#also zuko loves animals cuz i say so
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hjonko · 11 months ago
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They’re like this to me
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dukeofdelirium · 11 months ago
Aang is advising Katara specifically because of what they have been through together. In the Desert episode, Aang literally does kill an animal. When that wasp creature steals Momo, Aang goes after it even after he has gotten Momo back and cuts it down from the sky, implying he just killed it. He shows no emotion besides rage either after doing so. He then finds the sandbenders and it’s very much implied that had Katara not stepped in to stop him, he would have killed one or multiple of them. Why? Because they’ve taken away someone Aang loves, taken away another part of his family, taken away the last connection he has to his deceased people.
That’s why when Katara scoffs and says, “I knew you wouldn’t understand”, Aang stops her and says “Wait, stop! I do understand!”
Katara is obviously not acting like herself because she is consumed with grief and rage, but Aang does speak reason to her. That he does understand her desire for revenge, her desire to kill someone for having harmed her irreparably. Why? CUZ AANG LIVES WITH THAT SAME DESIRE THE ENTIRE SHOW!
It’s not as if Aang’s pacifism is something that has no thought in it. He makes a conscious choice to do so. And we see him wrestle with this rage and grief and desire to hurt others for having hurt him repeatedly throughout the story. But Aang knows who Katara is, because he is her best friend, because she is his confidant in war, and because they both love one another deeply. And that’s why he tells her it like it is. Sometimes being a good friend to someone you love is telling them when they’re going to do something they’ll regret. Just like how Katara did the same when she physically stopped Aang in the Desert, when she talked to him in the Serpents Pass about shutting down, when she disagreed with him in the Avatar State, etc.
She loved him, she knew who he was at his core, and she let him know when she disagreed and when she believed he was doing something he shouldn’t… especially because she couldn’t watch him harm himself, and stated such.
The exact same thing is true in the Southern Raiders. Aang loves Katara, he knows who she is at her core, and he isn’t afraid to let her know that he thinks what she is planning to do (killing her mother’s killer) is ultimately going to harm her in the end. And he was right.
As for that whole passage on Zuko…. I don’t even know what to say. Zuko wasn’t even in the group long enough to deeply learn anything about Katara, nor was he there long enough for either of them to forge a strong unbreakable bond. He never saw her as “motherly” because he literally just wasn’t there. Had he been, Katara would have treated him the same way she treated Toph and Sokka… the one person who never states anything about Katara being “motherly” who was actually in the group longterm is in fact Aang. Because Aang never viewed her as motherly or as filling a mother role in his life… and Katara if we would like to compare also never treats Aang how she treats Toph, Sokka OR Zuko (yes that’s right. I said it).
Even though Zuko is with the group short term, Katara still makes time to treat him like a brother, lol. She teases him exactly as she teases Sokka. Does Katara ever treat Aang like this for comparison? Nope! 🙄🙄🙄
I wanted to address this but I’m not going to @ the person,
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This was posted by a Z*tara shipper, and it honestly exhausted me.
Let’s start at the beginning. The image shows two different images from the show. In the first one, it is Aang marveling at Katara and being flustered over how pretty she looked. But apparently, being flustered when your crush looks cute is “idealizing them.” The second picture is Katara looking exhausted while on the way to find her mother’s killer. Zuko is literally just looking at her. There’s no romantic indication or anything. He literally just is looking at her because he is talking to her. You can interpret this scene how you wish, but don’t use your own personal interpretation as fuel to hate on Aang.
They then say “Aang idealizes Katara. He only sees the surface, and if Katara shows her true self (such as in the ep The Southern Raiders) he tries to make her repress her other emotions because he would like her to be perfect and flawless.”
Several things. One of the things about TSR is that really wasn’t Katara at her true self. She was largely motivated by anger and desire for revenge, and it caused her to say things she normally wouldn’t to the others (namely Sokka). Aang never tries to repress her emotions, however. He just advises her not to choose revenge. This makes sense considering how Aang has seen how she reacted after learning to bloodbend.
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Katara is distraught, and Aang and Sokka see her crying over learning bloodbending and go to comfort her. If this was her reaction to learning bloodbending, then what would her reaction to killing a man be, no matter who that man was?
Aang never forces his ideals on Katara. He empathizes with her, due to his own grief and loss, but also tries to tell her that revenge will only hurt her. If he idealized her, he would just agree with every decision she makes.
If Aang was repressing her emotions, he wouldn’t later say to her “I’m not planning on stopping you, you need to take this journey to heal.” and Katara thanks him for understanding. He was a little angry at first, considering Katara and Zuko were just going to steal his companion, but he lets that anger go. But, apparently Aang advising Katara that killing someone won’t solve anything is “repressing her emotions.”
They then continue,
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They say this as if Aang doesn’t know how powerful Katara can be. They say this as if he doesn’t respect her as a waterbending master and his teacher. Zuko is having his moment of “Oh whoa” when she is bloodbending a man in her grief in anger (You know, the same ability she was crying over having learned), but Aang also repeatedly recognizes Katara’s abilities.
I think an important thing to note as well is that Zuko was not doing this purely out of selfless wish to help Katara heal. His main motivation was to get on her good side because she was the only one not to forgive him yet. I love Zuko, but I don’t love his actions in this episode. And, Zuko even tells Aang that he was right about what Katara needed.
It is one thing to have interpretations, but it is another to outright ignore canon in order to use interpretations to bash characters and ships. Please learn the difference.
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tired-demonspawn · 1 year ago
netflix avatar episode 3!!!
my lil thoughts and feelings :)
So episode 3, at this point they're mashing like 5 episodes together, which to be fair, they are doing a pretty good job at, considering. but some of the details get lost dont they
the mail system doesnt get introduced properly, no bumi foreshadowing and now the gliding doesnt even make sense. in the show proper they could glide freely due to the strange air currents happening around the air temple... yknow... cuz it was an air temple. strange air is expected. but how can he still do that... in omashu...?
that said i really liked zuko and aangs fight, it had very good use of the environment and it got out of hand because zuko lost his temper, as is in character for book one(and well every other one too, but book one the most) zuko.
weirdly enough the episode mash, although missing a lot of detail went pretty well, the way they mash them together is pretty creative
"we dont have time for iroh to be relaxing in some springs so we will have his kidnapping be done in this way" and so on. its nice to see how creative they can get with it :)
i like that they introduce revolts inside the fire nation, makes the entire country be more simpathetic right away instead of waiting for book 3
azula and ozai are pretty neat, but i dont understand why are they introducing them this early. i'm a bit afraid they will make them an active threat in this season already.
also why are azula and zuko pitted against each other like this, i thought it was universal that zuko was very clearly NOT the favourite child.
while im speaking of ozai and azula, the throneroom scene made the air nomad genocide that much more pathetic. mans just scorched like 10 guys no problem with bigass flames, why did the COMET EMPOWERED mfs have they flames be smaller? you sure the comet doesnt take away their power???
im going to take this time to talk about zuko's scar and well... i think it should be bigger, or at least more hand shaped(though to be fair he couldve gotten it a different way than in the cartoon i guess ill just have to wait and see), i mean, animated zuko didnt have an eyebrow, almost didnt have an ear and this guy just sorta has a splash of red on him i suppose. sure its better than the m night one but still, could be better.
