translation-graveyard · 2 months
Mitsuya Sensei no Keikakuteki na Edzuke (2024) ENG SUBS
Hard-subs only
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Episode 1: DailyMotion / Download Episode 2: DailyMotion / Download Episode 3: DailyMotion / Download Episode 4: DailyMotion / Download Episode 5: DailyMotion / Download Episode 6: DailyMotion / Download Episode 7: DailyMotion / Download [END]
Special thanks to Zou for translating this series and the original manga scans!!!
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sociallyawkwardseal · 4 months
Absolutely random thoughts my brain just would Not let go of last night:
Aiden is a fan of RPGM horror games. Especially Ao Oni. He thinks the Oni is kind of goofy, but still loves it. He pirated the movies before they had English subtitles, didn't understand a lick of it but he still watched them through (and laughed at the bad CGI)
He has Encouraged Ben to sit down and watch him play RPGM Horror games. Ben does Not like these.
Logan likes RPGM/WolfRPG puzzle games. Not so much horror ones. I think he would enjoy Elevator Hitch, though, despite its horror undertones. I think the doppelganger part would freak him out a little bit and he would turn it off, but be like "... I never finished it. Ah." And feel like he had to go back and finish it. He would hate the rat part as much as I did (Still Sad about this). Would be a completionist about it and would consistently check the ending wall of the elevator. I think the floor similar to Protag's room would really... Resonate with him. Not sure why, I just get the vibe.
I think Taylor would just fall asleep to Let's Plays of various games on especially restless nights, so she's probably seen a few of the ones either of them have played.
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dwarvenhobble · 2 years
Google's moving subtitles may be the worst fucking feature in films / shows I've seen in years
So for those who don't know at some point (I think in the past few years) some-one at Google had the smart idea to make it so subtitles move round the screen based on who is talking and the framing of the shit.
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Who thought this was a good idea?
Rather than choose some other way to indicate who might be speaking (a character name, a different colour used if a 2nd character is also speaking or any number of other things) some-one just thought lets make the subtitles move round the screen; so you now have to keep changing where you focus your attention to read rather than subtitles being just a little bit down from the centre so you can keep mostly looking at the centre of the screen.
I know this doesn't sound like much of an issue (though I don't know if users more reliant on Subs might see this as far more of an issue than me who can hear and only uses Subs for foreign language films) but it's really annoying in films where using subs is the only option if you don't fully speak the language. Like people talk about subtitle being a barrier to entry so somehow Google managed to make subtitles worse.
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t4tozier · 4 months
thinking about disabilities in dnd. like. mages with tics that adapt their spells to use more somatic/verbal/material components to accommodate for when their involuntary movements/words would typically get in the way of casting. vampire students who get extensions into the late afternoon because it’s their late night and holograms of teachers to teach classes when they’re awake. or better yet, teachers who take the graveyard shift to teach their nocturnal students so they don’t feel left behind. creating magical subtitles that automatically adapt to everyone’s preferred language and communicate the same subtext, not just translating the script word for word. artificers creating multipurpose wheelchairs that attune to the users’ needs and desires. service familiars. you agree
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delicatebluebirdruins · 3 months
Lockwood and Co episodes 2 and 3
I want to see Barnes office (what is on the map?)
God protect me from assumptions
asset is a bad word for Lucy
they are the sword, chain and umbrella (something about protecter, linking them together and safe haven)
know what we do about Fairfax everything he does is shifty
thinking of the times when deleted scenes got commentary about set up and why they got deleted... wishing we got this for the towel scene
Deprac got the door they busted down fixed quick
the subtitles are funny "[resigned] now we're going down there"
with they put the screaming into the screaming staircase you know
love the slap for George (who was unconcious) and the hand hold for Lockwood (who was awake)
and everything about the reveal for Fairfax being bad.
how would Lockwood and Co deal with Doll Ghosts and the Good boy (doggy) ghost from the Master's Sun (aka the the ghosts that went right for the sadness)
my sister: I love that when George get's upset his fingers get sticky.
what did the other adults say to Barnes?
wish it was clearer the aftermath for Fairfax and his death (you know other than a blink and you'll miss it line towards the end of this episode... like they could have given some credit to Lockwood and Co. and said Fairfax who has given so much to society took a chance on the young trio and it paid off but eeh it makes their desperation to take the graveyard job slightly more believable)
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sonkitty · 4 months
The Sideburns Scheme Post #45
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(For reference: The Sideburns Scheme)
Crowley, Good Omens 2, Episode 3, I Know Where I'm Going, know
Sideburns Check
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The above image is brightened.
The sideburns are no longer having that extra more defined point to the mouth. We have finally reached the first mausoleum scene where that happens.
I think this reading is the "supernatural" one. This space recognizes Crowley as a demon. It is a structure with a door, walls, and a roof within a graveyard. That roof has holes in it as it is, but it is a roof, and the rest of the space is still enough to give this reading.
There is no nearby visible fire. Both Crowley and Aziraphale wear their hats at the start of the scene. Aziraphale removes his hat after Wee Morag dies; Crowley keeps his hat on.
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Here is a comparison picture for a front view between this scene and the last.
