#royal order lilith
marsmellowpink · 4 months
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It supposed to be Lilith (Nidhöggr's daughter) and Liv (Aarya's daughter) fanart!! But I'm too lazy to continue it, so yeah! Accept this grown up sketch of Lilith and Liv 🥺🫶
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helluvapoison · 7 months
For All to See
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader x Lilith
Lilith has Lucifer and Lucifer has Lilith. Their eyes are well trained for snakes in the garden, they’re able to watch each other’s backs with ease. Everyone wants to know, just who the fuck are you to the King and Queen of Hell?
• Technically speaking, they don’t need you
• Your heart lurches at the constant reminders
• Everywhere you look there’s capable hands doing anything you could do, and doing it better
• The guards around the Morningstar estate are appreciated and skilled but merely for show, their wise (albeit chaotic) council of Princes have never led them astray and they have more willing servants than they know what to do with
• It’d be impossible to forget how agonizingly obvious it is that you’re not needed beside them. Occasionally it was a paralyzing thought. You were nothing without them but they could continue on just fine without you
• And Lilith, ethereal, graceful, benevolent Lilith, noticed this. Her own heart ached for you, she loved you!
• You tenderly brushed her hair when she hadn’t even rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Combined with her husband’s efforts, you would make her feel beautiful when her mind told her the opposite. You would be on your feet beside her all day, shooting little thumbs ups that restored her energy when she was nearly depleted. Your unfailing attendance from her concerts to afternoon tea brought a comforting sense of normalcy to the disorder of the realm she ruled
• Lucifer, who loved you no less than she, was furious at himself for not realizing on his own
• You were his alarm clock, gently coaxing him out of bed and making the day seem more inviting than it did when he opened his eyes. You snuck into his room when everyone else (Lilith aside) was banished, claiming only to drop off a tray of snacks but would sit with him for hours on end just so that he wouldn’t be alone. When the world was too big, his own thoughts too heavy, it was you that made him feel bigger and stronger
• And you thought of yourself as inconsequential!?
• Blasphomy.
• They would not let this stand another fucking second
• They covered all their bases, working from the inside out
• You were instructed to join them for a portrait. Lucifer picked your outfit while Lilith did your hair then they sandwiched you between them. It took several hours and you ached from standing still for so long but the painting looked absolutely marvelous. Lilith ordered it to be hung in the lobby
• “Not the bedroom?” You asked quietly, tilting your head up at her
• “As much as I’d love to, no. This needs to be seen by our guests! Besides, I have your darling face right there every morning.” She replied sweetly and kissed your cheek on her way out
• You were utterly floored when you saw a detailed third chair, right to Lucifer’s, in the throne room. Meetings were only held here once a month for the public to bring their qualms to the royals but they took a full day to bring to conclusion. Lucifer’s smile widened at your reaction
• “Do you like it?” He asked knowingly, “It’s for you.”
• “Me? I— yes! Yes, it’s lovely. I just don’t understand, I-I was alright standing.” You blink rapidly, your mind racing to catch up with his words
• “Don’t be silly, dove! These matters are a bore and take eternity. This was long overdue.” Lucifer takes your hand and presses a kiss to your knuckles, smiling at you apologetically
• Polygamy wasn’t something to clutch pearls over down here and you were never a dirty secret. Magazines, networks, media just happened to only feature the King and Queen of Hell (Later, Lucifer would always point out the blurry spec that was you behind them or to the side or cut off the page) So when you were yanked between them during their red carpet debut, you stared at the camera flashes like a deer in the headlights. Their grips on either of your hands kept you from floating too high
• While your view on the situation changed drastically, it wasn’t atonement enough for Lilith and Lucifer. They never wanted you to feel immaterial ever again
• “You’re not nothing to us,” Lucifer said, holding your left hand. He hid his face in the crook of your neck where you could feel him smiling against your skin
• “We would never abandon you,” Lilith whispered while slipping a matching golden band around your finger. She had you sitting in her lap, facing away from her. She held your hand up for you to see the new obvious, your next reminder of their devotion for you
• Suffocating on their love for you, you choked back a sob to not ruin the moment. Lilith wrapped her arms around you and Lucifer, bringing you both closer to her heart
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jyoongim · 7 months
A Deal With God
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Themes: fem!reader, Morningstar!reader, Angst, mention of character death, secrets, religious themeAlastor being Alastor, fluff, slight smut, deal-making,  soul possession, Lilith a shitty mother/wife/sister, established relationship, difficult family dynamic, there’s a trope in here I just don’t know what to call it?
Chapter 1
chapter 2
You had ordered Niffty that some rooms needed to be spruced up and took the liberty to tidy up the lobby yourself.
You hummed to the sound of the song playing on the radio as you neatly stacked whatever plans Charlie was coming up with in the night.
Your heart ached for the Princess.
After Lilith left, the Princess had founded a hotel to help redeem the souls of the damned.
You were unsure of her plan, but you could never deny her.
damn those puppy eyes.
So here you were, seven years later, helping your niece with her wild endeavor.
But you weren’t alone; 
“Aaahh just the doll I wanted to see!” A radio-like voice chirped.
You smiled in greeting to the lanky demon.
Alastor, the famed and fearsome Radio Demon.
You were a bit skeptical when he showed up at your door, but when he offered to help Charlie you took him in.
Who were you to say no to help? You needed the extra hands.
”Hello Al, did you need something?” The tall demon smiled down at you as he shook his head.
”Nooo just thought I would check in. How’s Charlie’s new plan along?” You laughed “ooh their a coming thats for sure” nodding towards the board she had made the other night.
An idea popped into your head “Why don’t you make a commercial Al ” He went to make a comment, but you interrupted him “A proper commercial. The sinners need to know the benefits of the hotel and that there is hope”
you waltz up to him, a soft smile on your as you batted your eyes at him ”pretty please?” You wrapped your arms around him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
He hummed, seeming to mull over the thought, chuckling
”fine fine”
You grinned “Thank you”
He whistled as he walked out the room, you smiled after him, getting back to your task.
Your phone ringed and you answered without seeing who called. “Hello?”
A nervous laugh responded “Heeeyyy bitch”
You rolled your eyes “Hello to you too Luci ”
He groaned at the nickname.
”Ugghh so hows things been….” He wanted something.
“Whaaaaat? N-Nothing what makes you think I want something?” 
he couldn’t see your face, but you were making a pointed face.
”Okay okay its just- hows-hows Charlie?” He asked.
You frowned “Charlie is fine, through it wouldn’t hurt if you came by and saw your daughter Luci”
You hadn’t forgave him for setting Charlie up to chat with Heaven months ago when he should have been the one to settle things between them.
Charlie might have a optimistic view of the world, but she lacked experience. You should have been the one to be at that meeting.
But nevertheless.
”I-I don’t know about that…” he trailed off. But you were quick to fix that avoidant nature of his.
”Come to the hotel. Come see what your daughter is trying to do. No one would take this seriously if the King doesn’t approve himself. If not that, just come see your daughter Luci, she needs more than just me around” you felt bad for guilting him but this had to be done.
Charlie was growing into an excellent leader, you were sure she would make a great queen one day.
”so you’ll be here tomorrow? Great see you then. And don’t forget…I can see you so don’t make me drag your ass here tata”
Charlie had gathered everyone to the lobby to come up with ways to recruit sinners to the hotel.
 Charlie was nothing if a perfectionist and always took on more than she could chew.
”Hey babe maybe its time to use some of that royal privilege” Vaggie suggested, she gave a quick look in your direction, making Charlie shake her head feverishly
”no no no my auntie has already done so much! I can’t ask her to do anything else”
You smiled, but chimed in to support Vaggie “She’s right Charlie.” Your niece gawked at you.
You approached her, slipping a arm around her shoulder in comfort “Now I know it’s been rough and weird between you and your father buuuuuuut I took the liberty in inviting him here” she groaned “what? Noooooooo” you shushed her whining
“Now now you’ll get to show him that what you’ve been doing is good for the kingdom. That your heart’s in the right place. He’ll help I promise”
Charlie rested her head on your shoulder, groaning in defeat
”w-when will he be here?”
”Oh in a hour”
“OH Charlie its so good to see you!” Lucifer exclaimed pulling his daughter into a tight hug.
You smiled, giggling as Charlie choked out a response to her father. You pulled him away from her, giving him a hug
”Nice to see you too Luci” the King blushed and looked around.
”sooooo this is what you two have been up to? It sure got some….character ” he said nervously.
“Well we had some help” you gestured to Alastor. Lucifer eyes narrowed slightly “uuuhhh hhhuuuhh suuurre and who might you be?” Alastor eye twitched before quickly shaking his hand “Alastor! Pleasure to meet you sir… I must say you are…much unimpressive than what I imagined” he mused, causing the man to deadpan.
You cleared your throat “Alastor here has been a tremendous help with the hotel. I don’t know what we would have done without him” you praised.
Lucifer growled as Alastor wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you into his side.
Alastor sneered at the monarch “Aaah yes what creative ladies I have here. I am HAPPY to fulfill any wish they desire” he grinned down at you, giving you a slight squeeze.
”hmmmm sister dear why don’t you show me around” he whacked Alastor’s hand with his cane and pulled your arm away from him with a tight smile.
Charlie and Alastor followed the two of you as you gave a quick briefing of the hotel, letting Charlie take over and show her dad around.
You sighed happily, it was nice to see Charlie interact with her dad. You hoped that he would see the big picture and offer her some guidance and support.
You leaned your head against Alastor’s shoulder, turning to return to the lobby
”Let’s leave those two to catch up shall we?”
He huffed but followed you anyway.
“Well it is a very good plan b-but I don’t know Charlie” Lucifer sighed. Charlie’s face dropped. “Daaad this is the only way to prove to Heaven that sinners deserve a second chance”
Lucifer looked away from his daughter “Charlie you don’t understand-” she huffed,frustrated “what don’t I understand?  That my own father don’t believe in me? If Auntie can why can’t you?” She was holding back tears.
You were on the fence at first too, but you were willing to help her out. You supported her crazy ideas and even encouraged that she gave it her all. 
Yes it might have been far fetched,  but you believed that Charlie could do what Lucifer could not.
”Heaven wont listen to you Charlie! They didn’t listen to me. What makes you think you can change their minds?” 
You knew it was a tough question.
Charlie didn’t know the hardship of how Heaven operated.
How much Lucifer had spent centuries trying to convince them that humanity was capable of doing amazing things.
Hell, if sinners had mortal souls why couldn’t they change after death?
But you knew. Heaven was convinced that the rules were black and white. Hell was made to punish the most severe sinners.
of course this is flawed for several reasons
Hell was a punishment to all who fell.
Lucifer knew this.
But why couldn’t things change?
Charlie turned to you, a look of frustration and sadness on her face. You intervened. “Luci just one meeting. One meeting with Heaven so Charlie can at least try. I know you can’t see that things could change, but think about the possibility. Why should a sinner be damned if there’s a second chance? Heaven shouldn’t be able to decide what a person’s soul is capable of”
Lucifer sighed.
You always had a way of making him see possibilities in things.
If you believed in Charlie, then that must have meant…
”what are the odds in this succeeding” he asked you
You blinked. 
You knew what he was asking.
Your sight of everything was always nearly right.
”Theres a few bumps to sort out, but it’ll be fine” you said.
he grimaced.
”Ill even go to Heaven with her” you offered.
Charlie was going to need all the backup she needed up there.
Angels could be a piece of work.
Lucifer sighed, before turning to his daughter “Fine. One meeting-” Charlie launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his small frame and she jumped around
”thank you thank you thank you!”
He smiled, returning her hug.
Charlie ran off to find Vaggie and tell her while you watched Lucifer.
”It wont stop anything” he said as you ushered him into the office.
You hummed, pouring a cup of tea as you looked out the window into the city on the horizon.
”You don’t know that” you whispered.
Silence filled the air between the two of you.
”H-have you…you know” he started to say nervously
You turned to him, seeing him fiddle with his wedding ring.
Your stomach curled.
”what” you growled out unintentionally 
he swallowed “Have you seen Lilith?”
You stilled. Your wrist burned in warning
promise me
”I can’t tell you that” you said curtly.
Lucifer glared at you “you’ve been saying that for years!”
”and you always get the same response” you said back
He stood up and angrily approached you.
”Have you no shame? I know you. You can’t lie to me!” He was starting to raise his voice
”Luci calm dow-” 
“NO! You can see everything! Everything and everyone! so tell me sister have you seen my wife…have you seen Lilith?!”
he was grabbing your arms, shaking.
You hated the look of despair on his face, hoping that you would at least tell him something.
But your wrist burned at his question, and your anger of being put in such a predicament got the better of you.
You hissed at him “No.” you held his glare, before he sighed letting you go. He ran a hand through his hair, backing away from you “Im sorry i-i didn’t mean that”
You clicked your tongue at him sighing
”Oh Luci…” you cupped his cheek, you couldn’t tell him where she was, no Lilith made sure of that,but you could show what you’ve seen.
