#sirius and andromeda
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mrstellmeafuckingsecret · 6 months ago
'nobody's son, nobody's daughter' but it's sirius and andromeda black
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hxuse-xf-black · 1 year ago
Andy, if I die, make sure I get a bigger tombstone than Reg.
Sirius Black, probably
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izzy-prizzy · 9 months ago
can reg and cissa get the andy and sirius treatment PLEASE
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marlesbian · 2 years ago
How i perceive Sirius Black
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Starting with the basics
- gay he loved men
- genderfluid
- graysexual
- any pronouns (preference for using different pronouns in the same sentence)
- Has BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) and ADHD
- french/east easian/plain white idk i like these 3 hcs
- 1,78m tall (told everyone was 1,80m)
- Sirius was trained in ballroom dancing, piano, violin and had etiquette lessons as a child. Speaks French, English, German and Russian. She can play almost any instrument tbh.
- Loved to paint, write poetry and draw. (drew mostly on black and grey). Sirius also kept a journal he learned to charm so only his eyes could read it.
- Favorite band was Queen, also loved Bowie, KISS, Led Zeppelin, T. Rex and all of glam rock (later found a passion for punk) and secretly loved Tchaikovsky. Found muggle music through Andromeda. She was like her older sister and his biggest protector, he was destroyed when she was disowned. She kept buying sirius vinyls and sending it to her while she was at school.
- Sirius was a natural born rebel, they defied everything just by existing. "My existence is a scandal" was his motto.
- Sirius loved to read, but at home was only allowed to read russian and french classics like Dostoevsky, Victor Hugo, Tolstoy, Dumas etc.
- Once their uncle Alphard gave him Oscar Wilde books and that became her whole life. She loved 'The ghost of Canterville' and 'The Picture of Dorian Grey'. Sirius never really talked to other ppl about liking books though.
- At home, her life was shit, of course. Her parents were abusive and it started really young, they were manipulative and narcissistic, neglected Sirius's emotions and feelings, and prohibited him from showing their true self. But the abuse was discreet, quiet, it wasn't obvious to him. She knew it wasn't alright but also couldn't recognize it was abuse, to her, their parents just wanted what was best for him, wanted him to be their best self. Her mom still told him she loved them, they still gave star things, they treated them well and like shit at the same time.
- As Sirius was growing up the abuse kept getting worse, they started using curses and hexes and beating him, hurting her in many ways, but she thought he deserved it because that would help them become a better person, she still understood the abuse as care. As he turned 13 he was thought dark arts at home stars parents used his wants and needs as a way to control her, she always had to do something for her family to get basic human treatment. As she got older they started getting more violent, using unforgivables and curses that hurt her physically.
- Walburga was literally one of the worst people to walk on this earth, she was bitter, heartless, prejudiced, violent, ruthless, she was an awful human being and Sirius HATED her. Walburga was obsessed with keeping up appearances, making the family name justice, being better and superior to everyobody else, she had these delusions of grandeur, of maintaining a superiority status. He was scared she could become like her mother one day, that she was as insane as the woman who gave him life but also literally tortured and tried to kill her own children just for the sake of "the family name".
- Her relationship with Regulus was very complicated. When Reg was born Sirius loved him so much, he couldn't even explain. Reg was everything Sirius could never be. He was everything her parents wanted her to be, he was quiet, polite, patient, never spoke out of turn, he did everything his parents wanted him no without question. Sirius could feel in all the ways their parents acted that they loved Reg more, that Reg was what they actually wanted.
- Sirius hated herself for it because she hated his brother for something he could not control but they also loved him more than anything. So their relationship was unstable, some nights they went to each other for comfort, others they wouldnt even share looks. Around 9/8yo Reg told Sirius that he just always knew he had to play a part, to pretend in order to survive in that family, that he had to be literally a perfect child. For most of her life, Sirius did love his brother more than anything. After Reg grew up and started to get more brainwashed by his parents, they drifted apart he resented Sirius, he despised him for being a blood traitor, for being queer, for being wrong. (Abused children deal with abuse in different ways so i would never say regulus was a bad person, he was victim) Sirius had to leave and it was the right thing to do.
- Only started to have longer hair by the end of 4th year
- He was a happy child, a little star, brighting people's days, always laughing and being just loud. Her mother hated it. Orion was just neglectful and complacent with Walburga.
- Sirius was very loud, just a loud person, who talked loud, walked making noise, talked with their whole body
- His presence was always noticed, because she could not shut up. They always knew something was wrong in the way her family worked, every night she cried looking at the stars wishing to be saved, because she knew life could be better, she always felt something was missing, like a void in his chest, like he wasn't complete. That void was filled with James. He felt how real normal people love for the first time with James. He was the brother she wanted Reg to be, James was supportive of his every action and trait, they could hug and show affection.