Earthly Objects
(For reference: Earthly Objects)
Crowley is touching the door with a gloved hand. So as to touch something besides the panel alone and probably get a standard earthly object touch, he touches part of the decorative parts of the door.
Wee Morag is lying down on a slab with Elspeth touching her hair. Elspeth's also touching her arm though that touch isn't as clear on screen.
Wee Morag and Elspeth hold hands.
After Aziraphale says, "I could heal her..." Crowley quietly says Aziraphale's name. Aziraphale interrupts him, and it's not actually included in the subtitles, so I'm not sure if it would actually count for a point, especially since Aziraphale wouldn't get his own dialogue point until the end of what he himself is saying. He finishes his overall bit of dialogue with a question. "I will brook no argu—What are you...?"
After Wee Morag dies, Elspeth's movement implies a kiss to Morag's forehead though the lips touching the forehead is technically not on screen.
Elspeth has a question with, "Will one of you fetch the cart?"
Aziraphale has a question with, "Whatever for?"
Crowley says three names in one sentence with, "Elspeth," "Wee Morag," and Mr. Dalrymple."
Elspeth follows up with questions and names in her dialogue.
Crowley touches Aziraphale on his right front chest area, using a right gloved hand. All five digits are visible.
The scene concludes with Crowley's question of, "It's a bit different with someone you know, isn't it?"
While I could find a few pockets, nothing really feels worth noting besides the visual "sides" Crowley and Aziraphale make.
During season 2, Crowley and Aziraphale are on their "wrong" sides rather frequently, including during this minisode. In this particular instance, it feels their given sides within the scene are indeed a sign something is wrong with Wee Morag dying right in front of them.
Story Commentary
With Aziraphale's rambling, Wee Morag dies before he can actually heal her.
I suspect Crowley witnessing both happen contributes to how quickly he acts in taking the laudanum in the next scene.
Both Crowley and Aziraphale are not shown with Elspeth when she wheels the cart back to Mr. Dalrymple's, acquires the laudanum when she finds out the pay is so low, and walks back to the mausoleum.
Main post:
The Sideburns Scheme
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The Curious Creation Of the Ghoul Nest
**Not really an incorrect quote so much as mindless fluff I’m writing to make myself feel better cus this week sucks**
Amongst each generation of Ghouls it has became tradition that, on the first night back from tour, on very cold nights, or just when the general stress level gets a bit too high, everyone helps form a massive nest in the Ghoul common room for cuddling safety purposes. This how Copia’s Ghouls handle the tradition.
Dewdrop and Rain are responsible for gathering every blanket, towel, pillow, cushion, and plushie they can get their sneaky little hands on and ferrying the mountain of soft things to the common room. At this point folks know not to bother the piles of blankets with legs they may encounter toddling through the halls.
Swiss and Sunshine are on snack duty (Mountain used to try and help but he and Sunny would often get into friendly food fights and Aether got tired of needing to move the fridge to sweep out the Cheeto graveyard that usually resulted) the type of snacks that the Multis prepare changes based on season and general mood of the group but Cheetos and puppy chow are always in the mix.
Mountain is now permanently in charge of movie selection. He spends a pretty decent amount of time outside the nesting evenings carefully screening and curating a little stack of options that he presents to the group for a vote on the night of. All the DVDs in the common room have neatly written notes tucked into their case that list general movie vibe, song quality rating, and subtitle options for the film.
Cumulus and Cirrus are in charge of scooting all the softest couches and chairs into a general nest shape in front of the fireplace, and then forming the actual nest with Dew, Rain, and their army of plushies. It’s a delicate process of making sure the nest is close enough to the fire in the colder months, within the perfect cross breeze in the warmer months ,and has enough surfaces within reaching distance for drinks, snacks, and remotes. The nest is always made big enough for everyone to cuddle sleep safely while still being able to stretch a bit.
Aether has, according to him, the most difficult task; Dragging Copia away from his paperwork for the night. The first time the nesting occurred during Copia’s reign he refused to leave, stating that there was far too much work to be done. Aether then arrived in the common room a few minutes later with the blustering Cardinal slung over his shoulder. At this point Copia knows not to try to get anything done after 6pm the day a tour ends or when he looks up from his work to find Aether standing beside his chair with his arms crossed. He only pretends to bluster a little bit for show before “giving up” and helping Aether retrieve drinks and pizza.
Once everyone has been gathered, all the food is ready, and the movie roster for the night has been determined, everyone climbs into the nest and gets comfortable and the evening of relaxation can begin. Ghouls are shuffled around as they fall asleep (Copia usually winds up in the middle of the pile) and everyone has a well deserved restful nights sleep.
Bonus: the other Papas
Nine time out of ten when these nesting nights occur one or more of the former Papas will just so happen to be “passing by” and eventually wind up in the cuddle pile.
Primo has long since abandoned any attempt to deny why he’s there and typically shows up with extra pillows and a massive thermos of tea to share. He loves it when the movies for the night include anything Disney because they’re fun to sing along with.
Secondo will usually walk into the common room “by accident” claiming he was looking for another room or sleepwalking and will then pretend to watch the movie while scooting closer and closer to the nest until a ghoul pulls him the rest of the way in. The fact that he always has a bottle of something to share is entirely coincidental and no, he has no idea how thoes new movies wound up on the shelf.
