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dilact · 21 days ago
Dinner tonight is just a fuck ton of tater tots
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dickfuckk · 2 years ago
Every time i tell people i buy groceries every 14 days they seem shocked by this and tell me they buy groceries every day or several times a week.
That in turn blows my mind, as someone who couldn’t possibly hate buying groceries more than i do, i can’t imagine doing it that often.
Bonus if you tell me in the tags how you feel about shopping for groceries. Do you hate it with a passion like me? Feel indifferent to it, just another chore? Or do you somehow love it?
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wuthering-tempest · 4 months ago
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guard dog
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spellbird · 1 year ago
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(Read from left to right)
Had an intrusive thought about Kazuki's facial hair and just had to make a little comic about it! It's been a while since I've made comics, so sorry that it's kinda messy/ just sketches. I tried to clean them up as best as I could!
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
Luffy not knowing about Zoro promising Sanji to kill him if he ever ends up losing himself makes me go feral because that's something they can only know about. Because Zoro's respect for life and death goes beyond anything, and Sanji knows he understands. Sanji knows that if somebody has to kill him, it's him.
And I don't even think it's because Sanji assumes Zoro's opinion of him is hatred and it would hurt less for him to do this, but because Sanji knows only Zoro would be able to treat the promise as it is. Because he would put Sanji's wishes before any feelings he has for him. It's not that Zoro doesn't care, but I think he respects people's ideals and decisions to the extent of being able to kill Sanji if he so desires.
That being said, he'd do it if there's no other way to fix it. If it's either dying or living as an emotionless machine, which is the same as dying for Sanji, Zoro would fulfill his promise. And there is just... Something about Luffy not knowing. Their captain. The man they're devoted to the most as if he were their God. Luffy doesn't know. It's something only the captain's wings are aware of and the thought of these two keeping this from Luffy until the end is just insane. Not even trying to make it romantic here, but the bond and respect these two have for each other is crazy.
Maybe it's the poetry of it all, too. Somebody like Zoro, who has looked at Death in her face multiple times and said "no", ending Sanji's life, who wants to give in to death to not experience a fate worse than death for him.
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falmerbrook · 1 year ago
Peryite is such an underrated daedric prince to me, conceptually. His sphere of influence has so much potential to explore. Like, disease and the natural order together? The way his followers see disease as a blessing? I love the implications there alone. He's the weakest prince, but his sphere has the potential to be so subtly destructive. One of his symbols, skeevers, represents that so well. The series has been kinda meh at exploring the princes philosophically but I feel like they are right on the cusp of something interesting with him, but since he isn't as flashy or obviously "bad" (or sexy) as the other ones he keeps getting put on the backburner. Gimme an interesting Peryite storyline pretty please. Explore things a little
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spark-circuit · 3 days ago
oh cool new V1 lore aha. :) ooh layer redesigns, okay, okay. :)
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trans-shuichisaihara · 18 days ago
i have often been neutral on saiouma/oumasai, but sometimes i do think about them and think they are very cute and fun
the mischievous boy that tricksters the anxious boy is just a fun combo
and when it goes from kokichi running circles around shuichi so fast it makes him dizzy to shuichi just watching him run around and being like, "ah, you're pulling my leg and having a fun time," and simply relaxing and going along with the chaos kokichi brings, it's very nice
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 months ago
What are your thoughts on K as some kind of multimedia series thing? I've been seeing other series that do that with them having anime, games, books, etc. that are all supposed to be this one big project that you'd need to know entirely to see the whole story. Unlike K though which got popular when the anime released, I barely hear anything much about other series that sorta did the same as it did.
I think K’s a bit different from a lot of other multimedia project style anime, in that it seems like nowadays ‘multimedia project’ is just code for ‘there’s a gacha game’ XD Seriously though I do feel like a lot of series do that now, an anime comes out but it’s just secondary to the mobile game and the real focus of the project is please please spend your money to buy pngs of our large cast who will each be allowed to have one (1) defining personality trait each. Sometimes the show might get some drama CDs or there will be an idol element so they can sell CDs and concerts but it definitely feels like you don’t see light novels as much (unless it’s for an already popular series to capitalize on something pre-existing) or even really manga that are specifically intended to fit into the series timeline and aren’t just random ‘day in the life’ or ‘retelling of the gacha game’s story’ ones. 
