#sokka headcanon
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joodeegemstone · 9 months ago
sokka goes to ember island in the summer, and it's hot. like, ridiculously hot. so, he cuts his pants off into short shorts. it's fucking obscene. it's also very practical.
so, sokka goes out in his itty bitty lil shorts. his ass looks incredible, and he knows it. he is also much cooler than he was before cutting his shorts, and he spreads this fact like gospel.
everyone on ember island starts cutting their pant legs off. the trend spreads rapidly. everyone is much cooler and much hotter.
sokka has won.
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hypnoticsphere · 9 months ago
you guys have no idea how hard i’m thinking about t4t transfem zukka
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New headcanon (that is highly specific and very rarely useful but I find highly entertaining anyway)…
Why Sokka immediately distrusts Aunt Wu:
Her Mark of the Wise was upside down so she was obviously not to be trusted.
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isthei · 11 months ago
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biblically accurate gaang dynamics
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jayietheriverwarrior · 6 months ago
Okay. Okay. I’m rewatching ATLA and I just hit The Runaway and… new headcanon.
After the war, Toph pulls Aang, Suki, and Zuko aside and explains the whole “Sokka can’t remember what their mom looks like” thing and says she wants to do something about it, for both Sokka and Katara. So they put together a plan. They get Hakoda, Gran Gran, and any other Water Tribe members old enough to remember Kya to give them as detailed a description of her as possible, then with Zuko’s financial help they hire a top-notch portrait maker to put it all together.
Sokka and Katara aren’t suspicious when Zuko approaches them about having them sit for a portrait together - they helped save the world, they have quite a bit of fame and political attention now, makes sense to kind of capture them how they looked when they first defeated the Fire Lord for posterity. But with both of them sitting for the portrait for reference, and with the information from the Water Tribe describing her to work from, the artist is able to put together a damn good recreation of Kya. And when Sokka and Katara finally get to see the finished product r and realize what the artist was really working on, and what their friends did for them… Katara of course bursts into tears, both sad and happy, grief for her mother and joy to see her face so clearly again after so long, and full of love for the friends who went to so much effort to give her this.
But all Sokka can do is stare at the portrait. For so long, his image of his mother has grown murkier and less distinct in his mind. For so long, when he’s tried to picture his mom, all he could see was Katara, because it was Katara who stepped up and took on that role, Katara who made sure everyone stayed together and kept them feeling like a family. But now, he looks at this portrait of his mother, smiling and warm and alive in a way that she hadn’t been in his mind in so long, and instead of Katara in her face, he sees himself.
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kimwarris · 1 month ago
Rewatching ATLA for the 'shut-up'th time and thinking how wild it would have been in 'The Serpent's Pass' if the Gaang embarked on the same ferry as Zuko, Iroh, Jet, Smellerbee and Longshot. I mean, imagine the mayhem and awkwardness...
The last time the Gaang saw Zuko and Iroh, was when Iroh got hurt by Azula, when they joined forces for one(!) fight and Zuko snapped at them afterwards.
The last time they saw Jet, he tried to kill a village of innocent people and they just barely managed to stop him, after he betrayed their trust.
Now both Zuko and Jet are talking about starting a new life in Ba Sing Se and second chances. Sokka isn't buying any of it.
What's even more annoying is, that Jet is trying to flirt with Zuko like he did with Katara - and that it works. Jet doesn't even know that Zuko is a firebender and if he did, he wouldn't be trying to convince/lure him to join the freedom fighters and compliment him on his posture, etc.
I have no idea where this would be going exactly, but I really think it would be hilarious.
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yukaro353 · 2 months ago
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Sokka isn't against it, but he's sick of putting up with them, I mean, it's only fun when he's one of the ones involved, not when it's their silly little brothers.
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angelltheninth · 2 months ago
What do you think Sokka, Zuko, Korra, Asami, Bolin and Mako would do as aftercare for their S/O?
Oh! I've written aftercare for Korrasami fics before but never for the other characters.
Pairing: Sokka, Zuko, Korra, Asami Sato, Bolin, Mako x Reader
Tags: fluff, suggestive, kissing, naked cuddles, praise, scratches, teasing, lipstick marks, eating together
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A/N: Yes, the things I wrote in my Korassami fics are transferred in here. I've had these headcanons since I started writing Korrasami fics, I can't let go of them.
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Is all about that pillow talk. There might be a humble brag thrown in somewhere in there, but generally speaking he wants to make sure you're okay. He's really tuned into how you talk to him after, he's clinging onto every word you as as hard as he's clinging onto you. Starts to sound a bit sleepy as he rambles on, eventually drifting off to sleep next to you.
Doesn't want to make it sound like he's fishing for compliments and praise but he is. Constantly in fact, during the act and especially after. He likes to know he did good, he might have seen it, felt it, but he wants you to let him know even more. His hand is holding yours while he pulls you next to him and he kisses your forehead, affirming to you that he had a good time too.
