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Originally from Wattpad: The-Random-Page 🌙💫🌕🦇🐺🌕💫🌙 ~ A supernatural DARK ROMANCE random page for Kpop ~MASTERLIST
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therandompagesblog · 1 month ago
Honest Update
Hi Guys,
I am so so sorry for disappearing for 3/4 weeks there has been a lot going on in my life.
There has been a death in my family. I have been struggling with my masters and work pressures and I had fallen into a cycle!!!!!
I have been trying to write but admittedly it has been hard and I didn’t want to post something that didn’t feel like my standards!
The MOST IMPORTANT thing is I am not a quitter regardless of the pain I am feeling now!!!
For all of you waiting, thank you
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therandompagesblog · 2 months ago
I hope you’re okay? I’m missing your writing. 🩷
I’m so so sorry😭😭 I’ve had a lot going on!!! I love you
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therandompagesblog · 2 months ago
I’m back 🎉
Apologies for the flu.
While I get back on track updates are going to be slow this week while I go through my notes but we will get back on the grind for Her Soul for His Soul and Hunting Your Soul
Both are gonna get quite intense 🫦
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therandompagesblog · 2 months ago
Hunting Your Soul Chapter 7 🫀Y/N🫀
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Trigger Warnings: Oral Play, Sexual Tensions, Obsession
Silence was scarier than words. Silence was violence. It held power. It was like having an iron hold over your oesophagus. Squeezing down until you couldn't breathe. Until your eyes watered. Until your mind went dizzy. Your heart heated faster than it should. Begging for air. For freedom. That's what it felt like. Chan was nowhere to be seen or heard. He was silent but deadly. Somewhere where I did not know. I wanted a reaction and I did not get it. Not the one I had hoped for. I waited up for him. All night. Waiting to be stolen. Waiting for him to phone angrily, but there was nothing. I felt sick. I felt stupid. As time went on, I felt lonely and embarrassed. I felt myself tear up. A wave of emotions hit me as I cried. I was ashamed of myself. "Stupid. So stupid." I scolded myself as I smacked my hand against my forehead like a child who was angry at their parents. I felt myself hyperventilate. I could feel my life creeping away. Buzz! Buzz! My breathing stopped. My blood ran cold. Buzz! Buzz! My eyes went wide as I stared at my buzzing phone. I could see the name written on the screen. It was Chan. I couldn't face him. I could not. Buzz! Buzz! I slowly walked over to the phone that sat on my desk. Shaking away like a nervous heartbeat.. Like my nervous heartbeat. The phone stopped buzzing away and lay patiently still. Waiting for its next phone call but it never came. Nothing came. The room fell to a deafening silence. Only the sound of my shaky breath could be heard. Ding! I looked down at the phone and saw a message. Chan: Answer me. I blinked. Frozen at the spot. Waiting. Waiting. Buzz! Buzz! "You're a dangerous woman aren't you petal?" Chan said darkly. His voice was rough. I wanted to speak back. Answer him. Apologise. Except, I had lost my voice. My throat swelled up. Tightened. It was like a thick rope being wrapped around repeatedly. "You have thirty minutes. Then you're mine." Chan stated. He hung up. Leaving some frozen in place. I breathed out the air that was jammed in my lungs. I knew what I had done was wrong. I angered him. I angered the man who held my life in his hands. I angered someone who had only shown him kindness and I showed him lust in return. Lust wasn't a bad thing. Men enjoyed sex. Didn't they? A man would appreciate hearing the one they desired, so lustful and dirty. Unless I wasn't desired in the way that I thought. Unless I wasn't lusted after in the erotic way that I thought. He was a monster after all. A monster who required my heart. He meant my life. My blood. How foolish was I? Reckless?
Shaking my head, I moved from my spot and headed down the stairs. I was heading to grab a drink when I saw a figure. A tall, dark-haired figure sat in my living room. Fuck! The figure was dressed in a leather suit. His hands are covered in gloves. Slowly he lifted his hand to look at his watch. Flicking his wrist purposely. He was showing he had control. "You are three minutes late," Chan spoke. His voice was a cacophony of music that penetrated deep into your spine. It sent shivers. I watched him slap his thighs before getting up to slowly turn around. It was methodical. It was so intimidating that it sent my hormones wild. He turned around to face me and my jaw clenched in fear. I was stunned. He was pale. His dark eyes were mesmerising. One was a distorted colour of white that lacked an iris. It dominated everyone. It dominated me. I was weak compared to him. Chan stepped forward. One step at a time. Stalking me. I was his prey and he was the predator. I stepped back and he stopped. He tilted his head to the side watching me. A slight smirk crept across his face. All of a sudden he was directly in front of me. Arms placed on either side of my head as he caged me in. Staring at me like I was a lost lonely fish. "So silent," Chan whispered. His leather hand came up to stroke my face. Impulsively I leaned in as he came closer. I could smell him. He was a mixture of pine wood and sandy water. There was a hint of frankincense. "Oh, petal," Chan whispered nonchalantly. He bummed and lifted his head back. Fangs peeked through as he smiled. "Such a dangerous thing aren't you petal?" The decibels of his voice lowered. I could feel his anger through his raspy voice. "M'm sorry" I breathed out a panicked breath. He chuckled at me. His face inched closer to mine and I closed my eyes waiting for him to kiss me. Yearning for his soft pink pouty lips. It never came. Instead, he watched me in amusement. His mouth came closer again. This time to my ear. His fang came close to my ear. Nipping it slightly. I could feel myself getting hotter. Before I could protest I was in my room. Faster than I could blink. Chan set me down on my bed and slowly unravelled his leather black trench coat. It was seductive in many ways and it made me hot and fuzzy. I was cursing my hormones. I really was. Chan set it down on my chair. He moved it away from my desk so he could lean upon it. Slowly he rolled his sleeves and flexed his arms. His movements were making my toes curl in anticipation. Fear. Desire.
"You're afraid petal!" Chan stated. "So you should be." "I'm sorry." I blurted out again. Finding my voice. I felt a sense of confidence come back. "What do you want?" "So bold, my love." He taunted. Tutting away. "So bold for someone who smells of need." "It is your fault." I accused. I was embarrassed. "I apologise petal." He stood up. "I'm sorry I left my little flower so needy and alone while I worked."  Every word he said he took a step closer. "What shall I do with you." I crawled backwards to the headboard as he crawled towards me. Fuck! A man crawling? My stomach couldn't take anymore as it knotted in desire. He crept slowly onto the bed. Crawling his way up my body till he was towering over me. I lifted my head up wanting him to kiss me but he avoided my mouth. I reached out to touch him but he moved back to the desk. A toy in his hand. "What's that?" I said pathetically. I knew well enough that it was my vibrator. Chan chucked it onto the bed and crossed his arms as he parted his legs. Lifting one leg up to rest on my chair. I sucked in the inside of my cheek in anxiety as I reached the toy. I waited for the instructions. "Pleasure yourself. Show me how much you needed me?" Chan told me. "W-what!" I blurted out. "I'm not going to touch you. Not until you beg for it." Chan growled through his teeth. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I told him. Panicking. I wanted to feel release but I had never done it in front of someone before. It was intimate. Too personal for anyone to see. "For real petal?" He asked. He watched me nod my head before lifting his hand, "show me." "I-I can't I've never. Never in front of anyone." I told him. Chan got off the table and took the chair across my room. Facing it to the wall. He sat down. His thick muscular leg sat on top of the other as he faced the wall. "Go on then. I won't look. Not until you beg." His voice was filled with dark desire with a predatorial undertone.
