#raymun fossoway
begging hbo to make the opening sequence for dunk and egg (at least for the hedge knight) some sort of puppet show or at least involve puppets of some kind
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Yeah, brothers. ❤️
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faeporcelain · 1 year
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“We're both apples from the same tree.”
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lokijiro · 11 days
Raymun Fossoway and Edmure Tully would make great friends.
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sasha-naell · 2 months
"But no one would knight a very young boy who is still a squire, it’s common sense, you would have to be a fool"
Lyonel Baratheon :
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nulnoildrinker · 10 days
Team Black this, Team Green that!
You bolt awake at Ashford Meadow. It is 209 AC. You are Raymun Fossoway. The past does not matter, but the future honor of House Fossoway does. Your rotten cousin must be struck down.
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dreamfyre01 · 3 days
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trogthefrog · 4 months
I think that the Fossoways (or more specifically Red Apple Fossoways) became Blackfyre supporters during the Third Blackfyre Rebellion and that’s how the Green Apple Fossoways got a castle.
Firstly, some evidence as to why they *became* Blackfyres. The Fossoway heir Raymun and his cousin Steffon were welcome at the Ashford Tourney, a tournament where Targaryen princes were the main feature making it a loyalist tourney. And while there were Blackfyre supporters there (Brackens, Hightowers.) the majority of present houses were loyalists or houses of unknown affiliation during the 1st rebellion. Extrapolating from that the Fossoways likely had loyalist affiliation during the 1st or weren’t on bad terms at least.
So what’s the evidence of these apples *going bad* so to speak? When we see of the Fossoways in ACOK they have two branches, each with their own castle. House Fossoway of Cider Hall (red apple) and House Fossoway of New Barrel (green apple). Wait how did the greens get that castle?
We know Raymun Fossoway was the founder of the green apple branch. So, that brings the question: how did Raymun (or his descendants) get that castle? It’s possible that he built it. After all it’s called *New* Barrel. But, we don’t hear about many castle constructions in asoiaf. He could’ve gotten it from another house? But why’s it called New Barrel? There aren’t any castle renamings in asoiaf. But hey… that name sounds like a Fossoway name (Maybe to store all the Cider made at Cider hall). And we also know that lords can have multiple castles (the Peakes!). Thus I think that New Barrel was a Red Apple Fossoway castle alongside Cider Hall, and that Raymun got it.
How to lose a castle.
In the Hedge Knight Steffon, the Fossoway heir, is an ambitious and not so honorable knight who sided against Dunk in the trial by seven for personal gain. By contrast Raymun sides with Dunk and founds the Green apple Fossoways. I think that when Steffon became the new Fossoway Lord he sided with the Blackfyres for personal gain. Either during the Third rebellion (more likely) or the Fourth Rebellion (less likely). And in doing so, lost one of his family castles to Steffon (an ally Dunk and Egg): New Barrel. My theory rests on this, how do people get castles? Rewards from the crown (like how House Foote got Nightsong). And how do people lose castles? Rebelling against it (Ex. Riverrun, Nightsong etc.). Ultimately, the same question is explicitly asked in the Mystery Knight about Gormon Peake:
“"How do you lose two castles?"
"You fight for the Black Dragon, ser."”
So, how did the Red Apple Fossoways lose a Castle? They fought for the Black Dragon.
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goodqueenaly · 2 years
It’s like poetry something something but also comparing and contrasting Dontos Hollard being saved as a boy and Dontos Hollard being saved as an adult.
