#taken witch
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lunarcovehq · 10 days ago
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Song Sun-Hee is a witch that currently resides in Sunny Harbor and has been a Lunar Cove resident for 21 years.
DATE OF BIRTH: April 20th, 1998
OCCUPATION: Owner + Esthetician at Heavenly Healing Spa
FACECLAIM: Moon Ga Young
INHERENT ABILITIES: Telepathy, Water Manipulation, Familiar Manifestation
COVEN ABILITY: Catoptromancy
Trigger Warnings: Xenophobia, Plane Crash, Anxiety, Substance Abuse
A philocalist born under the sign of Venus; Song Sun-Hee. One of many children in the Song family; the affluent owners of King Enterprises. Indulged in a life of privilege since her birth in London, England. Born into the world on the same birthday as one of her older brothers; Seo-Joon, who she’d affectionately come to call “oppa” her entire life. The sibling that would care for Sun-Hee from infancy until after her sixth birthday when he was sent away by their parents. A choice she continued to resent her family for subsequent to her brother’s return many years later.  
At the start of her schooling, Sun-Hee relocated to Lunar Cove, Rhode Island. A lot of her peers in school mispronounced her name as “Sunny”, and after a while she stopped correcting them. By comparison to her other siblings, her parents were hands on in her upbringing. Their step-mother took a special interest in her after her first magazine cover at the age of twelve. A natural in front of the camera, although a modeling career hadn’t been of particular interest to her. She did it to appease her parents. A lot of Sun-Hee’s choices were made with that intent. Despite her frustration with them for enforcing Seo-Joon’s absence, Sun-Hee craved their approval.
When her powers began to manifest Sun-Hee excelled, there, too. She promptly joined the coven, as she was told to do, and was a studious young witch. Both in the practice of magic and her formal education. Perfect grades maintained amid her traveling to model and mastering water, telepathy, familiar manifestation, and catoptromancy. A feat she made look easy. At a cost that continued to grow higher and higher. Until it all came crashing down. Literally. A plane crash sent Sun-Hee falling out of the sky and straight to rock bottom. During the subsequent investigation it was discovered that Sun-Hee had unprescribed adderall in her suitcase, which she’d been using for months to keep up.It was a shame her family managed to keep out of the media when an investigator into the crash came to them looking for a payday over a press release. 
It was the lowest point of her adolescent life. The deepest pit from which she never thought she’d climb out. Riddled by anxiety for years after. Sun-Hee swore she’d never fly again. It was the end of her modeling career, the beginning of her fall from her parent’s graces, and the best thing that could’ve happened to her. Sun-Hee was finally allowed to be normal. Everything in the world felt right again, too, with her brother back home. With whom she spent most of her time, when their parents began to smother her after the accident. She even slept in the guest room at his beach house in Sunny Harbor most nights. A living environment more akin to a frat house than raising a family. She indulged in all the teenage antics with Seo-Joon ’s help to cover them up. Sun-Hee finished highschool like any other kid, with thoughts and dreams of the future. Her eyes set on sunny California. A move she made via luxury motorcoach as she maintained her commitment not to fly. 
In San Diego Sun-Hee earned a license in Esthetics from Bellus Academy. After falling in love for the first time with a girl in her class, the young witch didn’t want to leave. Following graduation, Sun-Hee’s parents gifted her Heavenling Healing Spa as a bribe to return home. Despite the parts of her that still wished to please them and how much of home she did miss, Sun-Hee resisted. The tension between her and her family bled into her relationship. Eventually, it was one of the many reasons she and her girlfriend broke up. Heartbroken, Sun-Hee returned home.
While running the spa, Sun-Hee rented an apartment downtown. Uselessly as she slept in Seo-Joon ’s guest bedroom most of the time. After he moved to New York she moved in full time, as a way to be close to him despite their distance. Eight months drug by. There wasn’t a day that Sun-Hee didn’t beg for Seo-Joon  to come home. Hundreds of texts that ranged from desperate to sad and angry then back again. When Sun-Hee turned to her parents for support they rejected the idea that anything could be wrong with Seo-Joon. Even after she forewent her fear of flying to go to New York to look for her brother. When even then her parents showed no concern Sun-Hee quit the coven. An act of defiance to make a point about how serious she was, though the message was never received by her parents.
