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according2thelore · 2 days ago
Thoughts on omegaverse view on mated pair Sam/Dean?
My personal hc is that inter-family mates are like some sort of really dated tradition that died out and are generally negatively viewed in modern time. Also that Omegas biology allows for "diverse" offspring (idk, I'm not good in sciences hahah).
hi, anon! <3
i do ALWAYS have thoughts on mated pair samdean!
that's SUPER fair, and i think well-founded! omegaverse is so varied, that i tend to lean in this direction, too! it would make sense to me that intrafamily matings have fallen out of social favor, and are seen as more archaic as society isn't just a disparate group of packs anymore.
and haha that's totally okay--do you mean that omegas have more genetic variability (and therefore less genetic crossover between family) that allows their offspring to avoid the effects of inbreeding? that would be IDEAL, lol! i (clearly) enjoy omegaverse, but whenever sam&dean have a biological kid, i throw one up for the little guy.
as someone who works in/studies the sciences, i'd actually love to hear theories about alpha/beta/omega genetics, lol. even more varied recombination? different lengths of chromosomes? different numbers of chromosomes? repeated, repeated recombination? every trait being polygenetic? multiple copies of the same allele pair?
any way you work it, yeah, i'm on board, lol!
it's so hard to say when i think they would actually mate. you could make an argument for basically any point in their lives, and i would probably agree, except for pre-series (for omegaverse logistics reasons). i think these two absolutely play-mated until way after it was seen as acceptable. every sparring match would end with one of their mouths open against the other's mating bite like pups fighting for dominance, even after they both presented (panting & wide-eyed and then pushing each other off, grinning, eyes rolling like it's all a big joke despite the way their pulses roar in their ears), but never actually go through with it. i don't think sam could have/would have mated dean if he had every intention of leaving for stanford.
but like after jess's death? sure. after john's death? i believe it. after sam's death and before dean's deal? okay. before the pit or while sam was soulless or when sam was vulnerable afterwards or during the trials or during the mark of cain or after dean was turned back into a human or--you get it. i can see the vision!
personally, i've always been a little soft for late-seasons mated pair sam&dean. i have a bad case of the "old married couple" propaganda. i think if they got mated early on in the show that their mating bond would have broken, and they'd have to re-mate. since the death of one partner breaks a bond, it would be a constant back and forth of an endless, mind-breaking well of grief. plus, they betray each other and/or sleep with other plot-important people (e.g., jess, ruby, lisa, benny (hypothetically), amelia), which can't be great for the bond, lol.
i've always had the headcanon that even before they mate, they smell the same. not even like they smell mated--two distinct scents that mesh together--but like the same person. their scents are so co-mingled/blended that they don't even register as two different scents.
people don't notice until they're standing next to each other, and their noses wrinkle like "oh. ew. they're obsessed-obsessed with each other." it would complement how everyone in canon takes one look at them and assumes they're together. now, people will occassionally assume they're together, but as soon as they're standing in the same room, everyone thinks they've been mated for fifteen years, have four pups, and a mortgage kinda deal. when they're apart for long periods of time, you can start to tell them apart, but it vanishes the second they slide back together like two straining magnets.
in the vein of "intrafamily matings are looked down upon," i think this would manifest as people side-eyeing the alpha and approaching the omega. i'm personally partial to omega!dean, whom i think would sigh dreamily when someone implies that sam must've forced the mating and says "oh yeah he wants to keep me barefoot and pregnant all the time (a lie). isn't he so romantic?" just to fuck with people. then he would become indignant the longer people push. an omega!sam (in the early seasons) would scoff like "you think that dick could overpower me? yeah right." and in the late seasons would smile awkwardly and thank them for their concern, but...uh...he's fine. really.
i think it would get to the point where they don't go out of their way to say that they're brothers. they don't hide it, but it's not the first thing they bring up. hell, charlie doesn't even know until six years into knowing them when sam demands to be let into dean's hospital room because he's his brother. when sam shows his fake ID that matches dean's, they let him & charlie through, and she laughs awkwardly like "uh haha you could've just told them you're mated. they'd believe you." and sam smacks his hand on his forehead because fuck. yeah. in his mind, dean is Brother before he is Mate, since Brother covers pretty much every relationship he can imagine. Brother is Mate, in sam's brain, always has been. charlie takes the news pretty well, all things considered.
as kids, i also headcanon that dean swears up and down that he's going to mate sammy when they grow up. sam's eyes get all big and shiny and excited, like dean promised him a pony for his next birthday, and he babbles for hours about what their mating ceremony and future kids and house will look like. john immediately puts a stop to it, awkwardly, saying that brothers don't really mate brothers, anymore. not for a long time. sammy hides under the motel covers and cries for HOURS. it's very melodramatic, and dean does the facsimile of mated comfort, smashing his nose awkwardly into sam's neck where neither of them have a mating gland yet, telling sammy that dad doesn't even know what he's talking about, sam, honest.
poor sammy’s presentation/puberty is a NIGHTMARE because dean is Omega & Brother & Parent & An Asshole & Mate, so when dean does anything, sam has to do fourteen layers of processing. some alpha corners dean in a bar bathroom, and even though dean handles his own, sam takes the guy to the floor and beats him almost dead, his brain screaming HE’S MY and then silence because brotherbestfriendmatemomomegamine is too big a word to even process.
anyone who knows them in the later seasons (e.g., jody, claire, jack, kevin, rowena, cas) just kind of accepts this about them. they don't really know if it's just due to how enmeshed they grew up (especially in cases where they're both alphas, or both omegas, or one of them is a beta, etc.), or if it's something more, and honestly, they don't really care. they know that the other is the most important person in the their life, and that's kind of all they need to know. hell, even jody's not even sure until she sees sam get blasted away on a hunt and dean flips his shit, petting gently over sam's hair, frantic, groping hands on sam's legs and arms and chest, thumbing at his his mating gland and pressing sam's nose real slow and gentle into dean's neck next to his scent gland to calm sam down.
there's something really eldritch about them, besides. souls older than their bodies. so an archaic kind of bond makes sense. like, well i just saw sam make a blood oath to dean in a dark hallway and have physically seen dean gutting a goat for the ingredients to a spell so i completely buy that this is just their modus operandi.
it's a little inconvenient when they go out to a bar (before they're mated), and the girl dean's trying to pick up absolutely slaps the shit out of him when she catches a whiff of sam because they smell mated, and is dean trying to use her to get back at his mate?? pathetic.
as for specifically established-mating headcanons, i think alpha!sam takes off his shirts and immediately gives them to dean at the end of the day, because dean likes to wear them to sleep. sam takes off his flannel, strips off his henley, and passes the latter over to dean, who slips it over his freshly-showered head when it's still warm from sam's skin. dean loves the way it smells, and it keeps his nesting habit at bay. he gets embarrassed and angry when he feels the instinct to nest, but this is perfect, because dean feels warm and calm and smells sam all over his skin without having to raid the hamper or strip the sheets.
