definitive list of things it’s okay to deadname:
gulf of mexico
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good idea it was getting chaotic 😭
OMG rue before I forget (cause i’m stupid and keep forgetting to tell u) IM LEARNING TO DRIVE!!!!!! Had my third lesso a few days ago, lesson two went bad but that one was GREATTT. So yeahhh :)
Omg I love anne of green gables too, anne with an e is amazing, they never did give us a s4 😭
I meannnnn, it’s not like i’d kick a child. I would accept a kids opinion as equally as valid as an adult, most of the time, cause I hated not being listened to as a kid, but at the same time, i’m not generally concerned with how most ppl view me.
okkkkk- sureee
GOOD MY FRIEND IS THE BEST MODEL EVER SHE KILLED IT!!! And it meant I didn’t have to do one in half term (it was our first week back last week, and my sister left for australia for three months earlier today😭 it’s so sad I can’t- how am I supposed to live in my house without her, i’ve literally known her my entire life? so yeah I can’t sleep)
hehe u just need to spread the moonchaser agenda better so more ppl love it
NAH EVERYONE (most ppl) think remus is cool for his casual stoner vibes. now hang on a minute, he’s like 30 in this story I can give him SOME character development, for example he can value himself at least a little, I believe he can 😭 YESSS he’s def an amazing teacher!
RUE I have no shortage ideas I have shortage of time, organisation and… anti-laziness
ohhhh okkkk I always thought marriage was a religious word so you’d still do the party and all that jazz just, woudlnt call it a marriage? OH civil marriage ok, I like that, that’s cute.
YES (i headcanon that james and remus’ mums would be bffs forever)
I think james would love labels cause he likes everything to be in perfect little boxes and it makes sense when he can put a word to who he is, he thinks there can be as many labels as anyone wants, he just likes finding them, and finding other ppl like him. Whereas Remus is just like LIVE AND LET LIVE the more we label the more division there is. AND they’re both right.
I def agree with that now, that there’s no perfect religion, but back then it was more because my best friend was muslim and at church they’d tell me to pray for someone who wasn’t christian to find christianity so they wouldn’t go to hell basically (at least that’s how I heard it) and I hated so much being told to pray for her when she HAD A RELIGION? isn’t she doing what they want? Are they praying that I find Allah? I never got it, and it upset me so much. Especially since other christian’s, if they didn’t find god through jesus, they also went to hell??? There’s no pleasing the societal concept of god that’s for sure.
Oh she wasn’t too bad, tho I do remember her telling me that my parents were obligated to love me but they probably didn’t like me- 😭 SHE WASNT TRYING TO BE MEAN THO, she just meant like in general, parents won’t always like their children.
I don’t LOVE manipulation… it can come in handy tho. WAIT TJAT SOUNDS EVIL 😭
To be fair jayce and mel do kinda have chemistry, like a bit ig. Mel is a badass and Jayce is like, a simp.
exactlyyyyy, viktor feels so bad for hurting sky he has such consideration and value for every single life.
Ekko is literally the best.
i’m so glad ur getting how insane this show is thru my crazy explanations :)
YAYYY OK SO Caitlyn, Vi, Jinx and Ekko.
Let’s start with Vi and Jinx. They’re sisters. The show starts with them, their two friends Mylo and Claggor, their dad Vander, their friend Ekko (jinx’s age, those two are like nine at the start and Vi 14). And their dads mate who’s a bartender. they’re all a lil family. And they get on with everyone in the undercity. So- JAYCE buys some shit and Ekko follows him to his apartment to see if there’s anything to steal. He sees there def is and tells Vi abt it. Vi, Jinx and their two bffs (who are abf Vis age btw) go and rob the place, they get some good stuff but then they hear ppl coming back (it’s jayce and caitlyn) so they panic and go to leave, and Jinx- OH BTW U SHOULD JNOW RN IN THE SHOW HER NAME IS POWDER. She’s not jinx yet. POWDER. So powder has found these glowing blue hexagon ball things, and she grabs a bunch and drops one as she runs to leave. AND THE APARTMENT BLOWS UP. Luckily everyone’s ok and they run back but now they’re being chased by piltover police. They escape them but get cornered by undercity bullies who try to take their shit, and powder ends up dropping it all in the very very deep (and gross) sea/lake by the buildings.
So they get back with nothing and mylo screams at powder and calls her a jinx (omgggg foreboding excpet we, the viewer, don’t know her future name will be jinx, but u do, so foreboding)
anyway vander (dad) yells at them, including Vi, tells her that if she’s leading them somewhere she has to a role model, but he’s lovely to her mostly.
Anyway, Vi finds out the piltover police (btw their called enforcers in this universe, the dad has been working with a nice one to keep the peace between the undercity and piltover) need someone to take the fall for the big explosion, and offers it be her, but vander refuses cause they have a strict no tattle tale code and also he loves hsi daughter and would never ever let her. So vander decides it must be him that’s arrested for this.
Anyway long story short, the enforcers arrive and vander locks vi in the basement to stop her handing herself over instead (which sorta has a window out the top and she can hear everything outside) where then…
there’s a sound outside, and suddenly the windows covered in blood. The kind enforced that worked with vander is shot dead outside. And Benny, the bartender/uncle figure is KILLED.
And we see Silco, responsible for it all, who was working with a low level enforcer called Marcus. And Silco kidnaps Vander.
Only Vi has seen what happened (and maybe ekko but he sort of disappears for this episode, and then for a bit)
SO- time to get him back. Vi plans a rescue mission, with mylo and claggor, but says Powder is too young to go (she’s not calling her a jinx here but powder takes it that way and basically has a serious breakdown, screaming, once they’d gone).
But then she realises her little machines, that she’s been trying to use to fight ppl and failing for the last few episodes, would work with a good bomb. And that explosion was the work of the blue hexes. And those blue hexes… are still in her pocket.
So she sneaks there.
We see Vi put on her fathers gauntlets and fight silco men, before going into where her dads trapped. But together, her, mylo and claggor along with their dad are all kinda trapped-
WAIT HANG ON, ok I am now remembering I should point out Vander is not their biological dad. their bio mum died in the intro, long story, but silco and vander were brothers (also not by blood but that doesn’t matter) but had some giant falling out and now silco is basically a mafia boss. But vander IS their dad. By love. (vi and jinx are bio siblings tho-) not that it rlly matters just clarifying :)
SO Powder is at the side and sends her little bomb (it’s like a timer but it walks, like a toy for kids that u wind up and it walks forward) and it goes forward and blows up. Temporarily saving Vi from the crazy dude on shimmer (the drug) which makes him super fast and impossible to beat in a fight.
But then she sets another. And another. And another. And the giant explosions blow up the everything, with the ceiling crushing Claggor and piercing Mylo, before also crushing him, leading to Vander falling down off the bridge (yes they were doing all this on a bridge IN A BUILDING) onto a giant box for purple drugs and killing him (so we think-)
and basically everything’s destroyed.
Vi wakes up to see basically everyone dead around her, and Powder runs over screaming that she HELPED and Vi realises her little sister set of the bombs that just killed her two best friends. And her gentleness she’s had so far with Powder leaves her and she screams that Powder is a JINX and slaps her- and storms off. Leaving them both crying.
But after a minute of self reflection, vi knows she can’t abandon her sister. and goes to help her… but someone grabs her and drags her away.
She screams and screams but powder doesn’t hear. And thinks she’s been abandoned. But then she sees Silco, who she only remembers as her UNCLE- cause she doesn’t know what he’s done, and cries into his arms.
Anyways, zoom back real quick. explosion of jayce’s apartment leads to his unauthorised experiment and he gets dropped by his sponsor, Caitlyns mother who’s one the council. Caitlyns also 14 btw. Whereas jayce is like 20, and they act like siblingssss. it’s sweet.
So yeah.
jayce and viktors stuff is going well, and we meet our beloved JINX for the first time. Fighting the firelights, a group from the undercity who are trying to take the shimmer off the ship Silcos sent over, on a flying ship, she… well blows everyone up. But for a moment she sees Vi in a firelight member with red hair (vi has red hair, jinx blue) and hesitates with killing her. Tho still does.
Leaving one of the firelight’s left, and Jinx turns to kill them. The firelight pulls out a watch, and then turns to fight jinx when and shoots at them HEAVY FIRE, and one of the firelights we think is dead grabs them and saves them at the last moment (firelights fly on hover board btw, but like, they fly straight thru the sky not close to the ground).
SO- Jinx is jinx now. Fighting for the ppl that killed her family. But she doesn’t rlly know that. Thinking Vi abandoned her. She blows some shit up in Piltover and has a trademark graffiti she leaves showing it was her. And Caitlyn stumbles across it. She’s an enforcer now, her mother deemed this below her but she convinced her, but she’s treated kinda bad cause she’s like a new baby. She IS a damn good shot tho. So in trying to find this graffiti girl who blew everything tf up, she decides to go to the undercity. But she needs a tourguides. Duh.