After Seo-Joon’s return Sun-Hee did not rejoin the coven, as her view on it and her desire to appease their parents had shifted. It was freeing. She was free, but free to do what? That part, Sun-Hee is still figuring out.
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unravellingsilencehq · 2 years ago
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE SCALES get what she deserves?” She is NEUTRAL & CLOSED to finding out.“
— she walks through the world as ;
name → andromeda black pronouns → she/her identification → cis female year of birth →  september 1957 - september 1958 face claim → emma mackey blood status → pure-blood  sexual orientation → graysexual occupation → defence barrister at the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic future information → member of the order of the phoenix, wife of edward tonks, mother of nymphadora tonks
— she is best described as ;
A GOOD BOOK you curl up with on a RAINY DAY. She is a FAMILIAR FACE in a large crowd & the GENTLE SQUEEZE from a SATIN GLOVED HAND. She is as SOFT as a FUR SHAWL & as GRACEFUL as a SWAN. Her voice is filled with WISDOM & MONEY, her body has experienced LUXURY, yet her eyes sting with the INJUSTICE she longs to fight.
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
A kind hearted woman Andromeda Black is considered by those who know her well to have a pure soul, though many people outside her circle are often too overwhelmed by the idea of her very famous family to even give her a chance to show it. The middle daughter of CYGNUS BLACK [father] and his wife DRUELLA BLACK [mother], Andromeda was raised at Brideswater Manor in the Hertfordshire countryside, cloaked by magic and woodland to shield them from the eyes of muggles. The house always felt somewhat empty to Andromeda, though filled with heirlooms and trinkets she could hear their voices echo. Her mother had never felt like a natural one to Andromeda, who always seemed as though she’d rather have had dolls rather than children she had to attempt to control. Her eldest sister BELLATRIX BLACK [sibling] was wild and the majority of her childhood felt like raised voices across the dining room as Bellatrix desperately tried to impress their father with grand statements and facts about their world, whilst their mother rolled her eyes and once again reminded her of her manners. With this great power struggle going on, Andromeda was able to fly under the radar, content with a book and to do as she was told much to the delight of her mother. 
Dutiful and quiet, she only caused her mother headaches when she reached her years beyond school, but in her earlier years she was her hand. Able to plait the long silver hair of her youngest sister NARCISSA BLACK [sibling] and entertain her older sister or the children they invited round their home with conversation she didn’t much care for but did to keep the volume down at parties. She spoke when she was spoken to and rarely had an opinion that passed her lips, just the way Druella wanted it. But what Andromeda did instead was listen, whilst Naricssa longed to impress people with her beauty and Bellatrix with her mind, Andromeda sat and watched. Noticed the things people commended and the things that wrinkled their noses. People in her world of The Sacred Twenty-Eight were only interested in hearing their own opinions repeated back to them, whilst her father’s friends at The Ministry of Magic, had grand ideas about building a more equal world, she watched her parents smile and nod about when she knew they couldn’t think of anything more awful, but unlike her elder sister, the pair had a very good poker face. 
Arriving at school after Bellatrix and her cousin EVAN ROSIER [cousin] were leaving, Andromeda was given a place in Slytherin. She liked to believe it was her intelligence and determination that had gained her a spot in Slytherin, but her sorting seemed to be both a blessing and a curse, as the people she’d known her whole life embraced her, and new faces didn’t want to get to know her. Although her family had quite strict ideas regarding blood purity, which Bellatrix had very publicly aired, Andromeda had never truly felt convinced.The idea her family was any better than any other magical families due to their lack of muggle blood. She was of the opinion that blood and money meant nothing and it was one's mind and desire to embrace and make a change that truly made the measure of a person. Andromeda believed that deep down her family were those sorts of people. Her mother was a beautiful and kind witch that was truly loved by their community, whilst her father had a brilliant mind and had done such good in his work at Wizengamot. Andromeda told herself their opinions were outdated and signified the time they were born into rather than the world today, and that a lot of the people she associated with were simply symptoms of that very issue. 
