#ratchet transformers rid
transformersfan20 · 1 month
Im so super grateful for my EX
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nova--spark · 4 months
So I am infamous now for the time I pointed out Op and Meg's eyes both are tears of sadness and of rage.
But @seraphim-seeker commented on my Megatron one with this in the tags
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So yeah, what about Ratchet?
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Ratchet has been described, in the Art of Prime to have soft eyes
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Which, when looking at Ratchet, does in fact come across in his design but I wanna point out one very vital factor in his eyes.
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These almost teardrop like additions to them.
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And, knowing how rare to see them it is , believe me, I had to go through a lot of clips to find shots where it showed these tears I once again cannot help but be reminded of tears, of a medic in mourning.
Mourning what? The loss of his world, of his allies, his loved ones, his patients.
And it is so rare to see these tears, just as rare as it is to see Ratchet be vulnerable, because he puts on the armor and shields that hide his emotions from others.
With the kids for example, he immediately rejects the idea, but grows so close to Raf
one of my favorite gifs that shows how gentle and soft Ratchet once was is this
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How he is quick to use both hands to catch Raf, and makes sure he has a hold of him with both, before making sure to shift to one carefully.
And keeping his eyes ON Raf, all times as he carries him.
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And as always I mention RID15 for the rare good thing it did in design
It showed how tired he is. He was a war medic, making sure everyone made it back in one piece and made it out alive, and RID15 shows it in a way that makes it also feel so tragic
Ratchet bears the tears, ever eternal, of a doctor who couldn't save many, but saved those that mattered most.
Grumpy he may be, but there is a gentleness to him, no matter what he says to all.
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its-elioo · 4 months
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Nerds hanging out
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kittycookiesuwu · 9 months
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They cured me from art block, thank you gay robots
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paradimeart · 5 months
For you divorce baby Au: Jetstorm and Jetfire. It's a comedy film in my mind, I can just imagine the chaos two (flying?/hovering?) baby orbs can chaos in elite guard headquarters, driving everyone nuts, dodging all the hands trying to grab them, the go to baby sitter who can keep up is Blurr.
ps. all your au's and art are amazing
i HAVE thought about the jettwins in a proto-orb scenario though its a lil different than what uve described
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they cant fly until they get limbs and little baby thrusters but they sure can use their other powers. also the part about blurr i drew something stupid and then remembered rise of safeguard actually takes place during season 2. have it anyway
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newmatrix · 5 months
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mgarmagedon · 9 months
Besides I have new theory! Because I found out yesterday night, that Undertone looks quite similar too Bee in tfp
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My theory is that Ratchet after he was forced to retire and they gave him Undertone as his "nanny" XD, and he agreed for that ONLY because he looks like his son when he was a teenager.
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hansa-lao · 6 months
Bumblebee lightly hugginged Ratchet from behind: Ratchet, I love you
Ratchet frowned: Let's get right to the point. What in the name of Primus has already happened?!
Bumblebee innocently looking into the optics of the senior bot: I not can't just come up to and tell how much I love my best uncle in the universe?
Ratchet: No, you can't. I can feel your fear Bumblebee, be honest with me
Bumblebee, moving away and by depictinged a puppy's optics: do you remember you let me rummage through the computer? Everything broke down a little bit there
Ratchet: BUMBLEBEE!!!
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lets-try-some-writing · 10 months
Farewell Little Hero
Humans do not live long, this is common knowledge. And so years after Cybrtron's restoration, Arcee returns to Earth to talk with her old ward one more time.
(Enjoy this short story :D)
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“It’s been a long time… I’m sorry for taking so long to come see you again.” Sitting down on the grass, Arcee did not look toward her ward. Her optics were firmly on the rising sun in the distance.
“I am sure you have been wondering what we’ve been up to.” She continued with a deep vent to calm herself. So many years away from Earth… she had almost forgotten how beautiful the organic world could be when war was not eating away at her conscience. 
“Bumblebee is doing just fine. He’s an Enforcer now. Last I checked, he was leading a team here on Earth to capture rogue Decepticons.” Birds chirped in the distance, but Arcee’s ward did not answer. She did not look away from where the sun crept ever higher, she couldn't bear to. 
