#the deadpan reactions and sass that can bring is so funny
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trans-shuichisaihara · 18 days ago
i have often been neutral on saiouma/oumasai, but sometimes i do think about them and think they are very cute and fun
the mischievous boy that tricksters the anxious boy is just a fun combo
and when it goes from kokichi running circles around shuichi so fast it makes him dizzy to shuichi just watching him run around and being like, "ah, you're pulling my leg and having a fun time," and simply relaxing and going along with the chaos kokichi brings, it's very nice
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inadaydream99 · 4 years ago
Hello! Can I request the boyz reaction to you set them as your lockscreen? Love you and your writings 💜
Hi, thank you for requesting! Sorry this has taken so long. I tried to write a mix of fluffy, slightly angsty and funny reactions so I really hope you enjoy them! 😁
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“What’s your passcode?” Sangyeon looks at you in intrigue, smirking when you realise that he’s holding your phone in his hand.
Now, you’re not too protective over your phone. But for some reason, the thought that Sangyeon wants to unlock it makes you nervous.
“It’s the day of our first date.” You respond timidly, swallowing the lump of nerves in your throat. You watch as he types in the code and flicks through your phone, a pleased smirk growing on his face after a few seconds.
“What’s this?” Sangyeon teasingly turns your phone screen towards you, displaying the background photo of him that you took while he was sleeping.
“I- I just thought you looked so handsome...” you trail off, fiddling with your fingers as you explain your choice of background.
“It’s funny cause I have you asleep as my background too.” Your head shoots up to meet your boyfriends cheeky expression, both of you bursting into laughter over how similar you really are.
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“Whatcha doing?” Jacob curiously asks, taking you a little by surprise as he leans over the back of the sofa. He’s seen you scrolling through your phone from the other room and decided that he wanted your attention.
“Oh, nothing.” You crane you neck round to get a better look at your boyfriend, sending him a warm smile.
What you realise a second too late, however, is that Jacob’s attention isn’t on you, but on your phone screen which you left unlocked.
You’ve never told him this, but you set your background to a picture of him. It’s one of your favourites, taken on your third date well over a year ago now. He’s sat on a park bench, looking at the scenery instead of the camera, a cheeky grin on his face. Everytime you look at the picture it brings back so many fond memories of when you first fell in love. That’s why you chose it as your background, so you could always remember that special date.
“You’re too cute.” Jacob goofily smiles down at you, pressing a kiss to your cheek when you shyly turn your head away. You can feel your cheeks warming as they flair a deep crimson, you heart beating just that little bit faster from his kiss.
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“Now it’s perfect.” Younghoon assertively states, finally handing you back your phone.
A huge grin takes over your face when you lay eyes on your new background picture; one of you both smiling at each other, looking like two idiots in love.
Initially you’d had just a picture of Younghoon on his own as your background. It was a selfie that he had taken at a recent fan event and you thought he looked so sweet and handsome that you had saved it and made it your background screen.
When Younghoon saw your choice of background, however, he wasn’t satisfied. Although he loved that it was a picture of him, he wanted something more personal to take its place. A picture only you had.
“It really is.” You beam up at your boyfriend in responce, laughing heartily when he pulls you into a warm hug and squishes you against his chest a little too tightly.
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“It’s not cute, it’s embarrassing.” Hyunjae whines like a child.
Finding out that the background on your phone is an embarrassing picture of him made your boyfriend complain non stop in an attempt to get you to change it. But unluckily for Hyunjae you’re not budging in the slightest.
“Hyunjae who’s gonna even see it besides me?” You flatly state, unimpressed with his relentless pleaing.
“But what if one of your friends sees it while they are with you, or you lose your phone.” He persuades, though you only shake your head in responce, rolling your eyes playfully.
“You wanna know why that picture of you is my background?” Hyunjae nods, still pouting at you. “Because it’s real. It’s who you are, my dorky, loveable boyfriend.” You caress his cheek affectionately, watching as Hyunjae tries to hide the smile that grows on his face.