And who does she pull out of Marcus’ prison (remember him, head enforcer and also the guy who worked with slico and ALSO FHE GUY THAT KIDNAPPED VI AND THREW HER IN PRISON FOR NINE YEARS AND ABUSED HER THERE-) but my love, Vi.
Vi has changed a bit. Duh. But she’s finally free after nine years, and flirts with Caitlyn while going back to the undercity. She runs into Silcos second in command, Sevika (she’s a vibe ngl) who was on the ship with jinx.
Btw Vi doesn’t know the person she’s looking for is her sister (and neither does caitlyn btw).
(also byw everyone in the undercity thought vi was dead so girlie returning is kinda a surprise)
it’s ends with Cait shooting sevika and making her run before sevika can beat vi, and vi calls cait her CUTSIES NICKNAME FOR THE FIRST TIME, cupcake.
So yh, sevika tells silco that vi is back and he worries that she’ll turn jinx against him so he has ppl follow her. She’s hurt and they get some shimmer to heal her a bit. Then vi tells cait about powder and how she’s looking for her.
Then silco finds her, and he tells her about how he took her sister. how she works for him. and vi insists she’ll find her sister.
Vi is abt to fight a bunch of goons and silco, when she turns around and pucnhes the unstable wreck of a wooden construct behind her so it falls down on them all.
And then jinx, high up, pulls on a flare. A flare Vi gave her nine years ago before everything, when she said “pull this and i’ll find you anywhere”.
And just when the flare runs out and jinx gives up, VI ARRIVES. Calling her Powder and hugging her (btw we’ve seen jinx have hallucinations since the time skip, seeing her dead friends, she prob got BPD, schizophrenia and PTSD now)
Vi explains that she was arrested and jinx ASKS IF SHES REAL 😭😭😭
jinx goes on to explain that things changed when she left. But vi says she did what she had to do to survive, but it’s ok now they’re together.
but then cait comes up. and jinx gets angry vi came with an enforcer, and cait realises vi sister is jinx. Jinx panics and thinks she’s being played with, and demands Vi call her jinx and not powder. Jinx had dropped the special stone she stole from jayce (back with the flying ship and stuff she blew up?) that cait wanted but now she thinks that’s all Vi came for. even tho vi doesn’t know what it is.
But Vi refuses to leave, to abandon her again. But jinx can’t stop hearing voices, can’t focus. AND THEN OUT COME RHE FIRELIGHTS-
they fight and the firelights manage to kidnap vi and cait, but not jinx. Vi is dragged to the back of a room (they’ve been moved duh) where a guy with a mask is clearly abt to interrogate her. But then he takes off his mask. AND MOTHERFUCKERS ITS EKKO 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
and he goes “you look good for a dead girl”.
Turns out Ekko has the magic circle thing that jinx took, and he questions her abt what she knows abt it (which is NOTHING) and calls powder jinx
(this isn’t in the show but writers have revealed when ekko found out abt silco and jinx he broke in to try and save her but she refused to leave, back nine years ago. so he doesn’t believe she still has good in her).
MY POOR BABY EKKO WAS ALONEEEEE ALL THIS TIME WITH A UNDERCITY RAN BY SILCO. but they argue like siblings and then vi hugs him cause they BASICALLY ARE SIBLINGS MY HEART. (also Vi undid her own handcuffs cause she’s iconic but waited for ekko to finish cause she’s respectful, before hugging him).
Anyways ekko shows Vi the firelights base WHICH EH MADE AT LIKE TEN MY POOR BABY. And it has a treeeeee (undercity doesn’t have trees). HE BUILT UP A COMMUNITY CAUSE HES AMAZING. Silco had flooded the place with shimmer (drug) but ekko protected everyone he could.
(the beauty of this show is how everyone is wrong and right in their own fucked up way and no one is better than anyone cause they’ve all killed and hurt and done bad things… except everyone can unanimously agree that ekko is the only person in the show that cannot every be considered the bad guy cause my guy simply does everything he can to help his ppl and HES THE BEST)
Ekkos even painted a mural of everyone he’s lost. Powder is on the mural.
Cait has been propoganda’d and thinks everyone in the undercity is u know, evil. The gemstone, that was jinx and now ekko has, is what Cait has needed to bring home. It can be used to mega power a weapon basically. Cait asks Ekko to bring it back to stop the cycle of violence and heal the city, and help Ekko do it. Ekko agrees but only if he goes himself to see them.
Anyway they’re crossing the bridge to piltover when Vi decides not to go and says she can’t leave Jinx again. But then, Vi and Cait hug, and jinx sees this and the voices in her head tell her Vi is betraying her. she ignores them but then a bunch of enforcers led by marcus come out of the shadows. Ekko is made to reveal the gemstone and marcus SHOOTS EKKO and holds a gun to Caits head- Vi sees this and turns around and this turns Jinx crazy. And then jinx sets off a shit tone of tiny bombs.
She comes out of the shadows to a bridge of dead ppl, and sees Vi helping an injured Cait. She goes to shoot them but flying between them on a board is EKKO!!!!! Who starts to fight her. He throws his satchel with the gemstone inside to Vi and Cait and tells them to go with it. Leaving him and jinx. Jinx calls him the boy saviour, and he pulls out his watch (foreshadowing his time travel but obvi we don’t know abt that yet) and times his fight with jinx. It’s shown side by side with his play fights with her as a child. This basically implies Ekko has times his fights with her to learn her skill and what she does and that’s why he’s one of the few that can meet her level when fighting. So yeah he’s a genius. But when he beats her, she goes classic Jinx and BLOWS THEM BOTH TF UP-
And now Vi thinks they’re both dead.
Anyway Cait takes Vi to her room, and they… flirt basically. Vi blames herself for what happened to jinx.
And Silco saves Jinx life by injecting her with shimmer (drug).
And then Heimerdinger, the old council man (actually hes sorta a bird but- yeah) that Jayce throws out of the council? Remember him? He appears in the undercity and meets MY BOY EKKO. Who’s ALIVE. YAYYYY.
Cait and Vi go to the council, and tell the truth. About Silco, and the undercity. Oh and I forgot to mentioned but they don’t actually have the gemstone, Jinx stole it from Ekkos satchel thingy. So yh. So Jinx has the gemstone.
Vi gets mad that they won’t fight Silco, and runs out. She tells Cait that they’re Oil and Water and they weren’t meant to be.
(just to give u a sense of timeline, the shimmer and arcane has healed viktors leg temporarily and Sky killed by the arcane, so next viktor will make jayce promise to destroyed the arcane).
So, I hadn’t mentioned this before but at one point Jayce meets Vi (after her speech to Cait) and convinces him to make weapons with hextech so they can go and fight silco by themselves cause he wants to go to war and fight back but the other council don’t.
So those two make weapons (a gauntlet and a HAMMER-) and they go down their and blow shit up. It’s a pretty awesome fight scene. U know, until Jayce accidentally kills a child :)
He feels awful (duh) and it makes the undercity HATE HIM (duh) but he sees them all put their hands up and stop fighting back and he realises he’s doing it all wrong and should try to negotiate with silco instead of resorting to violence.
Oh and then jinx kidnaps Cait right after she’s gotten out of the shower in an incredibly traumatising way :)
Jayce decides to stop fighting but Vi carries on, smashing through something Silco owns.
Silco and Jayce have a little negotiation, leading to a sort of agreement. Jayce demands Jinx be put in prison for her actions, and Silco… has to decide. Whether to give her up. Silco ends up talking to a statue of vander abt the situation, and “is there anything so undoing as a daughter” (killer line my guy).
BUT JINX is behind the statue and thinks Silco is going to give her up.
meanwhile Vi enters Sevikas bar and beats her up, barely winning but she does win. But then she’s knocked out.
And she wakes up in a room. Tied to chair with jinx talking to her from the dark. And jinx tells Vi that Silco didn’t make jinx, that Vi did. But jinx also tells her that she’s the reason she’s still alive, what kept her fighting. And Vi says the only thing that kept her alive in prison was thinking of getting back to her.
“Are we… still sisters?”
“Nothing is every going to change that.”
(Mmm be ready to rethink that one Vi-)
Jinx reveals Silco, tied to a chair. She’s angry at him now, saying how he killed Vander, saying how he lied abt Vi abandoning her. Then she reveals Cait, tied to a chair and terrified out of her mind.
Cait and Silcos mouths are covered, they can’t talk. Jinx tells Vi it’s her choice where she sits, in Powders chair or Jinxes chair, and tells Vi to MAKE Cait go. Tells Vi to KILL HER. But she says no. She tells Jinx “Powder” that they can go, just them, leave and never come back.
But the voices in Jinxes head confuse her. And she realises Silcos bind around his mouth, and he starts trying to manipulate jinx again.
Silvio tells her he would never give her up, that it’s them against the world and it’s only them. That she’s his duaghter and he’d never betray her. And then Caits cut the ropes binding her and yelling at jinx to drop the gun.
And Vi begs them not to kill each other.
