#Hazbin World Building
allastoredeer · 2 months
My Hellaverse Writing & Drawing Resources (Masterpost)
(A lot of this is for me, but feel free to use if you want.)
(Is updated as I stumble across more or make my own resources)
My World-Building, Character Analysis, and Lore
The Hierarchal Power Structure in Pentagram City + Royal Family Character Analysis
Lucifer's Religious Trauma - Character Analysis
Why I Don't Include Dante's 9 Circles of Hell in my Hellaverse World-Building Lore
More About Dante's 9 Circles + Imp City and the Goetia
Hellborn and Sinner Similarities and Differences + Classism
Helluva Boss Canon Lore Tidbits
Note: Some posts may have repeated canon lore
Post 1
Post 2
Post 3
Art Resources
Alastor Drawing Guide
Lucifer Drawing Guide
Vox Drawing Guide
Character Designs
Sinners From the Show (Collection 1)
Heaven Embassy (Exterior)
Post-Extermination City-Scape
Writing Resources
The 5 Senses
75 Words That Describe Smell
Descriptive Words for Scents: List of Smell Adjectives
200+ Words to Describe a Voice
How to Describe a Smile in Different Ways
600+ Words to Describe Smiles
What a Decomposing Body Smells Like
General Writing Help
How to Write Immersive Stories Using Description
World Building Tips: Writing Engaging Settings
Writing Action Scenes
Adjectives for Description
Dialogue Tags to Use Instead of Said
6 Seconds, 6 Months - Writing Advice/Challenge
How to Write Realistic Injuries
Explosives and Blasting Agents
BOM: The Next Generation of High Performance Explosives
Burning Points of Various Fabrics
English to Shakespearean (Perfect for Zestial! Thank you @witch-of-the-writing-desk)
English to Old English (Perfect for Zestial! Thank you @witch-of-the-writing-desk)
Helpful Websites and Writing Programs
Random Character Generators
Websites For Writers (Collection)
Pacemaker Planner
Hiveword: The Search Engine For Writers
StimuWrite Desktop
LibreOffice (Free Microsoft Word Alternative)
My Ko-Fi
You know. If you wanna (◕‿◕✿)
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unlimited-sciuridae · 4 months
Rosie fans I have a poll for you!
Do you think she has magic clothing powers like Velvet and Alastor?
-The ability to conjure onto someone clothing from your imagination.
Im asking because there seems to be clothing sold in her store and there is at least one tailor in Pride. My current theory is conjured clothing will only exist for so long. Actually sewn and constructed clothes last for as long as any garmet would. The fabric itself can be imported from another ring of Hell.
The clothing in Rosie's Emorium seem like samples that would be then ordered to size. Instead of ready to wear. Velvet can conjure her designs for shows but any orders are actually constructed properly somewhere else.
Regardless if you agree with my theory I keep debating with myself if she has clothing magic so I'm putting this out there.
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spacebubblehomebase · 5 months
"A New Day Will Dawn."
-Said some guy named Luke probably.
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Welcome to my #HHStargazersAU! Stay Tuned~♡? -Bubbly💙
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thethoriumreactor · 6 months
so like….. chaggie college au anyone
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I’m thinking designs based on their demon forms instead of like human before dying give me ur thoughts yeah
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Charlie fell first vaggie fell harder it’s canon
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gingebreadbeetle · 7 months
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Hazbin does fall apart in more or less ten seconds — questions I’ve thought of in roughly under a minute
Why is there a seperate character for the root of evil?
If there was no war in heaven how did the other habitants of hell ( the other princes, the goetia, imps and succubi ) exist?
Why is there no punishment?
Why is there literally only two guests in the hotel to rehabilitate themselves??
Why do people (humans) ‘worship’ Adam?
Where is god?? Where is the man who literally created the universe the cast exists in??
Also — how is Charlie meant to redeem people that aren’t suffering? Sure sinners are exterminated — but her actual ‘people’ that are hellborn aren’t. So what’s the point of going to war? It’s not like sinners can add much to the politics , economy or system of hell - they can’t even leave the pride ring?? Also non of the demons actually torture sinners so like??????
Oh also, last one I swear,
Why does Lucifer let Alastor talk shit TO HIS FACE? He’s the prince of pride, king of hell ect. Alastor is only more powerful then the average sinner, he’s not more powerful then demon royalty. And it’s not like he couldn’t support the hotel instead of Alastor?
So yup those are the questions I’ve thought of in more then ten seconds
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themosthatedbeingg · 2 months
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World building lore from the official Patron
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gothearts · 1 month
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Au designs for some requested characters
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sunlovessapphics · 3 months
King Lucifer and Assassin Alastor are living rent free on my mind rn you don’t understand.
Assassin Alastor who hates the monarchy and has a pro revolutionary radio broadcast where he slaughters a bunch of marshals and generals and councillors and plays the screams - always alluding he’s going to go after the king next. Would radio technology exist in a medieval setting? Probably not, but we can use our imaginations - or I could see al running a newspaper as well maybe. Any sort of public media format.
And how exactly would king lucifer react to this?
By doing nothing.
That’s right, his lack of self preservation skills and boredom means he will, in fact, be entertaining the threats on his life. The head priest (Vox, maybe?) would be like ‘sire that blasted demon has ripped another councillors head and pierced it atop a spear should we do something about that’ and Lucifer would be like ‘this is the most exciting thing that’s happened since my wife left me. You know what. Let’s see how this plays out.’
Because Lucifer doesn’t think he can die, he’s the king - so far removed from the disposable masses, which is precisely what Alastor hates about him.
There are many, many assassination attempts, and none of them succeed. At first it’s because Alastor genuinely fails / gets outsmarted, but then slowly but surely he slips on purpose. Missing a dagger to the heart by a hair (still severing the kidney to make a point) or waiting for the king to strike first rather than attack when he’s not looking. Because yes, while Lucifer is entertained by these attacks, Alastor loves to perform them. It could be described as a dance they do - near kill after near kill.
