#lost light
starheavenly · 1 day
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I made this Ratchet reference/breakdown if anyone finds it useful! I want to do one of Pharma but if there's any other characters y'all would like breakdown studies of let me know!
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roadwrecks · 3 days
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hey guys!
i am currently running an interest check on some transformers charms i would like to produce in the future! here is a rough of what they might look like :)
i plan on making more of the crew than just roddy as well, so
lmk who else you want to see!
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ihatebrainstorm · 19 minutes
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Batch 2 of commissions finished! They were all really fun to do :D Thank you again to those who comm'd me! o)-(
(Technically there were 3, but the third isn't a mech thingy so I'd rather just post the mech ones here)
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13mary-gold · 2 days
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For Mer Ratchet, I took the look of a beluga whale
I love his fins. They look cute ☺️
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numbbrainstrorm · 3 days
Idk man, I just wanna go missing and hope I'll be found dead
oh well
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Tutorial on how to make attractive bots unattractive :
Just give them to me lol
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showstopper35 · 3 days
Lost Light Crew Walks in on You Changing
warnings: slightly implied sexual references? not that much. mostly just the crew being goofy. I suppose this takes place in a human AU, or maybe the reader is human. I don’t know. Or care.
-He doesn’t even knock. He just barges right in, freezes, and practically screams some apology. “HOLY FRAG, I’M SO SORRY! I mean, damn, you look good, but I’M SO SORRY!!” He takes waaaaay too long to shut the door again. He then later pretends like nothing happened and flirts with you instead.
-He blinks. You blink. “Uh? Can you shut the door?” You ask. He blinks again, then you swear he whispers, “Sweet Primus” under his breath as his eyes travel up and down your body before swiftly turning out of the room. You’re all he can think about the rest of the week. Not that he would ever admit that.
Ultra Magnus
-He doesn’t even see you. He knocks. You respond that you are changing and he leaves with a quick apology. The next thing you know, a two-paged apology essay is sent to your datapad.
-He’s a doctor. He’s seen everything. A quick mumbled apology and he’s leaving already. Never mind the slight blush he has. What blush? Nothing happened. I don’t know what you’re talking about.
-The second he enters he’s already walking backwards out. He doesn’t even apologize, he just makes painfully long eye contact with you. “Oh.” he says before slipping away. He then proceeds to avoid you for three weeks.
-“OH MY PRIMUS I’M SO SORRY HOLY SCRAP PLEASE DON’T KILL MEEEE!” There are tears. Lots of tears. And tripping and more apologies as he tries to close the door. He slams his own digits in the door. “OW! AUGH I’M STILL SO SORRY!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FORGIVE ME!” Cyclonus has to console him for hours.
-“Are you sure you don’t want to help me steal Magnus’ door?” He barges in without so much as a pause, despite your exposed state. “No! Whirl! Get out!!” He does leave, but not before adding a few choice comments about your cowardice surrounding acts of vandalism. “Fine, I’ll make Skids help me. Also, you look pretty sexy. Not that I’d ever compliment you. I just meant like, objectively.” It’s possibly the kindest thing he’s ever said to you.
-There’s a lot of stammering, and mumbled swearing. You’re sure he’s blushing and sweating like crazy. He steps backwards, covering his face with his briefcase. “Sorry. I mean of course I’m lucky to have seen you…like that, at least it wasn’t Perceptor who walked in…I’M GONNA GET BACK TO MY LAB NOW!”
-You might not even notice that he reacted at all. A flick of his eyes over your body. A slight stutter. He remains in the room, calmly talking to you, but you notice he’s more fidgety than usual. You smile at him when he leaves, and you swear you hear him release a sigh as the door closes.
-Immediately shuts off his camera—and he never does that. He almost runs to you to hold your hand and apologize, but then he realizes that would just make it more awkward. Instead he covers his face and walks backwards out of the room, leaving you to shut the door yourself as his panicked little chattering fills the hallway.
-“Oh. Sorry.” He instantly covers his optics and starts to leave, before turning back around, still covering his face. “Do you want me to erase this memory? For both of us?”
“Uh…” you heasitate.
