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oxygensugarpaws · 7 months ago
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year ago
I really want to explore Tim “rich kid” Drake spending time with his friends and them just slowly realizing that Robin is even weirder than they thought.
Like, Arrowette complains about some press event or something that her mom wants her to go to and Robin just starts listing off advice and unspoken rules and tells her to absolutely avoid the shrimp cocktails unless she wants an early out, in which case the correct amount to eat is one and a half shrimp with only a bit of cocktail sauce, which will be enough to change her complexion and convince people she doesn’t feel well and allow her to escape to the restroom, then she just needs to slip out one of the windows-
Or Wonder Girl commenting on, like, a science fair project or something and he just goes “Science fairs are the worst. Everyone wants to buy your services to make them something, not understanding that you’re richer than they are and that an insult to you could lead to you buying their parents’ companies if they don’t shut up. They’re lucky I have an even temper…” WG: “…wat.”
Superboy is like “man, Superman’s trying to convince me to clean my room. What should I do?” and Tim just stares blankly at him because nobody has ever told him to clean his room before and he’s never cleaned his room before and he had no idea Clark was so cruel and-
Impulse: “Hey, Rob, pass me a can opener.”
Robin, staring into the drawer, fifteen can openers right in front of his eyes: “We don’t have one.”
I just want Tim to inexplicably not know some things because he’s never had to know them. I want him to explicably know things because he had to know them. I want the things he does know and the things he doesn’t to be totally backwards to everyone, who are all wondering why Robin knows how to hotwire a car but does not know how to work a vacuum cleaner.
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captainzigo · 1 month ago
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celaenaeiln · 2 years ago
At the dining table for breakfast
Jason: Heh.
Jason: Hahahaha.
Bruce: *raising the newspaper up higher*
Alfred: *placidly pouring coffee into Bruce’s mug* Did something interesting happen, Master Jason?
Jason: Alfred, I am about to have the perfect surprise for that bony a-Tim. The perfect surprise for Tim.
Alfred: *putting away the bar of soap he pulled out of nowhere* Is that so? Please do be careful not to make a mess here. The waxing was just done in the dining room.
Jason: No problem, in fact-
Tim: *entering sluggishly*
Jason: In fact…in…fact…Megamind, what are you doing here?
Tim: ……..hm?
Jason: What are you doing here?
Tim: eating??
Jason: You-why are you coming from the right side bathroom-weren’t you going to use the upstairs one on the left?
Tim: oh. Dick was already in it so I decided to use the other one.
Jason: what.
Tim: what.
Jason: No. Hahahahaha. You’re joking…nononono-god, Tim, WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID?
Tim: ????????
Jason: You-
Dick’s voice thundering from a floor away: JASON!!!!
Jason: *staring blankly then running forward and smacking Tim on the head* It’s all your fault!
Tim who hasn’t slept or had coffee or know why something he doesn’t know about is his fault: ???? WHAT DID I DO?!
Jason: *running past and leaping out the window* See you later, losers. Bye, Alf.
Disappearing seconds before a blur of wet skin, white towel, and neon pink hair rushes past and follows him out the window.
Tim: ……Did you have breakfast yet?
Bruce: …….Hrmgh.
Alfred: *tutting* I just had the floors done. Master Bruce, would you mind redoing them? I’m afraid I must catch the mailman before he gives treats to Titus again. He’s leaving crumbs all over the entrance.
Bruce: What about Ti-
Bruce: *glancing back to see a lone leaf float in and drop slowly to the ground*
Bruce: ………
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kamoteqeater · 7 months ago
Imagine the whiplash that sqq must have had when he woke up as a xianxia character with 3 feet of hair. Most of sy's design in the modern world have him with regular short hair and suddenly he has to deal with a 3 hour haircare routine alongside the actual plot.
Sqq about to throw lbh into the abyss but his hair gets in his eyes and blinds him, causing him to trip and both of them fall in thr abyss
Meanwhile sqh figures out how to put his hair in a bun and is living his life normally
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ogsherlockholmes · 6 months ago
As much as I go on about how Holmes and Watson are sold as a set and that every adaptation has to include both of them, I always think about what they would be like apart.