I took a deep breath. Nervousness filled my body as I slowly pulled down my trousers. I let them fall to the floor with a thud. I picked up the toy and turned it on. Only the buzzing sound could be heard in the room. I leaned back. My head automatically turned to the back of a monster. Finding my courage I pressed the toy to my clothed cunt and shut my eyes. Afraid he would see me. Except he wasn't. He was only listening. I opened them. I arched my back to thrust upwards as I stared at the figure. I breathed hard but hid my moans. I was afraid to anger him any more. Slowly, I pulled down my underwear and drove the toy up to my clit. I clenched my jaw in frustration and agony. I watched Chan's back tense and his hands grip his thighs. It made me feel wet and hot, knowing he was suffering. I clicked the button. Allowing the toy to speed up. My mind went frazzled as my body shuddered. "C-chan!" I whimpered. He did nothing but stay fixed in his seated position. "Please Chan!" I begged. "Want to feel you," In an instant, Chan was on top of me. His thighs either side of me and his hand was on the headboard. Still not touching me. His white eye watching me. "Do. Not. Stop." Chan darkly breathed out. I nodded in compliance. Watching him. I leaned up and he leaned down. He did not kiss me. I wanted him to. "Please. Do something please." I cried out. "Cum for me, petal," Chan whispered. His other hand stalked close to my cunt. Every time I arched forward his hand would slowly move back. I felt a strong wave come over me and I couldn't stop it. It was a rare feeling but it happened. I squirted. All over the sheets. Over his hand. I instantly put my hand over my mouth and watched him, about to apologise, but he took his fingers and licked them. Before I could say anything he disappeared and came back with a flannel to give to me. I felt confused. "I promised I would not touch you, my love," Chan whispered as he walked over to my drawers to find a clean pair of underwear. "You-you said if I beg," I told him. My voice whimpering in despair. "You did not beg. Only your desire did." He told me. "I don't force in that way. I'm not that kind of monster." Chan promised. "But when your heart is mine. You are mine!" "Thank you." I blurted out. "For not forcing me." He smiled and nodded. It made the monster in him kind of hot that he relied upon true consent and not desire, but his words frightened me. "You're welcome, petal." There it was. The nickname. "Now get dressed. We are going home."
18+ Taglist for those who are not turning back
@catlove83 @itsyourleilei @whatudowhennooneseesyou @leeknot @estella-novella @fackeraccount @eastjonowhere @cocofia143 @jennibahng @noerinspace @sleepingmissingprincess @ye0lkkot @hiitsmebbygrl16 @shhimhereforsmut @jaeminie-cricket @stayceebs97 @ritiiiiiii @chlodavids @beautystarry @hyunjinhoexxx @hash2013 @jeonginontopforever @catnipchannie @kaqua @fairy-lixie @myflowercloud @galaxy4489 @velvetmoonlght @stay3096
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therandompagesblog · 3 months ago
hope this isn’t bothering you but where’s the next chapter of Hunting Your Soul? 😿
also if you see this I absolutely love the book, I hope you find the strength to rewrite what you lost because I need to read the whole story 😭 keep up the good work cuz your writing is amazing
I’m so sorry I had the flu and it knocked me out 😭
Both Hunting your Soul and Her Soul for His Soul are being looked at today so chapters either tomorrow or Tuesday!!!!
I haven’t forgotten I promise and I thank you for the support 🤍
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therandompagesblog · 3 months ago
Hunting Your Soul Chapter 6 🫀Y/N🫀
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Trigger Warnings: Stalking, manipulation, self pleasure, orgasm
Could a stalker be seen as sweet? Caring? Attentive? Or, were these things I imagined as the days went on? Chan's nature had changed. He was filled less with riddles and more with statements. Statements of truth. He was going to take me. I knew that much. I knew I was going to be turned into a monster that lived in the darkness. When, was my question, but he never answered. Chan always answered my other questions. My questions about his feelings toward me. They were vague yet unexplainable. He always referred to me as his. That I was meant to be his. That my heart was his. It was an animalistic description. One that frightened me but didn't. Every time I was frightened or worried he would mask it with care. Kindness. Chan never directly spoke to me. Only through words on a screen. Otherwise, he would shower me with gifts. Flowers, pyjamas, iced cinnamon buns. It was a generational romance. Texting. Never to be seen. I hated it. I hated the waiting game. I wanted to see him. I wanted to see what he looked like. I wanted to see his cold gaze, pressing into me. I wanted him to consume me. Feed off me. They were stupid desires. Reckless even. They were thoughts and feelings I gained over the course of three days. Three pitiful days and I was craving him. The only nuisance was he slept during the day. It was Inconvenient for me and I wanted him to know that. I wanted him to pay for it. Pay for the ways he was making me feel. I wanted to play his game. Me: I want to hear your voice. Chan: If you're a good little flower for me. I will. Me: Fine. I'll suffer then. Chan: Careful with that attitude. I have to work today. Be patient.
I rolled my eyes in frustration hitting the bed. I was annoyed at myself. At him for making me feel this way. I should feel sickened, but I wasn't. Chan gave me no reason to. The only thing he did was text, call or watch. He wasn't really stalking either. He was too quiet to be a stalker. Too quiet. Too careful. He was harmless in the eyes of the law. A report would do nothing to him. He was untraceable. He wasn't even real. If I did report him, the police would tell me they could not do anything until something happened. Until the harassment escalated. I could report his number, but all Chan would have to do was get another and he would still keep texting. Calling. But if he was a monster, then he was invincible. He was deadly. Very deadly. And right now that was hot. And I was hormonally hot. It was despicable yet erotic to have a watcher. It was something that kept my mind preoccupied as I started to have sick fantasies. Fantasies about his deep voice. The voice that burned into my soul. Fantasies of his touch and the way he would feel. It was already a catastrophic downfall. I was damned for him and I did not care. I did not care in the way I wanted him to suffer too. I wanted him to feel my frustration at his lack of communication. His lack of verbal communication. His lack of physical communication. His–his lack of presence. I shuddered at the thought of meeting him soon. My body shivered at the thought of his face. His touch. I wondered more about his musky smell. I wanted to smell him again. Throwing my head back with a sigh. I closed my eyes, thinking about faceless hands. Touching me. Guiding me softly. I wondered if the monster had fangs or claws. Or both. Would they cut into my body deep or scratch the surface? My body was starting to get hot as I thought about the blank kisses trailing across my skin. An irrational thought crept across my mind. I wanted to phone him. Force him to listen to my arousal like he forced my emotions to yearn for him. It was a sick and twisted idea but my hormones were everywhere, and considering he stole my tampons. A little moan was the icing on a sweet cinnamon bun. My hand found its way into my trousers. Slowly touching myself as I felt my body getting hotter. I reached for my bedside to grab my silicone vibrator and turned it on. I allowed the vibrating sensations to toy against my clothed folds. My back arched as I pressed harder against my clothed clit, thrashing. I stopped. Smirking to myself as I looked at my reflection. I took my clothes off and spread myself open. Open for him. A stranger. I pressed the toy against my clit. Circling slowly as my hand reached for my phone. I slid the toy across my folds. Then back up to my sensitive bud. I thrashed. Whimpering away. I looked at my phone. Clicking on Chan's number. His phone went straight to voicemail. The beep sent my devious arousal into new heights. "Chan... Ch-chan." I whimpered loudly. Louder than I normally would. I clicked the button. Speeding it up as I arched myself. Allowing the state of bliss to watch over me. Then it came. The dread. The fear. I fucked up. I incredibly fucked up. I could feel it deep within my warm bones as I waited for him.
18+ Taglist for those who are not turning back
@catlove83 @itsyourleilei @whatudowhennooneseesyou @leeknot @estella-novella @fackeraccount @eastjonowhere @cocofia143 @jennibahng @noerinspace @sleepingmissingprincess @ye0lkkot @hiitsmebbygrl16 @shhimhereforsmut @jaeminie-cricket @stayceebs97 @ritiiiiiii @chlodavids @beautystarry @hyunjinhoexxx @hash2013 @jeonginontopforever @catnipchannie @kaqua @fairy-lixie @myflowercloud @galaxy4489 @velvetmoonlght
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therandompagesblog · 3 months ago
I just need a minute refocus and re-write the lost chapters but I WILL BE BACK !!!