Terzo will dramatically sweep into the room under the pretext of needing to bother Copia with something or looking for his brothers only to drop a large bag of chocolates onto one of the tables and wriggle into the pile, blanket in tow, without another word. No matter where he enters the nest he will inevitably wind up next to Copia in the very middle of the cuddle pile.
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dekaydk · 1 year
Oh No! Here Comes Trouble ep 12
Completely satisfied with this show and definitely expect to watch it again.
Okay, spoilers for the series follow so don't read if you haven't watched the whole thing.
The good
Script, story, characters, acting, comedy, direction, cinematography. Basically everything.
Unclear/didn't understand
I didn't get the bit with the security guard and his accuser. I thought it was setting up another obsession but it just happened, then they went back to it with a repeat of the action. Will rewatch to see if I missed something (was interrupted several times (grumble) so this very well could just be me).
Could've been better
CGI was pretty good in general though the closeup paper bits landing were a little, oh, procedural vs. natural. The big plane crash (the full scene) wasn't quite as convincing as I would have liked but I get that budget isn't infinite and this kind of work is expensive. (Heck, big budget movies often have less convincing CGI than this series.)
Subtitles often were a bit fleeting (the English ones) especially when there was a short line. Dear subtitle team: love your work but please remember that we are switching between watching the action and reading so we have to spend time on both; it's not the same as listening to dialog and watching simultaneously. I had to rewind quite a few times because I wasnn't sure what had been said because I took my eyes off the titles for a moment and missed something.
Things I loved
The writing was terrific. Not one of the obsessions played out like you might have expected. Twists every time!
Every. single. one. of the actors were good. Every one of the minor roles was done well. The actor playing the OLD WOMAN was brilliant, made more effective by a great costume, hair, the smoking (lighting a wet butt was a genius touch). Traffic boulder man was perfectly menacing.
Guang Yan's reaction to being pulled away from Yi Yong by Li Song was devastating and perfect; Cian You nailed it.
The scene where Yi Yong and Bao Sheng are talking in the hospital after Yi Yong wakes up was economically written and acted. Scenes like this are often overloaded with exposition or overdone by the actors/directors. They didn't even say that Ren Xiu had died; the acting did it all. Cheryl Yang seemed effortless in all her parts, whether doing comedy or badassery.
Another example of beautiful spareness in writing and directing was when Yi Yong went to the (graveyard? mausoleum?). We don't know where he's going in the taxi, the taxi driver just gets out (sensitive!) and Yi Yong's sobbing is perhaps all the more heartbreaking because it was shot from outside the taxi.
The first balcony scene with Ren Xiu and Yi Yong was another example of terrific writing. We got introduced to Ren Xiu's character and the real nature of his relationship with his son in such a short time, yet you learned enough to care about him. The second balcony scene was beautifully acted by both men, and the necessary tonal shifts were slow and delicate enough to keep the viewer in the moment.
Loved the ending. Wake up, hear yet another plea for help, roll eyes, roll credits. That said, Yi Yong losing another couple of years to a coma? UNFAIR.
Side notes
Jing Hua actually spent time to learn calligraphy in more depth. I assume (as someone who doesn't read it) that he had to be convincing enough to make Chinese viewers believe in his expertise. Role reversal: in one of the behind the scenes videos, Cian You gives Jing Hua a cartoon of him that he said that he had drawn.
Conclusion: 🎖️ Absolutely recommended. Run, do not walk to your preferred IQIYI access.
Going to re-watch and think about this some more.
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yoroshiu · 1 year
“Believe” and “Never Give Up” (Localization) (KH3)
NOTE: A specific part in Sora and the Nameless Star’s conversation always stuck out to me for a couple of reasons. 
Sora: Good. You got to believe 
Nameless Star: Believe? Oh, you mean know in my heart he will return? Without any proof? 
S: Exactly, believe. I thought it was all over for me, but a friend of mine looked me in the eye and said, "You don't believe that."
S: I see. You shouldn't give up too 
NS: Don't give up— Aa, that's a choice too, I didn't even think about that. 
S: I think it's better [to think that (way)]. Giving up wasn't/isn't an option for a kid* I know. I was taught that too.
S:  I think it’s good to think that way. It’s the same for this kid I know, giving up isn’t an option. I was taught that too.
Additional Notes/Analysis: 
1* Sora uses  子 (ko) which means child/kid which kind of threw me off (if anyone actually has a proper answer to this, I’d like to know). My guess is that it has to do with the fact that Sora changes the way he speaks depending on who he’s talking to do (as most characters do). I just find it interesting that that’s how he refers to Riku in this case. I can see why ENG decided to stick with ‘friend’. That specific part is written like this in JPN subtitles:
I think a lot of players do know of this, but yeah, the whole “believe” and “never give up” is based on the different way Riku encouraged Sora before sacrificing himself to protect him in the Keyblade Graveyard. I’ve seen people say that they don’t like how ENG went about Riku saying it, and I have to say, I agree with that. The phrasing can almost be looked at as dismissive to how Sora was feeling and maybe had been feeling for some time now. Well-intentioned but weirdly phrased, I think, it ended up being. 
