#she also has a mudsdale
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melonisopod · 7 months ago
We need a regional variant of Wimpod that's just a cockroach or hell a convergent species similar to Wiglet. Like Wimpod is basically a cockroach it eats trash it skitters away really fast it's a small sad little bug but it's also a horseshoe crab/isopod but listen. What if it lived on land and ate garbage out of the dumpster? What if some of them were part-Flying?
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varietales · 10 months ago
Pokemon AUs 🥺
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jaxinkh · 5 months ago
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Made a Pokemon Arceus AU for Tangled. (even tho its in Alola and Celebi is the time traveler LOL) If people are interested I can give some story.
Here is Cassandra and her Rowlet! She also has a Mudsdale, and she is Gothels ancestor! Part of the Sun clan, she wants to be a great warrior like her father. (Pokemon games dont really do weapons, so I gave her the 'spear' from the Pokemon Arceus & the Jewel of Life movie)
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carouselunique · 5 months ago
Hey weird question but do Big Mac, Cadance and Honey have Pokemon teams?
No question is unwelcome in this house! Well, some are but this is a nice one! And yeah! I had this laying around!
Cadence (Main Type: Fairy / Other Types: Grass, Psychic, Ghost, Normal) - Owner of the Crystal Hearts Pokémon Sanctuary and Contest Champion:
- Gardevoir (Shiny) - Nickname: Corazon ♀ - Co-Manager of the Crystal Hearts Pokémon Sanctuary and Main Partner Pokemon
- Aromatisse - Nickname: Amoré ♀ - Head Nursery Pokemon at the Crystal Hearts Pokémon Sanctuary
- Sylveon - Nickname: Esperanza ♀ - Therapy Pokémon / Service Pokémon Advisor at the Crystal Hearts Pokémon Sanctuary
- Mismagius - Nickname: Dulcamara ♀ - Main Fighter for Cadence’s Team / Medicinal Pokémon at the Crystal Hearts Pokémon Sanctuary
- Lurantis - Nickname: Prismia ♀ - Gardener at the Crystal Hearts Pokémon Sanctuary / Farmer at Sweet Applin Acres.
- Audino - Nickname: Latido ♂- Co-Manager of the Crystal Hearts Pokémon Sanctuary
Big Macintosh Pokémon (Main Type: Grass / Other Types: Fairy, Ground and Dragon) - Elite Four Member and Co-Farmer at Sweet Applin Acres:
- Torterra - Nickname: Crispin ♂
- Gogoat - Nickname: Concord ♂
- Mudsdale - Nickname: Sundance ♂- (Current) Main Partner Pokemon
- Flapple - Nickname: Lil’ Mac ♂
- Whimsicott - Nickname: Pippin ♀
- Trevanant - Nickname: Anjou ♀
Honeycrisp Pokémon (Main Type: Grass/Fairy / Other Types: Bug, Flying, Psychic, Dark, Fire and Ghost) Lil’ Helper at the Crystal Hearts Pokémon Sanctuary and Sweet Applin Acres on her First Pokémon Journey:
- Bellossom - Nickname: Peaches ♀ - Main Partner Pokémon raised side-by-side with Honey as her first Pokémon when the baby Oddish climbed into her playpen and Honey was given a Sun Stone as a journey present which evolved Peaches into a Bellossom.
- Appletun - Nickname: Cider ♂- Formerly the Partner Pokemon of Big Mac now travels with Honey to keep her safe.
- Petilil - Nickname: Marigold ♀
- Combee - Nickname: ♀
- Houndoom - Nickname: Red Rover ♂- Found fully evolved and is very vicious to most and yet to the little girl who showed him kindness he is gentle and fiercely protective. Has learned to get along with her little team - Honey doesn’t use him for fights mostly cause she wants him to feel cozy and happy and also it would be unfair to use him in her age group but he will fight if she needs to defend herself against wild Pokémon above her level.
- Milcery - Nickname: Vanilla ♀
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life-of-a-rat · 1 year ago
Tma/Pokémon AU concepts (+art)
so, people liked the Jmart Pokémon sprites i made, so here's a rough outline of how I think my AU is going to work
it would talk place in a version of Galar, but with 14 (or maybe 15 if i decide to include the extinction) gyms, which focus more on an aesthetic rather than a typing. none of these gyms have leaders, instead just having a bunch of members. these gyms would also probably function as the evil teams of sorts.
Jon and martin are research fellows for a professor (Jonah) in Galar. Jon has a Meowstic and an Absol, Martin has a Galvantula.
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prof. Jonah Magnus is jmart's boss and keeps sending them out to study more and more dangerous Pokémon, while secretly preparing to sacrifice Jon to an unspecified legendary Pokémon (i also realized while making this that i don't have a Jonah design)(i'm not sure yet how Elias will play into this, he'd probably be like a failed sacrifice or something)
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Sasha works as a librarian at the local trainer school, and often helps to provide resources for Jon and Martin. she has a Yanma, a Zoroark, a Mudsdale, and a Banette.