i know i compare it to the cartoon a lot but i have to say so far i really like it, the comparison is purely there because it makes it easier to write about. so far it stands very nicely as its own thing. like i can see someone watching it on its own without seeing the show first and liking it, there are no grievous immersion breaking character assassinations as far as i can see(aside from granny exposition) so i think its doing a pretty good job :)
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moondal514 · 2 years ago
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 People
Thanks for the tag @jaywalkers <3. I love your list of characters, you’ve got great taste : )
Rules: name 10 of your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people to do the same
1) Andrew Minyard from All For the Game
My blorbo of all time probably. No character has given me brainrot and writing inspiration the way he does and likely no character ever will. This post sums up his appeal perfectly
2) Lan Wangji from Mo Dao Zu Shi
My newest blorbo from my most recently joined fandom. What can I say, I’m a sucker for incredibly queer competent stoic prob neurodivergent men that are absolutely insane about one person. When I watch the MDZS donghua, I literally have to pause every time he comes on the screen just so I can stare at him a bit, so you could say I’m a bit obsessed
3) Kim Theerapanyakul from KinnPorsche
He’s this weird little guy that is simultaneously the most competent character in the show and the biggest cringe-fail loser. He looks so suave and cool on the surface with his whole Taylor Swift by day mafia prince detective by night thing but then you realize he’s actually a complete nerd with a whole ass literal murder conspiracy board hidden behind a giant selfie portrait of himself and I love him so much (also he’s played by Jeff Satur, who makes my aesthetic attraction senses go haywire, but that’s neither here nor there)
4) Kyuzo from Samurai 7
My 1st fictional crush and prob my earliest blorbo. My type in favorite fictional male character (hypercompetent stoic character that doesn’t talk much with bonus points for iconic hair) can 100% be attributed to him. His story was the earliest villain redemption arc I can remember encountering in media (this was the 1st anime I ever watched so I was like 4 or 5 when I 1st saw this guy) and so for me I always think of him when I see people talking about iconic redemption arcs (sorry Zuko)
5) Midorima Shintarou from Kuroko no Basket
At the peak of my high school sports anime phase, this guy was my favorite. He’s tall, he’s green, he’s an anime glasses character™️, he’s tsundere, he’s prissy, he’s weird af, he’s got one of the most bonkers basketball skills ever, and he’s even an astrology girlie. What’s not to love
6) Merlin from BBC Merlin
BBC Merlin is the fandom that sucked me in at a time where I thought I was growing out of fandom and fanfic (spoiler alert: I very much was not) and it’s responsible for completely changing my relationship with fandom into something much more intense than it was previously. And it’s all thanks to this funky skinny wizard man who for whatever reason captivated me enough that I read hundreds of thousands of fan-created words about him for nearly a year and a half
7) Jasnah Kholin from The Stormlight Archive
She’s one of the rare canonically asexual female characters, and she’s even from a major fantasy book series too! I fixated on this character long before I knew I was ace (though perhaps that should’ve been a clue lol), mostly because I just thought she was so cool and I found her whole “why would I want a relationship when I’m busy with all this shit to study” attitude so relatable
8) Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender
I wanted to be her so badly when I was a kid y’all have no idea. She just made such an impression on me because she’s so cool and so strong but also unapologetically and obviously feminine and that really struck a chord with young me and is prob the reason why I didn’t really have a “not like the other girls” phase cuz she was revolutionary for little me’s idea of how a “girl” can be. To this day she is the character that to me has the coolest powers ever
9) Cassandra of Troy from Greek Mythology
It’s prob weird to include her but I was a real greek mythology girlie (in that I was into it before Percy Jackson came out) and Cassandra has always my favorite. The tragedy of her story has always been very appealing to me and upsettingly relatable in a lot of ways
10) Kym Ladell from Purple Hyacinth
Ms. Kym one of those characters that’s ostensibly the comedic relief except nope she’s hiding oceans of pain under her smile. She’s got trauma and a tragic backstory that she hides from the rest of the main characters in one of the strongest “this is fine” performances you’ve ever seen
Tagging: @stabbyfoxandrew @alcego @paradoxolotl @halfpintpeach @justadreamfox @wulfrann @quensty @ittyybittybaker @seasy33 @nanatsuyu
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knowlessman · 2 years ago
I didn't get burned out on bnha or anything, I just got a switch with botw for my birthday and opened it early 'XD anyway ep 8-9
show has half its runtime's worth of jk they keep adding stuff to these flashbacks so most of them don't really count as recycled, it does feel like quite a bit of flashbacks sometimes tho
something something dr strangegirl love the bomb idek what that movie's about
I will say this, I keep forgetting how the intro goes. first one may be a bit forgettable (or maybe I've just watched too many anime and don't have enough space left for new ones to leave an impression, idk)
ooh do we get to watch another match? honestly surprised if we do but I mean it's a fun concept to begin with. …as long as mineta's not in it, cuz that could be a skip : | -- …who are any of these - oh that's invisible girl -- …zuko's in this one and I didn't even recognize him
…dangit I was hoping that wasn't gonna be a thing with her : | this might be embarrassing enough without mineta
I mean that one's (shoji) novel at least but still ew
ooh dang, we get to see what natsu AND birdman do -- oh nvm they montage'd it. eh fair enough, I guess only an old-school show with no concept of arc fatigue would make an entire arc out of just this
"mr natural-born hero." hm. I hadn't thought about what the other heroes who're in on his secret would think of him. …is writing anything that's about superheroes as a concept and not letting any hint of eugenics-like thinking show through (even without tacitly endorsing it), like, intrinsically hard?
"this town ain't big enough for the chip on my shoulder" -- deku. DEKU NO -- how the fuck is he sposed to react to that, I think he's just gonna kill you now
'XD "I knew I was forgetting something! I'm supposed to do my Might Guy bit again today!"
Mission Failed Successfully? also I'm confused, why is he still walking away
next. judging by the title, Iida's big in this one : ]
bakugo's gonna love his claim to fame being "that guy the sludge monster took hostage" 'XD
okay so no hat no clogs just breaks out the cocoon at will. mood
I'd vote for you iida
okay they at least gave him the only competent kid in the room as deputy, that's good
oh yeah, Iida has a point; Deku's Karate Kid viewpoint could be useful (idfk what a class rep even does tho) -- "with glasses and everything" uraraka could you be right a little quieter -- danged sub not doing the entire job and making me check if the dub actually translates this bit --- huh. they outright replaced it. I guess it's just a class diction thing. also holy shit why is this dub so quiet
"aren't they illegal trespassers? can we beat them up" daaang, I guess this tells us something about this Mic guy
'XDDD oops
"goodbye, bad mass-communication!" ?????????????????? is radio jockey man okay
good for iida. just please don't spongebob this okay, please, iida? -- EMERGENCY EXIT -- EMERGENCY EXIT OMFG I THINK I HAVE A FAVORITE CHARACTER DOES THE NAME STICK
yeah yeah somebody broke your door I do not fucking care
oh NOW you clear that up about all might losing his powers. well, better now than next season ig
oh it's the tokyo ghoul
yeah, gonna be quittin here, got stuff tomorrow
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unfried-mouth-wheat · 4 years ago
gaang plus jet n yue as kids at elementary school
aang: hyper kid who is a MASTER at the times tables and four square (haha four elements) and would be the teacher's favorite if he could chill for FIVE MINUTES but they still love him
katara: reads in the library during recess or is the leader who gets the whole third grade to play soccer together and brings hello kitty band aids bc the school nurse only has boring ones
sokka: his second grade essays span like thirty topics bc he cant decide on a topic and the teacher would give him a bad grade but like, its pretty good and he makes friends easily and has those second grade weddings every other week
toph: never raises her hand and asks really good questions to understand everything better. because she talks all the time shes the first to know there vs their vs they're. absolute beast in capture the flag
zuko: when the teacher asks to pair up he goes to the teacher bc hes too nervous to ask any other classmates but it takes him a minute to get there and he ends up with the gaang for a project. he never talks in class but used to be super rambunctious so teachers worry about him a little but he goes home to his uncle so he's ok
suki: most of her work is the example (not history its boring she says) but she loves the play structures and has such good reflexes and helps the kids with bad balance from falling off. she is so good at presenting teachers sometimes pair her with shy kids to help them
yue: angel in class for the first few weeks before getting so excited that the class was learning about space that she spilled paint on literally everything in the room. shes also the kid who gets her friends to make dances together during pe instead of running
jet: also hyper but easily calmed by chewing on pencils or jewelry or wheat. he always has a gaggle of kindergarteners around him and he reads them the second grade books that they cant read yet. teachers are worried about him more than zuko bc they havent seen anyone pick him up ever and he's loud until someone raises their voice
FrICK fam holy come the fuck off anon right this instant so I can hug you take credit for this bnijfdnsk look at it! Holy, you sure you meant to send this to me??? 
Yue is so good in class but she just loses it when it’s time for space I love that
Jet absolutly has an army of kindergardeners he probs beats up bullies for them or something
GAang really just went “You’re ours now” to Zuko and he was probs too anxious about dissapointing them to say anything he’ll get better soon tho he has a lot of encoragement
SUKI IS THE EXSAMLE YES she is Sifu Kyoshi’s favorite beacuse not only is she good acidemic (which is bull crap anyways but whatever) but she also is so strong in an emotinal and physical sense
Toph will fricking DEMOLISH you in Capture the flag, she fricking HEARS the flag she knows what shes doing and every kid who’s used to her knows this and wants her on their team
Katara is def the leader I bet she won the mock spelling bee and got a ribbion and a candy bar but she split the candy bar with Sokka cuz he tried very hard too but just didn’t make it
Aang is always covered in animal hair and on show and tell he brings in his lemer and Sifu Roku is like “Didn’t you say you brought two things?” and Aang is like “Yes, vome outside” and BOOM an Appa chillin with Gyatso
Sokka writes like so much and he’s always sp passionate about everything he writes about and he tries very hard to get good grades and he does cuz even if he didn’t write about the right topic he just did SO MUCH and the teachers love him so he get’s A+’s
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twilightofthe · 5 years ago
Star Wars Characters in an Avatar: The Last Airbender AU
So I’ve been thinking of this for a while. The way I’m doing it, only Force-Sensitives will be benders cuz that feels right
Anakin Skywalker: Earthbender. Well, actually he’d be the Avatar and his best skill would be firebending, but Anakin grows up in the Earth Kingdom in this AU in that desert where he races sandships and wins by sandbending. He also figures out metalbending cuz he’s a nerd and still good with metals and mechanics.