The whole “believe” exchange also sounds a bit strange. I’ve always looked at Nameless Star’s response as a bit silly, for lack of a better word, since she more or less simply defines the term. I don’t know how to describe my thoughts on this better TvT
There’s so many of these really small moments of word choice and phrasing that makes a lot of difference to me (I’m way to obsessed with it at this point, oh gosh help me From what I’ve seen from people playing, it does a lot of work. It’s interesting how much of a character you can learn just based from how they speak (how they refer to themselves, how they refer to others, etc.), which is extremely prominent in Japanese. Like, Sora and Riku both use 俺 “ore” when referring to themselves but Sora tends to use 君 “kimi” with most people, お前 “omae” with enemies and Riku, and simply referring to people by name (also does this with Riku often). On the other hand, Riku uses “omae” usually but he does switch when talking to people of supposed higher rank like Mickey or Aqua and Terra. That’s enough of that tangent LOL
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dropfromthesky · 9 months
i decided to post a clip from one of my favourite animes, Nanbaka! this clip specifically is from the English dub of season 2, episode 2: Super Hitoshi-kun! in which we find out that Musashi definitely has a strong German spirit. while talking about beer. but yeah!
i originally uploaded this with the intention of showing it to @graveyard-ghxul, but i decided to make it public and add subtitles so everyone could watch :3c
i hope you enjoy! Nanbaka has a special place in my heart, i love it so much,,
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translation-graveyard · 2 months
REAL: Renai Satsujin Sosahan (2024) ENG SUBS
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Subtitles for the first 2 episodes are now available! (Just like the actual realease! )
You can reach out if any of the links break so we can upload them back up
HardSubs ONLY
Episode 1: DailyMotion - Download Episode 2: DailyMotion - Download Episode 3: DailyMotion - Download Episode 4: DailyMotion - Download Episode 5: Episode 6:
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sidhewrites · 1 year
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three chapters in three days. Don't ask me how but it happened. Tag list is getting slightly longer, so I'm moving it to the bottom of the post now :)
Some of this chapter taken from the previous version of this project, but most of it is new.
Project Info
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
So I’m in the graveyard.
I’m not proud.
For the record, I did finish my ice cream first.
I hide my hair under a hood, more to keep it protected from any potential rain than to hide. I don't exactly stand out in a college town like this, with plenty of other young people of varying genders, sexualities, and hair styles. But it does help me hide a little better as I duck behind an eroded old headstone to spy.
If the team notices me, they don’t care. There’s seven people in all. Lourdes and Mick are the most recognizable as the hosts, but I can guess at everyone else's roles the director, their manager, the camera operator, the gaffer, and the sound technician. They argue about shooting schedules and locations, and whether this headstone is more photogenic than that one. Because, you know, carved rocks are really important for setting the mood.
The sound tech splits off, holding the boom mic this way and that with a furrowed brow. After a few minutes, she returns to the team with her concerns. “Do you think the rain will come back tonight? I’m not sure how clear our sound will turn out if it does.”
“You think we’ll lose the vocals in the background noise?”
I suppress a groan, and mutter, “Literally all your vocals are background noise.” It's so easy to influence how you hear the sound just by putting a subtitle underneath. Humans search for patterns in everything, from rock formations that look like faces, to random sounds that maybe kind of a tiny bit sound like someone whispering.
A voice hissed into my ear, cold breath on my skin: "Lies."
I yelped and fell over in my scramble to escape. "Jesus shit!"
A young woman sat next to me, laughing delicately. "Sorry, sorry. You looked so focused just then, I couldn't pass up the opportunity."
I don't know how she snuck up on me with a wardrobe like that. She's not just goth, but Gothic, with full Victorian regalia. Her dress had poofy sleeves and a bustle and everything, not to mention the black veil over her long, startlingly pale face made all the paler when compared to her dark hair. It felt like she could have chosen something slightly more practical to wear when kneeling in the mud to scare innocent people who absolutely weren't planning sabotage, but she also looked really good in the getup, so who am I to judge?
Okay, yeah, that was kind of funny. Despite the residual terror, I laughed as my pulse slowly returned to normal. "Okay, yeah, fair. That's fair."
"Are you okay?"
"I'm only 80% sure you didn't scare me to death."
She nodded, and looked back over to the group, who miraculously didn't seem to care about the fact that I'd screamed just a minute ago. Granted, we're far from the only people in the graveyard, but I'm still counting myself as lucky. I got comfortable and looked over as well. The team was still discussing the pros and cons of trying to catch any background vocals, and I scoffed.
"I can't imagine they really believe that stuff.
They hear a shoe scuffing and think it’s some long-dead spirit saying, get out.”
The woman shrugs. Her long face makes a delicate, benevolent expression, and I really have to admire her dedication to the goth aesthetic. “Maybe the shoe wants them to get out.”
I snort. “Maybe.”
“They do look rather serious about it all, don’t they?”
“Serious?” I peek over the headstone again to see the camera crew discussing angles. “I guess so, yeah. They’re probably behind schedule since they're still location scouting. According to their social media, this video's supposed to go out in a week."
“Hm?” I glance over to see her looking at me. Even her eyes are dark, and I resist the urge to make comparisons to pools of water. There’s nothing poetic about two girls kneeling in the dirt behind a headstone at dusk. 