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Tim and Danny (who lives bc fuck you) are ace trainers, specializing in fire and electric-type Pokémon respectively. they have a friendly rivalry with Sasha, and often annoy Jon by randomly challenging him to battles. they provide the actual battling strength to the team. Tim has a Centiskorch, Skeledirge, Volcarona, and a Hisuian Arcanine. his ace is a Talonflame. Danny has an Eelektross, Alolan Raichu, Boltund, and a Dedenne. his ace is a Vikavolt. they also each have an Oricorio of their respective typing.
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i have some little doodles and mini-comics I'll post separately, probably tomorrow, but in the meantime feel free to send in asks or suggestions.
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cogentranting · 1 year ago
Ranking Animated Horse Designs Take 3
This time I really am back by popular demand because the other two posts have been getting a steady trickle of notes for over a year now.
(If you're looking for stuff like Disney and Dreamworks there are two other posts. Here we've got mostly random cartoons and also the Pokemon horses)
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Starlite (Rainbow Brite) 6/10 Little weird that he seems to be drawn in a style that's like 3x more realistic than any other character in this show but hey sometimes you just ascend to a higher plane of existence. (2014 Reboot Starlite gets a 3/10. I do not trust him.)
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Skydancer (Rainbow Brite) 7/10 I bumped Starlite down a point because he wants what Skydancer has. Skydancer doesn't need rainbows to fly. Skydancer has a lightning bolt. Skydancer has the Drama. (The one wiki page said he's a Shire or a Clydesdale and um I don't think so. Maybe a Friesian.)
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On-yx (Rainbow Brite) This is a rocket powered balloon animal. 2/10
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Sunriser (Rainbow Brite) 5/10 Eh. I like her hair though.
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Swift Wind (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power/ She-Ra Princess of Power)
Right (older version) 8/10 I don't understand the wing physics going on here. Also not sure if the horn is part of the mask or just attached to the mask. Diggin the bib though. Also love that he's a ginger.
Left (new version) 4/10 If the older version wasn't there this would score higher because just as a character design I don't think it's bad but if these are supposed to be the same character he seems so cutesy and I do not vibe with it. I don't know either show. So maybe that works. But it feels wrong.
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Amalthea (The Last Unicorn) 9/10 They gave the unicorn the split deer hooves, and the lions tail and that is automatic points from me. Bummed they didn't go all out and give us the goat's beard. Rude. Any distance shot, I love. Close-ups of the face creep me out with the giant doll eyes and tiny nose.
(Pokemon and more below)
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Honey Pie Pony (Strawberry Shortcake) 8/10 Adorable. Fantastically chunky design. The others from this... show? book? brand? are like 6s or 5s depending. But Honey Pie has the It factor. (The It Factor here apparently being that recurring pattern of only the main character's horse being able to talk?? This is the third. Swift Wind, Starlite and Honey Pie have dark secrets about how they come by this knowledge).
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic "ponies" Just as characters they're cute in a "trying so hard to be cute that they almost miss the mark entirely" way. But this is about how they are as HORSE designs. And these are magical gremlins not horses. 1/10 (WHAT is happening on the far right of this set. I do not approve. Zebra is fine though).
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My Little Pony: A New Generation Like if the MLP: FM ponies and the Trolls characters somehow had children. Somehow the main character of Bee Movie was also involved. The one on the left makes TikTok thirst traps. -2/10
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My Little Pony Tales 3/10 I can almost tell they're meant to be horses. Plus that one has a tattoo of a comb. So. Full extra point for the comb tattoo.
Bratz Horses I can't tell if there's an official video game or cartoon design for these but in ANY given version I found the conclusion is the same: if you look into the gigantic distended eye you will be put under the horse's curse. 1/10
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Boxer (Animal Farm) 4/10 All horses are equal but some are more equal than others, but Boxer is not one of them because his mouth is not okay.
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Marvin (Marvin the Tap Dancing Horse) 5/10 I mean. Dude's got spats. Come on.
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Ponyta (Pokemon) 3/5 The armpit and middle thigh flames were a choice.
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Rapidash (Pokemon) 8/10 Look at his face. The angst. He has seen things.
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Mudsdale (Pokemon) 8/10 The classic mohawk, dreadlocks and legwarmers trifecta. Love it. Would love to hug him.
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Galarian Ponyta 3/10 It's giving sheep, and it's giving dog. Very little horse.
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Galarian Rapidash (Pokemon) 4/10 He's angry because his hair is too long and he can't walk and also he has not eaten enough somebody feed this horse.
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Origin Palkia (Pokemon) 6/10 A built-in hoola-hoop AND thigh high Boots?! what fashion.
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Keldeo (Pokemon) 1/10 Clown goat.
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Spectrier (Pokemon) 10/10 Beautiful goth girl horse floating around like a Victorian ghost who's too modest to show her ankles.
