#radfems for palestine
theredbloggings · 5 months
"That misogyny exists within Palestinian society is undeniable. However, the idea that Israel represents salvation from this misogyny, rather than embodying the racist and colonial structures that perpetuate it, is far more questionable. In fact, there is much evidence that weakening community structures, disruptions in law and order, economic hardship, forced migration and over-crowded living conditions in refugee/displacement camps, all of which Palestinians have experienced as a result of Israeli violence, are all factors that increase the risk of sexual and gender-based violence, especially against women and girls. Furthermore, the bureaucratic colonial fragmentation of Palestine into different areas of control, especially the division of the West Bank into areas A, B, and C and the divide between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, is actually an obstacle to preventing this violence or holding its perpetrators accountable [You can read more about this here].
Palestinian feminist scholars and organizers have been studying and resisting Israel’s violent practices against all Palestinians, and its gendered practices against Palestinian women in particular. As a result, we recognize that true liberation for Palestinian women is impossible with anything short of the liberation of all Palestinians from Israeli settler colonialism. As Palestinian feminists, human rights activists and representatives of women organizations declared in a statement of support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement: 
 “The struggle of Palestinian feminists [is] as marginalized women who are deprived of equal rights and as part of an indigenous people suffering under a regime of occupation and apartheid. We cannot accept the backseat reserved for an obedient minority that must be filled in conferences or statements issued by Israeli groups. We are struggling for our rights, all of our rights, national, social and otherwise, and against all oppression.” 
Palestinian women reject all purplewashing attempts to minimize Israeli violence against us and all Palestinians, which only seeks to bolster Israel’s image at the expense of Palestinians’ rights. Palestinian women in the struggle are aware that they are fighting for the rights and human dignity of all, and that “feminism that doesn’t have an understanding of how it intersects with racial and ethnic oppression is simply a diversification of white supremacy.” We hope you will join us in working for the liberation of all Palestinians; and that the next time you see an pro-Israel organization brazenly attempt to use the feminist movement to cover for colonialism, you can see that purple really isn’t Israel’s color."
-"Purplewashing" Decolonize Palestine
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radykalny-feminizm · 2 months
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"Queer for Palestine" = Chickens for KFC
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femtay · 2 months
it's scary how many radfems i've seen supporting israel. you can condemn the sexual assault and torture of israeli women at the hands of hamas without siding with a country that is committing genocide. palestinian women are suffering. leaving out the sexual crimes committed during war times, they can't afford basic human/feminine needs like yk… food? water??? pads?? etc war is always started and directed by males, women are only casualties for them. if you consider yourself a radfem you must understand that.
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radfembri · 2 years
Does anyone remember Ahed Tamimi? Lioness of Palestine? 16 year old girl arrested by Israeli police some years back? This girl:
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She recently wrote a memoir, “They Called Me A Lioness: A Palestinian Girl’s Fight For Freedom” and it’s genuinely one of the best memoirs I’ve ever read. There’s only 45 or so reviews of it online and I’d recommend anyone even remotely interested in her or the Israeli occupation of Palestine read it and spread it anywhere you can. Not only is it a detailed record of her family and community’s fight against Israeli occupiers, but also of the history of Palestine’s occupation and the protests that followed.
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august-beee · 11 months
I want all the liberal TRAs posting “stand with Palestine ✊” to see this
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the-land-of-women · 7 months
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Esma Bošnjaković
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everything-is-crab · 11 months
My favorite thing (/s) about Pro Israel folks and the people focusing so much on the recent Hamas attack is how great they're at spreading blatant lies.
You see them post something about what Hamas or Palestinians did to Israelis and through fact checking it's revealed it's the other way round 😂
People linking wikipedia, bbc....and other Western media links.....as their "sources"
Like wow, I didn't know you guys were this dense. Even some of the people I respected on here seem to be affected immensely by propaganda. US and other Western countries have not only supported but also funded Israel's apartheid regime and even now it's doing the same.
I was brainwashed by radfems too with their "rape is never okay". Many radfems sure do know how to manipulate you using your class consciousness as women to be blind to other oppressive systems or distort facts.
There's no proof any of the kidnapped women being raped. And yet most radfems are speaking about nothing but that. They aren't even speaking about the constant suffering and rape of Palestinian women by IDF (including many Israeli women as perpetrators).