"They're making a video, you say?"
"Yep. It's the Haunted Archivists. I think they just reached two million subscribers last month."
"Ah! That makes sense." I glance over just in time to see a mischievous gleam in her eye. "Since they're already behind schedule, I think we ought to help them along, don't you think?"
"What do you mean?"
It's hard not to melt under her smile. "It's like you said. They hear a shoe scuffing and think it's a spirit trying to communicate."
It's even harder not to swoon at the idea of someone just as ready to sabotage these people as I am. I think I do a pretty good job sounding very calm and collected as I answer, "Sounds like they plan to start filming tonight."
Sure enough, the script supervisor or director or manager or whatever is hammering in the fact that call time was 10 pm, no exceptions.
"Shall we assume that's a call time for us as well?" she asks.
“You read my mind. Oh -- my name is Kaz, by the way.”
“Kaz, lovely! And you can call me Lucy. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Uh -- you, too? You, too.” I’m not going to ask her out for coffee. I’m not. I broke up with Josie two weeks ago. Instead of saying what my brain wants to say, I manage to shrug. “I have an EMF emitter at my apartment, and probably some other tools too, if you really want to mess with them.” The emitter was Josie's. I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Our schedules didn't line up for the next few days, and, even if they did, she wasn't texting me back about coming to pick up her stuff.
Lucy looks thrilled. She claps a hand over her heart and shakes her head. “Oh, we would be so wicked, wouldn’t we? Good young ladies wouldn’t dare do such things to those just trying to make entertaining documentaries, I’m sure.”
“I’m sure!”
“I hope they won't be too disappointed with a few whispered words. Most people like to see the ghosts limned in the moonlight, pale specters against the dark trees. Shall we reconvene once the moon is up?”
I stammer, realizing I’ve been staring, and nod. “Right. Yeah -- yeah, let’s do that. I’ll go get the EMF emitter and stuff. You want me to bring you a coffee?”
“Fantastic!” Lucy beams, first at me, and then out at the team once more. “I’m quite alright without one, but I’ll haunt you if you don’t come back.”
“Promise?” I say before thinking.
“I swear it on my grave.” She pats the headstone in front of us, solemn as can be, and giggles.
She’s so goth. It’s so cute, I can’t stand it. I hope she haunts me forever.
tag list:
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duckapus · 1 year
-Honestly not all that different from canon(Game canon I should specify. he’s not a literal baby like Anime Kirby) in terms of personality
-G-mod Stretchiness is amplified by Mouthful Mode Stretchiness
-Lots of fanmade and meme-based copy abilities
-Unlike SMG4 Universe Kirby he can talk, and has the same subtitle font and colors as Judge Kirby but sticks to clips from the games and anime as audio outside of specific circumstances
-Sometimes leans into the whole eldritch god thing
-Is a standup comedian instead of a Youtuber, though he still posts memes on the internet to keep the cycle going
-Both he and Penta Knight already know about what they are and how they work because they kept their Guardian Pods and were able to look stuff up on the big computers
-6 actually lives in his
-Doesn’t have any powers(outside of Meme Guardian Stuff) or weapon training, so he’s way out of his depth during most adventures
-Thinks he’s the voice of reason but is actually just as chaotic as everyone else
-Honestly isn’t too worried about the “Protect the Avatar” part of his duties since Kirby is Kirby
Penta Knight
-Landed in the Internet Graveyard like he was supposed to and rarely comes out. Mostly because Another Dimension is between the IG and the normal world thanks to how Kirby’s universe is set up, and he doesn’t exactly feel like fighting his way through The Horrors just to get better quality groceries.
-Very dramatic, Big Theater Kid Energy
-Has a black Puffle named Leroy as a pet/son/sidekick
-Dresses and acts like a badass warrior to hide the fact that he’s a cringefail loser
-That said, he is genuinely skilled with that sword
-He can even channel some of his personal store of Meme Energy through it to make his strikes more powerful and achieve Sword Beam
-Very dedicated to his job. Acts like a peacekeeping superhero instead of a ruler like 3
-Even more self-conscious about his cute squishy appearance under the armor than Meta Knight is
-He and MK have absolutely done the SA2 “found you Faker” exchange before
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Neutralised (1994): S01 E01 [1/5]
(Meant to be read like a TV show, or the description of a TV show)
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Warnings: Shitty writing (I'm rusty on television writing), death & dead bodies, 90s fashion decisions (can you tell I don't know what to mention), misunderstandings & perceived abuse, cheesy nicknames, violence & Swearing.
2000 ish words. Please tell me if you want to be tagged.
The scene opens on a graveyard at dawn, a figure holds a shovel and attempts to dig, but the ground is too cold and hard. Next to him is a completely black golf-cart type vehicle.
A small subtitle appears at the bottom of the screen, it reads 'January 1st 1994, Chicago, Illinois'.
As the camera gets closer to the figure we can see them in more detail, blonde hair and glasses wearing a denim shirt and jeans under a dark brown winter coat, along with black boots, the faint hint of stubble colours his jawline in a tint of gold. This is Caleb 'Cal' willow, head grave-digger, 32 years old, British-American, six-foot tall and good-looking even though he doesn't wish to be anyone's eye-candy.
