#random thoughts that popped into my head
delicatebluebirdruins · 3 months
Lockwood and Co episodes 2 and 3
I want to see Barnes office (what is on the map?)
God protect me from assumptions
asset is a bad word for Lucy
they are the sword, chain and umbrella (something about protecter, linking them together and safe haven)
know what we do about Fairfax everything he does is shifty
thinking of the times when deleted scenes got commentary about set up and why they got deleted... wishing we got this for the towel scene
Deprac got the door they busted down fixed quick
the subtitles are funny "[resigned] now we're going down there"
with they put the screaming into the screaming staircase you know
love the slap for George (who was unconcious) and the hand hold for Lockwood (who was awake)
and everything about the reveal for Fairfax being bad.
how would Lockwood and Co deal with Doll Ghosts and the Good boy (doggy) ghost from the Master's Sun (aka the the ghosts that went right for the sadness)
my sister: I love that when George get's upset his fingers get sticky.
what did the other adults say to Barnes?
wish it was clearer the aftermath for Fairfax and his death (you know other than a blink and you'll miss it line towards the end of this episode... like they could have given some credit to Lockwood and Co. and said Fairfax who has given so much to society took a chance on the young trio and it paid off but eeh it makes their desperation to take the graveyard job slightly more believable)
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salparadiselost · 3 months
Every couple years or so, the Bats are required to take a group photo to update the JL website (idk why, they are required to take a vigilante group picture), and Jason consistently refuses to show up. So this year, Tim just draws the lines of the Red Hood helmet on a bright red balloon and then floats it between him and Nightwing. They absolutely refuse to acknowledge that it isn't Jason. They put it up on a billboard instead.
Jason finds out about it when he drives back into Gotham and the highway going into the city has a 'Keeping Gotham Safe' billboard and it's a picture of the Bats looking extremely serious with the Red Hood Balloon floating behind them.
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booksandpaperss · 9 months
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and the REALLY good ones will probably do it better than canon lmao
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bluewolfangel01 · 28 days
Levi: "I don't understand why you like someone as pathetic as me, I'm not that good at anything other then being a nasty useless otaku, (insert more self degrading here)."
Mc: *blank faced, moving sneakily close to Levi and picks him up bridal style*
Mc: "Snake <3."
Levi: *Stunned silent, he doesn't move for a few moments, then his tail curls around Mc's leg, and leans into their touch.*
Levi: "Y-yeah...."
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What if Pop trolls were the only trolls to go grey, seeing as the other villages can actually channel negative emotions in a healthy fashion. What if the reason pop trolls had to start surpresing their grief, anger and sadness was because it would make them "bitter" tasting to the bergans so The Chef, at the time, would pluck these trolls from the tree like rotting fruit and dispose of them trying to keep the other's from "rotting" as well. What if in the beginning of the trollstice tradition there was thousands of pop trolls in the tree but because of bergans greed and with so many trolls going grey in the start pop numbers dwindled until it was just a measly couple hundred. What if being grey was seen as a immediate death sentence so the village would leave the troll alone and morn in silence until you were taken. What if...pop trolls forced themselves to be happy...no matter what...until they didn't really remember how to be anything else
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boobchuy · 2 months
I love amphibia I'm really happy it exists
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buf309 · 1 year
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The reason HE was the one holding all the leashes, not because he's better than anyone else, but because he'd lose his own head if it wasn't attached to his body.
A Forgor through and through.
A bonus page for this post:
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c-0-rr-x · 10 months
Can you imagine walking down the street, seeing a homeless Toji, and giving him a few dollars. As you walk away you hear him say "Damn Ma, you're thicker than a bowl of oatmeal"
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meshaamem-li · 1 month
non-woman with left tits
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orkbutch · 9 months
help me out :)
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localfandom · 11 days
i just realised tha albert adopting william for his intellect and not william himself might've fucked up william at least a little? like at some point he probably thought that albert only cares for him cus of the plan and cus of his intellect.
