Logan Park-Kim
38 posts
20 | Fae/Warlock | Theosexual & Married/Mated to Theo but in a Poly Relationship with Mason & Dal | Father of 17 with 3 on the way | Fashion Designer | Son of Hagen & Hwan | Twin of Charlie | Older Brother of Roni | Platonic Soulmate of Ariana
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 10 months ago
Love of My life 🥰🥰🥰💜
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 1 year ago
FUCK. ME. 🥵🤤😭🫠😍😘
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*Googles to find an explanation, but finds none*
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 1 year ago
My beautiful husband and daughter 🥰🥰🥰
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2hwang face card
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 1 year ago
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To: Logan
Merry Christmas dick muncher. I baked you some brownies out of love and got you some house hold supplies since Ari and I used all the toilet paper. And a candle to light so you can get fucked by any of your lovers once you light it.
Love, Jade 😘
Logan laughed his ass off at the note attached to his gift though slightly confused about the toilet paper and butt wipes but then again it was Jade so it made sense that it didn't make sense. "Thanks, carpet eater, these brownies are fucking amazing." He says eating the last one before feeling his stomach gurgle. "Whoa what the fuck?" Runs to the bathroom and starts shitting his brains out. "Jade you bitch! Fuck you! Ah I can't stop!" Lights the candle for the smell. "Oh shit that wasn't poop." He says when his water breaks as another wave hits. "I'm killing Jade." He growls as it just keeps coming.
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 1 year ago
Logan chuckles softly at the kids comment as his husband spoke and said he didn't want to leave him. He wiped his eyes again as fresh tears fell, a combination of the pain from his head and overwhelming emotions that had been repressed because of that shard of bone embedded in his brain for so long. "I love you so much. I just want us to be ok. I just don't want to lose you. This is all so overwhelming, feeling things, I don't....I don't know how to feel right now but the biggest thing I feel is guilt and it hurts. It hurts so bad that I hurt you for so long." He sniffles. "I love you, Theo, so much." He says as he feels a wave of magical pain killers wash over him and starts to yawn. "Mmm thanks Uncle Mason." He murmurs. "Yeah. Rest. Rest sounds good." He slurs as he falls asleep again.
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Logan looked at the article on his phone with wide eyes. He rubbed his eyes and blinked before looking again and seeing the blonde that looked identical to his husband holding hands with a man he had never met before. "WHAT. THE. FUCK?!" He yells, hearing footsteps coming up behind him and turning to look at his now brunette husband. "What the fuck is this, Theo? I know you left first because Mason called but really?"
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 1 year ago
Logan wipes his face with the tissues his husband gives him before listening to the other as he scolds him. "Didn't expect to be scolded like a child after having brain surgery." Logan mutters as a fresh wave of tears rolled down his cheeks, sitting up and groaning before laying back down when a wave of dizziness hit. "Right, don't do that yet." He grumbles before looking at Theo with watery eyes. "I've been an awful husband to you, and whether it was my fault or not, I don't want to be like that anymore. I just want you to be happy. You're my everything Theo, and I just want you to be happy." He sniffles."I promise I'll change, I'll go to therapy. I can't promise I won't be jealous or possessive, but I promise I won't accuse you of things you didn't do. I promise I won't pick fights anymore. Just....just don't leave me. I'd rather die than be without you." He sniffles before groaning. "Head hurts."
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Logan looked at the article on his phone with wide eyes. He rubbed his eyes and blinked before looking again and seeing the blonde that looked identical to his husband holding hands with a man he had never met before. "WHAT. THE. FUCK?!" He yells, hearing footsteps coming up behind him and turning to look at his now brunette husband. "What the fuck is this, Theo? I know you left first because Mason called but really?"
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 1 year ago
Logan clings to Theo for dear life, clutched whatever he could hold in a death grip as he continued to sob and repeat what he had been repeating since he woke up. "Please don't leave me, I'm sorry, please don't leave me, I'm sorry." He chokes out as he continues to sob. He only stopped when he felt a wave of calmness wash over him when Mason entered the room and gave him a magical Xanax. "What happened? Why am I here? I just....I only remember Theo saying he w-wanted a-a d-divorce." He says choking on a sob again as Mason walked over to examine him.
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Mason heard the monitors before Theo called for him and was on his way in. He didn't expect a sobbing Logan in the beginning stages if a panic attack but sent him a dose if calming juju before walking over to examine his head. "You passed out and hit your head. Upon further examination the emotional toll of your argument aggrevated an already damaged part of your brain causing it to swell and you fainted." He says as he checks his head and the monitors. "There was a piece of skull lodged in your amygdala from what I assume was the accident you had a a child when your mom dropped you on your head while I was out of town. You were taken to human doctors who cleared you. I didn't think to look since you seemed to be fine, for that I'm sorry. I had to shave your head and cut your head open to remove the piece and relieve the swelling but it would explain your mood changes and jealous delusions. I still recommend counseling though." He says as Logan begins to sob again saying he was a bad husband.
