#report this app PLEASE IS IMPORTANT!!
ylsterman · 2 months
If you use Android, or if you can do it from iOS, REPORT THIS APP. The venezuelan government is using it to locate people who are marching and are against the dictatorship. The information on how to report is in Spanish, but I think it is intuitively understood.
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trickstergoddess28 · 1 month
So I was trying to report a gross ass page that’s encouraging young teenagers to starve themselves/make themselves throw up, and the report button decided to not work. Is it the app only doing this? This shit needs to be reported, this could cause serious damage. I had Anorexia as a teenager, and visiting things like this did nothing but make it worse, I was almost put inpatient because of it.
Do NOT listen to the advice these blogs give out.
It isn’t healthy at all! Report them!
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huellitaa · 2 months
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₊˚⊹♡ education is hot!
education is literally the most valuable thing in life. please please PLEASE take advantage of that. self concept is important, good looks are important, happiness is important, health is important, but without education we wouldn't even know what any of that even means. ♡
having knowledge makes you magnetic. when you're smart, people will look up to you. and if people look up to you, it means they think about you, they admire you, and you have an influence on them.
life is knowledge. the more you learn, the more you are. knowledge is the fundamental basics to life. nothing is the root of everything but we wouldn't even know what nothing is without education. we wouldn't have language, we wouldn't have concepts, we wouldn't have technology, we wouldn't have the screen you're reading this on. we wouldn't have tumblr 😨
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──★ ˙ ̟🎀 1. noting down ur findings
the smartest people ALWAYS note down what they learn, whether it be big or small. if you have lots of knowledge and / or the memory capacity of a goldfish then naturally you may not always remember what you learn. keeping it noted down in any preferably easily accessible format of your choice is so helpful and a very smart choice if you want to be an Intellectual™. notebook, sketchbook, binder, google docs, notion pages, tumblr posts, notes app, anything you like !!!!! just keep it noted down !!!! ♡
──★ ˙ ̟🎀2. utilising ur resources!!!!
so many people i know and millions of people throughout the world suffer with a crippling addiction to their phones, but what are you actually doing on said phone? you spend ages on your phone, your tablet, your laptop, reading, writing, playing video games, and so on, but even then, are you genuinely learning? are you taking the time to absorb the knowledge placed before you or are you skimming through it all in a mindless cycle of media consumption?
think about how you can utilise the things around you to learn. for example, make all that time spent on your devices useful. research, study, learn in your free time. knowledge is abundance. you can use your local library, your local bookshops, ur school or ur college or ur workplace just to find out more about your surroundings and about the world. it is so much more valuable thank you'd think.
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 3. wisdom
wisdom is the highest form of knowledge. to learn is to live so living is the only way you're going to truly learn, if that makes sense. therefore, by using this direct method, you gain the highest manner of knowledge; wisdom. wisdom is not being book smart or knowing how to solve equations or write essays but wisdom is genuine, pure, raw, life experience and life lessons, which, surprise surprise, can only be gained through experience and living your life. go out, try things, get out of your comfort zone, get comfy being uncomfy. you got this. ♡
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 4. social interaction
"nerds dont know how to socialise!!!" okay so maybe i adhere to this stereotype sometimes but social interaction is, however unfortunate it may be, a key part of being intellectual and having genuine knowledge. going back to wisdom and learning through experience, speaking with and networking with and sparking connections with others is a vital way to be educated and informed and cultured along with enhancing your social skills, because we need to know how to interact with others, too. if we can't spread said knowledge through connections and socialising so it can be passed down for hundreds of thousands for years to come then there is no point in learning at all because it'll have no use in the long run.
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 5. media consumption
feed ur brain. i cannot stress this enough. read books, fiction or non fiction. i know you've heard this a million times but it's true. read just a random article of interest every day to get your brain working. learn a new word every day, read news reports, letters, interesting blogs, articles, websites, do puzzles, crosswords, wordsearches, memory games, listen to podcasts, audiobooks, watch documentaries, youtube videos, interviews, ted talks, video essays, EXERCISE UR BRAIN
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 6. insights, emotional intelligence and empathy
as i've said before, and i'll reiterate again, knowledge extends beyond simply having book smarts and knowing how to work with letters and numbers. the most powerful method of communication amongst humans is emotion, and being well versed in how to read, understand and communicate said language is only learnt through real life experience and observation of real life experiences where the use of emotional intelligence and empathy come into play. analyse these experiences and note down everything
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 7. question ur sources and BE BOLD
one thing i was taught ever since i was little is that when ur online you need to be veeeery careful with all the information you get fed because there are lots of people out there, esp on the internet, with lots of different intentions and lots of different facts, even if they have good intentions and don't mean to mislead you. always double check whatever ur told with someone you know or on another website or two or a physical yet reliable source if you have one to hand, and cite your own opinions too. you get to choose what does and doesn't get to enter your mind. your mind and your knowledge is yours entirely and only yours to be tampered with and adjusted in any way you'd like.
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──★ ˙ ̟🎀 things 2 study and be generally educated on:
social etiquette and politeness
countries and their respective laws, cultures, landmarks etc.
history of your own family and ancestry
languages you're interested in and basic phrases in several languages
information about your dream and / or current career
finances and how to manage your money
business, networking and persuasion
pet psychology and how to take care of them
capital cities and basics about places around the world, esp if you plan on going travelling
something beautiful about knowledge is that you'll never run out of it and it can never be taken away from you. people can take anything from you, but never your intelligence. ♡
all my love! 💖✨💘💗🎀💓
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littlemssam · 7 months
Mod Udpates
As always delete old Mods Files and the localthumbcache, when updating my Mods!
All Bug Fixes, Random Small Mods, and Other Mods are now checked as well for the Group ID Issue. Every Mod that did not get an Update yesterday/today, does not need one. See below for an important Info regarding one of my Mods though!
All Mods that needed an Update:
(Random Bug Fix) Gardening Workaround Fix (Random Bug Fix) Resume Writing Workaround Fix (Random Bug Fix) Weather NPC Deaths (Random Small Mod) Auto Brush Teeth (Random Small Mod) Auto Grab Drink when Eating (Random Small Mod) Better Quality Food MarketStalls (Random Small Mod) Better Saddle Control (Random Small Mod) Buy Horse Treats via PC (Random Small Mod) Buy more Upgrade Parts (Random Small Mod) Buy Spells and Potions Tomes via PC (Random Small Mod) Change into Everyday when inside (Random Small Mod) Check Skills of NPC Horses (Random Small Mod) Craft More Nectar Bottles and more (Random Small Mod) Faster Run To University Class (Random Small Mod) Feathers around Bird Feeder (Random Small Mod) Feral Run Lowers Fury (Random Small Mod) Guests Only Order Drink When Not Busy (Random Small Mod) Horse Jump Parkour (Random Small Mod) Improved VIP Rope (Random Small Mod) Lead Horse (Random Small Mod) Livestream For Everyone (Random Small Mod) No Aging Trait (Random Small Mod) No Shoes at Home (Random Small Mod) Phone App Free Homescreen and optional Background Overrides (Random Small Mod) Purchased Items delievered via Mail (Random Small Mod) Release all Ghosts & Get Urn for (Random Small Mod) Spar with Sim (Random Small Mod) Special Paddock Gate & Stable Stall Door (Random Small Mod) Toddler Don't go to Daycare (Other Mod) Allowance (Other Mod) Online Utilities System
A possible new Game Bug broke the Choose Leftover Mod, which is not fixable by me. Please remove that Mod until EA fixes the Issue that affects my Mod. Read more about that here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Give-Food-from-Inventory-to-toddler-causes-last-Exception-Error/m-p/13525645
My Site with all possible Download Links: lms-mods.com
Support Questions via Discord only please!
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aces-and-angels · 3 months
seeing the influx of gfm campaigns on your dash may be overwhelming- the purpose of this post is to help others navigate through the many gfm links that are circulating here on this site- esp. those that find their way directly to you via your inbox. this advice is specific to tumblr- i cannot speak on other platforms (instagram, twitter, etc.) though some things i say may be applicable
disclaimer: i do not vet/verify any campaigns myself. i simply want people who are willing to engage with these types of posts to do so in a safe manner
read more below:
what to do if you get a message from an account claiming to be 🇵🇸 in your inbox:
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-> step 1: do not immediately dismiss it as spam
to quote one of nabulsi's posts:
"... you cannot generalise with Gazans if their tumblr blog is only a few days or a few hours old.
Gazans on tumblr are making accounts for the express purpose of spreading their fundraisers because it is spreading amongst Gazans that tumblr is a safe place to do so.
They could often be making multiple blogs and even remaking after staff flags them as spam. But don't blanket assume that Gazans are scammers if they're on a new tumblr blog with no pfp or content.