I remember that I started reading more about this issue in 2021 when some IDF attack killed many Palestinians in a mosque. Don't remember the details well. It's been a while. And I wasn't on Tumblr then but I do remember that mainstream media did not give a shit about it. And now suddenly the anti terrorism sentiment of Pro Israel countries and even people who supposedly support Palestinians has chosen to rise again.
Very convenient timing for you.
One thing I will tell you is to remember that the conditions colonizers force on the colonized make it hard for the colonized to rely on any ideal form of resistance. Hamas is not the only group for Palestinian resistance. There are others but this is the large one today. Before there used to be better secular ones but they were all squashed cause Israel created Hamas. And there have been peaceful protests and everything. Israel killed the people who protested and the soldiers laughed when they were done. Where was this global outrage then?
Sm of relying for information on media leaning towards Israel and yet so many of you are missing this fact out. This is what colonizers always do. Read history of as many colonized countries you can. And you will find out that colonizers, while they were generally against opposition of the colonized's liberation, funded the anti-leftist, anti-communist/nationalist or religious extremists or/and the ruling class of the colonized society in their national liberation movement.
They help in squashing other more dangerous (from a colonizer's pov) national liberation movements. Nothing better than reducing your enemies to extremists. The British did that in my country too. Talked a lot about how horrible our society is but politically and economically supported the ruling class that created and perpetrated those issues. And some European women and children died in some isolated protests or riots as well during colonial era. But obviously it was nothing compared to the number of people that died on my side than the colonizers'.
So don't be surprised when people see Hamas as a necessary means or don't entirely oppose as part of Palestinian liberation. No sane person actually "supports" Hamas. But it is what is. It's Israel's own creation. Palestinians are left with no options. You're linking ngos supported or created by Israelis and other dumb shit as "an alternative". But colonization can't be won over through ngos lmao. Heck, ngos can't even actually make a lot of changes in human rights in areas that aren't war torn cause of corruption. You expect it to work for Gaza? Please
If Israel or anyone wants Hamas to stop then they should simply give up their brutal settler colonialism and not oppose any leftist org or movement formed by the Palestinians even after ending apartheid and everything. There's no other alternative except this. And if you haven't learnt your lesson yet, then don't support any "intervention" by USA or some other genocidal country.
Ik for a fact you people wouldn't support my country's decolonization if you lived back then. Cause the national liberation movement in my country was dominated by religious, anti communist and ruling class as well. And I, as a female bisexual from an oppressed caste will never ideologically support the people who led national liberation in my country. And yet ik they were necessary in the path to independence cause the British let only them have any power in the country. The two opinions can co exist.
You guys are so focused on opposing the ideology of Hamas and how they're bad for Palestinians themselves, you are forgetting Hamas is legally recognized as terrorists by many powerful Western/west-allied countries around the world and are actively funding and supporting Israel's genocide against Palestinians.
It's funny how the same people unconditionally support Ukraine in the war, including Ukraine itself. Even though US, UK, France and other countries are supporting Nazis in the Ukrainian military to fight against Russia.....
And I am not "supporting" Hamas or killing of cilivians....but I am just analyzing the history and politics behind this issue that is hugely ignored.
Radfems are reblogging that dumb addition by female-malice about an unbacked conspiracy theory about Iran,completely removing any accountability or responsibility of the states of "Israel". There's a conspiracy theory that Israel planned this attack as well. And yet I haven't see any pro Palestine leftist spread that theory presenting it as a fact rather than a speculation. Genuinely you guys are just racist and don't want to hold Israel actually accountable apart from a little side remark.
Everytime I see such false claims, misinformation, unproven conspiracy theories I check what sources the person has to provide or which sources are reporting that. And it's some damn Western news outlet every time. Every fricking time.
Ignoring what Israel PM is doing to the civilians in Gaza right now.....in favor of getting into online discourse about "so it's okay to kill/rape innocent people?" Plain evil
You do realize most of the world is revolting against that now? That powerful international forces are incentivizing this attack to commit further atrocities against civilians in Gaza? It's not a time to debate whether the attack was okay or not, it's time to speak about how the Israeli PM and rest of the world is choosing to respond to it.
I was going to write a respectfully worded post about this. But I won't. Cause I am not some extraordinary independent journalist or anything. I am not even in majoring in any social science or history subject. But it wasn't that hard for me to get around the misinformation from msm. And I am from a country that is and has been pro Israel and very great at spreading propaganda through msm.