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Mudbray (Pokemon) 5/10 He has passed through the depths of existential dread and returned world-weary but unshakeable and with a snazzy bowl cut.
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Glastrier (Pokemon)
20/10 ICE HORSE ICE HORSE ICE HORSE. I love him so much. He's punk rock
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The Fat Horse (Looney Tunes) 10/10 Queen.
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foreststarflaime · 8 months ago
Me and @stargazing-zani were bored so have this list of what partner pokemon the ff7 crew would have
The Banora boys get the Applin variants. Genesis gets a Flapple and Angeal has an Appletun
Genesis also tries to deflect attention onto his much flashier Ceruledge in public tho
Angeal was also given an Aegislash by his father which he nicknamed Buster. Buster has seen too much as it’s passed down to Zack and then Cloud in turn, watching its partners suffer but unable to form the words to comfort them
Hojo tries and tries to get Sephiroth something big, ultra-powerful and intimidating, but Seph is set on the adorable Mew which found him and refused to leave his side. Still a mythical so Hojo lets him keep it but is very miffed
Cloud was adopted by a Galarian Zapdos bc chocobo. I don’t make the rules. I do feel like the character arc the Sobble line goes through fits him really well tho
Zack has an unevolved Rockruff for quite a while. When it eventually does evolve, no matter what time of day it is, it will inevitably evolve into Midday Lycanroc because Zack’s sunny personality is overwhelming
Aerith has a Tinkaton. They’re perfect for each other
I don’t know how to explain it but Mudsdale gives me Tifa vibes, also it was a powerhouse when I had it on my team and I love it
Hojo created a Mewtwo bc all other pokemon rejected him, but it immediately turned on its creator and murders him violently, preventing all problems and fixing everything without the need for time travel
Insane Seph got a Deoxys bc creepy alien. Maybe it is Jenova in this universe and starts corrupting him as soon as he gets it driving him insane
Rufus gets a Houndoom bc that’s basically what Darkstar is anyways
Cait Sith is basically just Meowth already, I don’t need to do much here. Maybe Perrserker to be the version from the Scotland area Pokemon game
Alternatively for Reeve I feel like Duraludon works, bc urban development and it reminds me of the Neo Midgar concepts
Heidegger gets either a Skuntank or a Granbull, idk which but vibes
Hehehe Vincent has a Cofagrigus
I bestow upon Yuffie the honor of Thievul. Loved it on my team and they both have the little shit vibes. She would also be an evil team grunt stealing everyone else’s pokemon tho, and honestly good for her go crazy Yuffie
I know for Kunsel it’s always the hack-y technology vibes. But consider. Always hiding behind a mask, never see his face. Mimikyu
Barret? Absol. Avalanche, impending disaster, perfect
I feel like Rude would like Urshifu
It would be absolutely hilarious to me then if Reno just had an Emolga
Scarlet with a Metagross
Why is Tseng so hard. Inteleon perhaps for the spy-y stuff
For Veld maybe a Wishiwashi for the Turk’s whole stronger in numbers found family thing
Oh dear god while writing this I thought too much about the implications of SOLDIER still existing in a world where pokemon battles replaced normal fighting. Maybe it was an experiment to splice human dna with pokemon to get humans to be able to fight using pokemon moves too? So like you go up against a SOLDIER, faint all 6 of their pokemon and think yay I’ve won, and then the SOLDIER just starts going after your pokemon themselves. They are their own 7th pokemon
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goldenzingy46 · 2 months ago
the franklin expedition is about to become a fucking zoo: or, the terror characters get pokemon teams
tuunbaq: silna's dad's legendary pokemon that's too high level for her to catch
hickey: rattata, but it evolves over the course of the expedition
jfj: (there's a colour scheme) (it's The Dress) salazzle (she has some introspection to do), tinkaton, hatterene, bewear, and finally a mimikyu because the mimikyu lore is perfect for jfj
crozier: absol (obvious reason), corviknight (re: jfj's tinkaton), stoutland (neptune), cubone (both the fact that it's so fucking sad but also that he hasn't bothered to evolve it), yamask (it carries a mask of its own face and the Themes)
evans: boundsweet (gets eaten)
tozer: houndoom, arcanine, manectric (dog man)
hodgson: espurr (autism), fidough (i need him to eat it and choke on the guilt), yamper, flygon (briefly considered a mr. mime)
little: psyduck (perma-headache), mudsdale (horse girl), pyukumuku (they get beahced and need to be thrown back into the water), magikarp (he was going to get a gyarados but The Circumstances :()
stanley: chandelure, skeledirge (re: e6)
jopson: pelipper, marowak (The Themes And Symbolism)
irving: snom, smeargle, sawsbuck, brambleghast
franklin: aipom, aegislash, emolga, mightyena, furfrou
this is what i have for now. feel free to add!!
additionally i think there's a no pokémon out of balls rule on the ships and people don't listen that much
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quitealotofsodapop · 11 months ago
YELLOW1!!1 it's been a hot minute since I sent in an ask!