I agree that until a fundraiser is vetted you shouldn't reblog it in case it is someone dishonest taking advantage of the circumstances in Gaza. But you cannot do the opposite and immediately assume they're a scammer. I'm seeing people harass Gazans sometimes who genuinely are people who just don't know how to use tumblr and are falsely raising red flags because of it." (read full post here)
to sum it up: don't hit 'report' right away- marinate a lil and put on a detective hat
-> step 2: background check
the following are accounts that are known to vet/verify gfm campaigns here on tumblr. note- this is not a comprehensive list:
90-ghost* (edit 8/4: recently announced that ahmed will no longer be vetting/verifying new campaigns)
ibtisams* (only has done it on situational basis; is not currently vetting new campaigns- read post here)
rubashabansblog (has been promoting other palestinians who lost their tumblr accounts; currently living under occupation)
heba-20 (unsure if heba takes request to vet others personally but is a reliable source for finding legitimate campaigns)
fairuzfan (says they are less active on tumblr these days/not currently vetting new campaigns but is a reliable source)
i recommend giving these individuals a follow if you haven't already as they provide far more information regarding all things 🇵🇸. they've all put in a lot of work to make the process i'm sharing with y'all as simple as possible. also please be respectful if you try reaching out to any of them. they are likely getting a high volume of asks and may not be able to respond to you quickly
important note: it has been recently announced that nabulsi + el-shab-hussein have stopped vetting new accounts for the time being and are only focusing on campaigns that have already been vetted. read their full statement here and here
to start- check out the person's account. this can be a hit or miss depending on how new the account is. however- you may notice that the person in question has stated that they have been vetted:
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good signs so far- but better to be safe than sorry. next thing to do is search the username of the person who messaged you on tumblr. it's likely if you got a message like the one pictured above, others may have received one as well and did the digging for you:
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if you can't find a clear answer with tumblr's illustrious search bar/want to confirm someone's claim that the campaign in question was already verified, the next thing to do is check one of the following:
el-shab-hussein's pinned post
el-shab-hussein/nabulsi's google sheet
imo, this process is far easier to do while on a laptop/desktop vs. mobile app. ctrl+f is your friend in this scenario as is the ability to click through multiple tabs. for el-shab-hussein's pinned post, i click through the multiple lists and see if any names match. in ruba's case, she was found under List of fundraisers for my direct contacts from Ghazzah & Sudan:
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and for the google sheet- her campaign is no. 90 on the list:
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tip: to narrow down your search even further- ctrl+f the title of the person's gfm campaign that they've linked on their tumblr account:
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-> step 3: share your findings + follow that account
if everything checks out- ✨share le campaign✨ provide the link to it in your response to the ask + where it was verified. make it easier for the next person who gets a message to figure out that the gfm is real
following 🍉accounts is esp. important since the forces that be are keen on suppressing them at every turn. the more eyes on these accounts- the easier it'll be to determine the legitimacy of any new accounts they may need to make
okay, but... scams 😬:
-> step 1: seek a master
people can be assholes- and anyone trying to make a profit off of an ongoing genocide can eat glass
anyways- the following are accounts that are known to identify scam posts on tumblr (again, not a comprehensive list. these are just the one's ive seen/most familiar with):
kyra45's pinned post contains a plethora of resources to help determine if a post/message is a scam- and not just in regards to 🇵🇸- key goes in on many types of scams. please refer to their guides (and be sure that you are reading the most recent version of key's posts)
-> step 2: if you see sumn, say sumn
we're human and sometimes things slip our radar. so if you ever see someone on here sharing a known scam, do 'em a solid and let them know about it regardless if you are mutuals or not
final/misc. thoughts:
it's good practice to double check a campaign's verification with these tools for yourself regardless of how legitimate it looks. note that checking for a gfm's verification is not the same as verifying them. that work should be left to qualified individuals with experience in doing so. this is why it's bad to attempt things you are not qualified to tackle also- i think it's important to remember that transferring 💵 from a gfm campaign to those in need requires a lot of pieces to be perfectly set in place. if you see 🇵🇸 blogs linking alt. methods of raising funds (ex. p*ypal/k*fi) the reason could be that their gfms were frozen/suspended for a myriad of reasons. as always- check credible sources if you are unsure about a campaign you may come across notice how the spreadsheet provided here has over 100+ campaigns listed. generating a list that extensive requires hard work that is undoubtedly both physically and mentally straining to the individuals who are involved in making it. i've seen some accounts myself that have had to announce that they can no longer continue to vet campaigns because it has taken that much of a toll on their wellbeing. do not let their efforts go wasted
other resources:
some other places/grassroot organizations where you can find vetted campaigns:
operation olive branch (oob)
operation poppy flower (now also linked in oob's sheet)
operation watermelon
project watermelon
strawberry seeds collective
camps breakerz crew
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ayeforscotland · 2 months
Hi! Saw your Data flow posts, and just asking to check if I've understood correctly: is the issue here (I'm some of the examples you mentioned about a project not working because they had discounted something, for instance) what's succinctly represented in the xkcd Dependency?
Just so folk don't have to follow the link - here is the xkcd
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So this is a great example of a dependency, something that's vital to a single or multiple other processes or assets.
'Impact Analysis' is something that organisations need to do either to preempt something going wrong in order to build contingencies OR something that organisations need to be able to understand *when* something goes wrong.
But while the comic above is focused on modern digital infrastructure (which in the context I refer to Dataflow is more focused on Routers and Switches), it's worth noting that dependencies across organisations are a lot broader than that.
For example:
Person A needs to provide a report to person B so person B can do their job - That is a dependency
Person A needs to use App 1 to write the report but is dependent on the data from App 2 to actually write the report - That is also a dependency
Person A needs to use 'Laptop FW131' but spilled coffee over it at lunch and now it won't turn on - That is a dependency
Person A has found a back-up laptop 'Laptop FW132' but office WiFi is down because the finance department haven't paid the internet provider - Also a dependency
Seeing those examples, you might say, "But in that case, literally anything could be a dependency? What if Person A gets hit by a bus? What if the Laptop explodes and burns the building down?"
And yeah, that's absolutely the case. But if you do not understand the connections and dependencies between People, Business Processes and Technology Assets then you won't be able to ask the question in the first place. Which in an increasingly complex digital world is becoming much more important!
Hope that helps, any questions on the back of that please don't hesitate to ask because I live for this stuff.
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devildomwriter · 3 months
They Listen to You Play the Piano | Lucifer x Reader
Lucifer was anxiously filling out paperwork at his study desk as he did every night. The mountain of pavers very slowly decreased, and his hand began to cramp from so much writing.
He sighed and stretched, deciding he should get another coffee lest he fall asleep at his desk again. Honestly, Diavolo worked him a little too hard at times, but he’d never admit that to the demon lord. He’d be far too embarrassed to admit he couldn’t do everything as he saw proudly proclaimed. However, he didn’t know any demon that could do a thousand and five reports in a single night while keeping their six demon brothers and chaotic human under control.
He sighed as he left his room, and as he walked down the hall towards the kitchen, he thought he heard a few keys being played on the piano.
“Ode to Joy?” He thought out loud, recognizing the simple piano piece.
He followed the sound of the piano to the music room and stood just out of sight as he saw you looking rather aggravated, staring at your D.D.D. screen and cursing your hands for not moving correctly.
He listened to you practice as you continuously hit the wrong key until you banged your head onto the piano keys, and he decided he couldn’t let this go on.
He walked up behind you quietly and saw a piano learning app pulled up on the D.D.D.
“___?” He asked, standing right behind you.
Your head shot up from the piano, and you stared at him in embarrassed shock.
“What the? Please tell me you didn’t hear that disaster….” You mumbled, red in the face.
He chuckled and nodded, patting your shoulder to comfort you as you hid your face in your hands.
“My pinky won’t move without the other fingers! It’s so easy to play with one finger, but I can’t use my entire hand?” You complained, and he laughed and gestured for you to move aside.
He sat on the bench next to you and moved your fingers to the correct keys.
“Like this.”
“That’s what I’m doing,” you sighed.
“Well, you aren’t doing it right,” he corrected.
“Yeah, I figured that the eighth time I screwed it up. How did Beethoven compose music as a child?”
“Practice. He practiced day and night just like you’re going to do.”
“What? I am?”
He nodded, “yes. I’ll be your teacher. You’ll be playing masterpieces in no time.”
“You have too much faith in me,” you mumbled, not sure if you should be excited about lessons or scared.
“No, you just have too little faith in yourself,” he scolded, and he put your hand back over the proper keys.
“We’re going to practice using your pinky by itself until your other fingers get used to it,” he instructed.
“Don’t you have paperwork,” you tried distracting him.
“It can wait. This is far more important,” he dismissed.
“What? No, it’s not,” you insisted, but he gave you his trademark smirk, confusing you.