for omega!sam, i think he can't purr for a long time. i know purring has become a fringe omegaverse feature, but i remember my roots, baby, so i'm going that late seasons!sam lost the ability to purr for a really fucking long time. after jess's death, he just started purring before cold oak happened, and then can barely manage it in the lead-up to dean's deal coming due.
in the late seasons, after the cage and the absolute shit that comes out of it, dean hasn't heard his favourite little rumble in decades. sam can now barely produce slick, even. fresh-presentation sam used to curl up in dean's bed and purr like a fucking motorboat, rubbing his face in dean's sheets.
and it's not until a long, decidedly-asexual evening of sam bundled on the couch in front of a rerun, with sam's nose buried in dean's neck and dozing for hours, dean's hand in his hair and stomach full and feet warm and chuck long dead--and after months of dean trying in his distinct dean-way of pampering the fuck out of him with trips to unique libraries and hours-long sex and small gifts left in his hands like a cat leaves dead animals on a doorstep--does sam's next exhale sound like a little purr.
dean freezes, his hand stilling in sam's unwashed hair. it gets stronger, as sam tucks the cold tip of his nose so it drags against dean's warm skin, and dean has tears in his eyes as he hauls sam's stupid fucking mile-long legs over his lap. sam--his mate--feels safe. truly safe, and content, and warm, for the first time in decades.
omega!dean's purr, on the other hand, is rusty, like a chainsaw. it sounds a bit like snoring, when he manhandles sam in bed until he's the perfect pillow, then digs his sharp chin into sam's shoulder. sam's so in awe and adoring that little cartoon hearts float above his head and pop when they hit the headboard. to him, this is the purr that would coax him to sleep as long as he's been alive, so it's like four hits of isoflurane--that is to say, it completely knocks him the fuck out-- as soon as he hears it.
dean used to use this strategically, when sam was still reeling from the cage memories, and would pin sam down and purr at him until sam went completely lax and loopy.
that's also how he knew nothing was at it first appeared when sam was soulless: dean tried to help him go to sleep by having sam lay on his chest, between his legs, and purr gently with a hand in his hair like he hadn't since sam was fresh out of cold oak. and sam just blankly blinked at the wall, completely awake and unaffected for hours.
okay damn we covered a lot of bases here today! purring, genetics, scents, play-mating, mating timelines.
thank you so much for this ask, anon! clearly, i have a lot to say about omegaverse samdean, lol. hope your day is lovely!
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silkythewriter · 1 year ago
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Vox and alastor with an undeserving to be in hell reader!
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Fandom!: Hazbin hotel!
Author note!;I THINK TUMBLER ACTUALLY HATES ME (メ﹏メ)(。•́︿•̀。)it keeps not letting me edit my drafts, it’s happened like 3 times already this week alone!,…BUT ANYWAY I LOVE THIS IDEA I REALLY HOPE YOY ENJOY!!!!♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Summary!: alastor and Vox x reader WHOs I. Hell for a minor sin/crime
❤️Written by silkythewriter do not steal or repost any other platform please! <3❤️
“Each time I find myself
Flat on my face
I pick myself up and get back in the race!”
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When you first admitted what you did that counted as a “sin” he was flabbergasted! He thought they must’ve made a mistake. All be it one that was in favor since he got to be damned with you. But still!
Out of every monster known to man kind one who’ve committed acts that are despicable. You, one who can barely hurt a damn fly get sent with them?
At first he thought you were genuinely just joking. And he actually laughed! Like audible chuckled before waiting for the actual reason, which never came, and he soon realized you were being serious!
He always questioned why you use to refuse to kill, or at least scare people into respect. But then you explained how you refused to be like the rest of the sinners.
He utterly dumb founded you made it this far without spilling a bit of blood, at least for survival!
He becomes more overprotective as if he wasn’t before, good luck with that!
Cause now he knows your rules, he knows you won’t budge. Nothing would get you to change your mind. So he made sure to keep eyes on you 24/7, you may be nice, but the other sinners in this damned place definitely aren’t. And he knows that from experience
Would neither confirm or deny he put a small tracker in an item you carry every where.
This man has enemy’s as you’ve seen, demons, overlords, rival company’s, it’s a headache an a half for him. Not that he hates protecting you and your values! No never!, but the nerve of the people who think they even have a chance to lay a hand on you.
Gives you the lastest phone from his series, and yes he will text you and blow up ur phone up if he can see you through cameras around the city.
Even if you put it on silent he wouldn’t put behind himself to over load it and just show up on your phone screen.
Sometimes he’s just so confused how you can be so nice, or at worst passive to those who are poking at you. He thinks your a saint, even if you aren’t, an maybe you have a short temper still the way you hold yourself form blowing up is astonishing!
Sometimes he jokes about how if you were to go to Charlie you would be redeemed in a day. And at night sometimes he thinks about it and it scares him to know there’s a possibility for you to go where he will probably never be able to follow you too
He loves you to the depths and the crooks of hell, and he’ll be damned again if he lets anyone hurt you. He sees you as a small soft light in the red cover world, and he will do anything before anyone can put out that light.
He makes sure to keep a good distance between you and Val, a BIG distance.
He’s always on the edge about people around you, how can’t he? He can’t trust all these “disgusting and repulsive” sinners in hell around you. The thought alone cringes him out and stresses him.
He knows to some degree he isn’t exactly better then them sin wise, but he makes sure to do his best for you while infornt of you, he cares about his image, and wouldn’t be afraid to scare someone into discipline. BUT he will tone it down, just for you ♥(⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)♥
He has you under wraps, from the public eye in this case. As much as he’s one to show off his earnings, he loves you a little to much and knows well people will use you as a advantage. He loves to show off but you something just for him behind close doors for now before he can work something out
NOW if the public were to already know, he show off by showing how untouchable you were, demons knew better to approach you seeing as how fast he is to get rid of those stupid enough to try something.
Overall he respects your morals of not wanting to stoop as low as other sinners. But it dose make him more protective of you, your like a rare gem. There’s only a handful of people like you, and even then the numbers decrees daily, so he dose his most to make sure you safe and happy <3
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Like Vix he humors it at first! Playing around with it before Laughing with his usual staticky voice as he stared at you with his unnerving smile. You guys quite literally stared at each other for a hot minute waiting for the other to say something.
It took you clearing your throat for him to realize you weren’t just trying to get a chuckle outta him.
And for the first time since you met him you caught a hint of confusion, making you explain that it was genuinely what you did.
He quite literally burst out laughing, you, someone who probably did something everyone did once is in this horrid place stuck with the horrid monsters ever! Just for that single act alone.
He will admit he found it a bit amusing how you refused to kill or lay a hand on anyone. Refusing to stoop to other people’s levels. Now that for him is pure gold of entreatment! He’s seen people like you, say the same exact thing then crumble when backed I to a Corner.
But for the first time, for all the decades he’s been damned here, he’s seen you stick to what you’ve stated. You were very much quite a spectacle!
Now finding new amusement, he decided to protect you, cause someone like you were sure to be a one time experience. Aside from loving you of course
Now with your name being accosted with him alone is a shield in if its self. Barely any one approached you, aside from those playing with their afterlives of course.