Since pokemon has really come to bite my butt, I wonder what kinda pokemon Mei and Macaque would have! (I'd guess Mei would have a gyrados for some reason, but it makes sense to me and that's good enough!)
the LMK storyboard director (Ashe Jacobson) actually made pokemon cards for the LMK gang based on her hcs of them! Although they were made during S1/2 and likely don't reflect current ideas or fanon (also too many legendaries for my taste). Also no Sandy card :(
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Things I do love about each though:
He/They pronoun MK. MK having bunch of little monkey pokemon. Plus a Krabby for some reason. Also Age: Unknown foreshadowing... instead of the legendaries I could see him having a Ground type like a Gligar (cheeky bat pokemon based on a tyoe of Japanese yokai) or a Swinub (snow boar piglet).
Red Son out here with all the pronouns and a bunch of poor Bug/Steel types about to get melted XD. Honestly surprised that he doesn't have a Tauros. The Houndoom seems like an Erlang pokemon though, Red Son seems more of a Torchic kinda guy. I could also give him a legednary like Chi-Yu; a little piece of primordial fire based on the Chinese Great Peril of Hundun/Confusion.
Mei def deserves a Gyardos - no fault to Rayquaza but no legendaries allowed. Rapidash is perfect for her, but perhaps a shiny to fit her theme a little more + she def would be a Shiny hunter. Sceptile is a more subtle choice since it's a lizard pokemon with one of the highest base speed stats (450) and has sword-like leafy protrusions. I've seen ideas for her having a Blitzle (electric zebra pokemon) as well since it just seems like a Her pokemon to have.
I just love Tang having Shedinja (the cicada husk pokemon) partially because it falls into a little theory I have of him >:3 + Golden Cicada connection. Chimecho is also based on a type of shinto warding bell used to scare off spirits - a useful pokemon for a priest/superstitious nerd to have. The Hoothoot is adorable, he's just here cus of nerdiest. Spoink is based on a bible verse about casting wisdom to those who won't appriciate it (pearls before swine) so thats pretty Tang-coded. The Shuckle makes me think of Noodles and the infamous "don't fuckle with the Shuckle"-meme because of it's ability to become the most lethal attack pokemon under the right circumstances. Tang deserves another non-legendary tho so lets give him an artifact pokemon like a Golett or Baltoy for him to nerd about (and struggle to carry).
Pigsy has pigs. You know if Gen IX was out he'd have a LeChonk no question about it. The Munchlax is super adorable since is a hungry baby pokemon (reminds him of MK?), and the Clefable could be a hint at his amazing singing voice. Blipbug is a ladybird larva aka a "bookworm" pokemon - you know he got that one cus of Tang. The Ambipom is interesting tho - extra hands in the kitchen obvs, but maybe hinting at his incarnation's connection to SWK. I could def see him having "food"-type pokemon around too like Smoliv, Milcery, and/or Tatsugiri.
+Tang and Pigsy both have a pokemon that reminds them of eachother omg; Spoink and Blipbug. Perhaps the Spoink is (Pigsy's) Grumpig's baby?
Wukong using his flattering game art for his ID is very in-character of him XD. Most of his pokemon are really on the nose too - Infernape is legit based on him after all. I excuse the use of legendary pokemon (esp Landorus since it's a earth/cloud god pokemon) for him too since thats what he is. The most recent legendary pokemon is uber-Wukong coded tho - Pecharunt, based on the Peaches of Immortality combined with the japanese folktale of Momotaro + japanese death mythology. I could see Wukong also walking around with a bunch of horse (Mudsdale) and fruit pokemon (Boundsweet, Cherubi) as well. Maybe even having a team thats made of up pokemon that remind him of his old friends.
Macaque having a Zoroark and Zarude is super genius. Zoroark is a mimicry pokemon (based on kitsunes/huli-jings) and that checks out with what Macaque tried doing in the novel - also reminds me of my hc that Jiuweihuli took him under her wing. Zarude is a spooky legendary monkey pokemon obvs, but it's introduced in it's debut movie as "Dada" by the human it raised - sorta foreshadowing how the FFM baby monkeys really love Macaque. Gengar and Marshadow are great choices for his shadow powers ofc - with Marshow having a "lantern" kind vibe to it. Grimmsnarl I think was choosen based on it's Gigantamax form - it looks a lot like Macaque's Smoke Monster form. I could also see Macaque having a few Sneasels - little dark types based on a wind Yokai. I think that while he'd like sound/music-focused Pokemon, his ears are too sensitive to be around the moves - he'd start running the second he sees a Whimsur.
+Macaque and Wukong have Eevee-lutions that evolve based on high affection depending on time of day. Like the Sun and the Moon everybody. Oddly enough in the pokemon "I Choose You!" movie, Marshadow is considered a "guide" for those chosen by Ho-Oh (which Wukong has), early foreshadowing how Macaque becomes a legit mentor to MK.