“I’m the only one in this house who plays piano; you wanted to impress me, didn’t you?”
“Not everything is about you,” you blushed because he was right.
“Nonsense, of course it is. Now let’s begin.”
Thus began the first of many nights sat closely by Lucifer’s side as your hands moved together, filling the house with beautiful music.
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minkyungseokie · 5 months
第一章| Getting the Job
warnings; age gap love(R: 23, S:39, T: 50), gxg, throuple, controversial age gaps, random German and Scottish pet names,
note; first chapter! Idk how many chapters this’ll have. I know it’ll include moodboards, smaus, blurbs, and specials that you guys can request!
note2; I don't really like Bianca, so she won't be appearing a lot in this series. I don't hate her, but I don't like her either. If you have an issue, don't complain, just stop reading ❤️
Taglist is open, but only for 19 more people
note3; I decided to give her cochlear implants because I want too. She’s deaf now
fc; imleslie(on a Chinese Instagram app called Xiaohongshu)
Come Talk to Me
Driven by Destiny Masterlist | Next
Autosports Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Toto Masterlist |
I do not give anyone permission to change, copy, or put my work on any other platform. It will only be on top, so if you see it, please report it. Or let me know.
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Susie huffed, looking down at the sheer amount of paperwork she had on her desk. She wanted to grab a bite to eat, but she had so much to do and she needed a lot more help than what the employees around her can provide. She pulled out her phone and texted her husband, Toto, for some advice. She was a strong independent woman, but even strong independent women need a bit of advice from their spouses sometimes.
And what she got from him was beyond helpful.
A personal assistant.
She was going to hire a personal assistant to help her around the Academy. The list of requirements wasn't long, but it was specific and the requirements that were listed were important for the assistant to have or they wouldn't work well together. Susie typed out the application furiously, making sure that all her requirements were stated clearly and made sure that whoever was filling out the application knew what they were getting into. She made sure they knew what they would be doing, an estimate about the schedule, and what she expected of whoever applied.
Susie finished up and posted it to the F1 Academy website. She also made a Instagram post about it that was a joint post with the official F1 account and the FIA account. With a sigh and a satisfied smile, Susie closed her laptop and put it in her bag.
Now all she had to do was wait for the applications to roll in. She didn’t expect too many since a lot of people were only interested in watching F1 or were, since the fans were mostly men, protesting against the F1 Academy.
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Y/n looked at the link that her sister, Rachel, had sent her. Y/n had told her that she needed a new job after finishing college and Rachel had sent her a bunch of applications to different jobs. They were all just random jobs she had found on the internet, which led to where she was now.
She was staring at an application to be a personal assistant to some billionaire's wife who was the leader of some academy for girls who like driving glorified go-karts. It paid more than any of the other jobs that Rachel had sent applications for. Y/n mumbled on her thumbnail, pondering whether she should aim high and apply for the PA job or should she just go for what she knows that she would be able to get.
Y/n was deep in thought when she was startled by the loud sound of her FaceTime ringtone, which happened to be one the songs from her brother's group. "Ah, shit!" Y/n yelled, nearly falling out of her chair, "Who the fuck?!" The dark haired girl growled, grabbing the phone off the table. "Hello?" Y/n answered, "Hey, Y/n. What are you up to?" The deep voice of her younger brother exited the phone as she set it up so he could see her.
"Ah, baby brother! How are you? Loving the new comeback." Y/n said, standing up to grab a bottle of water from her fridge. "I'm great. The comeback has been good so far. Have you heard the entire album?" Felix asked, "Yeah, of course." Y/n answered, sitting at the table once more. The two of them sat and talked about her brother's most recent comeback before the conversation turned to her.
"So, what've you been up to?" Felix asked, shoving what seemed like a chip into his mouth, "When did you get those?" Y/n questioned, pointing to the box of fried potato sticks. "Ah, Chan bright them to me a bit ago." Felix answered, shoving another one in his mouth, "Well, I was thinking..."
"Uh oh."
"Shut up, Lix. Anyway, I was thinking that now I finished University, I should get a new job. One that fits my expertise better, you know? So I asked Rach to help and she sent me some applications she found online..." Y/n said, looking at the open webpage. "Yeah?" Felix spoke, urging her to continue her words, "She sent me one for some F1 Academy. It pays well and I fit the requirements, but..."
"But what?" Felix urged, "I don't know what the F1 academy is and it's in Monaco." Y/n sighed. "Where's that?" Felix questioned, "It's, like, right beside Italy, I think." Y/n answered, "Okay, so what's the issue? It sounds like a good opportunity." Felix said. "I don't want to move away from our parents and sisters." Y/n set her head on her hand, using it as a way to keep her head up, "I don't think mum and dad would want you to hold back for them. Neither would Rachel and Olivia. They would want you to go. They wanted me to go." Felix spoke up.
"Felix, that's because it was your dream. Your dream was to be an idol, so of course they weren't going to hold you back from doing it." Y/n groaned. "Y/n it doesn't matter whether it's your dream or not. It's a better job opportunity for you until you're able to start modeling the way you want." Felix suggested.
Y/n thought about it. It would be nice to make money until she finds a modeling agency that wants to sign her because waiting around for something to happen won't make her any money. She needed to pay rent and keep herself fed, plus, from what she researched about Monaco, they did not collect personal income tax or capital gains taxes. There were no property taxes in Monaco, but rental properties were taxed at 1% of the annual rent plus other applicable charges.
Monaco sounded like a dream. She really didn't think that places like that existed, but knowing that she'd keep every penny of her hard earned money sealed the deal. Y/n applied for the PA position and closed her laptop, "Okay, now to wait." Y/n let out a breath as she looked around her house.
There was no way she wouldn’t be getting the job. She was once an extremely popular Formula Two driver before she ended up quitting. She had met the likes of so many old Formula One drivers who were excited to see her race alongside them when she was ready, but she unfortunately couldn’t continue due to her mother not having enough money for her to have a seat and unfortunately no sponsers wanted to sponsor her.
Y/n stood up and threw her water bottle away. She hadn’t kept up with Formula One since she had left Formula Two and she was kind of curious how her friends from karting and F2 were doing. They were obviously doing better than her since they refused to keep in contact with her, but it’s alright. She could barely remember anything about them anyway so it didn’t matter. It did when she was younger though.
After she left and they stopped talking to her, she felt like everything was falling apart for her. She was living in the UK at the time, but decided to come back to Australia to be near her half siblings and step mother and start her career in modeling or something in the industry. Of course, her plans to model next to the likes of the Hadid sisters or other popular models, had fallen through and she had only become famous as the half sister of Felix Yongbok Lee, the freckled cutie with a deep voice of the famous Korean pop group, Stray Kids.
Y/n pulled out her phone and ordered some food, hoping that it wasn't a bad decision to put in only one application for a job that might be out of reach for her. 
Oh well.
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It had been a week since Y/n had sent in the application and she had been waiting for the call back. She was sitting on her couch, staring at the large flat screen TV that was playing a Sidemen Reacts video that popped up on her feed while shoveling hwachae* into her mouth when the sound of another song from her brother's band rang through the air. Y/n picked up her phone with the spoon hanging from her lips and looked at the screen.
It was an unknown number. Y/n didn't usually answer the calls of numbers she didn't know, but something within her told her to answer it, so she did. After pausing the video, Y/n hit the green button on the screen and put the up to her ear, "Uh, hello?" Y/n answered, accent thick. "Uh, hello. Is this Miss Y/n L/n?" A sweet feminine voice that was paired with a Scottish accent, asked, "Uhm, yes. This is her. How may I help you?" Y/n asked, setting the bowl onto the table and sitting up straight. "Yes, this is about the application you put in for the PA position at the Formula One Academy." The woman said.
Y/n sat there for a hot minute before her eyes widened, "Oh! Yes, ma'am. What about it?" Y/n asked, "I wanted to call and let you know that we are interested in having you in the position, but first we need to schedule an interview. Is there a specific time that you're available?" The woman asked.
"Uh, I'm currently living in Australia and not moving to Monaco until a next month." Y/n said. Truthfully, she didn't want to being that up, but she knew that it would be suspicious if she scheduled the meeting so far away. She knew that the fact she was living in Australia could possibly ruin her chances of securing such a good job, but she just didn't have it in her to lie to the very sweet sounding woman.
"Okay, um, I'll be right back. Hang on tight." The lady said, "Okay, ma'am." Y/n said. Once the woman put her on hold, Y/n put the phone on speaker, muted herself, and continued to watch her video until she heard something from the woman on the other line. 
