#sirius in the skirts
lulublack90 · 20 days
Part two of The Way They Were
Harry continues renovating Grimmauld Place under the watchful eye of Draco. He visits Privet Drive and vows to never step foot in it again. Narcissa invites him over for lunch and Draco appears at Grimmauld with another box for Harry this time from Remus.
OMG Sirius wore the skirts!!!
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soup-of-the-daisies · 9 months
“not shipping remus/sirius feels homophobic” you know what else feels homophobic? giving a feminine sirius traits like ‘hysterical’ and ‘drama queen’ and ‘slut’, and then shipping them with a masculine, calm, and logical remus. why are you applying misogynistic heteronormative roles to your mlm ship and calling not shipping them homophobic. it’s really giving the “so who wears the pants in the relationship” kind of homophobia we should’ve left behind years ago
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enbysiriusblack · 4 months
marlene sneaks into the marauder's dorm to steal their clothes (butch marlene with a trad mum fr) and leaves her skirts and dresses and shit in place of what she takes.
cue marauders casually wearing school skirts on weekdays and puffy blouses and on weekends they've got miniskirts and summer dresses and strappy heels, etc.
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aithusarosekiller · 1 month
Saw someone on tiktok say that they hate how fanon has gone 'too far' then proceeded to list off two trans headcanons and call it a day
Something seems fishy here I cannot lie
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quillkiller · 2 months
in a bad mood because people love a feminized male character but hate masculine/butch women
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celestialgalaxyglow · 2 months
Sirius: Good morning Reggie how- is that my skirt?
Regulus: It was, it's mine now.
Sirius (annoyed): Reggie if you want to wear skirts that's fine but you can't take mine.
Regulus (not caring): Well I like it so it's mine now.
Sirius: Give it back!
Regulus: Never!
A few hours later in detention.
James: You two got detention over a skirt?!
Sirius and Regulus: Sorry.
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made-by-moon · 6 months
We collectively need more Sirius in skirt and Remus in dress fics. Not just fanarts.
Make them the gayest faggots dressed like baby lesbians.
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padfoot-lupin77 · 4 months
@we-r-loonies remember when I promised to draw the marauders characters in skirts?
Not finished, but I started a few days ago. Three down, five to go (though I’m taking recommendations for more :)
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Mary, Sirius, James (still in progress)
Also I’m totally up for constructive criticism especially since I’m kinda clueless on boy anatomy and the references are of girls :)
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lemongrass77777-moved · 6 months
Sirius wearing a skirt when he’s staying at school for Christmas holidays and nobody cares because the wizarding world doesn’t have gendered clothing.
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spacegoblin2106 · 4 months
“Sirius Black would never…”
Sirius Black would just to prove you wrong.
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stupidstrawberrystars · 7 months
I’ve decided that my WIPs should be somewhere. This is wolfstar, modern au (where Sirius and James have a tiktok account). It was supposed to be multi chaptered (basically just gonna be Wolfstar doing couples trends on tiktok, but they’re not actually together yet), but I only fully completed the first chapter. But it’s just rotting away so here, it’s about 1k.
I’ve made this a thing now so;
Their video went viral two months ago. Sirius and James precariously attempted to pet a pigeon. Gotta give the guy credit, Pete’s great at dares. 
He recorded it all, planning to use it to blackmail the two in the future. Nothing like friendly bullying between mates. And he got some good footage, a pigeon did fly in James’ face and Sirius stepped in poop, but then Remus just had to help.
He went to the shop and grabbed some bread. So they could lure a pigeon in. And in a shocking turn of events, they managed to pet one eventually. 
They posted the video as a joke.
It took the algorithm only a few weeks to hit all the UK uni students currently withering away behind their desks.
And soon Pads and Prongs went viral. 
And so as James and Remus crashed through uni, Pete cruised through his internship as a sous chef, and Sirius desperately search for artistic inspiration, they kept an online presence too.
Sirius and James documented their crazy days of boring work and painting, and entertained their fans with late night lives at their flats and short tiktok clips of dumb pranks. James’ hair was pink for a week. It was hilarious.
The internet was quick to fall in love with James’ long distance relationship with Lily. Pete popped up to show off his cooking sometimes. Remus appeared in the background sometimes. Sirius finds it unbelievable that he hasn’t realised how much the tiktok book girlies already love him. 
