#research your audience
first-digi-add · 2 years
How to Use Reddit Ads: The Best Benefits for Business
Reddit is one of the most trafficked sites online, which is saying a lot considering the fact that Google has indexed over 56 billion websites at the time of writing. It's unique for a social platform because it's really driven by interest over optics: unlike Instagram or Snapchat, there's less worry about who your friends are. Reddit is a social media platform where people can dig into all the topics that interest them. 
Reddit is a website where users can contribute content. In these themed communities of text, links, images, and videos, anyone can share content, generating a never-ending stream of content on the platform. Reddit users respond to posts by "upvoting" them, which raises their visibility (vs. "downvote" which decreases visibility). Users become more engaged as they spread the content they enjoy because it makes them feel like part of the community.
For Digital Marketing Agencies that mostly use the social media platform, reddit is a very useful social platform for gaining traffic.
What Do People Use Reddit for?
Reddit is used for entertainment, according to 72% of US users. Keeping up with brands and businesses and following the news are two additional frequent reasons people use Reddit. Other reasons include the following:
Great Source of Information: Ever heard the quote "everything you can imagine is real?" 
Genuine Conversations: Subreddits are the foundation of Reddit, ensuring that conversation and connection are at the heart of the platform.
Community Driven: Spending time on Reddit is about more than just browsing and reading subreddits. To be an active user of the community, you must also participate by replying to posts with relevant responses and not just self-promoting comments. In this way, you can develop relationships by interacting and engaging with other users on the platform.
How do they work?
Reddit, like most other social media platforms, provides excellent opportunities for businesses to market to carefully selected users. While the prospect of creating a cohesive campaign may seem challenging given the site's unusual format, its flexible structure is actually the key to its genius as a marketing vehicle. Easily customizable, Reddit-paid ads allow you to engage with your target audience in ways that are familiar and engaging.
Reddit ads come in many formats, but they all show up in the main page feed or in dedicated posts. These are frequently distributed by accounts that are already well-known in particular subreddits. As a paid strategy, these ads use solutions like cost-per-click or cost-per-view to track ad spending and campaign reach.
 Reddit Advertising Benefits
Very Targeted Audience – Just like podcast advertising, you have the opportunity to target people who are highly engaged. Naturally, this means that if you optimize all aspects of your campaign, you're more likely to convert.
Flexible Budget - You only need a minimum of $5 to launch an ad campaign, making it somewhat Search Engine Marketing -friendly.
Low Competition – Unlike podcast advertising, companies don't have to compete for ad space.
Should you advertise on Reddit?
The answers in digital advertising are rarely simple, and this question is no different. It really depends on your brand whether Reddit advertising is a good fit for you. It can undoubtedly be a useful addition to your paid advertising mix if you work in a sector that targets the demographics of Reddit users.
The good news is that almost every type of person can find something on Reddit. As of 2022, /r/gaming, /r/music, and /r/science are among the top 10 most popular subreddits, which is promising for the dozens of verticals related to those topics. Catching up with the most active subreddits can provide valuable insight into whether your brand is a good fit for Reddit advertising. That said, don't be afraid to target less popular subreddits – just find where your audience is.
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gbmabitch · 5 months
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pinkeoni · 1 year
Peter Pan Parallels: Is The Upside Down Neverland?
Lately I've been thinking about Petergate and I came up with what possibly could be another angle to the already complicated Peter situation— what if the name Peter is a reference to Peter Pan?
I don't think this is the only reason that the name Peter becomes prominent, although the show itself does seem to contain other references to Peter Pan, and even creates a correlation between the Upside Down and Neverland.
Peter Pan as a character has origins in early works from author J.M. Barrie, and the Peter Pan story as known today originated in a play written by Barrie before being adapted into a book and subsequently several film adaptations. The story of course being about a young boy named Peter who brings some kids to a magical land where they can never grow old.
It's written very small, but Peter Pan is on the season 4 DNA board!
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There are a few instances about never growing old in the show, and they usually come from Will or involve Will.
The first instance is from season 3 during the rain fight, where Mike exclaims that they "aren't kids anymore" and they can't "play games for the rest of their lives." This is then brought up again by Will in season 4, but in a much more hopeful lens.
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And then we have the Upside Down, a magical land that appears to be somewhat stuck in time.
I say "somewhat" because I'm honestly unsure if the UD actually frozen in time, or if there is just an impression of Hawkins the night that Will was taken. However, the emphasis this season on clocks as well as Nancy's mention of being in the past does at least allude to the idea of being frozen in time.