“Ok... I guess you can keep it then.” He dramatically sighs, pulling you into his embrace and hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
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“That’s a little bit frightening.” Juyeon snickers as he looks over your shoulder while you are on your phone. You look up at him to see his amused smirk, letting out a laugh upon the realisation that he’s never seen your background before.
It’s an edited fan picture of him, from one the The Boyz memes that you found so funny you saved and made your background... just so you could look at it and laugh now and again.
“It is a little, but it’s funny.” You join in, watching as Juyeon simply shakes his head at you in return, a wide smile on his face.
“You have the strangest sense of humour, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.” He comments adoringly.
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“I like the one of us together better.” Kevin points to the picture of you smiling together on your camera roll.
You were deciding on what photo to make your new background and your nosey boyfriend was insistent on a particular photo of you both because he feels he’s not embarrassing or awkward in that one.
“But you’re always embarrassing and awkward.” You cheekily smirk, bursting into laughter when Kevin deadpans you.
“Come on, be serious.” He encourages, tapping on his choice of picture to enlarge it.
“But it’s what I love about you... we’re awkward together!” You plea up at Kevin, trying to get him to see the funny side at least. And it doesn’t take long before he cracks a smile, both of you laughing as you set your background picture to the one that captured you both off guard.
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“Really, that’s your background?” Chanhee sasses, successfully gaining your attention. He’d been acting off with you all day and you’re not sure why. You know he’s stressed with work so you’ve been letting his rudeness slide, but now it’s starting to upset you. There’s only so long you can go before you bite back.
Your background just so happens to be a picture of you together from your recent holiday, back when you both were happy and relaxed and your boyfriend wasn’t constantly in a bad mood.
“I know right, instead of having a picture of my boyfriend I should change it to something that doesn’t upset me.” Chanhee stops in his tracks upon hearing your comment, spinning around on his feat to face you, letting out a huff.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” He interrogates, slowly taking a few steps towards you.
“What it means is that my loving boyfriend has been nothing but rude to me all day for no apparent reason.” You state, trying to keep a straight face. But that doesn’t stop Chanhee for seeing your eyes well up with tears, his hard expression instantly falling off his face and his defensive attitude fading.
“(Y/N) I’m sorry. I love that I’m your background, really.” Chanhee apologises with wide eyes, nodding his head eagerly to show you he truly means it. “I’ve just got so much going on at the moment, I’m exhausted.” He continues, leaning into you when you cuddle into his side.
“Good because I didn’t want to have to change it.” You chuckle, cuddling yourself tighter into his embrace.
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Changmin had the biggest grin on his face when you entered the room, your phone in his hand as he stared at the smiling photo of him as your background.
“I didn’t know I was your background.” You giggle at how happy your boyfriend is because of this.
“Of course you are.” You state like it’s no big deal, that it’s just a causual thing that most couples do.
“Well I love it.” Changmin wraps his arm around your shoulder, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. “But you know what I’d love even more...” he trails off, sending you a devilish grin as you turn to face him.
“What.” You cautiously question, not sure if you want to know the answer or not.
“If you’re background was that embarrassing picture of you when you were drunk.” He darkly chuckles. “We can bet on it, if you lose then you’ll change your background.” Changmin proposes.
“I’m willing to take that risk.” You agree, matching your boyfriends playfully challenging expression.
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“Too bad you’re not mine...” Haknyeon quickly comments before rushing away from you.
“Haknyeon!” You shout after him in warning, telling him to get back to you though your tone.
It all started when he snatched your phone out of your hands and stumbled upon your background picture of him. Now, Haknyeon is in a particularly playful mood today, so his child like tormenting was all in good nature, but also very annoying after a while.
You cross your arms as you sulk, refusing to get out of your comfy seat to chase after him. You don’t even acknowledge your boyfriend when he enters the room again and takes a seat beside you, holding his phone in front of you.
“What did you just do.” You finally turn to face him when you hear him giggle as he taps away on his phone.