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therandompagesblog · 3 months ago
Hunting Your Soul Chapter 5 🫀Y/N🫀
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Trigger Warnings: Stalking, Mentions of death and murder, mention of the word rape, mention of the word torture, mentions of period blood
I seriously needed to get out of the house. I needed to move and stay somewhere else. I can't believe my stalker cut me. Except I don't think he was any type of stalker. He was something that lived in the shadows. He was something that was supposed to be in a prison cell but would never get caught. I believed he was the monster that was supposed to stay in my grandmother's fantasy books. I could be wrong but I felt it in my bones. This creature was a vampire or a monster. A monster that has sharp claws. A werewolf even. If he was a vampire surely my blood would have tormented him and called to him. Surely he would have drained me. I was guessing it was a male. It was this stereotype that women didn't stalk. But what if this one did? I honestly didn't want to think about it too much. My head was hurting. I decided I needed to get out. I needed to go for a walk. Grabbing my coat I walked out of the house and headed down the street. The sun was up. I believed if they were a night monster they wouldn't follow me. They would hide in the shadows where they belonged. I walked along the beach so my trainers wouldn't get covered in the sand as I embraced the sun. I felt the sun warming up my skin and it made me excited. I smirked for a brief moment when my phone rang. "Be careful my love. One day the sun will burn." The voice spoke before hanging up. The voice was hoarse and husky. His words were a giveaway. He was a vampire and he wanted to damn me. He wanted to turn me into one. At least it confirmed he was a male. His voice frightened me and caused me to turn around. There was nowhere where he could be. It was far too open. Unless he was in the black-tinted car. Shit he was. Fuck my life. Do I run? I spun around and walked forward nervously. He couldn't get me if I was out in the open. Out in the sun. I was safe out here, but how long could I stay out here? I walked towards the pier when something buzzed in my pocket. Unknown: I'm not going to hurt you petal. You can enjoy the sun. It was nice to see you happy. I want you to embrace your last days till you're mine. I realised then a vampire was stronger than all forces put together.  Me: How long have I got left? Unknown: So polite to ask. A week. More if I am generous. Me: How long till you kill me? Unknown: A while. I will not kill you straight away. I want you to beg to be killed first. I sucked in a breath and put my phone away. I was not going to allow this monster to ruin my last few days of freedom. One thing I wasn't going to do was beg to be like him. I wouldn't be a monster. It wasn't who I was. I sat on the bench on the pier. Listening to the waves crashing against the rocks. Listening to the wind whisper. The birds fluttering by. Listening to my thoughts wander off.
I was thinking about what the monster would do to me when he kidnapped me. Would he hurt me? Rape me? Torture me? I wanted to know what he wanted from me. Would he tell me if I messaged him? If I messaged him, I would be luring him closer. It was a stupid thing to do. No sane person would ever do that. I guess if I was already damned. I slapped my forehead. I felt like a fool for my thoughts. I shouldn't message him, but I wanted clarification on my death so I could prepare. I wanted to know how I would be treated by my capture. Was that so wrong to know? Surely not. It wasn't like I was being captured by a human. I was being taken by a monster. Something inhuman. Me: What is your name? Can I know that? I waited for him to answer but he didn't so I gave up. He wasn't going to tell me. There was no point pushing the chapter to tell me more information in case I riled them up or added to their obsession. Now that was the wrong thing to do. The right thing to do was go to my Grandmother's house and listen to the creepy readings she was currently reading. That was the right thing to do. Except when I got there Grandmother was out with her friend Avis again. Leaving me alone. Possibly endangered. What could my grandmother do anyway? Wack him with her walking stick. I'm sure he'd win anyway. I picked up the book my grandmother was reading and it was called SKZ Mate by The Random Page. I nonchalantly flicked through and read a couple of pages to pass the time when I ended up engrossed in the book. Maybe grandmother does have good taste in books. Just not men. That was a joke everyone told themselves as Grandfather died from a horse chase on a lad's holiday in Spain. Apparently, he and his friends had annoyed these horses and they ended up chasing Grandfather to his death. It was ironic considering grandfather was always up to no good in his youth. Grandfather was known to pull random stunts with his friend so it wasn't a surprise he died in that way. It was a story to go by. At his funeral, Grandmother was said to have scolded him for having an early grave. It was a shame as I never got to meet him. He sounded hilarious and a stereotypical man. Some say my father was like him until he met my mother. She grounded him some say. It was also said that my father stalked my mother until she agreed to go on a date with him, so I guess mother and daughter alike. Except I had a planned kidnapping. Did it bother me that my stalker wasn't responding? A little bit. I had no idea why I was so bothered by it, but I was. I at least wanted him to communicate with me so I could become familiar with him until I died. Not become dead but dead buried in the ground. I sighed at my thoughts. It was like I was yearning for him already. I was ridiculous and I was blaming it on my hormones since I was due on. I had no idea when I was due but I was. I just prayed he wasn't a vampire and wasn't appealed to it. I hoped he was the vampire that saw it as deceased blood and it didn't bother him. I was praying for it at this point.
Did my prayers come true? Absolutely not. Days later I woke up to change my bin that was filled with tampons and I found them gone. All gone. I could see they were once in the bin as the bin bag was stained red but they were nowhere to be seen. Instead, a note was there. Thank you for your deliciousness. Chan x I learned the monster's name was Chan as he answered my text message a few hours later. Apparently he sleeps during the day. Which made me gather he was a vampire. The traditional stereotypical vampire that sleeps during the day and comes out at night. The one that burned during the day. My stalker continued to text me throughout the days. Asking me how I was as if he was trapping me into kindness. Sometimes I started to fall for it. Each day he was more curious about the things I liked. Each day he dropped me a present. A book on vampires. Some pyjamas. Another day it was flowers. He was softening me up for the day he would take me. Take me away from my family. My Grandmother.
18+ Taglist for those who are not turning back
@catlove83 @itsyourleilei @whatudowhennooneseesyou @leeknot @estella-novella @fackeraccount @eastjonowhere @cocofia143 @jennibahng @noerinspace @sleepingmissingprincess @ye0lkkot @hiitsmebbygrl16 @shhimhereforsmut @jaeminie-cricket @stayceebs97 @ritiiiiiii @chlodavids @beautystarry @hyunjinhoexxx @hash2013 @jeonginontopforever @catnipchannie @kaqua @fairy-lixie @myflowercloud @galaxy4489
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therandompagesblog · 3 months ago
Her Soul for His Soul Chapter 14 🌞Y/N🌞
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Trigger Warnings: Death, Shackles, Mentions of suicide, Vulnerability
The Grim Realm was surprisingly warm. Not hot as Hell was perceived to be, but it was not cold neither.       The Reaper did not put up much of a fuss as It came to greet me from my suicide. It seemed to have expected me to not go willingly to the Underworld without a visit from Death himself.       The walk to Death was long, but not tiring. It was a beautiful walk through the caverns of trees. The trees were exquisite. They were talk, long willow trees that held blue wisps. They were different to the ones Seungmin described. They were more mesmerising.       Occasionally we would stop to take rest at a pond or a river. Each stop was met with a log that was purposely put there for those who defied death and wanted to challenge Death on rebirth.       The Reaper said nothing through out the journey. Except reminding me to take rest when I was huffing and puffing along the way. I noticed this Reaper was different to the stories. Its cloak was grey and the colour of oak moss in the middle. A lighter grey, but more green.       It didn't have many chains of bones that I had expected. Only a skull dangling from a metal chain that too connected Its book of souls or book of kills. Either or. I wasn't sure.       We eventually reached a mansion at the end of our walk where we were greeted by a superior Reaper. A Reaper who did have skull ornaments wrapped around It. There was also a slight gold tint on his robes. I thought It was the Grim Reaper until I saw Death.  