I think K is also interesting as a multimedia project in that the anime seems to be the ‘primary,’ more or less, or at least the thing that it’s expected people can generally watch with minimal knowledge of the other materials and still enjoy. Like I think it’s expected that viewers will at the very least watch season one of K first and that will get them interested enough to seek out the side materials, the side materials supplement the anime storyline but never supersede it. Compare that to something like, for example, Hypnosis Mic, where the main storyline is more in the songs and drama CDs and the anime was intended to promote those, but the HypMic anime itself can easily be skipped (season one at least, I never watched further than that) without affecting the main storyline of the actual series. Or something like the recent Delico’s Nursery anime, which gives a taste of the story but doesn’t really stand alone well without any knowledge of the stage plays it’s part of. By contrast while you could theoretically skip the K anime and just read the side materials you would be missing the main thrust of the storyline, the side materials build up the world around the anime but ultimately they remain in service to the anime rather than the other way around. 
I actually personally prefer this way too, while I do wish the side materials would get referenced more in the series proper I’ve found K far easier to follow than pretty much any other multimedia project I’ve tried to get into because the anime had actual stakes and important story happening and I didn’t feel like I would be totally lost if I missed, say, posts from the one person posting translations of a drama CD on Twitter or something like that. I also like that while K did have a mobile game at least it was brief and had fun moments with the existing cast, rather than falling into the trap of needing to constantly add more characters and everyone’s personalities getting flatter the more the cast ballooned. I think it both helps and hurts a little that K was created by light novel writers, on the one hand I think the anime is a bit uneven because Gora as a whole aren’t used to working within the confines of an anime but on the other the novels and short stories really give these characters a chance to shine that I don’t think they would have gotten if the anime was just there to promote a mobile game or a concert.
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prettydykeboy · 5 months ago
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does anyone know if the star wars rebel comics (specifically the magazine issues) are available to read anywhere online for free? Considering the comics seem to be pretty rare/people straight up don't know they exist I think I gotta explain what I'm actually talking about.
Officially titled "Star Wars Rebels Magazine" or the complete edition "Star wars Rebels (TBP)" is a magazine series published predominantly in Europe and later in the US. Whilst the magazine was aimed at kids, with art sections and coloring sections and whatever, the vast majority of the magazine issues also contained comics, usually at 10 pages long.
AND THE COMIC PORTIONS ARE ACTUALLY...GOOD (for the most part). see, the comics have actually been released separately (so without the magazine portion), you can either buy individual volumes (pictured below) or you can buy the complete edition (also pictured below).
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(all images taken from Wookieepedia)
I think people who are SW Rebel fans would really enjoy the comics. since some comics give extra context to existing episodes, include new characters, and honestly just have interesting premises. I do actually own a physical copy of the comics but cannot find a place online to actually read the comics for free. no pirating websites I've checked have the comic so i was literally wondering if it even exists online to read. If it doesn't I was hoping this post could also encourage someone else who also owns a copy to provide scans (i would do it myself but i have no resources such as a local library or a scanner to actually scan the comics). I really enjoyed these comics and wanted more people to know about them !
i also hoped this post would maybe inform people who really like Rebels that these comics do exist and maybe convince them to read it !!!
also some other notes i just couldn't figure out where to put:
the entire collection is 500 pages long and contains 39 issues in total
the comic series has multiple artists, meaning the art style changes from issue to issue. however most of the artists are pretty recurring so there's only about 5 (estimate) artists but its interesting to see the art style changes if you're into that
there are also different writers, which also change from issue to issue but are also pretty recurring as well (there's like 4)
here are a collection of some random pictures to convince u to read it
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(photos taken by me)
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raiiny-bay · 5 months ago
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got a tablet recently so now i can draw on the go >:-)
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tangents-within-tangents · 5 months ago
Would that there was a faithful, accurate adaptation of Dracula so that Jonathan Decker and Alan Seawright could discuss the nontoxic masculinity, healthy friendships, and the BEST MARRIAGE RELATIONSHIP IN FICTIONAL HISTORY but nooo!
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riddlerosehearts · 6 months ago
seeing people say "grapist" and "sewerslide" on reddit fucking kills me why are we letting tiktok self-censorship make its way to other sites where you Do Not need to do that 😭
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phoenixcatch7 · 5 months ago
Up next, the only model I have of one of my rare fandom OCs. I typically only make one per fandom, so this is mdzs!
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This is Crow, a nameless and amnesiac raven. The animal reincarnation of an ancient demonic cultivator puppeting the skeleton of their previous life. Wwx named them upon meeting them when he mistook their species in the dark, and then found it funny enough he kept the name.
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It's vanishingly rare these guys get lore, but this one does!