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Does the UD actually function like Neverland and keep someone from aging? Will was only trapped in there for a week, not enough time to see if there was any anti-aging going on. Henry was in there for a few years, however since he changed so much physically it's hard to tell if he aged at all (and given that he was in his 30s, any aging wouldn't have been very apparent)
ALTHOUGH there could be a point to be made about the fact that Will and Henry were both able to survive in the Upside Down for as long as they did in the first place, maybe it has to do with both of their powers, but perhaps the UD was preventing them from dying?
Starting with Will, we know that he was in the UD for a week without any food or water. The body can survive that long without food, but water is another thing. The show makes a point to have Erica say this in season 3:
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—which leads me to believe that they want to draw attention to the fact that Will was miraculously able to survive for so long in a place without any water. Perhaps the UD was able to keep him alive?
Something similar happens with Henry, too. It seems like his body was adapting to the new environment overtime, but still the details of his survival are vague and his ability to stay alive after all that time is still rather anomalous to say the least.
There's an indirect reference to the UD as Neverland in season one, when Troy states that "Will is in fairyland now with all the other little fairies." and while YES he means this in a derogatory way, the dialogue is still a way to point at the fact that Will really is in a magical land, and possibly even a hint at his powers.
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Notice as well how Will's light magic bares a resemblance to pixie dust from the Disney movie.
Between Henry and Will, we can see both of them as being Peter Pan-like. Henry as Peter as in the one who lures children into his magical fantasy land, or Will as Peter the boy who doesn't want to/has trouble growing up.
Another aspect of Peter Pan is his shadow, which is detachable and seems to have a mind of its own. Which reminds me a lot of this:
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Barrie's intentions behind what the shadow represents is pretty vague, although it has been tied to the idea of wholeness, Peter's attachment to the human world as well as duality, wholeness, and lightness within dark and darkness within light. (more to come later)
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lesbianaang · 2 years
something really intriguing to me as i’ve been researching queer victorian literature is the long-running thread between bram stoker and oscar wilde. although it’s not clear exactly when stoker started writing dracula, many historians place it about a month after the end of the wilde trials.
stoker never said anything explicitly about the outcome of the trials or wilde and his works himself, which is interesting as they both a.) grew up in prominent families in ireland, where their families often attended one another’s parties; b.) went to the same college at the same time, and were in some of the same clubs; c.) courted the same woman, whom stoker eventually married, although wilde continued to be a presence in her life; and d.) moved to england around the same time and became writer contemporaries, running in the same circles in the literary world, as well as in the theater world! this is especially notable as most of stoker’s closest friends DID comment on the wilde trials at the time, often expressing how upset they were with the outcome and sharing support for wilde when most of london despised him.
it’s also notable that stoker likely spent at least some time in victorian queer spaces, as there’s plenty of evidence of his deep, loving relationships with hall caine (whom dracula is dedicated to) and henry irving (the often cited inspiration for dracula himself). not to mention his love letters to walt whitman, which seem to depict stoker fighting against his own repressed emotions and his admiration for whitman’s relatively unshackled freedom with his sexuality. at the same time, however, years later stoker also published articles on the importance of censorship in fiction and stage plays, specifically citing “deviancy” and “indecency” (code for queer sexuality) as topics which should not be addressed in proper society.
i think most literature-enjoyers these days are aware of the reading of dracula/vampire literature as a metaphor for queer sexuality, but i think this specific context of the wilde trials, where wilde’s (for the time) fairly flamboyant, unabashed approach to his queer sexuality was met with public humiliation and exile, adds a lot to this context. if wilde represents the “new homosexual,” where engaging in queer acts now has implications on fundamentally WHO you are, then stoker in contrast is the queer old guard, where he is fully closeted, not drawing attention to his sexuality, and keeping the act of gay sex/attraction separate from his fundamental identity.
in other words, i think dracula the novel could be read as dracula, a monstrous creature with great powers that are relegated to the shadows and shunned by christian society, feeding upon and transforming others into demonic beings such as himself, being hunted down by ABRAHAM van helsing, who himself is widowed but with great admiration and love for the men around him. dracula, who evokes in van helsing awe of his abilities, disgust of what he does to others, and pity over who he is, is the semi-out victorian homosexual that must be eradicated from this world by the virtuous (and closeted) van helsing.
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Last semestre of English I was technically supposed to read Kafka's the trial. I didn't but managed to write a great paper on humour and authoritarianism and The trial and Milan Kundera's Žert as a way of coping as well as resistance but that paper isn't the point.