A faceless figure. Ghosting across Deaths world. Deaths Robes were black. Fearsome. Deaths book of souls dangling before It with intricacies of woven bones. Skulls. Hands. It was scarily beautiful. Death looked beautiful.       The Reaper that greeted me spoke in a hush whisper to them. The Grim Reaper and the Superior Reaper nodded at every other word. Occasionally the Grim Reaper would look at me and then checked Deaths book. "Come with me Y/N." Grim Reaper called. Its voice held the power of a drum as It spoke. I followed the Grim Reaper into the mansion. We passed other Reapers of all status. Each time the Grim Reaper would nod Its head.       When we reached a grand room. That appeared to be an office, but more spectacular. I noticed someone. "Lisa!" I called out. Lisa placed her book down and ran towards me laughing. She hugged me tightly.       The sound of a booming door shut made me and Lisa pull away. The Grim Reaper floated across the room with Its arms crossed as It came towards me. "My name is the Grim Reaper, Y/N L/N and you are in the Realm of Death as you wish to bargain for a life that is already set free." The Grim Reaper spoke elegantly. Its voice made Lisa smirk. I wasn't understanding. "Your friend Lisa has been fine and is returning back to the Mortal Realm as her life was unnecessarily taken by the entities of the Neverworld Realm. A realm created by a young obnoxious demon." The Grim Reaper clarified. Its arms waved around musically. "You have a solemn choice to make young Y/N. You can join the Reapers and become one or I can personally escort you to the Underworld personally."
"The-the Underworld.? I said. Everything had sunk in. I was dead. Lisa was fine. I was not returning back. "I-I am dead.? I muttered. "You did take your life irrationally, young Y/N, but I do not blame you. You had not known Lisa was fine." The Grim Reaper spoke softly as if he knew the reaction was coming.       I gasped and felt like I wanted to be sick. All of a sudden a black mystical bucket was presented in front of me. I was sick. "You daft sod you killed yourself." Lisa laughed as she rushed to the glasses and gave me one. "What is that?" I asked. "Whatever your soul needs right now.” Lisa told me. "I will give you two some time to talk. Young Y/N. Lisa." Grim Reaper bid us goodbye, leaving me and Lisa alone.       I noticed something. The way Lisa was already in the Grim Reaper's office alone. The way Lisa knew about the goblet glasses. The young Y/N but no young Lisa comment. "Yes. I'm with the Grim Reaper." Lisa explained leaving me stunned. "Let me explain. The night we summoned Seungmin. I died. The entity caught me.       The Grim Reaper found me. He took me in and told me he would return me to the mortal realm. He promised he would protect me which he did.       Reapers. Some of them. The elder ones have premonitions. Dreams. The Grim. Himself had a premonition of me being his lover. He never thought it was real. I haunted him for five thousand years until I died.       He refused to let me die unless I wanted to join him. In his world. I wasn't ready. I barely knew him. He respected that of course and came to visit me often. Until I died again." "Damn. Have you seen his, you, know face?" I asked. Making a circular motion with my hand around my face.       Lisa nodded. She explained she had seen his face and knew his real name. She wouldn't tell me of course. It was sacred to her and that was special.       We chatted about the Death realm and how peaceful it was. It was a realm where Reapers worked around the clock to collect souls and walk them to the Underworld. Only very few got passed the Reapers and where automatically sent to Heaven or Hell.     According to what Lisa heard it was those who where fed on by entities that ended up with their souls lost in the Neverworld. The world that was owned by Seungmin.       I wondered how Seungmin was. He was probably angry at me for taking my life to save a friend, until I realised he must have known about Lisa and the Grim Reaper.       Before I could think about Seungmin, I heard him.
"Where is she!?" Seungmin hissed as he was dragged into the room angrily. Me and Lisa stood up. Not saying a word as we watched the Reapers dragged a chained up demon.     Seungmin had chains wrapped tightly around him. His ankles and wrists were cuffed and his eyes bulged yellow. "Y/N? Oh, Y/N." Seungmin sung out like a prayer. "What have you done to her." "Nothing. I have only given her a choice. To stay here or go to the Underworld." The Grim Reaper sung out, yet his voice was harsh.       Seungmin glared. His eyes were frantic. That was the worst thing he could think of to happen. "She is mine. My soul mate." Seungmin growled out. Thrashing around aggressively as the Reapers held him. "Does she know? Does she know about your sentencing?" The Grim Reaper asked. "You do not meddle. Death!" Seungmin spat. "Y/N do not listen to him." "Tell me." I demanded. "I am sure this Archdemon has told you all about the Neverworld, but did Seungmin tell you, he was going to damn you in that place.       Seungmin did not care about you, Y/N. He left you alone pretending he was helping you while he waltzed around Hell with the youngen, Jeongin.       He was going to give you an early death so he could consume your soul. Take it early. He was not even going to grant you the wall to the Underworld.       From what my Reapers told me. Seungmin was still in contact with an old Kim. The youngest woman. Jennifer Kim. He cared for her. Slightly.  He visited her as he promised to protect her, while you suffered. While you allowed him freedom.       It was only due to Lucifer reminding him he had a soul mate and it was you, that he changed. You deserve better than a reckless fiend."       My heart shattered at the Grims words as Death told no lie. Seungmin did not even object. Nor did he feel guilt either. He knew it was true. He, just hadn't expected it to come out so soon. "Is that true? Did you care for another?" I asked. My throat developing a rock that prevented me from speaking. "Yes. I did. I was going to damn you to my realm selfishly. Yes I cared for another but I never touched her. I never bedded her. Only you. I do not feel guilty for my actions but know this I care for you. You are my soul mate–" "Is that a lie?" I challenged. "He is your soul mate. Lucifer gives and grants freedom of unremarkable choice. If you reject him that is fine. He makes you find the right person. Your good side as he is your bad side." Grim Reaper explained as he tightened the shackles with the flick of his fist.       Seungmin dropped out in pain. His eyes burned as did his body. I could see he didn't even know how to form the right words.       I watched him crawl to me shackled. His wings were bruised and burnt as he traveled towards me.      
He dropped towards me like a servant feeling remorse for their actions. He coward as if he was in front of his master. "I-I love you. I love you as if you were my Lucifer. I will always bow to you. I will always repent my actions as I have done now. I wanted you to be strong. Not weak.       I might be a selfish Archdemon but I am not a youngen. I am older. I do not abandon those that command me and love me back. I know you love me despite those unwritten said words. You will give me a chance. All I beg is you not let them prison me here.       Please, my love. My Mistress. My God. Do not let the Grim punish me. Do not let them use those shackles." Seungmin begged.       I was confused. I did not understand him. At all. I did not want him punished in a torturous way. Only mentally. I did not want him shackled he seemed afraid of those shackles. "No I do not want you shackled any further. I want Lucifer to see a punishment fit. You can be punished or imprisoned in your realm. Locked away." I stated frantically.            The Grim Reaper retracted the barbed shackles and asked a Reaper to summon Lucifer.   Seungmin fell on his side in pain at my feet. Not afraid. Just weak. He had given up. He had truly failed at being a demon. "I never lied to you about how I feel." Seungmin murmured, making me crouch towards him. His hands grabbing at my ankles. "Then tell me what you want from me." I begged. Tears streaming from my eyes. "You want me to be strong. Tell. Me." "You punish me. You make me your servant and for Lucifer I shall be yours–"
"Get up. Archdemon Seungmin. You are embarrassing the Seven Hells." A booming voice called out.       A winged creature. Dark as ice. Wings perfectly white and fluffy. The horns on his head were painted divinely. He was faultless. Pure. Untouchable. He was the perfect divine creature.   Outcasted from the Heavens and here he was. Shining brightly in front of everyone. "Archdemon Seungmin. I gave you an order to get up." Lucifer demanded. Seungmin crawled up from the floor like a toddler and crossed his legs but the shackles made it difficult. "You are better than this but overturning another's realms for someone who you know was safe. I know you are angry but attacking three Reapers is despicable." Lucifer chided but his authority was there. "I apologise Reaper of Death for the breach in your realm. I will return with Seungmin for a few days for punishment." "There will be no need. I can see Seungmin is very fond of the human soul and should not be separated. I will pardon this. Once and only once Lucifer. Do not make me regret it. If Archdemon Seungmin enters my realm again I will not be so kind." Grim Reaper stated. "Y/N's soul. Please." Seungmin pleaded. "I am sure Lucifer will walk her to Hell and introduce her to everyone." Grim Reaper stated. "No!" Seungmin shouted. The mansion shook and everyone moved. The Grim Reaper moved elegantly to hold Lisa from the sudden demonic earthquake.       I on the other hand tried to calm Seungmin as he growled and hissed. Lucifer with a flick of his wrist made Seungmin disappear. "Do not panic, my child. He is only going into confinement to calm down. I will return your soul to your body as you are not ready for Hell yet. Human life is much more sacred than you deem" Lucifer promised as he took my hand into his. "I shall walk you back."