Obi Wan Kenobi: Firebender. NO WAIT LISTEN. Firebender!Obi is a hill I will die on because ik he might SEEM more like water or air or even earth, the guy in ATLA who Obi Wan mirrors the closest is Uncle Iroh. They both are distinguished war generals former war generals who ended up outcasts because the government they served was no longer what they stood for and their loved ones got hurt/killed. Both are the Wise Old Mentor who guide the troubled young men whose fathers brutally maimed them. Both are fucking deadly when they want to be and only grow stronger with age. The only difference is that Obi Wan gets along with Mark Hamill while Iroh.... Does Not. Obes is a firebender because he knows how to control it. Also, if Anakin goes evil in this AU, y’all KNOW the Mustafar fight in this would have to be an Agni Kai. Speaking of, another firebender story Obi Wan matches is Roku (yes he’s the avatar but again, was born Fire) whose friendship fallout with Firelord Sozin is VERY similar to Obi Wan and Anakin’s mess, right down to someone’s wife dying because of their BS.
Padmé Amidala: Earth Kingdom. She also leads the Kyoshi Warriors cuz c’mon Pads and her royal handmaidens are basically MADE for that right down to the facepaint. She serves the Earth King, and is a diplomat between nations
Ahsoka Tano: Waterbender. Ooooooh I debated this for a while whether she should be water, air, or fire, but ultimately chose water cuz Ahsoka gives off big Korra vibes. She’s from the Southern Water Tribe, probably figured out bloodbending but flat out refuses, more of a fighter than a healer, WILL freeze your ass Elsa-style.
Qui Gon Jinn: Airbender. Yeah so no one wiped out the airbenders in this AU, he’s the go-with-the-flow type and has the same tendency to pick up weird animals. It was between air earth and water for him but I figured he was too stubborn for water and too idealistic for earth. Definitely uses his height to wield a big airending staff around and can knock like twenty ppl over at once. Figures out energybending but only to really make his plants grow xD
Satine Kryze: Water Tribe. Ooooooh y’all Satine was the one I had the most difficulty with because ugh basically ALL freaking Mandalorians are fiery hotheads and Satine the most fiery of them all so putting her as the nonbending pacifist leader of a bunch of firebenders is VERY tempting because that would make an interesting story. However, I ultimately chose Water Tribe, the Northern Water Tribe in particular because Satine feels a lot like Princess Yue. Very put-upon leader who’s facing enemies from the outside as well as arguments within her own advisors, just wants the best for her people, ultimately willing to die for her beliefs and her people when some asshole outsider comes in and attacks, traumatizes her boyfriend when she does die and the fandom tends to poke gentle fun at her boyfriend for it afterwards. Also, Bo Katan and her Nite Owls feel a lot like the water tribe wolf warriors to me.
Palpatine: Firebender/Earth King. Yes this makes sense because although Sidious HAS to be a firebender because lightningbending, he also has to be able to screw over Padmé and Anakin. So, he’s a firebender who manages to manipulate his way into the Earth Kingdom and take control of the throne and Ba Sing Se. May or may not still hold power in Fire Nation and talk them into invading everyone anyway or not, but he’s def evil.
Yoda: SWAMPBENDER. Bahaha ok so I know that the swampbenders all kinda fell under waterbender status, right? But yea waterbender would work really well for Yoda, but you KNOW he lives in the swamp as a cretin alllll the time in this AU and trolls everyone else and likes splashing them in the face. Yoda could also def be an airbender
Count Dooku: Earthbender. Dooku is solid, tall, works with the earth, and I think Form 2 kinda looks the most “grounded”, shall I say, of all the forms. Just the way he moves and his stubbornness definitely say earthbender to me, though he could also def be fire
Mace Windu: Firebender. The way in canon he’s all about self-control and knowing how to work with the darker side of you and the rage that’s there, yea, Mace would be a smokin’ (haha) firebender
Maul: Firebender (dammit there’s too many Fire Nation in this AU see this is another reason why I put Satine in water). Maul’s all about the fiery anger, again would really work well for a faceoff against fire!Obi Wan in this AU, Maul to me really looks like a tragic, worst-case scenario never-redeemed!Zuko. So basically Azula lol which ALSO works very well for the S7 Maul vs. water!Ahsoka fight echoing the final Azula and Katara fight
Ventress: Airbender. No, not just because she’s bald and has tats xD. Ventress would make very good use of the air glider AND the airbender ability to create a bubble around someone and suffocate them. (Airbenders can’t be pacifists in this AU otherwise the only people who could go there would be Satine and the Organas lol). She fights in almost a dancer, flying around sort a way that’s similar to what Aang does, and I could also see her whapping someone with an airstaff.
Jango Fett/Boba Fett/The clones: Earth/Fire. Ok so idk how clones would exist in this universe so I’m just gonna say Jango gets around and has a LOT of kids. Jango seems a lot like a down to earth get ‘er done kind of guy, he’s got the heavy hitting kind of play the Earth Kingdom likes. Boba would be much more of a Fire Nation emigrant. The clones I’d say are mostly Earth Kingdom in personality if I had to pick with a smidge of water and some fire of their own.
Bail Organa: Fire Nation. Bail is the one who lives in the Fire Nation and refuses to really play any way besides fairly. Also good for if he and Breha raise Leia because Reasons
Bonus! Hondo Ohnaka: Air Nomad. Hondo has no bending abilities, but he flies around on a flying bison named Melch and Causes Problems. He harasses Fire Nation blimps and Earth Kingdom trading routes and dive bombs the Water Tribe and is just the Horrible Goose of the ATLA!SW world.
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simply-trash5 · 4 years ago
Hi! Are you still taking in match ups? If so, can I get one? ( bnha and/or atla if you don’t mind, and if you can leave my picture out of the description I would appreciate it!)
She/they, INFP, curly short hair+ freckles, rosy checks, chubby/curvy hufflepuff, 5’9,( mix of cottage core with dark academia ) shy but friendly, Loud w friends, nerdy, like memes, books, animated movies, painting, n’ artist stuff. My friends says I’m very funny but also very naive, I have one of those obnoxious funny laughs you don’t see it coming from a mile away ( bc im usually kinda quiet ) but those that it makes others laugh from just hearing it? So yeah abbrjgkdkdn, a softie not gonna lie, hopeless romantic, affectionate, but I hide my love side out of fear for being rejected, I’m very good with kids and animals, I get flustered SO easily ( it’s a pain. In the ass bfbgjdksks) got depression and anxiety, but I love hanging out with friends, I’m always down to comfort ppl, listen, give advice if they need to, extremely supportive and kind. For romantic relationships: I think I kinda need someone who reassures me I’m not a bother or that they still like me, otherwise I will crate conspiracy theories against myself shbfngjdkd also understand non verbal language cuz it’s hard for me to open up, ( Im very expressive regarding facial expressions, even when I don’t want to, so it wouldn’t be hard to understand it I think ) and to respect me needing space when I need it, I Hope this is enough? thank you!
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Hello sweetie, thank you soooo much for your request. I will give you both your ATLA and BNHA matchup.
So starting out strong, your ATLA matchup is definitely Prince Zuko. The naivety in you definitely matches Zuko because he isn’t so sure of social norms. He also hides his love out of fear of rejection (or in his case a bad past) but is such a softie underneath it all. He would definitely come to you for advice and comfort but he will also reassure you. 
Your BNHA matchup, Tamaki Amijiki. This baby is so soft, shy, and sweet BUT in private is sooo funny and goofy. He would definitely send you memes just to hear your laugh because he thinks it is soo cute. He also loves to see the faces you make when you obviously don’t like something. He is so willing to give you your space but when you’re ready he will shower with you with affection. 
I really hope this was good for you my dear, and I look forward to more requests from you. 
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imagines-dreams · 6 years ago
Beauty and the Spirit Part 2- Zuko Imagine
Rating: PG
Warnings: there’s some shouting and arguing
Summary: Part 2 to Beauty and the Spirit (is tumblr still banning links i dont remember and if so please tell me cuz id have to take the link down) You were used to war and grew up with stories of captivity. But, being a prisoner in an enchanted castle was nothing like the stories you heard.
Word Count: 2695
Tags: @chims-kookies
You hugged your knees to your chest. It had only been a few hours since the spirit locked you inside. Whoever the demon was, he was powerful. The bars of your prison were constantly hot, and yet the lock still held up. He was powerful enough to sustain the same amount of heat throughout the hours without comprising the cell’s integrity.
Hopefully, in a few days, he would run out of energy, time, or attention to keep that up. Then, you can pick the lock and sneak past the other spirits and residents of the abandoned castle.
“You’re real!”
You gasped. “What? Who’s there?”
You tried to find the source of the voice, but you couldn’t see anyone or any spirit.  The voice was a bit familiar though.
“By your feet!”
You stared at your feet, and sure enough, there was a teacup with steaming hot tea. You stared at it. “Uh, thank you.” You lifted the teacup and held it carefully. The warmth seeped into your skin, and you sighed. When the blood finally reached the tips of your fingers, you slowly lifted the drink to your lips.