Jin and Yin just have duo pokemon that work best together. These two def would buy both versions of a pokemon game so that they could play and trade together. The two NInetails is a cute reference to their mom - the OG Nine-Tailed Vixen. They need a Gourgeist for their Calabash tho.
This is the best i can do rn for poor Sandy; I used a mix of microsoft office word shapes, Imgflip, and the Pokecharms Trainer Id generator (I couldn't figure out how to change the trainer to a custom image).
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I gave him Mantine and Lapras cus they're gentle "Ride" pokemon who like carrying people across water. Polteageist cus Tea and secrets. Smergle cus of art. Vivillion cus of the blue butterfly in "To Catch a Leaf" and the Dewpider cus Huntsman. Some more ideas include Dhelmise (the seaweed anchor pokemon), Misdreavus (cus of his necklace), and/or Machamp (wrestling theme in the Scroll of Memory). Lots of cat pokemon too - him and Nanu would get along. He's not a fighter at all - and neither are his pokemon. Don't underestimate them tho - they hit hard.
Additionally; Nezha has all snake pokemon + I can see him having a Charcadet. He's got a Phantump and a Dratini too but don't ask about them.
PIF has a swarm of Castform following her since they can't be blown away by her winds (she treats them like baby wind spirits). DBK has like fifty Tauros of different breeds' and a few Miltanks + a Scovillain who provides him with peppers.
Erlang has a Houndoom and nothing else... except maybe a Lotad who reminds him of his greatest regrets.
Chang'e owes a few bunny pokemon (Scorbunny, Buneary, Azumarill, Bunnelby etc) and an Alcremie, plus a bunch of stray Clefairy-line pokemon (moon origins) and Minior (meterorite/star candy pokemon). She also has a little Rowlet plush that she hugs tightly whenever she goes to sleep (Hou Yi's starter).
I feel like animal demons dont really "own" pokemon cus they see them as fellow demons/monster species. Wukong is an except since his are probably old friends/decended from pokemon he knew back on FFM.
this got a little away from me sorry - I love pokemon too <3
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haunted-plush · 7 months ago
Cars + Pokémon au
Doesn't change anything about the canon for the most part, the characters are humanized and just happen to have Pokémon partners that follow them around... I just decided to make this au because I like Cars and I like Pokémon, so why not mash the two together lmao
Lightning: Jolteon that he's had since he was an Eevee named Rush. Very exitable, kind of a prankster and a troublemaker, and likes to give everyone [Lightning included] a hard time, but he can be a sweet little guy for sure [when he wants to be]
Sally: a male and female Meowstic that she evolved from two Espurr. Female is named Silk and the male is named Satin, and she's had them both since she was a lawyer in Los Angeles. They help around the motel
Mater: huge Mudsdale named Carrots that is very stoic and rigid, and intimidating without even trying to be. She does have emotions on the inside, she just doesn't display them much, a big contrast to her trainer, who under exactly what she's feeling without having to try. Her favorite treat is carrots
Doc: Audino named Bee that helps out in his medical office as well as helps him out using her telekinesis to move heavier or large objects since he's disabled
Sheriff: Arcanine named Deputy, he's a very loyal partner and loves making him proud
Luigi and Guido: Sneaky mischievous little Meowth named Bambino who always tries to steal coins whenever possible, or even just trinkets left out. He gets gently smacked with a broom for stealing pretty often, but he still gets gifts of shiny objects to keep him happy. Plus he's very good at looking cute and innocent, even when he often isn't. His bed is made out of an old repurposed tire Mater built for him
Flo: Whimsicott named Pancakes that helps her out in the kitchen and will also go out and serve food, she's very well liked by everyone who comes in. There's also a Vanillite, Vanillish, and Vanilluxe that float around for atmosphere and such. They live in the freezer
Ramone: Grafaiai named Inks, very playful, extroverted and loves to cause a bit of trouble, but still takes their art very seriously. They're very proud of the designs that get made into tattoos
Red: Samurott named Admiral that's a lot more outgoing than he is, standing guard with Deputy a lot of the time and doing his best to look intimidating. He's still playful though, and does his best to help push Red along, although he loses his patience with him a bit sometimes. He's also got some spots along his body as a unique pattern detail
Lizzy: Mandi the Mandibuzz that sits on her shoulder and glares at people. Red is scared of it.