"Uh, hello?" The woman's voice spoke up. Y/n paused her video and quickly unmuted herself, "I'm here." Y/n spoke up. "Okay, so, we usually wouldn't do this, but we really think you'd be a good fit for the position, so I'll tell you what. Save this number. My name is Susie Wolff. Once you're moved into Monaco and finally settled down, give me a call." The woman, Susie, said. "Okay, thank you, Mrs. Wolff. I'll call you once I'm in Monaco." Y/n said, "Alright. See you then. Bye." Susie said before hanging up.
Y/n looked down at her phone with wide eyes before jumping up and onto her couch with a large smile, "I got it! I got it!" Y/n cheered loudly, jumping up and down as if she was a child on a super bouncy bed. "Holy shit, I have to let Felix know." Y/n said, jumping down from the couch and grabbing her phone, which fell out of her hand after she jumped up onto the couch. Instead of calling him, she texted him since she never knew his schedule.
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누나- Noona? 아, 누구세요?- Oh? Who are you? 현진- Hyunjin 릭시에게 전화기 좀 주실래요?- Can you give Lixie the phone please
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎… ⋙
Y/n quickly went to the room that held the boxes that she would use to pack away her things and smiled. It was never too early to begin packing.
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Susie cheered. She had finally found the person she was looking for after a week. She was super lucky that she had decided to continue searching through the online applications rather than giving up on looking at the mediocre applications and deciding to hold a hiring fair or something.
Not only was Y/n L/n the most perfect candidate for the PA position, but she had the most relaxing and attractive voice Susie had ever heard other than her husband's.
Susie cleared her throat and looked at the work she had on her computer. She had never been as excited as she was now other than the time when she found out she was pregnant, had Jack, and started the Academy. Okay, she had been this excited before, but this is different. She can tell that she was going to be good friends with Y/n and shoe couldn't wait to work with the younger woman.
This was going to be fun
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↳ ❝ [Taglist] ¡!❞
@evie-119 @exotic-iris13 @alliwantisadonut @cheyxfu @xoscar03 @sunnylikesfrogs
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changes · 1 year
Friday, April 28th, 2023
🌟 New
Love those important checkmarks? We won a Webby for ’em!
The inbox unread count has returned on web! No more unread dot.
We’re no longer creating activity items in your activity feed when you like, reblog, or reply to your own posts.
In the new post editor on web, clicking into the tags input field will now show suggestions immediately.
Passwords on Tumblr have a max length of 72 bytes. This has actually always been the case, but now we’re making that clearer when setting your password across web, iOS, and Android.
🛠 Fixed
Users that you’ve blocked will no longer appear in Tumblr Live carousels.
Ask/answer posts can no longer be blazed at all. (We’re thinking through how best to ask for consent from the asker and answerer, so this may return.)
Fixed a bug that was resetting a post’s blaze eligibility depending on where it was being edited. Thanks to everyone who sent us info about this issue, it helped us track down the problem faster!
Fixed the issue that could cause the new post editor on web to not be able to redo your actions after undoing them with Control + Z.
When using Tumblr in a browser on your phone, going “back” from within a direct messaging conversation will now bring you back to the right place, if you got to that conversation from places like activity or your dashboard.
There was an issue with Spotify podcast embeds for a brief period this week, but they’ve fixed the issue.
🚧 Ongoing
The war against spam bots continues. We’re working to clean up recent waves of spam bots, and again prevent them from recurring. As usual, please report any blogs as spam that you find, and we’ll take care of the rest.
We’re working on separating everyone’s existing checkmarks into separate blue and rainbow products, and opening up the ability for everyone to manage which one is being displayed next to their blog name. There have been some bumps with this transition, but we’re working them out as quickly as possible!
Version 29.1.1 of the Tumblr Android app has a fix for the issue of the app switching to the “For you” tab when interacting with posts that have a “Read more”.
🌱 Upcoming
We’re working on a design refresh of the direct messaging conversation popup on web.
Experiencing an issue? File a Support Request and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
Want to share your feedback about something? Check out our Work in Progress blog and start a discussion with the community.
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wip · 11 months
Hi there! I am a long time user (over a DECADE on my original blog), but this is a brand new blog I just made, on the web, after seeing a post about the creation process for new blogs and wanting to test it myself. I like the suggestion that people follow some tags to start, to help put some good stuff on their For You page! However, you'll also notice that this blank blog with a generic name and default appearance looks an awful lot like a bot. And there is also an influx of spam bots right now as well - @changes always tells us to report those when there's a new wave of them, and we usually block them too. I think I've managed to discern the difference after looking at the suggested names vs some actual bots, but most people can't. Suggesting random names for new users (which is fine on its own), sending them to an unskippable page where they have to follow *people* (not just tags) before they've had a chance to explore the site, and not ever pointing them in the direction of their personalization settings (which are buried in the new layout) is going to end up with a lot of new users getting blocked and reported as spam! Perhaps after the tag following page, you could redirect people to the Blog Settings page, where you can have informative pop-ups suggesting people add a profile picture and header that reflects their personality/interests, and point out the description section to "Tell people about yourself!" You could make the page skippable if you think it would discourage people who just want to jump right in, but it would be really useful. I see on the app that a section like that comes up when you go to your own blog, but I think it should be a step in the sign-up process, before you follow anyone. Skippable, but encouraged. (Also, the requirement to follow individual blogs REALLY needs to be skippable) Encouraging new users to have a profile picture, header, and personalized bio would really help in preventing real users from getting blocked by all the cool blogs they're trying to follow who think that they're spam bots! Getting blocked for no reason won't encourage new tumblrs to stick around! Please, encourage some individuality from our new internet neighbors, so they can become our internet friends 💙
Answer: Hey, @lefttragedysandwich!
Thanks for getting in touch with this. We are very aware of this situation, and we are trying to find the best way to solve it—without just adding more steps to onboarding, which (unfortunately) most people won’t do.
This, in turn, just adds friction to signing up for Tumblr, which means fewer people sign up to join us. Which means fewer internet neighbors, let alone less individuality. 
But this is an important question to answer, and we are grateful you raised it with us. As and when we have a good solution, we’ll announce it on @changes. Keep your eyes peeled, and hopefully, it won't be too long.
—The Tumblr WIP Team. 
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matan4il · 11 months
Daily update post:
Navigation apps in Israel were instructed not to sure traffic jams anymore, so Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists won't be able to aim rockets at them.
The Minister of Defense made it clear that every benefit, support and compensation for the bereaved families of the Oct 7 massacre will apply to same-sex families, too.
Among Hamas' victims in the massacre are 235 people with non-Israeli nationality, an additional 74 are categorized as missing (meaning it's still unknown if they've been murdered or kidnapped), and they come from 41 countries. This includes at least 30 people murdered from Thailand, 10 from Nepal and 6 from China, at least some of them were beheaded.
Please explain to me how does beheading a student from Nepal help liberate any Palestinian, or why were non-Israelis butchered if the massacre was supposedly "resistance" against Israel?
The Israeli president revealed that among the documents recovered from Hamas terrorists were instructions from Al-Qaeda on how to build a weapon with cyanide.
This demonstrates how Hamas has been learning from other extremist Islamist organizations. They also adopted ISIS' use of the drug captagon to prevent a sense of fear in the terrorists, heighten their feelings of rage, as well as keep them going for longer. All of this (together with multiple reports that Hamas brought weapons for far more than just one day of slaughter) indicates that, while the massacre is the worst to have happened in the history of the Israeli-Arab conflict, what Hamas had in mind was probably even worse.
Israel screened today for foreign journalists 40 minutes of raw footage showing the massacre, most of it from Hamas terrorists' body cameras. Here is the full thread of one journalist, about some of the horrors seen in it. I'll share just one part of the thread, because I think #8 is really important:
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The Israeli army has been releasing aerial photos showing how Hamas intentionally places its rocket launching sites next to civilians, so that either Israel is deterred from firing at these, to stop the rocket launching at civilians in Israel, or so that civilian Gazans will be harmed when Israel does act against these targets. For context, the Gaza strip DOES have uninhabited parts, where rocket launching would not endanger any civilians at all.
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Today, Hamas has sent two attack drones and Hezbollah has sent one. The latter was flown and attacked from the direction of the sea.
An Israeli lawyers NGO has filed at the Hague to put Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad on trial for crimes against humanity.
Another personal story, this time of Atallah, a little Arab Bedouin boy whose father was told that, for being Israeli Arabs, they're more Jewish than Jews (and therefore legitimate targets to Hamas):
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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velvetures · 1 year
May I RQ a reader who is trying to learn their language to help them feel more comfortable, but feels insecure due to them not really being fluent? They mispronounce and misuse the slangs in context, but hopes they can make the boys see the effort they are trying to go through for them.