Idk just food for thought. I’m a sucker for pairings that actively try and kill each other
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
I curse you for this angsty thought but
Combining spear baby AU and Mortal Vaggie AU. When an exorcist is killed, they die like normal. But when they die of old age...they change back into whatever weapon they were, ready to start the cycle over.
Even more painful if that weapon would always look like vaggie, but...none of the memories.
ok FINALLY i can get this out of my head, strap in-
Spear child AU Vaggie finds out that even if SHE can't hold her kid without cursing them with memories of blood and every time she used them to kill- at least her kid can hug HER (after a lot of coaching for both them from Charlie) without any murder memories for the kid...
but Vaggie remembers, suddenly, being the weapon of the Exorcist her spear was before that heaven born woman hit the end of her lifespan
Vaggie remembers the kill that turned HER, Vaggie, from a weapon to person, her wielder's final words, an old Exorcist proudly using the last of her strength for one last Extermination day, refusing to fade out quietly up in heaven- struggling to hit that unspoken quota- enough Sinner's killed and enough demonic energy soaked up and purified into a NEW soldier of heaven, a soldier to replace the her as she crumbles into ash and that first moment of life as new born Vaggie instinctively caught the spear as it fell-
in the Mortal Vaggie AU, imagine her horror realizing she will BE a weapon again after death-
(no matter how much she wanted to be Charlie's armor in life. She's an Exorcist. She was made to kill)
unless she's killed before then, violently, while she's still herself.
And she can't ask anyone to do that- Charlie, her friends- (her spear kid??) she doesn't WANT one SECEOND less time with them than she can get, will NEVER stop fighting for her life with them
but it's terrifying, thinking how someone ELSE might pick her up afterwards... the husk she came from (no personality traits are passed down between incarnations) (the only memories an new Exorcist is born with are the deaths that fanned the fames of their new battle forged lives) an inert tool, unable to stop herself from being used to hurt people
the weapon left behind by her natural death will still be PART of her. And she doesn't want any part of her to go back to being what she was. She never wants to be a weapon like that again, blindly used to hurt and kill and wipe souls from existence while they run screaming
she has to keep telling Charlie- No. She doesn't remember anything from the incarnations before her
no there isn't... isn't any chance of her coming back. Not as herself.
Charlie and that hopeless desperate wish-
(what are a few more thousand dead, really? In the timescale of heaven and hell and all creation, in comparison how many have already died, when weighed against all the GOOD Vaggie has done and still wants to do-)
(all the pain Charlie doesn't want to face in losing her)
Vaggie asks for her weapon form to be destroyed after her time runs out
she begs Charlie to promise her-
Destroy her, it, melt it with hellfire, or re-forge her weapon self into something harmless- she wouldn't mind being a shield, if there's enough metal in her weapon form for that. She would love the thought of still being able to protect the people she loves
that might be to hard (emotionally) or not practical, physically speaking, and that's fine too. Just. Don't let her stay a weapon
Vaggie, getting older, feeling her age long before the other Exorcists will because she refuses to go back to heaven, can't stomach the idea of wasting one moment of her life up there or worse- fading out there far away from Charlie
She makes Charlie SWEAR to unmake whatever's left of her. So NO part of her can EVER be used as a mindless weapon again
and Charlie promises.... and Charlie....
breaks the promise
(her one worst sin will always be reckless Hope, all consuming Love) she incorporates Vaggie's weapon into her own trident instead, and sure she doesn't go OUT of her way to kill with it-
she doesn't hold back either, whenever the time comes
their daughter was born from a mix of sinners deaths, mixed, balanced, purified by the angels Vaggie killed later
Their daughter is getting older too- not as fast as Vaggie was- more divine energy stored up in her, gotten direct from the source instead of just used to to transform the power of hell into something heaven could use- but she IS still aging, and faster than Charlie is
if this is just "how things work" then Charlie going to have to watch her daughter die too someday. If she isn't killed, she'll outlive her child.
She can't.
She can't hide behind a shield apologizing anymore, Vaggie's not here to be the one who stabs attacking angels so they stay DOWN- Vaggie is dead and if it's forever then their daughter will follow her
Charlie has to do it, for both of them. And the hotel. She has to kill. It's just practical, just self defense, just a little not-quite lie about what she did with Vaggie's weapon-
(it was damaged. Chipped in a small but noticeable way)
(her missing eye-?)
And if part of Charlie keeps count while this desperate little hope flutters at the back of her mind, wondering if maybe... just maybe....
no, though
One day she finds herself suddenly holding the hand of a confused and bloody but ready to fight Exorcist in the middle of a battle, and it's not. Vaggie.
They know how to kill. They don't know who to be killing
(hellborn and sinners and angels, Charlie's had to stop so many people, wondering- worrying- if that would help or hurt the chances of Vaggie ever-)
The new Exorcist attacks everything in sight
Charlie's friends, the other Exorcists, Sinners, it's all she can remember, blood in red and glowing gold-
not Charlie, Charlie is familiar (no but not like THAT) the hand she woke holding and caught her when she staggered, band new to being able to move on her own, arms and legs and wings and one eye missing
Charlie's the one who grabs her mid attack and stops her with a hug that'd break a sinner's back-
Charlie, wiping away the blood on this stranger's confused face, tracing that scarred and empty eye she knows SO well and whispering a name with so much HOPE
(not seeing the horror on her friend's faces, the devastated shock from her daughter)
It's not Vaggie.
Even if she looks exactly like her, the answering twist of her face is new and she does something Vaggie never did- she pulls away, looks away, looks at the Exorcists all stopped and grinning (people like her, the same wings, black and white and powerful with every feather clearly marked with purpose)
a bell tolls and the Exorcists retreat back towards a gate in the sky like a burning wheel of light, matching the far off spheres of heaven, and the new Exorcist flares her wings to follow them-
Charlie stops her, that first time. Desperate. Still hopeful. Maybe Vaggie just needs time to remember...?