Chick: Haxorus named Tusker, he likes parading him around and using him to intimate people in public. He also has the Pix the Sylveon who he evolved from an Eevee, and he doesn't really show off as much. He secretly loves them both a lot
The King: Arorus named Blue, also has an Archeops named Screech because dinosaur and also Archeops is cool
Other Pokémon: There's a Klefki that lives in the motel, Sally takes care of it being the one who runs it but it was there before she moved in
Lots of ground types living in and around Radiator Springs, plus some rock, steel, and fire types. Lots of Silicobra, Diglett, some Sandshew and Sandslash
Over by the lake there's more grass and water types, with mostly rock types over by Wheel Well before they cleaned it up
Lightning got his lunch stolen that he was eating outside by a Talonflame once
Mater also claims to have fought against the elite four and was even offered to replace the regional champion but he declined [he also claims Lightning was there as well]
If anyone has any ideas or anything they'd like to add feel free to share them in the tags, I'd love to hear anything anyone has to contribute!!
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gayciate · 2 months ago
Cool Color Kids + Pokemon Parter HC's
Oughgghhh mashing more fixations together like dolls...
Isabela Madrigal
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✨ Shiny Serperior | Nature: Adamant | Hidden Ability: Contrary
+ Graceful and sleek, Serperior is a classic 'mon with a regal air of beauty around it + Boasting a rare shiny variant I think would suit how propped up and admired Isabela is in the community + I see one possibly loaded down with a more passive, appealing set like Sweet Scent and Synthesis pre What Else Can I Do and branching into more offensive and experimental moves like Frenzy Plant and Leaf Storm after! + A little bit snooty, it tends to turn up its nose and glare at people who approach its trainer. I think it may intimidate away some unwanted attention, much to Isabela's relief + I can also see her with a Roserade or Petilil that eventually evolves into a Hisuian Lilligant! She seems like she may enjoy raising a variety of grass-types and I like to think she probably has a little nursery greenhouse area for them!!! + I think she'd also end up liking Cacturne (part dark) and Carnivine (not what would be considered "beautiful")
Luisa Madrigal
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Mudsdale | Nature: Gentle | Ability: Stamina
+ A sturdy old gal, Mudsdale seemed almost too easy for Luisa - it's just so perfect for evolving from the donkey pokemon Mudbray and having the ability Stamina + I feel like Luisa would do very well to have such a strong and reliable buddy with her! It's both useful and calm-tempered, good to help her work and good to just relax with after a hard day's work
"It spits a mud that provides resistance to both wind and rain, so the walls of old houses were often coated with it." "Mudsdale has so much stamina that it could carry over 10 tons across the Galar region without rest or sleep." + I mean just look at those dex entries man...
+ Luisa feels like she'd connect with an overworked old horse and take it in, maybe even become softer on herself sometimes seeing that even this actual beast of burden needs rest and gentle care to thrive + I don't see her training a lot of pokemon, but I do see her devoting a ton of time to each one she does. She may specialize a bit with Ground, Rock, and Fighting but don't see her being all that picky with types! + I just want to draw a big giant Mudsdale sleeping soundly with Luisa leaning on its side taking a nap really
Mirabel Madrigal
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Cosmog | Nature: Hardy | Ability: Unaware
+ Unusual and not fully understood, it's a pokemon with a lot of potential that may initially be clocked as having little power or use + I can definitely see Mirabel having a soft spot for pokemon that are deemed powerless or otherwise underestimated and taking in any weird ones cast aside + I don't see her having any hard type bias and raising pokemon as day-to-day companions more than anything else + Cosmog is also a naturally curious and explorative little fella who can teleport around and keep up with Mirabel's energy - I definitely see the two of them getting into all sorts of hijinks everywhere + The unaware ability actually just ignores the opponent's stat boosts and attacks directly through them - something that maybe parallels how Mirabel pushes through everything stacked against her? Maybe more of a stretch, I just think that Mirabel running around with a little cosmog in her bag is extremely cute + Can also absolutely 100% see Mirabel having an Eevee - absolute classic and certified perfect for anyone with an arc where they're trying to see/find themself
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vvooper · 5 months ago
alright. next up in my ffvii character pokemon teams: it's Tifa Time
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tifa's team was pretty straightforward for me to come up with. details under the cut as always
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tifa's sprite is a recolor of the gen 4 battle girl. seemed perfect for her
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species: lopunny
ability: cute charm
item: muscle band
moves: close combat, return, power-up punch, captivate
ok I'll just address the obvious: there is some meta commentary going on here with my pokemon choice. people online can be very not normal about tifa's appearance. and I get it, I fully agree that Tifa Pretty, but let's not lose sight of the important fact that she can kill a man (and much scarier opponents) with her fists. I didn't give stargazer lopunnite here because that felt a little unfair to all the other characters who didn't get megas, but I definitely had mega lopunny in mind for the theme. the name is not really related, but I felt like it was a good name for a pokemon.
the ability cute charm and captivate kind of follow in the same vein. but muscle band, close combat, and power-up punch are all about kickin ass. I chose return because tifa is kind of a people pleaser, if that makes sense
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species: mudsdale
ability: stamina
item: leftovers
moves: high horsepower, body press, smack down, rest
I chose a mudsdale because of tifa's cowgirl outfit from when she was a teen. yknow for a long time I thought that that was some kind of phase tifa went through. it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that the entirety of nibelheim is a weird fusion of nordic and wild west influences. the name comes from one of tifa's limit breaks but again is not super related.