I saw one radfem say in response to question of Palestinian women's suffering that "how are we supposed to know what's happening to them? I am not seeing any posts on my dash about it". Good to know your dumbass relies on Tumblr posts for misinformation.
I have been incredibly busy so not made any posts about this issue. But I think that's what I am going to keep reblogging and posting about for a while now. So don't hesitate to filter tags or click the unfollow button if this irritated you. Cause there's more to come.
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theredbloggings · 5 months
"The aforementioned fixation on Palestinian women obfuscates how dehumanized Palestinian women and Palestinian mothers in particular actually are by Zionists and throughout Israeli society. This is evident in how Israeli lawmaker Ayelet Shaked openly called for the murder of Palestinian women because they give birth to “little snakes.” Bret Stephens similarly targeted Palestinian mothers in a particularly atrocious article, saying that unlike Western mothers who worry their child will get a bad tattoo, Palestinian mothers want their children to die fighting the occupation; he then went on to say that he has yet to meet an Israeli mother who wants to raise a murderer, because in his view state-sanctioned murder vis-a-vis military conscription or having children write messages of racist hate on missiles about to be launched into Lebanon do not count. 
Stephens finally openly states that Palestinian culture is “a culture that openly celebrates murder and is not fit for statehood”, consequently, if Palestinians want a state, they should, like postwar Germany, put themselves “…through a process of moral rehabilitation” and that for Palestine, “this should start with the mothers.” 
Mordechai Kedar, an Israeli military intelligence officer turned academic made public statements regarding ‘raping the wives and mothers of Palestinian combatants’ to deter ‘terrorist attacks’. These comments were defended by his university as “the bitter reality of the Middle East”. This sentiment is widespread throughout Israeli society, as the eminent scholar Rabab Abdulhadi noted in her incredibly valuable article for Feminist Studies; Israel’s bloody 2014 assault on Gaza was gleefully supported with Israeli social media posts that included a sexualized image of a hijabi women with calls on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to rape her. Furthermore, public banners sponsored by an Israeli city’s city council told Israeli soldiers to ‘pound their mothers and come home to your own mothers!’, and a popular t-shirt design amongst Israeli men who served in the army depicted a bullseye pointing at a pregnant Palestinian niqab-wearing woman with the caption “one shot, two kills.” 
Palestinian women are targeted for these kinds of racist and misogynistic attacks because Israel is an ethnocracy, which aims to cement the domination of a certain ethnic group on all spheres of society, a crucial aspect of which is demography. Within this framework, Palestinians are viewed as “demographic threats” [You can read more about this here]. This obsession with demographics necessarily manifests itself, as Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian has written,  in racist and gendered policies to “contain and reduce the Palestinian population” through assaults on Palestinian daily and domestic life, extending to the often fatal denial of essential treatment to pregnant women, as evidenced by two UNHCR reports of checkpoints delaying pregnant Palestinian women’s access to healthcare. These reports state that 68 women had forced roadside births resulting in 34 miscarriages and that inadequate medical care during pregnancy was found to be the third cause of mortality among Palestinian women of reproductive age. 
The aim is to “target the literal biological reproduction of Palestinian life”; these policies have shaped, Shalhoub-Kevorkian argues, a “death zone” for Palestinians and Palestinian women especially, as part of a larger, ongoing process of dispossession congruent with settler colonial practices elsewhere. This death zone is “the space where the biological, material and cultural reproduction of Palestinian social life is put at daily and intimate risk.” According to Shalhoub-Kevorkian, this “sexual violence is central to the larger structure of colonial power, its racialized machinery of domination, and its logic of elimination. Colonialism is itself structured by the logic of sexual violence.” Attacks on Palestinian women’s lives include  rape and other forms of gender-based torture in Israeli prisons, consistent with the UN’s findings that sexual violence as part of overarching violent conflict is “used as a means of inflicting terror upon the population at large” and “can also be part of a genocidal strategy”. 
Furthermore, as reported by the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women Dubravka Šimonović, Israeli settlers also frequently attack little girls going to school, to such an extent that some families have become too afraid to send them. While this is a case of gendered human rights abuses committed by non-State actors, it is ultimately de facto endorsed by the Israeli State through their consistent ‘failure’ to investigate or prosecute perpetrators. Šimonović also reported on the traumatizing effect of Israeli home raids and demolitions, with a woman testifying that she took to sleeping fully covered in anticipation of soldiers’ entering her bedroom during a night raid, as has become all too customary."