If you ever feel a looming shadow or presence it’s most likely one of his shadows. Like Vox he is gonna have his eyes on you almost always
Although he loves you he will play around to get a reaction out of you. All for the fun of it!, he knows you cringe when he talks about his cannibalism tendencies he just loves seeing your cute little face scrunch up!
Even though with all of that he is a gentleman and will make sure no one is to bother you.
He’s quite impressed you made it this far without getting killed, I mean of course you have him but if you arrived to hell and didn’t met him immediately he’d be quite impressed and surprised one you both do meet
He indulges himself in the horrible aspects of hell, with no remorse or shame what so ever either. So although he dose respect your wishes he won’t stop or calm down his tendencies.. (;へ:)but on the bright side he’ll make sure your far away or he goes off to other part of the city and do whatever he wishes. But your likely to see on the news either way… ( ̄▽ ̄💧
He dose enjoy the more civil and nice talks he has with you though! He finds it nice to take a break from all the crude talk on the street from other sinners and have a nice conversation!
Great listener let me tell you, he’ll happily sit there as you explain your day away! He honestly enjoys hearing you genuinely happy!, although his a chatter box himself but he enjoys listening to you more then anyone or anything else!
Watches you be nice to the most repulsive, and rude demon like it’s nothing. Even when disrespected you find a way to calm down the situation and nicely at that. Of course the demon doesn’t live long once their out of your sight, but still! He’s pleasantly surprised.
He finds it rather weird that your nice just for the sake of being nice but still it’s definitely a nice refresher from all the horrible people down in hell!
You catch his eye rather quickly with how you stick out from others (in a good way! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ) and his eyes end up on you, you mainly have all his attention almost always if he isn’t off doing something!, your his light just live Vox he’ll make sure you’ll shine bright as ever and won’t go out.
Not everyone can catch it but in some rare moments he’ll be seen just staring at you as you happily talk away to Charlie. And for the smallest second you can see his unnerving smile turn into a soft smirk, eyes only on you and his mind filled with only you. This happens on the regular, it’s just he’s quick to cover up so no one sees!
Overall he loves you, even with some differences between your views he’ll still do his best to make you comfortable. Aside from teasing you here and there! But other then that he’ll protect you, your one of kind. And he loves having things no one else can.
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healmydesires · 6 months ago
no bc i know damn well X1 or X2 logan would go until he was grunting and whimpering in your ear from accidentally overstimulating himself…
OH DEFINITILY… he’d be whimpering so much. especially after going round after round after round 🤤 UGHHHH I’m going insane 😭 this ask truly inspired me to write it … because you’re so real!
I normally don’t really write drabbles but hey I had to write it soooooo! enjoy 🩷
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getting no sleep ꕤ (l.h)
pairing: logan howlett x reader
summary: what the ask says tbh! logan gets overstimulated while having sex.
genre: smut (mdni! 18+)
word count: 684 (it’s a lil drabble owo)
warnings: porn no plot, overstimulation (both but mainly logan ngl), unprotected piv, creampie, breeding kink kinda oops, dirty talk
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“God you’re so warm—fuck—so wet,” Logan mumbles on, rambling without a thought, too enveloped in the feeling of your walls wrapped around his cock. You feel every inch of him as he fucks you raw, completely bare. He’s been fucking you round after round after round.
“Logan,” you whine, various cries spilling from your gaping mouth.
“Come on baby,” Logan’s words are slurred from the haze of his own pleasure, recognizing your familiar clench around his length as he keeps plunging inside your tight cunt.
“Lo,” you keen, feet pushing him closer to you as you both mewl in sensitivity. He gasps when you pulse around him, wanting him to spill his load inside of you, needing to see him fall apart. 
His abs are clenching, Logan’s whimpering above you as you tightened your walls around his cock. “Babyyyy, you’re killin’ me.” His head tipping back as loud groans and wines are spilling from his slacked jaw, “fuck baby that feels so good—” he chokes out, as he runs his hands over your body.
Soon he leans down to capture your lips in a passionate kiss, groaning and whimpering against your mouth. The kiss is so messy; whenever you would pulse around him, his jaw would fall open, and his pretty hazel eyes would roll back in his head.
“Fuuuuck, I am—shit—so close, fuck—” He moans into your mouth, Logan’s body jerks when you clench particularly hard around his cock.
“Christ,” He let his chin fall back down, jaw slack and eyes heavy as he watches his dick disappear inside your tight pussy. You feel his cock twitch as you pulse around him.
The burning ache you are feeling begins to disintegrate as you feel your orgasm approach, gripping onto the sheets, his hands, anything that can stabilise you. “Fuck, Lo—” you whimper as tears stream down your puffy cheeks, drool leaking from the edges of your mouth as you feel yourself release the pent up pleasure. Your orgasm sweeps you in a vicious wave of euphoria, thighs trembling as you moan softly underneath Logan. Your pussy gushing all around his dick and over his lower abdomen.
“Ah fuck—” he whimpers, pushing himself up as he thrusts deeper into you, the head of his cock hitting your cervix repeatedly. “Are you gonna take my cum like a good girl? Let me fill you up until you’re full and messy?”
You visibly shiver at his words, mouth dropped open in awe as you watch him, nodding along. “Please, please Logan...”
“Fuck, take it baby.” He whimpers. It washes over him instantly, hips stuttering into you as he grows desperate, eyes squeezing shut when he feels his cock throb inside of you before hot spurts of his cum splash along your walls, painting them in ribbons of white. The feeling makes you hum, limbs limp on the bed as he shallowly thrusts into you, making sure you take every last drop. 
His whole body is practically buzzing, long legs shaking from the intensity of your combined orgasms, mind feeling like jello as the aftershocks run through his body.
“Fu-uuuck baby,” he whines, biting his lip hard as he watches you try to keep up with his orgasm flooding your pussy.
When the stimulation starts becoming too much for him; and right when your vision comes back to you, he pulls his cock out of you. His hips pull away from yours while his index and middle finger pushes his cum back inside of your quivering hole making you whimper loudly, his two fingers basking in the aftermath before he lets his body slump against your own. 
“We gotta clean this mess up, huh?” You whisper with a playful smirk.
Logan groans as he wraps his arms tighter around your body. “Later,” he grunts, making you giggle.
“Glad I’m not always the only one getting overstimulated here.” 
“Respectfully baby, shut up.” He mumbles as he nuzzles his head in the crook of your neck.
Another fit of giggles escape you at his behaviour. 
Who would have thought, that the roles would be reversed one night?
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thanks for reading <3 mwah
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rinneverse · 1 year ago
pspspsp,,, do you perhaps have a spare boothill thought or two ,, sfw or nsfw,,,
i most certainly do have a few spare boothill thoughts! mostly nsfw ( ¬‿¬) walk with me nonnie… heheheh this got a wee bit too out of hand and i dropped WAY more than a few thoughts (and i am also tipsy, so i apologize in advance if something doesn't make sense) regardless, i hope u rlly like this :3
cw. assorted boothill x f!reader thoughts, manhandling, biting, improper use of a lasso (bondage!), mentions of overstim, lack of stamina is a foreign concept to boothill, talk of cyborg dick and artificial cum, creampies. not proofread in the slightest if there are typos no there's not
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𓆩♡𓆪 the thing about boothill is how unafraid he is of manhandling you. while he's aware that humans are much more fragile than he, he knows your limits like the back of his hand and he knows what you can handle. you can take him like a big girl, can't you?
