#idw ratchet
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spuercrazycat16 · 2 days ago
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Ratchet in a suit won the poll! Also @gaysidesalad suggested megatron x ratchet, so how could i resist such a cool pair?
I did the idw designs bc they look super cool, sorry if the proportions are off, i tried mapping out the kibble best i could :,)
also: i’ll probably be doing the other suggestions bc you guys blessed me with such creative ideas! I just wanted to do this one first :)
Textless version below:
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(Ratchet in a suit-vest will be the DEATH of me)
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sryfoekillingtheyeast · 7 months ago
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dezmolad · 7 months ago
being a mtmte enjoyer means getting overly emotional about a picture of two cars drawn driving next to each other somewhere in the background
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and I think thats awesome
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eggariesalad · 2 months ago
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hf ratchet stuff
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keferon · 9 months ago
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So...you know all those stories about uh..how someone accidentally befriended an ancient evil monster because they accidentally helped it when it was little?
Now about this but it’s Dratchet and mythological tales?
I know Drift doesn't look like an epic monster yet, but that's only because he's small heheheh I sure hope he stays away from any hunters..uh huh..
Part 1. I think? If you guys like it. I have more somewhere on my tablet
Part 2
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megatronstits · 1 month ago
mtmte & lost light sillies [ part 17 ]
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starheavenly · 10 months ago
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I made this Ratchet reference/breakdown if anyone finds it useful! I want to do one of Pharma but if there's any other characters y'all would like breakdown studies of let me know!
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eminemily05 · 2 months ago
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It's not clean by any means, but I needed to draw it so badly
Who do you think would win?
(Based off a post I saw the other day)
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cani-bal · 2 months ago
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Pharma and Ratchet!
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ghostinthegallery · 23 hours ago
This scene wouldn't leave my head, so congrats it's the world's problem now.
In which Ratchet has a graveside chat with Wing, aka the dead guy that fixed his husband for him.
“I want to be very clear.” Ratchet placed the small cup full of engex at the base of the stone plinth. “I don't believe in ghosts or spirits or any of that nonsense. When we die, we die. That’s it. No Primus or Guiding Hand or cushy afterlife and definitely no looking out for the living. Got it?”
The grave did not respond, which was good. It was what Ratchet expected. He sat down, legs crossed, careful not to crush any of the shimmering blue flowers beneath him. 
“I'm just on the fragging necroworld, and I'm not above respecting the local customs.”
Sunlight warmed his back plating as he settled into place. It was a nice day. Most days on the necroworld were nice, when nobody was trying to kill them. Not a place Ratchet would want to stay long term, but it made for a decent rest stop. Even with all the reminders of how fragile life was. The death flowers and the graves.
Carved into this grave was simply the name Wing.
“He really wanted to find you, when he found out what this place was.” Ratchet said. “Drift, I mean. Or Deadlock, you might've called him that. Got all excited at the idea of visiting. You’re one of the only things in his past he'll talk much about.”
He stared at the engex he'd offered, then pulled a flask out of his subspace. No sense making the ghost—who did not exist—drink alone.
“Since he probably never mentioned me, I'm Ratchet. Medic. Drift's conjunx, but that’s a recent development.”
Had he seriously just introduced himself to a rock? Maybe he'd gotten knocked in the helm and forgotten about it and this was all processor damage. Still, it felt right to speak, so he did. Not like anyone else was around.
“I saved his life once, a long time ago. He stood out to me. To this day, I don't understand why, but maybe you saw it too. Maybe you saw something in him that made you want to help. Sounds like you did a lot for him. Probably more than me, if we're being honest. I got him back on his feet, but after that…” Ratchet sighed. “He was still poor as scrap. He still watched enforcers shoot his friend. He was still angry.”
The image of Drift walking away from the clinic, off to sell his frame to anyone who wanted to use it made Ratchet's tank feel sour. It worsened when he thought about what was actually going on at those clinics. He wondered what he would have done if he'd known.  
“It sounds like I have you to blame for all Drift's spectralist nonsense. So frag you for that. It's annoying as hell,” he continued, eager to change the subject. “Yeah, it helped him sort through things. Even I can admit that. When he's not using religion to hide from his problems, it…it gives him some comfort. Still killed a lot of good bots, but hey, he’s in good company.”
Ratchet had no desire to hunt down Drift’s statue and see how many of the necrobot’s death flowers surrounded it. Or how many surrounded his own statue, for that matter. 
“War’s over, and we’ve all got to move on somehow. Frankly, he’s doing better than most. Brave, resourceful, too self-sacrificing for his own good. You fixed him up nice.” Ratchet studied his flask. “And I get all the benefits. Doesn’t seem fair but, thanks. I guess.”
He sighed and adjusted his position. “He feels real guilty about what happened to you. Thinks you'd still be alive if you hadn't helped him. Maybe he's right. Who knows? But you don't sound like the kind of person that would regret helping someone. You sound better than that.”