Dontos Hollard owes his salvation as a child not just to Ser Barristan Selmy, but specifically Barristan Selmy’s commitment to his own conception of knighthood. It was not simply that Barristan’s ironclad belief in his duty as a knight of the Kingsguard - such that he volunteered to rescue the king - prevented Tywin’s plan of razing Duskendale (perhaps with young Dontos Hollard inside, if he had been there). With the boy Dontos, Ser Barristan demonstrated his belief in an even more fundamental knightly charge than that of his Kingsguard vows - that is, to “defend the young and innocent”, as Lyonel Baratheon commanded of young Raymun Fossoway at the time of the latter’s knighting (a core virtue for Barristan, as evidenced by his later horror at the murders of Rhaegar’s children and the suggestion of killing the Meereenese child hostages). Dontos Hollard the child would presumably have meant nothing to Barristan; indeed, as the nephew of Ser Symon Hollard, who had slain Ser Gwayne Gaunt of the Kingsguard during the Defiance, Dontos might have appeared to Barristan as the heir of that past wrong, and so a fitting outlet for vengeance (just as Barristan had himself slain Symon, thus avenging his sworn brother). Yet Barristan called for Dontos to be spared anyway; Dontos’ identity as an innocent child appears to have mattered to Barristan far more than his so recently traitorous (and for Barristan, personally antagonistic) familial connections.
Of course, Barristan did not go quite so far as to challenge the order of a king now consumed by paranoia and a mania for violence. Rather, Ser Barristan couched his obedience to his chivalric charge in similarly knightly terms - begging young Dontos’ life as a “boon” which a grateful king could grant to this sterling knight who had done him such a service (compare, say, the would-be king Renly’s ceremonial grant of a boon to the melee champion Brienne, or the would-be king Joffrey’s likewise formal offer of a boon to the the knightly Tyrell sons after “[t]he roses [had] support[ed] the lion” at the Blackwater). In this moment completely devoid of chivalric courtesy - the ruthless, near absolute destruction and damnatio memoriae of two noble dynasties in the aftermath of a hostage crisis and siege - Dontos’ one hope rested with the promise of knighthood. Handed back his life as a knight’s boon, Dontos was allowed to journey to King’s Landing to serve as a squire, with the promise of a knighthood of his own one day. If there could never be (certainly not under Aerys II) a return of House Hollard to its pre-Defiance standing, Dontos’ knighthood might at least have restored some sense of personal dynastic honor; Dontos could, so it might have been presumed, live out his life as the sort of deposed but genteel knight Jaime imagines Edmure becoming in AFFC. Knighthood, in other words, both immediate and promised, comes to the rescue for the boy Dontos Hollard.
As an adult, Dontos Hollard finds himself again needing rescue from the murderous whims of a violent, sadistic king - but his salvation comes in a form far different from that he had experienced as a child. Summoned to the lists for Joffrey’s namely tourney - if no grand event, at least ostensibly more peaceful and chivalric than the Defiance of Duskendale - Ser Dontos appears as a foolish, indeed obscene drunk; only his horse maintains any sort aristocratic dignity, its “swirl of crimson and scarlet silks” denoting the barry gules and rose of House Hollard’s sigil, as Dontos himself stumbles half-naked around the yard. The promise of knighthood as his childhood salvation has soured badly: Ser Dontos may have the formal title of knight, but in his utter failure to make even the barest showing at that core knightly sport, the joust (and against a freerider, of the lowest class of knight often scorned by blue-blooded Westerosi chivalry), Dontos has hardly demonstrated himself a knight in practice.  
Yet Dontos is saved from the king’s command for his death - not by a knight, but by a facially un-knightly expression of true knighthood. Indeed, there is something of a role reversal here from Duskendale, where Ser Dontos the knight (roughly about the age Barristan once at the time of the Defiance) owes his rescue to a child - not only one roughly about the age Dontos was at the destruction of the Darklyns and Hollards, but one who had herself so recently experienced the cruel extermination of her father and the Stark household, leaving her, like young Dontos, a child of a traitor dynasty (at least in the eyes of the crown) alone in the capital. Yet if Sansa is herself no knight, she nevertheless reveres the mystique of knighthood, understanding the role of a true knight as one who is (so she will think later) “sworn to defend the weak … and fight for the right”. Seeing a man who “was drunk and silly and useless, but … meant no harm” - that is, one of those “weak” whom knights were sworn to protect - Sansa takes the (considerable!) risk of arguing for his life to Joffrey, just as Barristan Selmy had done to Aerys in begging for the life of young Dontos. Just as Dontos had personally meant nothing to Barristan during the Defiance, so Dontos means nothing personally to Sansa here (his involvement in Littlefinger’s scheme to spirit her from the capital not yet begun); Sansa calls for his life simply because it is not right that a weak and innocent man should be murdered at the king’s whim, an expression (albeit unconscious on her part) of that core knightly responsibility.