Charlie doesn't stop her later
it's the best option, really, even if it means being as alone as she was before meeting Vaggie
more alone than that, even. back then she didn't have so many friends avoiding her and her... "thing"... she didn't have a daughter moving out of the pride ring altogether to get away from her. Back then she could tell herself it was only her parents separation that left alienated her dad from her, instead of Lucifer being torn between his daughter and his grandchild. She hadn't known what it was like to have a partner, before Vaggie, and now without her she doesn't know how to live without one
she knows she shouldn't have done this. She shouldn't call the woman by her dead wife's name or keep showing her bits of a life that'd never been hers
so Charlie makes a promise, again. And keeps it this time. She talks to heaven, finds a way to get the new Exorcist up there-
-even though Vaggie wouldn't want that. Not a weapon. Not again.
(vaggie would have asked her to kill the new exorcist instead)
Charlie knows it even a she lets the Exorcist with Vaggie's face and voice and missing eye fly away, off through the portal to a life Vaggie wouldn't have wanted any part in....
but if it's not Vaggie, then it's the stranger's life now. Hers to choose
(a nice thought to hide behind. In no world can Charlie destroy any part of what was once the woman she loved)
And if maybe this stranger IS in some small way Vaggie... maybe... maybe THIS will help her remember. Maybe pain will do what Charlie's soft words and hands couldn't do
Up in heaven though...
a scarred Exorcist is a damaged weapon, is a weaken one. This Exorcist has killed sinners and hellborn and ANGELS, she knows the taste of divine blood
She looks at the angels around her the way her sisters look at demons down in hell. As prey
Lute notices
Lute doesn't trust her with a weapon, doesn't trust her down in hell. Lute remembers the feel of the spear at her throat- and that woman is GONE, but- this one came from hell. Came from the Morningstar demon bitch. Can't be trusted not to be tainted by all that
The new exorcist gets put on spy duty instead. Go work for Emily, supposedly. Watch over "reformed" sinners up in heaven
(Sir Pentious, flinching every time he sees her) (reminiscing about a friend he knew back down in hell while casting her nervous, painful glances)
Watch and report back to Lute, pretend to be the bodyguard of the souls who got a second unfair bite at the apple-
ACTUALLY be their bodyguard, when the moment comes
When Lute hits her breaking point and Sera is swayed by fear of a threat from within, a new line drawn, when the Exorcists turn on the angels who don't REALLY belong in heaven, who will never REALLY have earned after failing once- trying to kill them again
and the instinct kicking in
the woman with Vaggie's face and how RIGHT it feels to fight angels- finally that sense of purpose coursing through her, the golden blood, someone cowering behind her and she spreads her wings and-
(Charlie killed with her so many times. Never out of hate. Always a last resort. Always trying to save more people than she hurt)
(a sideways, unknowing way that Charlie kept the same promise she broke- that part of her Vaggie loved and wanted to share in, the urge to help, to defend, even in a world that demands killing as a price of stopping more death)
The woman with Vaggie's face isnt and will never BE her
but she and Emily are the reason the reformed souls aren't slaughtered up in heaven
Charlie's hotel (no, always "their" hotel to her) is suddenly full of old friends and their friends, their families from up in heaven, angels leaving in disgust through the same portal as the truth of heaven's lie is exposed to ALL of heaven now, not just a court of those who made it what it is
and it's. Maybe something Vaggie would love, if she could see it
It's Charlie's one last time reaching out to the new Exorcist, offering her a place in the hotel too...
and it's Charlie taking it in, what it means, when the woman with Vaggie's face chooses to stay up in heaven
the woman who isn't Vaggie- (Vaggie never would have left) (NEVER would chose heaven over hell)- explains heaven is where most angels are, after all. And she likes it quite a lot- making angels bleed
(she's a weapon)
(Vaggie worked hard to make herself into something else. and she did. and now Vaggie's-) (Dead)
Charlie hopes Vaggie would be okay with this, somehow.
Or maybe it would have made Vaggie sick, watching Charlie get left behind (left alone again) by someone wearing her own face
*slotting this in deliciously with the spear baby au stuff*
alright what we've got so far is...
Exorcist weapons soak up the demonic energy of the sinners they kill, carrying it back up to heaven with them where divine ointment or whatever is used to clean them afterwards, turning the demonic energy into something they can slowly convert into actual divine energy
Once they get enough kills and power, the weapon incarnates as a new heavenly soldier, specifically suited for visiting and fighting in hell
Their current Exorcist form lasts a set amount of time, and would start wearing down if they weren't given halos to supplement their slowly dwindling power
the halos keep them "young" up until the moment they fade away into ashes and weaponry again
they ALSO finish converting the Exorcist's demonic energy back into it's base form as divine power or the "force of creation" used by the higher ranking angels like the Seraphim
Basically redistributing power from hell to heaven AS WELL AS reducing the population of sinners
without the halo the demonic power just slowly bleeds out on it's own and gets absorbed by whatever's around
(AU NOTE: this would mean a bit of Vaggie's power probably got incorporated into the things and people she spent the most time around- Charlie, her spear which later turned into her kid, the hotel, her friends)
The SHAPE of the Exorcist continues with the weapon they're born from, but they lack souls, and no personal memories get passed down between incarnations
Since they are being built up from the kills they're used for though, THOSE memories are the only ones the new Exorcist is born with
Damage done to an Exorcist with heavenly steel carries over into the weapon they come from, and the next incarnation they take
Weapons that get damaged before they take enough lives to spawn into a new Exorcist are probably melted down to make a new weapon instead
That didn't used to happen very often though, because Adam encouraged abandoning any weapon that gets so much as scratched or tweeked down in hell- he didn't like the idea of his girls being less than exactly how he wanted them
Lute stops that after his death and the revelation that heavenly weapons can kill angels
Normally the Exorcist weapons incarnate as fully grown women, ready for action just like the weapons they come from
Spear! baby had a gap of several years with NO new kills powering them, and Vaggie wasn't trying to fill any quotas afterwards, so the energy build up was erratic and kill counts lessened bc of fighting next to Charlie. Being around Charlie in and out of battle, and near her half-seraphim power, also meant some of that was slurrped up, resulting in a form that WASN'T ready for battle but COULD absorb more power even after incarnating, letting the Spear! baby grow up as she gathered more passive energy (and later her own kills)
If she killed angels regularly enough or moved to heaven she could probably stay young for her entire life. But she isn't so she won't.