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Logan looked at the article on his phone with wide eyes. He rubbed his eyes and blinked before looking again and seeing the blonde that looked identical to his husband holding hands with a man he had never met before. "WHAT. THE. FUCK?!" He yells, hearing footsteps coming up behind him and turning to look at his now brunette husband. "What the fuck is this, Theo? I know you left first because Mason called but really?"
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 1 year ago
Mason listens as Theo talks, making sure that Logan's head had healed from where he had to cut him open to remove the skull fragment from his brain. "I can call them for you and tell them. I'll let them know he's ok and you'll contact them when he's ready for visitors." He says, frowning slightly when Theo said he carried him in his condition. "I would really like to check you over too to make sure the baby is alright considering the stress of the day and heavy lifting." He says before humming. "I know you didn't mean it, Theo. I've never seen anyone that loves each other as much as you and Logan do but even love has its limits. Hopefully now you can both get back to where you were." He says placing a hand on his nurse's shoulder. He uses his magic to check Theo over before nodding. "The baby seems fine, due soon but no issues. I'm going to step out but call me when and if he wakes up. Please apologize to him for me for having to shave his head." He chuckles before walking out.
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Logan was in nothingness. He saw nothing but darkness and fog, occasional flashes of memories played like movies, but the most vivid played on a loop for the majority of his time in the darkness. "I want a divorce" a tearful Theo said over and over and over and it made his chest tighter and tighter every time he heard it. He needed to get back. He needed to see Theo. He needed to fix this. His eyes snapped open, looking around the dimly lit room as his eyes adjusted to his surroundings. His eyes landed on the person next to him and he immediately broke down. Sobs wracked his body as he choked for air, chest burning. "Please don't leave me. I promise I'll do better. Please don't leave me." He sobs.
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Logan looked at the article on his phone with wide eyes. He rubbed his eyes and blinked before looking again and seeing the blonde that looked identical to his husband holding hands with a man he had never met before. "WHAT. THE. FUCK?!" He yells, hearing footsteps coming up behind him and turning to look at his now brunette husband. "What the fuck is this, Theo? I know you left first because Mason called but really?"
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 1 year ago
Sean sighs as he wraps his arm tighter around his boyfriend and rubbed his arm as he sent soothing vibes through their bond. "The way Theo made it sound, though, they fight alot anyway and he got fed up. I'm sure Logan didn't mean what he said before he passed out. He was angry."
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Mason listened to what Theo had to say as he stabilized Logan as he prepped him for brain surgery. "Jealous delusions. Now that we know about the piece of his skull that has been embedded into his amygdala for years, it would actually explain these delusions and the media just feeds the delusion which triggers his angry outbursts. His Amygdala is damaged from the piece of bone getting buried deeper and deeper into his brain from years of his brain being overstimulated by stress or other emotional issues and it doesn't know how to respond in a healthy way. I do recommend you both seeing Joon if you need it but once I remove the piece of bone and the damaged tissue I can heal his Amydala of the damage which will help get rid of the delusions and any other issues it may have caused over the years. But Logan is going to be vulnerable because he treated you that way, guilt may trigger depression or anxiety. I have never seen anyone love as hard as Logan loves you so I firmly believe the brain damage is the cause. If only I knew about it sooner. I knew he was dropped as a child and cleared by human doctors and didn't seem to have any issues so I didn't think to look but I wish I had." Mason said before placing his hand on his nurse's shoulder. "I'll bring Logan back to you." He says before getting to work on the surgery. Once he was done removing the damage, he healed Logan and the designer remained asleep. "He will have to wake up naturally but be warned he may have some memory issues at first and may be distraught. Have you called his parents or Charlie yet? Ariana?"
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Logan looked at the article on his phone with wide eyes. He rubbed his eyes and blinked before looking again and seeing the blonde that looked identical to his husband holding hands with a man he had never met before. "WHAT. THE. FUCK?!" He yells, hearing footsteps coming up behind him and turning to look at his now brunette husband. "What the fuck is this, Theo? I know you left first because Mason called but really?"
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 1 year ago
Sean was moving on autopilot as he helped his baby's brother get his husband inside. He may have had a bad first impression of Logan, but something told him that there was more going on than what he and Rowan saw, and they just happened to walk in at a bad time. Once Logan was being pushed to the back of the clinic by a warlock man, he recognized as Mason, the pack second's mate and husband, he made his way back over to his boyfriend and wrapped an arm around him. "This isn't your fault, baby, none of this is. We obviously came at the wrong time and they obviously already had issues." He says kissing his temple.