“He has a collection of younger bots with him. Strongarm, Sideswipe, Windblade, Grimlock, and an older mech called Drift. There are three minicons as well, but I didn’t have a chance to learn their names.” Arcee informed absentmindedly as she tracked a leaf that blew past in the wind. It was almost Autumn, Jack’s preferred time of year. He liked being able to wear long sleeves and a sweater without cooking alive in the heat of Nevada’s notoriously aggressive summer rays. 
Jack had even gone so far as to go on vacation out in Missouri and occasionally Alaska just to get a taste of some decent cold after spending his whole life in the air fryer that was Jasper. Arcee could vividly recall his various complaints about the heat over the years. He wasn’t particularly fond of the frigid cold either, but he always had a good time bundling up once and a while to enjoy snow in a different state. 
“I think you would have gotten along with Bumblebee more, at least now that he’s learned what it’s like to deal with those younger than him regularly.” The grass was uncomfortable as it slipped into seams in her plating and caressed her cabling like the skittering limbs of scraplets, but she paid it no mind as the sky turned from black, to purple, and then to a bright orange. Cybertron’s sky did not have such color in the early joors of the cycle, at least not like on Earth. It was such a small thing, but Arcee missed it during her time away.
“Bulkhead has taken on a position as an architect. I never would have thought he had it in him, but he enjoys working to return our world to its former glory.” A smile pulled at her face as she recalled the various instances of Bulkhead sighing in exasperation at Vehicons and other workers under his command. They had no clue what they were doing, but they tried their best. Bulkhead was patient, at least as much as a mech once belonging to the Wreckers could be. 
“There have been more than a few accidents, but he recently restored the Archives of Iacon under Optimus’s direct supervision. I think you would have laughed if you saw just how nervous Bulkhead was while working on the project.” A quiet chuckle escaped her vocalizer as she recalled the intensity of which Optimus devoted himself to the Archives restoration. Bulkhead had been so anxious to do it right that once it was complete and got the Prime’s approval, the former Wrecker passed out on the spot. 
“Primes don’t party, but apparently they do care a great deal about books.” Feeling for a container she brought with her, Arcee wordlessly pulled out a sized down datapad she’d asked Optimus for. Jack always expressed an interest in Cybertron’s stories when he wasn’t otherwise occupied with his two fellow troublemakers. She ran her digits over the surface of the device before placing it beside her ward without looking over at him. 
A gift given far too late to be enjoyed…
“Optimus died on Cybertron. I never told you because at the time… I didn’t want you to be upset. He only returned to us recently, and he’s settling into his former role as an Archivist.” Jack and the others were not exactly close with Optimus, but he was always a giant, even to Arcee and the team. He was unshakable, an infallible titan. His death to restore their world was one of the harshest reality checks Arcee had received in vorns. She never told her ward of Optimus’s passing simply because she wanted to ensure that Jack, Miko, and Rafael still had that wonder of their younger years.
Humans aged quickly. A vorn was enough for a human to live out their entire lifespan. If not telling them about Optimus’s death allowed them to keep that magical aspect of the Prime’s memory alive, then Arcee was willing to do just that. But of course, now he was back, and Jack had not had the chance to meet his childhood guardian again. 
“Wheeljack has been doing Primus knows what off in space. Sometimes he brings in refugees, other times he vanishes for stellar cycles at a time. But he always comes back alive, so you can reassure Miko with that knowledge.” Arcee still did not look at her ward. She did not expect an answer from him. The silence served well enough as the world continued to come alive in response to the sun rising ever higher. 
“Ultra Magnus has kept himself occupied trying to get the government in order now that he’s no longer blacklisted. I forgot to mention it, but for a while our government went to slag. Hundreds of Autobots were exiled for supporting Optimus during the war.” No reaction met her words, as was expected. Cybertron always seemed to have a new civil issue to deal with. First was the caste system, then the high council. Of course the war came next, and then just as they finished their mass slaughter of their own people, the new government decided it needed more power.
A fragging mess. Thankfully, it was one that was being dealt with.