Taglist for the iconic readers:
@silentreadersthings @ihrtlix @galaxy4489 @catlove83 @reallychaoticwoo @leezanetheofficial @linocz @hyunmikim @eastjonowhere @skzdreamer13 @mavischerry @kiaralynn3838 @jellyleggz @mihoonz @hanniesbubuwife
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therandompagesblog · 3 months ago
Her Soul For His Soul Chapter 13 🌞Y/N🌞
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Trigger Warnings: Angst, Mentions of death, Death, Suicide
"So you lied about the Neverworld?" I asked him curiously. My arms crossed in frustration as he opened up about being some royal demon. "No. No, I did not. I hid that part. Both parts actually. I did not lie about those devils creating an Ouija board. I did try to stop it." Seungmin's voice was frustrated. Angry even. His wings shuddered at the nuisance. "I thought it cost me a soul mate. Believe it or not, a thousand years can be a long time but it's not." "Oh, Minnie." I cooed. Thinking back to what he said about the Reapers. "Surely the Reapers must be annoyed about the Neverworld?" "No not at all. They kind of own the realm now. I stepped back a few years ago. Alright a few hundred years ago. That is a few!" Seungmin answered as his claws drew a circle on the bed. The bed that he fucked me on. The bed that he made me cum undone one. He was the first male species to ever make me cum let alone feel special. God was it hot to see his wings flutter when he orgasmed.       Seungmin pulled my head back by my hair. His forked tongue swiped against my bottom lip with a glare. "Focus. I need you to focus. I can smell your arousal and it's not helping." Seungmin hissed playfully as his wings flapped in arousal too. "So it's your mess." I teased as I sat on his naked lap. Reaching out for his horns. Seungmin hummed in delight. His tail wrapped around me as he closed his eyes. "I'm aware of that." Seungmin hummed.       I noticed how Seungmin wrapped his tail around me when he wanted to be close and affectionate. His tail was always tight enough for him to grasp. My thighs. My waist. My neck. Anywhere.       He was becoming more openly affectionate in private. I realised he cared a lot and the thought of having a soul mate meant so much to him, but my choice meant more.       Just because Lucifer planted his idea and creation into the world didn't mean I had to accept him and vice versa. That is what made the bond so much special it was a choice. We could be damned to hate each other and we'd still be Lucifer's soul mates.       Apparently, Lucifer rarely granted soul mates because they take a lot of work and effort to get right.
I broke out of my thoughts and looked at Seungmin who was slowly slipping into a slumber and it made me laugh. He could sleep for a century if he wanted to. "Seungmin my life is in danger." I playfully reminded, making him bolt up. "I wasn't sleeping. I was telepathically talking to the Council. We can half transport our bodies to the Council room when we have immediate questions." Seungmin explained as he patted my head, reassuring me he wasn't sleeping and working on a plan. "Alright go back to sleep, Minnie," I teased when Seungmin mouthed: 'they can hear you' I giggled and left the room to find Winter who was too preoccupied with tying Jeongin up which was a sight to be seen.       I tried Lisa's room but she did not answer which was weird. She wasn't normally out. I knocked again and she still didn't answer.       I felt concerned. Especially after Seungmin carelessly admitted he abandoned her to save me, which I never would have lived with. I couldn't. She was my best friend. "Lisa? It's Y/N!" I called, but there was no answer.      I gave up and walked back into my room to see Seungmin dressed in his human form. He walked up to me when he saw my worried face.       I shook my head and embraced his musky scent. I wanted to know everyone was alright. I wanted to know everyone was safe. Especially after last night. "How was the Council?" I asked. Hoping for good news, Seungmin shook his head. "Sit down." Seungmin told me. I nodded my head and sat cross-legged on the bed ready to hear what Seungmin had to say. "I spoke to the Head of the Council Chan. Or Archdemon Chan as I should respectively call him, but I do lack the respect for him to a certain extent. Again, he could provide no assistance. After I abandoned the Neverworld it went into chaos. The entities craved for souls more and more to feed for power. They started to fight each other and there became an increase of vessels being hijacked or wanted to be hijacked. Like yours for instance.       They know yours is fragile without me so they are desperately fighting for it. The ones you are seeing and the powerful ones. They have enough power to cross between worlds to haunt. I was already aware of that problem, but when I was a teenager.A naive demon at the age of eight hundred I went a lot on killing sprees of villains that I filled up the Neverworld. Which I forgot to run.       Lucifer who still had high hopes for the succession of the world and was aware of my adolescent behaviour knew I needed help. The Council at the time agreed to let the Grim Reaper stabilise it.       The Grim Reaper built a bridge to the Reaper Realm for the entities to walk across and perish. He would lure them in and dispose of them.       The Reaper guardians keep an eye on that bridge for any lost innocent souls that got stuck in there like Charles, but sadly some are not retrieved as easily because lost souls and entities have similar essences. It's because of the entity's strength.
You see, Y/N. My problem is, I can't get across that bridge without being imprisoned. It's a part of the Grim Reaper realm now and the Grim Reaper is too far preoccupied with thinking he's above anyone that he won't meet with anyone to discuss a quick passing through.       But the red-faced creature you saw was the first person I subjected to that realm. He is the most powerful of that damned realm and he is hard to be beaten.       Seven Hells I probably do need the Grim Reaper's help." Seungmin ranted. "Can't we illegally cross over without the Reapers or Grim Reaper noticing? Like, can't I or Winter cross over?" I asked. It was an idea. If Demons and specifically Archdemons could not cross over then what's to say I or Winter couldn't? "No. You would have to die or be half consumed by an entity and I am not willing to allow that to happen. Do not think such stupidity." Seungmin growled. His eyes glowed yellow. "And Winter?" I asked. "She is not ready. She does not even possess the strength to be a Medium yet, let alone to travel across the bridge. If she was I would sacrifice her in a heartbeat." Seungmin admitted. Seungmin was not ashamed to ever admit he would sacrifice anything or anyone for her. He saw everyone as casualties or beings in the way of me. "Maybe you should take Jeongin out and discuss it with him," I suggested he nodded and kissed my forehead. "Yeah, when he's finished whining. The fucker is an embarrassment to Lucifer. He should have been a fairy." Seungmin grumbled. His annoyance was secretly out of jealousy and insecurities. He had his own erotic desires that even I could see he wasn't ready to share. "Thank the Hells he's finished. I'll be back puppy. Take my book with you." Seungmin whispered as he leaned in to give me a quick kiss goodbye.
ME AND WINTER SAT IN THE GRAVEYARD by Elizabeth, John and Charles' grave. We brought flowers this time as we sat with them, peacefully and quietly.       Both, Winter and I were worried about Lisa. She was far too quiet. Too quiet to be asleep. We both knocked and called her to come for a meeting but she did not answer. We were worried she may have gone home for the week.       We agreed on a meeting to make a plan without the demons interfering as we wanted to find a way to end this mess. We started this we needed to end this. "So any ideas?" I asked Winter nervously. "I have been practising dream walking where you walk to the other side, much to Jeongins annoyance. He thinks I'll get stuck there.       Anyway, there's been progress and I might be able to get close enough to walk the bridge of the Neverworld. I have a feeling I know where it is.       My issue is, what do I do when I get there? How do I close them off away from you." Winter said. "Yeah. That's true. I was going to kill myself and knock on the Grim Reaper's door." Winter looked at me like I had four heads. She had not expected such an idea. "Knock on his door. Yeah sorry, Mr Reaper I need some help with this creature. Can you spare me a minute? That's a stupid idea." Winter spat as she cut the leaves off the flower to stick them in the pot. "What do you think Mr and Mrs Smith?" I rolled my eyes at her words. It wasn't such a bad idea. "You might actually be smart," Winter stated. As if a sudden realisation had hit her, "if we draw the entity out to your soul. You could run for the bridge." "Seungmin is not going to like it," I warned. Not only that, but the thought of dying made me somewhat nervous now.       It was like that patch when you go to sleep. When everything shut off and you didn't exist. That was the scary part. It's the same part when you're operated on. You're unaware. Forgetful. Unexisting. "Time to kill yourself then," Winter said nervously and I felt myself becoming sick.