Vi tells Cait not to kill Jinx but Jinx says she’s too far gone. Jinx puts the gun down and before Cait can pull the trigger, Jinx moves, and fast. She’s on shimmer remember. And Silco tells her to finish it. And suddenly all the voices are echoing around Jinxes head and two opposing sides are screaming different things in her ear and they’re all her evil family at this point and she screams and shoots in a panic and…
she’s killed silco. He tells her he’ll always love her, and dies. And she sits in Jinx’s seat. She takes the gemstone, and goes outside, and while Cait is knocked out and Vi is tied up, she shoots.
Up. And hits the council room.
Killing Caits mother, killing everyone in that room excpet for Jayce and Mel.
RIGHT as the council agree to Jayce’ proposal to PEACE-
And that’s s1. I’ll do season two next reblog cause it’s a lot to read at once 😭❤️ If ur still interested that is cause it’s a lot 😭😭😭
Erm yeah- back to jayce and viktor
viktor doesn’t want to save the planet, he wants to save his ppl cause no one else will 😭
the wolf dads so good who else could see thru evil drugs and still recognise his daughters.
yeah see it’s not like viktor meant to become a god who rules everything he just got carried away 😭
(that’s the thing of this show, u can love and hate all the charatcers for many dif things- it’s tough).
i love that u pointed that out cause actually Vi is fighting her wolf dad turned evil viktor servant with jinx (spoiler) at this point, and when they fly by there’s this funny moment where in the background u see her look up super confused like wtf are they doing rn?
IT IS SO JAMES POTTER OF HIM. The privileged dumbass turned sweetheart.
THE SOLUTION IS EKKO. Also thank uuu, I have tried to describe this exactly how the show did it and I feel like I have so yayyyy :) it is colourful, flashing and acrobatic.
He’s such a philosopher just like remus.
think of it this way rueeee, wizards wear robes. I always thought they’d mock suits and call it muggle clothing. They could’ve made it or had it, but because the muggles did it before them, or it naturally became a thing more muggles did, it became trashy in the eyes of purebloods. Cursive IS something anyone can do, but our real history shockingly doesn’t have magic in, so we can allocate parts of it in HP Canon to make sense with our story. So maybe the history of cursive actually stems from the magical world? BUT what if the first historical figures to use it WERE MAGIC? Also Rue it’s propaganda from pureblood supremacists, they obviously don’t have media literacy at all. In fact they hate media and technology cause THEY DIDNT MAKE IT and still bitterly use owls 😭
Oh I meant the muggles at hogwarts who do magic. Are they technically not muggles cause they DO magic? idk the rules 😭
ik it’s universal, but it’s like- this whole muggle thing is clearly a metaphor for racism right? There were hundreds of things that EVERY HUMAN BEING does that white people claimed poc couldn’t do, because they were below them. And hundreds of things white people said was below them because poc did them. It’s a similar concept. it doesn’t make sense because it’s stupid rue that’s the point, but if i’m gonna have stupid supremacists in my fanfic plots i’m at least making an extensive history as why and how the hell pureblood culture is so deeply routed in magical society.
And that includes micro-aggressions like giving a fuck abt handwriting.
Yeah, I love how in atyd there isn’t like a cure to dyslexia via magic for remus, probably because purebloods didn’t believe their kids if they were anything but perfect.
Wow rue i’m actually a little shocked abt how u care abt handwriting, but it’s sweet. People get the best opportunities when they’re best self, handwriting and all. Huh wait that’s actually so cool, I mean i’m not sure how u learnt abt cursive in physics but 😭
I see what u mean, if u have practise writing a certain way, it’ll be like muscle memory, and it’ll be obvious if somethings wrong cause it’s not what u normally do. Don’t worry i’m assuming this is a speech u give a lot, not just me :) That said, I probably will not be learning cursive, it’s still a scam in my mind. BUT GOOD FOR U. (i’m afraid i’m stubborn).
waitttt cause I love that, wizards getting muggle made stuff and evilly tryna sell it off as theirs. That’s such a pureblood thing to do.
Oh is that like HP magic canon then? Cause I guess I never thought of it like that, that humans and wizards would be split only at the point in history of the witch trials and never went back from that point. Just cause, idk I get the point but the concept of the witch trials as a way to kill and torture women is such an essential part of history and suffering women faced under the patriarchal society, that i’ve always thought of it more like, the muggles found out abt witches and wizards and used it as an excuse to kill anyone in their way, going against them. So not that many witches or wizards were actually killed, cause they were only targeted if they spoke up, and they could escape sometimes when the muggles never could.
But that does make sense ig.
AH THATS NO FUN THO RUE. It doesn’t have to be their parents, but like- I wanna get creative with characters backstories, what exactly made them the way they are, then I can write them consistently. BUT also their family can be loving and tragic. I would def write Marlene as shy, I like the variety we have in her character, but if i’m choosing to write her as reckless, i’m choosing a reason for that. Even if that reason is just like, girlie had so many brothers she was always tryna upstage as the younger sibling. But this time I chose sad cause, I wanted the christmas to be a found family vibe and found family is always more fun when family family is tragic. Also, I needed reasons that at 17, their family wouldn’t be mad that they weren’t home on christmas day.
Huh? So u do science, and all that jazz, but u might believe in magic. That’s pretty cool Rue, idk if u think so but u have such an open mind. I would never try to prove to u that magic doesn’t exist.
If i’m writing a short story abt a character I’ll rarely expand on the parents just cause then i’ll give them a backstory and it’s an endless loop and i’ll be there forever.
ALL ur friends have siblings? HOW? 😭 No to be fair saying alllll is generalisation, also I have a rlly good friend who’s an only child who isn’t spoiled so. But I also know a lot of spoiled only children so- Oh ik my fair share of spoiled brats, more ppl at my skl are rich so.
OK good i figured. I agreeee, there are some changes I don’t mind tho. Only like, take for example, I don’t mind when Remus is given a rougher backstory, just as long as in a fic he is the terrified loser he usually is. Like I wouldn’t mind if he used to be more aggressive, but one day he punched someone who knew he was a werewolf who made some comment abt how he was just like the wolf and then boom was never violent again. I love it when one word sentences are so shocking they can change someone’s entire life and stay with them forever.
omg growing up like that, u could see how james ended up that way I guess. without exposure to the real world at least to some degree, you’ll be in for a shock when you’re faced with reality.
That sounds kinda scary ngl, divorce is such a vital important thing for women in a patriarchal society, I mean it doesn’t always help but at least they’re not trapped no matter what.
That would explain why he’s so awful to blood supremacists at least, cause it’s the only cause he learnt abt as a kid, and he learnt abt how they all hated his family.
ok I agree with most of this but I think his parents would’ve talked abt hufflepuff and ravenclaw to but by that point he’d only be listening to the stories abt bravery and not creativity or kindness so he’s only focus on the gryffindor ones.
I like how much thought you’ve put in the brain of a yr7 idiot boy, cause it’s detailed and kind of annoying- I get the thought process but man following this track it takes him a while to outgrow THAT behaviour.
Right but he’s being misogynistic, just cause he doesn’t know it exists doesn’t mean he’s not being it. I would love to read a fic now of james coming to the realisation that he’s not all that, and he’s actually a shithead. Cause this characterisation is kinda perfect but that’s why I hate it.
I hate the way girls always have to mature and be empathic and learn abt suffering before boys. I hate how girls always have to teach guys abt sexism, and don’t get to be a kid like boys do. Not always but, it’s more common anyway. Guys don’t have to have their parents explain the concept of catcalling to them at 11.
Why does it feel evil to treat evil people evilly? SO REAL JAMES. I agree with that one. It’s annoying. Ooooh I love the involvement of Azkaban I hate that place SO MUCH. SO MUCH. the way it must mess with little wizards minds.
Wait he didn’t pull his trousers down? oh that makes me feel so much better cause I hated that so much and I only remember the movie not the book at this point so-
Yes exactly and weirdly that’s why I don’t hate james, because I love the character of Lily and it’s clear she wouldn’t have married him if he hadn’t changed and become good. Real good.
Oh no wayyy he paid for remus’ expenses no wayyy he convinced him to agree to that.
^ofc I read all that Rue I read everything u write ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Also yes I could feel the You radiating off of it :)
(Rue that is quite literally one of the funniest stories i’ve ever heard wtf 😭 I mean I can maybe understand not knowing what they meant by saying they weren’t straight but why did little u assume it meant they were referring to their bodies shape?) (it took me forever to realise I wasn’t straight, sorry QUEER in case u still find the phrasing confusing… kidding, cause I knew abt like lesbians, and I’d heard a statistic that they were like only 5% of ppl, which is utter bull btw, and whenever my brain went, i’d date a women, it’d then go, but i’m not one of the 5% tho cause i’d know… so surely i’m notttt, it was so obvious in hindsight) (wait rllyyyyy Rue cause I can go on abt feminism forever, so if u wanna know more I can tell u whatever u want, honestly I remember the day I was followed around a little town with my friend, two guys at least four years older than us, bitter than we didn’t give them our snap- which we didn’t have- feminism kinda smacks u in the face when it literally follows u to ur car. And also, ur skl have clearly nicer guys, ur skl didn’t have an andrew tate phase).