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Mason was in full emergency mode when Theo came in with an unconscious and bleeding Logan, taking him back to the treatment room. He stopped the bleeding and scanned for any internal injuries before stopping when he detected a swollen part of his brain. Summoning his scan machine he scanned Logan's head and found the culprit. "You see that? That's embedded into the part of Logan's brain that controls emotions. It looks like it's been there for years, perhaps he was dropped as a child? I can't be sure. The fragment being inbedded there for so long can cause psychological changes including delusions and mood disorders. This area is swollen so something aggrevated it and caused him to pass out. Did you fight again?" He asks Theo before turning off the machine. "I need your permission to remove it and Logan should be good as new and not have any issues when he wakes up. It could be why he's been so unstable emotionally. But if I don't remove it, psychological distress or other head injuries could aggravate this section again and considering he fainted this time it could be much worse next time since it seems to have embedded itself deeper into his brain tissue. It could possibly lead to more fainting spells, seizures or even death if not removed."
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Logan looked at the article on his phone with wide eyes. He rubbed his eyes and blinked before looking again and seeing the blonde that looked identical to his husband holding hands with a man he had never met before. "WHAT. THE. FUCK?!" He yells, hearing footsteps coming up behind him and turning to look at his now brunette husband. "What the fuck is this, Theo? I know you left first because Mason called but really?"
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 1 year ago
Sean calmed slightly when his mate told him he had it handled, relaxing just a touch but still in protective mode in case the clearly angry designer decided to do anything stupid.
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Logan considered the blonde in front of him, eyes cold as he looks at the other man since he was still angry after his argument with Theo. "The plot thickens." He says dryly "Good to know my husband isn't out fucking around on me but thanks for ruining my marriage, Rowan." He says "Theo's inside. If you'll excuse me, I can't be here right now." He says as he lets the couple inside and heads out the door. He barely made it to the edge of the porch before a wave of dizziness hit and he collapsed, falling forward and hitting his head on the step as he passed out cold, the emotional toll of what just happened becoming overwhelming and aggrevating a part of his brain nobody knew was broken. He laid motionless, head bleeding and eyes closed on the foot of the steps leading up to his porch.
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Logan looked at the article on his phone with wide eyes. He rubbed his eyes and blinked before looking again and seeing the blonde that looked identical to his husband holding hands with a man he had never met before. "WHAT. THE. FUCK?!" He yells, hearing footsteps coming up behind him and turning to look at his now brunette husband. "What the fuck is this, Theo? I know you left first because Mason called but really?"
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 1 year ago
Logan stumbled back at Theo's words like he had been punched in the gut. "A divorce?" He says before tugging at his hair and crying out in frustration. "Fine! So be it! Don't bother packing your shit, I'm leaving. You'll hear from Micah in the morning." He says, turning around as tears started streaming down his face as he grabbed his keys and headed for the door. He yanked it open only to come face to face with the blonde version of Theo from the photos. "Who the fuck are you?" He snarls, the man beside the blonde growling and flashing red eyes at him. "Shut it, kitten, it's a valid fucking question. Who the fuck are you? Why do you look identical to my husband and what do you want from him?"
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Sean stood next to Rowan for moral support as he rang the doorbell of his long-lost twin brother's home, his hand tracing circles on his mate's lower back to calm him. What he wasn't expecting was Logan Park-Kim, the fashion designer, to glare at his mate and start snarling at him. He let out a low warning growl only to get shut down by the warlock-fae. He glared at the other man but sent Rowan some encouragement through their bond.
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Logan looked at the article on his phone with wide eyes. He rubbed his eyes and blinked before looking again and seeing the blonde that looked identical to his husband holding hands with a man he had never met before. "WHAT. THE. FUCK?!" He yells, hearing footsteps coming up behind him and turning to look at his now brunette husband. "What the fuck is this, Theo? I know you left first because Mason called but really?"
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 1 year ago
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Logan growled at his husband as he stood up to his full height and walked closer to him. "Pictures don't lie, Theo. You have a very distinguishable face, hair color or not, and you came back a whole DAY before i did. How the hell do I know if you stopped somewhere else or not before you got home? People wear wigs all the fucking time to try to hide in public." He snarls before tossing the phone across the room. "So I'm a dumb bitch now huh? Explain why someone who looks IDENTICAL to you sans the hair is all cozied up with some other guy. I'm waiting." He says crossing his arms "You can't. What the fuck am I SUPPOSED to think seeing shit like this? Seeing not just one media outlet but MULTIPLE spreading these fucking pictures and videos around? I was wrong about the other times and I'm sorry but this time? I don't know what to believe because it's sitting there in 4K, it's VIRAL NOW!" He groans as he tugs at his hair and paces angrily.