𓆩♡𓆪 he'll fold you in half, put you in all sorts of positions, toss you over his shoulder and pat your plush ass with a smug laugh. if you decide you want to ride him and get all tuckered out, thighs burning, the moment you're whining and babbling for his help he's already on it. big hands envelop your waist as he moves you to his whims.
𓆩♡𓆪 boothill likes to see you pleasure-drunk, entirely fucked out by the time he's done with you. he can go for as long as you need, baby; you just have to say the word. he can eat you out for hours, fuck you for double that, and still have enough energy to take care of you afterwards.
𓆩♡𓆪 cyborg sex has the potential to really get freaky tbh... he's definitely had chats with you about different 'attachments...' whatever you're into. he's definitely figured out which size makes you cum the most, and will indulge your every whim—especially when you shyly ask him "baby... can we go bigger?" (if he still had a human body, his dick would be rock fucking hard right now.) he's definitely looked into vibrating attachments. great heavens.
𓆩♡𓆪 SPEAKING OF attachments he's looked into: boothill has definitely found a way to creampie you. the tipping point for him deep diving into this was when you were just whinin' so pretty for him, begging for more, and you had let it slip that you wished so bad for him to be able to cum into you. lo and behold, he finds a solution and he surprises you by cumming deep in your aching cunt one night. the two of you definitely make a mess of your bedsheets by the end of the day (and you probably had the most earth-shattering orgasms you've ever had in your life).
𓆩♡𓆪 the day you finally asked him what his teeth would feel like, boothill's grinning like a maniac. he won't bite so hard that it hurts too much, but he knows how much you like the power he holds over you. sharp teeth sink into flesh, followed by a hot tongue that laves over the mark adoringly.
𓆩♡𓆪 another day he indulged you... there was one time he noticed you eyeing the lasso that hangs at his hips. he smiles wolfishly at you and asks, "like what you see, darlin'?" he's surprised when you shyly nod your head and look up at him with sweet doe eyes and asks if maybe... he'd consider using it in the bedroom?
𓆩♡𓆪 and oh, he did. he considered it maybe a little too hard (he jerked himself off far too many times that day). when the time came for him to use it on you, he was fiending. he ties your wrists to the bedposts and just goes to town, treating your cute body like a pretty little cum dump. he's definitely a big fan. especially when you can't run away from all the pleasure he wants to give you <3
𓆩♡𓆪 he doesn't look it, but i think he provides good aftercare. he knows how fragile the human body is firsthand: that's why he's a cyborg now. he'll take care of you. without fail, every time he's done with you, you're practically a puddle, exhausted and jelly-boned, and boothill is scooping you up into his metal arms. and yet despite the cool metal pressing against your flesh, you feel warm. maybe it's just the love pouring out of his every action, the way he treats your body with absolute reverence and adoration as he cleans you up and gets you ready for some rest.
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please don't repost on other platforms. rbs and comments are super appreciated ♡ !!
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ssweetleaf · 6 months ago
smutty thoughts about joel? well. that man loves pussy, loves eating pussy, could spend hours between his girl's thighs if she let him. he's obsessed. it's his favorite treat after a long and tiring day of work/patrol, his favorite thing to do to de-stress, his favorite everything. joel gets home stressed and tired and is immediately like "can I eat you out???". it's for his pleasure just as much as it is for your pleasure. sometimes that's all he wants to do, sometimes that's all he needs to do (because I'm sure he's definitely cum untouched before while eating pussy).
meowwwww!! anon, THIS is what i asked for <33
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“Come on, moonshine, open up,” he’d coo, all syrupy sweet and nuzzling at your belly, his callused hands would push at your knees, eager and practically salivating for your pretty cunt. “need to see ‘er.”
After a long day, providing for you both, his grumpy demeanour completely softens when he catches sight of the pretty pearl of your clit, all glistening and peaked ready for him to suckle into his mouth— arousal would just be gushing from you, keeping you slick and ready, clenching around nothing from just the thought of his fat tongue prodding at your walls and swallowing you down.
“There ya go, atta girl,” he’d hum, eyes sparkling, pressing his nose right against your slit, inhaling crudely— so obscene and filthy. “Gotta give your ole’ man what he needs.”
And despite his achy knees and terrible back— that’d constantly pop out of place or seize up whenever he’d lay between your thighs and feast on your pretty pussy— he’d lay there for hours, forgetting the pain, forgetting the apocalypse, just far too intent on gulping down your slick and having you cum over and over and over and over and over an—
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atzhrts · 2 months ago
pls pls pls more horny zb1 texts those are so so so good😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
tysm pooks 🤞🏻
references in gyuvins & haos. look up “tati westbrook time and place” if you don’t get haos and “070 was so sweet and willing” if you don’t get gyuvins
for some reason my auto correct keeps wanting to make them british 😞 ricky is supposed to say “my” not “me”
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arieslost · 10 months ago
getting shy and covering your face while lando puts you in missionary, but he just LAUGHS AT YOU and peels your hands away, claiming that he wants to see your beautiful face when he’s fucking you
the first thing you ever noticed about lando norris was how beautiful his eyes were. the second thing you noticed about him was how intense those eyes were when they’re looking directly at you.
you thought it was hard enough to be on the receiving end of his unrelenting eye contact when you were simply having a conversation, but then you truly learn how hard it is when you sleep with him.
the both of you are certainly experimental, but lando loves nothing more than putting in all the work in order to make you feel good, so missionary is his go-to position, surprising as that may be. and you have yet to be fully okay with the way he stares at you like you hung the moon and the stars while he’s fucking you. not that you don’t like it— you’re just shy, and those gorgeous eyes of his can be overwhelming. lando thinks it’s funny that you still try to hide.
it’s gotten to the point where he can’t contain his laughter, bordering on condescension, every time you try to hide from his gaze when he has your back on the mattress, hips grinding against yours and eyes mapping every inch of your face like it’s the first time he’s looking at you. you still have the audacity to cover your face, and he won’t have it.
“i don’t think so, pretty,” he’ll laugh, wrapping one large hand around both of your wrists and lifting your hands from your face to above your head. “if you wanna come tonight, you have to look at me.”
you whine in response, face heating up both from his words and overwhelm at how he’s looking at you.
“need to see your beautiful face,” he continues, movements picking up to a faster pace. “no hiding, yeah?”
at this, you’ll make a feeble attempt to free your wrists from his grasp. to no avail, of course. he’ll just laugh more, leaning down to kiss you, and if you don’t open your eyes when he pulls away, then he’ll stop everything he’s doing and wait until he gets his way.
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mommyslittlebird · 22 days ago
the puppy one is so cuuuuute please do more of it if you would!!! my mind is filled with wanda coming home to pup!reader who gets all excited about mama coming home, who gets jealous just smelling the hint of another pup on wanda 😭😭
(I love this! Let me know if you have any more puppy prompts!)