the stamina ability is for tifa being in great shape. it also works well with body press. high horsepower is just for the horse theme
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species: togekiss
ability: serene grace
item: berry juice
moves: air slash, aura sphere, water pulse, roost
for seventh heaven, I had to go with an angel shaped pokemon. there are... surprisingly few of those.
the serence grace ability is yet another reference to tifa being in great physical shape. for some reason, the thing that immediately comes to mind is her summon animation from remake and rebirth. she does this cartwheel maneuver and the whole thing is so smooth and impressive.
berry juice is a god awful item, but I really wanted seventh heaven to have a beverage.
aura sphere felt like a good representation of tifa's chi mechanic in remake and rebirth. water pulse is another choice vaguely related to seventh heaven being the local watering hole. similar for roost, as it's a place for people to gather and recharge (or get plastered, but whatever)
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species: palafin
ability: zero to hero
item: punching glove
moves: jet punch, drain punch, focus punch, bulk up
a dolphin pokemon is mandatory for tifa! now that I'm looking at it, maybe I should have named it dolphin flurry from remake and rebirth rather than dolphin blow from og, but too late.
the set is just pure punchy woman. punching glove powers up all the punching moves. as an added bonus, jet punch is a priority move, which is fitting because of how speedy tifa is. as for bulk up... square I'm BEGGING you to give tifa more muscle. her arms should not look like that!
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species: medicham
ability: pure power
item: life orb
moves: close combat, zen headbutt, bullet punch, counter
premium heart is tifa's ultimate weapon. I chose medicham as another pokemon that can be related to her chi mechanic.
the life orb item and counter refer to premium heart's special mechanic. it deals more damage the higher tifa's limit gauge is, but in order to fill the limit gauge, tifa must take damage.
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species: urshifu (rapid strike)
ability: unseen fist
item: choice band
moves: close combat, surging strikes, brick break, u-turn
tifa's legendary pokemon is urshifu, named zangan after her martial arts instructor. I've taken all of the pokemon artwork for these posts from pokemon home, but apparently it only has one urshifu icon for both forms, in which it just kinda... stands there. rest assured I chose the rapid strike form, both for tifa's speed and for the water type.
honestly the set itself is not super thematic, just fully geared toward physical power from martial arts-inspired moves.
previous entries found here. aerith is up next
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What are Haruka, Serena, and Gloria’s favorite ways to spend free time?
Also, what are their favorite desserts?
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Aside from singing sea shanties, Haruka has a habit turned hobby of restoring the Poké Dolls she rescues from the trash. The sight of one being so unloved to the point of lying amongst garbage absolutely breaks her heart into pieces.
She even creates a channel online devoted to the process of cleaning and sewing them up. Sometimes Haruka keeps her finds and others she sends out to a loving home. She frequently receives requests to repair the dolls of her followers as well.
It's not quite a dessert, but Haruka does favor fruit-topped flapjacks smothered in syrup. "Fruit prevents scurvy!"
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A frequent assumption is Serena will follow in her mother's footsteps and practice Rhyhorn racing. The truth of the matter is, it's more akin to Rhyhorn strolling when she's on the back of one. Her true passion... is the art of dance!
Waltz! Ballet! Swing! Ballroom! She's mastered them all and is also an excellent skater on the ice. Lumiose City is one of the largest cities in the entire world, so there must be a few dancehalls and ice rinks where Serena can properly display her ability.
Her favorite treat is a truly luxurious one: red velvet truffles! The white chocolate shells are decorated to resemble Premier Balls.
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There is an activity Gloria has always wanted to partake in but has only recently been given the opportunity. And that is Rapidash riding. She absolutely adores Ponyta and Rapidash (in addition to Mudsdale), and desired one of her own for years.
Leon's refusal to capture a Ponyta for her is what ultimately brought Gloria's previous precocious crush on him to an end. She's found one herself and rides Amalthea all across the region, regardless of Galar's Champion's relentless worry for her safety.
Gloria enjoys any dessert involving carrots, but her favorite by far for teatime is carrot scones. She bakes them herself too!
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fever-project · 1 year ago
LU Pokémon AU - Links’ Teams
Just to get all of this out there so I can remember. Trying so hard to not give them all legendary/mythical Pokémon, since that’s no fun. What’s in italics are the nicknames. Not all of them have nicknames. The small words are little notes.