The other weapons abandoned in hell didn't get any divine cleansing to convert the demonic energy into something their heavenly steel could use, so they all stayed inert until killing angels started to be a thing.
Vaggie's was the first to rack up enough angel kills for the rest of the demonic energy to get mixed and changed to the point of spontaneous spear baby creation
Carmilla Carmine discovers that the other weapons can ALSO do this tho
She is slightly less than amused that chaggie failed to warn her
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libby-for-life · 2 months
Adam Dies question:
How are going to address Charlie thinking all demons can be redeemed? Because other than that one chapter of Lute sneaking into Hell and telling Charlie about the attack coming, she also says:
Lute furrowed her eyebrows as she walked up to the window. "You still think demons can be redeemed?" She asked. "Do you think all demons can be redeemed?" Charlie paused. "Well, of cour—"
"No, I need you to think about that," Lute said. "Some of the worst souls are down here. Do you think their victims want to see the person who hurt them up in Heaven around them?"
"I...uh," Charlie didn't know how to finish that sentence.
"Lute!" Vaggie was glaring at Lute. "Charlie is trying to help!"
"I'm not saying her heart isn't in the right place." Lute was trying to choose her words carefully. "But I also need to make sure that you understand that while it may be possible for a soul to be redeemed, not every soul can be or even should be." And with that, Lute took off leaving the two girls to think over her words.
Powerfull words and it's what made me like your book even more. Is that ever going to get addressed again?
Oh, yes. I already have an idea of how Charlie's perception of Hell is going to be warped. She believes that every Sinner deserves a chance. That is bullshit and she's going to learn the hard way.
Lute had already planted the seed of doubt. Now, it just needs to bloom.
I really didn't like how Charlie in the show thinks every Sinner can be redeemed and thinks their innocent. And since Purgatory is a prison in Heaven, I'm going a different route in my book.
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allastoredeer · 2 months
The Hierarchal Power Structure in Pentagram City + Royal Family Character Analysis (Hellaverse World-Building)
I did some character analysis, lore, and world-building last night for Pentagram City and the hierarchical systems, and @tomboy014, I saw your reply, and I am here to deliver the deets.
First and foremost, disclaimer: this is world-building/character analysis/lore that I came up with. Some of it is based on canon, but a lot of it is built off my personal fanon. None of it can actually be considered canon, but feel free to incorporate anything here into your fanon or fics or whatever you want. And feel free to not take any of it seriously and ignore it if it doesn't work for you.
This post is going to be broken up into separate parts that delve into different subjects, like the city districts, the Overlords and what they give to the city, hierarchal systems, politics, and soul-contracts.
To get things started, I'm diving into the hierarchical systems of power in the Pride Ring and how involved or uninvolved they are in, most of the character analysis is on the Royal Family (Lucifer, Lilith, and Charlie) and their relationship to the Pride Ring.
So, we know that the Sinners are contained to the Pride Ring and that however powerful the Overlords are and how much influence they have in the Ring, they are still outranked by the Goetia and the Royal Family.
So, diving into that, let's start with the big boss of Hell himself:
Lucifer is the top dog. He's the most powerful being in Hell. What he says goes.
But he doesn't often involve himself with Pentagram City or the Sinners. He's gone out, made appearances, settled disputes that made their way up to him, and is the one who typically deals with Heaven and their input.
Unlike Sinners, he actually gets along well with the Hellborn. He has powerful Hellborn friends, like the Eldritch family - Charlie previously dated Seviathan Von Eldritch (their son) and we see a picture of Frederick Von Eldritch (the dad) with Lucifer in Lucifer's workshop in "Dad Beat Dad:
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So, he has good relationships with other people. He has friends. He gets along well with the other Deadly Sins and the Goetia. He has absolutely no problems with them.
He also doesn't mind dealing with issues that pop up in other Rings, but given that those Rings are managed by the other Sins, it's rare that he has to get involved. Usually, the only times he would, is if the Sins themselves were having a dispute with each other, and it got big enough to warrant it coming to him. He's the big boss of Hell, afterall. He gets the final say.
What he does distance himself from is the Sinners.
When it comes to Heaven, Lucifer has an inferiority complex. 
He's been in Heaven, with the seraphims, archangels, and angels for most of his existence. He grew up believing what they believe. He was considered a trouble-maker for his grandiose ideas, but he was still one of them.
But after giving Eve the fruit of knowledge, giving free-will to mankind and breaking the careful order Heaven maintained, the beings that he's been with his entire existence turned on him. Rejected him. Cast him out and punish him for his mistake by seeing nothing but the terrible and wicked caused by his actions.
He feels ashamed and humiliated. Belittled and looked down on. If everyone you've ever known, everyone you've ever been close to, tells you you're done a terrible thing, what other choice do you have then to believe them?
He's still prideful, but that pride is what causes him to have such great shame. He was so certain of his decision. So certain that giving Eve the apple was the right move, only to be torn down so thoroughly and cast out of his home.
But with the Sinners he has a superiority complex.
The Sinners are a constant reminder of his mistake. When he sees them, all he feels is shame, anger, humiliation, and disgust, but he still thinks he's better than them. He thinks all the Hellborn are better than them. He's still got a sliver of that high-and-mighty angel inside him that looks down on the Sinners.