“I just got a new background.” He smirks, turning the screen around to reveal a picture of you sulking away. “Now we’re even.” He cheekily comments, holding his phone out of reach when you make a lunge to try and grab it out of his hand.
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Sunwoo & Eric (because Tumblr won’t let me put more than 10 gifs per post 😥)
“What is that?” Sunwoo shyly smiles at you as he leans into your side to get a better look at your phone.
“It’s you silly.” You laugh, finding his reaction very amusing. He simply rolls his eyes in responce.
Sunwoo has just become aware of your background photo, a picture of him smiling cheesily. You just thought he looked so adorable, you couldn’t not put it as your background so you could look at it all day.
“Do you not like it?” You hold back your smirk, your gaze flicking up to meet Sunwoo’s.
“No! I mean... if you like it, then I like it too.” He nods, smiling brightly back at you.
You honestly don’t know how he manages to be so completely adorable, but it makes your heart skip a beat every time.
“I’m glad.” You coo, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Because couples need to have matching backgrounds.” Eric states like it’s a well known fact, following you around relentlessly.
He’d been trying to get you to take some couple pictures with him, just so you could have the same background on your phone. But you are reluctant, already liking the picture you have of him.
“But I don’t want to change mine.” You roll your eyes feigning annoyance. “And besides, couple photos are forced and cringey.” You comment, knowing fully well it will set your boyfriend off on a rant.
“It’s not cringey it’s cute!” Eric complain, rushing to catch up to you as you walk away. “(Y/N)! Come back.” He calls out through a whine, chasing after you desperately while you are a giggling mess.
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ravenforce · 5 years ago
Stark Legacy 1
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Carol Danvers x Wanda Maximoff x Maria Hill x Reader
Word Count: 3877
A/N: It has arrived. The Imagine I teased you all about a month ago. Thus the unholy pentagon arrives. I tried writing a summary but I think I suck at writing them, and I didn’t wanna spoil the plot by talking too much. I hope you like this. Comment your reactions, bloody or otherwise. Also, I proofread this twice but if there are still some mistakes that escaped me, forgive me. xx
Parts: 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
“Funny how tragedy brings people together,” Maria thought as she stands on the balcony watching not the city below her but the sight of her girlfriends Natasha and Carol goofing around the kitchen while Wanda helplessly continues to try to make dinner. Who would have thought that after being dusted she’d end up being asked out by the most powerful Avengers? Okay, it was Natasha who asked her out with Carol’s permission to do so.
“Are you high Natasha?” Maria asked after Natasha gathered all the courage she could get to ask S.H.I.E.L.D’s Deputy Director out for dinner. 
Carol was watching the interaction, saw how fast Nat tries to build her walls up. So, she flew to her ex-assassin girlfriend before she can bolt in humiliation.
“No, no, she’s not high. As you know, the Black Widow doesn’t joke either. She’s serious,” Carol paused. “We, we’re serious about this. We want you to be our girlfriend but if that’s too fast for you, we can just hang out. We’d still love to have you around.”
Maria cocked her perfectly sculpted eyebrow while Carol vomits her words. She thought it was adorable that the two strongest people she knows was nervous about asking her, a mere mortal, out. 
“Why me? Why now?” Maria asked the burning questions in her head. She may be Fury’s best soldier but she’s not just about to do something because people told her so. 
“Well,” Carol started before nudging Nat with her elbow. Natasha looked up at Maria. 
“Well, life is short, Hill,” Natasha said. Carol rolled her eyes. 
“That’s very romantic, Agent Romanoff,” Maria deadpanned. Carol chuckled. 
“What Natasha meant was life is short, and she’s had a fat crush on you since she met you forever ago but,” Carol paused to think her words over. 
“But the world kept needing heroes,” Natasha finished her girlfriend’s sentence. “And I kept waiting for the right time.” 