WHEN WE ARRIVED BACK WE CHECKED ON LISA. Lisa still hadn't risen and we were getting concerned that Winter kicked the door down. "Right. Lis. Get the fuck- Lisa. Oh my God." Winter screamed causing me to run over. Lisa was pale. A greyish colour. She looked lifeless as Winter shook her. She wouldn't wake up. "Please say they haven't taken her." I panicked and grabbed her wrists. Trying to find a pulse. "I don't know. I don't know." Winter panicked. "I'm going to get my book stay there." I pulled back the duvet and checked over Lisa to see bruised hand marks over her. It made me moan out in pain as I realised she fought for my life and Seungmin didn't save her. "I'm gonna save you, Lisa. Just hang on." I said, running into the kitchen to get a knife. I pulled the knife from the knife board and ran to Lisa. I lifted the knife up and hesitated. Stopping. I was so afraid of the unknown of dying. Of not existing but I believed in the other side. Especially since Seungmin came from there.       I counted to five and slid the knife over my neck quickly. Feeling the skin break open and the blood rush out. It stung. I immediately went to grab my neck but I forced my arms down. I had to let death come to me. I just hoped and prayed death would be quick. Suddenly it stopped and a cloaked figure appeared before me. Skull chains and a metal scythe. "Death has come to greet you, dear Y/N. Let's take a walk. Let us go somewhere." The melodic voice called out. It's bony hand stretched out. "Not yet. I need to make a deal with the Grim Reaper!"
Taglist for the iconic readers:
@silentreadersthings @ihrtlix @galaxy4489 @catlove83 @reallychaoticwoo @leezanetheofficial @linocz @hyunmikim @eastjonowhere @skzdreamer13 @mavischerry @kiaralynn3838 @jellyleggz @mihoonz
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therandompagesblog · 3 months ago
Hunting Your Soul Updates 😭
So I feel massively disheartened after my book was reported and deleted from Wattpad. I wrote a total of fourteen chapters over there. I have only managed to save what I have published or drafted here!
Obviously it’s knocked my confidence a little bit and I want to give up! I do think, looking at a readers perspective they might not read the Authors Notes that have TRIGGER WARNINGS, but I ALWAYS PUT THEM! Yet at the same time it stated in the description all trigger warnings and it is your choice to read them.
I always put a disclaimer this does not represent the real people of any book.
I’m going to step away for three days (no more) and come back to writing and uploading.
Her Soul for His Soul will still be posted as normal.
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therandompagesblog · 3 months ago
I feel so EFFING sick!!!! I had written seven extra chapters and I have lost them ALL because someone REPORTED me.
I literally posted ALL the trigger warnings in chapter 1 (in the authors note). It is literally YOUR CHOICE to READ.
I am actually crying and now I want to give up on the whole book completely. I’m kind of tempted to give up all together to be honest.
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therandompagesblog · 3 months ago
Her Soul For His Soul Chapter 13 🌞Y/N🌞
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Trigger Warnings: Angst, Mentions of death, Death, Suicide
"So you lied about the Neverworld?" I asked him curiously. My arms crossed in frustration as he opened up about being some royal demon. "No. No, I did not. I hid that part. Both parts actually. I did not lie about those devils creating an Ouija board. I did try to stop it." Seungmin's voice was frustrated. Angry even. His wings shuddered at the nuisance. "I thought it cost me a soul mate. Believe it or not, a thousand years can be a long time but it's not." "Oh, Minnie." I cooed. Thinking back to what he said about the Reapers. "Surely the Reapers must be annoyed about the Neverworld?" "No not at all. They kind of own the realm now. I stepped back a few years ago. Alright a few hundred years ago. That is a few!" Seungmin answered as his claws drew a circle on the bed. The bed that he fucked me on. The bed that he made me cum undone one. He was the first male species to ever make me cum let alone feel special. God was it hot to see his wings flutter when he orgasmed.       Seungmin pulled my head back by my hair. His forked tongue swiped against my bottom lip with a glare. "Focus. I need you to focus. I can smell your arousal and it's not helping." Seungmin hissed playfully as his wings flapped in arousal too. "So it's your mess." I teased as I sat on his naked lap. Reaching out for his horns. Seungmin hummed in delight. His tail wrapped around me as he closed his eyes. "I'm aware of that." Seungmin hummed.       I noticed how Seungmin wrapped his tail around me when he wanted to be close and affectionate. His tail was always tight enough for him to grasp. My thighs. My waist. My neck. Anywhere.       He was becoming more openly affectionate in private. I realised he cared a lot and the thought of having a soul mate meant so much to him, but my choice meant more.       Just because Lucifer planted his idea and creation into the world didn't mean I had to accept him and vice versa. That is what made the bond so much special it was a choice. We could be damned to hate each other and we'd still be Lucifer's soul mates.       Apparently, Lucifer rarely granted soul mates because they take a lot of work and effort to get right.
I broke out of my thoughts and looked at Seungmin who was slowly slipping into a slumber and it made me laugh. He could sleep for a century if he wanted to. "Seungmin my life is in danger." I playfully reminded, making him bolt up. "I wasn't sleeping. I was telepathically talking to the Council. We can half transport our bodies to the Council room when we have immediate questions." Seungmin explained as he patted my head, reassuring me he wasn't sleeping and working on a plan. "Alright go back to sleep, Minnie," I teased when Seungmin mouthed: 'they can hear you' I giggled and left the room to find Winter who was too preoccupied with tying Jeongin up which was a sight to be seen.       I tried Lisa's room but she did not answer which was weird. She wasn't normally out. I knocked again and she still didn't answer.       I felt concerned. Especially after Seungmin carelessly admitted he abandoned her to save me, which I never would have lived with. I couldn't. She was my best friend. "Lisa? It's Y/N!" I called, but there was no answer.      I gave up and walked back into my room to see Seungmin dressed in his human form. He walked up to me when he saw my worried face.       I shook my head and embraced his musky scent. I wanted to know everyone was alright. I wanted to know everyone was safe. Especially after last night. "How was the Council?" I asked. Hoping for good news, Seungmin shook his head. "Sit down." Seungmin told me. I nodded my head and sat cross-legged on the bed ready to hear what Seungmin had to say. "I spoke to the Head of the Council Chan. Or Archdemon Chan as I should respectively call him, but I do lack the respect for him to a certain extent. Again, he could provide no assistance. After I abandoned the Neverworld it went into chaos. The entities craved for souls more and more to feed for power. They started to fight each other and there became an increase of vessels being hijacked or wanted to be hijacked. Like yours for instance.       They know yours is fragile without me so they are desperately fighting for it. The ones you are seeing and the powerful ones. They have enough power to cross between worlds to haunt. I was already aware of that problem, but when I was a teenager.A naive demon at the age of eight hundred I went a lot on killing sprees of villains that I filled up the Neverworld. Which I forgot to run.       Lucifer who still had high hopes for the succession of the world and was aware of my adolescent behaviour knew I needed help. The Council at the time agreed to let the Grim Reaper stabilise it.       The Grim Reaper built a bridge to the Reaper Realm for the entities to walk across and perish. He would lure them in and dispose of them.       The Reaper guardians keep an eye on that bridge for any lost innocent souls that got stuck in there like Charles, but sadly some are not retrieved as easily because lost souls and entities have similar essences. It's because of the entity's strength.