It was her duty and her wish to slowly change their mind and she did it by surrounding herself with people she thought she could potentially have common ground with. ADRASTEIA GREENGRASS [best friend/housemate] was from a similar background to Andromeda, from a Sacred Twenty-Eight family and with a mother who worked in Wizengamot with Andromeda’s father. She was the only person in Andromeda’s world that she felt comfortable chatting theories and speaking about law with who knew what it was like to be from the social standing that everyone hated. Her friends ROSALIE FLINT [close friend] was also from The Sacred Twenty-Eight and had designs on great love and being married whatever that meant, whilst LUCINDA TALKALOT [close friend] was not from a Sacred Twenty-Eight family, but a long established and respected one, who had dreams of becoming Quidditch Captain and living independently where her parents could no longer control her. There they were, the rebellious Slytherin girls hiding in plain sight where no one could notice them and their grand plans. But it was hard to show any rebellion in front of Narcissa and her friends, so relationships like her friendship with muggle-born EDWARD TONKS [close friend/potential love interest] had to be kept a secret, something which AMELIA BONES [person of interest/former rival], was more than too happy to point out. 
Graduating a prefect, a member of slug club and narrowly missing out on Head Girl, Andromeda was focused on what she would throw her weight behind. Despite her mother’s complaints that yet another daughter would not be joining the marriage market, Andromeda accepted a position in Wizengamot as an associate of defence barrister RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [close friend/potential love interest]. Andromeda at first found him a cold man, who more than likely thought she had gotten her job through nepotism rather than having deserved it, but the more cases she worked on the more Andromeda proved her worth and the two formed a bond. She felt like his right hand and by the time they had taken the SILAS CRUMP [former client] case, she’d become his right hand. Losing his case was gutting to Andromeda; she had longed to see him walk free and had always been determined he was innocent of the slaying of BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest]. Her suspicions were further heightened when MASON TREMBLAY [person of interest] was convicted of the murder of Amelia Bones and was plastered in the press as Silas’ lover, which Andromeda knew to be false as he had a wife and child. 
Something felt wrong to Andromeda and she was determined to figure out what it was. Between cases Andromeda began travelling Europe in search of his wife KAMALI SKANDER [person of interest] or his daughter CORIN HALE [person of interest] in the hope she could at the very least disprove The Daily Prophet article and clear his name. To her surprise, Rodolphus did not seem to be as interested in challenging their client’s verdict as she was, something that was certainly uncommon as Rodolphus had always played to win. Andromeda knew that Rodolphus knew he was innocent and after graduating from his services and becoming a barrister in her own right, she began looking into Silas’ case without mentioning it to her former boss. Although Andromeda would love to focus on Silas, another case has become her focus. A young werewolf named JONATHAN REEVES [client] has sought Andromeda out to help build his defence after the disappearance of Andromeda’s close friend Rosalie. Although a cold case, Andromeda has noticed mentions of Rosalie as the three year mark comes closer. Wanting the case to be taken seriously by the Aurors, Jonathan is willing to work with them to find the person who hurt Rosalie, but is concious that when a young witch goes missing, the first finger pointed is always at the boyfriend.
— she is a LEVEL 6 WITCH & readied for war ;
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saintes-rpg · 2 years ago
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“I have to wash these wars from my skin.”
Fàg na Mairbh-Leave the Dead
The phrase served as both family motto and war cry. Ingrained from the time any Balor is a babe the family stressed the importance of not meddling with the departed. If ever questioned the elders would mutter under their breath about a curse. The Balor family roots ran deep in the landscape of Cork for several centuries, and were known as a prominent family within in the clandestine witch community. It’s not a secret if they’d been common folk they wouldn’t have fared nearly as well, but the Balor’s ran a money lending business, and had a reputation of always collecting its debts. 