-"Purple Washing" Decolonize Palestine
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Another attempted premeditated act of violence targeting Taylor Swift & her fans! She had to cancel her show in Vienna...males ruin everything!
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"Both suspects radicalised themselves on the Internet"
First it was the 3 little girls stabbed by Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, now this!
This is why I will never judge her or any other female celebrity for not discussing politics or any world conflicts.
So messed up. And people still demand she speaks out!? Especially during a tour!?
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iphnh · 11 months
I've never had a major disagreement with radical feminist positions until a few days ago. The argument that war is solely between men and women are "the ball," as Dworkin explained, is not an analysis that applies to all wars, and certainly not to wars of occupation and genocide.
I've seen several radfems use this framework to say/imply that Israeli and Palestinian women should join together in sisterhood, and that the genocide is really just between the men. This is, quite frankly, a ridiculous analysis. And what does it even mean? What would "sisterhood" here even look like?
I need to read what other radical feminists have said about war, but it's such a strange analysis for an otherwise Leftist movement. Empty calls for sisterhood are usually something I see liberals do, so why are supposed Leftists making the same argument....and about a literal genocide.
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redditreceipts · 9 months
Girl just wanted to say I’m so glad ur pro Palestine liberation … there’s hella Zionist radfems on my dash and it’s depressing af. Leftist my ass.
I actually genuinely think that the radical feminist space has a problem with cultural chauvinism. It's not soo surprising, since a large part of gender critical thought comes from the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe, and in the last decades it has been a huge topic for european right-wingers to hate on Muslims.
Liberal feminists have been defending things like the Hijab or patriarchal tendencies in Islam because of their moral relativism, and how to view Islam has always been a big debate in feminism. The radical feminist tendency has largely been to view Islam and practices like the Hijab very critically, and sometimes the same criticism has not been extended to other religions like Catholicism.
At the same time, the IDF has been working overtime to make themselves seem like this super feminist entity where women enjoy the same rights as men (the right to ruthlessly slaughter innocent civilians lmao).
I personally think that many radical feminists have a long way to go in interpreting the oppression of women in other cultures, and how it is different to white western patriarchy (which includes myself as well). Acting as if all women everywhere experience oppression the same way and their only way to being saved is by adopting the european idea of radical feminism is a form of cultural chauvinism. When we want to speak about different cultures, we should make sure to first listen to the women who are part of that culture, and not to impose our own idea of feminism onto other cultures who function in a different way.
so yeah, this aversion to people who are perceived as Muslim (not every Palestinian is Muslim, even though European media portrays it that way), the insane propaganda towards feminists from the IDF and the idea of the "white woman's burden" who has to convert every culture in the world to conform to her particular idea of feminism are leading many radical feminists to think that the IDF can do no wrong and that all Palestinians are some sort of brutish hordes that can't possibly govern themselves.
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communistfeminist · 11 months
you dont think there have been any rapes of Israeli citizens or tourists in Israel by Hamas since Oct 7?
Not a single one has been recorded, no. The Qassam Brigades conducted a very surgical military operation on Oct 7 to liberate their people and there is no evidence that they had/took the time to rape women or behead babies.
There is, however, a VERY long recorded and established history of the IDF’s sexual abuse and violence against Palestinian men, women, and children.
But no one cares when it’s indigenous people being sodomized and tortured by settlers. People care when it’s the uncivilized Arabs supposedly raping the precious white women because this propaganda appeals to white supremacist hysteria, racism, islamophobia, and Western anxieties surrounding colonized people. These lies spread so quickly through the internet because people WANT to believe that Arabs are culturally backward, barbaric savages.
These lies were produced BY the Israeli government and media to justify the genocide they are committing right now. Everyone who uncritically shared it has blood on their hands.
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returning-to-her · 3 months
The Muslims versus the Jews in Israel/Gaza. Both religions and cultures place their morality in a fake male sky god while dehumanizing women and nature for their own power and lust. Neither deserves to exist. men fighting for them should pass on.