“It’s fine now though. Ratchet has stepped up with other war veterans from both factions to set things right. He hates his job and calls the old team regularly to be a glitch about it. Optimus helps sometimes, but it's largely Ratchet and the new council who run things.” Arcee could almost see the confusion written on Jack’s face at the prospect of Ratchet of all mecha being the one to run a government. The doctor never was the most pleasant during the war, but since its end, he had mellowed a degree. But of course for Jack, it likely seemed preposterous. 
“Surprising isn’t it? I never expected it out of him either. But Ratchet was a Senator in name before the war. He didn’t do a lot since it was honorary, but he knows how politics and governance is supposed to work, at least in theory.” Arcee smiled again as she shuttered her optics, feeling the cool air of the morning turn into something warmer as it brushed past her face. Like this, she could almost imagine things as they used to be.
“I know you and Smokescreen got along well, so I think you would be happy to know that the rookie is doing just fine. He’s signed on with the Enforcers until the Elite Guard can be reestablished.” She recalled how much fun Jack and Smokescreen had even while war raged. It was such petty enjoyment. Trashing the car of a bully and goofing off… despite that, Arcee had not seen Jack laugh so gleefully until the rookie came in. For that, she could be somewhat grateful for the trouble Smokescreen brought with him and continued to create wherever he went. 
“Knockout is working in a clinic in Praxus, Soundwave is currently in rehabilitation on Optimus’s orders, Starscream is dealing with the same. We don’t know where Megatron is, but he’s staying quiet. The other Con’s seem to have largely calmed down enough to rejoin us on Cybertron.” Her voice rang out on the hillside as she reached into her container again and pulled out a photograph she’d had printed and framed. It was of the whole team smiling during the anniversary of Cybertron’s restoration. They were all there… except for Jack. 
“Arcee, the others are waiting for you.” The sounds of wheelchair wheels rolling over the ground reached Arcee’s audio receptors. Nodding once she gathered up her now empty container in her arms and moved to stand. Rafael smiled up at her as she did so. His wrinkled face still left Arcee doing a double take even now. He did not match the memory of the young boy she knew but a vorn ago.
“I know… I just wanted to catch up with him.” Sorrow sat heavy in her spark as Arcee at last turned to look at her ward. A soft song escaped her vocalizer as she got down as low as she could to gently press the crest of her helm to the marble surface of Jack’s tombstone. There was no warmth in what remained of her ward, but as she pulled away and carefully arranged the datapad and picture at the foot of his grave, she felt a degree of peace.
She had not been there for Jack as much as she should have been, but she could hold his memory in her spark. So long as she lived, Jack Darby would not be lost to the tests of time. She would ensure it. 
“Farewell little hero. May you be at peace wherever your soul is destined to go.” Arcee allowed her touch to linger on the top of the tombstone a moment longer before she gathered herself and turned away back toward the base. Rafael rolled along beside her and together they moved in silence. 
They would remember, and when Rafael joined Jack and Miko in their rest, Arcee would carry his memory with her as well. 
They would not be forgotten.
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autism-autobot · 1 year
Bulkhead: "Hey 'Bee, what sound does a dinobot make?"
3 year old Bumblebee: "RAWR!!"
Bulkhead: "Good job, now what sound does a gun make?
3yo Bumblebee: "Pew pew!"
Bulkhead, jokingly: "Alright, now what sound does a Ratchet make?"
3yo Bumblebee, screaming at the top of his baby voice: "I NEEDED THAT!!"
Bulkhead & Ratchet: *starts laughing hysterically*
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transfrmrs · 6 months
Drift, frustrated: Flirt back Ratchet, even more frustrated: How?!
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nova--spark · 10 months
Ooh! Maybe if they kids wear stuff to remember the autobots maybe the autobots can where stuff to remember the kids they were close to!
Oh my goooood yes yes 10000000000000000000000000x yes These are mainly for their Alt Modes but
Optimus is the most subtle, but he has one of Miko's little dolls as a mirror decoration in his cabin. For Raf, he has a little orange robot on his dashboard, who's comically large red glasses shake during bumpy roads. For Jack, it's more subtle, but he carries a small picture in a hidden compartment, taken by Jack after Optimus had returned to them post Orion incident. Just the two of them.