You see, Y/N. My problem is, I can't get across that bridge without being imprisoned. It's a part of the Grim Reaper realm now and the Grim Reaper is too far preoccupied with thinking he's above anyone that he won't meet with anyone to discuss a quick passing through.       But the red-faced creature you saw was the first person I subjected to that realm. He is the most powerful of that damned realm and he is hard to be beaten.       Seven Hells I probably do need the Grim Reaper's help." Seungmin ranted. "Can't we illegally cross over without the Reapers or Grim Reaper noticing? Like, can't I or Winter cross over?" I asked. It was an idea. If Demons and specifically Archdemons could not cross over then what's to say I or Winter couldn't? "No. You would have to die or be half consumed by an entity and I am not willing to allow that to happen. Do not think such stupidity." Seungmin growled. His eyes glowed yellow. "And Winter?" I asked. "She is not ready. She does not even possess the strength to be a Medium yet, let alone to travel across the bridge. If she was I would sacrifice her in a heartbeat." Seungmin admitted. Seungmin was not ashamed to ever admit he would sacrifice anything or anyone for her. He saw everyone as casualties or beings in the way of me. "Maybe you should take Jeongin out and discuss it with him," I suggested he nodded and kissed my forehead. "Yeah, when he's finished whining. The fucker is an embarrassment to Lucifer. He should have been a fairy." Seungmin grumbled. His annoyance was secretly out of jealousy and insecurities. He had his own erotic desires that even I could see he wasn't ready to share. "Thank the Hells he's finished. I'll be back puppy. Take my book with you." Seungmin whispered as he leaned in to give me a quick kiss goodbye.
ME AND WINTER SAT IN THE GRAVEYARD by Elizabeth, John and Charles' grave. We brought flowers this time as we sat with them, peacefully and quietly.       Both, Winter and I were worried about Lisa. She was far too quiet. Too quiet to be asleep. We both knocked and called her to come for a meeting but she did not answer. We were worried she may have gone home for the week.       We agreed on a meeting to make a plan without the demons interfering as we wanted to find a way to end this mess. We started this we needed to end this. "So any ideas?" I asked Winter nervously. "I have been practising dream walking where you walk to the other side, much to Jeongins annoyance. He thinks I'll get stuck there.       Anyway, there's been progress and I might be able to get close enough to walk the bridge of the Neverworld. I have a feeling I know where it is.       My issue is, what do I do when I get there? How do I close them off away from you." Winter said. "Yeah. That's true. I was going to kill myself and knock on the Grim Reaper's door." Winter looked at me like I had four heads. She had not expected such an idea. "Knock on his door. Yeah sorry, Mr Reaper I need some help with this creature. Can you spare me a minute? That's a stupid idea." Winter spat as she cut the leaves off the flower to stick them in the pot. "What do you think Mr and Mrs Smith?" I rolled my eyes at her words. It wasn't such a bad idea. "You might actually be smart," Winter stated. As if a sudden realisation had hit her, "if we draw the entity out to your soul. You could run for the bridge." "Seungmin is not going to like it," I warned. Not only that, but the thought of dying made me somewhat nervous now.       It was like that patch when you go to sleep. When everything shut off and you didn't exist. That was the scary part. It's the same part when you're operated on. You're unaware. Forgetful. Unexisting. "Time to kill yourself then," Winter said nervously and I felt myself becoming sick.
WHEN WE ARRIVED BACK WE CHECKED ON LISA. Lisa still hadn't risen and we were getting concerned that Winter kicked the door down. "Right. Lis. Get the fuck- Lisa. Oh my God." Winter screamed causing me to run over. Lisa was pale. A greyish colour. She looked lifeless as Winter shook her. She wouldn't wake up. "Please say they haven't taken her." I panicked and grabbed her wrists. Trying to find a pulse. "I don't know. I don't know." Winter panicked. "I'm going to get my book stay there." I pulled back the duvet and checked over Lisa to see bruised hand marks over her. It made me moan out in pain as I realised she fought for my life and Seungmin didn't save her. "I'm gonna save you, Lisa. Just hang on." I said, running into the kitchen to get a knife. I pulled the knife from the knife board and ran to Lisa. I lifted the knife up and hesitated. Stopping. I was so afraid of the unknown of dying. Of not existing but I believed in the other side. Especially since Seungmin came from there.       I counted to five and slid the knife over my neck quickly. Feeling the skin break open and the blood rush out. It stung. I immediately went to grab my neck but I forced my arms down. I had to let death come to me. I just hoped and prayed death would be quick. Suddenly it stopped and a cloaked figure appeared before me. Skull chains and a metal scythe. "Death has come to greet you, dear Y/N. Let's take a walk. Let us go somewhere." The melodic voice called out. It's bony hand stretched out. "Not yet. I need to make a deal with the Grim Reaper!"
Taglist for the iconic readers:
@silentreadersthings @ihrtlix @galaxy4489 @catlove83 @reallychaoticwoo @leezanetheofficial @linocz @hyunmikim @eastjonowhere @skzdreamer13 @mavischerry @kiaralynn3838 @jellyleggz @mihoonz
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therandompagesblog · 3 months ago
Hunting Your Soul
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Summary: A deranged vampire hunts the soul of a human he has gotten obsessed with. He wants to feed off of her. He wants to consume her. He wants to own her. When her heart races day and night he doesn’t want her to hold back. He wants her to enjoy the night. Every night!
This fanfiction may include distressing themes so please read with caution. MDNI All rights belong to the author. I own the created characters and plots to make this fanfiction. The themes DO NOT REPRESENT the real people. It is a dark romance themed fanfic!
⚠️ Vampirism, Assault, Stalking, Blood play, Kinks, Denial, Murder, Manipulation, Torment, Smut, MDNI, Crime, Slavery, Torture, Feeding, Trauma, Abuse, Emotional Distress and other distressing themes⚠️
Inspired by Bang Chan’s Railway Music Video
Chapter 1 💀Chan💀 ⚠️
Chapter 2 🫀Y/N🫀
Chapter 3 🫀Y/N🫀
Chapter 4 💀 Chan💀 ⚠️
18+ Taglist for those who are not turning back
@catlove83 @itsyourleilei @whatudowhennooneseesyou @leeknot @estella-novella @fackeraccount @eastjonowhere @cocofia143 @jennibahng @noerinspace @sleepingmissingprincess @ye0lkkot @hiitsmebbygrl16 @shhimhereforsmut @jaeminie-cricket @stayceebs97 @ritiiiiiii @chlodavids @beautystarry @hyunjinhoexxx @hash2013 @jeonginontopforever @catnipchannie
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therandompagesblog · 3 months ago
Hunting Her Soul Chapter 4 💀Chan💀
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Trigger Warnings: Stalking, Captivity, Slavery, Mentions of killing a child, Violence, Blood, Abuse, Injury, Stockholm Syndrome, Menstruation, Murder, Marking
My little heartbeat was so anxious. Her heart was already so stressed and worried. She looked everywhere to find me but I wasn't there. Her heart already slightly yearned for me and she didn't realise how much she needed me already. I couldn't wait to take her away from her family and consume her. My plans were already falling into place. She was curious to know who I was and what I wanted. She wanted to see me. She had already begged me so quickly and I wanted to hear her beg and plead. I was so ready. To meet her. Consume her. Was I ready to bring her here? No. Not yet. She would be frightened by the other little heartbeats that lived below. She may even feel intimidated. Unremarkable. I wouldn't have that. My special heartbeat was extraordinary. Too special to be compared to those mediocre heartbeats. Oh, those mediocre heartbeats were annoying me. They cried out in pain as I walked past them without acknowledging them. They were craving me but I was not giving them anything. No attention. Nothing. I did not want to. I felt utterly bored of them as I walked above them. My shoes clanged against the wooden floorboards. Thinking. What to do. What to do. I had an idea. I was going to let them out. Let them run free and then I would kill them. I could always get more. Still, I needed to visit my little heartbeat first to make sure she was well. Then I would play all night and torment. I would let the games begin.