Naturally, Sansa cannot rely, as Barristan did, on any sense of royal gratitude to save Dontos; where Aerys II could not refuse his so recent rescuer when the latter asked for a boon, Joffrey is as of this tourney regularly abusing Sansa, even threatening here to drown her for merely suggesting Dontos’ life should be spared. Instead, it is Sandor Clegane who provides the justification, corroborating Sansa’s clumsy warning of ill fortune to convince Joffrey against murdering a man on his birthday. Sandor Clegane, perhaps more than any other character in the series, specifically reviles and disdains the formal conception of knighthood - yet here, draped in a white cloak in a bitter parody of Barristan Selmy (as Sandor himself had replaced that virtual epitome of the Kingsguard), Sandor laconically (and, to be sure, indirectly) fulfills that knightly charge of defending the weak. Sansa then seizes on Joffrey’s temporary stay of execution to transform Dontos into a royal fool; where Barristan’s plea for Dontos’ life had set the latter on the path of royal squire and eventually knight, Sansa’s suggestion strips Dontos of any future knightly dignity, but in a way which would (so she might have presumed) save his life long-term (as indeed, a fool’s very position allows him some sense of license, preserving the fool from retaliation by the people he taunts). Once, one of the the most (publicly) admired knights of the Kingsguard (themselves supposed to be “the finest swords in all the realm”) had used his knightly position to save the life of the young Dontos and given him the promise of knighthood for his future; now, a young girl and a man who had vehemently rejected knighthood save the adult Dontos through the elimination of his knightly identity.
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murd3rbug · 1 year
self indulgent info dump about the hedge knight
I did this in a couple of hours and used the Hedge Knight as my only source for everything. If you see any mistakes please kindly correct me! This is mainly for me because I can't stop thinking about the Hedge Knight and want to do a project related to it, so here's everything I think I would need for it.
(contents: a [long] summary of the hedge knight, every named character, all of the tourney matches, the trial by 7 teams and deaths)
Ser Arlan of Pennytree, a hedge knight (or wandering knight), dies of a chill. His squire, Dunk is the only one who can bury him, and Dunk buries him facing the sunset, as he reflects on Ser Arlan's life. Dunk mourns the old man, yet continues taking their horses Thunder, Chestnut, and Sweetfoot, as well as Ser Arlan's sword and remaining money. He stops by an inn where he is near attacked by a drunk man, and where a bald boy called Egg demands to be his squire, but Dunk refuses because he did not want to ruin the boy's life. Dunk goes to the grand tourney at Ashford, hoping to earn some money, and Egg follows him. Dunk takes Egg as his squire, because of Egg's willpower.
At Ashford Dunk sells his horse, Sweetfoot, so that he can afford armor. He meets the cousins Ser Steffon Fossoway and his squire, Raymun Fossoway. However, he is not able to enter the lists for the tourney since no one can prove his knighthood; that is until the Hand of the King and heir to the throne Baelor Breakspear, vouches for him, after recalling how Ser Arlan broke 4 lances against him. However Prince Baelor's brother, Prince Maekar is dismissive of Dunk and is worried for his two missing sons, Prince Daeron and Prince Aegon. Dunk enters but only for the 3rd day, so he will have a better chance at winning.