Wild - Porygon-Z / Pory-Z | Raticate / Ratatatatata | three segmentDudunsparce / Dun Dun Dun! | Unfezant / Trans | Arboliva / Smol | Cyclizar / CycCycCycle
Twilight - Mudsdale / Epona | shinyCosmog / Nova | shinyDusk Lycanroc / Wolfie(his Lycanroc form is technically a part of his team) | Mindimp / Midna(midna fakemon, who currently is not part of his team but I feel like I should mention her)
Legend - He constantly changes his team of Pokémon, but here is his current team that he was testing out - shinyGliscor / Imorscor(mainly just called Gliscor) | shinyToxapex | shinyToxtricity | shinyAlolan Muk | shinyGalarian Weezing / Old Man | shinyDrapion
Hyrule - Drifloon / Drifty | Klefki / Key Keeper | Litwick / Candle | Banette / Dolly
Four - Much like Legend, he also changes out his team from time to time, here is his current team - Eevee / Eve | Swampert / Mud | shinyCastform / BelovedShiny(mainly called Shiny) | Zygarde / Core | Shedinja / NotAShiny(mainly called Nota) | Azumarill / Marsh
Time - MasterpieceSinistcha / Mocha | shinyHydrapple / Apple | shinyGholdengo / Goldie | shinyKingambit / Samurai | Ogerpon(not a part of his team, but they are friends)
Warriors - shinyAegislash | Falinks / Kids(this is just what he calls them collectively, all six have different names) Head Falink / Link Jr. | Second Falink / Impa Jr. | Third Falink / Sheik Jr. | Fourth Falink / Lana Jr. | Fifth Falink / Mask Sr. | Sixth Falink / Tune Sr.
Sky - Honedge / Fi (she looks more like the master sword and less like a regular honedge) | HisuianDecidueye(found Rowlet on the surface and kept it because he missed his Loftwing) / Rowan | shinyKricketune (was originally Zelda’s Pokémon) / Goddess Harp | Yanmega - Bettle | Loftwing(technically a Pokémon in this au, but isn’t with the chain) - Crimson
Wind - Pelipper / Philip(that’s what Arryl calls him) | Dhelmise / Anchor | Dragalge / Kelp | Palossand / Sandy | Crabominable / Crabby | Wishiwashi / Fishy
In conclusion, each has a certain amount of Pokémon on their current teams.
Wild - 6 Full Team
Twilight - 2 (3 if you count Wolfie)
Legend - 6 Full Team
Hyrule - 4
Four - 6 Full Team
Time - 4
Warriors - 2 (7 if you count each Falink as a different Pokémon. I don’t.)
Sky - 4
Wind - 6 Full Team
40 Pokémon in total with an average of 4.5. Three trainers have 4 Pokémon, two trainers have 2 Pokémon, and four trainers have 6 Pokémon.
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threepoint14art · 10 months ago
throws this at high speeds
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this is her teammm: -Shiny furfrou because she deserves a shiny and because of course she'd have the fashion pokemon, also fun fact: chica also has a furfrou with the dandy cut, lmao rivals -Milotic because of course, its literally THE beauty pokemon. But also because I feel like it sort of shows more of her. People assume she's mean and awful and whatever but she took CARE of that feebas and she LOVED her little ugly fish. -Ribombee because their pokedex entry says their pollen puffs are sort of like a treat! they can help with fatigue and with food and stuff and she takes good care of herself, and also just cute! -Out of left field mudsdale I know, but we made her sort of a horse girl! Rich kid who asks for a "pony" and actually gets one lmao, she has one of those huuuge horses as a pet and I think her actual pet getting a pokemon cameo is cute -Pom-Pom Style oricorio!!!! She's a cheerleader!!!!! yay! -Teddiursa,,,,, Freddy also has a teddiursa,,,, hurrahhh cousinsss [epically lore drops on the pokemon post]
aaand! her outfit is from the pokemon go special!
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yharnamcrow · 6 months ago
We terrify the Pokécenter people here. We just came in to have a checkup for all the mons for everyone, yeah? The nurse was fine with my team, and that of Serena, Shauna, and Tierno. Also Miss Eileen, she cooed over the kittens a lot. Then came the Gascoignes, and her distinct discomfort 'cause their kids were phantump. They got paperwork to prove it and all that, but she clearly wasn't prepared for it.
And then. THEN we had the other three of our troop. Trevor with Endling. The poor nurse was paler than a gardevoir. But everyone's healthy there. Even if Endling apparently has a resting heartrate of three beats a minute.
Mr. Djura and Entei were not much better for her. She was also sneezing. I think she is allergic to Entei fur. Makes me wonder how many people are allergic to legendaries but never learn it. Entei is healthy too, but maybe needs better dental care. Mr. Djura was writing down dental treats on his shopping list while the nurse said that. He has terrible handwriting.
And then we had Mr. Henryk and Izra. Izra barely fit into the center. We had to do that examination outside, and the nurse didn't believe him when he said that Mudball isn't a Pokémon. But Potions and stuff don't work on her, they only make her sneeze. Anyways, uh. Izra. Healthy as a mudsdale. Also too electrified to be put into a center healing machine. Even in its pokéball. The nurse clocked out after we were out of the center and promptly went to a nearby bar, so I think she wasn't trained to deal with the Legendaries.
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