Lucifer’s eyes widened as flashes of his wife appeared in his mind. He didn’t know where she was,but she seemed…happy.
”I know you worry about Charlie but I will never let anything happen to her. Heaven can act all high and mighty, but surely someone up there will see reason” you said to him, breaking him out of his trance.
He shook his head slightly, giving you a soft smile, nodding.
“Sooooo you and that bellhop…” he wiggled his eyebrows at you teasingly. You tensed, looking away embarrassed. He laughed “Oh? Shy? Not you” you glared at him, folding your arms across your chest in defense “w-what? Theres nothing wrong with me trying to pursue someone” you grumbled. Lucifer smiled. It was cute at how flush you were. 
You were always the serious one.
Never really doing things for yourself.
You always held duty and responsibility above all things.
So seeing you blush over some tacky, old times fuck  guy was refreshing.
So he teased “Oooh no the Queen can do anything or anyone she likes”
You growled at him, making him laugh harder as he gave you a hug and bid you goodbye as he teleported, leaving you with your thoughts.
“Well that was interesting” you whipped around to see Alastor walking from the shadows.
You laughed nervously, “Alastor! I didn’t hear you come in…how muuuch of that did you hear?”
He smiled down at you, tilting his head “ooooh nothing I wont repeat my dear” he tapped your nose.
He rested a hand on your lower back to escort you to your room like a proper gentleman.
He kissed you goodnight before venturing off to his radio tower. He had to organize some of his thoughts.
Alastor knew you were powerful he admits only that! but he hadn’t expected you to be the Queen of Hell itself.
Yes you were the Princess’s aunt but he just chalked it up to you just having power by blood alone.
The Queen of Hell….hmph. 
Pride swelled in his chest at the thought as well as a wicked smile graced his lips His darling was one of the most powerful in all of Hell that gave him a power trip and a lingering thought
How the fuck were you the Queen? 
Just how powerful were you?
And one last thought before he turned on his broadcast
How could he use that power you wielded?
@dasimp777 @projectdreamwalker @fairyv-ice @stygianoir @k1y0yo @thewinchestah @imgonnadielaughing-blog @purplecatsandhearts @blinderthanabats-blog @saphiresai @th3-st4r-gur1 @evedenn @queenariesofnarnia @yoitsnetto @alastor-simp @alastorsaries @alastwhore666 @alastorsdear @peachedtv
@tpks @siiv3r @markster666 @okay-babe @strawberrypimp666 @coleisyn @simphornies @lunaramune @alastorsdarling @prosciuttosblog @ioniiaa @fizzled-phoenix @horrorartsworld @polytheatrix @dennsfz @yourdoorisunlocked @stawberrypimpsimp @alishii @alleystore @preciousbabypeter @yunimimii @peachedtvs @karolinda007-blog @chewbrry @aviradasa
comment below so i can see if I’m missing anyone who wants to be tagged…ALSO each chapter is linked to the last and next…
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nocreativityfornames · 6 months
Everything we know about Diavolo so far, lore wise.
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➤ He's the prince and future king of the Devildom, and the founder of RAD — the Royal Academy of Diavolo — taking the position of Student Council President. (swd: 1-1)
➤ He created the exchange program as a first step towards his goal of strengthening the relationships between the three realms and forming an allyship between angels, demons and humans. (swd: 1-1)
➤ He has the ability to discern the truth from the lie. (swd: 4-1)
➤ He was the one to step in and save MC from being attacked by Lucifer in the underground tomb. (swd: 6-6)
➤ He hasn't seen his father in several centuries now and only knows that the Demon King is somewhere in the bottom of the Devildom. (swd: 7-10)
➤ Unlike Lucifer, he saw MC's pacts with the brothers as a good thing from the very beginning. To him, MC's pacts were proof that demons and humans could put aside their differences and actually form bonds together. And that made him happy, considering it was all he wanted with the exchange program. (swd: 8-19)
➤ Before, citizens of the Devildom were allowed to travel to the Human World whenever they wished through passages spread through the kingdom, but Diavolo changed that after taking over the throne. Now, those passages are blocked and the only way demons can use them is by getting permission from Diavolo, Lucifer, or Barbatos - the only demons apart from his father who are allowed to use them freely. (swd: 11-4)
➤ He ordered Barbatos to imprison Belphegor in the castle and put Lucifer under house arrest for hiding the youngest from him even though he had planned treason. But later, he admitted to having known about it beforehand. "...Truth be told, I knew. I knew you were hiding Belphegor, and I knew why. Your loyalty to me forced you to deceive your brothers, and I knew that was a source of guilt. I saw how you struggled with it-how hard it was being pulled in two directions at once. And it made me sad.” (swd: 13-14 and 15-12)
➤ When the eight siblings were cast down to the Devildom and Lilith was in the verge of death from the battle, Lucifer begged Diavolo to save her and he did, having her reborn in the Human World with no memories of her previous life. This came with a cost, however, said cost being Lucifer's loyalty to the prince for the rest of time. (swd: 14-10 and 15-7)
➤ He refused to free Belphegor at first, but eventually made a deal with MC: to release him from prison if they went back in time with the help of Barbatos' powers and found out who had freed him in the first place. (swd: 15-14)
➤ He had Barbatos trace down MC's bloodline and found out that they were a descendant of Lilith because of it. (swd: 16-15)
➤ On his birthday he decided to not only celebrate himself but also MC, to give them a "late welcome party" and show appreciation for them after everything that had happened. (swd: 18-A)
➤ He was suspicious of Solomon for suddenly showing up in the Devildom with MC unannounced (swd: 21-4) but arranged things so they would be able to stay for a while. (swd: 22-19)
➤ When Lucifer and his siblings fell Diavolo found them in the colosseum, and every now and then he finds himself going there and pondering over his past decisions and wondering if they were the correct ones after all. (swd: 24-13)
➤ He was the first Solomon talked to about his suspicions that MC was connected to the natural disasters happening in ancient locations around the realms, and for a while only the two of them and Barbatos knew about it (swd: 37-4), since Diavolo decided to keep it a secret from everyone else until he had proof of MC's powers being harmful to the realms (swd: hard mode, 32-16).
➤ He had MC undergo the standard magic exams that demons students are given at RAD, and although he initially told MC it was to help them learn more about the powers demons possess and how to control them (swd: 29-5), it was actually a test to see if their magic was as powerful as Solomon suspected. The sorcerer was proven right when MC passed each of them. (swd: 37-4)
➤ His secrecy and unusual reliance on Solomon caused a strain on his relationship with Lucifer, as the eldest knew that Diavolo was hiding something but refused to tell him. They eventually had a conversation in the colosseum after RAD's exams week ended, where Lucifer directly enquired him about what was happening. Diavolo refused to tell him, saying it wasn't "the right time" for him to know yet, and when Lucifer asked if whatever secret he was keeping involved MC the prince replied that he wasn't certain yet, further concerning him. (swd: 28-C)
➤ He's "not fond" of Simeon because he finds him difficult to deal with and told this to the angel's face while speaking to him. When Simeon asked Diavolo why he found him difficult to deal with, he explained that it's because angels never divulge anything about themselves or the Celestial Realm but are constantly inserting themselves into Devildom business, and he's especially not fond of Simeon because he hides his true intentions better than any angel Diavolo has ever met. (swd: Hard Mode, 31-16) He's so unfond of Simeon that when he finally decided to make him aware of MC's powers being a threat to the three realms, he asked Solomon to break the news instead of doing it himself. (swd: Hard Mode, 32-16)
➤ He eventually decided to tell Lucifer about MC’s situation and through text apologized to the Avatar of Pride for leaving him in the dark for so long and asked him to meet him so he could finally let him in on what was happening (swd: hard mode, 36-16). Unfortunately that meeting never happened, since Lucifer ended up affected by MC’s powers and lost his memories before Diavolo could explain anything to him. (swd chat: the fantastic three, "untitled")
➤ Finally breaking the news to everyone, he and Solomon told the others everything, from the moment the sorcerer started growing suspicions about MC's powers to the moment that their powers struck Lucifer and he lost his memories. They also presented their only solution(s): to sever MC's pacts with the Night Dagger in order to break their magical connections to the brothers and make them an avarage human again. There was another solution: to stabilize MC's magic with the Ring of Light - the counterpart to the Ring of Wisdom that once belonged to Lucifer - but it was discarded right away as the ring had been lost in the Great Celestial War and no one knew its whereabouts. (swd: 37-9)
➤ Once everyone knew the whole story, he apologized to MC for not finding another way to prevent their magic from causing massive destruction to the realms, since he knew neither MC or the brothers wanted to sever their pacts with the each other. (swd: 37-9)
➤ When all things ended well and MC was able to get their powers under control without using the Night Dagger thanks to the Ring of Light that Simeon found just in time, Diavolo organized a party to honor MC and celebrate the victory. (swd: 39-1)
➤ He showed no surprise when MC expressed wanting to stay in the Devildom instead of going back to the Human World but still refused the request. Later, he explained why: "I don't want MC to be a demon...or an angel, for that matter. No, I want MC to be a human. A human who understands us, and who works together with Solomon to shepherd the human world toward a better future… Someday I'd like MC to work alongside me to bring harmony to the three worlds. Which is precisely why I won't allow you to be stuck here in the Devildom, MC. I want you to learn more about the three worlds and to understand each of them better... The human world, the Devildom, and the Celestial Realm.” (swd: 39-10 and 40-22)
➤ He couldn't accompany the brothers on their vacation to the Human World at first because of work and told MC he often found it hard to get things done with everything being so quiet since the others weren't in the Devildom with him. (swd: 42-18)
➤ When tasked with the over the kingdom in his father's absence, the first thing Diavolo did was to start conciliating with the Celestial Realm to end the conflict between the two realms. For this, he started having meetings with high-ranking angels to explain his plans and hopefully reach an agreement of peace between the realms. That was how he met Lucifer, when the angel came down the Devildom to hear what he had to say. (swd: 44-12, 44-15 and swd card: Lucifer, "Glory Days")
➤ He's a majority shareholder of the Three-Legged Crow Group otherwise called Yatagarasu, the largest company in the Devildom that's been expanding business in the Human World with their technology devices. (swd: 47-11)
➤ He has admitted to feeling jealous of the bond MC and the brothers share multiple times. On one hand, he's jealous of the brothers for being so close to MC, and on the other, he's jealous of MC for managing to become a part of their family so easily. “I wonder, when was it, exactly? When did you and your brothers become so very important to me? I thought I'd never be able to become ‘one of you.’ It seemed ridiculous to even try because it was just obvious that I couldn't. But then MC did just that... Effortlessly fitting in with the seven of you to become just another one of the gang. More than that, actually. MC is part of your family now. And when I saw that, it may have made me a little jealous. And while I haven't wanted to admit it to myself up to now...the truth is, I think I was lonely.” (swd: 48-12 and Hard Mode, 50-16)
➤ His mother died shortly after giving birth to him and he was raised by his father who was very strict and gave him a sheltered childhood, so much so he rarely ever left the castle. (swd: 56-18)
➤ He met Barbatos for the first time when he was still a child and the older demon was the first person he met from outside the castle. The older demon amazed him with stories of the outside world, and little Diavolo begged him to stay with him, getting to the point of threatening not to assume his position of king in the future if Barbatos left him. (swd: 56-18)
➤ When the brothers at the farewell party asked if they could make MC “officially part of the family” by marrying them, Diavolo explained that demons and humans aren't able to marry yet but that he'll do everything he can so one day that'll be possible. “MC, you aren't aware of this, but some bad blood still exists between our three worlds. No matter how much all of you may want this to happen, it's not something I have the power to do on my own. [...] However, my ultimate goal is to eliminate these barriers someday. And I will do everything in my power to make sure that happens.” (swd: 60-15)
➤ A while after MC left Diavolo sent them a magic letter and asked them to come to the Devildom for a third time because he had something important to discuss with them. (swd: 61-4) And that something turned out to be a request for MC to participate in the exchange program for a second time and an invitation for them to be a new member of the student council. (swd: 62-17)
➤ The intentions for this second try of the exchange program was mostly the same but now with a different approach, as Diavolo explained to everyone in the meeting then: “Our last exchange program was meant to provide an opportunity for cultural exchange among the inhabitants of all three worlds. But nothing more than that. Think of it as merely a starting point on the path to mutual understanding. But this time, the goal of the program is to make a stronger case for mutual understanding. Directed at everyone both inside and outside of the Devildom.” (swd: 62-17)
➤ He's known Mephistopheles ever since they were children. (nb: 13-11)
➤ Initially, his father was the main reason why he was determined to be a good king and why he even rescued the brothers in the first place. He craved the king's approval, wanted to live up to his name, show himself worthy of the throne, and eventually surpass him. He was forced to face this truth when he was younger during his last trial of the Kingsblood Crucible - a traditional ritual that demons of royalty have to go through before they take the throne. (nb: 14-7)
➤ After MC was officially appointed as the 9th member of the Student Council and the short-term exchange program ended, he gave them an “entry permit” so they could travel from the Human World to the Devildom whenever they wanted. (swd: 80-22)
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cleapallea · 2 months
Astro Edition: 𝗗𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗴𝘆 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗲
Which signs are giving me dark feminine energy?