On the 1st day, many jousts happen. The final joust is when Prince Aerion "Brightflame" Targaryen, grandson of King Daeron, nephew of Prince Baelor, and son of Prince Maekar uses his lance to kill Ser Humfrey Hardyng's horse. It's dishonorable and Humfrey breaks his leg in the fall. Ser Humfrey is declared the champion. That night, Prince Aerion attacks the puppeteer (Tanselle "Too-Tall) that Dunk has a crush on, because her show involved a dragon (the crest of House Targaryen) getting killed. Egg calls Dunk, and Dunk beats up Prince Aerion. When Dunk gets seized by the guards, Egg reveals himself to be Prince Aerion's younger brother, Prince Aegon Targaryen.
Aerion wants to behead Dunk, and Maekar finds his son, Prince Daeron who was supposed to accompany Egg, and Prince Daeron says that a robber knight took him so his father would not be disappointed in him. Daeron withdraws his accusation and tells Dunk that he dreamed of Dunk with a dead dragon, and that Daeron's dreams come true. Dunk demands a trail by combat and Aerion demands a trail by seven. (Teams listed on the bottom of this post.)
Baelor Breakspear fought against the Kingsguard, since the Kingsguard are bound by their vows to never harm a member of the Royal Family. Aerion fought against Dunk, since Aerion was Dunk's main accuser. Daeron was unhorsed by Ser Robyn. Prince Baelor drove down one of the Kingsguard, and it is implied he also did so to another Kingsguard and his brother, Prince Maekar. Aerion unhorsed Dunk, however Dunk was able to beat Aerion using tactics he learned from Flea Bottom. Aerion withdrew his accusation.
Afterwards, Dunk is heavily injured and the two Humfreys are dead. After Prince Baelor's helmet was removed, his brains fell out and he died. When Dunk is healed he attends the funeral, and the new heir to the throne, Prince Valarr, Baelor's eldest son asks Dunk why his father died for a hedge knight. Prince Maekar revealed to Dunk he accidentally killed his brother, even though he loved his brother and expressed his sadness and regret. Maekar told Dunk he sent Aerion to Lys, and he offered Dunk a position in his household, but Dunk declined. Instead, Dunk asks to take Prince Aegon as his squire, and continue to live as a poor hedge knight, as long as he continued to use the nickname "Egg."
Dunk (Ser Duncan the Tall)
Ser Arlan of Pennytree
Egg (Aegon V)
Prince Daeron Targaryen
Lord Caron of the Marches
Ser Lyonel Baratheon
House Dondarrion (Manfred Dondarrion)
Otho Bracken
Quentyn Blackwood (MENTIONED)
MENTIONED COMPETITORS: Denys Marbrand, Joseth Mallister, Clarence Cargyll, Desmond Darry, Benifer Blackwood, Robert Blackwood, Roland Blackwood, Roger Blackwood, Ormond Westerling, Swann, Matthew Mullendore, Abelar Hightower, Alador Florent, Jon Florent, Franklyn Frey, Penrose, Samwell Stokeworth, Lord (Unkown) Parren, Gunthor Estermont, Leo Tyrell, Samwyle Tarly
Humfrey Hardyng
Aegon III (Mentioned)
Steely Pate
Plummer (Steward)
Lord Ashford (has 2 sons and a daughter)
Prince Baelor "Breakspear" Targaryen
Prince Aerion "Brightflame" Targaryen
Prince Valarr "The Young Prince" Targaryen
Prince Matarys "The Younger Prince" Targaryen (Nicknamed by Lord Swann's fool)
Ser Roland Crakehall (Kingsguard)
Ser Donnel of Duskendale (Kingsguard)
Henly (Master of Horses)
Steffon Fossoway
Raymun Fossoway
Symeon Star-Eyes noble Serwyn of the Mirror Shield, Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, Ser Ryam Redywne, and Florian the Fool (all fabled heroes portrayed in Tanselle Too-Tall's puppet show)
Prince Aerys Targaryen (Mentioned)
Prince Rhaegal Targaryen (Mentioned)
Prince Maekar Targaryen