THATS SO ME :) I’ll be remus. Remus with little hearts with R+J written inside and not even realising until Sirius comes over to mock him. Nooo Rue listen, i’m a fidgety person and always have been, I have to be doodling or fiddling with jewellery allll the time, back then I couldn’t do either. So I touched a lot, I wasn’t even conscious of it. Neither was I conscious of how much ink I got on my hands. I still end every day with ink allll over my hands, partly cause I doodle on them when bored and partly cause ink gets everywhere 😭
So real remus, I had that tie with the ink stain until the end of yr11 when I could ditch the uniform. NAH remus would not accept new uniform, James would beg his parents to help him make a potion or spell to remove the ink from the uniform, and obvi they’d help so remus wouldn’t need new things.
Eden (6128 words) by mezzaniine
(i’m persevering with my brainwash-you-into-loving-pale agenda…😭)
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In regards of the Trump government scraping all trans inclusion in its queer information portion of its websites I have made this thing. Spread the word. Don't let them pretend we never existed.

P.S: Don't like! Reblog! <3
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pastel dorlene for a belated valentine’s day 🪻💌
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ok so we all agree that remus either got the scars on his face the night of the prank, or the first full moon after jily’s death and sirius’ conviction right?
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thx for the taggg :)
Denial is a river - Doechii
California - Chappell Roan
Kills me to be kind - The Crawlers
Do I wanna know? - Artic Monkeys
Best - Gracie Abrams
Piano Man - Billy Joel
Fable - Gigi Perez
Rollercoasters - Bleachers
Dream State - Lucas Dacus
Do I wanna know? - Cover by Hozier
(yes i am obsessed with the song “do I wanna know?” ITS AN AMAZING SONG).
Also i’m too lazy to tag ppl but anyone can reblog and join if they wantttttt :)
on repeat!!
thank you sm for the tag!! @sunfl0w3rmoon
shuffle the “on repeat” playlist and add the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people
1. the boy is mine - ariana grande
2. juno - sabrina carpenter
3. girl so confusing - charli xcx ft lorde
4. i can see you (taylor’s version) - taylor swift
5. naked in manhattan - chappell roan
6. fainted love - conan gray
7. K-POP - travis scott, bad bunny, the weekend
8. on top of the world - imagine dragons
9. delicate - taylor swift
10. one right now - post malone w/ the weekend
this really exposed the songs that have been itching my brain rn 😭😭😭 exam season does numbers for what i listen to on repeat
feel free to join in, no forcing just fun :) @everythingsbetterunderthestars @always-reading @ricochetyears @jnrlore @oohloverboyyy @fictionalsimp09 @sidegly @serenisastar
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thx for tagging meeeee :)
Looks: Emmeline, or Lily idk?
Music Taste: Lily
Kins: Lily, Dorcas
Style: Mix of Lily and Mary
Hobbies: Remus
me=too lazy to tag, but anyone can reblogggg!!!
Get to know me (Marauders edition)
Looks: Lily Evans
Music taste: Remus Lupin
Kin(s): James Potter and Marlene McKinnon
Style: Mary Macdonald
Hobbies: Regulus and Sirius Black
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yeah but like- free to FIND u found it for me so I don’t have to look :)
but he DOES know him, james is flustered cause 1. ITS REMUS HIS EX WHO HE STILL CARED ABT 2. he’s hot 3. James did not know he was here. At all. So he’s very shocked.
that IS hot to james. Remus is giving “casual stoner vibes” but as an adult. He’s breaking the uniform code (from the district not McGonagall cause obvi Sirius breaks it daily) on his first day, he’s casually leaning on his cane with a CUTE SMILE CAUSE REMUS IS ATTRACTIVE WHEN TEACHING KIDS OBVIOUSLY-
(you say that like I’ll write the longer fic one day, I never have MORE time 😭)
yessss i love the idea of lily and remus getting mega competitive both against each other and together as a team, they’d be terrifying on games night.
well like, in the uk if u don’t want to get married religiously u have a civil partnership right? I mean it IS marriage just without the “god” part. So it’s still a marriage just not routed in christianity :) But it’ll still have family traditions and cute stuff like that.
YESSS Hindu weddings look so beautiful. They’re so festive and such a celebration as it should beeee. ELEPHANTS THATS SO COOL. Awww that’s so cute moonchaser would so do that wedding and Effie and Hope would be like, “what are you combining we’ve been a family this whole time you idiots are just finally catching up”
That is fair. Ik google translate is TERRIBLE.
Yes I see him as agnostic. I don’t think he’d be atheist, but I dont think he’d rlly consider himself anything (I think he’d hate that we have to label our beliefs). YES he would be obsessed with learning about religions and origins (when I was like 13 I was obsessed with learning how religious beliefs and religions characters crossed over, like Jesus being a prophet in the eyes of Muslims, and i told the women who ran the church kids group how i thought all the religions put together made the perfect religion and she said christianity was the only religion and i was bad at being a christian 😭 so I stopped, random lore drop there <3)
Ok Mel is the same age as Jayce and from a rich RICH family and she has a seat at the council table. She teaches Jayce how the ppl of the council will manipulate him and how to manipulate them back to get funding. (They also sleep together) Then we learn she’s not from piltover, her mother kicked her out of the country and made her stay here cause she didn’t want her around. Oh and there’s this magical group coming for her mother. And her mothers insanely and kinda evil.
In season two (I mentioned how that nuke hit the council room and almost killed viktor?) her and jayce are the only two to survive the nuke cause turns out SHE HAS MAGIC- we find out in like epi2-3 I think. Her brother was killed by the evil group comijg for her mother, cause they thought he was the one with magic. Her magic is like a golden forcefield, she didn’t know she had it when it saved her and jayce from the bomb. Anyway she uses it to fight her mother and win. SHES AWESOME.
YES ITS SO THEM. Ok so to explain s2 deeper, when viktor wakes up from the goop arcane machine that saves him, jayce is sleeping by his side. He wakes up, sees what he’s become (he looks sick at this point) is irritated that jayce didn’t destroy the arcane like he promise (cause it killed sky) but jayve is just SO HAPPY HES ALIVE. Viktor says “our paths diverged long ago, it’s… affection that’s held us together” (no I didn’t look it up I remember the quote) and he LEAVES- he goes to zaun (poor part of town) and finds out he can heal the ppl who are addicted to a new drug (it’s called shimmer it destroys the body) so he heals all these people and creates a safe dome basically and finally does what hes wanted to do the whole time and help the people of zaun. (it’s kinda cult like but AWESOEM and a no violence zone).
Ok so while he’s doing this, Jayce’s lab is broken into by that old small guy that he kicked out of the council in s1 that said the arcane was dangerous, and Ekko THE BEST CHARATCER TO EVER BE WRITTEN. (Ekko is the only character in this series that’s actions are not dubious and semi evil… or very fully evil. I love him. Everyone loves him. He KILLS it. He’s the best. He’s left alone in zaun when everyone in his found family dies or gets sent to jail or gets turned evil when he’s like nine and he founds a safe space and helps rebuild a community in zaun called the firelights. and then he leaves an alternate universe where all his family are still alive and happy because he wants to help his people and he refuses to leave them behind despite all they’ve done to hurt him. also he’s a scientific genius and he and alternate universe jinx, the atomic bomb girl, build a device that can time travel back in time four seconds).
ANYWAY jayce ekko and the council guy go to the mega basement to find the soul of the arcane (giant machine thing) cause it’s infecting ekkos community and poisoning it and they accidentally touch it and BOOM ekko is thrown to said alternate universe with council guy. BUT JAYCE IS GONE?
Anyway, Viktor helps the ppl of zaun, creates a cult/community where he heals people. It takes a couple of episodes but he helps a lot of ppl in zaun and yayyyyy ppl are happy.
And then out of the arcane basement pops up Jayce, looking ragged and insane. A viktor person (his consciousness is semi in every person he saves including this one) is already there and is a little surpirsed to see him. Jayve talked to viktor through the random guy, and viktor basiclaly just says hi. Jayve is surpised at how much has changed.
And then they have a gay convo that’s like “I have so much improvement tto show u jayve” “but I thought you were done with hextech (the arcane)… and me (*cue sad face)” “I was clouded by emotions. come. visit me. I’ve helped so many.”
jayve finds out he gave hextech to the ppl and says it’s a curse they have to end.
and then he tells viktor/random guy that he CANT let him leave. Viktor/random guy asks how he’s gonna stop him and walks away. And jayce SMAHSES HIS HAMMER DOWN ON VIKTOR/RANDOM GUYS HEAD KILLING RANDOM GUY.
Anyway so with that hanging over our heads, Jinx (atomic bomb girl) and her sister Vi (I haven’t talked abt Vi or caitlyn, her gf, yet cause they’re such a crazy other plot i CANT EVEN) go there cause their dad is like, a giant wolf man (the drug glimmer but magicked up made him insane and giant in s1 in the event that killed/destroyed Ekkos found family) and hes an evil killing guy but he doesn’t kill jinx cause he recognises her and so they take him to viktor to see if he can heal him.