And that’s what lead to last night. The marauders, a nickname from school and therefore an embarrassing inside joke, are all huddled in the small living room of James and Sirius’, eating Pete’s cake and cuddled under blankets. Their live and just chatting with the fans, relating over awful projects and difficult teachers. 
“Not that this cake isn’t amazing, but does anyone want actual food? I could order takeaway since clearly none of us want to get up and make shit.” It’s a good suggestion from James, but Sirius isn’t really hungry.
“Yeah i’d have food mate.” Remus agrees and then so does Pete. 
“I’m good i’m not hungry.” James shoots him a vaguely sceptical look, and asks him if he’s sure.
“Yes i’m sure James.”
They decide on simple fish and chips. Usually they get something, as James would say, with more taste. But the chippies the only place that’ll bring them food and not take more than two hours. It is a Friday after all. 
Since they’re using James’ phone for the live, Remus takes his phone out and takes Pete and James’ order.
So they continue along chatting and rather quickly the questions about Remus, who’s been pretty quiet all evening, increase from about 50% of the comments to 75%. 
“Just appease them a bit Lupin.” Remus glares at James for that. 
“I have no clue what the people on your phone want to know about me James.”
Remus has a tendency to refer to technology as if he’s a grandpa who understands nothing beyond a radio. Sirius has heard people call it annoying but really it’s just endearing. At least to Sirius.
“How about that book you read Moony? Red, White and Royal Blue? Apparently you were caught making some choice expressions while reading in the background of me and James’ last tiktok. Did you like it?”
Remus gives him a disapproving look, likely annoyed at Sirius’ question. Apparently books need more detail than just a simple, yes it was good, or no it was not.
“Well… okay do your phone people really care about my opinion?” Remus turns to James. He replies that yes they obviously do. The comments are going crazy over having Remus’ attention.
“Fine. I enjoy Casey McQuiston’s writing style. I thought it was entertaining and I really liked how Alex and Henry complimented each other. Henry was able to calm Alex and Alex’s able to reason with Henry when he’s struggling.” 
Sirius looked blankly at Remus.
“Oh come on Moons. You spent like 2 hours explaining the whole book in depth and going on and on about your favourite characters and lines. Your book is annotated all over. At least share with the audience your favourite quotes.”
Remus sighs beside Sirius. Sirius really wants to hear these though. Remus seemed to love the book and Sirius often finds listening to him describe something he loves is always majestic. He details it all with elegant words until you’re eating out the plan of his hand. 
“I guess I thought it was pretty funny when Nora said, How did I know I was Bi? I touched a boob. Wasn’t that profound.”
“Remus.” Sirius whines.
“Oh fine. There’s a tone of quotes from that book I love. There’s I love him on purpose. Or he tells his too fast brain: don’t miss it this time, it’s too important. I- erm- I guess I also kind of love this thing Henry says, it’s like And I thought if someone like that ever loved me, it’d set me on fire. But then I was a careless fool and fell in love with you anyway.” Remus has not taken his eyes of Sirius once as he quotes this beautiful book. How does he remember those lines just of the top of his head?
“You know what though,” His voice takes on a soft tone. The one he reserves for kids, animals, things he loves, and sometimes Sirius. If he’s in a good mood. “my favourite, has got to be When have I ever, since the very first instant I touched you, pretended to be anything less than in love with you?” Remus’ eyes are rich and deep and chocolate. Sirius wants to paint them. 
“Moony!” James interrupts their eye contact. “Now they’re all gonna be in love with you, damn it.”
Remus chuckles and glances to the side.
“Doubt that Prongs. But yeah I loved the book. Oh and erm- food should be here soon by the way guys. Just got the notification to say it’s on its way here.”
Remus then clearly decides he’s done enough socialising with the internet so he grabs his current book, Song of Achilles, and carries on reading. 
And of course, because he’s so easy to deal with already, Sirius’ stomach, as if it has a mind of its own, decides now is the time to become bloody starving.
He glances guilty at Prongs, who furrows his eyebrows as if to ask what’s wrong.
“Hey Moons,” Sirius raises the pitch of his voice slightly to warn Remus he’s about to be a bit annoying. Remus glances up, squints at him and tilts his head.
“Remember when I said I wasn’t hungry?”