There was never a right time went unsaid but duly understood. She’ll be damned if she says she never thought about kissing the redhead senseless before, especially every time Natasha goes on her way to save the boys, even if meant endangering herself. Maria looked at the two women before her, as they wait with bated breath. 
“Fine,” Maria said after what seems like an eternity. Carol started grinning instantly, Nat tried to bite the inside of her cheeks to hide her excitement but the blush on her neck and cheeks said otherwise. “Let me know when and where.”
Six months after, Wanda came back into the compound. Wanda joining them was gradual, as they’re all respectful of her grieving process. It took months before Wanda herself opened up about joining their little family. 
“Aren’t you guys going to ask me to be your girlfriend?” she asked, direct to the point. No dilly-dallying, while they’re all cuddled up in the couch watching the end credits of Netflix’s Altered Carbon. Carol was lying on her side big-spooning the deadly Natasha Romanoff. While Maria was sitting in the middle with Wanda’s foot cradled on top of her thighs. 
Carol and Nat nearly fell on the floor in their haste to look at the young witch. Wanda watched as they gather their thoughts, Maria laughed at how surprised the two were.
“We are planning on it,” Maria says as she massages Wanda’s soft feet. “We just didn’t know if you’re actually open to it.”
Wanda wanted to sass but Maria’s hand on her feet is doing magic to her, rendering her soft and non-combatant. She still rolled her eyes playfully though. “Now that we’re on the topic. Ask me now,” Wanda says cheekily. 
Natasha sat on the floor beside Carol. “Be our girlfriend,” she says confidently. “Officially.”
Wanda smiled before she beckoned the redhead forward so they can seal the deal with a kiss.  
“Deputy Director Hill! Maria! Bubba!!” Wanda yelled to get Maria’s attention.
“Sorry, I was elsewhere,” Maria apologized for spacing out. “What do you need?”
“I need you to remove these children out of the kitchen,” Wanda teased Nat and Carol.
Maria took one huge sip of her red wine before walking inside their shared apartment and towards her favourite witch.
“You know you can put these two in their place with a flick of your wrist,” Maria teased.
“It’s more fun to watch when you’re the one punishing them,” Wanda answered smiling, igniting a laugh from Nat and Carol as well.
“That sounds dirty,” Carol whispered before throwing a mushroom at Nat’s head again. Wanda sighed as she gets the pans out from the bottom cupboard. Nat glared at her blonde girlfriend before reaching for the broccoli to retaliate but Maria caught her hand on the counter.
“Enough,” Maria said sternly. Nat pouted while Carol stuck her tongue at the redhead.
Maria turned towards the blonde. “You too,” she said, effectively cutting the shenanigans.
Wanda walked past Maria and gave her a kiss on the cheeks before setting the pan on the stove. “See, the children only follow you,” she said before tossing the ingredients of her beef with broccoli on the pan.
“Uhm, we’re actually older than you two,” Carol blurted out.
“Speak for yourself, fossil,” Natasha teased. Yes, Natasha Romanoff, the deadly Black Widow actually knows how to tell a joke. Don’t get it wrong though, Natasha’s only soft and relaxes when she’s home. Out there, she’s still as deadly as she used to be.
Wanda laughed melodiously, causing Maria to smile a little wilder. They all lost people after the war - Tony, Clint, Steve to name a few but nothing compares to Wanda having to kill Vision to save the goddamn world. Maria’s really happy that a year after, Wanda’s coping, and smiling again. Their little family may be unconventional and incomprehensible to others but their relationship saved the four of them from spiralling into the abyss of pain and loss.
“Hill,” Nat called out for her, cutting through her obvious daydreaming. She blinked twice at the redhead.
“I’m sorry, what?” she asked still slightly dazed.
“Are you okay? It’s the second time in the hour that you’ve spaced out,” Nat asked clearly worried.
Maria only smiled as an answer before her phone started ringing again. She pulled out the device from her back pocket. It’s Fury. She accepted the call.
“Nick,” she answered simply. She pursed her lips together while listening to intently on the other line. After receiving the directive, she unconsciously glanced at her girlfriends as they make the dining table.