I typically keep to book or anime continuity, and crow is my nod to cql/the untamed. In this, crow is the only known member of a rare and unorthodox species - a yin skeleton.
To 'become' a yin skeleton, a few criteria must be met: a creature of sufficient power and resentment must die an unsettled death and yet refuse to become a resentful spirit. Their corpse must then be left, undisturbed and unburied in whatever state it was left in, in a location of immense resentful energy with full exposure to (the purifying yin of) the moon. After many years, once the flesh has rotted off the bones, the skeleton left will rise once more and mindlessly seek out its soul. Should it encounter the soul in their new body, and the soul accept the undead shell rather than fleeing or destroying it, the bond between mind and body will be forged anew, and the skeleton becomes a second body of the soul, allowing it to cultivate immense amounts of yin energy without damage to the current vessel.
Having no organs, it of course cannot talk or feel pain, though resentment puppets its limbs and allows it to see and hear just as well as any reanimated skeleton - better, even. Though it can carry out orders and operate from a significant distance, a yin skeleton will always be drawn back to its soul, seeking out what it can never again have.
Crow is the reincarnation of whoever created the burial mounds, the losing side. It's been so long since they first reincarnated, gained their yin skeleton, and cultivated to sapience that they no longer recall anything about their human life, including their old gender. Wwx theorises that they could be Xue Chonghai himself, or one of his disciples, but any clues are long since lost to time and they're not really interested in finding out. Nonetheless, they have 'lived' in the burial mounds undisturbed and undiscovered for centuries, learning and experimenting with yin energy with their decreasingly limited intelligence and total lack of resources or modern knowledge.
Wwx encounters them for the first time utilising corpses for a dance ritual to expose the sky above the thick smog. Think a rain dance, but in reverse. Though they're not a fighter (nothing to fight in the burial mounds if you're part of it) or good at using their words (nothing to talk to in the burial mounds period), they nonetheless possess a deep understanding of yin energy/resentment and its interactions with its cultivators that wwx reverse engineers and uses to reach even greater heights. Vaguely endeared and deeply interested in the most unusual thing to happen in the mounds in literal centuries, their raven body often leaves the mounds to scavenge for berries and the like for wwx to eat, because lord knows what he was eating in canon.
When wwx breaks out of the burial mounds, they intermittently visit him, acquiring a veiled hat and covering robes to avoid getting hunted down, pretending mutism and the bird being a talking service animal trained for translation. They could not look any more like a demonic cultivator if they tried, though, so results are mixed. They are often one crow among the many that follow wwx around being ominous and creepy, so it's no surprise he thought they were one too at first!
With a reason and desire to explore and socialise (with like, one person lol), Crow slowly grows to genuinely like wwx and shows initiative by spying for information. This works worryingly well, being just a bird and a super powered undead. When wwx brings the wens to the burial mounds, Crow is introduced to them all and in turn shows them the way to the old sect ruins, where they settle. They bond with wn, unsurprisingly, and are extremely fond of him and the small human who is soon unafraid to approach them. During the first siege of the burial mounds, wwx orders them to hide and guard a-yuan, and they do so, though they struggle to care for him as his fever climbs. When lwj comes and rescues a-yuan, they follow him in secret, often checking in on the pair in between general spying and stalking and trying to clean up the mounds.
When wwx is forcibly brought back to life in a new body, his own skeleton wakes up and tries to find him. Crow takes care of it like an exasperated child minder, keeping it from running out in public or off cliffs in search of him, until they encounter him halfway up dafan mountain. A dark human shape looming in the shadows of the trees just off the path looking straight at him, following the narrative it'd be the first time the audience meets them lol. The very image of Bad News.
Crow leads wwx to a clearing, where there is the outline of a tall, broad figure standing just inside the shade cast by the trees. Red eyes, tumbling and tattered hair, flowing robes. It steps out into the moonlight, and wwx's skeleton is skinless and bare but for the cloak Crow has forced it into. Wwx reaches for the grasping bony hands with zero hesitation, and thus wwx gets his own yin skeleton - the first ever human to do so.
As a demonic hippie, essentially, Crow isn't really a fighter - preferring to cultivate through dance where wwx chooses music - though they aren't afraid to dish the pain. Like any other undead, the skeleton does all the work, fighting unarmed with immense brute strength, speed and endurance. Like wn, basically. When not covered from head to toe to participate in society they typically wear very loose, gaping clothing to allow Crow to climb around on the bones. They typically rest in the exposed ribcage like a birdcage, but when making a point they often climb into the skull to peer from an eye socket (which is why the design has a single red eye. All very goth. I was going to use a normal eye but it looks absolutely HORRIFYING on a skeleton XD).