“You’re welcome.”
You screamed and held the cup away from your face. You squinted at the teacup. “You… You can talk?”
“Mhm! Name’s Lu Ten, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
You laughed. “Um, pleasure to meet you as well, Lu Ten.”
“Lu, take it down a notch, will you?”
The teacup responded. “Why take it down a notch, when we have a guest!” The teacup jumped from your fingers and onto the ground near the bars. “Mai, you are such a downer.”
“I’m realistic.”
You squinted at the door. A quill was upright outside your cell, and it was talking to Lu Ten, the teacup.
You pushed your palm against your forehead. “I’m going crazy.”
The quill, yes the quill, responded, “You’re gonna wish you were when you see the entire palace.”
You tilted your head. “I’m a prisoner.”
“No, not at all!” Lu Ten hopped back to your feet.
The quill jumped to the lock and picked it easily. The door swung open.
“You’re a guest, first and foremost,” the teacup continued, “No matter what my cousin says.”
“Cousin?” You stood up and rubbed your arms. “So all the objects here are… spirits?”
Lu Ten hopped to the door. “Well, it’s a long story.”
“That none of us want to relive,” the quill expanded.
“Ok,” you drawled. The teacup and quill started to their way downstairs. You stared at the cell. No heat emanated from the bars, so the demon that trapped you wasn’t controlling it. Did it know that its … residents were breaking you out?
The quill stopped. “You coming?”
You blinked. “Yes, of course.” You fell into step with the objects. “Um, exactly where are we going?”
“To your room!” Lu Ten said. “We haven’t had guests in a while, so we needed a bit of time to prepare your room.”
“Ok.” You stared at the walls of the palace. When you first arrived, there wasn’t any light to illuminate your way. However, as you were being led by a quill and a teacup, you noticed that the candles were lit. Did the castle come to life at night? Was it a curse from a spirit? Maybe the demon who entrapped you enchanted the objects. Maybe he cursed nearby villagers to become inanimate objects.
“Here it is!”
“Son! We’re not ready for her yet!”
The doors opened in front of you, and you couldn’t hide your amazement. The room was dusty, sure, but everything else was magnificent. The bed was bigger than your old room and had more pillows than you can ever need in a lifetime. There were multiple baskets full of beauty products you haven’t even heard of. A powder here. Some brushes there.
Then, there was a shelf full of scrolls. A shelf that also had your bag. You rushed to the shelf and slung your bag over your shoulder, relishing in the feeling of its weight. You took one of the scrolls and perused it. A scroll on waterbending. Katara would love that. You put that in your bag and peeked at the other scrolls. One on the history of the four nations. Another on the legends of dragons. Some on philosophy.
There were so many!
“You like to read!”
You turned around. The teapot you saw when you first saw when you stepped foot in the castle was on a wooden tray on your bed. “I’m quite fond of Love Amongst the Dragons.”
You tilted your head. “You saw the play?”
“Multiple times. My family loved it.”
You smiled. “It is a beautiful story.” You sat on your bed at stared at the assortment of enchanted objects in front of you. Teapot, teacup, quill. “I don’t get it.” You knew of spirits and enchanted animals but not enchanted objects. Then again, maybe these things were spirits of some sort? That wouldn’t be the craziest thing you’ve heard. You bit your lip. “Why are you all being nice to the prisoner?”
“Well, the decision wasn’t unanimous,” the quill said, settling down on one of your pillows.
“Oh, don’t be so grumpy, Mai!”
You screamed and scrambled to the other side of your bed. One of the baskets had jumped right onto the bed.
“Ty Lee, you’re scaring her!” Lu Ten laughed.
The basket just giggled. “Sorry, but I’m just so excited. It’s been years since I’ve had someone to make over.”
You smiled. “I’ve been on quite a few adventures, but this is definitely the weirdest thing I’ve ever been through.” You looked around the room. “Does everything talk?”
“Nah,” Mai said. “Just us.”
“Now, child,” the teapot said, “I believe you need rest. Come on, everyone, let’s get back to our duties. The prince won’t be happy, so we need to be ready.”
“Prince?” you asked. “We’re in a kingdom.”
The teapot froze but quickly recovered. “A little kingdom of our own, yes.” He ushered all the objects out of your room. “Ty Lee, I expect you to take good care of our guest.”
“Yes, Iroh!”
Iroh. You heard that name before. A story maybe or from rumors? Maybe it was a common name. Perhaps. “Um, Iroh?”
“Yes, child?”
You nodded and bowed. “Thank you.”
“Of course. No, off to bed. I will come to fetch you in the morning.”
You waved goodbye and watched as the doors closed behind the teapot. You patted the bedsheets.
“Careful!” Ty Lee warned. “We haven’t had guests in a while.”
You coughed and waved the dust away from your face.  “I can tell.”
You lifted the blankets and lifted it up and down to get rid of the dust. You remade the bed and answered Ty Lee’s questions.
“What’s your name?”
“(Y/n).” You moved around a few pillows.
“Where do you come from?”
You put some pillows in the other baskets. “Uh, Earth Kingdom.”
“Oh, I haven’t been there before!”
“It’s beautiful,” you said as you patted counted the many spare blankets in the baskets.
“I bet it is! What’s your favorite part?”
You shrugged. “I love a lot about my island.”
For hours, you rearranged your bed and made small talk with the enchanted basket. Finally, she lightly snored, and you let out a breath. Time to get to work.
~ - ~
Sunrise came, and you were almost done. The rope of blankets and sheets was almost near the ground. Probably needed three or four more blankets. You double checked the knot around the bedpost, pulling on it as hard as you could. When it didn’t budge, you smiled to yourself and grabbed the next blanket.
You shoved the rope of blankets out the window. Quickly, you draped one of your blankets over the bedpost. You grabbed a book and plopped down on the bed.
“Come in!” you yelled.
Iroh the teapot rolled in on a cart. “Good morning, (Y/n).” The teapot eyed Ty Lee the sleeping basket and your suspicious looking bedpost.
You held in your breath and moved so he couldn’t see anything. “Good morning, Iroh. How are you?”
The cart rolled next to your bed. “Not as tired as you are. Is your rope long enough to get you safely to the ground?”
You gulped. “Are you-”
“Going to tell the prince?” The teapot laughed. “I’m much older than he is, so no. Unless you want-”
“No!” You exclaimed. You laughed awkwardly. “Sorry, I just… I’m sure you understand.”
“Of course, child.” The teapot smiled as much as he could smile. “Now, for tea. Do you have any favorites? I have ginseng, jasmine, green. I have a few more, if I could find them. I have a rare one somewhere around here.”
“A rare one?” You tilted your head. “You mean, white dragon tea?” You beamed.
He stopped searching and faced you. “You like tea?”
“I love tea,” you admitted. “It was a staple back home.”
“Are you planning on returning there after this ordeal then? I’m sure your parents would love to see you.”
You managed a small smile. “I wish.”
The cart rolled to you slowly. A steaming cup of white dragon tea was waiting for you. You took it in your hands and took a deep breath. The sweet smell of the tea you cherished as a child reminded you so much of your old home. With your parents and friends. Back in the Earth Kingdom. “No, last time I was home, it was ash,” you said.
“The Fire Nation got the Earth Kingdom?”
“All the islands, and last I hear they’re moving inland towards the palace.” You laughed bitterly and rose your glass. “Cheers.”
“You know, home, I find, isn’t a place. It’s the people. And if the people you once called home have passed, you keep their love with you and find a new home.”
You smiled. “Does that ring true for you, Iroh?”
He laughed. “Very true for me! A lot has changed in my many years here, and even though, some years I went without a home, I always found love in someone, soon enough.” He rolled over the window and looked at your makeshift rope. “If you worked for another hour or two, you should have a good length to get to the ground.” He motioned to Ty Lee. “She, however, is bound to wake up soon. I advise working tonight and leaving when you finish.”
You set down your tea. “Why are you helping me?”
“Because even though you are still searching for a home, I’m certain that little boy is special and that you will be crucial to his avatar training.”
You tilted your head. “You know?”
“He’s not that secretive.”
You giggled. “You’re right about that.” You held up your teacup. “Thank you again, Iroh.”
“It’s no problem, my dear.” Just as he reached the doors, he said, “And there’s a library downstairs, if you wish to read in your spare time.”
“A library?” The smell of old scrolls. The promise of a warm fire. The comfort of a good chair. “That sounds wonderful.”
And so, when Ty Lee woke up, you immediately asked, “Can you take me to the library?”
“The library is amazing! It’s so big and full of scrolls. You’re going to love it. I’m so excited for you to see it!” You smiled. “So you’ll take me there.”
Ty Lee jumped onto your bed. “Not yet. We need a reading outfit. That just won’t do. What do you think of pink?”
“Just trust me. You’re going to love it!” Ty Lee jumped around your room, and you gasped as your room came to life. Sashes and garment flew around you, pausing to stop in front of you and then being whisked away by an invisible force you could only explain as magic. Ty Lee was bubbling with excitement, saying yes and no to each thing tht stopped by you, until finally, you were wearing a dress so fancy, you were scared to move. “Um, Ty Lee?”