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Logan looked at the article on his phone with wide eyes. He rubbed his eyes and blinked before looking again and seeing the blonde that looked identical to his husband holding hands with a man he had never met before. "WHAT. THE. FUCK?!" He yells, hearing footsteps coming up behind him and turning to look at his now brunette husband. "What the fuck is this, Theo? I know you left first because Mason called but really?"
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 1 year ago
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Logan looked at the article on his phone with wide eyes. He rubbed his eyes and blinked before looking again and seeing the blonde that looked identical to his husband holding hands with a man he had never met before. "WHAT. THE. FUCK?!" He yells, hearing footsteps coming up behind him and turning to look at his now brunette husband. "What the fuck is this, Theo? I know you left first because Mason called but really?"
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 1 year ago
Logan helped deliver his first two kids before sending as much energy through their bond as he could, using a boost from Ariana to send more to that Theo wouldn't pass out. "Come on, baby, I promise you can kill me after." He says "You're almost there." He says trying to encourage him.
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Ariana moved at lightening speed to grab a bottle of water, pressing it to Theo's lips. "Drink. You need the fluids. I promise it will help." She says as she strokes his sweaty hair as he drinks, pressing a cool cloth to his forehead and neck to cool him off so he wouldn't pass out. "You're almost there, Theo." She murmured as the third child broke free and the final child surged forward. "One more, you got this." She says, sending Logan a boost of energy and pain relief to strengthen what he was sending Theo.
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Platonic loving!!!
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It was a random day where Theo and his husband Logan were getting settled into their new home, along with spending some time with Logan’s platonic and her girlfriend Jade. He was bored, horny and wanted to have a little fun to tease Logan and their friends so he put on a red crotchless bodysuit, exposing his curvy ass and dripping pussy as he made his way to where they were. He felt the eyes of all three as he smirked and walked over to one of the boxes, purposefully bending over. “Yall like what you see?”
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 1 year ago
Ari groaned as she continued to fuck into Theo before being pushed out of him from the force caused by his water breaking. "Oh fuck, are you sure?" She asks before getting the go ahead and pushing back inside of the laboring male, fucking him fast and hard as his contractions squeezed her cock every once in a while almost painfully. She leaned over to kiss her girlfriend while she pleasured herself.
Logan was shocked Theo wanted to keep going even after his water broke but he kept filming, moving to kiss his husband as he got closer to his orgasm, having already blown his load. He mentally prepared for what came next but for now he focused on his husband's pleasure. Ari cried out as Theo came around her cock as she shot her load into the condom and quickly pulled out as the head of their first child came surging forward. "Fuck, I hope I didn't dent their head because it's literally right there." She gasps before she and Logan switched places so he could help deliver his children.
Platonic loving!!!
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It was a random day where Theo and his husband Logan were getting settled into their new home, along with spending some time with Logan’s platonic and her girlfriend Jade. He was bored, horny and wanted to have a little fun to tease Logan and their friends so he put on a red crotchless bodysuit, exposing his curvy ass and dripping pussy as he made his way to where they were. He felt the eyes of all three as he smirked and walked over to one of the boxes, purposefully bending over. “Yall like what you see?”
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logan-doesnt-like-you · 1 year ago
Ari made sure to lap up every single drop of Theo's release before moving up to kiss him again when he begged to be fucked, completely unaware that he was currently in labor. "I promise Mommy's gonna make you feel so good." She groans against his lips, waving her hand to produce a condom from thin air and slipping it on. Theo was already in the late stages of pregnancy but Ari didn't want to take any chances and have her soulmates kill her for accidentally getting him pregnant again. She slipped inside of him with a moan, allowing him time to adjust before she started to fuck into him, spreading his legs as far as she could with the baby bump in the equation.
Logan felt the contractions through his bond with Theo, looking at his husband with concern but saw that the pleasure was outweighing the pain for his better half so he didn't stop what was happening in front of him. He continued to record as he stroked his cock faster at the sight of Theo being fucked senseless bt Ariana. He heard Jade moan beside of him and knew his childhood friend was enjoying the show just as much as he was.
Platonic loving!!!
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It was a random day where Theo and his husband Logan were getting settled into their new home, along with spending some time with Logan’s platonic and her girlfriend Jade. He was bored, horny and wanted to have a little fun to tease Logan and their friends so he put on a red crotchless bodysuit, exposing his curvy ass and dripping pussy as he made his way to where they were. He felt the eyes of all three as he smirked and walked over to one of the boxes, purposefully bending over. “Yall like what you see?”
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