#sirius is better than regulus
the marauders fandom is the PERFECT exemple of performative activism.
yall make such a strong point about sexuality thinking it’s doing something while completely erasing the characters personality.
i don’t CARE that regulus black is gay in your eyes what matters is that HE WAS A PUREBLOOD SUPREMACIST. you use sexuality as a shield in a way that’s so counterproductive.
the point of all of this was to make barely existent characters deeper and more complex but it went off to make everyone dumbed down stereotypical version of barely themselves.
we all hate jkr right? but some of you go around erasing the only political aspect of the books for the sake of your little fetishized gay twink story.
you think you are so different from the rest of hp fans because you make characters gay but you ignore the racial and gender stereotypes aspects of everything. as a woman and a NON WHITE woman hearing people talking about their favourite ships and characters is WILD.
all of you put such an importance on being respectful to peoples opinions but only when it comes to sexuality. the moment someone criticizes your love for canonically racist little assholes that did so much damage instead of deepening characters that ARE CANONICALLY WHAT YOU MAKE FANON INTO you freak out and call them names.
the fight for the LGBTQ+ community is not singular. it goes hand in hand with many other fights like for racial equality and gender equality.
before you comment “ LeT pEOplE liVe” or “ In My HeadCaNonS theYre nOT liKE THAT” i don’t care about the me.me.me speech
i care about what you make popular. what had taken over the fandom and what is being seen by the younger audience that you make seem as normal
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norry-yippee · 2 months
Regulus Black who has never won a game of Mario Cart and is pissy about it every time
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lee-isnotcool · 2 months
alrighty chat, i have finished crimson rivers. its my darkest hour--i have no longfic to work on in between little snackies of short fics. i turn to you, my loyal comrades, my fellow citizens of angstville: i need some delicious jegulus fics, preferably 300k+ words. thank you for your consideration
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starsandmoonys · 1 year
Regulus: I don't really like people, but you're okay. I guess.
James: I'm your Boyfriend
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Kids Regulus and Sirius hanging out in Grimmauld.
Regulus: What did you draw?
Sirius: A dog, and he's bored...
Sirius: What did you draw?
Regulus: A stick.
Sirius: A stick??
Regulus: A stick from the park WHERE U PROMISED TO TAKE ME TODAY
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starchaserdreams · 2 years
Screw Sirius being cool about jegulus/Starchaser, because when is he ever cool about anything?
Honestly he'd give BOTH of them the shovel talk.
Sirius: James, my brother has had a hard life and he's fragile and if you hurt him, so help me I'll shatter you into a million pieces to see how you like it.
Also Sirius: Regulus, my platonic soulmate has the sweetest, most kind and trusting heart and if you break his trust or his heart, I will not hesitate to bury you alive.
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pteropodidaes · 9 months
it's been a while since i interacted with the marauders fandom, (like a month or two) but one recurring theme that i saw was the drastic recon of a lot of the slytherins in that era.
i remember when your main cast in your average marauders fic was mostly gryffindors, and then a lot of the antagonists were slytherins. barty and evan were almost always villains (bullies, toxic exes, etc) and regulus was an angst device for sirius. nowadays, the main cast is split into two main friend groups, gryffindors and slytherins. most gryffindors have a slytherin they're paired with (lily and dorcas [which btw i remember when dorcas was a gryffindor], james and regulus, etc etc). the slytherins all have family issues where their parents are blood purists and they don't agree with them and it's a whole thing blah blah blah
i like that there is more diversity in where the characters come from, but there is so much nuance that is stripped of these characters to make them all get along. regulus is the number one victim of this.
i've noticed there is a desire to make the characters people like morally good. they preach about grey characters, but when it comes down to it there is always a justification for the "bad" things they do. sometimes people do bad things because they believe bad things. regulus is a bad guy. he is a death eater, he gets the dark mark and everything. a lot of people write that regulus secretly agreed with sirius the whole time, but it makes it so much more interesting if sirius and regulus's morals actually clash instead of regulus just agreeing with his parents. i personally love when sirius and regulus are close in their childhood and then it changes as they both mature and find themselves.
i think if we look at the characters realistically, regulus barty and evan would never truly get along with people like james and sirius. they're both righteous people (ESPECIALLY james) who would not tolerate blood purism. and that's interesting to explore and to write! sirius watching his brother become a complete stranger who resents him because their morals conflict is so interesting!! you don't have to take away murky morals from a character so they can make out with your fav... which leads me to my next thing.
the jegulus boom. i remember when jegulus was a crack ship and now i think it's literally up there in popularity with wolfstar. i used to ship it as a joke, and in the beginning it was cute but honestly i don't see this ever being an actually healthy relationship. again, james has very strong morals and he would not tolerate regulus being a death eater. he would also ALWAYS choose sirius and he wouldn't stay in a relationship with someone who would cause sirius so much pain. there are a select few circumstances where i see them in a select few dynamics??? but i just don't see it happening.