For example, Holmes in his teen/young 20's years, trying to get through University and failing because he's uninterested in most of the topics, apart from the ones he's obsessed with which he cannot and will not break away from. Holmes basically isolated from the world because all of the other students find him too strange, too eccentric to hang around and be taken seriously (I'm purposefully excluding Victor Trevor here because he's always been a Watson prototype in my mind). Holmes starting to take drugs to stop feeling so depressed, to actually feel normal for once or to compensate for his feelings of loneliness by telling himself he's okay with being shut off from the world. Holmes' solving his first cases with Scotland Yard, gradually gaining more and more of a reputation, both for being a clever detective and for being an outcast. Holmes battling with his sexuality and his gender identity, because he sees men his age getting married to women and he isn't interested in that but he's still a little too interested in men, and maybe he's hoping he grows out of it, but deep down he knows he can't.
And then Watson has his own narrative and storyline: successful army doctor trying to find his feet in the war. He knows how to include himself with the other soldiers and the other men- after all, he can relate to their experiences with women. But secretly he knows that isn't all, he knows there's something different about himself that he just can't figure out, but he comes close when he looks at certain army 'buds' for a little bit longer than he should. Watson might have gone to war to escape from a situation at home, and he's trying to shut it out with the chaos, and he's mostly successful but he still feels something inside of him.
Both of them are struggling to understand their identities, to find their place in the world and who they might even share it with. They're nearly there, there so close but there's something missing: they're whole, but sometimes, things have to come in pairs to work at their best.
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gomzdrawfr · 11 months ago
comforting touch
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mirensiart · 4 months ago
how attached to his hair would you say chain is….
why i ask? no reason ;)
he LOVES his hair lmao he brushes it and redoes his braid every morning, much to key’s annoyance lol
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he would be very distraught if say, someone were to cut his braid 👀
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dootznbootz · 7 months ago
Silly Ctimene Headcanon :3
As some of y'all know, my Odysseus has long, curly af auburn hair. It's something he gets from Anticlea (who got it from her dad who got it from Hermes). It's a cute lil thing with Laertes having his beloved 3 tall, red-brown puff balls lol.
But unlike Odysseus and Anticlea who love their luscious locks, Ctimeine HATES it.
It's too hot. It's thick and heavy. It gets messy and frizzy with humidity. It hurts to get combed. Who on earth would purposely keep what feels like a woolen blanket on their head during the warm season?!
Odysseus hears her rants about how much she hates it. Both are tenderheaded but she is more upset about getting it styled than he is. When Odysseus is around 12-14 and she was around 10-12, hearing some more of her rants, he was basically like "…Well…what if your hair got cut by 'accident'? 👀 "
And then he basically has it set up where "oh no, My sister is stuck and all snarled with her hair in this bush! How will I get her out????"
And it's just basically him pulling a "chop chop" for her. Very uneven and in one swoop. like from "Tangled" >:3
And ofc, Anticlea and Euryclea are sad. Probably even crying a lil.
"This was on purpose, I KNOW it was, Odysseus. How could you do this to your poor lil sister?! 😭" "Because I'm a horrible and mean older brother >:3" winks at the camera while Ctimene is bobbing her head side to side and kicking her feet, giggling about her shorter, much lighter hair "You will be punished severely." "…yeh 🥲 "
I know haircutting wasn't really a thing unless grieving BUT they were kiddos and stupid 👀 This may just be a one time thing but I also really love short hair Ctimene. :)
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amygdalae · 7 months ago
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Beginning my transition into an evil chocolate chip
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t1red-twilight · 10 months ago
may i have a full length version of the shower headcanon? 🤲 pls pls pls 🧎
summary: as requested, the soft shower fic:)
content/warnings: gn!reader. andrew!peter, fluff, non-sexual nudity, you have hair and you’re a little short (sorry if you’re bald and tall, my bad queen)
notes: this was my first request. ily anon<3
word count: 0.9k
masterlist p. parker masterlist
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you were lounging on the couch after you had come home from work. the day hadn’t been too overwhelming, but you still felt tired. just as your eyes had started drooping, you heard peter thunk onto the fire escape. you swung your legs onto the hardwood floor and padded over to the bedroom.
just as you were entering, peter was pulling off his mask. thankfully, he wasn’t injured (visibly, at least).
“how was patrol? anything interesting happen?” you walked over to him and helped him out of his suit.
the both of you had settled into a few routines. you had just moved in together, so these patterns were one way that you both got used to being together more often. they were comforting. one of these routines was the one that occurred after peter came back from patrol.
he smiled at you and turned to face you. “no, nothing really happened. i got a cat out of a tree around eight, though.”