“Mama! Mama!” You run to the front door jumping up and down in front of her. “Mama you’re home!”
“Carefully, little puppy,” she laughs. “You’re gonna hurt yourself if you keep noodling around like that.” She picks you up and kisses your head several times until you wiggle out of her arms in favor of running in circles around her.
“Mama I misseded you so much today!” You say excitedly.
“You did?” She asks, squatting in an attempt to calm you down. “Were you a good puppy while mama was gone?”
You nod excitedly. “I-I ated breakfast. And then I playeded in the yard. And there was so many bunnies and I didn’t kill any of them! Just like you taughted me mama!”
Wanda chuckles, glad to see you were making use of your new puppy door and not leaving her any dead rabbits. She picks you up, pulling you into a tight hug and gently scratching behind your ears. She carries you to the couch, sitting down with you in her lap. You melt into her arms… until you catch a whiff of something on her clothes. It was faint but unmistakable. Another dog.
You frantically pull away and sniff down the rest of her clothes. You sit back on your haunches, your bottom lip quivering as you confirmed the source of the smell.
“Aww, baby what’s wrong? Talk to mama,” she soothes, cupping your chin and giving it a little scratch.
“You played with another puppy today?” you squeak, nearing tears.
She makes a face of realization. “I was over at Tasha’s today with Bowie. You’ve met Bowie, remember baby?”
You do remember Bowie, Natasha’s German Shepherd hybrid. They were a retired army dog. Very big. Very strong. Very well behaved. You nod, curling up sadly in her lap. “Do you love them more than me, mama?”
“No, sweet pea,” she soothes, holding your face in her hands. “You’re my favorite puppy in the whole world, remember? Mama doesn’t love any other puppies as much as she loves you.”
“Are you sure?” You ask, rubbing your head against her chest.
“I’m positive, baby. You’re mama’s favorite puppy,” she reassures.
She laughs as you start to walk back and forth over her lap, pressing your entire body into hers. You rub your face and ears everywhere, on her shirt, in her lap, on her neck, on her arms. You flop awkwardly as you attempt to crawl over her lap with your head dragging against her thighs. “What are you doing baby?”
“Making sure all the other puppies know that you already have a puppy at home so they don’t try and come home with you,” you reply.
Wanda sighes in acquisition. If you needed to mark her to feel better, she would let you. “Okay, honey. Just no tinkling on mama.”
“Not even a tiny bit?”
“Absolutely not.”
Puppy Collection
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hoe4hotchner · 4 months ago
Hey can you do more of Aaron x non bau rich fem!reader. Like maybe with jack
ANON!!!! I’m just out here living my rich stepmom life now, okay? Jack is so cute!!!! I swear I’m weak for domestic Hotch | WC: 423
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Inside the living room, you sat on the floor, surrounded by colorful art supplies, while Jack busily worked on his latest school project. The grand space, often reserved for elegant soirées and refined gatherings, had been transformed into a cozy art studio for the day, with large sheets of paper spread out, and markers and paint scattered everywhere.
Jack, his little face scrunched in concentration, held up his creation for you to see. “What do you think?” he asked eagerly, showing off a drawing of what appeared to be a dragon, flying over a castle that looked suspiciously like your home.
You smiled warmly, leaning closer to inspect the details. “It’s perfect, Jack! I love how fierce the dragon looks. You’re getting really good at this. I'm sure your teacher will be impressed with your skills and give you a gold star for the fairy tale topic!” you praised, reaching out to ruffle his hair affectionately.
Jack beamed at your words. “I think Dad’s going to like it, too,” he said, glancing toward the doorway where Hotch had been watching the two of you quietly, his expression soft.
Aaron’s voice cut through the gentle ambiance. “I’m sure I will,” he said, walking into the room and joining you on the floor. His suit jacket was off, and his tie loosened for the first time all day, but he looked relaxed.
“Dad, look! I made the dragon like the one from the book you read to me last night,” Jack explained, already diving into another story about his creation.
You exchanged a fond look with Aaron, who smiled at the scene. This — these simple moments — they were everything to him. “I think we have a true artist on our hands,” Aaron said, his hand gently resting on your shoulder as he sat down beside you, his eyes were full of affection for the both of you.
You grinned, pulling Jack into a little side hug. “I’d say so. I think we'll need more wall space for all of his masterpieces though,” you teased, already scouting which painting you'd have to take down. It made Jack giggle.
Aaron chuckled softly too, his arm slipping around your waist as he looked between the two people he cared for most. It wasn’t the opulence of the mansion or the high-profile life that mattered to him — it was the warmth of the family you had created, the quiet joy of being together, and the love that effortlessly filled the room every time you were together.
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spirit-doll · 1 month ago
For no particular reason I think you should know that in my brain the beasts are like forearm sized and can shrink themselves if so desired but stilm. Huge motherfuckers. I think you specifically should know about my way of thinking. You should think it too. Because it's funsies.
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If i understand u correctly.
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Wow, guys! I already have 900 followers! thanks everyone! it was fast.. really fast! U make me happy every day! Btw, i passed on of the exams yesterday and i have to wait for the results now. Ill pray thats i pass it.
Love u all (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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silkythewriter · 1 year ago
I had an idea for a few headcanons you could do if ya want—
Maybe Sir Pentious with a reader who is so obviously in love with him, and keeps pining over him while literally everyone else but Sir Pentious himself can tell they like him? Like he's just really oblivous until reader finally straight up tells him.
Sir Pentious with a clearly in love reader!(●’◡’●)❤︎︎
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Warnings!: Non!
Fandoms!:Hazbin hotel!
Summary!: reader who’s clearly in love with our favorite snake demon
❤️Written by silkythewriter Do not steal or repost on any other platform please! ❤️
“Call me, you can call me
Boy, just call me (call me, call me)
While you stalling, I'm evolving
I'd give all me”
!🐍✨Sir Pentious✨🐍!
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First of all, just to get out of the way, THIS MAN IS OBLIVIOUS!!!!, Autism be damned my boy can pull without even telling!!!!!
No but in all seriousness he is oblivious to your obvious longing for him.
Everyone can see you giving him shy longing stares only for him to be ranting about his latest invention. Not only would he not be able to tell but he’d always think your just being nice!
Of course he’s crushing hard behind his bedroom door to his little eggs. Happily stating and going on rambles of how gorgeous you looked today. He’d state everything! From the new hair style you tried to the new piece of clothing you bought and wore. When I mean he notices everything I mean it, but for some reason he can’t pick up on your obvious love for him.
The way he could stare in your eye as you tell him he looks breathtaking and still think you mean it just to be nice is astonishing. OF COURSE HES BLUSHING AND KICKING HIS TAIL, but he can’t bring himself to think you like him anymore than just friends!
He’d go to his egg boys and sadly rant on how you’ll only see him as friend. And the egg boys all share one Brain cell so they can’t tell you like him aswell!, maybe they might accidentally spill, or almost spill the secret of him liking you but he quickly knocks them away before you can make sense of what their saying.