“Okay. I got it. I’ll be there in 30,” she said before hanging up the phone.
Nat, Carol, and Wanda stood straight looking at her. Maria smiled, knowing her girlfriends are ready to move out on her command.
“Sorry, you’ll have to sit this one out,” Maria said causing the three to frown instantly. They don’t like the idea of Maria going without one of them since they started going out.
“Take at least one of us,” Nat suggested. Maria walked towards the redhead and forced her to uncross her arms, so she could settle in and give Nat a hug. Nat instantly melted but the frown didn’t leave her face as well as her worry.
“I can’t. Nick didn’t say it’s ‘take one of your hot girlfriends to work day’,” Maria murmured cheekily against Nat’s chest. Nat rolled her eyes playfully but Maria could hear the rumble on her chest as she starts laughing. Carol and Wanda watched the two fondly.
“Be serious,” Nat sassed, pretending to be annoyed.
“I am! Besides, Wanda worked so hard to get this dinner ready. Especially harder since you and Carol can’t stop being a goof,” Maria teased. Carol stuck her tongue out at Natasha, causing the redhead to roll her eyes.
“Fine but you’re wearing your tracker,” Nat said seriously. Carol bounded to them like an excited child with Maria’s necklace tracker on her hand. It’s one of the two pairs, they asked Pepper to have made at Stark Industries. It’s in the design of Tony’s arc reactor.
“Thank you,” Maria said after Carol secured it around her neck and gave her a soft kiss on the shoulder.
“Just activate the emergency beacon,” Wanda said softly as she sidled up with the group.
“And we will come for you,” Nat finished the sentence for Wanda. “Come hell or high water, we will come for you.”
Maria’s heart soared. She was doing fine on her own before, she didn’t know it could get better.
“Saps,” she teased softly before adding. “I’ll be okay. I’ll have Bruce, Bucky, and Happy with me.”
Natasha laughed. “Yeah, like that’s gonna compare to us,” she said confidently, and all Maria could do was laugh before begrudgingly walking away from her home. She knew if she stays for another minute to banter, she wouldn’t be able to go at all.
“Nick, it’s been 5 days since we’ve heard from Maria,” Carol said after slamming her hands on the Director’s table.
Nat nearly bristled as she leans on a wall across the room, watching Nick unfazed by Carol’s attempt to intimidate him. Wanda’s pacing back and forth beside Carol.
Nick looked up at Natasha. “Do I need to remind you that Hill is my deputy? If you can’t trust my decision to send her without the three of you. At least trust that she can protect herself well,” Nick said calmly.
Carol opened her mouth to respond but she heard Nat pull away from the wall. “Sorry to bother you then, Director,” Nat said simply, a deep frown adorning her beautiful face.
Carol and Wanda wanted to protest but the look on Nat’s face told them otherwise. The two followed Nat silently all the way back to the compound. When they reached their shared bedroom, Nat went directly to boot her personal laptop.
“What are you doing?” Wanda asked, sitting in front of the assassin. Carol plopping down next to the redhead on the bed.
“Nick’s not gonna give her location. So, I’m just going to find her,” Nat answered just in time as the tracking program opened. Wanda and Carol nodded.
“Okay, we’ll prepare our bags,” Wanda said before hopping out of the bed. Nat glanced at Carol who was staring at her.
Carol beamed. “Nothing, I just love you so much,” she said before leaning in and pecking Nat’s soft plump lips.
Nat smiled when Carol was safely out of sight. Who would have thought that being home and being loved by these amazing women is what her future held for her? A silver lining from everything and everyone they lost in the war, Nat would like to think so.
“I got a location,” she yelled before sending the coordinates to her phone.
When she walked out of the bedroom, Carol and Wanda are all geared-up and packed. Carol opted not to wear her Captain Marvel uniform as to not attract too much attention. She just wore one of Natasha’s old Black Widow uniform.
“What?” Now it’s Carol’s turn to ask.
