTH [acquaintance] got caught between a spell and a dragon and vanished. Eggs captured, the raiders fled leaving nothing but devastation in their wake. 
Grieving the loss of her sibling, all he could do was offer Annabeth patience, a shoulder and time. While she blamed herself for their death, Dougal only blamed himself. He’d been weak and he vowed then it wouldn’t be something he possessed. Valuing order and respect he saw The Ministry of Magic as a force of undeniable change. Situating himself within law and order offered Dougal the opportunity to make a lasting impact. Over the next ten years, he established himself as a key member within the Ministry. Years spent hunched over theseus by candlelight, he grew as noble as a knight and as wise as a king. Researching past prosecutions, he found patterns. Just like the maps he’d once made, he plotted tactics, pinned research and devoted time to unraveling cases as if they were the fables he once loved. While others such as RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [co-worker] saw cases as games of victory; Dougal saw the people. Compassionate with a selfless drive, his dedication to actively helping others was his shining quality. And one that didn’t go unnoticed by his best friend's sister, MINERVA MCGONAGALL [acquaintance]. She spoke of The Order of the Phoenix, an underground establishment fighting against blood-purity. He’d signed his name before she’d even finished her sentence. 
But rationality in the establishment wasn't the reality he'd hoped for. Instead of decisive action, he was met with passive evations of truth. With an increasing number of cases letting justice slip, at every turn Wizengamot fell to the whims of the elite as they favored their peers over law. With one being the ruler of that domain; JAE MULCIBER [rival]. In all his arrogance he reigned over prosecution as if he were Merlin’s gift. Sharp arguments combined with his devilish intellect left his smirk even the more bittersweet and Dougal desperately wanting to punch it off his face. For a time NAMARI NGUYEN [best friend/co-worker] agreed, until she fell for that grin. A blunt and direct witch, Dougal appreciated her sarcastic dry humor even if he didn’t approve of her bed fellow. Liberators, having joined The Order together, while his research skills and rational thinking were his assets; her ability to formulate plans and cut through illusions was hers. While in work they became recognised for taking down villains, outside they bartered on wizard chess and battled over their opposing quidditch teams with rolls of their eyes from their peers. Akin with Robert and Annabeth, Namari fit like a puzzle in their trio, until the news of Namari’s death hit The Daily Prophet. 
Labeled a closed case by The Ministry, with wounds matching that of BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest], her death was labeled another murder by the infamous SILAS CRUMP [person of interest]. Convinced the tale was fabricated by BARTEMIUS CROUCH SR [boss/rival] to keep the peace, with the help of The Order, Dougal is set on finding the truth no matter the cost. Seeking Namari’s autopsy from KEIRA GREY [friend] and coming up with no answers, with stolen photographs and CELIA ABBOTT [acquaintance] offering her expertise in wounds inflicted by creatures; he is hoping to begin to unravel the mystery behind her death. With LACHESIS MALFOY [rival], EDRICK SELWYN [rival] and Jae recorded as the last to see her alive; he is holding them as suspects and keeping an eye out for clues about the night of her disappearance. With late nights at the junk shop offering distractions from home conflicts with Nathair’s traditionalist ideas against his engagement to Annabeth, Dougal is trying to focus his mind on what he can control. But is he delusional from guilt, or was that really the lingering white hue of Namari he saw in the corner of his eye down Knockturn Alley?
— he is a LEVEL 8 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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twisted-tales-told · 8 months
🔥 ??
This ask game
On a completely unrelated note
Anyone on marauders TikTok at this point I simply do not trust. I don’t like your vibe. Your existence irritates me and I can’t wait for life to knock u off your high horse a bit. Not like a lot, but enough to make you bearable to share the planet with.
People have taken the marauders fandom way too far and way too seriously and I think it should all just burn down.
Erase it all. Give it 5 years to cool off.
Also snape is not that bad?? Yall are fucking CRAZY in your hating him but hyping up Barty. Crazy. Insane. “He bullied children” well your guy tortured Frank and Alice longbottom and fucking killed people for the sake of blood purity. Therefore I challenge you to come up with a legitimate excuse and not some random fictional morale code?? Like why is that the line. Why is that your reason. “He bullied children” for gods sake do you hear yourself??
At least be creative jfc.
I think there’s a lot of nuance to Snapes story, especially with aspects of class, privilege, gender (being a white male vulnerable to extremist ideology due to upbringing and life experiences)
It’s fucking fiction. I say where the story is interesting because it’s MY blog.