Adolescence started in the beginning of the 20th century, and world was changing quickly around him. It was at this time he began taking his magic craft seriously. As the eldest son it was understood he’d be running the family business someday. Fortunately, there was a distraction as he neared his seventeenth birthday, and her name was Siobhan O’Cleary. The two were inseparable despite both families attempts to break apart the union. Siobhan was a familiar who transformed into the most beautiful raven; whose dark feathers glimmered in the sunlight with the most flattering blueish black. It wasn’t long after their relationship began that they started exploring magic together. Things shifted for the powerful Cianan rather quickly as he began to challenge the status quo among prominent witch families. Ideally, he was motivated to prove everyone wrong about their union and thought the best way to go about it was to increase both families statuses. Riding high from early wins he and Siobhan thought to garner more attention by removing a blessed amulet from a rival family. Siobhan had been adversely effected by the magic in the previous weeks, but still encouraged Cianan to follow through with the spell. On that fateful night Siobhan was sitting on elm branch under the dim light of the waning moon when he’d begun his incantation. It was only after he finished did he look over to find her resting- no, not breathing as she laid on the thick grass below. 
Panicked Cianan did the one thing he’d been warned about his whole life. He resurrected Siobhan. Maybe it’s better to say someone like Siobhan; for the young woman had become a shell of her former self. The smile never quite reached her eyes, and she became prone to fits of rage and delirium. Still, Siobhan stayed true to her love for Cianan. Despondent he fell into a well of depression. It gutted him to know he’d hurt the one thing he loved the most. The fallout was immense. Both his and Siobhan’s family were enraged and wanted restitution. One morning upon waking he found his father standing in his bedroom doorway. War had broken out across Europe and his father suggested that he go and fight, and if by chance survived that he keep going anyways, for he no longer had a home. Cianan was gone by night fall. His last magical act before leaving was casting a spell to wipe any memory of him from Siobhan’s mind. 
It turned out that 20th century was ripe for war. Cianan found himself enlisting and wandering from country to country and war to war throughout the decades. As time passed aliases, ranks and uniforms all shifted through the years. He never had to wait too long in civilian life. He’d taken his father’s advice literally and kept going. Ranging from a rifleman to medic he had a knack for it all. It also allowed him ample exposure of death. During this time he began to sharpen and perfect his necromancy skills. Everything from evocation, witnessing the harbingers, and even kept the practice of resurrection on occasion. Always trying to perfect the latter.  As years passed he reflected that his old family motto was intended to keep Balor’s from gaining their true potential. It wasn’t until the 1990 Balkan War that he finally tired of the violence and abruptly left mid enlistment. 
Cianan wandered throughout the world making connections with supernaturals, human, and dead alike. He found another skill which was the ability to acquire things. The famous saying, ‘that dead men tell no tales’ didn’t apply to him in the least. The dead had much to say to him. After a while he’d set up shop in New York City, but when ‘the announcement’ happened things changed drastically. Up to that point he’d kept a low profile for the most part, but his line of work drew suspicion. When he heard about the supernatural community down in Louisiana, he tied up some loose ends and headed south. Upon settling in he began to get back to business; a curator, merchant trader, or fence it was all the same. Cianan was a mover and would seek out items not easily found by others; often enlisting the dead to help.
Cianan Balor is played by Eliza, 43, She/Her, Central
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kcrabb88 · 9 months ago
It's truly wild to me how many people out there don't understand that the Star Wars prequels are a tragedy or how tragedies work.
Posts like "these are the Jedi failed movies" truly just make me shake my head. They're actually the "fascism wears a smile until it strikes you down and then it's too late" movies. They're the "the senate became corrupt and clapped in the face of genocide" movies. They're the "make people scared enough of war until they accept authoritarianism" movies. They're the "fear and possessiveness will tear you up on the inside" movies. The Jedi were the heroes of lore, people loved and looked up to them, looked to them for safety, and then too much got put on their shoulders on purpose by Palpatine, and also by a senate that didn't want to act (not you Padme and Bail and Mon, you're perfect). They were drafted and used and scapegoated, which is, you know, a tenet of the vast majority of authoritarian governments (Hitler and Stalin, for instance, might be on different ends of the political spectrum, but they sure both did scapegoat specific groups and commit mass murder, just differently).