“I think this is a bit fancy for a day in.”
“Oh, you’re right! So sorry, it’s been forever since we’ve had a guest.” SHe cleared her throat. “Again!”
Another flurry of clothes later, you were dressed in a dark red outfit with golden trimmings. Your hair was pinned into a simple hairstyle, and your shoes were replaced by a new pair. You giggled and reveled in the feeling of new clothes on your skin. “I… Would your boss be ok with you giving me new clothes?”
She laughed. “I’m not scared of him. Now, let’s go. We have a library to see!”
~ - ~
You stood over the table of scrolls you had pulled out to examine. After Ty Lee led you there, you hadn’t left. Ty Lee wanted to do other things, so she left Mai in charge of you, which you were thankful for. Ty Lee was sweet, but when reading, you preferred a quieter companion. Iroh had come in occasionally to give you snacks, but other than that, the maps were your priority.
You had maps from a century ago that described the place you were in as a spot for Fire Nation officials. It was meant to be a place for diplomacy, for Fire Nation officials to learn about and negotiate with the nearby Water Tribe.
However, as time passed, it became a vacation spot for anyone from the Fire Nation. The ruins you resided in was meant for the Fire Nation royal family. But a decade ago, the place was wiped off the map. With no explanation. There was no record of what happened to this once tourist place. Not a single ball or a building plan. If it weren’t for the maps, you would have guessed you were dreaming this entire place up.
Where maps and invitations and construction plans failed, you decided to find art. If you could find any art, maybe you could find out who had lived in this castle that became ruins. You laid anything and everything you found out on the table. A program for a theater production here. A scroll filled with a child’s calligraphy there. A tile for Pai Sho.
Then, under your pile, was a painting. Of a royal family. It was singed at the edges. A father and mother with a boy and a little girl. The picture actually wasn’t that old either. Maybe a decade, at most. Were the things that resided here related to this family?
“Where did you find that?!”
The picture was snatched from your hands. “I’m sorry,” you gasped. “I was just trying to find answers. I didn’t-” You almost screamed when you saw the face of your captor.  The … thing that was holding you captive was not a spirit. Rather, it was a man, cursed beyond your understanding. Although his black robes covered most of his body, his face wasn’t hidden from view. A scar covered his eye. He had some on his neck too. A white horn sprouted from his temple, and blue spots, almost like bruises, littered his face. And every second that passed, those bruises, those blue spots, moved, like shadows.
What was he? How did this happen? Did someone do this to him?
“Get out!”
“What?” You didn’t understand. “I thought-”
“I don’t care!” He screamed, and a growl rumbled through the library. “Get out of here. Never come here again!”
“Go!” He snarled, and his teeth, a mix of canines and fangs, was revealed.
You screamed. Fear washed over you, and in record time, you were back in the bedroom. Your makeshift rope was thrown out the window.
“I’m sorry Lu Ten.” Your fingers shook as you secured your bag around your shoulder. “I have to go. I can’t stay.”
“I’m sorry!” You climbed down your rope of bedsheets and blankets and robes, and when you came to the end, you took a deep breath and jumped. Your ankle cried out in pain, but you could care less. You freed your horse and rode outside the courtyard.
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makeste · 7 years ago
BnHA Chapter 007: Costumes and Comforting White Rice
Previously on BnHA: Aizawa had everyone do fitness tests. Turns out superpowered children are very talented. Deku broke his finger.
Notes: As always, all comments not prefaced by an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 11 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.
so the title is “costume change”, ooh I’m intrigued
All Might is helpfully rehashing the shit that just went down in the last chapter in case we missed it or weren’t paying attention
basically “Deku fucked up his finger but it was actually somehow the coolest thing ever”
right away Izuku is still crying his gritted-teeth pain!tears, so the unbroken streak continues!
aw Ocha is really happy that he did well and now won’t get expelled
I think Bakugou is broken
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[waves a hand in front of his face] you okay there pal. deep breaths. it’s going to be all right
and now he’s fucking launching himself at Deku, presumably with the intent to beat the living shit out of him, oh dear
but teacher’s not having that shit
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also these panels are hilarious
god bless, the logical explanations for everything just keep on coming. now EH is explaining that the reason he always looks so fucking shake-and-baked is because he has to maintain eye contact in order for his powers to work. I love this, it explains so much. the goggles, the eye drops, the creepy intense staring. and it’s such a good handicap for what would otherwise be an insanely OP quirk
just. thank you jesus. thank you oprah winfrey. thank you tom cruise
do you know, so far I haven’t had a single plot thing to complain about in this entire manga series. (except maybe the whole “surrounding community somehow doesn’t notice the beach cleanup happening right under their noses for ten entire months” thing.) can they possibly keep this up?
“is your finger okay?” “yeah.” NO
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they’re so cute they’re so fucking cute. Izuku following him around fanboying about quirks. Baku saying Deku’s probably won’t be as cool as his. trampsing along through the woods catching bugs. using the nicknames
and now Baku is FREAKING THE FUCK OUT because he’s been the special one all this time and now Izu finally has a quirk too. like, he seems pissed off, but also strangely threatened. like he’s really nervous that Deku might all of a sudden outshine him. once again, I am speculating if there are possibly secret self-esteem issues. I know it’s too early to be theorizing and I’m just going to look like an idiot but I CAN’T HELP IT. Deku is so good and pure and kind and smart, like he has everything going for him, but because he didn’t have a quirk, Bakugou could always rest assured that he was still better! but now DEKU HAS A FUCKING QUIRK. that’s like the ONE thing he solidly had on him and now the gap is narrowing by the minute. hmm. hmmmmmmmmm
disclaimer, he’s probably just an asshole and I’m projecting character development onto him that doesn’t exist sob I know
anyway we’ve apparently seen all we needed to see of these tests, because Deku sums up the rest of it in a couple of summary bubbles. “after this we finished up and I hung in there but it sucked”
yay now the results. which sad son of a bitch gets kicked out I wonder. it’s occurred to me that it might not be anyone and EH might just have been fucking with them, but you never know
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NOT TO TOOT MY OWN HORN BUT I CALLED IT AND I’M A FUCKING GENIUS. [drinks a glass of water too fast and chokes]
this motherfucker is such a troll
Izuku appears to be phasing into another dimension from the shock of this news. meanwhile this smug-looking girl with a ponytail standing next to him is all like “I already fucking knew”
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you know what, smug ponytail girl, ANYONE can say that AFTER the big reveal. the real MVPs are the ones who saw it coming a whole entire page before it actually happened, so you can shove it okay
and now Eraser Head is saying “we’re done here”? but I want to see the rankings, damn it
(ETA: funny how in the anime he shows the rankings first thing and THEN all the rest of this goes down. somehow he’s an even bigger troll there.)
and he finally takes pity on Izuku and sends him to the nurse’s office. you really shouldn’t need a teacher’s permission to go see the nurse, but I guess it’s the thought that counts
and there we go! rankings. so Izu’s all the way down at the bottom. and surprisingly Bakugou is not quite at the top? AND WHAT’S THIS?
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please be introduced soon, I’m excited to meet you
no idea who that person is at the very top. but hey good for them
hey guys. guess who ships All Might/Aizawa ever since their rivalish history was established in the previous chapter. [points to self]
so this is good stuff
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look at this shade being thrown back and forth. or rather, EH throwing shade and AM struggling to throw it back but he’s too much of a straight arrow for it to really work lmao. “april fool’s day was over a week ago”
also oh shit last year he threw out the whole damn bunch. those guys must have SUCKED
oh my god now All Might is smugly confirming that EH likes Izuku too
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hey guys here’s a closeup of All Might’s reaction to this:
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you like krabby patties don’t you squidward
my boy Izuku out here accumulating mentors like... something... that accumulates a lot
that’s right, he has TWO whole mentors. what a legend
I got really confused for a second when the following panel said Izu was going home after the first day. even though I know it’s not a boarding school, I somehow tricked myself into thinking it was for a sec
oh hey it’s Iida. he wants to know how Deku’s finger is
lol he didn’t remember being healed last time. thank you for that, information bubble
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I’m serious, it’s not essential information but it helps the series to remain consistent with itself, and it shows that the mangaka so far is remembering even minor details like this, and I’m honestly really impressed
Horikoshi Kouhei is the author. just looked it up. I gotta remember that. Good job so far Horikoshi-sensei. also he’s apparently younger than me?? nice to know that some of us millennials are out there crushing it at least
oh snap Recovery Girl cautions him that if he keeps getting hurt he’ll eventually run out of stamina and die. wtf. is “stamina” really a finite resource like that? can’t he just get a good night’s sleep and replenish that shit
I’m genuinely wondering how long him not being able to control his powers is going to be an issue then. I’m starting to think not that long. at first I thought it would be a very slow process, because if he got too strong too quickly it would be bad for the story. but on further reflection, it’s really the other way around. there’s only so many times he can be the only guy without any powers and trying to figure out what to do before that shit gets really old. basically right now he’s TOO nerfed
“I thought Iida was scary but he’s actually just super-serious.” he’s very nice for a 40-year-old trying to hang out with a bunch of teenagers. I’m sure you two will be good friends
Iida’s calling her “Infinity Girl” since she threw the ball so high it registered as “infinity meters” on Aizawa’s scale. I wonder if this name will stick, cuz I like it
haha Ochako doesn’t know Izuku’s actual first name and calls him Deku. he was listed as “Izuku” on the results board, though. you could hardly fail to notice that, since he was in last place. she just wants to call him by the cute nickname. fucking sly move there
hmm apparently he doesn’t like the name Deku? or he’s just trying to play it cool with the Girl He Likes
(ETA: now I know the whole sad story of “Deku” and its various meanings. I wonder just how much work Horikoshi put into selecting this name and its kanji)
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like he said, he fucking loves that name
“it’s like the Copernican Revolution” hahaha what. a quick Google search confirms that this was the whole shift from people thinking the sun revolved around the earth to realizing it was the other way around. I completely fail to understand what this has to do with the situation of Deku letting Ocha call him “Deku” because she thinks it’s cute. this metaphor is beyond my fucking grasp
(ETA: I must have been tired or something because it’s obviously just that he’s done a 180 from hating the name to embracing it. still a weird analogy but whatever.)