Lord Stokeworth (Mentioned, Ser Arlan overthrew him)
The Bastard of Harrenhal (Mentioned, Ser Arlan overthrew him)
The Grey Lion, Ser Damon Lannister (Mentioned, Ser Arlan overthrew him, challenged Leo Tyrell)
Lord Baratheon hosted a tourney to celebrate the birth of his grandson (Where Ser Arlan broke 4 lances with Baelor Breakspear)
Jonquil (Subject of a puppet show, Florian the Fool's lover)
Tanselle "Too-Tall"
Tybolt Lannister
Lyonel Baratheon (called "THE LAUGHING STORM")
King Daeron the Good (Mentioned)
Wate and Yorkel (Aerion's guards)
Ser Willem Wylde
TOURNEY MATCHES: (winners are underlined)
there are 5 champions, Lord Tyrell, Androw Ashford, Lord Tully, Prince Valarr, and Robert Ashford. challengers face off champions. it is 1v1, however several matches occur at the same time. it is a joust and abides by the usual rules: you use lances to try and unhorse your opponent, and after unhorsed you can either yield or continue on foot with weapons. the loser gives their equipment to the winner, and can only ransom it back at the end of the tourney, the champions will decided if lord ashford's daughter should keep the crown of love and beauty.
champion v challenger:
single match:
Judges: Prince Maekar, Prince Baelor, Lord Ashford, Lord Tyrell
(not needed because of the trial by combat)
Trial of the Seven:
dunk's side: (TOURNEY LANCES)
Raymun Fossoway
Robyn Rhysling
Humfrey Beesbury (Slain by Ser Donnel of Duskendale)
Humfrey Hardyng (Died after the battle)
Lyonel Baratheon / The Laughing Storm
Ser Duncan the Tall
Baelor Targaryen (Accidentally killed by his brother Maekar's mace, died after the battle)
aerion's side: (WAR LANCES)
Steffon Fossoway
Daeron Targaryen
Ser Roland Crakehall (Kingsguard)
Ser Donnel of Duskendale (Kingsguard)
Ser Willem Wylde (Kingsguard)
Maekar Targaryen
Aerion Targaryen
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
there’s a theory that Rowan’s lover was Foss the Archer, the founder of the Fossoways, because he would shoot apples off the heads of women he admired. Sure it is half-sibling incest but so is Brandon of the Bloody Blade/Rose of Red Lake and there’s meta about them
Pertaining to this ridiculously lovely fanart by @palominojacoby
(Have one of Foss, as well)
Thank you for that theory! It would certainly create an even more powerful image for Rowan to turn her grief over lost love into a renewal of the symbol of that love. To feed love to the world where it had been denied herself for greed.
It also makes the origin story of the greenapple Fossoways even better. The turn from something corrupted back toward something closer to its ideal.
"My pardons, ser. I needed to make a small change to my sigil, lest I be mistaken for my dishonorable cousin." He showed them all his shield. The polished golden field remained the same, and the Fossoway apple, but this apple was green instead of red. "I fear I am still not ripe . . . but better green than wormy, eh?" (The Hedge Knight)
Which leads to this tragic image:
Everywhere steel rang on steel. Raymun and his cousin were slashing at each other in front of the viewing stand, both afoot. Their shields were splintered ruins, the green apple and the red both hacked to tinder. 
No matter how good your apple, war doesn't care for idealism. It always destroys both sides to a degree.
Going back to Rowan, by the imagery of the weirwood tree, with its bright red leaves that look like bloody hands, and the history of blood sacrifices made to heart trees, it seems like she chose a better way to feed a tree: heartbreak turns into apples.
Arya grabs an apple from a tree sullied by the corpses hanged there. She eats it worms and all.