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The figure (Cal) stops, leaving the shovel standing straight up in the frozen ground as he leans on it and looks towards something off-camera.
The camera shifts to behind the man in denim and we see truck, a beat-up, old, purple, 1989 Ford F-150.
The shot gets closer and the couple in the car are suddenly clearer.
The man in the driver's seat is hefty and has a smug smirk on his face, his leather jacket covers a stained off-white tank-top, a baseball cap covers most of his curly brown hair, except for the week-old beard and puts his blue eyes in shadow. This is Lance Carter, an electrician, 30 years old, originally from Mississippi, six-foot-two and a former college athlete.
"You gotta stop trippin' over yer feet, Mona." He grumbles as he leans over to kiss the woman.
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The woman, 'Mona' is paler than her lover, light blonde hair, styled into bangs and a ponytail, and bright blue eyes contrast with her black painted lips and dark crimson eyeshadow, her red V-neck sweater vest and black long-sleeve shirt show a hint of cleavage and a black heart necklace. Her bangs barely hide a poorly covered bruise from that earlier morning. This is Monday 'Mona' Duke, the youngest grave-digger, 26 years old, born and raised in Eloia, five-foot-one and deceptively lean.
"I'll try not to, my Lancelot. I'ma go hand Cal his coffee, I love you and I'll see you later." Mona whispers, kissing his cheek and pulling away to get out of the truck.
Mona takes a set of three paper cups and a black satchel bag with her, the camera shifts to show her walking, with a slight but noticeable limp on her right side, towards Cal, his figure standing in the graveyard, and we see she's wearing black cargo pants and black heavy boots with inch-thick platforms on the bottom.
"Bram not here yet?" She calls as she walks over.
"Not yet, Mona, waiting for the call to say he's got religious reasons." Cal breathes out a cloud as he sighs, happily taking a cup from his female co-worker.
"We should have taken today off, but then again, you don't care about New Year's Day, and I don't want to be in the same apartment as my dumbass boyfriend."
"Go send Prince Charming away then, Princess." Cal chuckles softly.
Mona jogs back to the car, which isn't easy with her limp being made worse by the freezing weather.
"Lance, I'm at work now, you can leave."
Lance leans out of the window to kiss Mona, when they pull away a man can be seen between them, about six feet from the car.
The man is tall, broad shoulders with a black trench-coat draped over them, his pale blue jumper clashes slightly with the dark green colour of his trousers, and the maroon brown shade of his boots. His curly black hair comes to rest just above his dark brown eyes and aquiline nose, his scowling lips are framed by a neatly trimmed goatee. This is Abraham 'Bram' Machado, the tallest grave-digger, 30 years old, born and raised in Idaho, six-foot-three and easily angered.
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He glares at Lance as the man drives away, his rage vanishes as he looks at Mona.
"Morning, Mona, sorry I'm late Cal… car troubles." The tallest member of the trio nervously explains, gesturing to his car parked neatly in its place, the only hint of damage is a cracked passenger window.
"Lateness I expect from Mona, not from you, Bram." Cal huffs as he once again tries to dig the frozen dirt.
Mona limps a couple paces before sitting in the black golf-cart.
"Are you doing okay, Mona?" Bram raises an eyebrow in concern, taking a swig from the final cup of coffee to hide the scowl on his lips.
She nods, taking a sip from her coffee before she turns to scan across the graveyard, her eyes widen when she spots something.
Cal gestures for Bram to put his drink down and focus on the work. Bram nods but stares at Mona as he continues working.
"Excuse me, sir," Mona starts walking towards a slumped figure, "you can't sleep out here, you'll catch your demise, mister?" She pokes the figure with her foot, dropping down to check their pulse.
Cal and Bram stop and silently watch as Mona slowly stands and starts carefully walking backwards towards them.
"Monday, are you alright?" Cal's voice waivers slightly as he starts to realise what the lady grave-digger has seen.
"Monday, come here, you shouldn't look at that. Mona, Mona come here." Bram pulls Mona towards him, making her squeak as her smaller frame collides with his chest, he shields her body with his.
Cal grabs his phone from his back pocket and dials a number, the scene starts to fade out as Cal says, "Hey, Boss…"
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The next scene fades in, an office, cramped and claustrophobic.
An older gentleman, his black hair balding, short of both stature and temper, wearing an all black suit more at home in the 70s, along with black leather gloves on his hands. He sits at an old wooden desk and shakes his head as he grabs a small pile of paperwork.
"These are your witness reports," He looks at the trio, annoyed at them, "I'm not letting you three get off of work just because you found a body. Miss Duke, shift's over, I'll see you later. Out." The older man, Mr Mortimer according to the name plaque on his desk, grumbles in an Italian accent, waving the three grave-diggers out of his tiny office.
They step out into a larger room, past a young black man sitting with his feet on his desk reading 'Funeral Monthly', and through another door into what almost looks like a gothic hotel lobby. At the desk sits a larger, blond gentleman, downing an energy drink with an obvious 'I don't want to be here' attitude.
Cal strikes up a conversation with him with a casual, "Hey, King." Then the conversation fades into background noise.