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xjade-lotusx · 2 months
Armand would have a set of bookshelves only he (cloud gifted) has access to while his husband (burdened with the weight of gravity) cannot. It's like Armand's personal "Louis off limits zone" in their shared apartment. Like no, no, no hubby this is "me time." My levitating ominously with a book in my hands time.
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moonpascal · 3 months
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what you over here being messy for?
summary: sam misinterprets a text on your phone w: 1.5k pairing: bucky barnes x platonic fem!reader, ben barnes x reader (mentioned) warnings: miscommunication?, probably ooc, migraines, medicine/drug mentioned, fluff, sams nosy ass, pov switches?idk still new to this a/n: very self indulgent and written very fast so possible errors. posting before i second guess myself.
“Sam can you grab my phone from the kitchen, I forgot it but don’t have time myself to get it.” You sighed rubbing the throbbing migraine that’s arrived from this stressful day. One thing after another, paperwork, HR, and planning the upcoming mission. 
“Ooh you have a day tonight?” Sam snaps you out of the daze you're in and give him a questioning look. He slides your phone across the table and the screen lights up from the two-minute warning text 
BB🤍 ‘Can’t wait for tonight love’ 
An unconscious smile creeps onto your face, that Sam mimics, getting giddy as you type away. Forgetting he’s even there for a split second. When he clears his throat, you glance up and slightly cough hiding the smile. “Right yeah I’m excited, but stop reading my messages. I don’t even know how you got access to read my messages,” teasing him, not that it’s a big deal he’s seen it. He smiles before rushing out of the conference room, almost tripping on air. 
Gathering the files making sure each one is the exact same, then placing each one in their designated spot on the table. Glancing at the time, five minutes till the minutes and four hours till date night. You can do this just gotta make it a few more hours you thought. 
Sam nearly felt like Pietro with how fast he ran to find Bucky. Having to congratulate him in person, then punch him for not telling him sooner. Skidding around the corner weaving passed other agents, before he spots Bucky coming out of the elevator. 
“You shithead I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” Sam shoved Bucky's arm, who only gave him a puzzling look. 
“What are you on about this time? It’s too early for this” Buck walked past Sam knowing he’ll follow as they all had a briefing in less than a few minutes. 
Sam huffed, “ear- it’s 12:55, don’t change the subject. You finally ask Boss lady out and didn’t tell me!” 
Halting to a stop, Bucky quirks his eyebrow. “Why on earth do you think that?” Buck knows you're in a relationship and two, he doesn’t see you in that aspect, even if everyone thinks he does. It’s honestly a run on joke between you two at this point. 
“Don’t act coy, I've seen her text message from none other than “BB” who else would that be?” 
Bucky chuckles understanding where he got that idea. Deciding to mess with Sam, Barnes just smirks and shrugs, walking passed him into the briefing room. Sam can’t another word in as everyone is there and ready to start. 
The whole time you're discussing the plan for the next mission, everyone seems to be giving you smirks or subtle nods. When you face away from them focusing on breach points and surveillance systems, they shift their attention to Bucky giving him the same looks. 
If it was any other day Barnes would’ve rolled his eyes and not entertained them in the slightest. But knowing Sam sent a mass text to the team he knew exactly what those look were, and decided to enjoy it before he makes them feel stupid for listening to Sam. 
“The jet we’ll leave in 2300 hours, meeting adjourned” You turn the screen off and start gathering the mess you created. Slouching in the chair burrow your head in your hands. The lights seem to be the brightest today and every little noise is at max decibel. Honestly feels like a hangover. A gentle hand to your shoulder shook you out of your daze. Wincing at the movement you look up and James towers over you. 
“Anything I can help with?” He whispers crouching down to get a better look. He could instantly tell when you get these, especially so often. 
“Maybe Tylenol? I’ve had food and tons of water. I don’t know why I keep getting these” Groaning as the left of your eye starts throbbing now. 