Heaven deemed them bad enough to be sent to Hell, afterall. And even though he'd been cut off from Heaven, even though he was cast out, Heaven's definition of "good" and "bad" is still rooted in his brain. They would know, right? Heaven is pure, and righteous, and good. He was once pure, and righteous, and good. Their logic and reasoning made sense to him, and a part of it still does.
So, he goes out of his way to avoid interacting with the Sinners. Given that he's only ever seen the worst in humanity, he considers them the lowest of the low and doesn't bother trying to learn more about them - he stopped trying to see the good in them after the first few hundred years.
To him, all Sinners are horrible. Heartless. Monstrous. Cruel. They tear things down instead of build things up. They're everything wrong with humanity. He doesn't hold a high opinion of them, nor has he for a very, very, very long time.
Given that he represents "pride," most would assume that he manages the Pride Ring, but it's actually Lilith who runs the Ring and everyone in it. Lucifer is more than happy to let Lilith take the reins when it comes to the Sinners, and almost never takes the opportunity to get more involved when one comes up.
Lilith holds a higher opinion of the Sinners than Lucifer does.
She used to be human, afterall. She was the first woman. One of three people that marked the beginning of mankind. Technically, one could argue that she was the first human to commit a sin as she had not only rejected Adam but she was on board with Lucifer sharing the fruit of knowledge with Eve. She was punished for their "reckless act" just the same as Lucifer and cast into Hell.
But where Lucifer feels disgust and shame, Lilith feels a sense of freedom. She's no longer bound to Heaven and their rules. Rules that she struggled with and had to break free of. Rules that also dubbed her a "wicked person" for breaking them.
She feels connected to the Sinners. She feels a kinship with them. She has more empathy for their situations and actions. She understands their misery and anger. She loves learning about them and their stories - some Sinners, of course, are absolutely deplorable human beings. But there are some who lived in difficult situations, made mistakes, developed bad habits, were forced into tight corners, had no other options, or were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. She feels righteous anger at Heaven and its strict system that separates the "good" from the "bad."
Lilith has been involved with the growth of Pentagram City since the beginning, and once Overlords became a thing, she worked side-by-side with them to keep the Ring functioning as best as a society can function in Hell.
She was a lot more involved in the beginning of Hell. However, the more the city grew the more it was able to stand on its own two legs. She had more time to step away and be with Lucifer, Charlie later on, and the other Rings. She still often holds her concerts to inspire and uplift demonkind, but she doesn't have to help run the city so much.
Overtime, she became more of an occasional guiding hand or a final vote. The Overlords had a hold of most situations and solved it amongst their own territories or with the other Overlords.
While born in Hell, Charlie was actually very sheltered growing up. She was allowed to go to the other Rings, and often went on trips with Lucifer and Lilith to visit the other Sins, but despite living in the Pride Ring, she wasn't allowed to really explore it for a lot of her life growing up.
Lilith wanted to bring young Charlie with her on her trips into the city, to meet the Overlords, see her subjects, and familiarize herself with all the districts, but Lucifer was a little bit more, ehhhh...hesitant, you could say. And protective. Very protective.
He didn't like the idea of his little girl rubbing elbows with the scum of humankind. Of her seeing the violence and cruelty they so often displayed. She became a bright, burning light in his life, giving him new drive, something to love and take care of. It brought him out of his depression for a time, especially when Charlie lived in the palace, but he still had moments when he fell back into it. When he had hard days. When he sunk back into dark thoughts and internalized shame.
During these dark periods of time, Lucifer locked himself in his workroom. He didn't have the energy, the mental capacity, to be there for Charlie, and he didn't want to bring any of the dark and negative thoughts & emotions on to Charlie - the light in his life. His pride and joy.
Distancing himself from her during this spirals is how he "protected" her. He convinced himself that it was for her own good not to see him like this. That he needed to keep this side of him locked away and out of sight for her benefit, not realizing just how much Charlie needed him.
During these spirals, Lucifer turned to creation. He made things. Things for Charlie. Things for Lilith. Random knick-knacks. Whatever object, animal, or concept that crossed his mind. More often than not, though, his creations had holy undertones. Angelic designs. Some piece of Heaven squirreled inside.
Charlie loved watching her dad create things, and eventually, Lucifer started telling her stories about Heaven. What it was like up there. How beautiful it was. The archangels and the seraphims who made galaxies and expanded the universe. Who kept evil at bay.
Charlie soaked in these stories and developed a fascination for Heaven.
Lilith didn't approve. She had complicated feelings about Heaven, but for the most part, she had a negative opinion of it. Of the angels, the seraphims, their order, and rules, and expectations. She doesn't see it with the same rose-tinted glasses that Lucifer does. She doesn't have the millennia of memories and experiences that Lucifer has.
She doesn't like Lucifer filling Charlie's head with these grandiose and beautiful depictions of Heaven. She doesn't like Charlie's growing fascination with Heaven. She doesn't like the look of awe and wonder in Charlie's eyes. She doesn't like Lucifer painting Heaven in this perfect light when they had both been hurt so badly by them. She's been with Lucifer since the beginning, has seen him through every up and down, spiral, and depressive episode, and she doesn't understand how he could still hold such a high opinion of them after everything they did. Everything they've put her through. Everything they put him through.
She's okay with Lucifer spending time with Charlie and creating things with her, but she does interrupt and make an excuse to take Charlie with her when Lucifer starts talking about Heaven, or creating Heavenly things, like the bird-angel-creature from "Dad Beat Dad"
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She doesn't want Charlie getting the wrong idea about them.
Lucifer's leniency towards Heaven & contempt for Sinner and Lilith's animosity towards Heaven & compassion for Sinners starts butting heads more and more as Charlie grows up. It leads to arguments, and then fights, and eventually, their divorce.
Charlie grew up torn between her father's dreams and stories, and her mothers compassion for Sinners and desire to help them. Both facets have been instilled in her. They're both driving motivators for her and what she wants to do with her life.