I grabbed my little regenerated heartbeat and sank my teeth into his wrists, consuming him. Drinking him dry until the machine bleeped that it was time for him to regenerate. I wiped my mouth and moved to stare at myself in the reflection. Blood dripped from my fangs. I licked it as I stared at myself in the face. It was the face of a killer. A great remarkable killer. I brushed my hair back, allowing small pieces of my hair to fall forward. I still wanted to be presentable for my little heartbeat, even if she did not see me yet. I put on my jacket, brushing down the sides as I put my hands in my pocket, feeling around for the metal keys. They were there. I smiled to myself. I was excited to see her face. I got into my car and drove to the beach. I could run, but I needed to get used to being in a car as carrying a human while running made them dizzy. They got sick easily. I parked up and stepped out. Feeling the breeze coerce my body forward. It was urging me toward her. To take the leap and grab her, but I needed to be careful. I needed my movements to be slow. To build her up carefully. I could take her now but she would be too distraught and hateful. I wanted her to want to go. I want her to come into my arms willingly. To see me as the hero not the monster for a few moments. Then I wanted her to fall for the monster that would devour her flesh and soul.
I snapped out of my musings when I heard a mother calling her child at the playground. Children. Strange things. Far too innocent. Adults. Now they were desirable. Their innocence broken. Does my little heart beat like children? If she did not I doubt I could kill one. I growled at myself. Trying to focus on her little beating heart but my thoughts left me on a tangent. I crack my neck, enjoying the feeling of my bones popping. The tensions release and my shoulders relax. I headed up the path slowly, heading straight for her house before stopping by her Grandmother's. I felt I should check in on the sweet lady who loved my heartbeat profoundly. The woman was putting her mug away before picking up an obscure werewolf book. She giggled to herself and I could feel the arousal seep out of her. I decided to respectfully leave her to it, so I headed out the window. I chuckled to myself as I thought about the elderly woman reading something so erotic. It was humorous to me and I wondered if my heartbeat read erotic books. I should get her some. When I arrived she was getting ready for bed. She was completely unaware of my presence as she stripped down naked. Her T-shirt hit the floor. Leaving her in her dusty pink laced bra. My heart beat unclipped her bra before putting on an old t-shirt. She slowly slid out of her skinny jeans. Tugging them off with a huff and a hop. She was glad to get them off. It was amusing to see her in just an old T-shirt and some black briefs. I groaned at the sight of her and wondered what she would be like in my clothes. My leather black clothes. Or a mesh set of clothes to tease me with. I slid back into the shadows and walked downstairs to leave my precious heartbeat another note: I will see you soon Be good C I crept back upstairs waiting for her to go to sleep so I could kiss her forehead. To let her know I was there. Protecting her. Haunting her. Hunting her. Once she was asleep I touched her soft, untainted skin. Stroking it under my fingers. I was never this careful before. I released my claws and brushed her hair back so I could see her forehead. My little heartbeat was beating softly. She was in a deep sleep. I kissed her forehead. Lingering long enough that I could smell her patchouli scent. Heavens she smelled so good. I retracted my lips and decided to give her a mark to wake up to. Slowly I slid my claw down her arm and then back up. I slid back down sharply and quickly. Waking her up with a hiss. I smirked as she shot up and looked at her bleeding arm. I stayed hidden in front of her while her eyes fixated on her bleeding arm. The blood seeped out of her arm down onto the bed sheets. I noticed her blood smelt different today. It was thicker. Sweeter. This told me she was due to bleed soon. Her divine feminine congealed blood was expected to drop from her womanhood very soon.
I fled back to my home. I had to. Thinking about her period seeping between her legs had sent me into a sadistic aggressive state. I could not be around her like this. I needed to chase. I needed to hunt. When I was home I cracked the mirror glaring at myself as I nearly lost control. I flung my head back with a sadistic hiss, allowing my fangs to come out. I punched the edge of the sink. Cracking it. It was time. I got my walking stick and headed towards the metal door where my heartbeats were. I unlocked it. Allowing the door to creak. My footsteps were heavy on the metal steps as I trudged down. Their whines and screams got louder as their excitement did too. I reached the bottom of the step and stopped. Looking at the hands that reached out of their cages. Begging to touch me like I was their God. They yearned for me. Today I yearned for them. Their faces were blurred as I unlocked the first door. I allowed them to run and play across the metal floor. They giggled and laughed as they tried to touch me but they could not. Not without my permission. I watched them laugh and run until I felt myself getting angry. My venom burned my skin aggressively. My claws ached to kill. I killed the first person in front of me. Swiping my claws down their chest. Reaching for their heartbeat as I yanked it out. Watching them cry out. Watching the way their heartbeat slowed down in my hand. I licked the flesh before biting into it. I moved on to my next heartbeat. Biting them on their chin. Sinking my fangs into them. Their thick panicked blood poured straight into my mouth as I lapped their tainted blood. The rest of them was a blur. Some were slaughtered and shredded. Others I took my time with. It frightened the others in the other cage. They were not ready to die today but they had no choice.
I looked at my hands. Laughing sardonically as I twirled around. Spitting the disgusting blood of their heartbeats out of my mouth. This was so much fun. Now it's time to play a game. If they reach the fence I'll set them free. If they didn't I would kill thee. I slowly unlocked the door hearing the shudders of their heartbeats as I brought the metal chains out. I chained them all up and walked them like dogs to the field. Slowly. Reminding them they were being sentenced to death When I reached the pathway I unchained them. Allowing them to freely run. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. I sunk my teeth into the first. Ripping their leg off and flinging it behind me. There blood sprayed on my face as I laughed. I bit some more and decided to play harder. I bit down on my wrist. I spit my blood into their mouths to heal them before I let them go. Let them run. The sun was coming up and they would all burn. I would burn. I could feel the slight tingle of the sun as I stopped and closed my eyes for a brief moment when my body burned. I ran back inside. Bolting the doors shut. I would never let my precious heartbeat burn when she became a hunter.
18+ Taglist for those who are not turning back
@catlove83 @itsyourleilei @whatudowhennooneseesyou @leeknot @estella-novella @fackeraccount @eastjonowhere @cocofia143 @jennibahng @noerinspace @sleepingmissingprincess @ye0lkkot @hiitsmebbygrl16 @shhimhereforsmut @jaeminie-cricket @stayceebs97 @fairy-lixie @myflowercloud
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therandompagesblog · 3 months ago
I’ve spent four days writing for two fics and I forgot my masters essay
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I have truly had enough!!!! Like I got PLOT ideas!!! SMUT to right. People to kill (in the fics, in the fics)
Spicy scenes are coming 🌶️🌶️ some are pure filth (I STILL BLAME CHAN) and some are vulnerable spice with a bit of 🥵⛓️🪽
Alright I’m going to the library to do the MASTERS! Do not disturb me (PLEASE DO DISTURB ME)
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therandompagesblog · 3 months ago
Hunting Your Soul
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Summary: A deranged vampire hunts the soul of a human he has gotten obsessed with. He wants to feed off of her. He wants to consume her. He wants to own her. When her heart races day and night he doesn’t want her to hold back. He wants her to enjoy the night. Every night!
This fanfiction may include distressing themes so please read with caution. MDNI All rights belong to the author. I own the created characters and plots to make this fanfiction. The themes DO NOT REPRESENT the real people. It is a dark romance themed fanfic!
⚠️ Vampirism, Assault, Stalking, Blood play, Kinks, Denial, Murder, Manipulation, Torment, Smut, MDNI, Crime, Slavery, Torture, Feeding, Trauma, Abuse, Emotional Distress and other distressing themes⚠️
Inspired by Bang Chan’s Railway Music Video
Chapter 1 💀Chan💀 ⚠️
Chapter 2 🫀Y/N🫀
Chapter 3 🫀Y/N🫀
Chapter 4 💀 Chan💀 ⚠️
18+ Taglist for those who are not turning back
@catlove83 @itsyourleilei @whatudowhennooneseesyou @leeknot @estella-novella @fackeraccount @eastjonowhere @cocofia143 @jennibahng @noerinspace @sleepingmissingprincess @ye0lkkot @hiitsmebbygrl16 @shhimhereforsmut @jaeminie-cricket @stayceebs97 @ritiiiiiii @chlodavids @beautystarry @hyunjinhoexxx @hash2013 @jeonginontopforever @catnipchannie
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