“It’s because of all the overthinking and stress you put on yourself”
Looking up at him just to glare knowing he’s right. “Lead the way, I need the drugs.” 
James grabs your items before you get the chance, giving you a knowing look not to argue. As if you were in the mood to argue. Just get the medicine and work through the next two and half hours. Should be as right as rain for tonight. The mantra repeated as you let James guide you, ignoring everyone passing by. If you were paying attention, you would’ve noticed the winks and smirks thrown your way. 
What felt like a journey, you were finally at the in house pharmacy -courtesy of Tony, go figure- and James handed you the two Tylenol with their little paper cups. Whispering a quiet thanks, downing it in seconds. 
“Hopefully your headache goes away, wouldn’t want you to be miserable on your date,” the pharmacist smiles at you. 
Scrunching your eyebrows for a second, “huh? Oh, right yeah of course thanks” giving a tight smile to her before starting the trek back to your office. 
“I swear Sam has the loudest mouth, James I love him but nothing is secret with him around” 
Buck put the files on the corner of your desk, chuckling as you rant, saying this was the exact reason she wasn’t telling anyone about Ben. 
“It was bound to happen doll,” he dims the light in the office as you situate yourself grumbling in agreement. “Let me know when you’re gonna head out today, I’ll walk you.” 
“Thank James I appreciate it.” giving the best smile you can manage before going back to the emails piling by the minute. Feels like Jim Carrey in that one movie answering all the never ending emails. 
As time passed the migraine was slowly diminishing, your phone didn’t get the same treatment. A text coming in every few minutes.
Tones: Have fun on your date with Barnes
Nat: Can’t believe you tell me about your date
Wanda: knew it! It was about time
And many more along the same lines. Knowing word spread faster than captain rogers blushing at an innuendo, you couldn’t complain that the cat was finally out of the bag. Glimpsing at the time, smiling that it’s time to head out.  Signing out of your computer and shooting James a quick text that you’re done. 
Heading towards the common room, it seems like the whole team was there. “Bye guys have a good night, see some of you after the mission!”
James enters the room before anyone can bid you farewell and their smiles get bigger as mine did. “Ready to go doll?” 
“Enjoy your date you guys!” Tony teases, earning a slap from Pepper. 
Curiously looking at James, “You have a date? And you didn’t tell me? Who did you ask?” Feigning a hurt look. 
“Apparently it’s you boss lady,” he smiles wrapping his arm around you and squeezing your shoulder.
“What?” beyond confused and not the only one as everyone has an unreadable look. 
“Wait, you're not going on a date with Bucky? But your text said “can’t wait for tonight” sent by BB! Bucky Barnes!” Sam all but exasperated. 
James and you share a look before bursting into tears. Wiping them away before catching your breath. “That was from my boyfriend, Ben Barnes.” 
“Boyfriend!! Since when? And why the hell would his name be his initials in your phone?” Nat added.
“A few months now and I don’t know that just how I put it in when we first started talking. I haven’t had time to change it.” Shrugging as if you didn’t drop a bomb on them. 
“I’m hurt for one, you didn’t tell us and two that it’s not with this Barnes!” Tony huffed, crossing his arms frustrated he didn’t figure this out sooner. All the technology in the world and this slipped away from him. 
“You guys are ridiculous, James and I are friends and if Sam was good as snooping he would've known I don’t call him Bucky ever.” Shoving your phone in Sam’s face, showing ‘James 🧸’ contact in your phone. 
“Well he never corrected me, what was I supposed to think!” Sam throws himself on the couch murmuring how his day is ruined. 
“Because I knew you’d look like an idiot after telling everyone,” Bucky sassed feeling proud of himself, mentally adding a tally mark to his Sam vs Bucky board. Sam flips him off before leaving the room, probably figuring out a way to get him back. 
Turning back to everyone else waiting for the interrogation to start but no one pipes up surprisingly. 