But seeing the separation between her parents was hard and it hurt. No matter what she did, she couldn't help their marriage or their family. So, she turned to helping others. The Sinners, specifically. Of redeeming them so they may see the beautiful, wondrous place her father told her about.
Lucifer still didn't approve, of course, which devastated Charlie. She wanted his support. Needed it. But he couldn't look past his contempt for Sinners, and it became the leading factor that led to their estrangement in the years that followed, with Charlie feeling unsupported and neglected, and Lucifer wanting to reconnect with her so badly but not knowing how to bridge the gap.
Lilith needed distance from Lucifer. She still loved him. She did. But she's also been with him since before Hell was created. They've been at each other's sides since they first met in the Garden of Eden.
And Lucifer's depressive episodes were hard on her too. She did everything she could to support him. To help him. To be there for him. But over time, the mental and emotional load began weighing on her. It started affecting her mentally and emotionally too. It's hard to be the one constantly holding up the other. She felt like she could never break. Never stumble. She had to be steadfast. She had to be strong. A pillar for her family and her kingdom. To raise Charlie, oversee the city, and support Lucifer all at once, and she was exhausted.
And with her and Lucifer butting heads more and more, she couldn't keep doing it. She left the Pride Ring, visited the other Rings, took some time for herself and something something, stuff happens, she ends up in Heaven (my reasoning for this changes based on what fic I'm writing or concept I'm thinking about, so I don't have a concrete answer to give).
She did leave Charlie on her own, too, though.
Charlie had to build her plan for redemption, start her hotel, and deal with demonkind all on her own, without the support of either of her parents, without their help navigating the city and dealing with Sinners, which leaves her fumbling, unsure how to act around them, and a bit naive to their situation. When she met Vaggie, she got the love and support for her dreams, for herself, that she craved. That she needed. That's been missing for so many years.
Charlie still loves both of her parents deeply, but she has complicated feelings about them that she buries deep, deep, deep down inside her. She's got mommy and daddy issues.
The Goetia are the third most powerful beings in Hell (after the Sins and the Royal Family). They outrank the Overlords easily.
Goetia families live in every ring. They can move between Rings, go where they want, and have their own sway and political power in Hell. A Goetia that we know, for sure, lives in the Pride Ring is Stolas, as implied by the sky where his house/estate is located:
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But, generally, the Goetia don't get that involved in Pentagram City, its politics, or the Overlords, unless it affects them directly. They work with the Overlords, meet with them to discuss matters that involve them both, but over all, they leave Pentagram City, the Overlords, and the Sinners all to their own devices. They don't care enough to get involved, and, technically, the Pride Ring is the Sinner's ring - as they are restricted to it - and they don't want to have to maintain a society or system for them.
The Goetia have an indifferent opinion of the Sinners. Where Imps and Hellhounds are the lower class, and generally looked down on, especially by the Goetia, the Sinners are kind of just...there.
They may look down on them a little, and not take the Overlords too seriously, as they see them as nothing but a handful of Sinners with a smidgeon of power - how cute ^.^ They think they can actually do shit! - that doesn't hold a candle to a Goetia's power.
They do tend to underestimate the Overlord's power and can be condescending towards them, but in the end, if an Overlord were to try and go toe-to-toe with a Goetia, they would get their ass beat.
So, the Goetia's attitude towards Pentagram City, the Overlords, and the Sinners is generally indifferent. They simply don't care enough to get involved. The Sinners are none of their concern and they don't want to make them their concern. They only ever interact/deal with the Overlords, and even then, it's sparingly.
The Goetia keep to themselves. The Overlords and Sinners keep to themselves. Both are fine with this. (The Overlords would not be happy if the Goetia decided they wanted more control of city and inserted themselves into the politics and hierarchy).
Like how Lucifer is the top dog in all of Hell, the Overlords are the top dogs in Pentagram City (not including the Goetia, who keep to themselves and don't get involved in Sinner business).
The city is run by the Overlords. They each have their own districts, their own imports and exports, and a trade that benefits the city in some way, shape, or form. A lot of their trades can be dependent, or involved, with other Overlord's and their trades, which is an incentive for them to keep the peace and work together.
They meet up fairly often to discuss the happenings in the cities, situations/events that have an impact on all of them (like the Exterminations), problems that arises that they need to groupthink for solutions, and any matter or subject that an Overlord wants to bring up with the other's.
The relationship between the Overlords can vary. Some can be friends, some can just be allies, some can have friction, and some can be flat out rivals. No matter what the relationship is, it's crucial that the order between them be maintained.
Overlords, generally, try not to attack or openly antagonize each other. They don't typically want to start fights, as that is just as much a risk to them as it is to the one they want to fight. And if a fight does break out, either 1) the Overlord will be defeated with the possibility of losing souls - or killed, depending on if their attacker has an angelic weapon, or 2) the defeated Overlord will be embarrassed and angry, and the friction will only get worse and cause more detriment to the group as a whole.
Nobody wants Overlords fighting, especially the Overlords. They're the most powerful Sinners, but even that power has risks. It takes a while to build up, but it can be snatched away so quickly, and few of them want to take that chance. The best option is to get along as best they can when they're in the same room, and keep to themselves and their districts when they separate.
The Overlords are essentially a counsel. They're all considered equals of each other. There is no head of the Overlords. No one who presides over them, except Lilith. They all stand on equal footing and treat each other as such (at least outwardly). They work together to keep the city running, as their empires, power, and trades are dependent on the city. It's in all their best interests to keep it functioning as much as a society can function in Hell. (It helps that they are the ones controlling the system, and thus, they benefit from having a say in what goes on in the city).
If an Overlord were to be "toppled" or killed, it would actually rock the balance that's been established in the city. Suddenly, there will be thousands of Sinners with broken contracts who now own their souls, entire territories that can be seized, a trade/resource that is either up for grabs or gone entirely, and overall chaos and confusion. Greedy Overlords might make a power grab for more territory and souls, which becomes a threat to the other Overlords and their status. More fights break out. More damage and destruction. More friction.