Robert thought this of Lyanna:
"She should be on a hill somewhere, under a fruit tree, with the sun and clouds above her and the rain to wash her clean." (AGOT, Eddard I)
I don't know. Maybe, in its own way, this image applies to the Starks. Walk through death, bury the pain and grow life from it, eventually.
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The Hedge Knight graphic novel - could it work as a roadmap for HBO's A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms?
So, per reports, HBO's Dunk & Egg show is going to be 6 episodes. I've seen several people saying that's too long, it should be 4 episodes at most, a 2 hour movie at most, there will be too much filler, blah blah blah. Well let me tell you, that's not true!
In 2003, The Hedge Knight was adapted as a 6 issue comic book (later collected as a graphic novel), and I think its script, each issue ending in a cliffhanger or dun-dun-dunnn moment, would work perfectly for the show, and is very probably how they'll do it.
Potential spoilers under the cut, but first - is this not perfect casting and costuming? It so is.
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Like I said, I think each issue could be the plot of each episode. So I'm just going to summarize these issues, I hope you've read the GN or the novella. (If not, go read it, go read all of Dunk & Egg, it's so good.)
#1 - Dunk buries Ser Arlan, decides to go to Ashford for the tourney, meets Egg and a weird drunk guy at an inn on the way, gets to Ashford, sets up camp in the forest (bathes naked in a stream), goes to the tourney field and sees Tanselle performing her puppet show, gets measured for armor he can't quite afford, gets back to his camp to find the weird little bald kid making dinner.
#2 - Dunk agrees Egg can be his squire, that night he sees the falling star, next morning goes to Ashford castle and gets told he needs to prove he's a knight to enter the tourney (or that Arlan was, since he says Arlan knighted him), meets Aerion (badly) but also the Kingsguard, sells his horse for armor money, talks to Tanselle and meets the Fossoways, then meets up with the young Dondarrion lord whose dad Arlan worked for and relates the House Dondarrion origin story (imagine them telling that via puppet imagery, ooh), gets told "yeah knowing that is no proof you're a knight, sucks to be you".
#3 - Dunk goes back to the castle, stumbles into Baelor and Maekar arguing about M's missing kids, Baelor remembers his epic joust with Arlan so yay Dunk can be in the tourney, Dunk and Egg talk to Tanselle about painting him a shield, they watch the opening of the tourney (lots of jousting and pageantry including Lyonel "the Laughing Storm" Baratheon), and the first day ends after Aerion deliberately kills that horse.
#4 - Dunk argues with Egg over how much of a douche Aerion is, more flirting with Tanselle, gossip with Raymun Fossoway about the Targaryens, Egg runs in to say Aerion's hurting Tanselle, Dunk beats up Aerion and almost gets murdered by Aerion's goons, Egg reveals himself to save Dunk, Dunk in prison, talks to Egg and Baelor, Baelor tells him he can be mutilated for striking a prince or ask for trial by combat, so "how good a knight are you, truly?"
#5 - Aerion says sure, trial by combat, but only a trial of seven, Dunk has to find 6 guys, talks to Raymun and Steffon Fossoway, Daeron apologizes and tells Dunk his dragon dream, shield reveal, next morning the smallfolk are all "a knight who remembered his vows", various guys show up to help Dunk and Raymun gets knighted, but Steffon Fossoway goes to Aerion's side so they're still missing a guy, "are there no true knights among you?", wait is that Valarr??? no it's Baelor in Valarr's armor omg
#6 - The trial of seven. You know how this ends. 😭 Then talking to Maekar, and Dunk and Egg ride off into the sunset together.
I hope that's convincing enough for the doubters! I can see a few points where something might be shifted from the end of one to the beginning of the other -- but on the whole I think the comic is an excellent roadmap for the show, and I hope this is the way they lay it out. Also ftr, the Sworn Sword graphic novel was also originally 6 issues so possibly season 2 ditto (unless they add an episode for the in between THK-TSS Dorne and Oldtown adventures that didn't actually appear in the novellas, idk). But the Mystery Knight was only released as one book, so who knows, they might go for more episodes when they get to that season.