“I’ll tell you guys everything you want to know this weekend. Just didn’t want to jinx it, you know.” They all sighed and agreed knowing how the dating world is nowadays. 
“Can’t believe you went and found a different Barnes when I’m when right here doll,” James smirks nudging your shoulder
“Yeah because that was funny the first time you told me”
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let me know what you thought! reblogs and comments are appreciated! <3
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sofiiel · 1 year
Music To Eddie's Ears:
Eddie hides his face in your neck for a snuggle session. He is inwardly sulking however at how comfy and relaxed laying against you has made him.
It's just not fair, and he's wondering if he has the same effect on you.
Eddie's lips brush gently against your neck. He leaves light airy kisses scattered about. Trying his best to send tingles down your spine.
He is grumbling under his breath in little murmurs pouting about how he will not be outdone in the snuggle game, even if you are a pro.
However he is so close to your heart he can almost feel it beating, the love-dove sound engrained into his memory echoes it's song in Eddie's ears.
He wraps his arms around you and cuddles his head against your chest. Forgetting about his attempts to out snuggle you as he tries to get closer to the quiet call of your heart beat.
Eddie's eyes close up on him and a smile comes to his face.
He then yawns, "this, this is the greatest song of all time."
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lilvoyagercomics · 23 days
A couple of weeks ago, the Doctor and Seven had run an anonymous ship-wide efficiency survey. The survey, meant to solicit views across the ranks and departments on how to streamline efficiency and improve the operations of the ship, had quickly become - as Tom Paris called it - a “job satisfaction” survey.
“As I informed the Doctor when he drafted the questionnaire,” Seven had said, when she reported the survey results to senior staff, “The questions were too imprecisely drafted.”
The Doctor huffed, but something told Kathryn that he had known exactly what he was doing. In any case, instead of learning about where resources could be diverted from or shared between departments, the survey had revealed that just over 64% of the crew thought Neelix should take cooking lessons on the holodeck (Kathryn had expected that number to be much higher) and 82% wanted the ship to be fitted with a physical gym so they didn’t have to rely on the holodecks for their workouts (Kathryn should have thought of that herself).
What had come as a surprise, was the feedback that Seven and the Doctor had shared with her and Chakotay after the rest of the senior staff had been dismissed.
“Feedback on the command team is generally positive.” Seven began dispassionately.
“Only generally?” Kathryn teased. Chakotay glanced at her sharply and she knew that he could tell her humour masked real apprehension. Sure, Voyager operated under a hierarchy which meant that she could take, or leave, the crew’s feedback, but the wellbeing and happiness of her crew mattered to her. Heck, most - if not all - her decisions were driven by those very factors!
“Generally.” Seven confirmed with a nod of her head, oblivious to Kathryn’s discomfort. “89% of the crew think that the command team strike the right balance between exploration and journeying home. The remaining 11% are largely compromised of the original Starfleet crew.” Seven looked between Kathryn and Chakotay. “As opposed to former Maquis,” she clarified.
Kathryn snuck a glance at Chakotay. “We don’t need to draw that distinction, Seven. Please move on.”
“It is an interesting observation,” Seven pressed on, keen to justify herself. “Logic dictates that the Maquis would be most dissatisfied given that they did not sign up for a life of space exploration.”
Kathryn snuck another glance at Chakotay. “Let’s move on, Seven,” she repeated more firmly, leaving no room for doubt that this was not a suggestion.
“Very well. 94% of the crew are uncertain if they are permitted to pursue interpersonal relationships with one another.”
“That’s a very high number.” The Doctor chimed in and Kathryn had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. “Surely you can see how this would be a problem. We have another 40 years left in our journey and skilled as I may be, I cannot keep you all alive for that long. This needs to be a generational ship.”
Kathryn sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, hoping that Chakotay would jump in. “Interpersonal relationships?” she asked, stalling. “You mean romantic relationships?”
Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a smirk on Chakotay’s face.
“You are correct, Captain. The crew believes that you and the Commander would not approve were they to enter into romantic relationships onboard Voyager.”