It's bad for everyone. So they try to keep the peace among each other as much as possible.
Crime-families fall under the Overlords in this hierarchy of power. These crime-families don't have to be "families," they can be gangs, factions, syndicates, or organizations.
Some of them may be owned by an Overlord, fall into the jurisdiction of an Overlord, or are entirely independent with their souls intact. No matter what the relationship is, crime-families do tend to work directly with Overlords.
They specialize in smuggling, trafficking, and recruiting. Unless owned, they typically don't work with just one Overlord, but do business with all of them. They can be paid under-the-table by a specific Overlord to be notified when they have a “fresh supply," or if they found something/someone that could benefit that Overlord, but generally, they keep the entire pool open and neutral, as there's more money to be made that way and there's safety in being a resource for all Overlords, not just one. That way, if they were threatened, it would come to the attention of all the Overlords, as they are a valuable resource and anyone threatening that makes themselves a target.
Owned Sinners
Owned-Sinners are Sinners who have sold their soul. The system for owning and selling souls is a complex one, with pros and cons. There's a reason so many sinners end up selling their souls, despite how serious and significant it is to do so.
And that's because so often the benefits outweigh the risks.
There are many reasons why a Sinner will sell their soul, like fame, money, opportunity, security, safety, housing, jobs, desires, needs, etc... and whoever owns their soul, that person is now responsible for it and them.
Some Sinners will sell their soul as a way to get a well-paying job from an Overlord, or to fall under their protection so they're safe from outside threats, or to pay off loans they can't pay back, or to wipe clean their slate if they get themselves in too much trouble. When an Overlord owns your soul, you have the opportunity to relocate to that Overlord's district as further means of security and opportunity.
Furthermore, most people who sell their souls just...continue living their own lives. Overlords own thousands upon thousands of souls. There's no way they can keep track of every single one of them, or have hyper-specific deals with each one. Most sinners can sell their soul and continue living their afterlife with whatever benefits they sold it for. Easy peasy.
There are, of course, cons too.
Like, the fact that you are owned by someone. You're bound by the contract you signed. You're bound to the person who now owns your soul. The deal you made may have specific requirements that you have to follow, and not doing so can result in very, very bad consequences.
It opens situations for abuse and being taken-advantage of. Even if you change your mind afterward, you can't break the deal. Unless you convince the owner of your soul to dissolve it, they don't hold up their end of the bargain, or you can't find a loophole/backdoor, you're trapped in the contract and there is nothing you can do about it.
Non-Owned Sinners
Non-Owned Sinners fall under Owned-Sinners in this power-structure because they don't have the opportunities or security that comes with being tied to an Overlord.
Overlords can offer protection, housing, well-paying jobs, opportunities, money, debt-relief, a myriad of things. Whereas Non-Owned Sinners are all on their own. They're "free targets." There won't be any repercussions to killing them, hurting them, taking all their shit, trafficking them, literally doing anything to them.
Non-Owned Sinners have the independence and freedom of owning their souls, but they're essentially fishes in a shark tank. They're vulnerable. They're out in the open. They're more likely to live in squalor. Bad things are more likely to happen to them.
Living in Hell, where death, destruction, misery, and torment are the norm, most Sinners will end up selling their souls. And if they don't at first, they usually do eventually when life gets too hard, they get themselves into too much trouble, they fall for a recruiters trap, or they're desperate.
Imps are below Non-Owned Sinners. The Pride Ring is the most diverse Ring in all of Hell, so there are a lot of Hellborn who live there. Imps are still one of the lowest classes, but there are actually a lot of opportunities for them there.
Sinners don't see Imps the same way other Hellborn do. They weren't born there and they are restricted to the Pride Ring, so they don't see how other Rings treat Imps. 
Imps aren't treated as badly in the Pride Ring, especially in Imp City (which is an entire district in Pentagram City that's in a neutral zone, and thus, under the jurisdiction of no Overlord) and is dominantly populated by other Imps.
Though they still are very much treated as a lower class, it's not as terrible as it can be in other Rings. The diversity of so many sinners and Hellborn make it a little easier. They have job opportunities within the city. They can work for Overlords without having to sell their soul, as Overlords can't own the souls of Hellborn, just other Sinners.
Hellhounds are at the bottom of the list, as they are canonically the lowest social class in Hell. Most of the jobs they get fall under the category of security, manual labor, sex work, or working with crime-families.
Like Imps, it's a little better in the Pride Ring, given its diversity and the Sinners not having a full scope of just how much lower of a class Imps and Hellhounds are supposed to be. It's not perfect by any means, and the system is still rigged against them, but there's more job opportunities and ways to make a life for themselves.
That's that for the hierarchical system in the Pride Ring, from the highest class to the lowest class. The most powerful to the least powerful.
TLDR: Lucifer is the most powerful but he doesn't want to get involved with Sinners, Lilith helped the city grow until it could stand on its own, Charlie wants to help but struggles due to family issues and being sheltered most of her life, the Goetia don't care enough to get involved with the Sinners, the Overlords are a counsel of equals, Crime families work for the Overlords, Owned-Sinners have more opportunity, Non-Owned Sinners have less opportunity, Imps and Hellhounds have always been considered a lower class, but it's not as bad for them in the Pride Ring.
Up Next: A Deep Dive into the Overlords and their Districts (this is where the real world-building begins)
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shortbreadly · 1 year
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i genuinely can’t believe how much content we’re getting lately it’s insane. like we’ve got episode eight coming this weekend (with about two days notice might i add), season 2 episode five coming very soon, and with summer arriving hazbin should be right around the corner. viv/spindlehorse are honestly doing so well right now
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spacebubblehomebase · 4 months
"Meet The Magnes."