Free the women and girls from both and let them rebuild their land as they see fit. Forget taking sides or protesting. Arm the women on both sides to save the souls and sands of their home. Teach others the truth and gather to fight for liberation.
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tothe1ighthouse · 1 year
Ιnstead of caring about which celebrities support Palestine and Israel and who to unfollow, how about you actually care about the irl situation.
A genocide is happening and the world cares more about millionaires' beliefs instead of showing the tiniest bit of to respect the victims.
Kylie Jenner or whoever supporting Isreal doesn't mean anything. She opened social media, saw a post about Israel and posted it. These people are too rich to think. Shut the fuck up and learn what to pay attention to.
Unfollowing a bunch of rich cunts is not going to save the world.
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jyndor · 1 year
don't uncritically engage with rumors and information from the early days of war. it's called fog of war for a reason - its so easy for misinformation to spread because its hard to report on what's exactly going on.
not saying to sink into denial about horrible things that get reported because lbr war is horrific and for instance rape is a common weapon of war (and a war crime btw) but we need to be careful what we spread, especially from military sources. always be skeptical of military sources, no matter the military. they will get corroborated in due time or they will get debunked. and be careful who you trust to debunk reports, too. just be careful. look at the sources you see - is this a real website i've heard of before? is this a screenshot without any sources linked? is this a video with no context or from a reliable source on this issue?
learn from my mistakes on this shit - don't just react. breathe and come back to it if you're so angry and hurt that you can't think rationally enough to engage critically with it.
also fyi people commonly spread around videos from unrelated stories and situations all the time - just... be mindful what you spread because low and behold there's been some misinformation going around and this is terrifying enough without that shit.
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sap-woods · 9 months
Can we begin to have a real conversation about the intersection of radical feminism - especially feminist or lesbian separatism - and left-leaning zionism?
Both are ultimately movements that demand space and protection — separatism — from males, from gentiles.
Both make their demands in context of a long and violent history. Both demand an ending to an underlying hatred that has been passed down for generations, yet is currently being revised and erased.
Both face a regressive Western left that views most separatism as "exclusionist" and therefore inherently wrong.
Both women - relabeled as "cis women" - and Jews are viewed as being extra-privileged and an oppressor class (again, revisionism), and thus not entitled to a safe space.
Both terms have been redefined as movements led by an oppressor class (e.g., zionists colonized the middle east, radical feminists are killing transwomen) that revise history and erase the real oppressors.
For both, this has been done to create an oppressor for the group deemed to be oppressed - women for trans-identified men, jews for arabs - obfuscating the real threats and powers at play who are less vulnerable (men, british colonialism).
These leftists also often place all their energy on reinvisioning specifically the most powerful males within that class as somehow the most oppressed or righteous (autogynephile predators, terrorist gunmen) and somehow convince themselves to identify with and find compassion for the very men using an oppressed people (palestinian citizens, gender non-confirming people) to justify their violence.
For both, they've reenvisioned the oppressed in ways that become almost mystical or magical, e.g., "trans people have always been here," (which conflates gender non-conformity with modern trans ideology), revising biblical figures as Palestinians, etc.
For both, these misunderstandings (e.g., zionists are white europeans, terfs are gender essentialist bigots) reflect a deep ignorance of real zionism and real radical feminism, yet are spoken about with an absolute confidence and used as propaganda.
Screaming "fuck terfs/zionism" is used to virtue signal yourself as having the correct politics - often with other slogans that lack actual meaningful opinion (e.g., screaming free Palestine, or trans women are women ad naseum) for the sole purpose of useless political posturing.
For both, consideration that perhaps "radical feminists and/or zionists aren't evil" is viewed as a thought-crime and even as literal violence.
Both are wielded — either by their original term or by nonsensical acronym — as insults or as stand-ins for pure evil (fuck zionists, fuck terfs, etc.).
Both targets—feminists, Jews—are able to see the bigotry—anti-Semitism, misogyny—when these insults are hurled at us by the Western left.
Both face a reality in which the left has regressed so far, that some have sought refuge with right-wing Christians who share none of our values, and cause more damage than they are worth.
Identification with either will de-platform you. To exist in a leftist space, you have to rename your views to discuss them at all.
If you are a radical feminist screaming "fuck zionism" or a leftist zionist screaming "fuck terfs," ask yourself: are you examining the movement you hate with the same intellectual dishonesty that the regressive left shows you?
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