Crow, being a bird in charge of a skeleton in a pit of death, cares very little for appearances, and their yin skeleton is clothed in repaired and stolen rags from the corpses. The only thing remaining of their past life is a weirdly indestructible cloak/outer robe embroidered with falling red leaves. Shoes are very hard to wear when you don't have any skin or muscles, and it's not like it can get scratches or sore feet anyway, so it's barefoot, only using wraps to give the illusion of shoes. The whole chest was supposed to be exposed so you could see the ribs! But there weren't any chest pieces like that so I had to settle. It does look SUPER cool though. The feathers on their chest are from the bird! It's hard to tell given the dark colours and the blood, but they're the same blue as the wings! The arm guards and wraps are basically just falconry gloves so Crow can land safely and not fall off the bones lol. The moon/yin bleaching has left the bones really white, unlike natural skeletons which are yellow. The bleaching white is for hygiene and aesthetic I think.
Due to the bird cultivating resentment, Crow successfully reached immortality in their flesh and blood body. Perhaps they could have been human by now had they stayed in the reincarnation cycle and led good lives, but they prefer the life they have. If they could speak eloquently enough they could revolutionise the study of yin, but wwx is the only one who really listened. Eventually, perhaps, if they form the undead trio with wn and sl (and a-qing, technically) and one of the two teaches them the modern writing system. Due to all the spying and exploring (breaking and entering) they do, they often struggle to have patience with surprise or denial. Crow may have bitten someone in frustration. Or five.
Luckily, lsh and jl regard them as the creepy but helpful uncle, and enjoy petting the raven as much as it enjoys being pet. The adults who know of them are mostly warily resigned to ominous eyeless staring and a bird randomly sharing personal details of their enemies. It's how they show their love.
Man but I'm SO happy with the design, it came out SO WELL!!
If you've read this far, yay! Tell me what you think ^u^
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transmaclean · 3 days ago
wrt pre-war America and their possible involvement in the Vietnam war (the one line abt declaring war on Vietnam in Fallout: Tactics' introduction), during a lot of the press interviews for the Fallout tv show Walton Goggins (and I think Ella Purnell also says this though i might be misremembering) explains the sci-fi futuristic america before the nukes as "an America that never went to vietnam" and he says this multiple times. Which makes me think that somebody explained it to him this way and the Sino-American war is instead the sort of bloody, complicated war in US history as it also lead to the destruction of the world. Except his character, Cooper Howard, doesn't actually criticize the war he participated in, and he seems more proud of "defending freedom," and he's similar to lucy in this way where he actually genuinely has drinken the kool-aid like he believed in justice and freedom and he believed that was what he was fighting for and that it's worth preserving. which is why everything barbara brings up about the vaults rubs him the wrong way. He values individualism and the right to personal freedoms to express yourself. "What if I don't wanna wear a blue jumpsuit everyday? Who made that rule?" Interestingly, even though he's a war veteran, he doesn't want to act out a scene where he executes a "commie." He's supposed to be the hero, America is supposed to the hero, and yet execution is not a very heroic action. We get glimpses of that kind of contradiction between foreign policy and what americans believed about themselves and about America that was heavily prevalent during the Vietnam war especially the Beat era as a response to Vietnam. but the full disillusion wrt the vietnam war seems to never have come to pass in pre-war America. Except the prospect of the US having participated in the Vietnam war and winning instead doesn't contradict this chain of events either. It's not as if they were stuck in 50s culture, though a lot of marketing around fallout is based on this idea, more that there was never any meaningful opposition to America's imperialistic, fascist goals or the pervasive propaganda around America as the "Altruistic Global Leader" with the responsibility to interfere in foreign relations. for uhhh freedom and justice and the american way. Let's also consider the implication that the Korean war was a proxy war between the US and China now instead, and that the Cold War surrounds the tension between the US and China; this would also make sense for the progression of american attitudes wrt the "east" and the inclusion of concentration camps of chinese-americans in Old World Blues which parallels the japanese-american concentration camps during WW2. The implication to necessitate china being the "boogey man" instead of the soviet union/russia, is that they're a similarly successful imperialistic entity, and probably the US lost the Korean war as a result. Another interesting contemporary event would be 9/11. though if it did or didn't happen (or something similar) would it actually change anything about the path the US was already on wrt global imperialism?
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eggie-toast · 1 month ago
I don't hate bleach at all and its one of the far safer ones i just like to be contrarian
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