Ok, let's face the truth. I know some of you have this kind of thinking why some women tends to look better with makeup or, can change their aura with the use of makeup? Well, because makeup doesn't suit for everyone—especially if it's about emphasizing the look or features of a woman because you reject the power of makeup. In a sense that makeup depends on how you carry yourself (subconsious, conscious, and unconsciously), Your inner potential and how other perceived you based on the knowledge you share, talents and etc. Makeup is an art. An expression of your personality, your mood, and your creativity. It's on your mood—based upon it!
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Here are the Zodiac Placements who's giving me a dark feminine energy (in order)
A. Big 6 or have more influence
Leo (high royale/power )
Aries (bold and fiery)
Gemini (Trickster)
Scorpio (creation/creativity )
Sag (exploration and enhancing)
Libra (balance it out)
Aquarius (go with the flow)
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B. With Housing placements / with example (look for my given zodiac signs) then applied it to planets I mentioned here.
Keywords: sextile, conjunctions, trine, semi-sextile
Planets: Moon, Sun, Venus, Mars, Uranus, and Neptune
For asteroid: Lilith, Chiron, love asteroids and beauty (make sure that they are placed in signs I mentioned)
Neptune sextile Pluto (Libra/Sag/Scorpio)
Moon Trine Neptune (esp if moon is Aries then Neptune is Sagi)
Mercury Sextile Mars (Example: if Virgo then Mars is Scorpio)
Venus with good aspect in Pluto since Pluto ruled by Scorpio (main)
Mars conjunct/sextile/ trine on Jupiter
Jupiter good aspects with Uranus
Pluto sextile Mc
Asc —Mc/Rising/Moon/Neptune/
Sun—Asc/moon/Venus/Jupiter/ Uranus /Neptune/Jupiter
Notes: sag degree, or any other signs I mentioned plays on, placement of house. Example: 1st house, 8th, 7th, and so on.
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c. Possible Makeup
Witch makeup, Thailand makeup, Dark Feminine Makeup, Glam makeup, Dark romantic, Latina, Douyin (if asian), edgy, emo, grunge makeup, 90s, Gothic and so fourth. But these are what I recommend :) Happy exploring 🤝!
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—𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗺 𝗶𝘀 𝗔 𝗖𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗲—
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serena-babes · 6 months
So i have this idea about the knights of hell. There can’t be a king and princess without some royal protection. So how do you think the others will react to a Hell Knight Reader? Like reader is like a commander of a group of elite knights. And they came to check up on Charlie and Lucifer! To see if the king and princess are okay after the attack on the hotel.
Brownie points if reader doesn’t smile and are serious all the time! Reader is very dangerous they can and will kill to protect their king and future queen! No romance of course, just platonic relationships. Like Charlie can see reader as an older sibling.
Royal Knight Reader x Lucifer Morningstar + Charlie Morningstar
Gender neutral!
omg! this is too cute! i really love the whole knight idea! ⋆。°✩ i did some research on the whole knight system and its SUPER interesting!
might make another one shot of a knight reader with my own little twist・°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°.
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✧₊⁺⋆.˚꩜⊹ ࣪ ˖˚☽˚.⋆✧₊⁺⋆.˚꩜⊹ ࣪ ˖˚☽˚.⋆✧₊⁺⋆.˚꩜⊹ ࣪ ˖˚☽˚.⋆✧₊⁺⋆.˚꩜⊹ ࣪ ˖˚☽˚.⋆✧₊⁺✧₊⁺
Ever Since Lucifer and Lilith's fall from grace, protection has always been a necessary resource. Y/ns has been there since the beginning pledging allegiance to both the king, queen, and the then young princess serving them for centuries. Y/n and the rest of the knightage fought to make sure to keep hell orderly, or as orderly as hell can get. 
Y/n was much more serious compared to their fellow knights being a Grand Cross comes with its different sets of responsibilities that in their mind “allow for no error.” due to their seemingly frigid exterior outsiders would think Y/n was only following the chivalry code nothing more. But, on the contrary, Y/n did truly care for Morningstars.
This is why Y/n's heart dropped hearing about the extermination coming earlier than expected, it was always busier during this time of year. The number of casualties just from the royal guard was always a hard gap to fill after the massacre was over. But at least, the Morning Stars were spared. This time, however? Y/n wasn't sure everyone was going to come back alive, a direct attack from heaven? Some of their most skilled knights have fallen to the hands of exorcists. How in hell would Charlie ever come out alive? 
But, Y/n takes orders, and Lucifer stops her from interfering. 
“I don't understand why you won't let me do this,” Y/n exclaimed curtly, brows pulled tightly together. The confusion was evident in their tone, their body rigid like a sword. A still silence blankets the room after no response. Y/n, Moving forward through Lucifer's study smoothly dodging various piles of ducks. Continued.
“I am loyal to this family, eternally. And the one chance I am needed…you, tell me to stay?.. Why? She is your daughter. Do you want her blood to spill across the pavement? Because that is what will happen if you let this continue.” Anger started to bubble to the surface as they pointed an accusatory finger at Lucifer.
The silenced followed them 
“You must let me go I have-” Y/n pleading began
“Stop, I order you to stop,” Lucifer said weakly, looking away unsure. It was obvious he was going through his own anxiety and turmoil due to the extermination and the safety of his daughter.
“She has to do this, you.” he looked to Y/n glassy-eyed
“Cannot face heaven” he continued “I don't think anyone here really can… Charlie can hold her own. I mean if anything this could I don't know, um.. steer her away from heaven!” he said, his charismatic exterior seemingly returning to his body.
“Yes…but what do we do if she cannot handle it.” y/n said quietly, mouth pulled into a deep frown.
“Well, who better than me? King of hell! Eh! Eh!” lucifer exclaimed loudly elbowing y/n's rib cage
“This is not a time for humor,” she responded coldly. Lucifer rolled his eyes playfully.
“ Y/n I'm worried about her too, but this is something she needs to do. If I need to I will step in. You have enough to worry about with everybody else looking to you for guidance, have faith in her. So! I order you to stay here!…. Please.” Lucifer exclaimed albeit a little awkwardly since he was not used to giving many orders directly to Y/n's face
Y/n Sighed bending down to kneel “As you wish my king.” 
“Okay okay, you don't have to do all of that! I mean, come on! You're practically family.” Lucifer exclaimed in surprise. 
And so, Y/n trusting Lucifer they went back to their duties. Making preparations for extermination day preoccupied their mind most days. but silently anxiety seeped in. Truthfully, Y/n is terrified of losing Charlie and Lucifer they're the only family they've ever had. Even in life, Y/n wasn't close to anyone as much as they were with the MorningStars, which is why relief flooded Y/n's whole body hearing that both Charlie and Lucifer were safe in the end. After the hotel was rebuilt, they planned a visit to double-check. 
It was your average day at the hotel, Husk was busy cleaning the bar counter with a tattered rag as Angel Dust as well as Vaggie lounged on the couch. Angel, scrolled mindlessly through their phone while Vaggie worked on sharpening her spear. Charlie, of course, was planning new lesson plans with her father. Everything was calm. That was until three loud pounding knocks rumbled through the room.
Vaggie immediately jumped up in defense while everyone slowly turned towards the door, a menacing shadow shown through the glass. The only person who seemed excited was Charlie.
“Wait! Wait! This could be a new guest!” Charlie said excitedly jumping at the opportunity to greet the mysterious person at the door
“Okay everyone, let's remember to smile and introduce ourselves!” she smiled to everyone in the lobby, Alastor now entering the picture to observe.
Charlie swung the door wide open “Welcome to the hazbin hotel!- Y/n!!” 
Charlie embraced Y/n in a bone-crushing hug squealing and spinning both her and the reader around “I'm so excited to see you! It's been so long! Oh! Come and meet everyone!”
But just as Charlie was leading you over to the rest you spot a certain um. Eccentric! red demon
“Oh! What in the unholy hell is that..” y/n exclaimed obviously unsettled by the red demon 
Grimacing at the sight and leaning down Charlie 
“Charlie, I trust your judgment but what… what the HELL is that.” but just as y/n leaned up there he was.
“Alastor, Pleasure to be meeting you dear. Quite a pleasure indeed!” Alastor said enthusiastically jostling you around like a rag doll with his over-excited handshake.
“And who are you? The servant to the morning stars him?” he continued. Lucifer and y/n both make eye contact across the room silently agreeing about their mutual opinion of this “Radio Demon” as he likes to be called.
“More like, protector. What are you hm? The janitor? With that tattered suit, one might think you would be a stray animal who wandered in.” Y/n shot back with a frown and an unimpressed brow
“Alright! y/n! Let um let's meet everybody else! please..” Charlie said steering you away from Alastor you both looked as if you were about to be at each other throats if she didn't intervene 
“Everyone! This is y/n! They are a part of the…” she whispered over to Y/n “Is it the knightage..?”
“Yes, it's the knightage you're right.” y/n had responded quietly they were used to Charlie's struggle with certain words many nights they had to help Charlie with their spelling when she was younger.
“The Knightage! They work for me and Dad.” Everyone had gone silent at this news no one ever thought that they would be meeting the top of the food chain. Royal knights have been seen around hell usually around the time of the extermination, and almost everybody knew not to mess with them. Especially Y/n, just looking at them everyone would think they could snap someone in half without a second thought. Almost everybody there straightened their posture as Y/N's cold gaze flicked over everybody even Alastor tensed up slightly. 
“It's nice to meet everybody, Charlie is very enthusiastic about this hotel of hers, I'm glad it's made its reach to people,” Y/n responded professionally, Charlie looked over the cast of people in the room noting the uncomfortableness of everybody, She knew y/n was…Cold-looking, but she's never seen anyone react to just their presence in such a way. 
The silence lasted for what seemed like an eternity no one daring to speak up 
“So, are both your swords accurate about hitting certain deep spots, or just the one?” Angel spoke up flirtatiously everyone's heads snapping in the direction of the outburst
“What?! Just asking, geese.” replied angel
“My sword is made of iron it's manufactured to hit “deep spots” A knight does not possess two iron swords that would be .. redundant,” Y/n said calmly. Angel had side-eyed Husk when this was said triggering Husk to roll his eyes to mimic annoyance. 
“Speaking of weapons, Vaggie your spear needs to be sharpened. I suggest you sharpen it daily it'll really glide through people like butter if you do.” Y/n continued, they had met Vaggie prior to the hotel but only briefly as Charlie didn't come to the castle much anymore after Lilith left. 
“Oh! Um, thanks!” Vaggie replayed hurriedly intimidated by the tall stance Y/n possessed the heavy armor from neck to toe didn't help them look less menacing either
“By the way, thank you for protecting Charlie and everyone at the hotel.” y/n said slowly moving down to kneel “ I wasn't there myself due to my orders but I am glad to know Charlie is in good hands it brings peace of mind.” Y/n continues now fully kneeling 
Vaggie visibly flustered responded quickly “Oh! It was oh it was nothing really.” 
“Y/n?” Charlie interjected 
Y/n slowly rising to their feet, “Yes, Charlie?”
“How about you stay for dinner really.. Catch up!” Charlie said excitedly. Y/n glanced over to Lucifer who had two thumbs up. 
“Ah hell, why not.”
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THEM!!!! IT'S THEM!!!!!
"what do you mean?" LOOK AGAIN!!!!!
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Notice something peculiar???
No? Let me make it clearer:
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Isn't it interesting that Seviathan is the only one with red eyes?
And, if the eye color theory is right, it means he owns a soul, right?
And you know what's even more interesting?
How their green pallet matches...
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Matching colors
A powerful family close to the Morningstar
An ex boyfriend who probably has resentment against Charlie, ESPECIALLY bc if they got married, he would become King of hell someday, and now it's not happening
A very feared Overlord who conveniently appeared at Charlie's door right after 7 years gone and now it's trying to conquer her trust
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(of course it's just a theory but i think IT MAKES TOTALLY SENCE! I see a lot of theories saying that it's Lilith, Zestial or even Nifty who owns Alastor's soul, but i don't really see Seviathan being mentioned and i believe he's the one who better fit in the role of Alastor's soul owner)
So, i just realized something
What if Seviathan is using Alastor to assume hell's throne??
Think with me:
He had the chance of becoming king of hell by marriage, which didn't happen
What if he's using Alastor, a powerful, charismatic demon, who also happens to know very much how to deal with public to lure Charlie into giving the power to him?