Anyway seeing discussions about Kafka's Jewish identity and how it explains his writing makes the trial quite relatable especially now.
Like dealing with antisemitism it's like being on trial without knowing why. Endless and constantly changing, forced to play by rules that have no rhyme or reason. The absurdity of the process and accusations would be funny if it weren't for the fact that I could end up dead like Josef K.
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kwistowee · 3 months
Good grief, Star Wars really did peak in 1983. We shall not see its like again...
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henrysglock · 3 months
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[^ taps the sign ^]
And also…that’s literally just manipulated early Vecna concept art. It’s available online here. Same buzz cut hair, same chest tentacle placement.
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It’s a hoax 😭 Come on now…
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hauntedorpheum · 5 months
first time people tell a content creator GIVE US MORE ADS
#i dont think they are greedy corporate monsters. i think they are creators trying to run a business with no knowledge on how to do that#icarus flying too close to the sun and all that#is just so clear they didn't make any kind of market research#a youtube poll would have helped them#is just a shitty thing because they clearly just want to have more creative freedom and do bigger things#but if you are running a business then you also need to think about your audience. which i don't think they did#and the international issue with dollars in this economy#+ the need to use a vpn in order to watch in certain countries apparently#+ an audience of mostly 20 somethings and younger people who have other priorities#and like nearly every single person that i've seen that actually likes this idea. has also said that are not paying#because they can't afford it. so even if people were on board with this. is just not viable with their audience#like sorry. but 'streaming service' is not plan b on the list of things to if you dont wanna rely so much on ads#and them doing a 14min long video that is edited like a shitty corporate apology video#in which you say 'if you can't give us money. bye ig' while promoting#a show about people traveling to dif places and paying expensive meals#while also saying you have no money to pay your 25!!! employees#not to mention not clarifying anything and leaving everything in vague terms#like international issues. whether you are deleting your previous youtube content or not (they don't say anything about this on the vid....#.... Variety said they were gonna do it. but then they did the pinned comment so it feels like they are backtracking...#...even if they were never gonna delete it)#what newer content you want to make. the pros you get subscribing#broken record with this. but watch the og dropout ad. its clear. adresses concerns. tells you what shows would be available#and the one moment that they use sad piano music is used with irony#ok. no further comments until they say something lol#watcher#my post
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ikemenomegas · 8 days
if you scream in your head while a yamanaka is in it do you think it hurts their ears?
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paperlovesadness · 1 year
Miles being asked about TLSP in interviews: overdone. Kind of sad & frustrating. Unoriginal. Often bordering on disrespectful.
Alex being asked about TLSP in interviews: innovative. Barely done. Has great potential.
I DARE these interviewers to flip their approach. Come on cowards, go ask Alex about Miles this time.
[tags go into ~nuances~]
#listen - it all depends on the context#all these artists deserve for the interviews to first and foremost focus on the work theyvare currently releasing and promoting#and then when it gets to the 'questions for funsies' segment - go off. Ask em about other things. Like their other projects#BUT#Keep a good balance#and dont go only quoting that 1question all over your social media for the following week when the interviewed person came in for smth else#also#- this applies more generally to interviews too-#if they've recently alrewdy been asked that question in another interview.... just don't ask it again?#oh boy do I hate when these interviews are all just basically the same thing asked over and over#sure - there's basics that ate bound to repeat. but do you research and think of something original!#/#another thing#I find it slightly more acceptable to potentially 'pester' Alex with TLSP/ Miles questions#because of the power/ audience / recognizability dynamics#and if you don't understand that.... well I don't feel like explaining. Seems pretty obvious to me#would also be mad if someone obviously only focused on tlsp questions for Alex when The Car first csme out - and ignored that release#but generally there's just more space there - I believe - to discuss tlsp for a little longer#Alex never been reduced to ONLY that one project like Miles is often being#// also yes: disclaimer. I dont really hide the fact that I do love when I get to hear Miles mention Al.#but just...#balance. We need balance#it needs to be done in moderetion okay?#and there's a time and space for it too.#it was fine for 1 quick question in an interview after a long-ish hiatus. And with TAOTU turning 15. now hopefully other's let it go#PHEW#I have sooo much to say about this#but that's enough tags for now#//#my posts
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first-digi-add · 2 years
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The Absolute Guide To Growing Your Audience 3 Times Faster
Digital Marketing is the procedure ever being done for the audience or the one who needs to be connected with business or convert as our client.