Anyways this will probably be my last ever marauders post so I’m going out with a bang.
The reason there’s so many male fics is because creating characters from just a name is hard and not really in the nature of fanfiction and the only marauders era fleshed out characters are Sirius black and Remus Lupin because they’re the only ones in the Harry Potter books.
Like what yall have done creating depth in all these side characters is truly phenomenal but ohmygod the way you attack people so quickly for just writing m/m ships in this space where the only canon fleshed out characters are the men is INSANE. Thats literally what brought them here. You’re the weird one. And be weirder!’ Be weirder enough to write the W/W fanfiction with those little one fact character skeletons. I support you this is the place for that!! Stop being mean to other people and show some initiative or I will fucking fire you. With actual flames.
ALSO let people make fan films, don’t let people make fan films. Maybe it’s a scam, maybe it’s being written by criminals from their prison cells. Maybe it’s just people out here trying to do a group project like this is school. Stop. Caring. It’s none of your business.
I have never cared for cosplay, you do you boo but it’s not my thing. I do think it’s fucked up when you treat them like the character though and mess with their lives as human beings. Maybe try being normal, or pursuing a career in becoming a shitty therapist because you seem to care a whole lot about other peoples business.
Read fics because you like the summery or because you found it at 2 am in a comment section or ao3s page. Dont read fics because it’s “the it fic” right now. That’s bordering way too close to fast fashion trends and that is not allowed here. You are breaking the non-capitalist rules of our weird nerd hub.
You are not going to like the hyped up TikTok book.
Let that philosophy apply here.
Also This is not a book. It is a fanfic. Treat it like someone brought home made cookies to your doorstep. If you bite it and spit it in their face because you forgot to tell them you had a nut allergy or you wanted brownies instead it is your bad. You should have asked about the nuts, and you should say THANK YOU YOU MADE ME COOKIES.
Anyways goodbye forever marauders fandom it was fun I love all you silly little characters. I made lifelong friends, I laughed I cried I puked in my mouth a little (—meg from supernatural) but mostly you made me realize how fucking stupid it all is and fear for our future as a civilization.
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findroleplay · 10 months
I only RP on Discord. 21+ peas and ques.
About me: Izzy, She/they, 23 I'm looking for people who can write 2-5 paragraphs using functional grammar. I'm not looking for perfect I just gotta know what you're saying. I only write in the third person and ask that you do the same when writing with me. I work full-time in the school system (yikes I know) and I'm also a college student (double yikes) SO response times may vary. I try to respond daily but sometimes life gets extra lifey and it's once a week. Please do not bug me for responses that being said I am more than happy to have some OOC chit-chat in the meantime. In fact, I love OOC chit-chatting with my RP buddies. Tell me about the books your reading, yummy food, movies or tv shows you're watching. Rec some music. Share the cute fur babies. Seriously I love it and totally do think of my RP partners as friends. By all means, if this isn't your thing tell me to piss off. That's fine. OK Back on track. Plots: I love to write romance, slice of life, action, mystery, adventure, hurt/comfort, crack, fluff, angst, spice. Like all of the things blended into one. I like to have a dynamic plot loosely figured out and then just continue to build on it as we develop characters and their dynamics. I write both OCxCC and CCxCC NO OCXOC sorry! Fandoms I write for are:
Marvel (MCU and Comics): I’m open to OCxCC, CCxCC, ABO, and Poly in this one I love world-building and meshing MCU canon with comic Canon and our own idea’s as well. If we’re doing CCXCC I do have a preference of M/M pairings but I am open to some M/F and F/F and other paring combinations.
Harry Potter (Marauders Era after graduation only): I’m open OCxCC and CCXCC I adore world-building for this one and bending Canon to fit our liking. I do also prefer to have multiple characters and moving parts in these plots in the background.
Criminal Minds: I’m open OCxCC, CCXCC. ABO and Poly ship here as well. I like to have a nice blend of slice of life and other things with a little bit of casework. Basically the reverse to what the show gave us.
Supernatural: I’m just looking for OCxCC here uhmm it’s been a hot minute since I’ve roleplayed this fandom. I think I’ve seen up to season ten for sure? I am planning on finishing it soon. I think my OC would pair up nicely with Dean or Cas but I’m open to your suggestions as well.