ohhhhhh here come the feels ready or not
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oh what the fresh hell, All Might
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first the training!! ten months! grueling!! then the entrance exam!! fighting a bunch of giant robots! not having the slightest clue about how to actually use his brand new powers! then the first day of school!! you think you’re finally safe, but NO we’re going to have a trial that may possibly expel you! but he somehow makes it past that too! surely he’s in the clear NOW, right? he has to be?? but nooo, the SECOND day of school, THAT’S when tHE REAL FUCKING TEST BEGINS, FUCK
lmao Mic teaching them English
lmaaaaao everyone is bored out of their fucking minds except fucking Izuku, that FUCKING NERD
the school chef is a sentient humanoid vacuum cleaner named Lunch Rush
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nice try with that gimmick there Lunch Rush, but you’re no Best Fucking Jeanist
“the white rice is comforting, so I go with that!” fucking damn, Deku. maybe try branching out just a little
by the way, Izu is narrating all of this like it’s already an established routine, but isn’t it still just the second day? or was All Might just talking out of his ass before about that “real test”
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it’s All Might’s class. don’t tell me this was what he was talking about when he was going on about the “real test” fjksj
yet again they talk about how differently he’s drawn sob I can’t
everyone: [turns and winks at the camera] WE KNOW WE’RE CARTOOOONS
what is this pose
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gri gri gri
“today’s activity is [holds up a card that says BATTLE] BATTLE”
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Bakugou looks... I’ll let you know when I stop laughing
Ochako looks like your standard Marvel heroine really but the two little buttons on her chest give it an extra dash of cuteness
Iida looks like a fucking super sentai with that helmet
Yuri on Ice, Mickey Mouse, Kermit the Frog, and Tall Guy with Pterodactyl Arms look fine, I guess
do not fucking tell me the chapter’s going to end before we actually see Izuku
the chapter ended before we actually saw Izuku
I’m going to kick you you stupid chapter
there isn’t even a bonus character bio at the end, it’s just a thing about all of Horikoshi’s assistants. good for them, I guess, I know they work fucking hard and they’re doing a good job so far
guess what I’m going to do. “read the next chapter.” yep
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xthexrevenantx · 7 years ago
ѩ Җ ᚡ ෴ ☢
Yet another rmunday meme || ѩ Җ ᚡ ෴ ☢
ѩ: Are there any characters that you love, but simply cannot role play?
YES! ;A; 
Many, many, many where do I even begin? Is it okay if I just start crying instead? D8 Nnnngggghhh Also honestly.. I shouldn’t even be playing YM… I should actually just play as myself since I feel I’m the only person I can, personality-wise, tap into.
Here’s a list:Villamax from Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy. YOU DON’T LOVE HIM, YOU’RE WRONGDiviot from Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy because why the fuck not he’s basically the same as YM and his voice is also pornEcliptor from Power RangersCyclopter from Power Rangers (the blue robotic guy)Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender.Zaheer from Avatar: The Legend Of Korra.Bolin from Avatar: The Legend Of Korra.Riddick from Pitch Black.Remfire from Biker Mice From MarsDonatello, Leonardo and Raphael from TMNT.Also Karai… Angel.Altaïr from Assassin’s Creed 1/bloodlines/Revelations.Claudia from Assassin’s Creed IIRyou Bakura, Yugi Moto, Tea Gardner from YGONath don’t tell me you didn’t see this coming. Also can I steal your Chiyoh?Bigwig from Watership Down. …Lets do Keehaar also.But all these characters are out of my reach and even if I could, I suppose most of the fandoms they are from are either dead or they are not highly wanted characters(?) There’s also plenty I’ve forgotten, I’m sure, so these are really on the top of my list.
Җ:   What’s your greatest source of inspiration when it comes to role playing? *Points at the friend asking this* Do I need to anymore go on, on how much I adore your writing? Because I absolutely will. My-ohh-mai, dejaouija… HOLY FUCKING SHIT I can’t even begin how flawless dejaouija writes out action mixed with setting mixed creativity mixed with…. FFFFFFFFfffff 
And then there is me writing like “fill in spoken sentence.” Said YM “another said thing” He continued saying. I need practice. I need practice very badly ^^; And then there’s many people that I fawn at their writing don’t think I’m ignoring you, I see you all on my dash and I love 8DD
Ohh.. It’s a ‘what?’ and not a ‘who?’
Umm… Well… Then I guess I want to bring more attention to Marik because he deserves to be loved by all. And I want to empathize on all the other aspects on him that have been completely neglected. Cuz it pains my heart that he’s just simply shoven away as this.. Idk.. Simple one layered character that doesn’t get more than a thought or two spent on him. And I just know that he has more to offer than the show lets on.. Whether he himself even knows it or not. 
I’m exposing this asshole for all his greatness >D
ᚡ:Random fact about the mun?Eeehhhh…. I’m really bad at these things cuz I really don’t do much other than roleplaying a psychopath and loving buns…So I don’t really know what I can add to that.. I love doom.. But it’s in my about mun info I think… I am the most terrible person when it comes to holding a conversation but I think I already said that somewhere as well…
I used to collect stuffed animals since the day I was born, and it was a shared hobby between my brother and I (who is four years younger than me) so when I was 14/15 we used to visit the thrift store and buy loooooooooooooooots of stuffed animals for like… 10 cents.. or 40 cents.. really.. the most expensive ones were like 2 euros.. And we did that for quite a while. Those days are past now and I’ve kept only the ones that mean most to me.
Still, I have 8 garbage-sized bags full of them.. I’m donating 20 bags to children in far away poor countries.
෴:  Tell us about your dayThank you! But nothing to say, really. I spent all my day in bed listening to music and just.. Not doing anything cuz period’s giving me a hard time hating on me so I haven’t been able to eat all day or so the slightest at all :\ I have a spastic bowel and it’s something chronic and it tends to get irritated when I’m on “those days” so whenever that is the case, which it is now, I’m in for a very unconfortable three days @.@
I also think Appa is going to be down with something again, he’s been sneezing and trying to clean his face all day and his nose looks rather runny. (Also this is from 3 days ago)I took Appa out, yesterday, with Fluffa’s buggy since I didn’t want him to miss out on the nicer weather being kept in my room all day because of his health continuously going up and down. He’s doing much better now, his nose was so dirty but it looks fine at the moment.
☢:When was the last time you went to the cinema? What movie did you watch?Uhhhh…. I think that was with my birthday two years ago? I went to see Jurassic World with my sister cuz she always insists we should go to the movies but I don’t really like the movies because you have to wait so long for the movie to actually start and also people in your seat… It’s rather a hassle so I prefer to watch movies from TV using DVD.