Also, Alastor has his mouth sewed, which can mean he can't talk about Seviathan or the plan
Alastor did make a contract with Charlie, but weirdly, he gladly accepted the condition of not harming anyone
Power/royal title switch wouldn't cause any physical damage to anyone SO WHAT IF THIS IS THE PLAN ALL ALONG
And i do believe that Alastor is trying to figure out a way to break his own contract while following Seviathan's orders?
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nostalgia-train · 2 months
Yandere hazbin Hotel x Cain Reader headcannon
This has supernatural elements mainly the idea that the reason why Cain killed Abel wasn’t out of jealousy but because whenever Abel thought he was talking to god it was actually Lucifer (satan in this case) so to protect his brother from sin Cain made a deal with Lucifer (satan) where he would guarantee Abel a place in heaven while Cain would be condemned to hell forcing Cain to kill his brother and becoming his soldier after his death.
Once Cain is in hell I’d like to imagine that the Morningstar family take him in because Lucifer might feel bad about the whole Satan thing and also because they’re kinda related because of the whole Adam, Lilith and eve thing. To pay them back for taking him in Cain becomes Charlie’s bodyguard (before Vaggie does) to parody the whole “soldier of Satan thing”. I also imagine the Morningstars as platonic yanderes each one a little different from the last but they all work together to keep Cain with them and away from heaven. After all even before he sinned he was the least favorite child with heaven and Adam preferring Abel so they clearly don’t deserve Cain based on how they’ve treated him.
This would make Cain a pseudo royal member who I imagine as a very responsible and caring person after all he sacrificed his after life for his brother.
Meanwhile in heaven after their deaths Adam, Abel and the rest of heaven find out the real reason why Cain killed Abel and most of them start to realize their mistake. Abel and Adam would also be platonic yanderes with Adam’s take being that he wants his brother back Ann he finally understands his mistake so why can’t he have his brother. Adam on the other hand is a bit more complicated there are two parts of him where one just wants his son back but the other larger part views his kids as his possessions and what hell did as stealing after all Lucifer already stole Lilith (and eve maybe?) and as the person whose subordinates go down to hell he’s probably given the order where Cain isn’t to be killed and if they can try to “bring him back home”. Heaven definitely uses Cain as propaganda against hell martyring him to a degree for his noble sacrifice and this actually causes some people to be more open to Charlie’s hotel idea because it might be a chance to have Cain where he rightfully belongs. Cain of course knows none of this and if he did would want know part of it as he’s quite happy with his new family who love him very much.
Other ideas for Cain is that when Charlie makes her hotel Cain goes with her to still protect her but not to an insane degree (vaggie is still head of security) but he also might have a little garden or farm at the hotel to give the sinners a more productive hobby. He also would oversee hells agriculture as he was a farmer when he was alive.
I’ll probably put more specific aspects like specific characters and Cains role in the story in different posts but when I do I’ll make sure to link them to a master list
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allastoredeer · 2 months
The Hierarchal Power Structure in Pentagram City + Royal Family Character Analysis (Hellaverse World-Building)
I did some character analysis, lore, and world-building last night for Pentagram City and the hierarchical systems, and @tomboy014, I saw your reply, and I am here to deliver the deets.
First and foremost, disclaimer: this is world-building/character analysis/lore that I came up with. Some of it is based on canon, but a lot of it is built off my personal fanon. None of it can actually be considered canon, but feel free to incorporate anything here into your fanon or fics or whatever you want. And feel free to not take any of it seriously and ignore it if it doesn't work for you.
This post is going to be broken up into separate parts that delve into different subjects, like the city districts, the Overlords and what they give to the city, hierarchal systems, politics, and soul-contracts.
To get things started, I'm diving into the hierarchical systems of power in the Pride Ring and how involved or uninvolved they are in, most of the character analysis is on the Royal Family (Lucifer, Lilith, and Charlie) and their relationship to the Pride Ring.
So, we know that the Sinners are contained to the Pride Ring and that however powerful the Overlords are and how much influence they have in the Ring, they are still outranked by the Goetia and the Royal Family.
So, diving into that, let's start with the big boss of Hell himself:
Lucifer is the top dog. He's the most powerful being in Hell. What he says goes.
But he doesn't often involve himself with Pentagram City or the Sinners. He's gone out, made appearances, settled disputes that made their way up to him, and is the one who typically deals with Heaven and their input.
Unlike Sinners, he actually gets along well with the Hellborn. He has powerful Hellborn friends, like the Eldritch family - Charlie previously dated Seviathan Von Eldritch (their son) and we see a picture of Frederick Von Eldritch (the dad) with Lucifer in Lucifer's workshop in "Dad Beat Dad:
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So, he has good relationships with other people. He has friends. He gets along well with the other Deadly Sins and the Goetia. He has absolutely no problems with them.
He also doesn't mind dealing with issues that pop up in other Rings, but given that those Rings are managed by the other Sins, it's rare that he has to get involved. Usually, the only times he would, is if the Sins themselves were having a dispute with each other, and it got big enough to warrant it coming to him. He's the big boss of Hell, afterall. He gets the final say.
What he does distance himself from is the Sinners.
When it comes to Heaven, Lucifer has an inferiority complex. 
He's been in Heaven, with the seraphims, archangels, and angels for most of his existence. He grew up believing what they believe. He was considered a trouble-maker for his grandiose ideas, but he was still one of them.
But after giving Eve the fruit of knowledge, giving free-will to mankind and breaking the careful order Heaven maintained, the beings that he's been with his entire existence turned on him. Rejected him. Cast him out and punish him for his mistake by seeing nothing but the terrible and wicked caused by his actions.
He feels ashamed and humiliated. Belittled and looked down on. If everyone you've ever known, everyone you've ever been close to, tells you you're done a terrible thing, what other choice do you have then to believe them?
He's still prideful, but that pride is what causes him to have such great shame. He was so certain of his decision. So certain that giving Eve the apple was the right move, only to be torn down so thoroughly and cast out of his home.
But with the Sinners he has a superiority complex.
The Sinners are a constant reminder of his mistake. When he sees them, all he feels is shame, anger, humiliation, and disgust, but he still thinks he's better than them. He thinks all the Hellborn are better than them. He's still got a sliver of that high-and-mighty angel inside him that looks down on the Sinners.
Heaven deemed them bad enough to be sent to Hell, afterall. And even though he'd been cut off from Heaven, even though he was cast out, Heaven's definition of "good" and "bad" is still rooted in his brain. They would know, right? Heaven is pure, and righteous, and good. He was once pure, and righteous, and good. Their logic and reasoning made sense to him, and a part of it still does.
So, he goes out of his way to avoid interacting with the Sinners. Given that he's only ever seen the worst in humanity, he considers them the lowest of the low and doesn't bother trying to learn more about them - he stopped trying to see the good in them after the first few hundred years.
To him, all Sinners are horrible. Heartless. Monstrous. Cruel. They tear things down instead of build things up. They're everything wrong with humanity. He doesn't hold a high opinion of them, nor has he for a very, very, very long time.
Given that he represents "pride," most would assume that he manages the Pride Ring, but it's actually Lilith who runs the Ring and everyone in it. Lucifer is more than happy to let Lilith take the reins when it comes to the Sinners, and almost never takes the opportunity to get more involved when one comes up.
Lilith holds a higher opinion of the Sinners than Lucifer does.
She used to be human, afterall. She was the first woman. One of three people that marked the beginning of mankind. Technically, one could argue that she was the first human to commit a sin as she had not only rejected Adam but she was on board with Lucifer sharing the fruit of knowledge with Eve. She was punished for their "reckless act" just the same as Lucifer and cast into Hell.
But where Lucifer feels disgust and shame, Lilith feels a sense of freedom. She's no longer bound to Heaven and their rules. Rules that she struggled with and had to break free of. Rules that also dubbed her a "wicked person" for breaking them.
She feels connected to the Sinners. She feels a kinship with them. She has more empathy for their situations and actions. She understands their misery and anger. She loves learning about them and their stories - some Sinners, of course, are absolutely deplorable human beings. But there are some who lived in difficult situations, made mistakes, developed bad habits, were forced into tight corners, had no other options, or were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. She feels righteous anger at Heaven and its strict system that separates the "good" from the "bad."
Lilith has been involved with the growth of Pentagram City since the beginning, and once Overlords became a thing, she worked side-by-side with them to keep the Ring functioning as best as a society can function in Hell.
She was a lot more involved in the beginning of Hell. However, the more the city grew the more it was able to stand on its own two legs. She had more time to step away and be with Lucifer, Charlie later on, and the other Rings. She still often holds her concerts to inspire and uplift demonkind, but she doesn't have to help run the city so much.
Overtime, she became more of an occasional guiding hand or a final vote. The Overlords had a hold of most situations and solved it amongst their own territories or with the other Overlords.
While born in Hell, Charlie was actually very sheltered growing up. She was allowed to go to the other Rings, and often went on trips with Lucifer and Lilith to visit the other Sins, but despite living in the Pride Ring, she wasn't allowed to really explore it for a lot of her life growing up.
Lilith wanted to bring young Charlie with her on her trips into the city, to meet the Overlords, see her subjects, and familiarize herself with all the districts, but Lucifer was a little bit more, ehhhh...hesitant, you could say. And protective. Very protective.
He didn't like the idea of his little girl rubbing elbows with the scum of humankind. Of her seeing the violence and cruelty they so often displayed. She became a bright, burning light in his life, giving him new drive, something to love and take care of. It brought him out of his depression for a time, especially when Charlie lived in the palace, but he still had moments when he fell back into it. When he had hard days. When he sunk back into dark thoughts and internalized shame.
During these dark periods of time, Lucifer locked himself in his workroom. He didn't have the energy, the mental capacity, to be there for Charlie, and he didn't want to bring any of the dark and negative thoughts & emotions on to Charlie - the light in his life. His pride and joy.
Distancing himself from her during this spirals is how he "protected" her. He convinced himself that it was for her own good not to see him like this. That he needed to keep this side of him locked away and out of sight for her benefit, not realizing just how much Charlie needed him.
During these spirals, Lucifer turned to creation. He made things. Things for Charlie. Things for Lilith. Random knick-knacks. Whatever object, animal, or concept that crossed his mind. More often than not, though, his creations had holy undertones. Angelic designs. Some piece of Heaven squirreled inside.
Charlie loved watching her dad create things, and eventually, Lucifer started telling her stories about Heaven. What it was like up there. How beautiful it was. The archangels and the seraphims who made galaxies and expanded the universe. Who kept evil at bay.
Charlie soaked in these stories and developed a fascination for Heaven.
Lilith didn't approve. She had complicated feelings about Heaven, but for the most part, she had a negative opinion of it. Of the angels, the seraphims, their order, and rules, and expectations. She doesn't see it with the same rose-tinted glasses that Lucifer does. She doesn't have the millennia of memories and experiences that Lucifer has.
She doesn't like Lucifer filling Charlie's head with these grandiose and beautiful depictions of Heaven. She doesn't like Charlie's growing fascination with Heaven. She doesn't like the look of awe and wonder in Charlie's eyes. She doesn't like Lucifer painting Heaven in this perfect light when they had both been hurt so badly by them. She's been with Lucifer since the beginning, has seen him through every up and down, spiral, and depressive episode, and she doesn't understand how he could still hold such a high opinion of them after everything they did. Everything they've put her through. Everything they put him through.
She's okay with Lucifer spending time with Charlie and creating things with her, but she does interrupt and make an excuse to take Charlie with her when Lucifer starts talking about Heaven, or creating Heavenly things, like the bird-angel-creature from "Dad Beat Dad"
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She doesn't want Charlie getting the wrong idea about them.
Lucifer's leniency towards Heaven & contempt for Sinner and Lilith's animosity towards Heaven & compassion for Sinners starts butting heads more and more as Charlie grows up. It leads to arguments, and then fights, and eventually, their divorce.
Charlie grew up torn between her father's dreams and stories, and her mothers compassion for Sinners and desire to help them. Both facets have been instilled in her. They're both driving motivators for her and what she wants to do with her life.
But seeing the separation between her parents was hard and it hurt. No matter what she did, she couldn't help their marriage or their family. So, she turned to helping others. The Sinners, specifically. Of redeeming them so they may see the beautiful, wondrous place her father told her about.
Lucifer still didn't approve, of course, which devastated Charlie. She wanted his support. Needed it. But he couldn't look past his contempt for Sinners, and it became the leading factor that led to their estrangement in the years that followed, with Charlie feeling unsupported and neglected, and Lucifer wanting to reconnect with her so badly but not knowing how to bridge the gap.
Lilith needed distance from Lucifer. She still loved him. She did. But she's also been with him since before Hell was created. They've been at each other's sides since they first met in the Garden of Eden.