When some people say "these movies are about the fall of the Jedi" what they mean is "the Jedi failed" but that's not what "the fall of the Jedi means." It means they were wiped the fuck OUT. Like, Jesus, in Rogue One Tarkin is talking about burning out the final MEMORY of the Jedi by blowing up the holy city in Jedha. Palpatine had to get rid of the Jedi because to get rid of the Jedi was to get rid of the final people standing in his way after he had already worn them out. His intention was not only to kill them, but to alter the galaxy's entire perception of them. To rip away hope. People are always looking for the Jedi to be Bad or nitpick their mistakes (because while other people are allowed to make mistakes, the Jedi never are). Palpatine made himself look like a benevolent grandpa who would keep everyone safe. And that, more than anything, is what gave him SO much power. He stole the narrative.
It's just like. Of course WE know what was going to happen! We know from watching the OT that the PT can only end in tragedy. But the characters don't know that! They don't have all the info! That's how a tragic story structure works. We see it coming and they can't.
Anyway. The Jedi are laser-sword wielding monks with psychic powers who just wanted to do what they could to help. The world would be better if more folks remembered that.
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star-forg · 9 days ago
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Me when I try to impress a crush by carrying Heavy Thing
(Desideratum chapter 42 fanart)
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ryuhumble · 7 months ago
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Yaaaa ummm What if Oryx got revived?? Just silly shinanigans! I feel like Savathūn would love to gain a powerful ally on her side
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And another blooper! He's gotta take his revenge/j
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saneijeijei · 6 months ago
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avalaryx · 6 months ago
a witch!
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askloyaltywings · 6 months ago
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Has this been done yet? i went looking for trans Oryx postings and couldn't find it so i MADE IT
And had a lot of fun making it... i wonder if people would like it if i made stickers...
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theforsakenprince · 10 months ago
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Destiny 2: Season of the Witch
"The Hive call us liars. The unfree. Deniers of the all-edged truth. But I take the power the sword logic offers, not out of desperation, but desire. For Crota. Oryx. Savathun... I wield their killers as a knife. The Hive know this truth as well as any logic. I am here. And they are not. Aiat."
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lunarharp · 2 months ago
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the random crap resumes
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lunarcovehq · 10 days ago
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William Hawthorne is a witch that currently resides in Downtown and has been a Lunar Cove resident for all his life.
DATE OF BIRTH: September 25, 1991
OCCUPATION: Firefighter
FACECLAIM: Aaron Taylor-Johnson
INHERENT ABILITIES: Familiar Manifestation, Healing, Water Manipulation
COVEN ABILITY: Animal Telepathy
Trigger Warnings:
Will would be the first to admit that he's had a good life. He was lucky enough to be raised in a loving household and one of the few people on Earth who can say they've known their best friend since the day they were born. From the moment they babbled their first words, their fathers would say that the twins were like fire and water--and oh how true those words would turn out to be. Where his sister burned bright and fast, Will was slow and steady. Like a river cutting through rock, he seemed to flow effortlessly through life, brushing past every obstacle. Prom King, captain of the football team, and friends with everyone he met, Will was the center of attention everywhere but at home.
His dads were never neglectful, of course; they hung his straight A's proudly on the fridge and showed up each week to his games. He never had to wonder if they were proud of him--they always made sure to tell him that they were--but there was no denying that they were distracted. Between her fires raging throughout town and the phone-calls from the principle's office, Reese kept their fathers busy, and Will quickly learned--though no one ever said it to him outright--that it was his job to be "the easy one," the one they didn't have to worry about. He was the one who never got in trouble, who never broke the rules, the one who never had a bad day and never needed help.
When graduation came around, Will was accepted into every college he applied to--and he had thrown his net wide, from New York to California. Perhaps he just wanted to see if he could do it; maybe a small part of him even wanted what those schools promised: a chance to explore the world beyond the borders of their little town, to see what he could make of himself if he dared to venture out alone. But in the end, he couldn't do it. He couldn't leave his parents--and most importantly, his sister--behind. So he hid the acceptance letters, told his family he'd been rejected, and instead, he enrolled in the Lunar Cove fire academy. It seemed the right fit. After all, he'd been snuffing out his sister's fires for as long as she'd been lighting them, and his abilities to heal injuries and manipulate water almost made the job too easy.