All the residents watch as you do your best to drop hints only for him to complete miss it. Even angel cringes as he watches him completely be oblivious to the obvious flirting, it’s take Charlie and Vaggie to stop him from pointing out the obvious.
Husk almost always gives Sir Pentious as gaze of just utter confusion and tiredness.
He’d gladly take flowers from you that you gifted him and take care of it for weeks on end without realizing the romantic gesture!
Alastor, as always finds it humorous, although he usually doesn’t indulge himself in romantic like things he’s find it hilarious. “Even with three eyes he still can’t see the obvious! Ha!”
Charlie tries to help to the best of her ability to help guid him the right direction but it’s just end up with him more confused. Vaggie just face slaps internally,
honestly the whole crew wasn’t having high hopes for him as dim as that is. , look! He ain’t bad looking, but not many people would prefer his clumsy self, so they were honestly hoping he’d figure it out before you possibly moved on.
Even when your upset at the obvious frustrating situation he’s still be confused while trying to do his best to comfort you.
“Well I think the man isss clearly as dumb as a rock!”
It took you starring dead in his eyes for him to question if you were alright. Before you stated it was him
The way he just stood staring at you in pure disbelief, before snapping out of it and embarrassed as his previous words. But after the said embarrassment he’s full with giddy, why of course you love him!, he’s the great sir pentious!
Yea his embarrassment would quickly turn into pride, considering he got someone as beautiful as you to fall for him.
Definition of a clumsy gentlemen, he’d open doors so fast it’d smack him in the face, or pull when it’s a push door and be confused why it’s not opening.(´ω`💧)
He’s just a silly lil guy! (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
I feel like the crew in the hotel would be relief to find he finally figured out.
At the end of the night he’s squealing like a high school girl as he rambles to his egg boys about you in a new light!.
He’s gift you small little trinkets or happily spend hours with you talking!
He’s as lovesick as your are! He’s just a bit dense when it comes to accepting the fact you love.
It’s like the roles switched! Now he’s daydreaming-ly staring at you happy to have you as his, and him a yours.
Like I’ve said before! He’s a total drama queen, he can’t help it!, deny him a kiss teasingly? He’s crumbling down to the ground and holding his chest as if he just had a heart attack! (¬_¬)
He’s not at all secretive of his love for you, even if he wants to, to keep his image “professional”, he just can’t help and dote on you!
overall he’s a big dote and softy even if he tries to hide it, loves you with his whole being! ( ˘ω˘ ) He can a be a bit over the top sometimes but you’ll come to accept it! And hey who wouldn’t want a silly snake demons who’s tripping over their tail for you. Yea you got him in and over his head but he wouldn’t have it any other way. The roles have truly reversed(≖ᴗ≖✿)
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musicforastylesrestaurant · 12 days ago
Hey! How about an imagine where Harry’s little daughter has a cold and only wants to be with her dad? He cancels everything to take care of her—singing, telling stories, and showering her with love. In the end, she falls asleep on his chest, and he smiles, feeling how much he loves being a dad.
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Kisses And Cuddles.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here!!
authors note - writing this whilst currently suffering from a cough and a cold lol, the change in weather always does this to me. 😭 what i would do to have a cuddle from harry. 😮‍💨
word count - 2.2k
in which, your at work (much to your dismay) and harrys at home looking after your poorly two year old, who got sent home from nursery the other day with a temperature, and harry goes into full on nurse mode, giving loads of kisses and cuddles, and nursing her back to full health.
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It was a quiet Wednesday morning, and whilst you’re at work—much to your dismay—your husband Harry is home with your daughter.
She’s not feeling well, her little body weighed down by a stubborn cough and cold, and though you hate being away, you know she’s exactly where she wants to be. She’s always been a daddy’s girl, but when she’s sick, there’s no question—she only wants him.
It’s endearing, really, the way she melts into his arms, the way he instinctively knows how to soothe her in a way no one else can.
Downstairs, Harry moves through the kitchen, making himself a coffee, and a bottle of warm milk simultaneously, the soft hum of the machine filling the quiet space.
The baby monitor rests on the breakfast bar, the screen black for now, but he keeps it close, his ears always tuned in. He doesn’t need it, though—not really. He’d know the moment she needed him, like it’s something built into his bones.
It was yesterday when the phone rang, you and Harry were watching re-runs of The Only Way Is Essex, when your phone rang.
You frowned, glancing at the screen.
It was The nursery.
Your stomach tightened as you quickly answered.
“Hi, It’s Jenny from Little Moments, I’m just calling regarding your little girl.” a gentle voice spoke on the other end.
“She’s not feeling well—she’s got a temperature of 39.4 and refused her lunch and was coughing a lot. She’s been l quite unsettled. We think it’d be best if someone could collect her as soon as possible.”
Your heart sank.
“Oh, poor baby,” you murmured, already pushing your chair back. “I’ll be there soon.”
Harry’s brows knitted together as you hung up. “What is it?”
You sighed, grabbing your coat. “The nursery. She’s got a temperature, they want us to pick her up.”
Harry was on his feet in an instant, already slipping on his shoes. “I’ll drive.”
Harry twists the lid onto the bottle of warm milk, giving it a gentle shake to make sure it’s properly sealed.
The kitchen is quiet except for the faint hum of the fridge, but just as he sets the bottle down on the counter, a soft whimper crackles through the baby monitor, followed by a round of raspy coughing.
His heart clenches. Without a second thought, he abandons the bottle and takes the stairs two at a time, pushing the bedroom door open as soon as he reaches the top.
There she is, curled up in the middle of your shared bed, her little body dwarfed by the duvet she’d burrowed into last night. Her cheeks are flushed, her curls sticking slightly to her damp forehead, and her big, teary eyes blink up at him, glassy and tired.
“Hey, m’little lady,” Harry murmurs, crossing the room in an instant. He sits on the edge of the bed, brushing her curls back with a gentle hand. “Did I wake you up, bub?”
She sniffles, rubbing a tiny fist against her eye.
“Dadaaa…” she croaks, her voice small and hoarse.
“I know, baby, m’here,” he soothes, leaning down to press a kiss to her warm forehead. “You’re not feelin’ very good, huh?”
She shakes her head weakly.
“Nooo…” Then her bottom lip wobbles, and she reaches for him with grabby hands. “Up, pease.”
Harry doesn’t hesitate. He scoops her up and settles her against his chest, rubbing slow circles on her back as she tucks her head under his chin.
She’s so warm, her little body still heavy with sleep, but as soon as she’s in his arms, she relaxes with a shuddery sigh.
“I was just makin’ you some milk, bub,” he tells her softly, rocking her gently. “Nice and warm, just how you like it.”
She hums in acknowledgment, but doesn’t say anything else, just clings to him tighter. Harry sighs, resting his cheek against the top of her head.
“Y’just want cuddles, don’t you?” he murmurs, smiling when she nods against his chest.
Harry makes his way down the stairs carefully, one arm curled securely around his daughter as she snuggles into him, her little fingers gripping weakly at his t-shirt.
She’s warm—too warm—and he presses a gentle kiss to her temple as he steps into the living room.