“Nothing,” Nat answered while Wanda and Carol file out of their room.
“If we’re not in a mission to find Maria, you won’t ever leave the bedroom,” Nat murmured under her breath as she follows her girlfriends out of the door.
“I heard that,” Carol sing-song after throwing her backpack at the trunk of Nat’s Rubicon.
“I’d help you tie her in the bed some other time,” Wanda whispered after Natasha got on behind the wheel.
“I heard that too,” Carol laughed as she enters the passenger seat.
Nat just rolled her eyes at her girlfriend before pulling out of the compound.
Nat drove like a madwoman towards the location. Thankfully, it was a driving distance and she didn’t have to borrow the quinjet that would surely let the Director know what they’re up to. Nat was thankful to have brought her Rubicon, they’re able to drive through rough terrain and all the way to the entrance of the facility. The entrance was inconspicuous, almost hidden by the shrubs growing around the area. Wanda stood in the mouth of the cave, a look of concentration on her face while Carol gets their bags from the car. 
“She’s here,” she whispered when Nat sidled up to her. “She’s unharmed.”
Nat sighed in relief. “What is this place?” she asked quietly as she fixes the weapons on her waist. 
“It seems to be Stark facilities,” Carol answered. Before the others can question where she got the information, Carol cocked her head to the side, motioning them to the House of Stark insignia, and Stark Industries logo carved on the wall of the cave. 
Nat and Wanda held their questions. There isn’t supposed to be any more of Tony’s secret labs in operation, Pepper made sure all of them are identified and catalogued on their database. This place isn’t on the list, Nat checked. They know all the answers to their questions, lie on the other end of the cavern. So their trek begins. 
The cave was dark and eerily quiet. No hostiles along the way, which doesn’t put any of them at ease. Either there’s really no threat or all threats are waiting for them on the other side. It took almost thirty minutes of walking in the dark, with just three small flashlights before they reached the end of the line, a heavy metal door. Knowing Tony, the door is supposed to be automated by F.R.I.D.A.Y but no AI greeted them. 
Carol’s hands started to glow. “Should I blast it open?” she asked with a small smile on her face.
Before anyone can say something though, the door slid open revealing Happy. 
“What the duck!” he exclaimed in his surprise.
Wanda gaped but got over her surprise first. She quickly jumped into Happy’s arms. “Happy!” 
“What are you three doing here?”
Nat noted the shift in Happy’s tone. He was confused at first but then he’s nervous. He’s hiding something but then again, Nat was pretty sure Maria told them this mission is classified but they’re already there. There’s no turning back now. 
“You’ve been gone for five days. We’re worried,” Nat answered simply. 
“Where’s Maria?” Carol asked while walking around what seems to be a disinfection area. Happy nearly shoved Wanda on his haste to stand in front of Captain Marvel when she reached the main door to the facility. His smile wavered, while Carol just cocked her eyebrow at him. 
“You can’t go there,” Happy said, voice shaking. “Bad egg smell, seriously. It’s deadly.”
Nat narrowed her eyes at the poor man before side-stepping him and entering the other room. Carol and Wanda quickly following their redhead girlfriend inside. Happy couldn’t do much more than just heave a sigh before following everyone.
When they entered the room, no one paid them any attention thinking that it’s just Happy coming back inside. Nat, Wanda, and Carol noticed Bruce first, standing behind multiple computer screens and clearly absorbed on his work. Then they noticed Maria standing over what seems to be a medical table, tablet on her hand with some Stark Industries personnel and Stark Industries machinery working on something. They couldn’t really see from their vantage point, so they walked a little further inside to see better. 
“What the?” Wanda whispered loud enough to get everyone’s attention.
Carol bumped into a metal counter, causing everything on it to shake. Nat couldn’t do much more than stare. Maria turned around, mirroring the surprise on her girlfriends’ faces. 
“Happy?” Maria asked, still not quite processing that her girlfriends’ are all there. 