Lunar Cove had always been his home, and by now, he knew it always would be. Just as he'd thrown himself into every facet of school life, he did the same in town. He joined the coven, volunteered each weekend, and made friends across species. It was a simple life, but it was his. The only thing missing was someone to share it with. Seeing just how in love their fathers were--the picture perfect marriage--Will longed for a relationship just like theirs. Where his sister flittered from relationship to relationship, terrified of being stagnant, Will wanted nothing more than to settle down, to find a partner of his own. He wanted the full picture: a house he built with his own two hands and the pitter-pattering of little feet as his family grew. But that life hasn't come yet. For now, he's living in a little apartment in Downtown, and the only pitter-pattering feet are those of his familiar: a large German Shepard he's named Stacey...and the dozen or so other animals he's let take shelter in his apartment since developing the ability to telepathically communicate with them.
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unravellingsilencehq · 2 years ago
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE LOYALIST get what she deserves?” She is in THE DEATH EATERS & CLOSED to finding out.“
name → bellatrix black pronouns → she/her identification → cis-female year of birth → september 1950 - september 1951 face claim → crystal reed blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → socialite amongst high society in wizarding london future information → wife of rodolphus lestrange
— she is best described as ;
A DEADLY WEAPON, SHARP as a KNIFE’S EDGE & as COOL as the STEEL. She is as VIOLENT as TSUNAMI but appears CONTROLLED like CALM WATERS. She is POISED for DANGER, ready for ATTACK, prepared to SHED her SKIN to MORPH into something NEW to add another CARD to her evergrowing HAND. 
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
A tenacious young woman, Bellatrix possesses the ferocity of her father of CYGNUS BLACK [father] and the charm and bone structure of her mother DRUELLA BLACK [mother]. Raised with strict beliefs regarding blood purity, Bellatrix grew up believing her family were the elite in the wizarding world and strived to make them proud. Whilst NARCISSA BLACK [sibling] longed to find a handsome pure-blood prince like Druella and ANDROMEDA BLACK [sibling] wanted to be just like Cygnus and lock away the bad guys, she was different. The idea that a muggle-born could sit as the Minister of Magic was shocking to her, although a career in the Ministry sounded appealing, the idea of working alongside blood traitors made her blood curdle. Bellatrix enjoyed the attention that embracing their family rhetoric brought her, including from her very busy father. Cygnus was often at work, meaning gaining his ear was difficult. At dinner, Bellatrix would proudly announce what she had learned and her thoughts and ideas about the world, much to her mother’s embarrassment. Druella longed to have three well behaved daughters to make respectable marriages. 
Her father encouraged them all to have their own minds beyond that, although even Bellatrix could tell that sometimes her overly aggressive need to give her opinion made even her father grimace, secretly scared she might blurt something out at a work party. Although she believed it with all her heart she was careful to choose private moments to make her opinions known, knowing to some they weren’t popular. Once at Hogwarts, Bellatrix tried to find those who would mirror her thoughts, though her tact as a young child was far from perfect. She established herself as the strongest character in her school, packing a punch with her wand and ensuring that mudblood and muggle-borns knew not to darken in her presence. CASTOR WILKES, [best friend], NATALIA SIMINOVA [close friend], RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [friend] and ARISTAEUS GREENGRASS [friend] became her closest friends. Good pure-blood Slytherins who shared her thoughts and feelings. Other people like DOLORES UMBRIDGE [rival], were desperate to join the fun, but Bellatrix hadn’t decided how she felt about half-bloods, though she did know her feelings on the pathetic, so Dolores became an occasional target for good old fashioned schoolyard bullying, despite her thoughts on purity. 