James bursts into laughter and Pete chuckles. But Remus just goes back to his book. And once the laughter dies down he, without even lifting his head from reading, tells Sirius,
“Idiot. I know. I ordered you food when I ordered ours. I know you. I knew you’d be hungry.” He rolls his eyes but goes straight back to the book.
The entire internet sees Sirius’ doe eyes but Remus does not. It sends James up the wall. 
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akuma-does-art · 1 year
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Sirius dress-up doll 🖤👑
I doodled this idea in March or something and then completely forgot about it 😅
But here it is in a half-finished state! 😍 I'm super excited to be working on this, coming up with the little outfits and pieces and details! It's all very fiddly, though, to make it fit juuust right 😬
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resident-gay-bitch · 21 days
⭐️ Sirius Sundays ⭐️
Skirts are for boys too
It's safe to say that Sirius is quite mad. 
Honestly, why is a thing such as a uniform causing this much controversy throughout the school? So what if the girls decided to rock up in trousers one day? He would too, if he had boys looking up his skirt everytime he took to the staircase. It’s gross. 
It baffles him just how daft some people can be, calling the girls a bunch of queers for what they’re wearing on their bottom half. It’s even more ridiculous, considering they wear jeans and other types of trousers casually on the weekends, and Hogsmeade trips. He really can’t grasp why it’s so odd for them to suddenly rock up in the boys uniforms one day. 
So old fashioned, really. 
They’re sitting in the common room now, chatting as they usually do. And Mary states that she’s just going to go back to wearing a skirt tomorrow. She doesn’t want to deal with the comments all day. Marlene retaliates, saying she hates the fucking skirts, and Lily agrees, expressing how Thomas actually commented on her knickers the other day. However, by the end of the conversation, Lily and Mary decide that they’re going back to skirts, and Marlene angrily decides to suffer the commentary alone. 
Sirius thinks this is stupid. 
One, people should feel comfortable in their clothes. And two, who gives a fuck? Why are there specific gendered uniforms? Why can’t clothes just be clothes? 
So, after some thought, he knocks on the girls dormitory the next morning, and requests a skirt. 
They all give him weird looks, and he tells them it’s for a prank, of sorts. 
Marlene tosses her skirt at him with a huff, begging him to please take it, burn it, whatever he wants. And so Sirius takes it. 
And then he sauntered into the Great Hall for breakfast, right at the busiest moment, dressed in the girls uniform. 
Honestly, he looks quite good in it. He’s given it his own ruggish look, the shirt untucked, his tie all crooked, his robes slung over his arm rather than on so everyone can see. He’s even got some cute socks on with little frills on the top that he’d accidentally snatched from Mary on their group holiday over the summer that he was yet to return, and they stuck out over the top of his boots. 
As he entered the great hall, all eyes fell on him and silence took over. But he ignored it, smiling as he waved at his friends, twisting his wand out of his hair and plunking it on the table. 
“These things are drafty, it’s honestly nice.” He muttered, smoothing his skirt over his arse as he took a seat, “Though I get what you mean about them being short. I don’t think I’ve ever had so much thigh on display. I doubt I’ll do any bending over of any sort today.”
Marlene was laughing her arse off, “It’s probably because you’re almost a foot taller than me, Black. If I knew you were planning on wearing it I would have said something.”
“Hmm, well, I’m sure someone will appreciate it.” 
Marlene snickered, elbowing Remus in the side, “Yeah, someone.”
“Piss off.” He muttered under his breath. 
“How long do you think it will take for him to get dress-coded?” Lily asked. 
“Depends how homophobic the teachers are.“ He shrugged, “I do love a good challenge though, I thought the socks were a nice touch.”
“Yeah, that’s because they’re mine, you slag.” Mary muttered. 
“Isn’t a compliment to you that I incorporated them into my outfit?” He grinned at her, cheerily, making her laugh. 
“Do you reckon if we put some lipstick on him, ol’ Slyggy will think he's a girl?” James asked, nudging Peter. 
Peter snickered, “Yeah, he looks like one.”
“Maybe give him a bow?” Remus added, all of them teasing now, “A cute little pink one.” 
“Do you reckon he’s got a bra on under there?” Pete grinned. 
“Careful Mary, you might want to make sure he hasn’t stolen your knickers too.” 