I only make special exceptions if it’s about a character I love or a subject. Such as dinosaurs, or Riddick…
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raven-honey-royal · 4 years ago
I watch 2 Movies and Rate Them
To drown out football, Im watching The Cat in The Hat and Avatar The Last Airbender(Live Action). I will be rating these to see how bad they are. Here are my thoughts:
The Cat In The Hat:
“Rated PG for some mild cruel humor and double entendres” Thanks Netflix.Opening Credits has really good Seuss vibes. The rhyming. Not too bad for the beginning of a Seuss movie, has the vibes of one. Humberfloob is a dick and a massive germaphobe and the best for this movie lol. PUPPY!!!! Huh nice house. Dakota Fanning is so cute and her character gives no shits about what her brother is doing and omg such a true sibling relationship. ALEC BALDWIN!!!!!!! ....and he’s a bit of a dick.... what was the script for the adults??? LOL!!! “The Phone!” “Where’s Kate?” “I’m Kate” “Oh! Okay!” “Taiwanese parliament” What is this movie? The sibling dynamic and Sally are the best part of this movie so far. I would also scream. “Scream and Run.” “And there they go.” Me too though.This cat is a dick. What sort of fever dream movie is this??? “How many shots?” Me too, kid. Me too.THERE’S STILL AN HOUR LEFT! Lawyers?! I would not sign anything from this cat. the freaking plumbers crack. Alec Baldwin’s character is such a dick but so is the cat.  This cooking show....oof fuck this cat....”or Ben” great. omg these kids are gonna get into so much trouble. that babysitter is dead...”it involves murder” fuck this cat. i love fish and sally. i fever dream.....i need alcohol...kill him kid. kill the cat. I prefer S.H.I.T. to S.L.O.W. “Let the 12 year old drive” I hate this cat. “They dont beat them every day” What the fuck? fever dream. alcohol time. the universal ad placement. this cat is a dick and useless. this cat sucks. yes kids stand up to him.okay end of movie? fuck this cat. you think him coming back and saving their asses and getting their names right and them wanting him to stay is gonna make me like him? no. this cat did not save the family. im gonna rate this a uh.....2.5/10 for the family growth, sibling dynamic and beginning of the movie and the seuss vibes but uh otherwise it would be a 0/10.
Avatar The Last Airbender: 
i like the title screen and bender opening. and narration on screen while being read. oh no what did they do to my fav siblings? MAJOR JASPER WHITLOCK!!!!!!!! YOU IN THE WRONG MOVIE! also oof white washing. BOOMERANG! zuko?! SHOW ME MY BABY! APPA!!!!!! Aang. why does Jasper look weird when looking down at the camera? THEY BETRAYED ZUKO! They did him bad. Also what is this script? It’s shit. THEY DISRESPECTED IROH! what is this fucking avatar test? this is a disgrace to the ATLA series.Momo?  ooh the discover the dead and goes into avatar state scene. UUNG?! the family portrait that Zuko keeps is adorable....why did that lead to a fight scene? Jasper doesnt have sokkas attitude except for tiny oneliners. WATER TRIBE SCROLL! KYOSHI! THIS IS ONLY BOOK ONE!!!! why are they saying avatar and aang weird though? they did every character bad. AGNI KEY!! SOCKA! WTF?! The only tribe not whitewashed is the fire nation and i hate that cuz like idk it feels so wrong. just sit there and watch your friend leave. Roku. The previous avatar shit....ugh what is this movie? ugh betrayed by the only airbender left shit dude the title made me think he was the idk LAST airbender. blue spirit, i.e. zuko saving aang, THEY DID NOT JUST REVEAL THAT THAT FAST! AND ZHAO KNOWS! the ship blowing up damn. they did not just bring up iroh’s son like that. yue’s name is pronounced weird and also why is her hair phallic shaped? “Aang can you hear me?’’ What part of mediating  do you not understand? Hi Zuko. why is Katara dumb rn? what the fuck is that animal? ah so we are dealing with the jedi order bury your emotions. Azula mention with Zuko monolouging. and we tipsy/drunk. the spirits are fishies. “we are now the gods” bye yue. “hes making fire out of nothing” RUN AWAY lol Iroh still  badass but fuck this movie. 18 mins baby...Sozins comet. poor yue and sokka. everyone bowing to aang. hi azula. 1.5/10 it was shit
my drunkness:10/10 EMOTIONAL AND LOVEY
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goldenscript · 7 years ago
HEY HEY it’s fine, your health always comes first! my friday was really interesting and today i finally went grocery shopping so there’s that. how’s your weekend so far? LMAO UR LITERALLY ME. i often feel detached from people or even myself but it takes .0000081 seconds for a tear to slip out when im reading or watching anime. omg i cried sm the second season of haikyuu bc like.. my baby oiks deserved to go to nationals man, seijoh deserved to go ;-; dont get me wrong i was sooo proud of (1/?)
our crows but like.. oikawa!!! i watched a couple episodes of avatar yesterday and i already love how flawed zuko is, you can see it right from the start. i already know what happens tho okay HAHAH. AND GIRL IM SO HYPED FOR INFINITY WAR!! LIKE aSDJD I CANT EVEN EXPRESS HOW I FEEL, SHIT’S BOUT TO GO DOWN. WHICH REMINDS ME, BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA IS SET IN A UNIVERSE WITH SUPERHEROES AND IT’S HONESTLY V CUTE. which ALSO reminds me i had a fic draft about how an ex-superhero mc who’s next door (2/?)             
who’s next door neighbors with a notorious anti-hero (superrrr orig ik, i was like in 9th grade ok i’m cringing) and she finds out about him through some funny circumstances bc for one, she’s not dumb. she can piece it together. she lost her powers in some way and is trynna adjust to reg human life and she doesn’t want anything to do with playing hero anymore bc of uh “PLOT.” shit happens. never got past the 3rd chapter lol which made me realize that long fics weren’t for me, i lose (3/?)
motivation too fast but it just sucks bc idk how to condense it enough for it to be a oneshot. when i randomly write, they still hit up to 20k so I DONT KNOW?? maybe i just write too much. i’m just as disorganized as i was 4-5 years ago ;; AH FF(.)net AND QUOTEV. GOOD OL’ TIMES. the first fic i read was about infinite’s woohyun bc he was my bby at the time lmaooo. and wow  i’d love to read your revamped fics and whatever else you have in mind!! the thing about fantasy is that it’s so broad (4/?)        
u can literally do anything with it!! LMAO WELL I MEAN TBRH IT’S JUST BTS but HM WHO DO YOU THINK MAtCHES THE JOB DESCRIPTIONS?? wink wink. ALSO sorry that i talk so much omg u must hate reading my messages lmao i feel like i always have a lot to say (5/5!!!)  -sjsu    
lemme just say that i don’t hate getting your messages at all ok!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel like i have a lot to say especially when the topics are within my interests and girl talking to me abt cringey fanfics, ugly crying over sports anime, & black panther are perfect enough reasons to babble over! i promise!!!!!!!! i look forward to talking to you girl (’:
thank you! i honestly just went out to my friend’s bday dinner yesterday night and chilled at home all day today. i’m supposed to hang with my dad and probably go out driving tomorrow so we’ll see. as of rn, i’m fooling myself into thinking that i’m gonna work on my english paper rn but i’m compromising and telling myself to just find quotes and write my thesis then saving the actually writing for tomorrow. but LMAO I’M GLAD YOU CAN RELATE. I WORRY THAT I’M ALONE ON THIS SOMETIMES. yeah, i detach easily and i don’t mean to but sometimes i prefer to let my mind drift and daydream because it’s so much more interesting than day to day life. buT I GET SO EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN ANIME OK. I CRIED FOR SEASON TWO ALSO. LIKE OIKAWA WAS SO HARDWORKING AND FUCK WHEN THEY LOST TO THE CROWS I WAS SO SAD BC I HONESTLY WISHED THEY COULD BOTH WIN SOMEHOW. like fuck that anime is good, making us sympathize and love like literally everyone you meet because the biggest antagonist in that damn show is time and how one minor point just fucks everyone over and kjsdhfsjkdhf i love haikyuu!! sooooo much. god
LMAO IT’S OK. i spoil myself a lot with shows and movies bc i’m a big like movie person especially in the MCU and horror cuz i like knowing that what i’m watching is worth all the fuss (this goes for most movies in general) although for black panther i didn’t spoil myself because i could feel it in my gut that it would end my entire existence and guess what it did? ended my entire existence. AND OMG INFINITY WAR SDFSDKJHF I’M SOLELY WATCHING IT FOR T’CHALLA TBH. I NEEDA KNOW WHAT ELSE IS GONNA HAPPEN WITH HIM AND THE REST OF WAKANDA OK. AND OMG IT IS? I LOVE THAT. OK FOR SURE I’M WATCHING IT OK.
i only played an interactive story app abt superheroes and it was so freakin’ cool. now this makes me want to replay it ‘cuz it’s just a trip man. the story line is great and i love the idea of superpowers. and omg that story of yours sounds so cool! like imo a trope / plot can seem “cliche” but how you execute it is what really makes the biggest different! like make me feel!!! make me love and hate your characters!!!!!!!! but yeah, honestly, i’m really starting to disbelieve in my skills at writing multi-part fics bc it’s a STRUGGLE. i write to finish i think. but i’m challenging myself to write series bc i have a few that i reallyyyyyyyyyyy want to write. and holy shit 20k????????? that’s amazing! i’ve only done that like once and i haven’t read it in hella long.
whenever i get around to it (man, i’m starting to get annoyed with myself for using this phrase kjsdhkjfsh), i will most def hit you up!!!!!!!! my first fic was like......... uh.... fuck i can’t even remember but i will admit i did try writing twilight fanfic too. in terms of kpop, my first was this jungkook drabble that i never saved and actually deleted after a few days but another one was this yoongi drabble that i currently have up rn that isn’t too bad. but ok girl telling me, a girl who thrives off structure and a basis, that something is broad is HELL for me. like i really need to think things over and make sure it makes sense and it’s just hard. i struggle but i’m trying.