Lessons In Miscommunication
A/N: Hi doll, I hope you don't mind me using König for this one. I've got a lot of experience with Spanish irl, but that's not super applicable here, haha. To anyone who's German... please forgive me. 🤍 Summary: You're on comms during a mission getting a small lesson in König's language while waiting for your next orders from HQ. Things get complicated, and there's a language and culture barrier that makes things... challenging. T/W: canonical warfare, cursing, non-fluent use of German, flirting, feelings, and some other stuff probably. Not proofread, as always.
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To put it simply, you didn't expect just how difficult it would be to learn a new language in your twenties. Sure the science spoke to the provable trouble you would have compared to a much younger version of yourself, but for all meaningful purposes, you really didn't think it would be this nuanced. And while Spanish, French, and other languages were of great importance, there wasn't anyone who could teach you those. The one person around was König, and he spoke German.
When you'd approached the topic nearly eight months ago, he'd been honestly shocked and surprised that you'd come to him in the first place and secondly that you thought he would be a good teacher. He was often thought of as reliable as a Colonel, but giving you suitable enough tutoring in German to be conversational was nothing short of uncharted territory for the pair of you. This made for very interesting moments in and outside of missions as well as a few times where it would've been better if you'd used an online app or something to keep from unintentionally embarrassing yourself.
Posted almost two miles away from the Colonel on a rocky outcropping overlooking a small encampment of a radical terrorist group, you laid on the hillside with a rifle and radio trying to pass the time between now and when you'd get the call to secure the site. The men and women down below were only one small stop-off point for a far larger caravan of armored trucks and a few tanks carrying supplies and weaponry toward the closest city of Almazra. It was a threat that couldn't come to fruition if the buildings and people still living there were to be left standing by the end of the week.
On the other end of the two-mile distance was König and a selected squad of men who were waiting just as impatiently as you were to not only get this mission over with but to get out of the damn desert heat. For security's sake, you knew you should be keeping the airways clear for any kind of information about the insurgent's movements, but König had insisted that this would be a perfect opportunity for you to get some practice in without losing focus of the task at hand. Your job at the moment was to keep eyes on the encampment through the lens of your sniper rifle and report anything that looked to be of importance.
König's definition of what was important could be easily debatable, yet it did ensure that you could make simple connections between real-world objects and the German words or phrases that matched. Whether or not the Colonel realized it or not, both of you had slightly gotten off the target of what you were supposed to be talking about and wandered into the more... personal aspects of things. Specifically just how bad you wanted to be home after nearly a full month away from American soil and your personal home.
"Ich habe für immer Fernweh," Your accent was certainly progressing, at least in the Colonel's mind, but he wasn't quite sure exactly what you meant by that.
"Was meinst du damit? Kannst du es dieses Mal auf Englisch sagen?"
His voice sounded a little confused and more than a tinge humored at the way you'd sounded so... formal. Even diplomatic to a degree. It was one of the more difficult parts of teaching you. Dialects, slang, and even simple English-to-German translations didn't always have a very direct or clear answer. Often it meant that you would say something with full intention and innocent honesty, and König would have to keep himself from chuckling. Most of the men he worked alongside didn't speak for one reason or another, so getting to hear at least one person -especially you- made the near and far miscommunication more than worth the effort.
Looking through your scope at a group of five sitting around a small fire, you sigh a bit, trying to think of how to explain yourself.
"I meant I'm feeling homesick," You mutter a little more quietly than necessary, almost as if saying it in English was broadcasting your secret while German somehow kept it from being found out. "What did you hear me say?"
König chuckled, his laugh vibrating in the speakers of your comm quite nicely. "You said you have wanderlust forever," You could hear him smiling from the other end. "It's okay, sometimes the words don't always mean exactly what you think they do. I had the same problem when I learned English." For a moment he paused, laughing softly again. "I still can't say Squirrel... properly."
"Vielleicht habe ich doch Lust auf etwas..." You mutter a bit frustrated and somewhat skarkily under your breath, making a small jab at wordplay not thinking that König could hear you over the radio or that he'd be more shocked to hear you say such a thing.
The radio stays silent for a long few minutes, almost tricking you into believing that you'd been safe in making your comment under your breath without any audible witnesses. Only on the other end, the Colonel was struggling between the actual meaning behind your words, the way it sounded so damn sexy... and how he was supposed to actually answer you without sounding too affected by something as simple as your voice.
"Se-Sergeant..." His voice sounded a little weak, much in the same way it did when he was in an uncomfortable social situation. "What did you just say?"
Instantly your body tensed up from fingers to toes and you felt a shock of heat roll through you. König heard you. Right away you assumed by the growl in his question that you were going to be in for some kind of punishment. Maybe even a good ass-chewing in front of the rest of the squad for saying something so easily considered lewd and totally unprofessional to utter in the presence of a superior officer. Your best bet was apologizing, and hoping he'd just let it go...
"I'm sorry, I was just frustrated and-"
His voice deepens over the radio, almost like he's got it pressed right up against his mouth. "Say it again." The command felt heavy in your stomach. "Now."
You repeated the phrase, staring through the lens of your scope with bated breath. waiting to hear what the Colonel would say in response. And the last thing you expected was to hear an almost pained sort of growling sound vibrating in your ears. It made you shiver and despite König being almost two miles away, it felt like he was breathing down your neck.
"Du klingst so hübsch, wenn du das sagst..." A noticeable static over the radio took your attention, but when it didn't get worse you had the mental capacity to translate what König said word by word until you had the full sentence running through your head.
The time between his praise and your response was nearly indistinguishable between seconds and years. Had it not been for you watching your targets moving in real-time through your scope, you would've thought the whole world had come to a stuttering halt in anticipation of your response. Yet it seemed that the world still had to do other important things which included bringing the key turning point of this mission right to your front door with the sudden sound of an approaching squad tailing the convoy of insurgents giving information and callouts for how to proceed forward. Of those, orders for König and his men to begin working down the side of the mountain to intercept the meeting of the convoy and the small ground sitting in tents around a high-burning fire.
"Ich werde später herausfinden, wie hübsch man klingen kann, wenn man schmutzige Dinge auf Deutsch sagt." The Colonel's voice growled lowly, almost threatening in a sense.
There was no telling what would happen after the mission ended and there wasn't a threat of being shot or failing to secure Almazra. What you could count on was König finding you and testing out his theory of all the things you could say in his language they may or may not have been provocative - on purpose or not. Something in your body shivered in delightful nervousness and anticipation of just how he planned on getting that kind of information out of you. A couple of ideas swirled in your mind, but the movement of the incoming convoy didn't allow you the luxury of daydreaming about your Colonel or how your mistaken words and German lessons had landed you here.
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Comments and Reblogs are Always Helpful <3
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kitkat-the-muffin · 8 days
After running an entire experiment for over a year and a half
I have finally perfected the best order to play the Kingdom Hearts series in
The aforementioned best order has been completely play-tested by an outsider new to KH in order to verify its effectiveness, and it goes as follows:
Kingdom Hearts 1
Kingdom Hearts X [chi] and Kingdom Hearts Union X [cross]
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep • (start with Ventus, then Terra, and end with Aqua. Include Final Ending. Exclude Secret Ending)
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain Of Memories
Kingdom Hearts 2 • (followed by Kingdom Hearts BBS’s Secret Ending)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days • (read Roxas’s diary alongside the cutscene movie if not playing the original release. Then read the secret reports after finishing the game)
Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded • (you may also play Coded if so desired)
Kingdom Hearts Dark Road
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage
Kingdom Hearts 3
Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind
Kingdom Hearts Missing Link
Kingdom Hearts Melody Of Memory
Kingdom Hearts 4
Extra notes:
DON’T FORGET THE SECRET BOSSES! All the cutscenes that precede and follow every secret boss fight is important, so I recommend looking them up on YouTube if you can’t beat them
ALWAYS READ THE SECRET REPORTS!!!! All of them. For every game
Look up BBS’s Secret Ending on YouTube, unless you feel like beating all three routes on Proud Mode (including the Mysterious Figure boss… I think. Idk, look it up)
As of writing this post, Missing Link and 4 have not been released yet, so they may be skipped for now. However, based on their trailer vibes alone, I’d still recommend this order whenever they do release
The mobile app for KHUX and KHDR has been discontinued, so the only source we currently have for them are cutscene movies on YouTube and Damo’s fandubs
The Dark Road fandub is not out yet as of posting this video, but hopefully I can update this post whenever it does release (same with Missing Link cutscenes)
If you have any questions please reply to this post because I have answers!