Anyway viktor says he’ll do it and heal him even tho it’ll drain him a lot. Cause he doesn’t turn ppl away. So it takes time but he does it. BUT THEN the evil piltover police show up with Mel’s evil mum and they plan to wreck the place to find the wolf dad cause he’s a weapon the evil scientist guy has been drugging so he can kill ppl.
(btw viktor when he was like 12 met the evil scientist guy, who’s also the guy who invented shimmer/glimmer whatever i called the drug idk, who viktor saw TORTURE an animal in the name of experimentation and so viktor stopped learning from him).
So then, guess who turns up with a beard and long hair with a destroyed leg lugging a hammer? JAYCE F’ING TALIS FROM NOWHERE 😭 LOOKING LIKE HES BEEN THROUGH HELL STILL (and having weird delusions and voices in his head). He walks into Viktor dome, viktor says it’s nice to see him despite the circumstance, and jayce SHOOTS HIM-
and all the people viktor healed drop dead.
(oh and then healed wolf dad turns insane again).
SO- yeah.
Who’s ready to understand why jayce went insane?
So, we get a flashback of sorts, to when him, ekko and council guy got eaten by the arcane. As I said, ekko went to the alternate universe where his found family didn’t die (ish).
And Jayve? HE WENT TO THE FUTURE. Everything’s dead. EVERYTHING IS DEAD. He screams for people and he finds no one. In fact he finds statues of people frozen like stone. dead people everywhere. And then he falls. Down a deep cliff or something and ends up trapped in this pit, and as he falls his hammer smashes on his leg, breaking it. A solid metaphor for how he shouldn’t have used hextech to make weapons and how he has to dismantle this hammer to make a stent for the leg to heal himself. He’s trapped for presumably 1-3 months, he eats dead rats (they’re universes version of rats) and waits to heal… /waits to die. But he does heal and climb out eventually. Where he walks for ages to get to the top of piltover (a symbol of him having to make the journey viktor did from zaun to piltover with an injured leg) just to find another stone person holding his exact hammer, learnt over it. And Jayve says “this is where is all started. the end of piltover. because of hextech.”
And appears a man in a cloak.
The man in the cloak. From the very first scene of epi1 s1. Where a little jayve (maybe four years old) meets a man in cloak, the one who used magic to save him and his mother from death (I think I mentioned this already?) the one who gave him the stone.
Jayve asks “why did you ever give me this.” This being an arcane stone he wears around his wrist that kept him driving to make magic. “why? it doesn’t have to go this way right? Just tell me there’s a chance.”
And then cloak man releases the hammer from the ground, to let jayve pick it up.
Jayce swears to cloak man that he’ll stop it from turning out this way. That hell stop viktor and destroy hextech.
So, that’s why jayce is insane, he knows this path leads to total death :)
Back to now. Evil scientist says his plans for wolf dad only work is viktors alive, so he saves him. Oh also viktor is like on an astrol plain? his face is in the stars when we see him. And the dead ppl he saved that died when he died all wake up but they’re not rlly them anymore.
And Mel’s mum asks Viktor to help them. Her and evil scientist guy. Turned bizarre by the arcane, focused on “evolving” ppl, trying to heal everyone, and losing energy to help them, he agrees.
And suddenly he’s not a healer but a controller.
So later jayce is in the council room, runs into Mel for the first time in A WHILE (who’s been of discovering her powers and being kidnapped by magic ppl who want her dead) when a flying viktor clone comes in and fights them. He and jayve have yet another gay talk, viktor clearly misses him but jayce can only focus on how in the future everything’s destroyed. Viktor calls Jayce his partner once again, and blames this on him. Says “evolution” is destined, and suggests they do it as partners.
And Jayce says “my partner died in this room-“ So Viktor decides to kill him.
But his clone is killed by Mel and Jayce.
ANYWAY SO Mel’s mum is leading an army to take over piltover (side plot except it’s the main plot) and viktor is on her side. So Jayce gets EVERYONE, piltover and zaun together, to fight a war. oh and viktor had an outift makeover and loses all essence of his humanity in his new outfit and he looks kinda like a robot.
So war begins and jayce goes to guard the underground basement arcane machine that powers everything. Viktor arrives there cause he needs it , and jayce is like “there must be some part of u still in there” and he’s like (in a robot voice) “I am more than I ever was”
Also viktor robot has gone insane. His clones are out fighting for Mel’s mum. AND their new plan is for viktor to connect to the basement arcane and use it to CONTROL EVERYONE AND CREATE THE “EVOLUTION” THAT IS DESTINED.
Jayve goes “ppl deserve to choose their own fates” and viktor goes “choice is false” Basically he’s sad abf death and war and predjuice and thinks he can control everyone to be the same and be equal. Thinks it’ll only happen if everyone’s of one mind.
So viktor manages to turn the underground arcane on. Which is bad.
So robot viktor flies up and so does jayce don’t ask me why the can fly up now. To on top of the building, above everyone else fighting each other. On top of the council room. On the building.
And viktor starts to set about the magical control of everyone to stop death and war. And the world is hit with these smudge marks of multi dimensional paint which look IDENTICAL from jayve’s dead future reality.
And suddenly magical beams hit the heads of EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER. EVER. They all float a bit and drop their weapons. Controlling EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER. Viktor becomes a god.
And then Jayce is there. Holding his hammer. In the same position as the stone from his future reality was holding the hammer. And he realises this is it. And viktors hands fall on jayce’s head and it pulls jayce into viktors astro void.
But it’s not viktor anymore, it’s robot viktor. His voice is wrong and his face is covered by a mask. Viktor tries to explain how humans were self corruption and contradicting and how he’ll fix it. And Jayve says “you’ve always wanted to cure what you thought were weaknesses. Your leg. Your disease. But you were never broken Viktor. There is beauty in imperfections. They made you who you are. An inseparable piece of everything I admired about you.”
AND THEN BOOM MY ICON EKKO ZOOMS BY BACK IN THE REAL WORLD (cause those two are in the astral plane remember) CAUSE U ARENT GETTING A MIND CONTROL MAGIC LINE ON THE HEAD OF THE BEST CHARATCER TO EVER EXIST. He flies his flying skateboard over the clones and whenever he’s hit off his board he time travels back four seconds and dodges the hits. HES THE BEST I LOVE HIM. Also he has a sword. But then he gets caught. So he does what he knows is super dangerous and turns the turner back MORE THAN FOUR SECONDS (last time one extra second cause someone to explode) and he turns it back just far enough to free himself and he flies at the bodies of viktor and jayce and THROWS MOTHER FUCKING EXPLODING TIME AT THEM CAUSE HES AWESOME.
Viktor is shocked ekko device even exists. SHOCKED. It is from another universe tho so- And suddenly a small fraction of the robot face disappears and it’s VIKTOR AGAIN. Just a portion just a bit but hes there it’s him it’s his face in the astral plane.
And he sees it. Everything hes done. He crawls in on himself.
So jayce continues with his gay speech “ I thought I wanted us to give magic to the world. now all I want is my partner back.”
Viktor asks “why do you persist after everything i’ve done?”
And jayce says “because I promised you.” PROMISED TO DESTROY THE ARCANE…
And then jayve HUGS HIM 😭 And viktor sees his memories and what he went through.
Because flashback time. The man. The man in the cloak from the end of time. The one that saved jayve when he was four. The one that made his chase magic his entire life WAS VIKTOR. IT WAS VIKTOR.
And in the flashback at the end of time, older viktor who’s been alone in a universe of nothing for so long tells jayve “I thought I could bring an end to the worlds suffering, but when every equation was solved, all that remained, were fields of dreamless solitude.”
And then there’s a scene of viktor dropping the magic stone into jayce’s hand. Viktor carries on with,
“There is no prize to perfection, onyl an end to pursuit.”
And then we see Viktor dropping the magic into MANY FOUR YR OLD JAYCES HANDS. NOT JUST ONE. And he goes,
“in all timelines, in all possibilities. Only you can show me this.” And it’s a clip of them being buddy buddy and making hextech together.
And also side note. When the evil scientist met young viktor, I said already that viktor stopped working with him cause he was torturing an animal in the name of science. Well. When viktor woke up from the arcane, he felt like that animal. Back at the start of s2, when he left jayve. He felt like that animal the scientist abused. But then he saw Jayce’s memories. He saw everything. He saw that Jayce loved him. And he realised he wasn’t the abused animal. The evil scientist has a daughter he loves more than anything, he’s done all of this evil stuff to bring her back to life. He realises jayce did it all not as an excitement but because he truly really loves him.
And so he pushes jayce back and he’s fully himself again and he falls to the floor and looks at everythign hes done.
And he tells jayce to go. but jayce, jayce says “we finish this together.” and they destroyed the arcane while hugging and TOUCHING FOREHEADS.