Would really like to cuddle but not before she fetches food and water for you both. It's really important that you both keep your energies up. You never know if you might want a round 2, or 3, or 4. So it's always good to eat and drink afterwards. She will bite and lick your fingers if you try to feed her anything and if you try to steal her food you'll find yourself pinned against the bed.
Smirks at you as she counts the many lipstick marks she left on your body. Her finger tickling you, making you shiver under her touch and she likes it, she likes how easy it is to tease you, wind you up. Maybe she's doing it purposely, maybe she's just helping you calm down and likes the physical contact. Either way she'll leave at least one mark for you to see when you walk up to the mirror.
Pulls you on top of him and snuggles his face against your neck. Don't tell him about the sweat or any other fluids, he doesn't mind one bit, he wants to cuddle with you now. He always makes you feel safe and appreciated, even if he does get rougher if you ask him for some roleplay, he is an actor after all. But he is also mindful not to hold you too hard, he doesn't want to hurt you.
Never admits how much he likes the scratch marks you leave on his back, arms and thighs but you always catch him looking at them in the mirror afterwards. As soon as he notices you're fully awake again he rushes to kiss you deeply, his tongue seeking yours. Usually he's pretty stoic but in bed he's always passionate. He wants to return all the affection you show to him on the regular basis.
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wileycap · 1 month ago
So, Aang, Sokka and Katara are probably a little awkward around all the royals and Important Fancy People - but they make do. Zuko and Toph are both high society people, they're fine. But do you who isn't making do and who isn't fine?
Suki is from a tiny remote island, where all girls know is face paint, feed them to the Unagi, dismantle sexism, be bisexual, eat hot chip & lie sorry, my point is that aside from the Gaang and enemies, the highest ranking person Suki has interacted with pre-Boiling Rock is probably the crabby customs lady at the Ba Sing Se ferries.
It would be perfectly fine to characterize Suki as being very matter-of-fact, cool, unflappable about their new station in life... but it would be a lot funnier if she only looked like that, while freaking the fuck out internally. Because guess who Sokka just invited out to lunch with them?
The Earth King! Who, in the entire history of Kyoshi Island, has never even sent a letter there! One Earth King did mention Kyoshi Island in passing, and this was recorded in a minor noble's letter to a sister-in-law whose cook sometimes bought fish from Kyoshi - and Kyoshi Island bought and preserved that letter! That's how important he is! So WHY exactly. Does fucking Sokka have INSIDE JOKES with the man??? Sokka if you tell him the cabbage patch joke I'll - he's laughing?!
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fattuccini-afraido · 8 months ago
tv character: I'll speak french between your legs.
Suki, sarcastically: The hottest things I've even been told.
Toph: I'm just picturing someone screaming bonjour at a penis.
Sokka: sacrebleu madmouselle vaghina.
Aang: ohohoho, titty croissant.
Katara: Titty croissant?
Zuko: None of you should ever be having sex.
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overtail · 1 year ago
ATLA Headcannons - Dating Them ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
These are all MY headcannons, and you dont have to agree on them :3
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Aang ༄
-since you two are so young, it tends to be awkward at first
-hes very touchy, but he'll try his best not to show it
-he'd love to hug you by wrapping his arms around you waist and bringing you tight. the feeling of your cheek against his chest makes his stomach flutter
-if you're a non-bender, he'll be very protective towards you. if you were ever taken or lost, he'd behave just like when appa was stolen by the sand benders
-he spends most of his free time daydreaming about you
-'you've got, nice, uh, ears?'
-horrible at compliments
-you hear whenever he asks Sokka for crappy advice
-absolutely adores when your hair is down (fem)
-when it comes to liking guys, he prefers longer hair (masc)
-blushes when you ruffle his grown out hair
-he'll take you on rides on appa when you're feeling down
-'i'd love to try, but there's meat in the stew..'
-if you were a bender, he'd always be begging you to teach him moves and tactics even if you didnt know how to be an instructor
-loves skin to skin contact, and will press his bare chest against your back when sleeping
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Sokka 𖦹
-the BIGGEST nagger
-can't ever stop moving while sitting around the fire
-won't keep his lips off yours when you're alone
-will fall head over heels for an angsty teen boy (masc)
-especially mean to you when he likes you, and teases you while dating
-thinks your aggression is hot
-very protective of you, even if you're strong/a warrior
-'shit- i mean uhm.."
-cussing problem
-both of you guys are stupid together, so when you were thirsty and dehydrated in the desert, you both got high on cactus juice
-'heh.. you see that flying shark cat?'
-loves seeing you embrace your feminine side (fem)
-love language is cooking for you, even if he sucks
-crappy pick up lines work but just because you think his attempt is cute
-'did i hurt when you fell from heaven?'