Here are some obvious ones tho:
Days is AFTER 2 to preserve the Riku plot twist
Dark Road is BEFORE DDD to increase player attachment to Xehanort before he takes full control over the narrative
Ventus is played FIRST in BBS because it helps the narrative make more sense (sorry Nomura, Xehanort being evil is not a plot twist)
Any spoilers for future games revealed in the prequels are intentional (like Maleficent thinking about Master Xehanort in Union X, or Terra seeing a vision of KH2 Riku in BBS) and are meant to serve as foreshadowing
If anyone feels like streaming the games in this order please let me know. I skewed the results of my experiment a little by being present for the Test Subject’s playthrough, so it’d genuinely benefit from another account played entirely in a vacuum
But also we kind of sped through the games rather than relishing them. There’s so much to do in all the games but to get to the rest of the story we didn’t really play them to their fullest. I hope future players can enjoy all there is and take their time with it :3
Anyway, please reblog this post if you found it interesting! I want to share this order with the world because I genuinely think it’s the best way to play the games! And again, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Thank you to @goldensunset @8golden-harvest8 @share-the-skye for acknowledging my experiment’s existence a couple times, y’all are real ones 💕💕💕
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ylsterman · 2 months
About Venezuela's situation
Hello, I write this in order to inform the majority of what is happening in my country, Venezuela, in case you do not know. I'm sorry if there's something wrong, I originally wrote this in Spanish and translated it into English. (Spanish vers at the end)
On July 28 of this year 2024, “democratic” elections were held where the great candidates were Nicolás Maduro (from the PSUV, part of the Chavista regime that the Nation has been governing for 25 years) and Edmundo González, from the opposition...
Edmundo is a kind of substitute for María Corina Machado, leader of the opposition who always accused Chávez (former president, friend of the dictator Fidel Castro) of being an authoritarian thief and dictator. The Chavista regime disableed María Corina so that she would not present herself as a candidate for the presidential elections, because they were always afraid of him.
In the morning of July 29, Elvis Amoroso, part of the CNE (National Electoral Council), declared that Nicolás Maduro was the “elected” president of the Republic with 51% in favor; Edmundo had 44%, according to them. This without having totaled the votes and without showing reliable data and sources.
To everyone's surprise, María Corina had an ace up her sleeve: at the polling stations, the voting minutes were digitized and supported. These days all the voting minutes have been shown and the reality is another: Edmundo Gonzáles has almost 70% (as far as I saw, until now) in favor, while Nicolás Maduro barely reaches 30%.
These minutes are official and, more importantly, true. María Corina, that is, the opposition, Comando Venezuela, has in her possession almost 90% of the minutes.
The result is clear: Edmundo González is the president-elect of Venezuela this 2024.
The largest fraud in the history of Latin America was committed, probably in the world.
But what happens?
The regime does not want to recognize the results. They refuse to show the minutes because they know they lost. They are accusing María Corina and Edmundo of traitors and much more. It is very important to clarify that neither María Corina nor Edmundo called for protests or violent marches.
On the afternoon of July 29, protests began throughout the country, they knocked down statues of Chavez, even. The people are fed up with tyranny and want to be heard. These protests began in the town itself, no opposition leader called to protest in this way. Everyone is fed up with this regimen. Even criminals in the areas of the plains and neighborhoods have joined the people to protest against the results issued by the CNE.
The government has begun to retaliate: imprison the table witnesses and the people who are participating in the protests. So far there are 11 confirmed dead and many more missing and arrested. The government does not hesitate to torture those who are detained. Maduro has declared himself "pro-Palestine" to hide against an accusation, a movement so low and crawling that it is disgusting, since he is not interested in his own people.
In addition, they close access to social networks. We have to use VPN for some. They are also urging that the people accuse those who are in the protests with an app called VenApp (I already made a post about it)
Currently, many rumors are circulating that the CNE is falsifying minutes to give Nicolás Maduro as the winner, along with Chinese personnel (yes, I know, it sounds crazy, but it is what is apparently happening). In addition, there are reports of planes entering and leaving the country with the direction of Cuba, an ally of the Maduro regime. There are already photos of Cuban soldiers in favor of the regime circulating in the networks.
The Carter Center (the only observer authorized by the regime) ignored the results issued by the CNE and directly called them anti-democratic because they do not meet any international standard. The regime has no solid arguments.
They blamed North Macedonia for an alleged hacking of the CNE during the votes and the Macedonian government itself ignores and rejects such an accusation (I'm sure they didn't even know we had elections). This government is a narco-dictatorship, too, since they have strong connections with drug traffickers.
Again, the government has no arguments. They calls both María Corina and Edmundo “cowards”, but they hide behind a screen. They did not even celebrate the supposed victory as they have done before, they have not taken to the streets, because they know that they would kill them, something that they have done María Corina and Edmundo María Corina has the royal minutes and enabled a page so that Venezuelans can download and verify them: they are all Agree that they are true.
And Edmundo wins by an overwhelming majority. They have the support of almost 90% of the country. The regime is kicking.
Please don't let the Venezuelan voices go out or not be heard.
We don't want more dictatorship.
We want Nicolás to leave.
-------- SPANISH VER -------
Hola, escribo esto con el fin de informar a la mayoría sobre lo que está pasando en mi país, Venezuela, en caso de que no sepan. Disculpo si hay algo que está mal escrito, originalmente escribí esto en español y lo traduje al inglés.
El día 28 de julio de este año 2024 se llevaron a cabo elecciones “democráticas” donde los grandes candidatos eran Nicolás Maduro (del PSUV, parte del régimen chavista que lleva gobernando por 25 años la nación) y Edmundo González, de la oposición. Edmundo es una especie de suplente de María Corina Machado, líder de la oposición que SIEMPRE acusó a Chávez (antiguo presidente, amigo del dictador Fidel Castro) de ser un ladrón y dictador autoritario. El régimen chavista inhabilitó a María Corina para que no se presentara como candidata para las presidenciales, porque siempre le tuvieron miedo.
En la madrugada del 29 de julio, Elvis Amoroso, parte del CNE (Consejo Nacional Electoral), declaró que Nicolás Maduro era el presidente “electo” de la república con 51% de a favor; Edmundo tenía un 44%, según ellos. Esto sin que se hayan totalizado los votos y sin mostrar datos y fuentes fiables.
Para sorpresa de todos, María Corina tenía un as bajo la manga: en los centros de votación, las actas de votación fueron digitalizadas y respaldadas. En estos días se han estado mostrando todas las actas de votación y la realidad es otra: Edmundo Gonzáles tiene casi un 70 % (hasta donde vi, hasta ahora) a favor, mientras que Nicolás Maduro a duras penas llega al 30 %. Estas actas son OFICIALES y, más importante aún, VERÍDICAS. María Corina, es decir, la oposición, Comando Venezuela, tiene en su poder casi el 90% de las actas.
El resultado es claro: Edmundo González ES el presidente electo de Venezuela este 2024. Se cometió el fraude más grande en la historia de Latinoamérica, probablemente del mundo incluso.
¿Pero qué pasa?
El régimen no quiere reconocer los resultados. Se niegan a mostar las actas porque saben que perdieron. Están acusando a María Corina y a Edmundo de traidores y muchas cosas más. Es MUY IMPORTANTE ACLARAR que ni María Corina NI Edmundo llamaron a protestas o marchas violentas.
En la tarde del 29 de julio, comenzaron protestas en todo el país, tumbaron estatuas de Chávez, incluso. El pueblo está harto de la tiranía y quiere ser escuchado. Estas protestas comenzaron en el pueblo mismo, ningún líder opositor llamó a protestar de esta forma. Todos están hartos de este régimen. Incluso criminales en las zonas de los llanos y barrios se han unido al pueblo a protestar en contra de los resultados emitidos por el CNE. El gobierno ha comenzado a tomar represalias: encarcela a los testigos de mesa y a las personas que están participando en las protestas. Hasta ahora hay 11 muertos confirmados y muchos más desaparecidos y detenidos. El gobierno no duda en torturar a quienes están detenidos. Maduro se ha declarado “pro-palestina” para escudarse contra alguna acusación, un movimiento tan bajo y rastrero que es repugnante, ya que a él no le interesa su propio pueblo.
Además, cierran el acceso a redes sociales. Tenemos que usar VPN para algunas. También están instando a que el pueblo acuse a los que están en las protestas con una app llamada VenApp (ya hice un post al respecto)
Actualmente, circulan MUCHOS rumores de que el CNE está falsificando actas para dar como ganador a Nicolás Maduro, junto con personal chino (sí, lo sé, suena a locura, pero es lo que aparentemente está pasando). Además, hay informes de aviones que entran y salen del país con dirección a Cuba, aliado del régimen de Maduro. Ya hay fotos de militares cubanos a favor del régimen circulando en las redes.
El Centro Carter (único observador autorizado por el régimen) desconoció los resultados emitidos por el CNE y directamente los tildó de antidemocráticos porque no cumplen con ningún estándar internacional.