And Lucifer's depressive episodes were hard on her too. She did everything she could to support him. To help him. To be there for him. But over time, the mental and emotional load began weighing on her. It started affecting her mentally and emotionally too. It's hard to be the one constantly holding up the other. She felt like she could never break. Never stumble. She had to be steadfast. She had to be strong. A pillar for her family and her kingdom. To raise Charlie, oversee the city, and support Lucifer all at once, and she was exhausted.
And with her and Lucifer butting heads more and more, she couldn't keep doing it. She left the Pride Ring, visited the other Rings, took some time for herself and something something, stuff happens, she ends up in Heaven (my reasoning for this changes based on what fic I'm writing or concept I'm thinking about, so I don't have a concrete answer to give).
She did leave Charlie on her own, too, though.
Charlie had to build her plan for redemption, start her hotel, and deal with demonkind all on her own, without the support of either of her parents, without their help navigating the city and dealing with Sinners, which leaves her fumbling, unsure how to act around them, and a bit naive to their situation. When she met Vaggie, she got the love and support for her dreams, for herself, that she craved. That she needed. That's been missing for so many years.
Charlie still loves both of her parents deeply, but she has complicated feelings about them that she buries deep, deep, deep down inside her. She's got mommy and daddy issues.
The Goetia are the third most powerful beings in Hell (after the Sins and the Royal Family). They outrank the Overlords easily.
Goetia families live in every ring. They can move between Rings, go where they want, and have their own sway and political power in Hell. A Goetia that we know, for sure, lives in the Pride Ring is Stolas, as implied by the sky where his house/estate is located:
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But, generally, the Goetia don't get that involved in Pentagram City, its politics, or the Overlords, unless it affects them directly. They work with the Overlords, meet with them to discuss matters that involve them both, but over all, they leave Pentagram City, the Overlords, and the Sinners all to their own devices. They don't care enough to get involved, and, technically, the Pride Ring is the Sinner's ring - as they are restricted to it - and they don't want to have to maintain a society or system for them.
The Goetia have an indifferent opinion of the Sinners. Where Imps and Hellhounds are the lower class, and generally looked down on, especially by the Goetia, the Sinners are kind of just...there.
They may look down on them a little, and not take the Overlords too seriously, as they see them as nothing but a handful of Sinners with a smidgeon of power - how cute ^.^ They think they can actually do shit! - that doesn't hold a candle to a Goetia's power.
They do tend to underestimate the Overlord's power and can be condescending towards them, but in the end, if an Overlord were to try and go toe-to-toe with a Goetia, they would get their ass beat.
So, the Goetia's attitude towards Pentagram City, the Overlords, and the Sinners is generally indifferent. They simply don't care enough to get involved. The Sinners are none of their concern and they don't want to make them their concern. They only ever interact/deal with the Overlords, and even then, it's sparingly.
The Goetia keep to themselves. The Overlords and Sinners keep to themselves. Both are fine with this. (The Overlords would not be happy if the Goetia decided they wanted more control of city and inserted themselves into the politics and hierarchy).
Like how Lucifer is the top dog in all of Hell, the Overlords are the top dogs in Pentagram City (not including the Goetia, who keep to themselves and don't get involved in Sinner business).
The city is run by the Overlords. They each have their own districts, their own imports and exports, and a trade that benefits the city in some way, shape, or form. A lot of their trades can be dependent, or involved, with other Overlord's and their trades, which is an incentive for them to keep the peace and work together.
They meet up fairly often to discuss the happenings in the cities, situations/events that have an impact on all of them (like the Exterminations), problems that arises that they need to groupthink for solutions, and any matter or subject that an Overlord wants to bring up with the other's.
The relationship between the Overlords can vary. Some can be friends, some can just be allies, some can have friction, and some can be flat out rivals. No matter what the relationship is, it's crucial that the order between them be maintained.
Overlords, generally, try not to attack or openly antagonize each other. They don't typically want to start fights, as that is just as much a risk to them as it is to the one they want to fight. And if a fight does break out, either 1) the Overlord will be defeated with the possibility of losing souls - or killed, depending on if their attacker has an angelic weapon, or 2) the defeated Overlord will be embarrassed and angry, and the friction will only get worse and cause more detriment to the group as a whole.
Nobody wants Overlords fighting, especially the Overlords. They're the most powerful Sinners, but even that power has risks. It takes a while to build up, but it can be snatched away so quickly, and few of them want to take that chance. The best option is to get along as best they can when they're in the same room, and keep to themselves and their districts when they separate.
The Overlords are essentially a counsel. They're all considered equals of each other. There is no head of the Overlords. No one who presides over them, except Lilith. They all stand on equal footing and treat each other as such (at least outwardly). They work together to keep the city running, as their empires, power, and trades are dependent on the city. It's in all their best interests to keep it functioning as much as a society can function in Hell. (It helps that they are the ones controlling the system, and thus, they benefit from having a say in what goes on in the city).
If an Overlord were to be "toppled" or killed, it would actually rock the balance that's been established in the city. Suddenly, there will be thousands of Sinners with broken contracts who now own their souls, entire territories that can be seized, a trade/resource that is either up for grabs or gone entirely, and overall chaos and confusion. Greedy Overlords might make a power grab for more territory and souls, which becomes a threat to the other Overlords and their status. More fights break out. More damage and destruction. More friction.
It's bad for everyone. So they try to keep the peace among each other as much as possible.
Crime-families fall under the Overlords in this hierarchy of power. These crime-families don't have to be "families," they can be gangs, factions, syndicates, or organizations.
Some of them may be owned by an Overlord, fall into the jurisdiction of an Overlord, or are entirely independent with their souls intact. No matter what the relationship is, crime-families do tend to work directly with Overlords.
They specialize in smuggling, trafficking, and recruiting. Unless owned, they typically don't work with just one Overlord, but do business with all of them. They can be paid under-the-table by a specific Overlord to be notified when they have a “fresh supply," or if they found something/someone that could benefit that Overlord, but generally, they keep the entire pool open and neutral, as there's more money to be made that way and there's safety in being a resource for all Overlords, not just one. That way, if they were threatened, it would come to the attention of all the Overlords, as they are a valuable resource and anyone threatening that makes themselves a target.
Owned Sinners
Owned-Sinners are Sinners who have sold their soul. The system for owning and selling souls is a complex one, with pros and cons. There's a reason so many sinners end up selling their souls, despite how serious and significant it is to do so.
And that's because so often the benefits outweigh the risks.
There are many reasons why a Sinner will sell their soul, like fame, money, opportunity, security, safety, housing, jobs, desires, needs, etc... and whoever owns their soul, that person is now responsible for it and them.
Some Sinners will sell their soul as a way to get a well-paying job from an Overlord, or to fall under their protection so they're safe from outside threats, or to pay off loans they can't pay back, or to wipe clean their slate if they get themselves in too much trouble. When an Overlord owns your soul, you have the opportunity to relocate to that Overlord's district as further means of security and opportunity.
Furthermore, most people who sell their souls just...continue living their own lives. Overlords own thousands upon thousands of souls. There's no way they can keep track of every single one of them, or have hyper-specific deals with each one. Most sinners can sell their soul and continue living their afterlife with whatever benefits they sold it for. Easy peasy.
There are, of course, cons too.
Like, the fact that you are owned by someone. You're bound by the contract you signed. You're bound to the person who now owns your soul. The deal you made may have specific requirements that you have to follow, and not doing so can result in very, very bad consequences.
It opens situations for abuse and being taken-advantage of. Even if you change your mind afterward, you can't break the deal. Unless you convince the owner of your soul to dissolve it, they don't hold up their end of the bargain, or you can't find a loophole/backdoor, you're trapped in the contract and there is nothing you can do about it.
Non-Owned Sinners
Non-Owned Sinners fall under Owned-Sinners in this power-structure because they don't have the opportunities or security that comes with being tied to an Overlord.
Overlords can offer protection, housing, well-paying jobs, opportunities, money, debt-relief, a myriad of things. Whereas Non-Owned Sinners are all on their own. They're "free targets." There won't be any repercussions to killing them, hurting them, taking all their shit, trafficking them, literally doing anything to them.
Non-Owned Sinners have the independence and freedom of owning their souls, but they're essentially fishes in a shark tank. They're vulnerable. They're out in the open. They're more likely to live in squalor. Bad things are more likely to happen to them.
Living in Hell, where death, destruction, misery, and torment are the norm, most Sinners will end up selling their souls. And if they don't at first, they usually do eventually when life gets too hard, they get themselves into too much trouble, they fall for a recruiters trap, or they're desperate.
Imps are below Non-Owned Sinners. The Pride Ring is the most diverse Ring in all of Hell, so there are a lot of Hellborn who live there. Imps are still one of the lowest classes, but there are actually a lot of opportunities for them there.
Sinners don't see Imps the same way other Hellborn do. They weren't born there and they are restricted to the Pride Ring, so they don't see how other Rings treat Imps. 
Imps aren't treated as badly in the Pride Ring, especially in Imp City (which is an entire district in Pentagram City that's in a neutral zone, and thus, under the jurisdiction of no Overlord) and is dominantly populated by other Imps.
Though they still are very much treated as a lower class, it's not as terrible as it can be in other Rings. The diversity of so many sinners and Hellborn make it a little easier. They have job opportunities within the city. They can work for Overlords without having to sell their soul, as Overlords can't own the souls of Hellborn, just other Sinners.
Hellhounds are at the bottom of the list, as they are canonically the lowest social class in Hell. Most of the jobs they get fall under the category of security, manual labor, sex work, or working with crime-families.
Like Imps, it's a little better in the Pride Ring, given its diversity and the Sinners not having a full scope of just how much lower of a class Imps and Hellhounds are supposed to be. It's not perfect by any means, and the system is still rigged against them, but there's more job opportunities and ways to make a life for themselves.
That's that for the hierarchical system in the Pride Ring, from the highest class to the lowest class. The most powerful to the least powerful.
TLDR: Lucifer is the most powerful but he doesn't want to get involved with Sinners, Lilith helped the city grow until it could stand on its own, Charlie wants to help but struggles due to family issues and being sheltered most of her life, the Goetia don't care enough to get involved with the Sinners, the Overlords are a counsel of equals, Crime families work for the Overlords, Owned-Sinners have more opportunity, Non-Owned Sinners have less opportunity, Imps and Hellhounds have always been considered a lower class, but it's not as bad for them in the Pride Ring.
Up Next: A Deep Dive into the Overlords and their Districts (this is where the real world-building begins)
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aspoonofsugar · 6 months
Lucifer: Dreams of Redemption
Lucifer is my favourite Hazbin Hotel character, so here comes a meta about him, his arc and the themes he is tied with.
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"The Story of Hell" tells us plenty about Lucifer by introducing his character and preparing his story. In particular, it sets up two key themes in his arc:
Lucifer is tied to redemption, as his and Lilith's story is basically a revisitation of Adam and Eve's.
As a matter of fact the original Eden's myth goes more or less like this.
There is a man:
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Then a woman appears:
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And the two fall in love:
Charlie: Drawn in by her fierce independence, Lucifer found her and the two rebellious dreamers fell deeply in love.
They are happy together, but are forbidden to get involved with a strange fruit. They disobey, evil is born and the couple is punished and fall:
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Adam and Eve are banished from Eden. Lucifer and Lilith are forced into Hell. It is the same story, but the rebellious couple offers the fruit instead of eating it themselves. The basic meaning doesn't change, though. The two lovers make a mistake, which spirals into a disaster. Adam and Eve are asked to pursue goodness, so that they can be forgiven. What should Lucifer and Lilith do to gain redemption? When it comes to the Devil, his path forward lies in dreams.
Lucifer is a dreamer:
Charlie: He was a dreamer with fantastical ideas for all of creation.
Who grows into a cynic:
Charlie: Ashamed, Lucifer lost his will to dream.
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Interestingly, this change of heart is conveyed through Lucifer's light turning into fire. He gives up on dreams and goes from angel (light) to demon (fire). This thematically frames Lucifer's moral fall as a consequence of his loss of hope. So, it makes sense that his "redemption" will be about rediscovering dreams. Still, what kinds of dreams should he focus on?
Charlie: As punishment for their reckless act, Heaven cast Lucifer and his love into the dark pit he had created, never allowing him to see the good that came from humanity, only the cruel and the wicked.
In Hell, Lucifer stops seeing the good in people. His current challenge is then to find goodness in others again. Specifically, he must better understand:
Charlie (microchosm)
The sinners (macrochosm)
Both Charlie and the sinners share similarities with Lucifer. In particular:
Like her father, Charlie is an outcast in her own kingdom. In his younger days, Lucifer is a seraphim, who believes in free will against a world built on order and rules. In the present day, Charlie is a royal demon, who believes in redemption, despite a world full of chaos and violence.
Like their king, the sinners made mistakes, which landed them in Hell. The sinners are violent and selfish, so they are given a world of destructive chaos. Lucifer gives humans free will, so he is presented with the negative consequences of his gift.