And then they’re both gone.
so technically jayce doesn’t confess his love. but he does stay and die with viktor, to fix everything, and give a speech abt then and viktor to bring back his humanity.
ok. That’s all :) So.
Maddie Zahm is MY LOVE I love her she has this song, might not like her. IT IS PURE AMAZING. Yeah ik that song very welll, it’s so him.
So point one, having read this, I need to explain the vision.
Muggle handwriting is NOT CURSIVE. It’s more round and sort of classic smart girl handwriting, and either very small or very big. Where as pureblood handwriting is cursive and always the exact same size. So muggles mock wizards for their handwriting and purebloods mock muggles for their handwriting. It’s this headcanon i’ve and for ages rlly, the small little prejudices that people carry against muggles, like this. So it’s a universally known stereotype.
Plus it sorta makes sense, wizards writes with a quill and their writing has always been cursive so anything unlike is seen as ugly, whereas muggles with modern pens and such, have such different bizarre writing that wizards (mainly purebloods) judge, heavily.
RUE 😭 is it human, muggles and purebloods are both human. There’s just cultural differences.
In my mind anyway.
How generous of u :) Mary would so be heart over the I.
what do u mean by legibly? cause like, they can all write legibly rueee, just different. And it’s the different that causes the problem.
Because, purebloods would have a million little reasons to hate muggles. They’d hate their handwriting being NEAT but not cursive, they’d hate the smudges they leave with ink (even tho they also leave them) they’d hate the size of their writing and complain that they use too much ink or too little ink.
omg rue i’m not saying how muggles write is baddddd :) 😭 i’m saying it’s judged BY PUREBLOODS.
I mean tho, in a world of magic i’m pretty sure they had paper before muggles rue 😭 they def had a way. they sent letters and still do, it was for sure a pureblood thing first, cause they don’t accept muggle tech. If muggles had it first they wouldn’t use it. Especially not back then.
Ok one it’s debatable that marlenss parents care about her. maybe one of her brothers died when she was young, so they stopped caring and became shells of themselves and that’s why she’s so loud and expressive, to make up for how empty her house was.
(rue i’m inventing pureblood prejudices here because JKR didn’t and that’s so inconsistent, it won’t apply with real history cause magic isn’t reallll 😭)
hehe I love it when dorcas is a judgy, side eye-ing girly, who’s also so lovely but only to her friends.
HAHA that’s so cute that ur dad taught uuu. FROM FIVE? DAMN. That’s so mean what the hell, your handwriting skill is coolll rue. Forgery is awesome.
I love thattttt, she works so hard and ppl say she doesn’t need to cause she’s rich and assumes she does it all easily but they don’t understand.
Alternatively, Dorcas taught herself perfect “pureblood” (AS MY HEADCANON SAYS) handwriting because her parents want her to be a housewife and only want the men in her family to succeed so that’s why she works so hard and somehow never burns out? I think it’d be nice to have a character like that. To be constantly working to prove her parents wrong and have done it all herself.
All only children are spoiled it’s their curse 😭 I mean, Rue it depends if we’re going full canon (don’t make me picture james as white pls). Also I don’t LIKE canon james. If you say he’s like that.
If you frame it like, he bullied poor kids THAT BULLIED OTHERS (clearly still awful and horrid ik) and he tried to blackmail Lily when he was 14, was whacked by marlene and read a bunch of feminist books, bullied snape cause snape said a bunch of pureblood shit all the time to remus.
I don’t like James as a character that simply bullied because he could. I don’t care if that’s a privileged to be honest, I don’t get how bullies can look at themselves and not be disgusted. And unless there’s a good explaination of how he changed for himself and how he grew FOR HIMSELF then it’s not authentic. And if I had a good James fic that maybe explained how he was feeling idk, explained him a bit better then maybe i’d get it. But that version of him, the jkr version, seems sadistic and mean. Also I trust McGongalls judgement and she wouldn’t have liked him if he was purely bad.
Plus I just, whenever I think of canon james potter I think of him pulling snape’s pants down which is literal assault and bullying him in front of everyone and I think of the horrid guys I know and I can’t see the difference between them and that.
So yeah, I don’t like that version of canon james.
okok I didn’t read all the way :) time for his redeemable qualities thank you. whenever I read abt canon james on here it’s always just insults and it’s like why? why should I like canon him then?
YEA he bullies the bad cause he views himself as a giver of justice, even if that’s insane. He became a leader by accident because it was natural to him, ok I like it so far.
ok I like comphet as a reason for the blackmail. HAHA didn’t realise it was blackmail HES SO SHELTERED .
haha I love that. YESS I see it, ultimate blood traitor, he’d throw a party and everything.
Effie was just acknowledging it. And showing that it’s a STUPID STUPID PREJUDICE. She’s highlighting how dumb it is to her son.
Yes James JUST IS Steve from stranger things. Idk I don’t like making James insecure but making him suddenly aware of his own occasional lack of humanity would definitely daunt him. Not insecure but afraid of himself (a great conversation him and remus could have abt fearing themselves 😭).
okok I see it. Sirius doing anyone’s writing. cursive maybe then? not slanting. HAHA HE IS A CONTROL FREAK- i def feel like he mostly taught himself.
REMUS IS ME ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ UGLY HANDWRITING. Mine is legible though. And neat but only when writing slowly. And in a good mood. Ink is so hard to write with tho 😭 it gets everywhere. Maybe it’s just my habits I can’t keep still i’m always fidgeting and doodling on my hands and touching my hair and face and doodling on paper and boom the ink is everywhere. First time (and last) I used a fountain pen, in yr7, it was light blue and it exploded ALL over my uniform, mostly on my tie but on my shirt and skirt too.
omg idk how letters work rue 😭ur the expert I guesss. HIS DIARY- “I face death so that voldy will be mortal once again :)” that’s what he wrote isn’t it? he’s such a poet.
Eden (6128 words) by mezzaniine
(i’m persevering with my brainwash-you-into-loving-pale agenda…😭)
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yesss byler angst is amazing- YEAH they did robin and vickie are so cute, I was so excited when I saw Amybeth McNulty, I love her in anne with an e so much.
Lucas didn’t CHASE eddie 😭 he was with his friends when they “found out” it was eddie, went along with it for 30 min cause his friends gf was dead, realised jason was insane when he beat up eddie’s friends and then immediately took them somewhere he knew eddie wouldn’t be, found a walkie talkie to ask his friends what was up, and ran to help.
omg 😭 I don’t usually concern myself with how younger children view me, but I guess I’ve never had a judgemental younger sibling-
okkk so you like henry but not vecna I guess that makes senseee
(i’m on my way to do an art mock photoshoot rn)
hiii rue :)
I hope you’ve had a lovely week so far 🥰
i’ve had a weird week (specifically a very weird day) so, I thought maybe i’d spread some kindness 💖
I never expected so many honest conversations on this little app, I always hoped i’d make fandom friends somehow, but I didn’t think i’d get one like you ✨
You inspired me to indulge in my creative freedom and write fanfics again. I had the time but no ideas, before you. It might’ve taken nine months but I wrote again, and I missed it. I don’t want to wait another nine months to write anything else. And I won’t have to because you continue to inspire me :)
Also you’re genuinely so lovely, you have faith in people and the world, and whether you value your stubbornness or not, I truly do. In a world that feels unstable right now, you have a moral voice guiding you that I wish others had.
Plus you’re open and you listen and you’re willing to consider your view and consider if you’re right, which is the most important part to being stubborn really. In my opinion.
And you know, you’re insanely creative, it’s so cool how ur brain works and I cannot say that enough.
That’s… all I guess :) SORRY im not as good at popping up in ur inbox with cute little messages like you do with meeeee <3
i adore talking to u
hi glue!!!
thank youu🥰 I've had a pretty average week to be honest, how was yours, good weird or bad weird?
I never expected to make online friends in general (I mean, stranger danger, safety first etc. etc.) but then I met you and slowly I was like... hold on... you're not a stranger anymore so WE'RE FRIENDS AND I LOVE YOU AND I'M SO HAPPY YOU DECIDED TO TRUST ME TOO
your fanfics are ALL YOU, amazing like YOU. always do the things you love❤️ and I'm honoured you take inspiration from me😭🫶
I'm not that lovely😭 it's because we're texting, right, usually I never think before I speak but with you I dooo. meet me when I'm stubborn about the wrong thing:
(flips sides like a massive hypocrite, "who me? no, I don't think so... really, I would never say that, I've always been so morally correct-")
don't worry glue, our world is stable because you are the glue to my stick and we STICK :p
(^my creativity at it's finest🫡)
WDYM you're not good at popping up with cute messages?! this is so sweet, it can't get sweeter, thank you so muchh!! you're always spreading kindness💖 by existing and sharing your beliefs and being willing to change and listening and always trying to be the best person you can be, because you are the best person, and you inspire me to be more generous and think outside of the box and rant for as long as I like about whatever passions I have- in conclusion you are everything and more, WDYM you're not good at cute messages, your favourite emoji is: 🥰
but now I love it because of you. thanks for that✋
I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BRAIN🥰 (look at how I now excessively use that emoji. I'm changed😭)
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Adult Transgender Legislative Risk Map, November 2024
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okok I seeee it also that song is so lovelyyyy I love it now. My turn, “dream state” by lucy dacus. Mikes pov too (potentially after a will death??? Or just after he leaves for california). “If you hadn’t come i’d be much less confused” “without you I am surely the last of my kind” (cause mike would think he’s the only queer kid ever-)
Ikkkk u ship everythingggg.
yesss watch s4. kk i can’t remember how canon it is (ie i can’t remember if it’s a filmed bit) but steve shows up to lucas’ game and cheers so loudly for him and he was a basketball player so it’s clear he’s helped him, even if I can’t remember if they showed it. it was partly that, he liked being popular and not being bullied, but at the same time his friends were allll awful just jason and he didn’t really talk to him anyway. plus he seemed so much more in his own skin this season, in my opinion. I like that he has multiple hobbies.