rjgnkjsgkjsdhfkjshf alright, alright mundane jobs for earth-bound bts:
jin: cafeteria lady (sorry bb), everyone loves him, his station’s the cleanest, and no one hates him like............. at all. not even Boss, who everyone FEARS
yoongi: janitor but not really he doesn’t clean and his boss loves him too much to make him do work
hobi: retail worker bc he will not let any atrocity walk out of the store no matter what, doesn’t need his powers to get anyone to buy anything, makes pouches A Thing
joon: librarian, likes to observe ppl, somehow likes humanity even tho we’re messes (”aren’t we all messes, after all?”)
jimin & tae: delivery boys aka the bats bc they move like they’re coming straight out of hell
jungkook: mcd cashier, hates his job, sometimes gives people melted ice cream bc they looked at him funny
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hello-yue-here · 4 years ago
update: i got rlly good food they were pierogies w cheese n bacon n chives and mm mm good.
he is late and he shows up high and immediately im vibin w him because i am always late and/or high to wherever i go so i cant hate on him. like i think ur sick bro. then he was making fun of the menus cheesy names for the food and i was like mood. then he started sweating because he put too much hot sauce on his quesadilla. (also i forgot how to spell quesadilla so i did speech to text and now my roommate is laughing at me because apparantly i sounded like a robot when i said it well sorry bestie i like having proper pronunciation (jk i always mumble sometimes ppl think its sim language)) anyways where was i oh wait he likes anime and offered to smoke w me and asked ab my major and paid for my food.
because of my poor social skills im def never seeing this kid again but bro IMAGINE. aang and katara begin seeing each other. aang doesnt know that sokka and katara are related cuz they legit just met and are going on a first date. aang and sokka are close friends. katara and zuko are also close friends. katara and aang ask if they can bring a friend and are both like yes thats perfect does ur friend like guys? and they both say yes and i promise my friend is vv attractive and cool and nice so bam double date is set up. its katara and aangs first date after they met and had one convo. it is sokka and zukos first blind date that neither of them are very interested in at first. it goes PERFECTLY for both couples (after a lot of initial awkwardness over the fact that aangs friend and katara are actually siblings but hey it did help break the ice. zuko was like ‘oh this is kataras brother so he muct be great cuz she loves him and talks ab him all yhe time so that could be great OR katara will try to wreck this date for me so i dont start seeing her super hot attractive smart funny grossly eating brother’ and katara is thinking ‘i swear to god if sokka fucks up my friendship w zuko i will kill him because hes the only person in my politics class who is ever happy to debate with me’ and aangs like “WOW IF SOKKA AND KATARA ARE SIBLINGS AND SOKKA AND ZUKO LIKE EACH OTHER THAN WE CAN DO THIS ALL THE TIME!!” and sokkas thinking ‘sorry katara but plz dont hate me for falling in love w ur friend and becoming his new favorite’ and then everyones actually pretty fine w the situation because i made their thoughts funny for comical effect except for aang because aang gets exactly what he wants and they do these double dates all the time.
so my roommate is talking to this guy and she wants to go out on a date w him but she doesnt wanna go alone so shes bringing me and the guy is bringjng his friend for me even tho i fully dont wanna meet anybody atm but hey…
…this could serve as EXCELLENT inspiration material for my fics…
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unfried-mouth-wheat · 4 years ago
hmmm spare modern au jet hcs🥺
I’ve got two Modern AU’s and tonight is a self care night so I will be talking exclusively about my Modern Jet’s but feel free to steal
Jet’s parents both died because of a rouge Fire Bender. The Fire Bender was never caught so Jet holds a general dislike of Fire Benders. In the Band AU he channels this through to the Fire Nation’s music.
Jet still has the Hook Swords and absolutely fights with them. In the Collage AU Jet has been challenged to a fight and he’ll be like “Okay” then shows up with two swords and the will to kill god. Band AU Jet got his swords attached to his guitar. Creeper stalker fan giving Smellerbee a hard time? Boom, swords.
Jet just doesn’t vibe with meat. He’s chill with all other animal products but not meat. He doesn’t say, but it’s because burning meat and burning flesh don’t smell too different. He was dared to eat meat once and he did, then proceeded to throw it back up.
I’ve said this before in passing I think, but before he adopted the Mouth Wheat, he would just chew on his tongue. This resulted in him chewing off the tip of his tongue. In the Collage AU this happened in the middle of class. Professor Zhao refused to let him go to the nurses office, so he got fired.
Jet despises cigarettes even more than the Fire Nation. He just doesn’t understand why anyone would willingly give themselves asthma like symptoms.
Jet sometimes volunteers at a senior center. He did it one time and really bonded with a gal named Hama, and ever since he kinda just chills with her there on every other Wednesday.
Band AU Jet got a mullet when he found out that Pipsqueak, The Duke, and Sneers got adopted and proceeded to block him, Smellerbee, and Longshot on everything. It was his way of taking control of something. (“They didn’t even tell me, Bee. I would have understood, but they didn’t even tell me!”)
He and Azula met in group therapy. They bonded when they broke away from the group and started shit talking the concept of group therapy. He had no clue that she was royalty or related to Zuko for 18 months.
He and Zuko have a bit of an On/Off relationship. He understands that they both weren’t in the best space mentally when they got together, and is genuinely confused as to why Zuko stays some day cuz all they really do is argue. Essentially Enemies with Benefits but not sexual
Jet will deny all allegations but he needs at least 2 stuffed animals to be able to sleep. The problem? They are GIANT. Like the size of a person.  It’s because he’s touch starved and won’t admit it, so he hugs the stuffed animals instead of people.
Jet will use Mouth Wheat in private but in public he uses a sucker or a stick of gum. He prefers his Mouth Wheat over both though.
He is the unofficial translator for Longshot if a stranger asks him something. Unofficial as he usually says that Longshot says to Fuck off.
Jet has multiple piercings. None got infected. His tongue piercing is the only one that made him cry.
Jet, Azula. And Yue have matching earrings.
Jet has had at least 8 different goldfish. They all got so big that he had to sell them to someone who has a pond instead of a fish tank.
He is a low key theatre nerd. He became this way to understand what the frick Zuko was talking about when he looked like a JD. He is forever haunted by the Ember Island Players and their Production of Love Amongst the Dragons. (He also doesn’t like their original plays “The Boy From Ba Sing Se” and “How to Order a Cup of Tea” but he doesn’t quite know why)
He hates coffee but has a cup every week because of one thing or another.
Band AU Jet lowkey obsesses over other Bands. He has at least 10 Momo and the Air Bison shirts. He will not admit to having two signed the Flaming Oh’s shirts, but he does.
Jet will wear hoodies only if he can wear them as a crop top.
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kimlovesgrahamscott · 8 years ago
Random Grahamscott and Friends Headcanons Part 1
I wonder how many of these I worked into various fanfics
Warren does a majority of the cooking for them but sometimes Nathan tries
Typically though, Nathan attempting to cook dinner results in them having to order takeout or microwave dinners but Warren still appreciates that Nathan cares enough to try
 Nathan is a secret Star Wars nerd and Warren obviously loves the hell out of it
So Warren introduces Nathan to the extended universe and finds out that Nathan is an even bigger Star Wars nerd than he is
Lots of movie marathons.  Like SO MANY MOVIE MARATHONS
Also marathoning shows because I mean they would both totally love X-Files and Stranger Things
Nathan would be one of those people that are just really bad at video games and like Warren would be like, “Common babe, try this game!” and Nathan would be one of those people that like was playing Zelda or some shit and couldn’t even walk anywhere and keeps falling to his death and stuff
Like they’d be playing Mario Kart and Warren would like win or at least finish the race and then he’d look at Nathan’s screen and be like, “Babe, are you really still on the first lap?”
But yet if Nathan’s playing a fighting game like Smash Bros or Soul Calibur, he’d win because he’d have no idea what he was doing so he’d just button mash
After Nathan and Warren get together, Warren realizes that Victoria is a fucking nerd that loves animes and cartoons.  They have several shows they watch together
Specifically, Steven Universe, We Bare Bears, Powerpuff Girls (the old stuff cuz the new stuff is shit), Dexter’s Laboratory, and several animes (I don’t watch animes so I can’t name anything current other than Yuri on Ice)
Warren showed Nathan Avatar: The Last Airbender and Nathan felt a spiritual connection to Zuko and cried for him several times during the show
Nathan then showed Victoria, whom also identified with some of the characters (probably Ty Lee, Mai,  and somewhat to Azula) and they cried together
One day Nathan got excited when he found out about the movie and went to tell Warren but Warren just hugged him and says something like, “No, man, no.  I tried to protect you from this.  I’m sorry.”
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