Happy scratched the back of his neck. “I bumped into them on the way to out,” he explained a little sheepish.
Maria pinched the bridge of her nose to prevent an incoming headache. She sighed before turning back to the lab people and ordering them to keep going. She walked towards Wanda and Carol first before giving both of them a quick kiss on their cheeks. Then she stood in front of Natasha. “I’m sorry I made you worry, I just have my hands full here,” she explained. 
Nat couldn’t stop staring at the body on the table. “What is that?” she asked bewildered. 
“It’s a robot, isn’t it?” Carol asked as she walks closer to the table. “I saw Rocket repairing Nebula once. This one’s way too human though.”
Wanda walked closer to the table too. “Isn’t that?” Wanda started to asked but before she could continue, the machines started powering down. Happy looked at the lights to check if they’re having trouble with the power again.
“Miss Hill, repairs are complete,” a lab tech said. “She’s booting up now.”
Everyone held their breath in anticipation. A minute after, the robot’s eyes opened. She blinked a few times before putting her hand up to shield her eyes from the harsh light. Maria walked towards the table to remove the light on its face. 
“Hey,” Maria greeted tentatively.
She’s not exactly sure what’s supposed to happen next. After five days, she still hasn’t reconciled the fact that Tony left a robot with an active program unaccounted for in the facility.
“Hi,” it said before sitting up. Nat gasped when she got a good look at the robot’s face.
“Is that?” she whispered under her breath. Carol looked confused, everyone seems to know the identity of the robot, she doesn’t. She reckons it must be someone dusted at the first snap or someone who died before she got back. 
“Are you really in there?” Maria asked, confusing Nat, Carol, and Wanda. 
The robot looked down at her hands and made a show to close and open them like a child learning to use their extremities for the first time. The robot looked up at Maria. 
“I am,” you answered. “How long have I been out?”
“Dead or lying here dormant?” Happy asked from behind Maria.
The robot recognized the voice immediately. She leaned to the side to see the man himself. Everyone watched as the robot’s features lighten up with a smile.
“Haps!” the robot exclaimed before jumping with robot precision into Happy’s arms. 
Nat shivered at how eerily human this robot is. She turned slightly to look at Wanda, who looked exactly as she expected her to be facing another Stark robot creation once again. Carol seems to have caught Wanda’s reaction as well by the way she moved closer to the witch to offer her silent support. 
Happy wrapped his arms around the robot. He nearly sobbed at point of contact, no one calls him Haps, except. Tony outdid himself with how well he made the robot to imitate a human body. The skin is made of top of the line synthetic material that it’s almost human-like. 
“So, how long?” 
Happy let the robot go reluctantly. “Five years give or take when we buried your body,” he said solemnly. The robots’ eyes glazed for a second before he looked at Happy again. 
“So, what did I miss?” she asked with fake enthusiasm Nat can smell from a mile away.
“Tony’s gone,” Bruce who was silently watching the event unfold in front of him said softly.
“I know,” it said, frowning. “He left a message on my hard drive.”
A silence fell into the room. Leaving Nat, Carol, and Wanda with so many questions, and zero answers. 
“Hi, excuse me,” Carol said shyly to get everyone’s attention. The robot turned to her and smiled softly. “I’m sorry but can someone explain what’s happening here?”
“Hi, I’m sorry. We haven’t met, I’m Y/N. Y/N Stark, Tony Stark’s younger sister,” the robot introduced herself. 
You can hear a pin drop in the floor with the silence that follows. It was deafening.
“That’s not possible,” Natasha blurted out. You turned towards the redhead with a smile. It’s been ages since you’ve seen the woman, or anyone of them, after all.
“Oh, Natalie,” you said with a smirk. 
Nat shivered, remembering the first time she met you years ago while she was still Tony’s undercover secretary. She remembered how you bantered and flirted with each other relentlessly. She had to summon all her Black Widow training not to blush at the intensity of your gaze. 
“But it is,” you continued. “Wanda can prove it.”
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