Audience for your Business
The one who is considered to be our customer and reach our business, having the same feature we are promoting for those services.
What does Audience-Focused mean? 
An audience-focused approach involving the Digital Marketing Services, special content and getting linked to the marketing message with the specific need of the particular audience.
Before targeting the audience through the marketing tricks need to know about the exact audience so they reach the maximum number of requirements with the better quality customer. For that Analysis of the audience or the targeting area is much more important.
Analysis of Audience
People with Location 
People with Behavior or interest
People with Search
People in particular age group 
Optimisation of all social platforms to idealise what exactly your customers are searching for the same business you have in market. Beyond the expectations, the analysis report is working for the market situation of your business in the live market. The exact output of your business reach will be received through this analysis and allow you to do the research towards the audience attraction.
Ensure that your audience is getting reverted back to you after reaching so it will be you returned visitors. Business return visitors will guide for what your service is to users searching for our business.
The result of analysis will be received through the Best Digital Marketing Company, with the help of company experience. The business services can get the idea for the audience and on that basis you can select your audience to target the behaviour of customers. Digital Marketing company provides digital gateway of your business audience to reach the business with market situation also according to the targeting audience.
1. Shares Common Strategies with People you Already Know
To find new people who are interested in what you do, take a look at what you know about your current contacts. Do they live in a certain region? Are they constantly responding to a certain kind of content? You can use this data to find similar people.
Let's say you run a neighbourhood grocery store and notice that an allergen-free pancake mix sells well to young families. You can use this understanding to promote this product to a similar demographic online.
2. Use Social Media to Engage Your Audience
Use effective social media for posting and use the best strategies to attract the customer. Anyone can create compelling posts by sharing experiences that suit their audience's interests. For example, if you are an event photographer, you can post setup tips and take a great family photo and share your photos to showcase what you know about your field.
3. Focus on Audience Preferences
Examine the priorities, interaction habits, buying behaviour, preferred prices, social media activity, and other details of your current audience for commonalities. Then use this data to inform or update coverage.
For example, you may find that your most active contacts come from LinkedIn or in response to an email campaign, which can be a signal to focus on those channels. Or, on the message front, you may find that your audience responds to an offer of a free consultation with your top creative talent rather than a price cut.
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crossbackpoke-check · 10 months
56 and any Yamo pairing! 🫶
i just wheezed so hard when i saw what the song was i almost snorted coffee out of my nose i am so sorry for this one
#56 - kyoto phoebe bridgers + yamo
the story of how this song ended up on my wrapped is too long so it’s going in the tags but. let me set the scene for you.
2026 NHL GLOBAL SERIES™️ JAPAN - Presented by YPPI
November 13 & 14, 2026: Dallas Stars, Montreal Canadiens, Seattle Kraken, Vancouver Canucks
Saitama Super Arena, Saitama, Japan
It’s a pitiful excuse of a consolation prize for not being able to go to the Olympics, but Kailer’s not going to look a vacation horse in the mouth. The arena’s cool. It’s huge. The people are cool. There’s so many more of them than he thought there’d be with jerseys that have his name on the back, and a lot more that have the familiar orange and blue. He takes a picture of the fifth Oilers Yamamoto jersey he signs—this one’s the good Reverse Retro—and texts it to Connor, says,
no one here has even heard of mcjesus
and gets a moon face emoji in response. Leon’s influence. Kailer’s still never really deciphered what that one means, and he doesn’t think Connor knows either.
They don’t have a lot of time off between games, but Kailer’s trying to be a good tourist. His dad had been so happy when Kailer had told him about the series that Kailer’d had to stop him from trying to book a flight a year in advance, and his mom’s been just as bad, sending him every article she sees about Best New Spot in Tokyo! Cool Restaurant! Have You Seen This Japanese Cat Café? that she scrolls across on Facebook since June. Suzy’s in the same boat, so they’ve been crossing off their compiled travel-guide list together, looping in as many guys as they can. Everyone’s been pretty game. All the teams are crammed into close quarters at the same hotel, which means everyone wants to spend as much time as possible outside of it, and it helps that Kailer’s gotten pretty close with all the other guys that the NHL picked up as Global Series figureheads. Robo’s memes? Absolutely fire. The groupchat loves them.