"Hey, Monday… Are, are you sure you're okay, Mona?" Bram whispers as he sits down with her on one of the benches in the lobby.
"Yeah I'm fine, Bram, it's nothing I haven't seen before," She shrugs, "Lance should be here soon to take me to the café anyway." Mona's voice is a mile a minute, it's clear that this is just how she talks, fast-paced with little time to relax, as is her lifestyle.
But at the mention of Lance, Bram's soft, caring smile drops, replaced with a scowl full of hate as he hunkers down, placing his forearms against his thighs, he glares at the entrance and his jaw clenches tight, hands already balled into fists.
He's shaken from the mist of blind anger by Mona gently patting his shoulder as a gesture of thanks.
Mona heads outside, lighting up a cigarette as Bram stands, stopping himself from following her, he waits for Cal to leave first.
Bram glares at Lance as Mona kisses her boyfriend and leaves with him, Bram continues glaring until he can't see the truck anymore.
"Drop the glare, we have work to do. You can fight him when Mona isn't around him," Cal nudges Bram's arm, "c'mon Romeo."
The two men climb into the golf-cart and head back to the grave they were digging.
Meanwhile, Mona and Lance share an awkward moment of silence before Lance huffs a hefty sigh.
"Are we gonna talk about it?" He grumbles.
"What? The dead frozen guy?" Mona raises an eyebrow at the gruff tone of her boyfriend's voice.
"No, Mona. Are we gonna talk about him, the tall guy you work with?"
"Bram? What about him?" She shrugs, not understanding the question.
"He glares at me, every time I drop you off or pick you up. Hell, Mona, he glares at me when I visit you at work."
"He's just protective, it's not every day that someone shows up with bruises and a limp."
Mona checks her hairline in a compact mirror, showing the bruises, which can't be older than a week or less, she attempts to cover them with makeup and fixes her bangs to hide them again.
"I know that, but it's every time, not just today." Lance slams hard on the horn and silently mouths a couple curse words at another driver.
Mona jumps at the noise of the horn, Lance notices and takes her hand to press a reassuring kiss to the back of her palm.
"I didn't realise that, Lancelot, but pay him no attention. I'm your girl, not his." Mona whispers as Lance parks the truck.
As soon as Mona steps out of the truck, the back door of the café swings open and a young man, in white clothes and an apron, with jet black hair comes rushing out, stopping when he sees Mona and rushing over to hug her.
"Fry, down baby brother, down." Mona chuckles softly.
Fry puts his hands up and takes a step back, "Estelle's here. She's mad at Angelo."
"Why's she mad at Angelo for?"
As Mona steps through the door the camera follows her and when it swings back the screen goes black.
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The scene fades back and the camera raises diagonally out of the grave Cal and Bram have been digging. Cal and Bram have both ditched their jackets by this point, Cal's denim shirt has sweat stains in the armpits. Bram is in the process of taking his jumper off, revealing a long-sleeved beige undershirt and suspenders.
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"So, what's the deal with you and Mona?" Cal asks, watching as Bram's shoulders drop as he sighs.
"The deal with me and Monday," Bram murmurs as he places his jumper in the cart, "From the day she got hired, I thought me and her would be friends, or maybe more, but she doesn't see me in that way. If she truly wants Lance, then the lord better fix him fast." Bram grumbles as he avoids looking Cal in the eyes.
Cal goes to speak, falling silent as both men look towards the sound of tires screeching to a halt.
Lance's truck pulls up beside the row of headstones, the driver's side door swings open and he steps out, scowling as he looks at Cal and Bram.
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The passenger door swings open and a young, golden haired man in a dark blue security uniform steps out and rushes over to Lance's side. The name tag on his chest reads 'Kane Carter'. This is Kane 'K.C' Carter, the day-shift security guard, 27 years old, the younger brother of Lance, five-foot-nine and a man who is usually late due to being a heavy sleeper.
"Piss off, Kane." Lance growls, taking off his jacket and throwing it onto the seat before slamming the car door.
"Lance, don't. Think about what Monday would want." K.C tries to push his brother towards the car as Lance storms towards the grave-diggers.
"Don't you dare." Cal whispers as he pries Bram's hand off the shovel, chucking both potential weapons in the back of the cart.
Bram stands his ground, glaring daggers at Lance as the, slightly shorter, tall man advances.
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More owl house thinkys.
Because apparently the preferred method of lore dumping in this show is infinitesimal background details, here is a collection of Things I have Noticed
When Gus goes to interview Hooty the first thing that Hooty says is "it all started under a blood red sky". This detail is so easy to miss that it feels like it was buried on purpose. It's not in the subtitles, hes yelling through a door and Eda is talking over him. But it still there which meant there was the effort of putting it there.
Hooty is really old. At one point Amity says that "house demons get like that after a few thousand years" in reference to his general Hooty-ness. I'm going to take this to mean that the owl house existed long before the owl lady.
There's only one instance of a blood red sky. Pink, orange, and mauve show up whenever but red only comes up during the eclipse on the Day of Unity.
No one really knows what Hooty is. This gets kind of glossed over because there's so much other weird stuff all over the boiling isles, but even people who should have a good guess just accept him as this wierd freaky thing. Hooty has a full taxonomy class on demons and King doesn't fit, but neither does he.