It’s a shame tho cause if memory serves right they killed that character, the other POC, as a victim of vecna? But still, it wasn’t said but I def saw it as lucas embracing another part of himself.
OMG it’s the older sibling thing, no I don’t look at any small child and think they need to be protected. They’re kinda annoying usually 😭
I get the semi twisted fascination, but saying “lots of ppl kill their families” is not a justification rueeee 😭 it’s all awful and bad and evil and sucks and whatever the reason. I’m fascinated by evil sometimes too (which sounds weird when I write it but u know what I mean) but seeing what Vecna’s done, all out of sympathy, he tortured kids who had depression or anxiety or eating disorders and caused them to kill themselves.
That’s almost the exact same as mine :) 22-30 April, but Art isn’t til 9th June 😭
hiii rue :)
I hope you’ve had a lovely week so far 🥰
i’ve had a weird week (specifically a very weird day) so, I thought maybe i’d spread some kindness 💖
I never expected so many honest conversations on this little app, I always hoped i’d make fandom friends somehow, but I didn’t think i’d get one like you ✨
You inspired me to indulge in my creative freedom and write fanfics again. I had the time but no ideas, before you. It might’ve taken nine months but I wrote again, and I missed it. I don’t want to wait another nine months to write anything else. And I won’t have to because you continue to inspire me :)
Also you’re genuinely so lovely, you have faith in people and the world, and whether you value your stubbornness or not, I truly do. In a world that feels unstable right now, you have a moral voice guiding you that I wish others had.
Plus you’re open and you listen and you’re willing to consider your view and consider if you’re right, which is the most important part to being stubborn really. In my opinion.
And you know, you’re insanely creative, it’s so cool how ur brain works and I cannot say that enough.
That’s… all I guess :) SORRY im not as good at popping up in ur inbox with cute little messages like you do with meeeee <3
i adore talking to u
hi glue!!!
thank youu🥰 I've had a pretty average week to be honest, how was yours, good weird or bad weird?
I never expected to make online friends in general (I mean, stranger danger, safety first etc. etc.) but then I met you and slowly I was like... hold on... you're not a stranger anymore so WE'RE FRIENDS AND I LOVE YOU AND I'M SO HAPPY YOU DECIDED TO TRUST ME TOO
your fanfics are ALL YOU, amazing like YOU. always do the things you love❤️ and I'm honoured you take inspiration from me😭🫶
I'm not that lovely😭 it's because we're texting, right, usually I never think before I speak but with you I dooo. meet me when I'm stubborn about the wrong thing:
(flips sides like a massive hypocrite, "who me? no, I don't think so... really, I would never say that, I've always been so morally correct-")
don't worry glue, our world is stable because you are the glue to my stick and we STICK :p
(^my creativity at it's finest🫡)
WDYM you're not good at popping up with cute messages?! this is so sweet, it can't get sweeter, thank you so muchh!! you're always spreading kindness💖 by existing and sharing your beliefs and being willing to change and listening and always trying to be the best person you can be, because you are the best person, and you inspire me to be more generous and think outside of the box and rant for as long as I like about whatever passions I have- in conclusion you are everything and more, WDYM you're not good at cute messages, your favourite emoji is: 🥰
but now I love it because of you. thanks for that✋
I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BRAIN🥰 (look at how I now excessively use that emoji. I'm changed😭)
16 notes
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ur not doing it on purpose 😭 i’ve been “mentioned” in sooo many of ur posts now rueeee. i’m obviously not bothered :) free extra marauders content, still hilarious tho. oh tumblr is totally plotting to make me a multishipper. it all makes sense nowww.
ONE- it’s not the ruining of a friendship rueee 😭 every now and then in the seven years they’d run into each other, become best friends again for a day, feel the possibility of falling back in love, try to keep in touch, one of them would panic about falling back in love, and back off. They were never gonna work long distance until they were mature and they were never gonna be just friends without hurting themselves.
YES and over the years their mothers tried to secretly set them up ALLLLL THE TIME but it never works… until Hope sends Remus the skl advert and he goes for the job.
i agree, the shift SHOULD be gradual. But also not. They’re becoming friends again easily and hanging out all the time and Remus is for sure just friends with James whereas James is panicking about falling for Remus again and ruining their new friendship. And then one day Remus wakes up and oh he’s fallen in love with James because of course he has. And James was basically falling the entire time so.
(i love remus in denial and james finding remus attractiveeee. but also I want james to be flustered over remus’ personality being hot too, if that makes sense 😭)
(it would make a perfect long fic but i cant wirte those rueeee even if i had time which i don’t)
OMG I LOVE THAT and remus felt like he let those kids down when the skl was shut down.
TWO- I fully agree, remus would graciously lose but not with his friends. I mean he would graciously lose but he’d work damn hard to win first. Especially with Lily I think they’re both mega competitive but mainly only with each other.
i would love to write their wedding 😭 I COULD MAKE IT HALF MUGGLE CIVIL PARTNERSHIP AND HALF HINDU WEDDING (my friend told me the weddings are called vivaha but she could’ve been lying, so i’d need to research). cause then it’d remus and james, and just personally I headcanon remus as atheist so- but he’d love to do a wedding for james’ culture for sureeeee.
YES YES I WILL. Okay ppl say viktor and jayce are regulus and james but they’re not they’re remus and james. in arcane, their country is split in two, Piltover (rich) and Zaun/Undercity (Poor) this is relative obviously as there are rich in the poor area and poor in the rich. Point is, an old war meant the two districts split and now they hate each other. And the people in Zaun struggle a lot for food and stuff and in the show there’s a drug epidemic that goes round. Jayce is from piltover, not the highest in society but semi respected. He is a genius who wants to invent magic using technology because when he was a child his mother and him were saved from death (they got caught in a snowstorm) by a wizard/dude with magic.
magic is feared but jayce really wants to make it. his lab is broken into and his work (which wasn’t approved, ie illegal) was discovered and he was taken to the council room where he was stripped of his work. When hes looking at everything hes lost and considering suicide, Viktor walks in. Viktor is from the undercity, a few years old than jayce and also very smart. He sees Jayce’ genius and helps him break into the room that his work was locked in to retrieve it and work in secret. They do and they figure out the missing piece or whatever and invent hextech. A thousand year old council member then tells them to destroy it because it looks dangerous, but jayce ignores this, because everyone fears magic.
He ends up integrated into high society as him and Viktor attempt to build the “hexgates” an invention that will practically be a portal to other lands so piltover can be rich in trade again. He’s named the golden boy and piltover becomes the land of progress. Viktor hides, Jayce wants to announce him as his partner but Viktor hates the attention, he’s from the undercity and has a disability, he needs a crutch to walk and is getting progressively sicker and sicker (side note arcane does disability representation soooo well there’s so many characters and I-). Jayce always said his plan was to help the people of the undercity, but everyone else encourages him to make weapons (except for viktor and mel, I haven’t explained her but I can laterrrr). Viktor hates weapons, fully and completely. He’s a caring person tied to the human experience. And he’s dying. Viktor is found sick and Jayce cried by his side in bed. Viktor goes on to discover that the arcane can cure injuries, cure dying things. It can help so many people, heal the world, and then Jayce goes “it can save YOU.” but viktor doesn’t think he can finish it in time. Long story short jayce gets caught up in council shit and makes a hammer which he uses to try and stop a rebel uprising in the undercity cause a character called jinx did a giant attack on piltover. He kills a child with the hammer by accident. Viktor tries to use the arcane to heal him and then he like, absorbs part of the arcane, and then it kills his assistant Sky. Jayce comes to his senses a bit, promises viktor he’ll destroy the arcane (who’s terrified cause it killed sky and he cares abt ppl) and tries to come to a civil negotiation to end the war. Then this jinx character (who is fascinating btw) comes back and sends… basically an atomic bomb, at the council room of piltover which kills most of the members. Mel has magic powers she didn’t know abt and that’s how she and jayce survive. Viktor is there and he doesn’t.