- James was so much more than just a best friend, he was truly Sirius' brother, their relationship wasn't platonic nor romantic, their loved surpassed these notions we have of love. Their love just was. Nothing could compare to Remus though, he was her soulmate, her other half, they were connected by the red string, they were born to be together. He probably fell in love with Remus the second they met.
- Sirius was sensitive and also strong, she cried himself to sleep sometimes bc he didn't wanna bother anyone. He used humor to hide the fact that she hated himself, he was always cracking jokes and making people laugh, because that made her feel loved.
- Sometimes she lost her sense of self, she dissociated and wondered who she even was, if that person was actually them, if he wasnt pretending just to cause a scene, those days she became distant, nobody recognized him. He was agressive and impulsive and somehow was always hurting the people she cared most.
- Some days she felt like a complete failiure and waste of space, other days she felt he was better than every other living human, some days she loved who she was, others he wanted to die and be born as someone else. He didn't know how he felt about himself, nothing in her was constant, except the change. She didn't know how she felt, it was empty and simultaniously overwhelming because she felt everything and nothing at the same time. She was insecure and over confident, rude and also sweet and polite.
-His boggart was being left by everyone he loved.
- There was a time in his life where she treated everyone like shit on purpose because she was convinced that everyone would leave him and some point so it would be "her choice". That didnt last and it was awful, he felt awful, she cried every day, she began to self harm and hate himself.
- She hated being impulsive and always hurting people. She hated that sometimes his mind kinda shut off and he lost control of what he was doing and saying, hated that she couldn't remember it after, he hated that on these times she always did the worst things imaginable.
- Sirius dressed fem and masc, depends on the day and what he was feeling, they wore lots of leather jackets, croptops, low waisted jeans, oversize jackets, coats and sweaters. loved something showing chest, very flamboyant and sparkly. Their color palette was black, red, grey, purple and dark brown.
- Sirius loved tattoos and piercings. She got her first tattoo on sixth year, along with Remus. She had many ear piercings, nipple piercing and a stud nose (with a ruby on it)
- The relationship with his sexuality was complicated, he always knew she didn't like women the way boys were supposed to. In Hogwarts, he did everything to show everyone that he, in fact, did like girls. Until fifth year, she just couldn't take it anymore. she did hook up with some random girls just for show (nothing sexual, he couldn't physically put themselves through that). But then he met Benjy and that's when it all changed, Benjy helped him discover who she was, what they liked, what felt good and comfortable and what didn’t, helped them with the whole gender thing (Sirius did not give a fuck, sometimes he felt like a boy, sometimes not and that was it, couldn't care less about how ppl referred to or perceived her). So basically the only people he ever had anything with were Remus and Benjy. 
-Sirius found it easy to hate and dislike things and people and she hated herself most of all for it. Because good people can't hate, good people only love, good people don't get angry and destructive. Therefore, in her mind, he was a terrible person.
- Sirius felt like a mistake sometimes, like a waste of space, like he was useless and could have done more to save his brother, to save her cousin, to be loved by their family. For a long time, that was all she wanted, that's what he would see in the mirror of Erised, him being her true self in front of her family, dressed however he pleased, and their family behind smiling, supporting and loving her. 
- His boggart was himself, with the dark mark on her arm. The slytherin green tie, pale skin, hair all short and well cut. His biggest fear was being evil, ending up being the horrible person the voice inside their head kept saying he was.
- His biggest dream for years was being loved by his family, but becoming what they wanted was her biggest fear. She had always been torn.
- James was the one that made them realize that her family was fucked up, that they were wrong, that Sirius was enough and that he did not need to change in order to be treated like a person, that her family wasn't worth it and that she had to let go. It wasn’t easy, it took James five long years, but on December 1975 Sirius came all bloody to the Potters, left her family behind, and began to heal. 
- Sirius was unstable, as established here, he hated herself for it. Sometimes she felt like she only did the wrong thing, like she was rotten and couldn’t be fixed, like she would die being a mistake like he could never be loved and never truly love.
- Sirius just has a very androgynous feminine aura, loved to explore gender expression, and never really cared what people said.
- Sirius Black and Remus Lupin are connected by the red string, they are head over heels in love with each other, they ARE love. Their relationship isn’t toxic, its beautiful and pure and genuine and sweet, it may have had its ups and downs but they never treated each other poorly. Even when they were mad or fighting, if one needed help or comfort, the other put everything aside to come to their aid. They were always touching and holding hands and exchanding looks, their love was so strong you could feel it in the air, everyone around them could see it, it was undeniable.
