#western leftist idiocy
sap-woods · 9 months
Can we begin to have a real conversation about the intersection of radical feminism - especially feminist or lesbian separatism - and left-leaning zionism?
Both are ultimately movements that demand space and protection — separatism — from males, from gentiles.
Both make their demands in context of a long and violent history. Both demand an ending to an underlying hatred that has been passed down for generations, yet is currently being revised and erased.
Both face a regressive Western left that views most separatism as "exclusionist" and therefore inherently wrong.
Both women - relabeled as "cis women" - and Jews are viewed as being extra-privileged and an oppressor class (again, revisionism), and thus not entitled to a safe space.
Both terms have been redefined as movements led by an oppressor class (e.g., zionists colonized the middle east, radical feminists are killing transwomen) that revise history and erase the real oppressors.
For both, this has been done to create an oppressor for the group deemed to be oppressed - women for trans-identified men, jews for arabs - obfuscating the real threats and powers at play who are less vulnerable (men, british colonialism).
These leftists also often place all their energy on reinvisioning specifically the most powerful males within that class as somehow the most oppressed or righteous (autogynephile predators, terrorist gunmen) and somehow convince themselves to identify with and find compassion for the very men using an oppressed people (palestinian citizens, gender non-confirming people) to justify their violence.
For both, they've reenvisioned the oppressed in ways that become almost mystical or magical, e.g., "trans people have always been here," (which conflates gender non-conformity with modern trans ideology), revising biblical figures as Palestinians, etc.
For both, these misunderstandings (e.g., zionists are white europeans, terfs are gender essentialist bigots) reflect a deep ignorance of real zionism and real radical feminism, yet are spoken about with an absolute confidence and used as propaganda.
Screaming "fuck terfs/zionism" is used to virtue signal yourself as having the correct politics - often with other slogans that lack actual meaningful opinion (e.g., screaming free Palestine, or trans women are women ad naseum) for the sole purpose of useless political posturing.
For both, consideration that perhaps "radical feminists and/or zionists aren't evil" is viewed as a thought-crime and even as literal violence.
Both are wielded — either by their original term or by nonsensical acronym — as insults or as stand-ins for pure evil (fuck zionists, fuck terfs, etc.).
Both targets—feminists, Jews—are able to see the bigotry—anti-Semitism, misogyny—when these insults are hurled at us by the Western left.
Both face a reality in which the left has regressed so far, that some have sought refuge with right-wing Christians who share none of our values, and cause more damage than they are worth.
Identification with either will de-platform you. To exist in a leftist space, you have to rename your views to discuss them at all.
If you are a radical feminist screaming "fuck zionism" or a leftist zionist screaming "fuck terfs," ask yourself: are you examining the movement you hate with the same intellectual dishonesty that the regressive left shows you?
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kelluinox · 5 months
Current mood as an anti Russia Russian jew:
- Watching western college kids spout the same propaganda you heard on channel one growing up
- Hearing chants of "Death to America" and seeing the destruction of the American flag and whispering "of course" to yourself because you know exactly where this rhetoric came from and who sponsored it
- Watching the world waste its time on a democratic country fighting back against terrorists instead of paying attention to the real evil in the world like Russia, Iran, or China, because... antisemitism is more entertaining and you guys haven't been allowed to kill jews in a while I guess
- Being frustrated by the protests because nobody exerted this much energy on Ukraine and everybody has already forgotten about Ukraine and it's so painfully obvious that you all just hate jews
- Remembering the time you sat in class and had to listen to your professor say shit like "America is the greatest evil", and "America is committing modern day colonialism through globalization and global market" and then comparing that rhetoric to that of the brainwashed western college kids'
- Being terrified of the upcoming 9th of May because you have no idea what kind of shit your country will pull on the 9th of May
- Being very familiar with Islamic fundamentalism because you live near Chechnya and for as long as you remember you have been witnessing the murder of human rights' activists, attacks on lawyers, and young women and girls trying to escape families who promised to honor kill them, mutilated them or poisoned them with medicine - some successfully crossing the border to Georgia but many more being dragged back to Chechnya from where they were hiding in Moscow and St Petersburg to their deaths
- And then watching the west pretend that there is no extremism or problems because then you will be called a bunch of names and obviously that's very scary 👍
- Realizing you have nowhere to run because the west has been thoroughly infiltrated and is digging itself a grave and hasn't stopped doing so for 8 months now
- Losing friends because they either fell for the propaganda and don't see the danger you see so clearly, or they are too cowardly to call out the mob and lose followers on social media. Even though losing followers will be the least of your fucking problems when you lose your democracy and freedoms
- Being furious 24/7 because more sane people aren't standing up, again afraid of the mob and losing their social media status
- Honestly just expecting to be bombed by now
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
i think this is a pretty decent article in general, but this is a passage i particularly want to highlight:
"The U.S. can’t force Israel to do anything it regards as anathema to its interests. All Washington can do is lay down its own markers, including open recognition of a Palestinian state and a clear warning to Israel that its rejectionism will do significant damage to bilateral relations. The bear hug of support that Biden has provided for Israel over Gaza, at times with no international backing, cannot be gratis. The U.S. has a right, indeed a responsibility, to demand Israeli cooperation on this indispensable priority. Failing that, Washington will have to reevaluate the merits of America’s special relationship with Israel.