El régimen NO tiene argumentos sólidos. Culparon a MACEDONIA DEL NORTE, de un supuesto hackeo al CNE durante las votaciones y el mismísimo gobierno de Macedonia desconoce y rechaza tal acusación (estoy seguro de que ni sabían que teníamos elecciones). Este gobierno es una narcodictadura, también, ya que poseen fuertes conexiones con narcotraficantes. De nuevo, el gobierno NO TIENE ARGUMENTOS. Llama “cobardes” tanto a María Corina como a Edmundo, pero ELLOS se esconden detrás de una pantalla. Ni siquiera celebraron la supuesta victoria como han hecho antes, no han salido a las calles, porque saben que los matarían, cosa que sí han hecho María Corina y Edmundo
María Corina tiene las actas reales y habilitó una página para que los venezolanos podamos descargarlas y verificarlas: todos están de acuerdo en que son verídicas. Y Edmundo gana por una aplastante mayoría. Tienen el apoyo de casi el 90% del país. El régimen está dando patadas de ahogado.
Por favor, no dejen que las voces venezolanas se apaguen o no sean oídas.
No queremos más dictadura.
No queremos bonos, no queremos CLAP.
Queremos que se vaya Nicolás.
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skz-streamer · 1 year
Changbin As Reminders
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Simptober Reminders M-list
Pairing: Changbin (skz) x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff ;))))
Warnings: mention of food
Notes: wahhh, Chanbin if def the type to somehow memorize your schedule better then you, who needs the reminders app when you have him! <33333 tbh i dint rlly like this too much but its okayyyyyy
-please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately faceclaims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people
"Make sure to turn in that report!"
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You were comfortably nestled on the couch, engrossed in the TV show that had captured your full attention. The plot twists and dramatic dialogue had you completely absorbed, and you hardly noticed anything else around you. In your own little world of suspense and entertainment, you lost track of time.
Then, out of the blue, your phone buzzed, causing you to jump slightly in surprise. You glanced at the screen and realized it was a message from Changbin. This was unusual; he was usually in his own world when he was out with the boys, not bothering with his phone.
Curious, you clicked on the message, and your heart sank as you read the words: "Make sure to turn in that report!"
Oh no, you thought, your eyes widening in realization. You had completely forgotten about that report! Panic started to creep in as you wondered how you could have overlooked such an important task.
With a sense of urgency, you quickly typed out a response, trying to sound as composed as possible despite your racing heart. "Yeup! Working on it right now, thanks, Binnie!!"
In reality, you weren't working on it at all. In fact, you had forgotten that the report even existed. But you couldn't bear the thought of disappointing Changbin, who had always been so supportive and understanding.
You hurriedly pulled out your laptop and started to work on the report, your fingers typing furiously as you tried to make up for lost time. The minutes ticked away, and as the deadline loomed closer, you could feel the pressure mounting.
But somehow, with a surge of determination and a little bit of luck, you managed to complete the report just ten minutes before it was due. You let out a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over you.
As you submitted the report, you couldn't help but smile. Sometimes, Changbin's unexpected messages were like a timely wake-up call, reminding you of your responsibilities. You were grateful for his support, even when he didn't realize he was providing it
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The morning sun painted a soft glow across your bedroom as you lay wrapped in the comfort of your cozy blanket, still lost in the embrace of sleep. The world outside was already buzzing with activity, but in your haven of dreams, you were blissfully unaware.
As you enjoyed the last moments of rest, your phone chimed, breaking the tranquil morning silence. It was a message from Changbin, your thoughtful and caring boyfriend who was already heading to work. The message read, "Don't forget to turn in that report!" A warm feeling of gratitude washed over you as you read his message. He knew your schedule so well that he even remembered the little details of your work assignments.
You couldn't help but marvel at how he seemed to have an innate knowledge of your day-to-day life. You swore that you had only mentioned the report assignment once, and even then, it was only in passing. His attention to your needs and his ability to remember the things that mattered to you never ceased to amaze you.
With a soft smile, you reached for your phone and texted back, "Thank you, Bin," adding a heart emoji to convey the depth of your appreciation. His simple yet considerate gesture had already made your day brighter.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Changbin was on tour, and you missed him terribly. The distance between you two seemed insurmountable at times, but he always had a way of making you feel closer, even when he was miles away. He made it a habit to send you little love messages, reminders that he was thinking of you and that he was there, even in the midst of his busy schedule.
What amazed you the most was how he managed to time his messages perfectly. Despite being in different time zones, he always seemed to text you good night exactly at your bedtime, and his replies were lightning-fast, as if he had an uncanny sense of when you needed him the most.
One day, as you were engrossed in work, your phone chimed with a message from Changbin. "Don't forget to turn in that report!" it read. Your eyes widened in amazement. How did he know about the assignment that was due in just an hour? It was almost as if he had some kind of sixth sense.
Playfully, you texted him back, "Excuse me, sir, how did you know I have an assignment due?" The mystery of how he always seemed to know what was happening in your life fascinated you.
His reply came quickly, "Oh! I just know, don't worry about it, bun!"
You couldn't help but smile at his response. Changbin had a way of making you feel loved and cared for, no matter the distance. His ability to be there for you, even from afar, was something you cherished deeply.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Tags: @eee5533 @mixtape-racha @cherry-edibles @ren0325 @felixvsp @hwangrimi @sanriiolino  @painstakingly-juno @herarcadewasteland @dabiscrustyfeet @kai-jilee @sungiesoonie  @slvtty4channiee @revelaffee @buckys-pillow, @staygirl86 @chlodavids @jinnie-ret @bbygrlhannie @rebecca-johnson-28  @turtledove824  @interstellarairwaves @yearofthetiger25 @minhos4thkitty @fiqire @backintomykpopphaseagain @liknws @tinyelfperson @aaasia111 @yangbbokari
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floofiestboy · 6 months
Official DC App’s Voiced Stories: Amuro Tooru
The official Detective Conan app offers a number of voiced stories - short conversations between characters - to its premium subscribers. I translated all thirteen stories that include Rei. (Three of these are in the Akai post.)
Other characters that appear in these stories are Conan (10), Akai (3), Heiji (2), Kazami (1), Ran (1), and Vermouth (1).
Table of Contents
Voiced Stories: Akai Shuuichi
Voiced Stories: Amuro Tooru
How Old Are You, Amuro-san? (安室さん何歳?)
Heiji: "But I gotta say, I ain't been back here at Poirot since the case..."
Heiji: "Yer deductions sure were somethin' back then! You sure ya ain't sharper than old man Kogoro?"
Amuro: "Certainly not... I still have a long way to go."
Heiji: "Speakin' of which, how old are ya?"
Amuro: "I'm at least a zodiac cycle older than you, I'd say."
Heiji: "What'd ya say?! Yer that much older than us?"
Amuro: "Us? Conan-kun is an elementary schooler, no?"
Conan: "T-That's right! I'm an elementary schooler! Heiji-niichan, what are you saying? Hahaha..."
Heiji: "Right, yeah yeah! Sorry, my bad! It's just, when I'm with this kid, I can't stop feelin' like Kudo's right by my side! Hahaha!
Amuro: "Is that so? Hahaha."
Conan: (exhales) "That could've been bad. Geez..."
Amuro's Cooking Class (安室料理教室)
Amuro: "Yes, now all you need to do is cut it in half..."
Heiji: "Boo-yah, we got it done! Man, I'm beat..."
Conan: "Thank you, Amuro-san!"
Amuro: "It was nothing. I'd be happy to help you with something like this whenever you'd like."
Heiji: "Nah, was a huge help! Ya saved us! It ain't like we woulda managed crap with just me and 'im."
Conan: "Man, I couldn't believe it when I saw your cucumber wasn't even cut all the way through..."
Heiji: "Hey! Says the guy who couldn't even shred the cabbage! Ya cut it inta squares!"
Amuro: "Now, now, calm down. But what made you want to make sandwiches all of a sudden?"
Heiji: "Ah, that's, well... it ain't real important..."
Amuro: "What is it?"
Heiji: "Mm, ah, it's just... Kazuha and them, they said they wanted ta eat yer sandwiches... so I wanted ta make it myself, y'see? Ta see what the hype's 'bout..."
Amuro: "Oh? So that's why you cooked for your girlfriend and her friends?"
Heiji: "Ah, nah nah nah, we ain't like that! It's just, um... she was just super naggy 'bout it, yeah?"
Amuro: "It's nothing to be embarrassed of. I think it's quite lovely! To cook for your girlfriend, even though you're bad at it!"
Heiji: "Nah nah nah, I-I'm tellin' ya, we ain't like that! Geez..."
Conan: "...Ha ha."
Kazami's Observant Eye (風見の観察眼)
Kazami: "...That concludes my report. Shall we bring him in?"
Furuya: "No, we'll let him swim a little longer. At this rate, they'll cut him off and escape scotfree."
Kazami: "Understood. In addition, erm. That is..."
Furuya: "What is it? How many times have I told you to report any news straight away? Particularly bad news."