“I mean…it was a nice view.” He all but whispers, making you laugh. “You don’t have to erase it then, Domey.”
-Of course he doesn’t cover his eyes. He leaves, of course, but not before making a low, appreciative whistle. He makes a twirling motion with his hand, as if to ask you to spin so he could get the full view.
“Absolutely not. Get out, please.”
“Aw. It was worth a shot.”
-Like Magnus, he actually knocks. When you explain that you are dressing, he just gives a swift apology and returns about ten minutes later. There is nothing awkward or undignified about the situation. I mean, did you really expect anything different from Megatron?
-“Hey, can you-OH! SO SORRY!” She practically leaps in the air before covering her face. It then takes her six tries to shut the door properly. She doesn’t make eye contact with you for an entire month. Skids apologizes for her again later in the day. Legend has is that she blew a fuse blushing.
-Huh? When did he walk in on you changing? You don’t remember that? Well, I’m sure he would’ve apologised very politely.
-“DAAAAAAMN, YOU LOOK GOOD!” the amount of eyebrow waggling he is doing should count as a medical condition.
“Please get out before I steal every last ounce of engex from your bar.” “Fiiiiine.” You swear he makes the 😔 face in real life.
-For once in his life, he isn't running his mouth. He just stares. You swear he is committing every bare inch of your body to memory. He appeared mesmorized, as if he was finally confounded by some mystery.
"Uhm?" you squeak, and he snaps out of his trance.
"Sorry. I was just-uh, you look great. Yeah. Bye."
-(in a perfect universe, you would shoot him upon entering because of everything he did.)
"This is one room I don't want to leave." He was leaning against the doorframe, drinking in his view of you. Despite your best efforts to quickly cover up, he still hadn't left. Or apologized for barging in. Let's just say he would be in there for a while.
First Aid
-He makes one step into the room, physically shakes his head, slams his mouth shut, and then leaves as quick as he possibly can. You want to visit him in the medbay? Nope. He's found some random patient to work on. You want to drink with him at Swerve's? Nope. He's drunk himself under the table the second you enter the room. Good luck ever getting him to look you in the eye again.
-“Oh! Oh, wow- I mean like a good wow, but oh! I’m so sorry!!” She accidentally leaves the door open on the way out. She spends the next couple of weeks wondering if this will cause her to lose her medical license. It doesn’t.
-It takes him maybe three whole minutes to realize that you aren’t properly dressed. Enough time that you’re pretty much already dressed by the time he finishes yapping about whatever. “Oh, wait, sorry! Should I have knocked?”
“I think it’s too late for that.”
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giant-tardigayde · 1 day
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I wanted to see the world Through your eyes until it happened Then I changed my mind
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sulrae · 3 days
Megatron likes Hip-hop
Megatron never really understood the Lost Light's love for human media. In part because of his...negative impact on earth. Therefore, he's left out of the several conversations and references that some (Rodimus and Swerve) bots tend to make.
He does eventually find interest in human poetry after receiving a datapad of earth's greatest literature, courtesy of Minimus. He goes through the likes of Emily Dickinson and Lewis Carroll with a fine tooth comb. He ends up learning a bit about earth history and culture as he attempts to interpret context and meaning. Arabic poetry leaves a tingle in his spark as the words of Maram al-Marsi's A Red Cherry on a White-tiled Floor has him enamored with human's relationship with love.
He pours over Maya Angelou's I Know Why The Cage Bird Sings several times that he has it memorized. He even finds video clippings of her performing the poem over the years.
Megatron ends up stumbling into Hip-hop through human forums.
A decacycle habit to observe discourse and theories gave insight to much of the works he had read. Perspectives surrounding word choice he never considered. There were times in which he wanted to take part. The lack of mechs interested in poetry left him itching for conversation. However, the concept of Megatron, former Decepticon warlord arguing about stanzas with humans would be frowned upon by many. So he was content with reading and mumbling to himself about his own opinions.