For every item he crosses off the list, Kailer takes a picture and keeps it tucked in his phone notes. It’s like speed-running a scavenger hunt—they’re only here for four days—but he’s doing a pretty good job. His favorite so far has been all the gardens. They’re stunning, trees shining bright red and yellow, and every vendor has been selling maple candies, maple cakes, and even fried maple, though the official maple festival doesn’t start until next week. The second garden he visits, he does it on his own after practice, buying two cakes from a cart near the gate and walking until he loses the bustle outside. It’s easy to get lost in the winding pathways, heading deeper into the quiet, and there’s dozens of benches underneath the burnished leaves where young couples are tucked away on dates, or old friends are laughing and catching up. In some of the little clearings, there’s small shrines where people leave offerings, a prayer for good luck or good fortune.
Kailer stops at one without any people and sets the second maple cake on top of it, then sits and scrolls through all the texts that he’s missed. His mom gets replied to with a picture of him outside the garden gate, grinning and surrounded by other travelers. He sends his brother a picture of a trashy graphic I Love Japan t-shirt with the threat that he’ll buy one for him, and Kailer’s dad gets a picture of the meticulously arranged and cut bonsai that are across from the bench where he’s sitting. The Seattle groupchat gets a recycled meme from Robo, and he gets two thumbs up and an “LMAO” before he can even exit the thread. Finally, Kailer takes a picture of the half-eaten maple cake in his hand, holding it next to a fallen maple leaf on the bench, and gets halfway through typing another message before he thinks better of it.
(On the plane over, Drieds was reading them a story about how when they first introduced the high-speed railway, people were afraid to use it because they thought it would be too fast for their souls to keep up.
“Bro, if that were true, you just left your soul in the middle of the Pacific,” Ebs had laughed. “Planes are faster than trains.”
“Are they?” Matty asked. “Isn’t the train in Japan the fastest in the world?”
Drieds couldn’t make it through the rest of the story over the sound of everyone ripping Matty to shreds, so Kailer didn’t get to ask whether or not they found out anything about planes. Kailer’s not worried about his soul, but the logic makes a strange kind of sense; after all, he traveled 429 miles in five and a half hours once, and that was a little too fast for his heart to keep up.)
Fuck it. Kailer’s been trying to write a response for the past ten days, and he’s sick of swiping in and out of the message, staring at the keyboard so long he starts to see swirls in his vision.
Kailer drafts the text again and sends it, no context, no caption. A text travels faster than a high-speed train or a jet. Maybe it’ll pick his heart back up on the way.
#I don’t know how this song ended up on my Spotify wrapped because phoebe bridgers is too emotionally damaging for me to listen to like.#at all unless i am In It HOWEVER. there is this one silly video that brings me so much joy and made me feel semi-reasonable about listening#to kyoto & it’s the one video of the two painter guys painting the room & the lil guy is being a menace & the other guy just looks at him s#fondly & so lovingly & is that not the thesis of kailer yamamoto. be small be a menace be beloved by everyone. ANYWAY#liv in the replies#look this was going to be such a different thing and then. my brain went HEY BUDDY GUESS THE FUCK WHAT kyoto is a city in Japan.#day off in kyoto. guess who’s Japanese. guess what the nhl loves to do as HIFE publicity. also growing the AAPI audience is HUGE and i thin#they should. like originally i had NO idea what this was going to be (i’m so lying. the line ‘i’m gonna kill you’ but incredibly fond a la#the two painters video kept replaying in my head and i was like l m a o. klimmer & kailer. no plot all vibes it’s klimmer & Kailer that’s i#there is no real plot there is no actual idea the amount of googling that i did to write just this is UNREASONABLE i would love to be norma#about anything ever but i ALSO invented so much backstory to this that has no way of appearing in the actual fic and also jokes for ME#for instance. YPPI is the american manufacturer for yamaha motorcycles and. suzuki. yamamoto. (it’s not my brainworms it’s due to a fancam)#respectfully also i cannot write this fic. i have never been to japan and i think it would take me eight years to google enough#to be relatively comfortable like y’all have never seen the extensive research i put in to fucking phiLLY and a whole other COUNTRY???#where the premise of the fic is learning how to be a tourist in your life and sometimes you have to grow out of things?#yeah i AM going to make something with the idea of Momijigari and life is ephemeral. is that a plot? no it’s vibes.#kailer goes to japan in the fall and realizes he’s a liar. who lies. (he misses [redacted]) (the redacted is because i haven’t decided)#also also. the garden reference is because a) i spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON GOOGLE and found out things to do in saitama and also that#kailer’s grandpa had a meticulous garden and i just think that’s neat#hiding-from-reality-56#random ficlet is unbeta’d un-anything’d i don’t know WHERE this came from or the real plot of it at all. ok thanks byeeeee
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penwrythe · 1 year
After seeing the recent II episode, I've seen ND fans discussing how Cabby is treated in the episode. I also saw Justin comment his thoughts on the discussion as well.