Lucifer is like Charlie and the sinners, but he acts towards them like the Elders of Heaven:
Charlie: However, he was seen as a troublemaker by the elders of Heaven. For they felt his way of thinking was dangerous to the order of their world.
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Lucifer: Alright, I mean, look, I love that you want to see the best in people, but these sinners, you know, they're just the worst. I, I don't know how much you can realistically expect from them.
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This behavior has to do with Lucifer's own sin and banishment. He can't believe in himself anymore, so he doesn't believe in Charlie. He doesn't forgive himself, so he doesn't forgive the sinners. In short, he is projecting his unsolved feelings on both his daughter and his subjects. What the King of Hell is missing, though, is this:
Rosie: Hey, who down here isn't (flawed)?
His Kingdom isn't a place for perfect people, but for flawed ones. Still, it is precisely because everyone there is a loser that they have the potential to understand each other:
Angel Dust: You're a loser, baby Husk: A loser, but just maybe if we Both: Eat shit together, things will end up differently
This is true for the Big Boss of Hell himself, as it is highlighted by two motifs:
The Ugly Duckling in relation to his bond with Charlie
The circus when it comes to his relationship with Hell as a whole
Both are tied to loneliness and creativity. Still, they explore these ideas from different angles.
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The Ugly Duckling is about a small duck, who is refused by his peers because different and ugly. Once he matures, though, he is revealed to be a beautiful swan, who flies away victorious. This fairy tale is alluded to in Lucifer and Charlie's flashback, as he conjures a light show for her. As a matter of fact the protagonist of Lucifer's short stage play is a small duck, who becomes a shining seraphim-swan.
How does this symbolism tie to the themes of loneliness and creativity?
Loneliness- Lucifer is seen as weird by the other angels, who do not understand his way of thinking. He dreams of proving himself, so that they will accept him. At the same time, his own situation is a tragic inversion of Andersen's fairy tale. The Ugly Duckling is a duck, who takes flight as a swan. Lucifer instead is a seraphim, who falls as a demon. The Ugly Duckling finds a new family of swans, whereas Lucifer loses his family of angels.
Creativity- Lucifer tells Charlie his past in the form of a fairy-tale and gives it a happy ending. This short interaction shows how Lucifer is using fiction and creativity to handle his trauma. He channels his sadness into creation. Still, as the years go by, Lucifer's creative drive grows weaker:
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In the present day, he is stuck building rubber ducks he himself dislikes (aka ugly ducklings). Not only that, but Lucifer's disdain for his creations hints to some self-hate issues:
Lucifer: That's it… Almost there… Now presenting… the magic-tastical back flipping rubber duck! Haha! That spits fire! Hoo hoo hoo! Hold the applause please, okay. Oh, thank you, thank you. Oh god, who am I kidding? This sucks!
The magic-tastical back flipping rubber duck that spits fire sucks. Still, Lucifer himself is a fire-spiting ducky:
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In other words, Lucifer feels he himself sucks. He is an ugly duckling that can never become a swan. He is stuck as a duck. Why is that so? It's because Lucifer finds himself in a vicious cycle, where his loneliness and his loss of creativity are intertwined.
As he loses hope, Lucifer becomes less and less able to dream and create. This provokes more self-loathing, which leads to Lucifer cutting off his loved ones:
Charlie: No, we just have never been close. After he and mom split, he never really wanted to see me. He calls, sometimes, but only if he's bored or like needs me to do something.
How can he escape this situation? His only way out is to stop hyper-focusing on himself and to earnestly look at others. Starting with Charlie:
When I was young, I didn't really know you at all. I always felt so small. But I heard your stories and I was enthralled. The tales about your lofty dreams. I listened breathlessly. Imagining it could be me. So in the end, it's the view I had of you, that showed me dreams can be worth fighting for.
When Charlie is a child, Lucifer tells her a story about himself, his pain and his hopes. Charlie makes this story hers. She sees herself as the ugly duckling, who will one day fly free and shine at the centre of the universe. Charlie takes Lucifer's painful past and plans her own happy future. She imagines her story as a wonderful conclusion to his. Lucifer desperately needs to see this story play out. He needs it to heal and dream again. And yet, to have it, he must first accept that he himself isn't Charlie and that Charlie isn't him:
Charlie: Dad, I don't need you to protect me from this. Lucifer: I just don't want you to be crushed by them like… like I was.
He projects his failures on his daughter and opposes Charlie's dream out of fear. In this way, he forces Charlie to live a life she herself hasn't chosen. He keeps seeing himself as the main character, but Charlie is the protagonist of her own existence. She is free to write her own narrative, which might end up differently from Lucifer's. He may be the Ugly Duckling, but she will become the Beautiful Swan.
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The Circus is a key motif for the Hellaverse as a whole. As a matter of fact Hell is divided in seven Rings ruled by the Seven Deadly Sins that embody different circus acts. So, basically, Hell itself is a giant circus, which is why this form of enterteinment is very popular among demons. Still, it all starts with Lucifer, who used to be the Ringmaster of the sins' original circus troupe. In other words, Lucifer himself modelled Hell after the circus.
Why is that so? And how does this imagery fit with the ideas of loneliness and creativity?
Loneliness- Lucifer is the Showrunner of the greatest Freak Show of the universe. This is one of the meanings the circus metaphor stands for:
Adam: Okay, seriously! How many of you freaks do I have to fight?!
Adam: No… you (Lucifer) don't get to end this! I'm fucking Adam! I'm the fucking man, and you're just some fucking clown or something!
Hell is full of people, who failed in some way. All the sinners and demons are strange, chaotic and imperfect. They are outcasts the world belittles and refuses. They find themselves in Hell. Lonely together.
Creativity- Three-ring circus is a circus with three acts going on at the same time. On a metaphorical level, it indicates a chaotic situation. Well, Hell is a seven-ring circus. It is chaos taken up to eleven, but it is also the greatest show in all of creation. Lucifer is at the centre of it, which makes him the Greatest Showman. This is highlighted also by the King of Hell's preferred business. After all, among his known activities there are:
Its previous shows with the Seven Deadly Sins' Troupe
A theme park called LuLu World
An App similar to Ticketmaster, which is called Lucimaster
Hotels, like the decadent one Charlie uses for her project
These are all businesses linked one way or another to the enterteinment industry. Isn't it strange that the King of Hell has no control over a more strategic part of the economy, like industry, banks or health? Not at all because the enterteinment industry is the most important deal in Hell (thematically). And yet, there is another sin, who is pretty active in this business:
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Mammon, the King of Greed, owns his Theme Park, organizes his own shows and even has a clown pageant to find testimonials for his brand. This probably happens as a consequence of Lucifer's depression, which lets him vulnerable to Mammon's attempts to steal Lucifer's ideas:
Octavia: Is it true this park is just a really shameless spin-off of Lucifer's far more popular Lu Lu World?
This detail is interesting because it shows Lucifer is slowly losing control of his own Kingdom. In fact, even his own area of domain is being threathened. This is not surprising, though, because Lucifer himself isn't really trying to be a good ruler. Or a ruler at all, to be honest. As a matter of fact he is shown pretty passive, when it comes to Hell and its people. Not only that, but he openly despises sinners:
Lucifer: Our "people" Charlie, are awful! They got gifted free will and look what they did with it! Everything's terrible!
Still, this is just Lucifer projecting his frustrations and self-loathing on his people. He unconsciously sees their failures, as his own failure. However, he refuses to rationalize it and consciously insists that his family should stand above the rest:
Lucifer: Mhm, you see? What'd I tell you? Charlie, sinners are violent psychopaths, hell bent on causing as much pain and destruction as they can. There's really no point in trying.
By doing this, Lucifer can't be the King of Hell because he is too disconnected from others. This makes him unable to empathize with his people and to create new dreams for them to enjoy. At the same time, this condemns him to isolation with really no-one he can relate to. He is stuck in his own head both when it comes to creativity and to emotional development. In order to move on, he should come down from his pedestal and realize that he can find companionship in his people. He too is in Hell. He too is a sinner. He too is a circus freak.
Lucifer's first step towards redemption and hope is to leave his studyroom (his own head) and to connect with the people around him. Specifically, he must be:
A better father (microchosm)
A better king (macrochosm)
In season 1, he moves in this direction and his journey is highlighted by 3 key moments:
-In episode 1, Lucifer doesn't appear, but he still kicks off the plot by setting up Charlie and Adam's meeting. By doing so, he fails both as a father and as a king. As a father, he doesn't offer any emotional support to Charlie after Extermination Day. As a king, he refuses to meet a Heaven Ambassador. Basically, he pushes all his political responsibilities on Charlie without giving her any assistance.
-In episode 5, Lucifer makes some progress by accepting to get Charlie a meeting with Heaven. Once again, he has Charlie face Heaven in his stead. However, this time he does so out of trust for her and her project. He starts supporting Charlie and seeing hope for his people. Still, he doesn't get directly involved:
Lucifer: Ok, I can get you the meeting but once you're in Heaven, I won't be able to go with you. Will you be ok?
-In episode 8, Lucifer does what he should have done since the beginning. He confronts Adam, defeats him and ends the exterminations. By doing this, he protects Charlie as a father and saves his people as a king. Not only that, but Lucifer also offers Charlie the emotional support he initially negates her:
Lucifer: Come on little lady, why the frown? In the last 10,000 years You're the first one to change this town You can do this, now I know it! For your story has just begun You can't quit now. Hell, you owe it! There's still damage to be undone You've changed my mind, you've touched their hearts Found the good in souls gone bad The stage is wrecked, the crowd is gone But by God, Charlie! The show, it must go on!
And he helps her and the group rebuild the Hotel. In this way, he starts openly supporting Charlie's ideals of redemption:
Everyone: Twice the bedrooms, we can fill it Lucifer: With more sinners than you can dream!
By the end, he is shown closer to both his daughter and her found family of sinners:
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And he finds his creative drive again:
Lucifer: A remedial creation fom me! It's as easy as can be!
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Interestingly, after the battle Lucifer loses his coat, which gives him a rather formal and dignified image. He appears more casual, just as he joins the group and works together with them.
Dreams through redemption and redemption through dreams. This is the basic idea of Lucifer's arc, which is centered around Charlie (microchosm) and the Hazbin Hotel (macrochosm). What do these two things represent for the King of Hell?
Charlie is Lucifer's dream:
You didn't know that when I tried this all before My dreams were too hard to defend And in the end, I won't lose it all again Now you're the only thing worth fighting for More than anything, more than anything I'll shelter and adore you more than anything
After losing everything, he gives up on his ambitions regarding the macrochosm and focuses on the microchosm. He can't save humanity, but he can protect his daughter. He can't be a king, but he can be a father. And yet, this isn't the case because Charlie herself wants to get involved with the macrochosm. She doesn't want to be sheltered forever. So, to be a good father, Lucifer must step into the world again:
Lucifer: I'll support your dream, whatever lies in store
In this way, Charlie comes to embody Lucifer's ideals in two ways.
She is Lucifer's daughter, so she is the hope every child is to their parent. She is a small personal dream, when compared to his past ambitions of grandeur.
She is the embodyment of Lucifer (and Lilith)'s old dream:
Lucifer: I've been dyin' to find out who you are Looks like the apple doesn't fall far
Charlie is the apple that doesn't fall far. This means that she is her parents' daughter and shares their ideals. It also means that she herself is the fruit her parents gifted humanity with. After all, she is the fruit of a forbidden love. Not only that, but Overture sets up a very clear foiling:
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The Fruit of Knowledge corrupts humanity, but Charlie will save it. Not the apple, but Charlie is the true magic of free will. A person born from a love story, which shouldn't have happened. A child free from her parents' sins. A woman whose name "Charlie" means "free man". Truly a beautiful synthesis of Lucifer and Lilith. A powerful embodyment of their deepest dreams. Still, how is Charlie going to free humanity? Simple, she will do so while pursuing her own dream.
The Hazbin Hotel is Charlie's dream:
Charlie: I have a dream, I'm here to tell About a wonderful, fantastic new hotel Yes, it's one of a kind, right here in Hell Catering to a specific clientele
It is an impossible and lofty dream, which aims to change the laws of the universe (macrochosm). At the same time, it is a dream rooted in Charlie's personal desire to belong somewhere (microchosm). It is her interpretation of Lucifer and Lilith's legacy:
Charlie: But Lilith's hope remained. And her dream passed down to their precious daughter, the Princess of Hell.
In a sense, it is the evolution of Lucifer's old dream, as it is rooted in the belief human souls can choose goodness. Even after death:
Charlie: Don't you care, Sera? That just because someone is dead, it doesn't Mean they can't resolve to change their ways Turn the page, escape infernal blaze
This is precisely why Charlie uses an old hotel that belongs to Lucifer for her project. It is an unconscious attempt to bring both her parents and their dream back. This duality is well conveyed by the hotel's name:
Hazbin Hotel = a place where you can leave your past self behind and be reborn. A temporary house, where to find hospitality and redemption
Hazbin Hotel = something that used to be a hotel, as it is a crumbling building. It is symbolic of Lucifer himself. A person and a dream in ruins. An empty shell of his past self
So, the Hazbin Hotel is a place where to be reborn. This is true for both the sinners and Lucifer. It is a new dream rooted in another one as old as Earth. It is humanity and Lucifer's second chance.