And then one of his forums becomes rife with discussion after someone posts a wall of text, filled with anger and passion on the disrespect of the music genre of hip-hop. A response that came from someone else's thinly veiled contempt towards an artist receiving a Pulitzer for his work. The poster goes in detail of how this form of rhythm and poetry combine in ways the require skill. How the stories of oppression and love are spoken with such intensity in one moment, and a quiet calm in the next. "You clutch pearls at the sight of it as if you don't rip them from the clams you so greatly detest". The scathing remarks provides enough intrigue for Megatron to finally look into music on earth.
He pulls up the Trapped by 2pac. It rattles the bones of his past. The words lingers in his processor for cycles after.
It takes no time at all for Megatron to dive into the rest of Tupac's discography. Once he's done with that, he takes in more. N.W.A lights embers that was similar to the early days of the war. Mobb Deep brings him back to the streets of Kaon. The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill centers him a bit; allows him to simply sit with the album's beauty over a cube of energon one evening.
He picks through the more modern hip-hop and rap. Megatron can't seem to let go of the sound of the artists before, his expectations set unbelievably high. Very few could provide the same captivation of hearing Trapped for the first time.
Which was why it was fitting when Megatron finally reaches the artist that was so ardently defended.
Kendrick's music surprised Megatron at every turn. There was serenity in one verse that would build into a maelstrom of vigor and fervor. He was playful with intonation that any form of monotone required stillness. His lyrics melded with melody and the quick change of beats felt as though Megatron was listening to master craftsmen. To Pimp A Butterfly pushed Megatron to fill datapad after datapad with his own analysis and excitement. He gets through the DAMN. album and sits in silence after Duckworth finishes playing. Megatron almost misses his shift due to filling over 4 datapads worth of thoughts. One of them being that the album- while phenomenal- comes second to Pimp A Butterfly (The sampling of the interview with Tupac certainly adds to the bias).
It comes to the point where Megatron has to find someone to talk to about the genre. Minimus will spend too long on the vulgarity of lyrics. While Megatron thinks that while Drift would take delight in some of the music, there's still an air of tension whenever the two are around one another that suggests their relationship should stay professional. Megatron's at a loss with all of his thoughts when Grimlock of all bots catches him humming and goes, "Is that Outkast?"
It's a strange comradery they build, yet one that Megatron's delighted to take part in over energon at Swerve's. They've gotten a few stares that intensify anytime they have any arguments on which region's produces the best rappers.
("You can't deny the impact of west coast rap." Megatron had threw his hands up.
"And I refuse to let you consider southern rap artists as a 'paltry attempt' of emulating New York!" Grimlock pointed at Megatron.)
Magnus gently asked them to have their conversations somewhere else.
The Lost Light ends up encountering a human ship that isn't thrilled to see Megatron (even in a parallel universe, Megatron still finds a way to cause fear), but doesn't outright attack him on the account of the autobot badge on his chasis. They give him a wide berth while on the Lost Light. That is until him and Grimlock play Juvenile (at Grimlock's request), and have two human's peaking around the corner with shock and judgement. They ask both of them their thoughts on the genre that has Megatron stand a bit straighter as he talks for joors about his descend into hip-hop. One of the humans nod- still wary of Megatron but regards him with the respect. The other (Jeremiah) revels in this fact and is brought into the fold. The three meet every so often, discussing the state of music.
Then one day, Jeremiah rushes to Megatron with the rap battle of the generation.
Megatron smiles so hard at Kendrick's responses that it scares the whole Lost Light.
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kawareo · 10 months
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Megs' side profile is so fun to draw
Inspired by this post by @cyber-streak-2
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milkymolle · 6 months
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was thinking since transformers have sparks instead of hearts it'd be cute if they used stars as iconography for love
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keferon · 4 months
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katazuki · 4 months
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I did the thing.
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avoidghost · 2 months
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I forgot to post this Magnus commission I did last month ;v;
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ihatebrainstorm · 1 month
[It's Just a Theory!]
Just a simple theoretical discussion ^v^
Wanted to see what he would sound like with MatPat's voice then got. just a tinyyy bit carried away..........
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suitsofarmour · 3 months
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“Ultra Magnus is dead”
- LL7
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numbbrainstrorm · 2 days
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MF looking so gay that if transformers had sexes
That the MF would be a butch-lesbian-level gay
Okay I'm Really REALLY done for today
Sorry and good night 🦐🌃
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