Jayce doesn’t destroy the arcane he uses it to try and heal viktor. OMG ok that’s s1. there’s two seasons. i’m getting soooo off track. They’re variants of moonchaser cause 1. personality. 2. vibe.
I kinda wanna keep going, it gets crazier, viktor tried to heal ppl but goes insane and becomes a god and then jayce has to kill but after failing confesses his love instead and that’s the whole of s2 but if ur invested I shall explain i’m immense detail :)
u have some amazing puns rue 😭 (I love themmmm)
I FORGOT TO TAG U AGAIN OMG @moutainrusing
Eden (6128 words) by mezzaniine
(i’m persevering with my brainwash-you-into-loving-pale agenda…😭)
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AMAZING is went with my sister and her friend (since then I found out one of my friends also loves her music). It was THE BEST.
i’ve actually never made a playlist for a shop before but I can try-
wait that’s so them tho, being like “WE CANT LAST” through their relationship for like two years. I shall read that ficccc!
omg u rlly don’t like a breakup fic 😭 sure let’s say they don’t stay in touch MUCH cause they’re heartbroken at first but they’re still bffs with each others mothers (who find out they’re gonna end up teaching at the same skl and agree to keep it quiet)
Max five years??? That’s not long enough for them to be fully over one and another (so they can fall in love with the new versions of each other). Six-seven years? Say they broke up at 24 and now they’re 30?
OMG I LOVE THAT sirius would be an iconic headteacher ngl… what if sirius was the deputy head (and gender fluid I love that headcanon) and Minnie was the head? Strict and Silly vibes. And then Minnie hired Remus so he did get the job of his own volition.
Yes the trial period is perfect. Omg u rlly want james and remus to still be friends in this 😭 I want them to be dramatically thrust back into each others lives. Remus is busy and he tries so absolutely hard not to but he trips and falls in love with james just as easily as the first time. And James? There was NO hope, poor boy talked to beautiful Remus again in person for the first time in six (?) years and was immediately right back there. Remus was different but the same. And James didn’t stand a chance.
Ooooh thats cute, it depends on the length of this fic I guess, if it’s a long on then i’d make the kids stories more details but if it’s shorter i’d just focus on moonchaser. but yeah i’d def have draco and the others. Probably harry cause, duh I love him and james. maybe even teddy (not as a student, younger). But I was originally thinking the reason they broke up was because remus got nis dream job of helping kids w/ special needs but james already had a job on the other side of England helping recovering youths and neither of them could give (or let the other) but they knew theyd be SO BUSY so they agreed. If it's meant to be theyll see each other again. (Also maybe remus does recognise james' childhood friend and sirius recognises him but sirius pretends james doesnt work there or something).
‘don’t give too much trouble to the new mr Lupin, his ex is doing enough of that for him–‘ THIS IS THE BEST. FULLY YES. Absolutely a Sirius move.
SEE YES i fully see them as history and geography, plus those two classes are realistically next to each other (i’m picturing this at my skl so I can lay it all out perfectly).
TWO- i agree with that. I see james getting excited with a prank idea name accidentally making it cruel and then remus editing it to make it funny.
i headcanon remus as rlly competitive if he’s playing with friends. only if he lets himself get into but if he does he gets RLLY into it (not a sore loser or anything just intense). And james is mega competitive, and was not taught how to lose.
EXACTLY it’d be such a cute story for a wedding one day.
(for either/both fic james is gonna be a MESS. remus is gonna be cute and a little clumsy but at heart a genius who loves it mess with ppl and james is gonna be a confident loving idiot who looks at remus’ smile and falls over his own two feet. blushing a lot. it’s giving viktor and jayce from arcane. u don’t know what that means but it’s true).
as long as u ABSORB the compliments then u don’t have to thank me for them :)
Eden (6128 words) by mezzaniine
(i’m persevering with my brainwash-you-into-loving-pale agenda…😭)
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@moutainrusing rue how tf r u mentioning me in these posts im so confused 😭 im not @ anywhere in the reblogs- I hate social media.
Also omg this is amazing. Art and fics are def the way to making me a multishipper well done.

Sirius Black wears thongs. Okay bye!
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coming back to post this bc i’ve been staring at it for hours and i cant stop crying —
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EXACTLY, lucas, right thereeee. but i kinda love them as platonic best friendsssssss. They’re so different and yet so similar and they always have each others backs!
nah I see it, rlly they’re ALL the heart.
i don’t think blinded by popularity is a fair statement, he was GREAT at basketball, finally wasn’t being bullied and was friends with another poc in his skl, will absolutely would’ve supported him branching out and growing. And he went back for them immediately!
yes I love steve and dustin and dustin and lucas and honourary mention of STEVE AND LUCAS 🙌 omg they’re the besttttt, the way steve helped him with basketball and came to his game-
multi shipping is just enhanced creativityyyy
YES i love robin for everything but especially that speech
yeah but queer ships are pretty often half-canon 😭 i’d like to see one set saillll
that’s so fair, he was too young to be in a relationship and had absolutely no good frame for what he was supposed to do. That’s how he ended up just like his dad.
omg rlly? i was sure it was gonna be the kid from the first second he had creepy vibes.
i mean rue, love ya and the justifying of villains (that’s basically all Arcane is) but Henry is, too far evil. So what if he was bullied and society hates him, it does not excuse the murdering of his family 😭 it’s tragic tho, cause he could’ve asked for help but he didn’t, it’s like you said, kids can abuse their parents.
exactly i rlly don’t think max will die. steve was supposed to die in s1, u know how every season has a newbie that gets involved and dies (Bob for s2, Billy for s3, Eddie for s4) Steve was that for s1, but Joe Keery legit played him so well the writers were like, nah let’s not kill him let’s REDEEM HIM ✨
YEP and iconic of the writers to go “oh they want him back? HES IN RUSSIA THEN!”
that’s the point tho, they’re the main group, how else would it end? (also a great way to get out of making either ship canon…)
exactlyyyy, the exams will be fine (omg they’re so soon, ours are end of april, when’s urs?) that’s a cool idea, honeslty I was offered a bunch of gcses but decided to go with normal room just cause it stressed me out more to not be sure of where I was supposed to be.
OMG THATS SO ME. Like yes I worry but at the same time I have forever? time will get me where I want to be. that’s my new fav quote. and I fully think it’s true. I mean rlly it’s “future me will get me where I want to be” cause she WILL and the time will pass, can’t worry that far ahead-
ahhhh i forgot to tag u @moutainrusing
hiii rue :)
I hope you’ve had a lovely week so far 🥰
i’ve had a weird week (specifically a very weird day) so, I thought maybe i’d spread some kindness 💖
I never expected so many honest conversations on this little app, I always hoped i’d make fandom friends somehow, but I didn’t think i’d get one like you ✨
You inspired me to indulge in my creative freedom and write fanfics again. I had the time but no ideas, before you. It might’ve taken nine months but I wrote again, and I missed it. I don’t want to wait another nine months to write anything else. And I won’t have to because you continue to inspire me :)
Also you’re genuinely so lovely, you have faith in people and the world, and whether you value your stubbornness or not, I truly do. In a world that feels unstable right now, you have a moral voice guiding you that I wish others had.
Plus you’re open and you listen and you’re willing to consider your view and consider if you’re right, which is the most important part to being stubborn really. In my opinion.
And you know, you’re insanely creative, it’s so cool how ur brain works and I cannot say that enough.
That’s… all I guess :) SORRY im not as good at popping up in ur inbox with cute little messages like you do with meeeee <3
i adore talking to u
hi glue!!!
thank youu🥰 I've had a pretty average week to be honest, how was yours, good weird or bad weird?
I never expected to make online friends in general (I mean, stranger danger, safety first etc. etc.) but then I met you and slowly I was like... hold on... you're not a stranger anymore so WE'RE FRIENDS AND I LOVE YOU AND I'M SO HAPPY YOU DECIDED TO TRUST ME TOO
your fanfics are ALL YOU, amazing like YOU. always do the things you love❤️ and I'm honoured you take inspiration from me😭🫶
I'm not that lovely😭 it's because we're texting, right, usually I never think before I speak but with you I dooo. meet me when I'm stubborn about the wrong thing:
(flips sides like a massive hypocrite, "who me? no, I don't think so... really, I would never say that, I've always been so morally correct-")
don't worry glue, our world is stable because you are the glue to my stick and we STICK :p
(^my creativity at it's finest🫡)
WDYM you're not good at popping up with cute messages?! this is so sweet, it can't get sweeter, thank you so muchh!! you're always spreading kindness💖 by existing and sharing your beliefs and being willing to change and listening and always trying to be the best person you can be, because you are the best person, and you inspire me to be more generous and think outside of the box and rant for as long as I like about whatever passions I have- in conclusion you are everything and more, WDYM you're not good at cute messages, your favourite emoji is: 🥰
but now I love it because of you. thanks for that✋
I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BRAIN🥰 (look at how I now excessively use that emoji. I'm changed😭)
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back in my day tick tock is what the sock said
31 notes
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