Lucifer starts the series full of shame. He is ashamed of himself. He is ashamed of his subjects. He is so ashamed Charlie is convinced he is ashamed of her too. Still, the Princess of Hell is determined to make her family proud:
Charlie: Don't worry, Mom. I'll make you proud.
This means that Charlie will become Lucifer's pride. This is set up also by the juxtaposition of Lucifer's two songs in episode 5.
Hell's Greatest Dad is an exhibition of selfish pride: Lucifer shows off his power to impress Charlie. He doesn't consider Charlie's wishes, but is focused on his own insecurities. This is made clear by how he keeps self-duplicating throughout the song. Lucifer's imaginary world is full of his many selves:
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More Than Anything is a showcase of selfless pride: Lucifer opens up to Charlie and listens to her. Thanks to this, he creates a pocket dimension made for Charlie. This imaginary world is the Ugly Duckling with Charlie as its protagonist. Lucifer has her play with water, like the little duckling, and fly at the centre of the scene, like the swan:
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Lucifer stops putting himself in the spotlight and gives it to Charlie. He goes from a selfish pride broken by shame to a selfless pride empowered by love. He leaves behind a negative manifestation of his sin to embrace a positive declination of it. This is coherent with the other sins seen so far:
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Asmodeus, King of Lust, believes that lust is an art to be enjoyed by both partners and is against coercion and sexual violence. Thanks to his bond with Fizzarolli, his healthy lust blossoms into romantic love.
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Beelzebub, Queen of Gluttony, enjoys sharing alcohol and food with her community, so that they can indulge into gluttony together. She gains pleasure from her subjects' fun and feels bad when they are down. Basically, she is an empath, who is very sensitive to others' emotions.
Interestingly, Mammon, King of Greed, is the only sin so far with no positive declination. This isn't because greed can't ever be portrayed positively (look at Greed in FMA), but rather because Mammon exhibits no form of selfless love. As a matter of fact love is the force that mitigates and redeems sins:
Romantic love (Asmodeus)
Community love (Beelzebub)
Familial love (Lucifer)
So, our King of Hell is going to overcome his internalized shame thanks to the pride he feels for Charlie. He is gonna deal with his depression through love. This brings us to two conclusions/predictions when it comes to Lucifer and Charlie's bond:
Charlie is going to inherit the Pride Ring. Why shouldn't she? She is the one fighting for the sinners' sake and she is the embodyment of Lucifer's pride. She would be perfect as Queen of Pride.
Lucifer is gonna realize his masterpiece is Charlie herself. She is his greatest accomplishment and creation, who will lead everyone to a freer and better life.
Lucifer means light bringer because he brought to life Charlie as the brightest light and dream:
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She is both his dream and his redemption.
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kittenfangirl20 · 3 months
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Day 7 Shapeshifting (based on the idea of Adam being forced to take on the role of Eve by the angels)
*the stress of seeing Lucifer and the fact that he was going to lose brought on the change, Adam to internally scream, he didn’t want anyone to see him like, Adam tried to fly away, but Lucifer hit him causing him to hit the ground, with the helmet knocked off it let the now long silvery blonde hair fell around his shoulders and going down to his knees, Adam held the robes up to his now shorter and thinner body even though the black body suit clung to his body, Adam looked up as tears stung his eyes to see a very shocked Lucifer because he was now looking at Eve instead of Adam*
Lucifer: Eve?
Adam: Please let me explain.
*Adam hated the voice he had now and he hated being forced to be in, instead of laughing at Adam, Lucifer gave him an understanding look and just held his hand out to him, Adam let go of the robes and let them fall in order to take Lucifer’s hand, they flew and towards the royal palace of the Morningstar Family, Lucifer led Adam to his private office, Lucifer let Adam sit before taking one of his hands in a gentle manner*
Lucifer: Can you explain why you just turned into Eve.
Adam: When Lilith ran away with you, it was decided that it wasn’t a good idea to make me a new wife because they said that I didn’t deserve one after I couldn’t keep the previous one from running, so they made me take on the role of Eve when they needed me to be a mother.
Lucifer: So when I mentioned how your second wife liked what I had to offer, I was actually talking about you?
Adam: Yeah, I mean I did like what you had to offer, so it wasn’t exactly a lie.
*Adam nervously laughed*
Lucifer: Were any of your children mine?
Adam: Cain and Abel were yours, the others were from your brothers. You were the only one I was truly happy with, the others treated me like breeding livestock.
*Lucifer gently rubbed the top of Adam’s hand*
Lucifer: If I had known that they did this to you I would have taken you from them.
Adam: I didn’t want you to ever find out.
Lucifer: Why not?
Adam: Look at me, I prided myself on being the first man, the Dickmaster, it is so embarrassing that I had my masculinity temporarily taken from me because my wife ran from me because I couldn’t control her like they wanted and refused to control her. It was twice as embarrassing because of how much I love you, but who could love a freak like me.
*Adam rubbed his eyes to keep the tears away, Lucifer pulled the hand away and kissed Adam*
Lucifer: It doesn’t matter if you are Adam or Eve, I do love you and I want you to stay with me.
*Adam looked at Lucifer and knew he was telling the truth, a smile graced Adam’s lips as he felt his body go back to Adam’s body, the loving look remained in Lucifer’s eyes, Lucifer reached up and placed his hand on Adam’s cheek which Adam leaned into*
Adam: I want to stay with you and only you. But I will only stay if you remove the ability to turn into Eve from me.
*Adam had to know if Lucifer would want him only as his true self, he wanted this curse gone and just be the man he was always meant to be and he didn’t want to find out that Lucifer only wanted him for Eve*
Lucifer: Of course my love.
*Lucifer placed both his hands on Adam’s cheeks as Lucifer’s angelic magic flowed through Adam getting rid of Eve’s form leaving only Adam, he was free from his curse and Lucifer kissed Adam even more passionately than when he was in Eve’s body*
Adam: I love you.
Lucifer: I love you very much too.
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666writingcafe · 2 months
The Kingsblood Crucible
I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit annoyed. I get that Diavolo can't control the exact time of his trial, but did it really have to be mere moments after I woke up from the coma that Nightbringer put me in? It's almost like the universe is playing some sort of sick joke on me.
At least I'm able to eat the food Lucifer brought before Diavolo and I leave.
Once the two of us arrive at the royal tomb, we walk inside and go up to the statue of the Fairy King. According to the research I've done beforehand, the land that makes up the Devildom used to belong to him, but then one day a demon gave him some wine made from his own blood, putting the king into a deep sleep. The demon stole all of his land, thus becoming the first ever king of the Devildom.
Diavolo turns and gives me a ceremonial knife, and I draw a line on the palm of his hand.
"Fairy King, I present you with the blood that courses through my veins. My name is Diavolo, descendant of the rightful King of the Devildom and heir to the royal legacy."
The statue absorbs his blood, and its eyes remain closed. So far, so good.
Suddenly, the statue issues an order: prove thy virtue and thy destiny. The royal tomb is momentarily plunged into darkness before revealing...
Oh no. I've seen this before. Question is, why is the Fairy King showing us this particular memory?
"Oh, Lucifer," Diavolo whispers. "To think I'd have to see you like this again. The way you looked on this day..." He's holding back tears. I gently pat his shoulder as a way of letting him know that it's okay.
"I don't remember being so angry," he quietly observes.
"You weren't," I respond. After a brief moment of confusion, Diavolo nods his head.
"Of course. That makes a lot of sense. Do the others know?" He's referring to Barbatos and Thirteen being aware of my relation to Lilith.
"Yes. Lucifer suspects it, but I've been able to get him off my case for now."
"Good. He can't figure that out. Not yet, anyway."
"I am sure there could be no greater disgrace to one such as yourself, he who was once celebrated as the pride of the Celestial Realm," the memory of Barbatos states before turning to face the two of us. "However, it's far too little given the circumstances. Wouldn't you agree, Young Master?"
A shiver runs up my spine as Diavolo's eyes widen.
"This isn't how I remember it going--" he starts to tell me. Barbatos--or rather, a fake version of Barbatos--interrupts,
"The Celestial Realm has already rendered its judgement. Her punishment has been decided. If you willfully ignore that and choose to help her, it will mean war between the Devildom and Celestial Realm."
"I'm aware, but--"
"--but these dazzling jewels from the heavens have landed on your doorstep, and you must have them." The smile on fake Barbatos' face is rather eerie. If I didn't promise Diavolo to stay by his side through this trial, I'd start running.
"No matter the price, no matter how many demons must be sacrificed in exchange, you want these seven brothers for yourself," he continues. "And I know exactly why."
"Barbatos, stop. Don't do this." I see the fear in Diavolo's eyes, which means the illusion can, too.
And it will do anything in its power to use that fear against him.
I don't recall seeing anything about witnesses being allowed to help candidates pass the Kingsblood Crucible, but there also wasn't a rule prohibiting it, either. Should I take the risk?
"It's all about being a great demon, one who's worthy to call himself the Demon King's son. Isn't that right?"
Screw it. I'm not about to let an illusion lie to Diavolo like that.
"Don't listen to him," I tell the prince.
"They're so rare and beautiful. It's hard not to compare them to gemstones. If you were to command a group of demons like that, your esteemed father would surely be proud. All of this is so you can live up to his name."
"That isn't true!" I exclaim. Unfortunately, Diavolo doesn't seem to hear me. His eyes are glassy, like he's under a trance.
"I have to surpass him," he mumbles. "Otherwise, my life has no point."
"Exactly, which is why you're willing to help this 'family in need', even though you know it entails far too great a risk. But ask yourself: is that really the sort of conduct you'd expect from a demon king?" Diavolo slowly shakes his head.
"It's almost as though you don't even want to be king," the illusion adds. "You just want to earn your father's approval--nothing more."
"Diavolo!" I yell. Nothing.
"Lord Diavolo!" Still nothing.
"Goddammit, look at me!" That finally gets his attention.
"I'm not fit to be the demon king," he whispers.
"Are you seriously going to believe a fairy apparition?!" I don't mean to sound quite so angry, but him seemingly giving up like this is rather frustrating. If he fails this trial, I might as well kiss everything resembling my home goodbye, and I won't allow that to happen. Not on my watch.
"Look, maybe you've acted this way before," I add. "It's not like I knew you as you were growing up, so it's perfectly possible that your sole motivation was gaining your father's approval. But I can tell you this: the Diavolo I know cares deeply about others. Not just your people, but everyone you meet and befriend. You try your hardest to do what is right, even if it goes against popular opinion. You strive for a future where the three realms can live harmoniously, because you know your father's way of doing things was selfish and cruel. If anyone is fit to rule over the Devildom, it's you."
"Do you actually think I can be the sort of king everyone hopes for?" Diavolo asks. "Can I be proper and just?"
"Trust me: I'm one of the last people that will blow smoke up your ass. If I felt you weren't capable, I'd let you know in a heartbeat. Besides, you won't be doing this alone. You'll have others helping you."
"Including you?" I find myself smiling, recalling the time he once told me that he'd want me to rule beside him someday.
"Including me." Taking a deep breath, he steps forward and grabs my hand.
"Then maybe there really is hope." The scene around us disappears, and soon we find ourselves back inside the royal tomb. A note awaits us at the base of the Fairy King's statue.
𝔗𝔥𝔢 ℌ𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔏𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔰 𝔥𝔞𝔰 𝔡𝔢𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔭𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 ℭ𝔯𝔲𝔠𝔦𝔟𝔩𝔢. 𝔑𝔬 𝔣𝔲𝔯𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔟𝔢 𝔱𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔞𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢.
(Transcription: The House of Lords has determined that you have passed the Kingsblood Crucible. No further action shall be taken at this time.)
Once we're outside the tomb, Diavolo stops and looks at me.
"You know, I'm not sure if I'm ready to return just yet. I need some time away."
"Perfectly understandable," I reply. "You've just been through a rough experience."
"So have you." Wait a minute.
"You're not suggesting I join you, are you?"
"That's exactly what I'm doing." Well, damn. Didn't see that coming.
"Of course, it's fine if you don't want to. I can have Barbatos open a portal for you to return to the castle. I just..." He momentarily trails off. "I feel bad for not allowing you to properly recover, and I want to make it up to you."
"Got somewhere in mind?" He grins at me
"Of course. I think you'll like it. It's nice and quiet, and the view is absolutely breathtaking."
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr, @tenkobitch, @interconnectedmatrix
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kaledya · 4 months
Hey friend, I want to ask you some things about Constantine, I'm planning on making a FanFic about his way from Kid to Prince (Before he re encounters with Charlie).