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the0d00r · 2 years ago
the most bonding me and my cousin are capable of is him calling me emo, me proving him wrong by listing my music tastes, then him calling me depressed instead and the conversation ending with him telling me to join a club at school.
that conversation spanned three days 💀
but it boosted my ego a lil bc it reminded me of sirius and andromeda <33
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brokebaby · 2 months ago
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it was soo hard guys... my back hurts *cries*
but well, i did want to draw the cuosins together so..
pls look at reg and ev, lmaoo they didnt want to be there, andromeda looves lil dora, narcissa being the perfect miss, meanwhile bella and sirius won't stop moving
it was alphard's idea, he and ophelia wanted a picture of all the kids together<3
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starrysillhoutte · 2 months ago
the noble and most cunty house of slutty waists
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liv45no · 6 months ago
Ted: dating a Black is great.
James: so great!
Remus: the best!
Ted: but they tend to be a tad judgmental.
James: almost punitive.
Remus: they are monsters.
Ted: that’s why the three of us formed a secret alliance to help each other cover up our little mistakes :)
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planetqueenxoxo · 5 months ago
Regulus would constantly be terrified that James would leave him because he was used to people leaving him for better people. The only cousin he liked left him for her boyfriend, his own brother left him for a new family, so what was stopping the love of his life from leaving him?
James, upon discovering this, decided the only way to convince him otherwise was to spend every hour of every day glued to his side to show him he wasn't going anywhere.
The skittles were not pleased.
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ccccatttta · 3 months ago
"the black family madness" the books call it. "the consequences of inbreeding" is what it actually is
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mrstellmeafuckingsecret · 2 months ago
hi, I saw your post on Sirius and the Black family. Have you talked about Sirius and Andromeda? I wanna know your thoughts on them. Specifically her disownment. I personally don't think much of them.
omg this reminds me of an ask i got in like october .... sorry anon that's never getting answered i cant even find the ask...
i love them. i love andromeda she's like my favr of the black sisters and she's so cool and sad and hot i love her. sirius is litr the reason i wake up every day. canonically, i dont think they wre very close at all ,, like he liked her the most because he didn't have many options and he was never super close to her and she liked having some link to her past life and ,, when andromeda got disowned sirius didn't even know till he saw it in the paper or went home for christmas or smth
but in MY mind theyre bsfs u see. andromeda never lost her older sister touch and sirius neededd an older sibling and they were v cute. apparently he never tonks before ootp (i cant find the quote,,) but like that can just be them writing to each other or maybe he only saw her when she was a baby or smth ackk but theyre so cute !!! when sirius ranaway to the potters he dropped by andromeda's w them once before hogwarts and she v much embarrassed him by fretting over him ,,. also sirius had a crush on ted because he was nice and smart and never treated him like a kid .
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hxuse-xf-black · 2 years ago
98% of Hogwarts: Andromeda is so sweet, it’s hard to believe she’s related to the Blacks
*Andromeda that very second: Her and Sirius are duking it out with Narcissa and Bellatrix while Regulus is shouting out “encouragement” from the side and eating jelly beans (if “just hex her face off Siri” and “Come on, Cissa, Uncle Cygnus taught you better curses than that” can be considered encouragement)*
Ted, affectionate, watching the Blacks: She’s a blessing and I love her
Snape, derogatory, also seeing the Blacks: Yeah, she’s a blessing
Andromeda: *turning around to hex Snape and instantly going back to her argument*
Ted: *sighs, in love*
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moon-meteor-star-sun · 3 months ago
If you are a marauders fan/ you support or are in the queer community then do Not watch the upcoming Harry Potter show! Do not support it! Do not interact with posts in support of it! We do not need anymore content from jkr! Buy the books second hand! Don’t buy official merch! Stop giving your money to her! Stop being transphobic!
Edit: I have a reply in the reblogs to those mentioning to pirate the show
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aithusarosekiller · 8 months ago
Andy leaving her sisters/cousins to babysit her daughter would be insane
Like baby tonks learnt her chaos from somewhere and it wasn't from Ted, it was very much a 'mums side of the family' thing
Bella, standing in the corner: 🧍what does it want from me
Sirius, holding her: I don't know?!?! Why is she staring like that oh my god, please blink Dora
Narcissa: stop holding her like that you useless imbecile, you'll mess up her spine...no that's WORSE
Bella: make it stop staring at me
Reggie, coming to take her away from Sirius: I don't even like this baby but I chose to save you all from your incompetence so you are welcome
Baby tonks: :D
Narcissa, who had just tried to hold her and stop her from crying, claiming 'babies love me': what on earth did you do?
Reggie: no clue.
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not-rab · 8 months ago
regulus who dyed his hair from blonde to black to look more like sirius
narcissa who dyed her hair from black to blonde to look less like andromeda
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moonyswarmsweaters · 8 months ago
waiter: Kids under 5 and cops eat for free
Sirius: *nudging a 6 years old Nymphadora*
Her: I’m police
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