“really? was it a tabby?” you replied after you brushed some hair out of his face. you took note of the smile in his eyes.
he had stripped down to his undergarments by this point. “yes, actually. mr. pickles is a very sweet cat.” he stepped closer to you. the soft rumble of his voice provided comfort, and made you feel tender.
“you gonna get in the shower?”
“what, do i stink?” he played up fake disappointment.
you chuckled at his pseudo-pout. “not really, i was just wondering.”
“yeah, i think i will.” he hesitated after this, lingering in front of you. he stayed, looking into your eyes. you had an idea of what he wanted, but you wanted to hear him say it. after you raised your eyebrows, he cleared his throat and looked down at his feet. “do you want to join me?”
this was another thing that you two had gotten into a habit of doing: taking showers together. it wasn’t a sexual thing, more like a thing that you two had started doing just to feel closer.
“of course, pete. i’d love to.” the playfulness had dissipated from your tone and face. now all that remained was a soft expression of adoration.
you followed peter into the bathroom, where he rid himself of the rest of his garments. he didn’t stare you down as you rid yourself of yours; he merely looked at your face through the bathroom mirror.
he moved to turn the shower on. the apartment that you shared had one of those two-in-one shower baths. once the water got warm enough, he pulled back the curtain and got in. with one hand he held back the curtain and the other was held out to help you into the shower. the temperature was perfect: mildly scalding.
the first thing that you did was soak your hair under the water. peter tugged you into him after you had completed the task. this was peter’s favorite aspect of your shared showers. he would sit and hold you for several prolonged minutes. obviously, you had no problem with this.
the warm water splashed over the both of you as he held you snugly close to him. your arms were around his shoulders, and his around the upper part of your torso under your arms, his head on top of yours. he traced shapes and words that you couldn’t make out into your back with his thumbs. the feeling the warm water and the steam in the air provided a cozy atmosphere.
and, as per usual, you both stood like this for a couple of minutes. every now and then, he would mumble something into your hair and you would respond.
eventually you pulled apart to do the shower part of showering. he reached behind you and grabbed the shampoo. as you rehearsed the motions of cleaning yourselves, you made light conversation.
“let me wash your hair, please.” after some lighthearted protestation, you let him. in turn, you washed his hair for him as well. since you had moved in, you had converted him from 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner for something nicer that would actually help his hair.
when it came to the body wash, he gently lathered the soap onto his hands and ran them across your body. “turn, please.”
one specific benefit of these showers was that he could get the parts of your back that you could never reach. when you turned back around, he gave you a small kiss. “my turn,” he said with a small grin on his face. my god, was he endearing.
the thing about peter was that he was ticklish, but he would never admit it. as you were ribbed the citrus scented body wash on him, he tried to suppress laughter. “you are so ticklish, peter.” you said through a smile.
“i am not.” his protestations, always in vain, never stood. he would always laugh, even silently, when you would wash him. and, even occasionally when you would cuddle on the couch or in bed.
“if you say so, loverboy.” you mimicked his actions from earlier and gave him a kiss. you did one final rinse and you stretched to turn off the water from behind him.
he grabbed the towels from just outside the shower before the two of you got out, as to not wet the tile and make it slick.
the towels you had invested in had a high thread count, but had embroidered initials on them that didn’t match either of yours. you both had thought that that was the funniest thing and bought them as soon as you saw them. he bumped his damp forehead against yours before asking, “you want to watch a movie?”
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the-three-whumpeteers · 6 months ago
The whumpee had been broken for so long, and they usually didn’t care as long as they stayed away from the whumper’s wrath- but it changed when someone new came in. A new whumpee, one that was as defiant as the old one used to be- the first whumpee doesn’t know what to feel, specially when they’re looked at with disgust by the new captive.
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kujakumai · 4 months ago
Do you think the other kids at Domino think of the Yugi-Jou-Honda friendship axis as "those guys who appear very passionate about hair products." the bleach-dye-gel club
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bug-juice-307 · 7 months ago
Petition to let mondo have his curly hair down in fics more offen! like his hair is clearly important to him we need more of taka appreciating it like helping him with it or playing with it. While it's not very traditionally manly it seems like it be something he'd let taka do once they got closer. Let mondo take good care of his hair and let people appreciate it!!
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They both have thick hair but Kenshi likes to run his fingers through and play with Suchin's hair because it's silky.
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chplatoon · 1 year ago
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normal splatoon content
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