Settling down onto the floor, he leans back against the sofa, adjusting her so she’s cradled in his arms, her tiny body tucked against his chest.
“Alright, little lady,” he murmurs, reaching for the bottle he’d left on the coffee table. “Got your bot-bot, yeah?”
She barely nods, her heavy eyes fluttering shut before blinking open again. She’s so tired. Too tired to even try to hold the bottle herself, and Harry knows it, so he doesn’t let her.
Instead, he holds it for her, guiding the teat to her lips and watching as she latches on with a soft hum.
For a moment, all he hears is her quiet sucking, the occasional sniffle, the soft rustle of the blanket he’s draped over the both of them. But then, after every few mouthfuls, she stops—her tiny frame tensing just before another harsh, rattling cough shakes through her.
Harry winces, his grip tightening ever so slightly as he rubs slow, soothing circles into her back.
“Oh, baby…” he murmurs, his heart aching as she whimpers, her little body curling into his even more.
Her cheeks are raw, flushed from the fever, and every time she coughs, she lets out the saddest little sound, like even she’s exhausted by it. Harry presses his lips to her forehead, lingering there as if he can will the heat away.
“You’re okay, m’love,” he soothes, adjusting her slightly so she’s more upright, helping her breathe a little easier. “Daddy’s got you, yeah? Just take your time.”
She blinks up at him, bleary-eyed, her tiny fingers curling weakly around his thumb.
“No wike it,” she mumbles, voice hoarse and wobbly.
Harry’s chest tightens. “I know, bub. I know. I don’t like it either.”
He brushes his knuckles softly over her warm cheek. “But you’re bein’ so brave, yeah? Daddy’s so proud of you.”
She doesn’t respond, just nestles her head deeper into his chest, her breathing uneven and tired. Harry sighs, tightening his arms around her.
If he could take it all away and be sick instead of her, he would. A thousand times over.
As the bottle runs empty, Harry gently pulls it from his daughter’s lips, setting it aside. She barely reacts, just lets out a sleepy sigh and burrows closer into his chest, her tiny hand still wrapped loosely around his thumb. He rocks her gently, his palm running soothingly up and down her back, hoping the warmth of the milk will help settle her.
Then, his phone vibrates against the coffee table. He shifts slightly, careful not to jostle the little girl in his arms as he reaches for it. It’s a message from you.
From: My love. ❤️
How’s my baby?
Harry smiles softly, typing back with one hand.
To: My Love. ❤️
We’re just having a cuddle. She finished her milk but still feels rotten. Gonna try and get her back off to sleep—want her to get as much rest as she can. She’s bound to be up all night again.
Almost instantly, his phone buzzes again.
From: My Love. ❤️
My boss is letting me come home early—I’ll be back in half an hour.
Relief washes over him. He knows you’ve been worried sick all morning, and he also knows that as much as your daughter wants only him when she’s ill, the second she sees you, she’ll melt right into your arms.
To: My Love. ❤️
That’s good, love. Drive safe, yeah? We’ll be right here waiting.
Setting his phone back down, he glances at the sleepy little girl in his arms, her breathing uneven from congestion, her fingers twitching slightly in her half-sleep.
He presses another kiss to her forehead, whispering softly, “Mummy’s comin’ home soon, bub. Just hold on a little longer.”
He brushes a strand of hair away from her head. “— let’s go upstairs baby, have a cuddle in mommy and daddy’s bed.”
Harry carefully pushes himself up from the sofa, adjusting his grip on his daughter as he heads upstairs. She’s gone quiet against his chest, her breaths still uneven but slow, her tiny body warm and limp with exhaustion.
He knows she’s barely holding on, just teetering on the edge of sleep, and he hopes—prays—he can get her down without too much trouble.
Stepping into the bedroom, he moves toward the bed, gently lowering her down onto the mattress. But the second she feels the absence of his warmth, she lets out a broken, desperate cry, her little arms flailing as she immediately reaches for him.
“Dadaaa, no!” she sobs, her voice hoarse and weak, but still full of panic.
Harry’s heart shatters.
“Oh, baby, baby, shhh,” he soothes, instantly scooping her back up. “It’s alright, Daddy’s here, m’right here.”
But it’s too late. She’s inconsolable now, her cries turning frantic, her little hands clutching onto his shirt like she’s terrified he’ll disappear.
The crying quickly turns into a fit of coughing, her tiny body wracked with it, and it physically hurts Harry to watch.
“Shhh, love, I know, I know,” he murmurs, rubbing her back in slow, steady circles. “M’not goin’ anywhere, yeah? Daddy’s got you, always.”
She gasps between sobs, struggling to catch her breath, her face pressed into his chest.
“No, no, no…” she whimpers, her voice barely there.
Harry sighs, his heart aching as he shifts onto the bed himself, leaning back against the pillows with her still curled against him.
His hand never stops moving up and down her back, grounding her, soothing her. “I’ve got you, sweetheart. I promise.”
Her cries don’t stop right away, her body still trembling from the effort, but Harry knows what to do. Knows exactly what always calms her down.
So he starts to sing.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine… you make me happy when skies are gray…”
His voice is soft, almost a whisper, but the effect is immediate. She hiccups through her tears, her grip on his shirt slowly loosening as she listens.
“You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you… please don’t take my sunshine away…”
She lets out a shaky sigh, her body growing heavier, her breathing evening out little by little. Harry keeps singing, his voice gentle, his lips brushing the top of her warm head between lines.
By the time he reaches the end, she’s out. Completely still, her tiny fingers resting loosely against his chest, her breaths deep and slow.
Harry exhales, his body finally relaxing as he rests his head back against the pillows. He should probably move, lay her down properly—but he can’t. Not when she’s finally peaceful. Not when she needs him.
So instead, he tightens his arms around her just a little, presses one last lingering kiss to her forehead, and lets himself drift off too.
The house is quiet when you step inside, the warmth instantly wrapping around you as you shut the door behind you. You let out a slow breath, toeing off your shoes and slipping into your Ugg slippers, the soft lining comforting after a long morning.
Your keys make a familiar clink as you drop them into the bowl by the door, and for a moment, you just stand there, taking in the stillness.
You expected to hear something—maybe the faint hum of the TV, Harry moving around in the kitchen, or the soft murmur of your daughter’s voice. But there’s nothing.
Your brows furrow as you peek into the front room. Empty. The lounge, too.
A small smile tugs at your lips.
You make your way up, careful to keep your footsteps light. Peeking into your daughter’s room, you see that her bed is still untouched, the blankets thrown to the side exactly how they were left this morning.
Which means there’s only one place they could be.
Your heart swells as you push open the door to your bedroom, and the sight before you nearly takes your breath away.
Harry is lying on his back, his head slightly tilted toward your daughter, who is curled up on his chest, her tiny hand resting near his collarbone. They’re both fast asleep, their breathing slow and steady, their bodies rising and falling in perfect sync.
Your little girl looks so small in his arms, her fever-flushed cheeks pressed against his t-shirt, her lashes fanned out against her delicate skin. Harry’s arm is wrapped securely around her, his other hand resting just over her back, as if even in sleep, he refuses to let her go.