Heaviness settled over Ratchet's shoulders as he said, “I don't regret saving him either. I never have, even when Deadlock was a name autobots whispered in the same tone as necrobot. And considering how things turned out,” he chuckled. “I don’t know if that makes me a hypocrite. I’m happier with him. Less tired. He just feels right.” Ratchet added, “Probably don’t have to explain that to you.”
The strangeness of this one-sided conversation hit him again, but not harshly. It was an easy way to unload his thoughts. Like a waking defrag. 
“The swords were a nice touch.” A smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. Drift looked good wielding those blades of his. Ratchet didn't mind the view when he trained. Didn't mind it in the slightest.
“He still carries your greatsword. Doesn't use it much, but it's always on his back.” Ratchet took another pull from his flask. “Been hearing some of the other bots say he should fight a duel with Cyclonus and his big greatsword which even I think is a bit sacrilegious, but—”
“There you are.”
Ratchet started then turned towards the familiar voice. Drift, footsteps annoyingly silent, approached from behind. His expression morphed from inquisitive to shocked when he got close enough to read the stone’s inscription.
“You found him,” Drift said softly.
Ratchet nodded and moved aside so Drift could kneel. Drift’s EM field was wild with conflicting emotions. Surprise, happiness, and grief mingled together, and he made no attempt to hide them. 
“I was about to come get you,” Ratchet said, which was technically true. He fully intended to bring Drift to his friend’s grave. After he was done with whatever this was.
Drift’s optics settled on the cup of engex. He smirked.
“Is that an offering?” He gasped with exaggerated shock. “A committed skeptic, bringing a gift to a ghost? Ratchet, is that you or some sort of mimic?”
Ratchet grabbed the finger Drift poked against his chest. “I didn’t want to get slag from you for being disrespectful.” 
His spark jumped as Drift pressed his hand into Ratchet’s and intertwined their fingers. Then, to Ratchet’s shock, Drift swiped the engex cup and downed it in one gulp.
“What was that?” he demanded, surprised at his own offense.
“Wing never drank engex,” Drift said. “He always gave it to me whenever mechs brought him anything. The Crystal City stuff was so diluted I couldn’t even get a buzz, but it took the edge off.”
“Ah.” Ratchet nodded. “Guess you two had an understanding.”
Drift nodded and let his frame lean into Ratchet’s. Silence settled over them. Ratchet ran his thumb over the back of Drift's hand while the latter grew contemplative. His face fell, melancholy overtaking his field. 
“I wish you two could have met,” Drift said. “He would have liked you.”
“I doubt that.” Ratchet replied. “But I’d have liked to meet him anyway.”
A breeze caught the flowers, like ripples over water. Ratchet didn’t interrupt when Drift shut off his optics and took a meditative intake. They stayed like that for a long time, hand in hand, while Drift steadied his field and Ratchet watched and took the occasional sip from his flask. He’d learned to savor quiet moments like this. They didn’t come often.
Drift’s optics brightened and he said, “Is there anyone here you want to see?”
Ratchet waved his free hand. “I get enough trouble dealing with the living. Don't need to invite the dead to cause problems too.”
“So you won’t come and visit Gasket with me?” Drift pouted.
Ratchet groaned. “I didn’t say that.”
With a smile that made Ratchet's internals melt, Drift helped him up. He then paused and offered a spectralist sign to Wing’s grave. 
“Farewell,” he said. “And thank you for everything.”
As Drift pulled Ratchet away, Ratchet dipped his chin towards the plinth and muttered his own nearly silent,
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Every edit I do so far
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sryfoekillingtheyeast · 7 months ago
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silly doodles
If Drift can weld
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entropicfission · 5 months ago
tfa ratchet and tfp ratchet hold a special place in my heart. they are so exasperated and DONE and old and OVER IT. they are TIRED of fixing friends and loved ones only to send them back out to get hurt once more on the battlefield, all because some Idiots can’t get their heads out of their asses and have a goddamn conversation. he’s a medic and a healer, not a soldier or politician. his main goal in life is to do everything in his power to safeguard the wellbeing of whoever is in front of him, and the war makes this impossible, and he is burnt the fuck out and bitter beyond words. he loves so much, and the war punishes him for having that heart, and the end result is an old ornery dude who refrains from going full alcoholic only because his devotion to his duty as a medic is even greater than the despair
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square-with-a-mouth · 2 months ago
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What's gayer?
Being gay or whatever they have going on rn
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Maybe these ho's r next
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keferon · 8 months ago
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Monster hunter au part 8
The sweet sweet reunion hehe
I originally wanted to make all these pages in color but then I thought hehe Ratchet is blind so if he wants to “see” Drift’s new face and armor and everything….it means he has to touch it. And then my adhd kicked in so now I have the whole extra canoodling part and nothing is colored👍
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novafire-is-thinking · 2 months ago
"Lost Child" by 梵天/成人
(Read right to left)
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Japanese -> English translation and typesetting by @karinadele // English grammar and syntax revisions by me (@novafire-is-thinking)
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