Mary laughed, grinning over at Sirius, “Did you steal my knickers too, Sirius?” 
“I think if you put some eyeshadow on him too, you’ll even be able to trick Flitwick.” James said. 
“Oh, yeah, some sparkles would really bring out his eyes.” Remus added. 
“Get him all dolled up in pink.” Pete smirked. 
“I know you think you’re insulting me, but really all I’m getting from your commentary is that you think I’m pretty.” Sirius said, flipping his hair over his shoulder before getting himself some toast, “So go on, bag on about how gorgeous you think I am. All you’ll be doing is making me think you’re desperate for a shag.” 
“Oh, I think someones desperate for a shag.” Marlene commented, pumping her eyebrows over at Remus. 
Sirius sighed, sending her an unimpressed glare, “You say that as if you’re not desperate to get in Mary’s pants yourself-”
“Shuddup.” Marlene grumbled, blushing bright red. 
“Don’t tease her, Sirius.” Mary grinned. 
“Oh, so you all can tease me, but I can’t-”
“Mister Black.” The familiar echo of McGonagall's voice cut over their morning squabbles, and everyone looked up at her, looming over Sirius’ shoulder. 
“Morning, Minnie.” He said sheepishly, turning to grin up at her, “Lovely day, isn’t it? Sun's shining, birds are sing-”
McGonagall cleared her throat and pointed to the ground in front of her, a silent command for Sirius to stand before her. So, he bowed his head and hopped up from the table, hands tucked behind his back and toes turned together and everything. 
“Mister Black, considering the countless times I’ve had to tell you off and deduct points for your incorrect use of the uniform, I would have thought you’d have made yourself familiar with what's appropriate.” She eyed him over, “I can see now, that is not the case.”
“Sorry, Miss.” He muttered, blushing down at his feet. 
“If you are not changed into the appropriate uniform by your first class, I will have to deduct twenty points from Gryffindor. Do you understand me, Mister Black?” 
Sirius cleared his throat and nodded up at her, “Yes, Miss.” 
“As I’ve told you before, black leather, low heeled lace up shoes, or a simple Mary-Jane are viable. Large boots are not.” 
“Wait-” Sirius glanced up at her, “You’re telling me off for my shoes?”
“What else would I be telling you off for, Mister Black?” She arched an eyebrow up at him, the tiniest of grins on her lips. 
“I…” He smiled, nodding his head at her, “No, nothing, Miss. Promise I’ll fix my shoes for class.” 
“Very well.” She nodded, taking a few steps forward to quietly whisper to him in passing, “If any Professors try to tell you to change from that skirt today, Mister Black, come find me. I will not allow any detentions for that.” She smiled, swishing her wand down at his skirt to subtly make it grow a few inches. 
He smiled up at her as she drifted down the hall, smoothing his hands over his skirt, now at a more appropriate length down his thighs. He laughed and sat back down at the table, and Mary leaned into him, grabbing his hair to give him a couple of braids. 
“I can’t believe you just got away with that.” Remus muttered. 
“I can.” Marlene shrugged, stirring her porridge around sloppily, “She’s bloody brilliant about that stuff, doesn’t give a fuck. She’s trying to persuade Dumbledore to add girls' trousers to the uniform, you know, cause they’ll fit better.” 
As Mary braided his hair, and the lot of them continued to eat their breakfast, some crude commentary was thrown around the hall. A lot of students tried to taunt Sirius, calling him a queer or a transexual, but he simply chose to ignore it. By the end of breakfast, James was so red in the face about all the rude shit said about his best friend, he looked as though he were about to burst. 
“It’s bloody stupid.” He said, stomping his feet as they all moved back to the Gryffindor tower so Sirius could change his shoes before class. “So bloody stupid, who cares if he’s in a skirt? It’s just a skirt! Just clothes-”
“That’s exactly the point, James.” Sirius smiled back at him, “Honestly, the whole point of this was to stir a little attention. Not one person has said anything about Marlene today, have they?” 
“Wait, what?” Marlene asked, furrowing her brow at him, “You did this because…”
“Yeah, I guess?” Sirius shrugged, “I’ve also just always wanted to try a skirt on. Really, the draft is lovely.” 
“Is this… a protest?” Lily asked, “Are you protesting the bloody uniforms?” 