1. How was his training? Was he trained by Lucifer? Or by Satan?, or by every single Deadly Sin?
2. Why did he lose his Humanity so much? Are there any specific or lots of events that relate to that?
3. When and which enemies he destroyed? If you don’t have it specified don’t worry, this is because after all nobody who fought him lived to tell it.
4. (This one is optional), Would you like to have something important on it? Something you would enjoy? Be honest, after all Constantine is your character.
First of all, I am very glad to hear that you want to write a fafic about him! And of course I will be happy to answer your questions!
In terms of knowledge, he was usually educated by the leading sages of Hell (he had a different teacher for each subject, so he had a well-rounded education) and Lucifer taught him what he knew as much as he could (how to use his powers, how to be a king), while Lilith taught him how to behave in politics, ) Satan was the one who taught Constantine's perception of power in general, Constantine was a person who thought that power came only from knowledge, Satan taught him that power was only power, showed him that he could not survive with only knowledge and taught him that fear was stronger than love and respect.
He also learnt from Leviathan about education and science. He was not very close to the other sins in terms of education. When Constantine went to visit his aunt, it was one of the rare times when he was a child and not a prince, Bee tried to make Constantine happy, not to educate him.
In general, the way he was raised and the training he received did this to him. Lilith and Lucifer had no evil intentions, they wanted their sons to be safe and strong, but they realised a little late that they were destroying the humanity in Constantine with their actions, and when they realised, they were at a point where they could no longer go back, but on the bright side, they did not follow the same thing with Charlie. Plus Constantine was already born with a superior intelligence, which made him less empathetic as he grew up, which came with the responsibilities of being a prince, so he had to grow up early because he had too much on him as a child. And even a normal prince would have to harden himself and control his emotions and act rationalistically in order to rule. Constantine was the prince of hell, surrounded by monsters and nobles waiting to see a weakness in him, and if he wanted to defeat the monsters, he had to become one of them. And Constantine did this, he hardened himself until his weakness or emotions were minimised.
The only person that constantine behaves with his sincere personality is his sister Charlie, I can even say that the face that constantine shows to Charlie is so different that Charlie almost does not recognise her brother at the royal meetings. (In the very later parts of the series, they start to develop a relationship with Serenity like Sherlock and Watson. but this is a very slow developing friendship)
and btw I was inspired to write Constantine by these two books maybe it helps to understand him!
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3.Sometimes some demons decide to cross the line and Constantine can execute them. There is no one specific one at the moment, only Lucifer or Charlie can defeat Constantine, no one else in Hell is crazy enough to try to fight him. At least not yet.
4.Thank you for asking but no I've got nothing to add at the moment., and Constantine is my character, yes. but this is your fanfic, you can do whatever you want as long as you keep his personality, have fun! And when you're done writing and publish it on ao3 please tag me on tw and I look forward to reading it!
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dragonmasterkaylz · 6 months
Lucifer’s Party
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I was nervous.
Okay, nervous is an understatement!
If anything, I was terrified!
Lucifer had decided to throw a party for many of the Royals, as well as their spouses. And no one knew the King of Hell was dating an Imp (unless you count all of those in the Hotel, that is). Charlie accepted me, at least, and that’s all I should care about. So… why am I caring so much about my boyfriend’s friends?! Ugh!
“Duckie~! Are you— woah!”
I looked behind me and asked, “Oh Luci! Does it look bad? Is the dress too tight?” He chuckled and walked up to me before saying, “You look beautiful, my love”. I felt myself blush and I sighed. “I’m nervous. What if none of them… like me”. Lucifer laughed and said, “I don’t care what they think, first of all. And second… I think you would be surprised by some of their dates”.
Lucifer used his magic to open a portal and, I gently held his arm as we walked through together. He then looked at the doors and looked at me. “Are you going to be okay?” I nodded and then kissed him gently. “I think so”. He smiled and opened the door. A lot of the many Royals were there, but one of the Sins was with an Imp. A Famous one, yes, but he was still like me~!
“Well, if it isn’t my favourite troublemaker?”
“Haha! I do apologise for what happened… but, I just couldn’t let Mammon treat Fizz like that!”
Lucifer nodded and said, “No, I understand. Anyway, I think the fucker had it coming after stealing my idea for a theme park!” Asmodeus saw me and he smiled, genuinely, at me. “Who’s this adorable little Imp? And don’t lie to me, Luci! I know when people are in love!” Fizzarolli then climbed onto his shoulder and looked at me. “Oh! She loves him!” “I should hope so, she is my girlfriend~”, Lucifer said before nuzzling me. I let out a giggle and Asmodeus said, “Nice to meet you!”
“Y-Yes, you too. Sorry, I’m not used to this…”.
Fizzarolli then slipped next to me and said, “There is no need to worry. Me and Ozzie had to be a secret, in order to keep his reputation as the King of Lust. But, after what happened with Mammon, he couldn’t. I’m just so grateful to have him”. I looked at Lucifer, who was having a conversation with Asmodeus and I just smiled. “And I’m grateful to have Luci in my life”. “So, does he have any cute nicknames for you~?” I let out a giggle and whispered, “He call me ‘Duckie’~”. “That is cute! Ozzie calls me ‘Froggie~”. I giggled. “Aww~!!!”
We were getting along, until a Goetia approached us.
He turned around and said, “Ah! Stella! It’s a pleasure to see you again! Um… where’s Stolas? Thought I had invited him”. Stella sighed and said, “Me and Stolas… are no longer together! He decided it was a good idea to fuck an Imp! I mean, how can a Royal, like us, just go so low?! Ugh! I can’t believe him! I mean, you can understand me! You’re still married to Lilith, who isn’t here”. “Yeah, we split up seven years ago”, he replied.
I looked down and Fizz rubbed my back gently.
“Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t know! However, I’m definitely sure a handsome King like you can find another girl!” Then he smirked and said, “Actually, I did. And she’s standing right behind you!” Stella looked down at me and I waved nervously. Then she groaned and asked, “Why an Imp?!” “Personally, it doesn’t matter to me. I don’t care who hears either! I’m in love with an Imp!”, Lucifer declared and I shed tears before running into his arms. “Luci~”. “Oh, my precious, darling, Duckie”.
Stella walked away, mumbling to herself, but it’s not like I cared what she said anyway. I was in love with the sweetest, kindest, dorkiest, King of Hell, ever~!!!
“I love ya so much, Luci~”.
“And I love you too, Duckie~”.
Asmodeus’ POV
Me and Froggie watched the two of them stare into each other’s eyes, before they kissed. I could just see the love in Lucifer’s eyes, and it was very sweet. But, I had a horrible pit in my stomach for some reason.
“Let’s go Froggie~”.
“Yeah! Those two are cute~!”
“Send an exclusive invite to them both, which says that they are always welcome at my place~!”
But Froggie knew me better than I thought he did.
“Ozzie? Is something wrong?” I sighed and said, “It’s just… I don’t want anything to happen between them both. And, I know, something will! I have this horrible pit in my stomach. If Lilith comes back… their love is either over, or it will be ruined. She won’t like this…”.
“Ozzie! Stop looking at the negatives! Think towards the positives! I mean… they’re like us!”
He was right, except, I wasn’t married before. And if Lilith does return… that poor Imp, could end up dead.
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redfluffz · 4 months
Are Michael and the others aware of Charlie’s existence in the future? If so, what do they think of her? What does God think of her?
For sure. Luc is always watched. So they know everything.
But knowing stuff doesn't mean, you know stuff. The 6 are aware of Charlie (and her hotel), but they really don't care. Well to the point where Charlies hotel interfer with their duties (and Gods plan).
I see it that way. Sera and Adam are so deeply involved with Charlie because it's about Sinners and Winners. But the 6 have way more higher and important things to do. I read that the higher choires of angels are involved with the universe, elements, all that stuff. So actually there is no connection.
But like I said, when Charlies doings interfer with some of their work, they have to interact with her.
Raph would like the idea of the hotel and he would support her. She is quirky and cheerish and that reminds him of Luc.
Ari would also like her and the hotel. But she won't talk with her, because Charlie is so dominant. She would just scared nodding when having a conversation with her.
Joph is difficult. On one hand she loves Charlie. She is beautiful, she is family, royal, reminds her of Luc ... but on the other hand she would be afraid the scum that could surround her. Cause the hotel wants Sinners become Winners, but in Jophs eyes they will always be Hazbins. (If you know what I mean.)
Azi does not care at all. We don't know Charlies hobbies yet, but I think they would come along just fine while playing games or so.
Gabe is okay with Charlie. She won't judge Sinners or the hotel as long as everything works in order. So maybe Gabe gives Charlie some advice in hotel management and logistic.
Michael is distant. He really loves his brother, but hates Lilith. It's so difficult for him to interact with Charlie, cause she is representing both.
And God. Well he likes her, but just because she is his sons "creation". Tbh God does not care about anything else but his son. (And that's something I'd love to explore in my comic)
I hope this is answer is helpful.
But as always these are just thoughts for my headcanon.
But thanks for asking!
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serena-babes · 6 months
Knight Reader x Lucifer Morningstar x Charlie Morningstar
This is a little teaser for what I'm cooking up right now! ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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Ever Since Lucifer and Lilith's fall from grace, protection has always been a necessary resource. Y/ns has been there since the beginning pledging allegiance to both the king, queen, and the then young princess serving them for centuries. Y/n and the rest of the knightage fought to make sure to keep hell orderly, or as orderly as hell can get. 
Y/n was much more serious compared to their fellow knights being a Grand Cross comes with its different sets of responsibilities that in their mind “allow for no error.” due to their seemingly frigid exterior outsiders would think Y/n was only following the chivalry code nothing more. But, on the contrary, Y/n did truly care for Morningstars.
This is why Y/n's heart dropped hearing about the extermination coming earlier than expected, it was always busier during this time of year. The number of casualties just from the royal guard was always a hard gap to fill after the massacre was over. But at least, the Morning Stars were spared. This time, however? Y/n wasn't sure everyone was going to come back alive, a direct attack from heaven? Some of their most skilled knights have fallen to the hands of exorcists. How in hell would Charlie ever come out alive? 
But, Y/n takes orders, and Lucifer stops her from interfering. 
. ݁₊ ⋆.˚⊹ ٠ ࣪⭑. ݁˖. ݁₊⋆.˚. ݁₊ ⋆.˚⊹ ٠ ࣪⭑. ݁˖. ݁₊⋆.˚. ݁₊ ⋆.˚⊹ ٠ ࣪⭑. ݁˖. ݁₊⋆.˚. ݁₊ ⋆.˚⊹ ٠ ࣪⭑. ݁˖. ݁₊⋆.˚. ݁₊ ⋆
“I don't understand why you won't let me do this,” Y/n exclaimed curtly, brows pulled tightly together. The confusion was evident in their tone, their body rigid like a sword. A still silence blankets the room after no response. Y/n, Moving forward through Lucifer's study smoothly dodging various piles of ducks. Continued.
“I am loyal to this family, eternally. And the one chance I am needed…you, tell me to stay?.. Why? She is your daughter. Do you want her blood to spill across the pavement? Because that is what will happen if you let this continue.” Anger started to bubble to the surface as they pointed an accusatory finger at Lucifer.
The silenced followed them 
“You must let me go I have-” Y/n pleading began
“Stop, I order you to stop,” Lucifer said weakly, looking away unsure. It was obvious he was going through his own anxiety and turmoil due to the extermination and the safety of his daughter.
“She has to do this, you.” he looked to Y/n glassy-eyed
“Cannot face heaven” he continued “I don't think anyone here really can… Charlie can hold her own. I mean if anything this could I don't know, um.. steer her away from heaven!” he said, his charismatic exterior seemingly returning to his body.
“Yes…but what do we do if she cannot handle it.” y/n said quietly, mouth pulled into a deep frown.
“Well, who better than me? King of hell! Eh! Eh!” lucifer exclaimed loudly elbowing y/n's rib cage
“This is not a time for humor,” she responded coldly. Lucifer rolled his eyes playfully.
“ Y/n I'm worried about her too, but this is something she needs to do. If I need to I will step in. You have enough to worry about with everybody else looking to you for guidance, have faith in her. So! I order you to stay here!…. Please.” Lucifer exclaimed albeit a little awkwardly since he was not used to giving many orders directly to Y/n's face
Y/n Sighed bending down to kneel “As you wish my king.” 
“Okay okay, you don't have to do all of that! I mean, come on! You're practically family.” Lucifer exclaimed in surprise. 
And so, Y/n trusting Lucifer they went back to their duties. Making preparations for extermination day preoccupied their mind most days. but silently anxiety seeped in. Truthfully, Y/n is terrified of losing Charlie and Lucifer they're the only family they've ever had. Even in life, Y/n wasn't close to anyone as much as they were with the MorningStars, which is why relief flooded Y/n's whole body hearing that both Charlie and Lucifer were safe in the end.
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