Part of me want to share some insight into how I rewrote a scene in my script for Rise of Relics to remove an ableist implication of Nicodemus' behavior towards Nikey (see this post here about it). There's also another scene I plan to rewrite as well that has a few ableist implications and I want to show how to improve it with research and listening to those with physical disabilities.
I'm not sure if it's alright for me to share this, as some of the II fans have similar symptoms to Cabby's memory issues, I do not want to speak over them as I do not have any memory symptoms as they do. What I do have, in reference to the scene in Rise of Relics, is anxiety and (possible) undiagnosed OCD, and Nikey is written with the implication of having both of these. The other scene I want to later rewrite is also in reference to how Nikey finds comfort in others, sometimes invasively due to having poor coping skills, and Nicodemus is often the person who helps ground her.
I think it's best for me to listen to those who are most affected by the episode before I say anything. But, one thing I say is that condemning a character's aids and accommodations they use to cope with their symptoms is wrong. Showing unhealthy coping mechanisms is okay (carefully saying this while keeping in mind my own experience coping with anxiety), but I do think this episode should have been written with more care.
To Justin and the Inanimate Insanity team, please consult sensitivity readers for your scripts in the future, please.
#just reminded myself to also consult sensitivity readers as well#couldn't afford them a couple of months ago though; but still an important task before finally working on the actual pages for RFR#Back to Cabby when I first saw her in the first few episodes I just thought she was into writing or record-keeping because she uses folders#to keep a record of everyone she meets; either just in general or for the purpose of the game#But after the episode of her disability reveal when her record keeping was an aid for her to keep memories otherwise they fade away#It just feels like a throwaway gag#Admittedly I did not catch how odd that was until I started reading fan analyses of Cabby by disabled II fans and their concerns#of her representation as a disabled character in the series; along with her record keeping aid being presented as a negative trait#rather than something that helps her keep memories#Now the recent episode is even weirder of her throwing away her folders like it was holding her back which is eeeeeeh not great tbh#would it be better for Bot to work on a new folder with Cabby?#a mutual collaboration to understand each other with Bot respecting Cabby's aids and Bot allowing her to understand them?#it's rare I comment on things like this#but considering what I'm also writing I think it's important to learn how not to write representation#because bad representation with no research nor input can result in possible harm and alienating your audience#as well as perpetuating harmful stereotypes#inanimate insanity#critique#ii neg#ii negativity#tw discourse#objectshows#textposty
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mire-7viii · 5 months
whoever said something along the lines of "outspoken conservative women are the most masculine of all" was so right
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lysenfeu · 15 days
If you read ongoing long-form fanfics, what do you prefer to read/follow?
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cptnbeefheart · 5 months
i think i gotta pl;ay fallout 4 ..
#YAPPING this morninh#i tried watching the show i DIDNT LIKE IT. i would rather play the games#in middle school i tried fallout3 but i never felt incentivized to explore the world after getting out of the vault .#i think beth esda games are just like that though idk. ive been playing wolfing stein 2 (2017) and it feels like. beth esda uncharted#i think its just bc its an action adventure and you have like a little team and so far it hasnt been open world the way it was advertised#but ive been getting into the lore of the world in falloiut and im really enjoying it so maybe my game tastes have changed idk its worth a#shot :D i watched this video abt ghoul being an embodiment of the mythologized wild west genre in american pop culture history and how#pervasive a fantasy like that is. the continuation of manifest destiny and rooted in white supremacy yk. but also through the fallout lens#of 'Look at this idealized nuclear family/ american dream and look who it excludes look how it fails' and its really making me wanna try#playing again. i think one of my biggest flaws that i hate is that i cannot tolerate playing old games that are ugly in retrospect .... i#just cant.... i cant play the first red dead its too ugly im sorry... but i WILL research the lore and stuff#anyway thats why i think ill try 4. im just worried i wont like it bc you know.. i like platform action adventures.. not corny shit like#uncharted but idk maybe its an antiquated way of designing games but i like levels i like being given a campaign. i think my favorite way a#game works is like the way red dead does it. the story progresses but you can also explore on your own time. and the world changes as the#story progresses. idk i think i just maybe am not the target audience for any bethesda game LMFAO. anyway if anyone wants to give some#wise words regarding this Advice opinions etc feel free to send asks leave replies dm me :D
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