“Yeah, I ‘spose.” He said, marching towards the staircase in the common room, “I mean, who gives a fuck about what clothes you wear, right? And if you wear pants enough, and I wear a bloody skirt enough, they’ll stop commenting on it.” 
“You plan on wearing it again?” Mary asked. 
“Yeah?” Sirius smiled at her, stopping on the bottom staircase, “You heard what those gits said, I’m pretty.” He laughed before bounding up the stairs. 
The girls chased after him, bombarding him with questions that he thought may have been a little much. It was just a skirt, and so what if he’s queer? He’s not wearing a skirt because he’s queer. He’s just wearing a skirt because he wants to wear a skirt and he thinks it’s stupid that people think he can’t wear a skirt. What about it? 
By the time he’s come back down, Lily’s stuck flower pins in his braids, and Mary’s given him her raspberry lipgloss to try out. And on his feet are a pair of Marlene's old Mary-Janes that they had to use an enlargement charm on. Honestly, he feels pretty great. 
They come back down to the common room chatting amongst themselves about very regular things, when the boys are suddenly awkwardly shuffling towards them. 
“What’s your problem?” Sirius asks with a quirk of his eyebrow, “I swear, if you’re going to tell me to take all of this off-”
“No.” James cuts in, “We think it’s brilliant.” 
“Yeah, pretty…” Remus sighed, his eyes skating over Sirius again, “Uh- I mean, yeah, brilliant.” 
“We want in.” Peter said, leaning in front of James, “On the skirt thing.”
“How about a trade?” James grinned, puffing his chest up, “We’ll lend you girls our trousers, and you lend us your skirts?”
Mary and Lily looked between each other, then back at the boys with grins, “I mean, we already have trousers…”
“Oh, right.” Remus nodded, looking down at the ground. 
“You can have our skirts though.” 
They were all immediately elated. 
“If you let us make you all pretty.” Mary cut in. 
“Oh, this is gonna be brilliant.” Marlene chuckled. 
“Dibs on Lily giving me a makeover!” James said, already bounding up the stairs. 
By the time they came back down, they were almost late for class. All four boys in skirts, lip gloss, with pins and barretts and braids and pigtails in their hair. Sirius thought they all looked very pretty, actually. And the girls were elated, dressed in their comfy trousers finally. And yeah, no one said shit about the girls uniforms when the Marauders walked into class in skirts. 
And by the end of the week, no one had any more negative commentary to say about it. Sirius' trousers were long abandoned.
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also heres some art i did for this:
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enbysiriusblack · 6 months
sirius black hcs:
the motorbike enthusiast ever. his hands are never not covered in motor grease. will see someone with a motorbike and act like those dog owners coming across other dog owners
asexual & gay
loves dismantling things and then putting it back together. will do it continuously
fav subject; ancient runes, muggle studies, and transfiguration (just because mcgonagall is the teacher)
practically lives in camden town (would go there when he snuck out)
extremely smart. doesn't study at all and still gets top marks
punk!!! he's part of the punk culture!!
uses a lot of scouse slang and says some words with a bit of a scouse accent because of james rubbing off on him. it's like a strange mix of upper rp & scouse
before 1981, peter's #1 defender and also makes fun of him the most. it's a nice little balance.
black coffee drinker (yes, he would make a pun of that)
the most loyal person ever
will wear feminine clothes sometimes because he can and he looks hot in it (queen taught him well), but most common outfit is a leather jacket, black boots with yellow & purple laces, band vest, and jeans with a bunch of chains and safety pins and rips
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felixsoup · 2 years
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goldenbi · 9 months
First lines of 2024 thanks for the tag @onehundredflamingos The skirt did not become less distracting after the Charms incident. But it did become more fun when Sirius could do this.
“James?” Sirius called, mischief clear in his tone. He leaned against the counter in the potions storeroom.
“Yes?” James looked over his shoulder.
“Could you grab me the Mugwort?” Sirius’s eyes flicked to top shelf.
“But we don’t need—“ James started, but cut off as he saw Sirius’s eyes slide slowly down James’s body and stop right at the skirt. “Oh.”
James faced the shelves again and then lifted onto his toes, calf muscles bulging, and the skirt lifted too, exposing those thighs that Sirius wanted to sink his teeth into.
No pressure tag @jamesunderwater @melissamwrites @roryshitposts
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