Bellatrix really came into her own, however, in her later years of Hogwarts, when she had younger pupils to follow her around and aid in her schemes. Her cousin EVAN ROSIER [cousin] joining really changed the game at Hogwarts, as did LUCIUS MALFOY [friend], DECIUS FLINT [friend] and ALFHILD ROWLE [close friend]. It was all school games until her final year, when her entire outlook changed. At her parents’ Yule Eve party she was sent to collect a bottle of her father’s best firewhiskey from his study, where she was approached by an older wizard she had not met before. He asked about her life at home, her friends at school and replied that she was destined for more than the schoolgirl antics. Later that evening her father would tell her she had a very special task, to return to school and seek out those like her, who could be persuaded to be more open in the right settings to speak on their way of thinking. Bellatrix knew that Evan, Castor and Alfhild were certainly just like her, as was Lucius; though she needed more time to be certain. She began telling a small circle about THE DARK LORD [leader/object of affection] and his rhetoric, which they were all too eager to learn more about. 
About to leave school, she knew the key to success was to get into the minds of those younger. THORFINN ROWLE [friend] was quickly recruited and later RABASTAN LESTRANGE [close friend]. Only the very best could be entrusted at this stage, the numbers would come with trust. After leaving school, Bellatrix noticed her father began to intrust her with more responsibility, allowing her to know his personal thoughts and feelings, knowing now she could be discreet. With his blessing they decided it was best for Bellatrix not be brought out into society just yet. Her reputation as a bully at school had meant people had begun to look at her, which wasn’t helpful given their aims. Instead she stayed at home, studying families and identifying persons of interest, then passing owls to those still at school to carry out their aims. The Dark Lord visited often and then after a while, he began requesting Bellatrix come to him. Living in his residence where she could be at his beck and call, just where she liked it. The Dark Lord trusted her to build her own team to surround him. Evan became her right hand, with Rabastan becoming more and more valuable to her the older he became. 
When the murders began happening of course she and her team were behind them, though no one would know. She’d been ‘travelling’, learning and growing. Bully Bellatrix was in the past, replaced by a polite yet stern society girl, though she still publicly ignored her blood traitor cousin SIRIUS BLACK [cousin/adversary]. The aim was to work in plain sight and recruit as many as possible. Some people didn’t listen to reason and measures had to be taken. Recruiting her younger cousin REGULUS BLACK [cousin] helped in this area as he worked for Wizengamot with Andromeda and Rodolphus, which meant burying evidence was easier. Recruitment was going well, which meant it was time to enact phase two of his plan, creating chaos within the Ministry. The plan was triggered early when her usually trustworthy protege Rabastan murdered the Minister’s son BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest] in cold blood on Halloween, but in hindsight it had been a blessing in disguise. The plan was clear. Make people believe there was a series of creature attacks, let the Ministry turn on them, recruit the people turning on the Ministry, recruit the creatures who feel put out. 
SILAS CRUMP [victim] was a tragedy. Sent to Azkaban for Booker’s murder, when he could have simply joined the cause and leant his expertise and leadership to them, though they were fortunate enough to have come away with his daughter CORIN HALE [person of interest] to aid in recruitment. Bellatrix found that although she was able to carry out The Dark Lord’s plans, other people were constantly making stupid choices that impeded his mission. AMELIA BONES [victim] had to die because she’d come to suspect the truth about Booker. Summer Solstice 1983, she watched with poisoned smirk as a voice echoed that The Order's HQ had fallen and a prophecy they so needed was in hand. Fighting ensured, MARLENE MCKINNON [person of interest] crucioed ROSALINE DAVIS [person of interest] under the imperious and Bellatrix made off with the leg of ALASTOR MOODY [adversary]. Chaos was ensuing, but more was to come. Almost three years on from Amelia’s death, the Ministry needed to seem more unstable than ever. With her trusted follower CRISTIANO PARKINSON [close friend/potential love interest] handling The Dark Lord’s mission for locating special artefacts, Bellatrix can focus on the more important things. Starting 1986 off with a bang. 
— she is a LEVEL 9 WITCH & readied for war ;
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norvyarts · 7 months ago
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"Everything will be ok, as long as you're one of my students, i'll protect you with all my power. So you don't have anything to worry about. Not a thing..."
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stinkrascal · 7 months ago
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upon my name as ranni the witch 🌙
and a close up version bc i think her faced turned out cute 🔮
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cryinginmommyissues · 5 months ago
was. it. casual. WAS IT?!?!
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