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Zuko ☄
-not very open about his emotions in the beginning
-when he gets comfortable with you, he'll sometimes cry in your arms at night
-arm across your shoulders or around your waist CONSTANTLY.
-and when i mean constantly, i mean constantly.
-when hes fire lord, he'll have a designated room for whatever hobby you're passionate about
-'the greenhouse is just outside-' 'A GREENHOUSE?!'
-thinks stretch marks are the most beautiful thing
-can stare at your face for hours on end because hes so lost in your eyes
-loves doodling you in his notebooks
-if hes in an angry mood, he'll always have a soft spot for you
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Katara ≈
-jealous jealous jealous girl
-love splashing you with water just to bother you
-runs her fingers through your hair at night to calm both of you down
-embarrassed when you catch her singing
-she hates it when you leave a mess
-super cuddly when tired
-loves stupid nicknames
-'whatever you say, princess.' 'what did you just call me?'
-loves telling stories you've heard 1000 times over and over again
-SUPER big hugger
-will elbow you when she can sense you're annoying someone
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Toph ᨒ
-will always find a way to wind in an argument
-constantly using being blind as an excuse
-'i can't clean up the mess if i CAN'T SEE IT.'
-super giggly when you tell jokes, but only when its you
-jumps around with joy when she hears that you're gonna be joining the gaang on a mission
-hates when you hold her in your arms because she can't feel the floor
-women with deep voices make her weak in the knees (fem)
-unsurprisingly, fighting is one of her love languages -- she likes competing with her favorite people
-loves when you tell a story in detail, especially the juicy ones
-holds your hand whenever walking somewhere
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Suki ❀
-loves spending time outdoors (picnic dates, walks, exploring)
-she loves putting you in makeup because you look ridiculous (masc)
-very inexperienced when it comes to romance
-'why are you kissing my neck? That's not where my lips are..'
-loses things CONSTANTLY and always makes you help her look for it
-loves dancing with you
-pathological liar, but only when it comes to stories
-'one time, i saw the unaki eat a child.'
-listening to rain and cuddling in front of a window makes her feel so happy
-loves taking care of children with you, and looks forward to having kids
-loves your corny jokes
Sexuality headcannons..
Aang: unlabeled
he just sorta loves who he loves
Sokka: Bisexual with a preference for women
Says hes a ladies man, but will fall for a boy from time to time (*cough cough* zukka)
Zuko: Gay
Im sorry ladies but just LOOK AT HIM.
Katara: Pansexual
I love kataang with my whole heart so i couldn't really see her with anyone else, but if Aang wasn't in the picture she'd date a few girls
Toph: Lesbian
like cmonnnnn
Suki: Straight
im sorry but im a sucker for strong straight females
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zukkaflowers · 1 year ago
zuko feels a crushing weight in his chest and a tightness in his throat whenever sokka feeds an animal or talks about an invention or makes himself laugh and zuko is like yeah this is just how people feel about sokka, this is the standard procedure when experiencing sokka because it’s obvious to everyone that sokka is the best man on earth and it’s a universally held opinion that everything he does is super cool so it’s only natural that those in his presence feel giddy and overwhelmed and in awe and protective all at once all the time
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demaparbat-hp · 9 months ago
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Izumi (steambaby) sketches.
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zukkaart · 10 months ago
Headcanon that the gaangs kids learn about Zuko’s misguided quest to capture the avatar and subsequently make a game out of it.
Bumi steals an air nomad necklace from his dad and whoever wears it becomes the “avatar” for the duration of the game. The “avatar” is given 100 seconds to hide.
When they “capture the avatar” the winner must shout “I have restored my honor!”
Zuko is mortified, everyone else thinks it’s endlessly hilarious.
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hjonko · 11 months ago
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They’re like this to me
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kimwarris · 1 year ago
One of my headcanons is that when Sokka goes searching for his space sword (and finds it) at some point he hears some branches crack and a loud roar behind him. Instead of running he turns around very slowly and finds himself looking up to a huge and terrifying Saber Tooth Moose Lion. He thinks: Okay, that's it. I'm done.
They stare at each other and then the STML goes down on his front legs and wriggles his tail, obviously excited to have met him and it reminds Sokka of someone.
"Foo Foo Cuddly Poops?!"
It starts to jump around excitedly, stops before Sokka and licks him (he's afraid the saber teeth might slice him and its breath stinks horribly). But Sokka is also super excited.
He gets back to the Fire Nation riding on Foo Foo's back and everybody is like: WTF Sokka? You can't have a Saber Tooth Moose Lion as a pet!
Sokka: So Aang has a Sky Bison, Suki has a Giant Eel-Hound, Zuko gets to have a freaking Dragon, but me keeping Foo Foo is a problem? Hypocrites!
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