Also, re taking inspiration from the comic, I really hope they adapt the Kingsguards' gold codpieces. Just because.
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klaradox · 2 years
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Lyonel Baratheon, known as the Laughing Storm, was the Lord of Storm's End and the head of House Baratheon during the reign of King Aegon V Targaryen. Lyonel was a "swaggering giant of a man"; he is described as being a head taller than Ser Raymun Fossoway and almost as tall as Ser Duncan the Tall, who was measured at 6'11". In tourneys, Lyonel wore a cloth-of-gold surcoat bearing the crowned stag of his house, and had an antlered helm. He had the habit of laughing loudly of his opponents which earned him his nickname of "the Laughing Storm" and made him a great favorite of the smallfolk. Lyonel was considered one of the finest fighters of his day. Lyonel brought glory onto House Baratheon.
Lyonel was a leal supporter of King Aegon V Targaryen when he was Lord of Storm's End, so the king was pleased to arrange a betrothal of his eldest son and heir, Prince Duncan Targaryen, to Lord Lyonel's daughter.
Prince Duncan later broke that betrothal when he fell in love and married the commonborn Jenny of Oldstones. This enraged Lord Lyonel, who felt the honor of House Baratheon was insulted. He renounced his fealty to the Iron Throne and declared himself Storm King. A short rebellion followed, which ended when Lyonel yielded to Ser Duncan the Tall of the Kingsguard during a trial by battle. Prince Duncan renounced his claim to the throne, and King Aegon agreed to betroth his youngest daughter, Princess Rhaelle Targaryen, to Lyonel's heir, Ormund Baratheon. Aegon V sent Rhaelle to Storm's End as Lord Lyonel's cupbearer and companion to his lady wife.
Lyonel had at least one daughter. His relation to his heir and successor, Lord Ormund Baratheon, is currently unknown. As well as his relation to Gowen Baratheon, the third son of a Lord of Storm's End reigning roughly at the time when Lyonel was the heir to Storm's End.
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peachysunrize · 4 months
Have your read Dunk and Egg stories (The Hedge Knight, The Sworn Sword and The Mysterious Knight) ? If you have, I would like to know what is your opinion in general and which story is your favorite? What about the characters, maybe top 5?
Personally, I love these short novels and prefer them even to the main series. The characters are so well written, and not just the main duo (and I adore them, especially Egg) but also the side characters, e. g. Bloodraven, Maekar, Baelor, Raymun Fossoway... Furthermore, they are making a TV show based on these stories and Dunk and Egg have already been cast. Idk if you've seen this, but if you have, what do you think about the actors they chose? To me they look perfect, just like I imagined them while reading.
Anyway, sorry if I ask too many questions 😅. Thanks in advance!
Hey bestie!! Omg you’re the same person who sent all those asks?? I LOVE YOU!! Would you like to choose an emoji so I can know who you are based on that?
Also, sorry to disappoint this time but I haven’t read any of these😭😭😭 I’m getting back into reading slowly but nowadays I’m either writing of studying so I don’t have time to read much:(
Could you send me the name of the authors as well so I can add these to my reading list?
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mother-rhoyne · 2 years
Every source text in and out of universe has the advantage of hindsight, so of course everyone is going “oh yes, Prince Baelor Breakspear was killed in the battle for the honor of the great Ser Duncan the Tall, who would soon rise to be Lord Commander of the Kingsguard”- no. Picture yourself at the time and place, and outside of Dunk’s POV. Half the royal family and some the greatest lords south of the Blackwater got into a murderous fight over some lanky commonborn teenager with a questionnable understanding of color theory. What even was on that shield. Who the fuck was that. People died
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gotham-at-nightfall · 2 years
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The Trial of Seven at Ashford Meadow!
The Hedge Knight #6
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