Kazami: "Y-Yes, sir! But ah, this isn't a report, per se... I'm aware this is quite impertinent of me, but Furuya-san... would you consider taking a short nap after this? You've, ah, looked quite wan these past few days."
Furuya: "Ha, I've still got a long way to go if I have you worrying about me. I won't deny we have a modest amount of time until our next meeting. The weather is quite nice today. Shall we rest in a nearby park?"
Furuya: "Kazami. You're coming too!"
Kazami: "Furuya-san, I will accompany you!"
Furuya: "It's been quite a while since I've relaxed outside like this. You ought to r- oh, hm."
Kazami: "What is the mat- gargh!"
Furuya: "Hey, you guys... you need to look around you before you play catch! It can be really dangerous if you hit someone by accident! Like it was just now."
Kazami: "The ball is here."
Kazami: (sniffs) "Please be more careful next time."
Furuya: "You ought to be more aware of your surroundings as well. What happened to your observant eye that caught my poor physical condition?"
Kazami: "I can say nothing in my defense."
Furuya: "Well, I suppose it's fine. It makes me more excited to whip you into shape."
Kazami: "P-Please be gentle with me."
Mediating a Fight (喧嘩の仲裁)
Conan: "Ouch, I guess I've got a cut inside my mouth too..."
Amuro: "Hey there, Conan-kun. Oh? Why are you injured?"
Conan: "Amuro-san! Are you out shopping for Poirot?"
Amuro: "Yes, that's right. And as for you, what case did you poke your nose into this time?"
Conan: "I didn't really poke my nose into it... I more got dragged into it. Some of my classmates started arguing about cleaning duty, and it devolved into a physical fight."
Amuro: "I see. So your injuries are marks of valour from your role in mediating their fight."
Conan: "Eheheh. I'm sure you would've been smarter about stopping them."
Amuro: "Mm, I wonder about that. I'd say I'd be the one fighting and needing to be stopped."
Amuro: "If my opponent's taunting me into a fight, then I'd have to take them up on it- and I'd end up in a fist fight. Right?"
Conan: "Huh?"
Amuro: "Just kidding! More importantly, show me your injuries. Let's treat them."
What's on the Menu? (メニューは?)
Conan: "Huh? Amuro-san?"
Amuro: "Hey there, Conan-kun. Are you shopping as well?"
Conan: "Yeah, Ran-neechan asked me to. Does 'as well' mean that you're shopping too?"
Amuro: "Yes, we're running low on ingredients at Poirot. I'll be using these ingredients to-"
Conan: "Ah, wait! Lemme guess what you're gonna make! ...um, you've got carrots and celery....?"
Amuro: "Then you've got thirty seconds on the dot, with no hints! Now then, let's see how you do."
Conan: "Huh? Um... carrots and celery, carrots and celery... mm... a stew?"
Amuro: "Incorrect. Ten seconds left..."
Conan: "Urgh, just wait... you're stocking up, so you're not only using these ingredients..."
Amuro: "Sadly, you've run out of time."
Conan: "Whaaat?!"
Amuro: "The correct answer is curry! Was it too difficult for Sherlock Holmes, who only ever eats meals made for him by Mrs. Hudson?"
Conan: "Celery in curry? I can't believe you'd do that..."
Amuro: "Hahaha, it's not a rare recipe. You ought to look it up. And besides..."
Conan: "And besides?"
Amuro: "I'd like our customers to enjoy eating it. It's my favourite food, after all!"
The Trick to Making Ham Sandwiches (ハムサンド作りのコツ)
Conan: "Is it really okay for me to be in the kitchen?"
Amuro: "Certainly! I'd welcome you anytime! But did you like my ham sandwiches that much?"
Conan: "Yeah! Ran-neechan tried to make them the other day, but they ended up a little different from yours..."
Amuro: "Oh, Ran-san did?"
Conan: "I think she made them just like you taught me before, but..."
Amuro: "I see... she did apply olive oil to the ham?"
Conan: "Yeah! She said she did!"
Amuro: "And... when mixing the miso with the mayonnaise, did she keep it to just a dash?"
Conan: "Yeah! I think that was fine too!"
Amuro: "The only thing left is... did she heat the lettuce in lukewarm water?"
Conan: "Ah... I don't know. I guess I'll double-check with her!"
Amuro: "That sounds good! By heating it a little, it retains its crispiness for a while even after putting it in the sandwich."
Conan: "Right! Thank you, Amuro-san!"
Amuro: "I'd love to try some as well once she succeeds!"
A Perfectionist? (完璧主義者?)
Conan: "I'm home! Ran-neechan, what's for dinner toni- huh, Amuro-san?"
Amuro: "Welcome home, Conan-kun. Ran-san is at the supermarket. She said she ran out of the beef she needed for the gratin she was making tonight. I volunteered to look after the place while she was gone... I'm sure she'll be back soon."
Conan: "I-Is that so? Why are you at the detective agency, Amuro-san? Kogoro-no-ojisan has something to do tonight- he isn't here."
Amuro: "I'm here for you today, not Mouri-san. Did you forget this book at Poirot?"
Conan: "Ah, I forgot to put it back in my bag when I left! Thanks, Amuro-san! You're a big help!"
Amuro: "You're most welcome. It's important to you, yes? You need to be careful not to lose it."
Conan: "Yeah! You don't seem like the type to lose things, huh. It's like, you never show any weakness... have you ever made a mistake?"
Amuro: "I wouldn't call myself a perfectionist or anything, you know. Let me think... nothing in particular comes to mind. Though I certainly made plenty of mistakes as a child."
Amuro: "Well, now then, I still have work to do. So I'll be leaving now."
Conan: "Okay! See you at Poirot!"
Karaoke Contest (カラオケコンテスト)
Amuro: "Welcome, Conan-kun."
Conan: "Hi, Amuro-san. Huh? What's that poster?"
Amuro: "Ah, it's a poster for our shopping district's New Year's event."
Conan: "An event? What kind?"
Amuro: "It's a karaoke contest. There are some luxurious prizes prepared, so the owner and Azusa-san are both pumped about going for the win."
Amuro: "Oh, right. This is a good opportunity- why don't you enter as well, Conan-kun?"
Conan: "Huh? Ah, I-I'd rather not."
Amuro: "I do think you have a good sense of rhythm. Look, the prize for the elementary school division is an imitation Holmes set!"
Conan: "W-Wow... ah, are you not going to participate, Amuro-san?"
Amuro: "Oh, I'll be working at Poirot. I do plan to close a little early to cheer on the owner and Azusa-san though."
Conan: "I see. I think I might go cheer them on too, then."
Amuro: "Oh, please do."
Advice About Part-Timing (バイトの相談)
Ran: "Excuse me, Amuro-san... could I get your advice on something?"
Amuro: "Certainly, as there's no other customers right now. Is something the matter?"
Ran: "I'm actually thinking of starting a part-time job... Amuro-san, what do you think of your job?"
Amuro: "My job? It's quite fun! But why?"
Ran: "I wanted to go out with Sonoko somewhere..."
Amuro: "I see... well, I feel as though you could excel in any part-time job, Ran-san!"
Ran: "I-Is that so?"
Amuro: "You're cute, and smart as well, no? You're Mouri-sensei's daughter, after all!"
Ran: "I wouldn't go that far..."
Amuro: "And you can do karate too! You may just be stronger than me!"
Ran: "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!"
Amuro: "Ahahahaha! It's a joke! I apologize, I pushed too far..."
Ran: "Geez! Be serious here!"
Have a Walking Stick Ready Before You Fall (転ばぬ先の杖)
Amuro: "Geez... no matter how much news is aired about cyber-terrorism, people won't stop using simple passwords... I'm appalled at how little they care for security despite being a government research institute..."
Amuro: "Though well, someone like me shouldn't be saying this."
Amuro: "Now then, I suppose it's about time for me to head b- who's there?!"
Vermouth: "Good work, Bourbon... my, you're more laid back that I thought."
Amuro: "Vermouth? Our meeting isn't for an hour yet, no?"
Vermouth: "I can't say I mind meeting at a hotel restaurant, but I felt I'd appreciate a drive in your passenger seat from time to time..."
Amuro: "You disguised as a research assistant for that reason alone?"
Vermouth: "Ha... better safe than sorry." [said in English]
Amuro: "I see, you mean 'have a walking stick ready before you fall'... I'd like to tell that to the supervisors of this research institute's system."
T/N: 'Have a walking stick ready before you fall' is a Japanese idiom equivalent to 'Better safe than sorry.'
How to Make Ham Sandwiches (ハムサンドの作り方)
Who’s the Culprit? (犯人は?)
Let’s Go to the Scene! (現場へ行ってみよう!)
(Refer to Voiced Stories: Akai Shuuichi)
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