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Happy PRIDE Month, everyone!!! And because it is the month of Pride, I found it very fitting to post about the family that best represent it. 😉 Sorry I have nothing for Radioapple week, you guys. Between working on my #HHStargazersAU and other school projects, I might just go INSANE. Haha! I know there's a lot of info, but while a lot of these seem random, I assure y'all that there will be explanations for them in the future. I'm leading y'all up to something fun! Besides that, Bonus fact: Lucius is a diehard Chaggie shipper. Happy to have this pretty future daughter-in-law for his perfect baby girl. (He's just like me fr. 😩🤌🤌) Also, I realized that with the scale of my usual world building, ya'll will have to do a fair bit of reading in the future. So from now on, consider this AU as more of an "Artfic" than just comics. It's format ever changing to suit this and that part of my story. My very own passion project! (Lore drops go brr-) I hope that's okay? -Bubbly💙
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thedemonastrophel · 3 months
Hey just so you guys know my asks are open for art requests for like- doctor who, Hermitcraft/life seiries (or specifically Grian in general) and good omens and stuff (I'll tag the rest of the fandoms but you can ask for literally anything [sfw ofc] because I have google)
I'll draw things if you ask me to!
I'm like a little hamster in a cage with an art pen and nothing to do with the rest of the day.
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The importance of setting rules for your fictional universe
I talked about this a little in another recent post in terms of rules for character design (not any like…theory or rules for designing characters, but rather rules for WHY a character looks a certain way) and it made me think more about world building in general.
I’ll be talking mainly about Hellaverse stuff since it’s on my mind, at first because I rewatched HB and now again b/c the HH trailer dropped.
B/c I gotta be honest, I’m pretty sure the world of Hazbin Hotel is gonna fall flat for me the same way that Helluva Boss has.
And as a reminder, I’m not trying to bash Helluva and Hazbin. I enjoyed the recent Hazbin trailer, but I think it’s really important to examine and think about story stuff.
Critique/Review below!
I think one of, if not THE biggest thing keeping HB and HH from feeling like a fully realized world is that we don’t really have any rules or standards for what is considered “normal” in Hell.
And since there’s no baseline for what is considered moral and immoral in hell, characters and their reactions to violence, crime, verbal abuse, body shaming, etc. seem to switch rapidly between sharing an earthly human morality, where everything is mirroring our current day society, and an anything goes kill-steal-maim total anarchy ideology.
To me the HH/HB version of hell comes off like the purge, except actually there ARE some crimes that are off limits. Like murder is okay sometimes and of course there are assassins everywhere that’s just a normal freelance sort of business. But also there’s organized crime and if you steal from a bank you go to hell-jail.
For example, after “Exes and Oh’s”, I had assumed killing other Imps or hellborn must be considered a crime, the way that Crim’s behavior and killing of his underlings was portrayed as completely negative and horrific. But then remembered that Millie having a neighborhood body count due to getting too competitive is mentioned as a joke, and it’s pretty clear that her family thinks of it as more of an embarrassing incident than like…an actually terrible thing to do.
I thought, “Okay, we’ll, maybe it’s just Moxxie’s Mom that was against all the violence being taught to her son.” But apparently she’s from the Wrath ring, the same ring as Millie. So was Moxxie’s Nameless Mom seen as being particularly different or strange to the what a “typical” Wrath Imp is? We can’t know.
Like. We see that imps have romantic relationships and can care deeply about each other and fall in love, just like humans do. In reference to the neighborhood bodycount thing, were Millie’s neighbors not extremely upset with her? Wouldn’t they also grieve their loved ones? Is it sometimes socially acceptable to kill other Imps like in sporting events???
Are the rules for what is seen as socially acceptable for sinners different from what’s socially acceptable for hellborn? Are there different ideas of what is socially acceptable from ring to ring?
I worry that when I ask these questions about a fictional universe, people will think I’m TRYING to dig or look for things to tear that world apart.
I promise I’m thinking about these things so deeply out of curiosity and because I want to engage with the material.
I want to understand and have fun in the fictional universe the writers have invited us all to. But if the rules of your universe are not clear, it can make it much harder for audiences to navigate the story you are trying to tell in that setting.
The HH/HB universe just does NOT have that clarity right now. Since season 2 of HB I’ve noticed that the world building has become more and more inconsistent, and if it’s supposed to now SHARE that world with HH, I really don’t know how they’re going to make their world coherent.
As a final note these are just my opinions. They are not objectively right. If you love Hh and HB and firmly believe the story is clear and the world building makes sense that’s great!! Genuinely, I am happy that the story means a lot to you and you enjoy it. These are just my personal critiques and views.
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hezuart · 1 year
YOOOO! HazbinHotel Trailer just Drop!😱 Spoilers Along with the Release date of Season 1 and 2! Let Us know your Opinion about it!😆
Some things we know:
Amazon Prime is the streaming service that took it up Season 1 will be released in January 2024
It's going to get a season 2
The voice actors still haven't been announced for some reason? The trailer has no dialogue on top of that. We see Lucifer, a lot of Alastor and Vox fighting, the weird demon-looking angel Adam, a meeting of Hell overlords discussing the angel threats, and Sir Pentious is part of the gang now. That's about it? The trailer's music reminds me of a Disney movie for kids. There are a lot of Tinkerbell chime noises and jazzy upbeat music which I don't think is fitting for what the show is trying to go for as a teen-to-adult plot regarding demons from Hell being murdered and dealing with abuse. (They have "Guess what, bitches?" on a text screen in the trailer too) So first impression is extreme overcrowding. List of characters that appear in the trailer alone: Charlie Alastor Vaggie Angel Dust Husker Niffty Sir Pentious Lucifer Lilith Vox Velvet Adam Rosie and we all know Cherri Bomb and Valentino are gonna show up too. These are way too many characters to introduce or juggle in an 8 episode season. There is no possible way to give our main characters enough screen time, focus, or development to make them meaningful protagonists. They either have to rush plots or drop character arcs to squeeze things into 8 episodes.
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