Time travel is a thing.
The titans blood in the graveyard is in a very distinctive owlhead vial.
No one knows where the owl beast curse came from either and its nothing like anything else seen on the boiling isles. If you wanna reach and stretch, harpy!eda's eyes do bear a startling resemblance to King with the black sclera and yellow iris.
Last time we saw our favorite reality warping god child, he was making an owl house for Kings game.
So anyway, my brain has been chewing on this one like a hampster sharpening its teeth on a bone. Have fun.
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vocalyrics · 2 years
Mr. Schadenfreude - Translyrics
Mod's choice
Free to use and modify with credit
Schadenfreude: a person who shamelessly enjoys the suffering of others.
NOTE: Some parts of the song have discrepancies between the subtitles and what is being said. The way I've chosen to format this is SUBTITLE [WHAT IS BEING SAID]
“For an unforgivable sin, revenge and salvation will begin,”
As the curtains rise, a devilish deed, oh, Mr. Schadenfreude
Give a kiss to your despair, pathetically cling as you hang on air,
And savor that pathetic LIFE [SIN]... Infinity. ∞
“A noble devil of ancient times will manifest, and so one of you will be possessed.
Full of mercy and wearing their skin, it'll bring DEATH [SALVATION] to your souls full of sin.”
Next to The Priestess who is in a detached sort of voice reading,
THE FIFTH VILLAGER [THE TWIN] breaks down crying, and The Undertaker starts embalming.
But in this Devil's game this is naught but the beginning,
And until THE HUMANS OR THE DEVIL [EITHER SIDE] goes extinct, it won't be over.
“The culprit can only be one of us!”
“Who on earth would do such a thing...?”
“The devil, the game, or whatever... I don't care.”
“Haah!? Who did it!? Come on, cough it up already!”
“A demon, really? Such things don't exist.”
“No need to worry, after all, THE KNIGHT IS [I am] here to protect you!”
Cheating each other in absurdity?
Is this a gambit of uncertainty?
What's the devil's modus operandi?
“Are you Mr. Schadenfreude?”
The game of hangman is ready,
Who is it that will get the DEATH [TROPHY]?
And can we put an end to this Massaker*?
“A noble devil of ancient times is filled with spite, and so it has saved the pitiful knight,
Now that it has made its move from within, it will bring DEATH [SALVATION] to your souls full of sin.”
Next to The Priestess who is in a detached sort of voice reading,
THE SECOND VILLAGER [HIS BEST FRIEND] starts shouting, and The Undertaker keeps embalming.
It's almost as if you're treating someone [SICK] RECOVERING? [LAUGHS]
If this arrogant plot of “salvation” keeps going on...
“I guarantee I'll have the devil hanged by evening.”
“I'll finally be able to have my revenge!”
“Don't you get it? No matter what you do, we'll all die.”
“Oh, cut it out with the pointing fingers already! If you want to blame someone, then please hang [THE THIRD VILLAGER] ME!”
“By the way, could you please explain why I found [THE SECOND VILLAGER'S] YOUR choker on the corpse?”
Has accusing become an addiction?
Is it a fair judgement of conviction?
Start the devil's crucifixion -
Give up, Mr. Schadenfreude!
With trembling hands we pray,
As the corpse on the gallows starts to sway,
Until we're off the stage, it won't end: Richten*.
The bell signaling the dawn rings without making a sound,
As if guarding The Priestess, who's [DEAD] SOUND ASLEEP and bound.
She killed herself in the graveyard, [THE FOURTH VILLAGER] THAT GIRL's laying dead on the ground
Rather than being remembered as a deceiver,
Isn't it better to be saved as a victim?
Is it time to awaken the [SCHADENFREUDE] NATURE hidden?
“Someone's [DEATH] SUFFERING's a good feeling...”
“Who” was it that arranged this [DEVIL'S GAME] WHOLE THING?
“Someone” who wants us to believe it's the devil's deeds...
...Who is that [someone] behind this...?
Who's to blame?
It seems that there's a necrophiliac in our midst,
[THE UNDERTAKER IS] YOU'RE the devil, and don't you even dare resist!
That's so disgusting and profane... It's hard to believe you [LIKE IT] EXIST!
Being a [CORPSE PRO] FUNERAL AGENT is my job,
So it's only natural that [CORPSES] THEY are the ones whom I love.
And about those [CORPSES] THAT I had loved, every single last one of them was human.
The more pathetic your excuse is,
The more it is that you'll seem foolish!
At last, we know who the devil is -
You are Mr. Schadenfreude!
At last, to celebrate the devil's defeat
The survivors pour a drink for victory;
But then [THE ONE] I, who have [GONE INSANE] MADE A MISTAKE...
...In eternal sleep, will never suffer heartache.
In a [IMMORTAL] HOPELESS world, will you run away
Or in a dance with [THE DEVIL] ME will you be led astray?
This failed salvation lost it's way -
Ease your mind in a golden slumber.
Never fulfilling the dream that you clutch,
The curtains drop for the final [SALVATION] TOUCH;
So that in the end none of us will be left behind...
And so in the end none of them survived... again. ∞
*Massaker: German for "massacre"
*Richten: German for "judgement"
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