#sorry for spamming tags
elizabethplaid · 1 year
Hey, executive dysfunctional folks! I remember there was a post that floated around a few years ago (within the last 5? no longer than 10) that discussed an app that helped you managed daily tasks (including self-care). You'd get a little character and unlock outfits and stuff for him as you completed your tasks.
Tasks likely included doing cleaning, making/eating food, brushing your teeth, etc. The character was an animal, maybe a choice of animals. It was a simple 2D cartoon style, nothing complex or 3D.
Does anyone remember that post or the name of that app? I saw an add for something called "Finch" and it sounded like that old post. But if there's more than one with the same angle, I'd like to check them out anyway.
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joridrw · 1 year
I just came to the groundbreaking realisation that "Guided by Angels" by Amyl and the Sniffers could be Crowley's theme song (especially post s2, I feel like), so go listen to it everyone
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i know who you pretend i am
me when i make another fanfic
(1197 words, completed)
Summary: How would a cookie react to fighting themselves in the Kingdom Arena? Starring Sea Fairy because I like Sea Fairy.
- Mentioned Arena team is based off of my own team. - Referenced Moonlight/Sea Fairy. - Kind of short, sorry - Format might be weird, I copied and pasted this from google docs
Don't feel like reading it on ao3? Fic is under the cut:
Sea Fairy Cookie has seen a lot in her time. The rise and fall of waves, the laughter and cries of cookies, the gentle waxing and waning of the moon, she’d seen so much and yet this kingdom has shown her things she’d never seen before.
When she first arrived at the kingdom, it was small but not all that cramped. She had happily spent most of her time walking around and watching the kingdom grow. She would also help out where she could, cutting down trees and clearing out sugar cubes that popped out of the ground. Most of the time, the kingdom’s forever polite gnomes would insist on doing things themselves, even if their mustaches melted half off in their efforts.
After some time spent living in the kingdom, she was told by Gingerbrave, or one of the gnomes, she couldn’t remember exactly who. Either way, she was told to hurry and get ready to join the team for the ‘kingdom arena’. She didn’t consider herself much of a fighter, although she did help with battling monsters every so often, nevertheless she readied herself and left for the arena, excitement and confusion rattling her heart. Upon entering the room that she was told held her teammates, she was met with cookies she didn’t recognize at all; one with curled twintails that sparked with electricity, one swung a mace with fire curling around the weapon, one held a large white shield and an equally large sword to match, and the last was a literal child with a small crown on his head. Sea Fairy was stunned that this was the team she was to fight with, but decided that she would do anything she could to help them win. Even if she didn’t think some of them were exactly qualified to be at the arena, namely the child, she knew that if those cookies of all the cookies were chosen, there must be some reason why. Regardless of her own opinions, she trusted the decisions made by whoever chose the team (how was she to know? She only heard about this ‘arena’ thing a few minutes ago) and would whole-heartedly fight alongside her new teammates.
The fights started to blur together. Win, win, lose, win, lose, lose win, eventually it stopped mattering to her. Sea Fairy’d become numb to the cookies who stood across from her, no longer seeing them as individuals but as cookies she was to fight. She stopped caring about making sure she didn’t hurt her opponents too much, seeing as most of them did not do the same courtesy to her. There was one particular battle that snapped her out of this reverie. Even to this day, Sea Fairy remembers the fight like she has just come out of it.
She’d entered the arena with a different team than when she had joined the arena. She couldn’t recall exactly who was on the team, but there may have been a small-ish, squid-like cookie and a cookie who carried around a cocktail shaker. As the group of cookies walked into the center of the arena, Sea Fairy scanned the lineup of the opponent team.
Her eyes sputtered to a stop. Her hands, tightly clasped around her sword, froze sharply and she almost dropped her sword. There, right in front of her and staring back at her with dead, blue eyes was herself. An exact carbon copy of herself. At this point, Sea Fairy was used to seeing her friends, and even her own teammates at times, on the other side of the battle field but this….this was different. This was her. It may not have been exactly her, but it was her nonetheless. She cried the same words Sea Fairy cried when they began the fight, screamed and created a whirlpool just before Sea Fairy did herself and, as inky-black tentacles slammed into her body, she whispered the same final words that at times had come from Sea Fairy’s own lips.
Once the battle was over, Sea Fairy didn’t even care to see the final scores. She turned and ran far away from the arena, back to the little cottage that she called her home. She ran through the door and into her bedroom where she paused, head throbbing, breath escaping her lungs faster than it could go back in. She leaned her back heavily against a wall and clutched her sword close to her chest. It was a sort of comfort object for her, and it had always helped her ground and calm herself in times of great stress. That moment was no exception; the cool crystal of the weapon against her skin allowed her to distract herself from the questions that spun through her mind faster than a whirlpool. She took a deep breath…and another…and another…and at last, she was better. She still didn’t want to go back to the arena, although she knew her teammates would be wondering where she’d gone, but she felt well enough to at least go and close her cottage door. So she did just that, shutting and locking the little, red door then stood stock still in the foyer, not quite knowing what to do with herself. She simply stood there and thought about what had happened for a long time, the image of herself being crushed under tentacles taking permanent residence in her head. She tried to think of anything else at all (waves crashing around her, reaching up and up, the tips of her fingers almost reaching but never touching, the numbness of the cold hugging her body), but it was no use. All she could see was herself but not herself, fighting and yelling and being smashed like she was nothing but a piece of driftwood. That brief moment with that single cookie (if that was even a cookie at all) was all she could think about for a long, long time.