Some other less common fandoms I write are: WWE Yellowstone 911 Lonestar LOTR/Hobbit Almighty Johnsons 
Marvel Ships Storm/T'challa Steve Rogers/Wolverine S teve Rogers/Tony Stark Steve Rogers/Clint Barton Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter Steve Rogers/Natasha Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson Sam Wilson/ Rhodey Sam Wilson/Clint Barton Sam Wilson/Monica Rambue Sam Wilson/ Bucky Barnes Sam Wilson/ T'challa Sam Wilson/Natasha Natasha/Tony Stark Natasha/Matt Murdock Natasha/Bucky Barnes Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton Clint Barton/Bobbi Morse Clint Barton/ Thor Clint Barton/ Phil Coulson Clint Barton/Scott Lang Clint Barton/ Matt Murdock Clint Barton/ Jessica Drew Clint Barton/ Tony Stark Tony/Rhodey Rhodey/Carol Danvers T'Challa/Okoye Okoye/M'baku Polyvengers Criminal Minds Ships Hotch/Emily Hotch/Rossi Hotch/Morgan Morgan/Garcia Morgan/Emily Morgan/Reid Reid/Emily Reid/Rossi Reid/Luke Emily/Tara Emily/Rossi Harry Potter Ships Remus/Sirius James/Lily Remus/Dorcas Meadows Sirius/ Marlene McKinnon Bill/Flure Alice/Frank Longbottom Charlie/Tonks Bill/Tonks Remus/Tonks Crossovers I would be interested in writing. Marvel/Criminal Minds Marvel/Hobbit Marvel/Supernatural Criminal Minds/911 Lonestar Criminal Minds/WWE Other Fun stuff to know I love making playlists, mood boards, Pinterest boards, and just all of the things for RP's, ships, and characters. I'm a menace honestly. If you'd like feel free to message me here or on Discord. Discord: noneherself
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a medley of fic prompts
https://archiveofourown.org/works/56801596 by AllBIMyself1055 basically just random ideas for fics from various fandoms that happen to pop into my head. Words: 84, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 9-1-1 (TV), S.W.A.T. (TV 2017), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Merlin (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Regulus Black, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Frank Longbottom, Alice Longbottom, Pandora Lovegood, Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, Albus Dumbledore, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Cedric Diggory, Harry Potter, Cho Chang, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Peter Parker, Peter Pettigrew, Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Maddie Buckley, Howie "Chimney" Han, Athena Grant, Bobby Nash, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Karen Wilson, Tony Stark Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Regulus Black/James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Cedric Diggory/Harry Potter, Cho Chang/Cedric Diggory/Harry Potter, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Sirius Black & Harry Potter, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Maddie Buckley/Howie "Chimney" Han, Athena Grant/Bobby Nash, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson/Karen Wilson, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Dan "Hondo" Harrelson & Jim Street, Evan "Buck" Buckley & Bobby Nash, Eddie Diaz & Bobby Nash, Barty Crouch Jr./Evan Rosier Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No Comfort read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56801596
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Hello! Welcome to the Wolfstar Cupboard, an active wolfstar fanfiction library!
As of right now, I am only recommending fics off of AO3 (Archive of Our Own) because that is the site I prefer. That does not mean I won't check out some other popular sites in the future, but at the moment, I'd like to stick with the one I know best(:
I will NOT read fics containing:
M-Preg or A/B/O
Glorification of Cheating
Please do not harass me over the fics I like or recommend! These are just some of my favorites, and not everyone has the same taste. Let's please keep everything positive<33 (Except for the fics. We love some good angst.)
If you look at my pages (in the blog description on mobile) you will find a Request a fic! page. There, you can recommend ME a fic to read, or request a category for a rec list! They can be as niche as you want, but if I can't find anything, I'll still post it so anyone else can recommend you a fic. I'll try my best to provide for your request, though!
I will do my best answer all asks within a timely manner(:
Every rec list I will make will be organized by niche categories, such as "Raising Harry" fics or "College AUs." You can request categories, which I will go over in the next little paragraph!
If you look at my pages (in the blog description on mobile) you will find a Request a fic! page. There, you can recommend ME a fic to read and add to a rec list, or request a category for a rec list! They can be as niche as you want, but if I can't find anything, I'll still post it so anyone else can recommend you a fic. I'll try my best to provide for your request, though!
My masterlist will be a complete catalogue of all the fics in my rec lists. It will start out very small, and grow gradually as this library grows. I can't wait to see it full!