Something in your chest tightens at the sight. The exhaustion on Harry’s face, the way he must have fought to get her to rest, the way he still holds her so protectively even now.
You step closer, moving as quietly as possible, unable to resist reaching out to brush a stray curl from your daughter’s damp forehead. Her skin is still warm, but she doesn’t stir—too deep in the sleep she so desperately needed.
You turn your gaze to Harry, taking in the way his lips are slightly parted, his face soft, peaceful. You know how tired he must be. How long he must have fought to get her to this point.
And in this quiet little moment, you can’t imagine loving either of them more.
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rinneverse · 11 months ago
Boothill….ougurrr….fucking you as if he’ll get you pregnant….
hey. when i catch you. this has been plaguing my mind ever since i saw the notif for it. mdni / nsfw content ahead. f!reader. mentions of breeding n’ pregnancy.
Boothill knows better.
He knows that it’s entirely impossible—that he doesn’t even have that capability anymore—but every day spent with you he yearns for it more and more.
The thought of seeing you pregnant with his child plagued his mind every single night.
It’s especially apparent in the way he fucks you: slow, deep strokes, pressing his metallic body right up against the flesh of your heated skin, fucking into you with a purpose, no matter if that purpose would be fruitless in the end.
“Sugar,” Boothill groans into your ear, sharp teeth nipping at your lobe. “You’re killin’ me here—fuck—grippin’ me so tight.. it’s like you don’t wan’ me to ever pull out.”
Your fingers press into metallic shoulders as his synthetic cock hits that spongy spot inside of you, a delighted mewl falling from your lips as he mouths sloppily down the slope of your neck.
“Feels s’good,” you whine back, legs wrapping tight around his waist. “Baby, Boothill, please.”
He nearly snarls with an animalistic heat as his name falls from your lips, an angelic plea that he never wants to stop hearing. His hips snap harder, pace growing more ruthless, and your song grows more and more desperate as he brings you closer to climax.
“Never w’nna stop pounding this sweet pussy—mmh, yeah—I wanna put a baby in ya, w’nna make sure you’re nice n’ full..!”
He can feel his sensory receptors working into overdrive as he fucks into you, icy metallic fingertips gripping your hips so tightly that there’s no chance of you escaping him even as you squeal and flutter around him.
“Wait!” you cry. Pretty silvery tears of pleasure line your lashes, threatening to spill over down your cheeks. “T’much, slow down, g’nna cum, wait..!”
Boothill ignores your pleas, snapping his hips with a new fervor as he angles his cock to hit that perfect little spot inside you. He wants you to cum, and he wants you to cum hard.
“You like that idea, huh?” Boothill goads you. “The idea of bein’ pumped full of my kids? Yeaaah, you’re clenchin’ so tight around me. C’mon sugar, cum, I know you can.”
Boothill has never wished for something more as you cum around his cock with a cry. He’s never longed for his humanity more—the ability to empty his load inside your convulsing heat, to make you a mother, to see you so round and full of his kids.
In another life, perhaps, the two of you start a happy family together. One where this dream of his can come true.
For this one, he’ll just settle for making you cum until you’re seeing stars.
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inkluvs · 2 years ago
okay so there are those kits where you can make a mold of your dick so you can make a dildo out of it. eddie would definitely make you a dildo of his dick and gift it to you for a birthday or smth
okay. so. i’ve been staring at this for a while and trying to form a coherent thought and this is what i came up with. also @taintedcigs proofread this <3 <3
omg imagine he puts the dildo in a pretty little box and you’re opening all the presents you’ve gotten and you go to open that one and eddie’s like. let’s maybe open that one later yeah? and you’re like. 🤨🤨🤨. but you say okay anyways and carry on but obv that voice in your head is wondering what it could possibly be. like you’re trying to remember the weight of the box in your hand and trying to match it up to anything eddie might have mentioned ever. but you have no luck <//3 so instead as soon as the last person leaves you run to find the pink box where you’d left it, only to realize eddie’d taken it with him to your room, an easy smile on his lips as he handed it you, “open it babe” and so you do, and your eyes widen as soon as you see the silicon of the dildo, pulling it out and staring at it, speechless until you start to gather the similarities. the slight bump on the underside of the silicone that would've been the prominent vain on eddie's cock, the way it curved ever so slightly, the same way as his. in fact the more you turned it around in your hands the more there seemed to be similarities between the silicone and eddie’s cock. “can i?” you tug at the waistband of his jeans and he nods enthusiastically. you pull his cock out and stare at it for a moment, your eyes flicking back and forth between the toy and him before smiling, “they’re the same” “mhm” “you made this?” “yeah,” “d’you wanna use it?”
15 minutes later you find yourself whimpering and whining at the hands of eddie, your slick coating the pink silicone and leaking onto eddie’s hand <3 <3
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atzhrts · 1 month ago
holding hands with ateez members as they eat u out😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
this is so san.
mr “i love romance” definitely pushes you onto the mattress to then lay between your legs, spending a good few minutes just peppering kisses all over your sensitive inner thighs. running his fingertips through your pussy before gently spitting onto your clit, rubbing the spit and your wetness together, smiling at your moans. san would look up into your eyes when he first presses a kiss to your center, his tongue licking a strip from your hole all the way up to your clit, twirling his tongue around your swollen nub.
he’d bring his hand up to hold yours when his tongue speeds up, laying your intertwined hands on your tummy and running his thumb over your skin. he squeezes back whenever you squeeze his hand, almost an answer to your desperate pleas as you bring into his face.
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arieslost · 11 months ago
when lando gives head its actual heaven because you can feel his hands gripping your thighs and holding you down to stop your constant squirming, and the sounds of his mouth literally attacking your clit echoes through the room. like seriously all the wet noises and his tongue lapping at your juices just makes you want to cryyy
something about him just makes me think that he taps in to an absolutely feral side whenever he’s between your legs. he knows nothing but the carnal desire to make you forget everything but the fact that he’s the only one who can make you feel this damn good. he doesn’t care how messy it gets; in fact, the messier the better. there’s nothing that turns him on more than tasting you on his tongue, breathing in your scent, hearing you moan and whine, feeling you squirm and relishing in the way your legs trying to close around his head, unable to do so courtesy of his strong hands.
and you love it. when you first started sleeping together after a couple months of dating, he was extremely gentle with you, like you were a piece of porcelain he was always afraid to break. but it only took you making a passing comment about wishing he would manhandle you that flipped that switch inside him, the desire to please you intensified tenfold now that he knew you wanted him to use his strength against you in bed.
so now he’s quick to throw you on the bed, strip you of your clothes, wrench your legs apart with just a little more force than necessary. you always try to close your legs whenever you’re on the cusp of an orgasm, but he won’t let you. his big hands splay across your thighs, arms wrapped around your legs so you can feel his muscles flexing to keep you stationary as he continues his relentless pursuit.
he relishes every little movement and sound that you make, especially when you gasp out his name, thread your fingers through his curls and tug. the only thing he loves more than you is being between your legs for hours, and i do mean hours.
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