#fire lord izumi
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justfirelordizumithings · 2 days ago
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asiriyep · 4 months ago
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Fire Lord Izumi Week 2024.
Day 3: Childhood.
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azulaaaaaaah · 11 months ago
the reason why izumi is an only child
pov: the jasmine dragon, ba-sing-se, like 15 years post atla
izumi, aged 5, cutely sipping at a cup of tea: papa, why don’t i have any siblings? i’d love a little baby brother or sister! it’d be fun!!!!
iroh and zuko:
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demaparbat-hp · 10 months ago
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Izumi (steambaby) sketches.
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hadesisqueer · 8 months ago
Korra's relationships with world leaders are so funny like:
-Korra has had falling outs with her father, the Chief of the Southern Water Tribe. Not that serious but hey.
-Korra has argued (several times) with Tenzin, leader of the Air Nation and one of the former councilmen of Republic City. Again not that serious but hey.
-Korra literally argued with and fought and was bloodbent Tarrlok, another councilman of Republic City.
-Korra fought (and kind of killed) her uncle Unalaq, the Chief of the Northern Water Tribe. She also fought her cousins Eska and Desna, the current Chiefs.
-Korra's relationship with Raiko —president of the United Republic— was so good (sarcastic) that they both argued and yelled at each other in public and he banished her from Republic City for the entirety of Book 3. At least she gets along with Zhu Li now.
-Korra got along so well with the Earth Queen (also sarcastic) that she yelled at her, organized a prison break and ended up being a fugitive in the Earth Kingdom. At least she's chill with Wu.
-Korra fought Kuvira —who was also leader of the Earth Kingdom/Empire/whatever—. Twice.
Basically, the only nation that hasn't had a leader with whom Korra hasn't had any beef with (serious or unserious)... is the Fire Nation. She's yelled at, argued with or physically fought any kind of leader from all nations except the Fire Lord. Which is a big contrast with Aang lmao.
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zellaroonie · 1 year ago
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Girl Dad Zuko
do people still use tumblr or
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moon-axolotl · 6 months ago
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dollvix · 3 months ago
Izumi: Do you know why she calls you a bastard? Lin: Because I'm a bastard? Izumi: Because that's the only thing they have against you Izumi: You are capable, very intelligent, you have a sense of justice and you are strong, one of the best benders and… you are beautiful, Lin Lin: I don't think so Izumi: You are, and you are from one of the oldest, richest and most powerful families in the Earth Kingdom, your father doesn't matter because there is no doubt that you are your mother's daughter and the Beifong blood runs through your veins Lin: So what? Izumi: That everyone knows that you are a worthy heir, even the princess Hou-Ting and that they would wish for her to be like you, even better..., that you were the princess Lin: You're joking. Izumi: No, she knows you could take the throne and they would support you, you could be the next Earth Queen Lin: …. Izumi: Well, I think you could have any Nation, you marry Tenzin and you are the matriarch of the air nation, with Bumi or Kya you can be with the chief of the southern water tribe and I think prince Tonraq was looking at you too much… Lin: Even the Fire Nation? What about that? Izumi: … what about that? Lin: Can I be the Fire Lady? Izumi: … yes Lin: Oh…
Azula: My Agni, these bitches gay… good for them
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beifong-brainrot · 1 year ago
The return of me going slightly loopy
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Previous part here
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szmaciarz-pospolity · 9 months ago
Izumi being passed around in the fandom amongst all these different parents. Sometimes it's Mai, respectable option. Sometimes it's Jin or Katara, whater suits your fancy I guess! All possible if you're creative enough. Sometimes it's Sokka! Sure! They could have adopted, found someone to carry, or maybe one of them is trans. Posibilities are endless! And sometimes it's fucking Jet. Jet rose up from the 💝dead💝 to give birth to Izumi. Amazing. Showstopping. Never been done before.
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justfirelordizumithings · 2 days ago
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asiriyep · 4 months ago
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Fire Lord Izumi Week 2024.
Day 1: Zuko / Mai.
No matter how grown up, strong, and independent Izumi is, she will always be Zuko and Mai's little bread.
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lilwaunce · 4 months ago
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fire lord izumi week 2024
day 2 : lazy afternoon @firelordizumiweek
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yukaro353 · 2 months ago
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There is no context here, just two beautiful women
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aprettyweirgirl · 2 months ago
thinking about the krew getting a glimpse of Lins' personal life and finding out that Lin is AT LEAST hooking up with someone, and they go out of their way trying to figure out who it might be starting with trying to figure out if it's a woman or a man
everyone has different, random guesses, from a woman in forensics (Asami's guess), a firefighter (Korra's guess) to a healer (Bolin's guess), but Izumi is in town, and Mako gets a hunch that it is her, why? because LIN IS HIS MOM and he has learned to read her, and her body language is different around her, so he is sure there is something there. the krew is obviously like wtf. they all try to gather evidence, and Mako is the only one who cant get anything tangible to support his idea, but hes like REALLY SURE.
they start getting to people close to her to know more about it. Tenzin? useless. Saikhan? busy. Bumi? only joked. Kya? conveniently vague. so what do they do? they ask Lin. she doesn't answer, OF COURSE
BUT ONE DAY!!! they go to her house because they need urgent help, so she lets them in, and they see her, IZUMI, and theyre like "what. what is she doing here?" to which Lin says casually: "oh we are married, Mako was right"
turns out Lin knew all along
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hadesisqueer · 8 months ago
It's so funny that some people wondered so much who the fuck Fire Lord Izumi's mom was. Y'all it's Mai. Yeah, I know Zuko and Mai broke up in the comics. No, that doesn't mean they can't get back together again later, most of all when it was clear that they still had feelings for each other. Mai is Izumi's mom c'mon guys she looks just like Mai and Mai's mother who did you think it was otherwise lmao
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