(This is a list of ships that I personally enjoy and will definitely be featured in some of the fics I recommend. Obviously, not all the ships listed above will be in all the fics I recommend. Ships like Jegulus are found less often in fics, while ships like Jily are found more often. I try to be as fair to each ship as I can but it’s just not an equal fight.)
Jily (James Potter/Lily Evans)
Dorlene (Dorcas Meadowes/Marlene McKinnon)
Jegulus (James Potter/Regulus Black)
Fralice (Frank Longbottom/Alice [insert maiden name I have yet to figure out])
(minor) Drarry (Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter)
(This will probably be a growing list, since I discover odd ships I personally do not enjoy almost every day! AO3 tags are really something.)
Lily Evans/Severus Snape
James Potter/Severus Snape
Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
Literally any variation of wolfstar and Snape or wolfstar and James as a threesome foursome whatever. If you enjoy those ships, that's great! But I personally don't and would prefer not to read fics with them.
Send me an ask or private message! I'll respond as quickly as I can(:
DISCLAIMER: My rec lists are ever-changing! I spend an alarming amount of my day reading and discovering new fics, and might add any new favorites to old lists if they fit under a category I already covered. If a rec list changes a lot after its original posting, I may remove the link to the old post and link it to a repost of the updated list.
Thank you for taking the time to read over this introductory post! If you like what you see, you can boost this post by reblogging or giving it notes. That way, this account can spread and reach a larger audience(:
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tomionefinds · 8 months
I’m looking for a time-travelling Tomione fic. Post-war Hermione travelled back in time after the final battle and ended up in the 40s. Hermione attended Hogwarts with Tom and got sorted into Slytherin. It was posted on fanficnet and in 3rd person POV, so I am certain I am not talking about Nightmare. The story also featured a Gryffindor student who happened to be the elder brother of Frank Longbottom. A part of the plot was Hermione meeting Tom in the Muggle world during Christmas break, Tom getting abused physically by the man who took over the orphanage, and the bombing of London during the 2nd world war.
Pt 2 of Ask:
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Hey anon:
This sounds an awful lot like Ultima Ratio. The final battle occurs in the Ministry of Magic. Its on both FFN and AO3. Link below - Haus
Ultima Ratio by Winterblume
M | Complete | 737k
Ultima ratio - the last resort. At last the day of the Final Battle against Lord Voldemort has come. Harry, Ron and Hermione fight bravely against their nemesis - but then something goes wrong. And Hermione finds herself alone in a precarious situation.
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centuriesrpg · 2 years
Actualización personajes canon:
Avery, Richard
Longbottom, Alice
Black, Arcturus
Black, Alphard
Black, Andrómeda
Black, Bellatrix
Black, Cassiopea
Black, Cygnus
Black, Druella
Black, Marius
Black, Narcissa
Black, Orion
Black, Pollux
Black, Regulus
Black, Sirius
Black, Walburga
Bones, Amelia
Bones, Edgar
Burke, Caractacus
Carrow, Amycus
Crouch, Caspar
Crouch, Charis
Crouch, Bartemius
Diggory, Amos
Digle, Dedalus
Doge, Elphias
Dolohov, Antonin
Dumbledore, Albus
Dumbledore, Aberforth
Evans, Lily
Evans, Petunia
Fenwick, Benji
Figg, Arabella
Fletcher, Mundungus
Flitwick, Filius
Greengrass, Gareth
Greengrass, Keith
Hagrid, Rubeus
Hooch, Rolanda
Karkarov, Igor
Lestrange, Rabastan
Lestrange, Rodolphus
Lupin, Remus
Longbottom, Frank
Lovegood, Pandora
Lovegood Xenophilius
Malfoy, Lucius
McDonald, Mary
McGonagall, Minerva
McKinnon, Marlene
Meadowes, Dorcas
Minchum, Harold
Moody, Alastor
Ollivander, Garrick
Pettigrew, Peter
Prewett, Fabian
Prewett, Gideon
Prewett, Lancelot
Prewett, Mafalda
Prewett, Muriel
Podmore, Sturgis
Pomfrey, Poppy
Potter, James
Quirrell, Quirinus
Riddle, Tom
Rosier, Evan
Shacklebolt, Kingsley
Sinistra, Aurora
Slughorn, Horace
Snape, Severus
Sprout, Pomona
Trelawney, Sybill
Vance, Emmeline
Vector, Septima
Weasley, Arthur
Weasley, Molly
Yaxley, Corban
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