Bumblebee carries with him one of Raf's old toy cars, something he treasures. He's had help to fix it up and remake the controller to fit his hands. When he was bored, he sometimes played with it. Additionally after that one time they raced in Jasper, Bee has a 1st place ribbon hung from his mirror, in honor of their win that night.
Ratchet too carries a small little dashboard robot, which he vehemently denies to be Raf's favorite color. But no one can fault him for having it, especially after seeing how close he was with Raf.
Bulkhead has his dashboard covered in stickers from Miko, and even has some of said artwork show on his frame, which he bears proudly and makes sure to regularly apply a cover on to keep it all from scuffing in any way.
Arcee being a bike in her alt mode, had some minor difficulty figuring out how she would pay homage to her dear partner. In the end, her choice was very simple, but fitting. A picture of herself, Jack and June, that she had secured to her windshield and no winds could ever make it fly off no matter how fast she flew. Next to it, was a picture of Cliffjumper that the boys had dug up from somewhere.
Smokescreen was unsurprisingly fond of mementos from Earth, and after the time he and Jack spent together, he carries a keychain Jack totally didn't sneak him from K.O Drive Inn kid meals. It's of , appropriately, a race car with his prior paint job.
Wheeljack carries with him, a picture of Miko Bulk, himself and Magnus of all mechs, Miko in her Apex Armor. The katana he bears as weapons also now have a few of Miko's lovely artworks. And in a move that would no doubt make her proud, he started adding harmless dye packs to his bombs. Has made for hilarious reactions from his foes in battle.
Ultra Magnus chose to not bear any on his own frame, as protocol dictated unauthorized modifications to be reprimanded if not properly screened. But at the very least, in his files, there are reports of the 3 human allies, each given the proper honors of war heroes they had earned.
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its-elioo · 2 years
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Ratchet: How many times do I have to tell you?! We are NOT a kindergarten! You can't adopt every human you see!
Optimus: I'm sorry old friend. ><'
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kittycookiesuwu · 1 year
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I decided to draw more Optiratch but in G1 and RobotsInDisguise-
It was pretty fun to try it! :]
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cozzzynook · 6 months
Dratchrod decepticon claiming bites? Idea originally from GhostHost on ao3 & i love it!
Deadlock gave Ratchet a horrendous bite claim that couldn’t be covered. It was surprisingly Rodimus who gave Drift a mating claim in the form of two burns on his face? Drift puts that red paint on them for decoration.
Ratchet courted Drift the autobot way with gifts, affection and companionship while Rodimus courted Ratchet with whatever the mech asked for and long moments of peace in and out if the medbay.
Neither remember that they never courted Rodimus.
And it only comes to head when Magnus pulls them aside asking if they would take it personal if he and Megatron started courting him since he and Megatron
— ( who are claimed together by Magnus marking Megatron’s chest with a curl design on each side & Megatron courting Magnus/Minimus with poetry, honesty & promising to walk beside him for the rest of their life cycle. He chose the way miners used to court since he wanted it to be genuine & Magnus/Minimus truly appreciated it )
— knew they were amica with benefits.
The two are completely shocked and blindsided by this & they start denying that saying they’re in a relationship until they realize they never courted Rodimus back and Magnus takes this as his opportunity to inform them he and Megatron would be pursuing.
So now its a race against the clock for Drift & Ratchet to court Rodimus.
But things aren’t easy or simple when they see Magnus and Megatron enter Rodimus’s office and get a bad feeling.
They don’t see or hear from Rodimus until the next day who is blushing receiving a gift from Magnus. They didn’t even know Rodimus liked plants since he didn’t care much for flowers.
It doesn’t get better when they see Megatron put a cube of energon to Rodimus lips and tells him to “drink,” with an emotion one would not say Megatron capable of.
Idk i just like the angst of dratchrod because of canon dratchet & rodimus is alone 😭 but i promise i like dratchrod happy. I also like Megarod & Magnus/Minimus with rodimus.
Tips on my kofi are greatly appreciated 🥰
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thatzmemars · 9 months
“Back home”
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