- - -
Sea Fairy sighs deeply, air rushing into her lungs and back out into the world. She stands in the top story of the cookie mansion she shares with Black Pearl cookie and Frost Queen cookie. Both cookies were out of the house for the day, leaving Sea Fairy alone with her thoughts. She hasn’t thought about that battle for a long time now. After that battle, she’d encountered more ‘clones’ of herself, and by now she was almost used to seeing them. But that one fight had left a deep crack, not on her body, but on her mind and her knowledge of what she thought the kingdom was. Who was that cookie? Was it truly her or a cookie pretending to be her? None of these questions she could easily get answers to, but as she stands in the empty mansion and looks out the window, she knows that she will try. She runs her fingers across the flat of her sword’s blade, takes one last forlorn look out the window (the moonlight basks the silent kingdom in silvery light that she will chase for as long a time as there are water droplets in the sea), and walks away, back towards the kingdom arena.
Thank you for reading!
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newttxt · 2 months
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lulaw bodyswap (or, the exquisite humiliation of trafalgar law) for @strawhattery's birthday!
bonus: the original toilet humor gag that ended up on the chopping block
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podddcasttt · 4 months
Friendly reminder that if you talk about how representation is important and how there's not enough diverse media, I implore you to seek out the media that already exists. And if you live in an area with a public library, go to see if they're available at your public library. And then go check them out.
As a librarian, it is demoralizing to see how low the circulation statistics are on lgbt+ books and books by BIPOC authors. I include them in displays and readers advisory, but people still don't check them out as much. Libraries only have a finite amount of resources, including space. We don't get a book then keep it forever. If not enough people check it out, we have to get rid of it to make room for more books. And when James Patterson Book #69 gets checked out 30 times in one year and cool, subversive Sci fi novel with a Black trans woman main character has never been checked out once, the librarian (me) has to make a hard decision.
If you're looking for something tangible and easy to do this pride month, look for lgbt+ books (there are millions of lists online that you can find. It's easier than it's ever been to find diverse books) and check them out from your library.
No time to read? Look for a short story or poetry anthology and just read as much as you have time for. Or just check out a book cus it looks interesting and read as much as you can. We have movies too.
As cool as it would be for me to just keep the books I want and get rid of the ones I don't, I have to listen to the community on matters of collection development. And the community tells me what books they want by checking them out and leaving the ones they don't want on the shelf.
If you think this doesn't apply to you because you live in a progressive area and obviously the books are being checked out, you're wrong. I once worked in a community with a large lgbt population. Those books were not getting checked out. If you want to tell me you live in a conservative area and your library doesn't have any diverse books, you are legally obligated to check the catalog before replying to this post. I currently work in a conservative community and we have lgbt+ and bipoc books. And if you still cannot find any, you are legally obligated to see if your library has a collection request form that patrons can fill out before replying to this post.
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immunity-slacker · 1 year
I’m honestly kind of hoping to make friends with like one person here on the Fandom Art Chaos site but idk how to make it happen. I don’t give a fuck about fandom, like I can get into listening about it for someone I have a friendship with where we have other interactions too but I’m not gonna be able to make friends based on that. I tried to be friends with rationalists soooo many times in the past and just ended up getting super disillusioned with rationalism/EA etc. but I’m sure there are people in that sphere I could get along with as individuals. It kind of feels like most people have been on here so long that they already have their friends and this site really hasn’t changed much in the past 6 years. There’s less insane discourse than there used to be and I am way less inclined to participate in discourse. I guess if I want to find anyone I actually have stuff in common with I’d have to say more things about myself…..reblog stuff to talk to people….ugh.
Yeah, I do miss the “US representatives and prominent activists are on here” site.
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f1andfooty · 2 months
Lewis’ reaction to Lando throwing the cap😭
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misterpseudonym · 11 months
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peeppq · 7 months
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Gang, ive finished them.
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paddysol · 6 months
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the trio ever
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kingfuc · 5 months
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My favorite hobby is making Yosuke uncomfortable
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starstruckodysseys · 4 months
so glad to see alex taking the murph strategy of just a little guy pc -> big fucking dude pc pipeline. and also speedrunning it
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hey-its-puddlesock · 1 month
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i haven't been able to find a good comprehensive project sekai height chart, so i made my own. used screenshots of the 3DMV models since a lot of the official renders are in weird positions for measuring
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bloobydabloob · 7 months
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My little awfully made guys. I think they’re endearingly bad looking
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macskasbacsi · 5 months
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i was joking about the alcoholism thing, please
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sealbf · 2 months
(The poll above is to draw attention to this post.)
@savefamilyyousef and @girlquee have both reached out to me with regards to their gofundme campaign!
Yousef, his wife Khadija and their son Majd are trying to escape Palestine to safety.
Yousef lost his father and his job, and Khadija was unable to finish her studies in University to become a teacher like she had dreamed. They have lost their house due to the genocide.
Majd, their baby boy, has a very serious respitory illness and they must escape AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
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(Khadija and Majd)
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This campaign as a whole, as well as Yousef (savefamilyyousef) and Khadija (girlquee) have been vetted by 90-ghost, among others.
(Yousef) (Khadija)
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