it's sad because i feel like lily has been tossed aside for fandom's new bl ship. like i love wlw ships with all my heart but sometimes it seems like they come out of people wanting to do something with the canon female love interest. jily is such a beautiful and adorable ship, and the chemistry is honestly so much better than jegulus if i'm being honest. lily is also such an interesting character and you can still get your enemies to lovers fix out of jily. you don't need to compromise the morals of both james and regulus for your yaoi.
it always struck me as weird that these canon death eaters are suddenly heroes now, as in they never believed this shit at all and they're actually victims of their families and society and stuff. don't get me wrong, they definitely are, but it would be better if it wasn't just "i always thought this is wrong and i'm the rebel in my family!" people in these systems actually do get brainwashed and manipulated, and they do believe these things wholeheartedly.
i understand the whole thing with marauders is that there is no canon and you can do whatever you want, but sometimes the characters are just so flat. regulus is interesting to me because he was a bad person but he ultimately chose to sacrifice himself for something good. there's also the issue with changing the characters to the point where they're completely unrecognizable from canon. jkr is a shit writer, but that doesn't change the fact that james has been repeatedly described in canon as a righteous man with incredibly strong beliefs. he may have been a little shit, but never to the point where he would date a death eater. he literally pantsed one upside down and washed their mouth out with soap.
i'm also not saying the old fics were better. there used to be a LOTTT of inconsistency with the characterization of a lot of side characters like dorcas and mary and marlene. i love that the new fandom has given these characters a chance to shine. (well, the male ones at least...) i'm also also not saying that the slytherins should be just bad guys again. i feel like we've flopped from making them total assholes to angels that rebel a little bit.
i could honestly talk about the issues within the marauders fandom for literal hours, but the slytherins are something that has bothered me for a while now. don't be scared to make your skrunklies evil, they don't even have to be evil the whole time you can give them a killer redemption arc 👍
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enbysiriusblack · 7 months
just realised horrid henry and perfect peter are literally sirius and regulus (+ james as ralph)
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skeletal-petals · 8 months
imagine lily 'took him faster than you can say sabotage' evans stealing james 'he was a moth to the flame, she was holding the matches' potter from regulus 'there is nothing i do better than revenge' black.
the drama, the prank wars, sirius' choice.
(for the record i adore lily and never think she would do such a thing, nor james seem so 2d, but nevertheless the idea and breakdown of consequent relationships never fails to interest me)
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i find it so funny that the fandom decided that padfoot was shortened to PADS. and everyone just accepted it
can you imagine james introducing sirius like
“hey this is my brother his name is sirius but we call him tampon😍”
or like snape being like “ this is my sworn enemy they call him diva cup 😡😡😡”
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someone made a video about how it feels to be in a fandom where everyone confuses word count with quality
and i was like yes omg thats true
and then i go to the comments.
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elysianymph · 1 year
regulus joined the slytherin quidditch team just to spite sirius. like "oh you think you're so good? well i'm gonna join and ruin all the fun for you so i can be better at this thing you enjoy". hilarious and sad at the same time
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oregano-stars · 1 month
Hai! Just want to share some of my work on AO3 - angsty Jegulus one-shot!
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myheadisemptyffonly · 2 years
That scene from Shameless when the mother dies and all the Gallaghers celebrate? That would be all the Black kids at Walburga's funeral if only they didn't hate each other.
Or you know what? That would be them even hating each other, it would be the only time they could agree on something. Even Orion, shitty father that he is, would open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.
The obituary would be written by Regulus and might seem decent, a bit dry considering it's his mother. But if you read the first letter of each word it's it forms "Fuck you filthy bitch, you didn't even have good taste. I wish someone in hell would teach you how to decorate a house and how not to abuse your children 101"
The speech at the funeral would be given by Sirius and Narcissa, and there would be no coded messages there. No, they would go straight to the point.
Sirius would narrate dramatically and with tears in his eyes, the first time his mother called him a jerk. He would shed tears as if it were a moving memory and not as if he was recounting the most bizarre scene of terror in the wizarding world.
Narcissa... Well she would talk about her aunt's total lack of fashion sense that allowed her to dress like a turn of the century woman. She would even add pictures.
Andromeda would hire a muggle band to play that day and Bellatrix would bring fireworks to close out the night.
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ofallplaceswhythis · 7 months
okay so bear with me i saw a post about Sirius having a panic attack and venting to James about it in the library and Regulus was eavesdropping and then got into this rabbit hole where Sirius was going on about how he hates that 'he thinks he's better than everyone and he says that he doesn't like it either but then he does nothing to stop it and just stands around while we're (Sirius and regulus) are getting cursed and I hate him' and Regulus thinks that Sirius is talking about him so he runs away but Sirius is actually talking about their father and then when Regulus runs away Sirius finally realizes that he's JUST like his father.
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jamesisasimp · 1 year
Some Black brothers angst for you tonight
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