Kathryn crossed her arms and glanced over at Chakotay once more. He was staring at a spot just beyond the Doctor’s right ear, a neutral, if not slightly bemused expression plastered on his face. Big help he was. As far as she was concerned, interpersonal relationships fell squarely within his purview.
“The crew doesn’t need our permission to enter into interpersonal relationships. The rules don’t prohibit this, they just ask that those relationships be disclosed so that conflicts of interest can be monitored and managed.”
“But neither you, nor the Commander, are in a relationship.”
Kathryn stood and moved to stand behind her chair. She felt the colour rising in her cheeks. This time, she couldn’t bring herself to look at Chakotay. “I don’t see what that has to do with this.”
“The crew follow your lead, Captain,” the Doctor explained gently. “They look to you to establish the culture onboard the ship.”
“So you mean to tell me everyone on this ship is single and celibate?” Kathryn asked, her voice sounding shrill to her own ears. “All because the Commander and I…”
“That’s not what they’re saying, Captain.” Chakotay spoke up at last. “They’re saying that the crew don’t feel like they can be open about the relationships that they are in.”
Kathryn scowled at him. Whose side was he on, anyway? “I find that hard to believe. Tom and B’Elanna are open about the status of their relationship, as are… are…” Kathryn sighed and sunk back into her seat. “So what you’re telling me is that we need to force ourselves into relationships for the good of the crew.”
“Why can’t you just acknowledge that you are already in a relationship?” Seven asked, confusion clearly written on her face.
“I - I - What?!” Kathryn spluttered.
“The characteristics to identify whether two or more people are in a romantic relationship,” Seven began and Kathryn got the sense that she was reciting from one of her recent social lessons with the Doctor, “include: one, body language - a noticeable level of closeness not shared with others, such as leaning toward each other when talking, maintaining eye contact, and being more relaxed when together. You and the Commander often walk unnecessarily close given the size of Voyager’s corridors and are more attentive when the other speaks.
Two, frequent physical contact. I have observed, Captain, that whilst you are a tactile person, you are 74% more likely to touch the Commander if compared to other crewmen. Gestures such as the squeeze of a shoulder, grasp of an arm, or cupping of the cheek - all of which I’ve observed between you - indicate a comfort level beyond commanding officers and friends and desire to maintain physical contact in spaces or situations where it may not be appropriate to engage in a more public display of affection.
Three, shared spaces. You and the Commander spend most, if not all, your free time together. If I’m not mistaken, unless one of you has alternative plans or in the event of a ship-wide emergency, it is given that you will have dinner together. You attend ship functions together and when one of you is injured, the other spends most of their off duty time by their bedside.
Additionally, I have observed, Captain, that you tend to hesitate for an additional 12.7 seconds when determining whether to send the Commander on an away mission, if compared to other crewmen. You are also more agitated when-“
Kathryn held her hands up. “Enough, Seven! I get the picture.” She felt the colour rising to her cheeks. Whilst Seven’s evidence wasn’t exactly damning, taken in the round it certainly had the potential to be incriminating and Kathryn wasn’t sure how to proceed. Deliberately avoiding looking over Chakotay, who she knew would be no help whatsoever, she pinched the bridge of her nose and gathered every ounce of authority she could muster. “The Commander and I have a very close working relationship. He is my best friend. And I don’t appreciate you, or the crew, speculating about the status of our relationship and how we choose to spend our free time.”
Her eyes fell on the Doctor. “And you,” she said, even more scathingly. “Should know better. Dismissed.”
As Seven and the Doctor all but scurried out of the briefing room, Chakotay turned to Kathryn with a wide grin on his face. “Honestly, Kathryn, you have got to learn to keep your hands off me when we’re on duty.”
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
The Yiga tried to use their world jumping magic to go after Skyward Sword Link while he was recovering from his adventure, but his crimson loftwing fought them off so viciously they all now have collective Birb Trauma
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