That is unlikely to happen before the U.S. election. But Biden might be more willing to apply the full weight of American influence on Israel if he wins a second term. Historically, second-term presidents—freed from the domestic political constraints of seeking reelection—tend to take on such issues with more determination. And if Biden really believes that U.S. interests—and ultimately Israel’s future—rest on the creation of a Palestinian state and normalization with Saudi Arabia, he could act decisively."
like i can't see any scenario where Biden's re-election would make the current situation worse! idk why it's so hard for some people to get!
I mean... yeah. I literally said the other day that Biden would be much more likely to go MORE left in a second term, because he's always gone more left when he's been pushed before, he wouldn't have to face the general electorate again, and because he's already in such a precarious position right before the election (which again, NETANYAHU KNOWS and is using to his advantage in attempting to get Trump back in). There's also the fact that literally nothing, no cause whatsoever for anyone anywhere, would be helped by Trump being elected instead. But that's apparently "baseless fearmongering" for Online Leftists who resent it when reality intrudes on their glorious revolution fantasies and/or anyone points out the basic real-world consequences of their rhetoric, so...
We've already seen that Biden can be successfully pressured, in four short months, to make drastic changes to decades of long-standing US/Israeli policy. There's no reason except sheer brainrot and terminally online idiocy to think that re-electing him will make the current situation worse (and on the other hand, as noted, many reasons to think that now he will be able to act more forcefully and without the worries of being sabotaged in an election year). Yet for the Schrodinger's Imperialists who think all Western and American influence is Always Bad, but Acktually Good when it relies on being used as magical thinking to instantly solve major global/geopolitical crises with literal millennia of roots and sources, this is just really hard, I guess. GENOCIDE JOE. There, that's easier.
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germiyahu · 7 months
Jews are no longer a marginalized group. Not anymore. Israel single-handedly burned through all the sympathy that the western world harbored for the Jewish people, and used their guilt to try to make them complacent in the oppression of an unrelated party. Nobody pities the Jews anymore.
How to break this to you gently... since you're obviously not Western, so maybe you weren't exposed to this intellectual tradition among Leftists. But if you are Western I have to ask how many times were you dropped on your head as a baby?
Marginalization is not a function of pity or sympathy. It's a material reality. The question is are Jews marginalized by society? The question is not do people like Jews enough to bestow the status of marginalized on them as a social justice badge of approval. And you better hope I'm right because outside of your little bubble of maybe half of the vocal activist college kids demographic (themselves a minority of that age group in America, let alone among all age groups), Hamas completely shattered any sympathy most people here had for Palestinians. That is evinced by the US, Canada, and most of Europe pulling their foreign aid and funding for UNWRA. That right there? That's a material fact. The West is punishing Gaza by refusing to donate to the organizations that (claim to) help them.
To say that Israel burned through the sympathy the Western world harbored for the Jewish People, and this means that Jews are not marginalized, is to say that because of the actions of the Likud government, all Jews everywhere are legitimate targets of hate, harassment, and violence. They deserve it. And these things are happening to all Jews everywhere, and increasing frequency and severity.
Oh but that actually proves they're not marginalized in Western societies because we can blame these acts of hate, harassment, threats, vandalism, intimidation, and violence on Israel fumbling the optics bag. Deliberate circular logic or just plain idiocy? Scholars remain divided.
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conza · 4 years
Response To: Why There's a Left-Right Divide among Libertarians
A response to a Mises.org article “Why There’s a Left-Right Divide among libertarians”. 
The distinction between “left” and “right” in politics is absolutely worthless. This distinction has been inadequate from the very beginning and has brought about a lot of misunderstanding. — Ludwig von Mises, The Free Market and Its Enemies: Pseudo-science, Socialism, and Inflation. Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: Foundation for Economic Education, 2004. p. 5
What an absolute woeful article. You can most certainly support the take that libertarians have transcended the false paradigm of left vs. right, and ALSO reject the incredibly poor conception of labelling libertarianism as: “economically conservative but socially liberal.”
If you want to talk idiocy, it's attempting to REDEFINE the left / right spectrum.
The usual terminology of political language is stupid. What is "left” and what is “right”? Why should Hitler be “right” and Stalin, his temporary friend, be “left”? Who is “reactionary” and who is “progressive”? Reaction against an unwise policy is not to be condemned. And progress towards chaos is not to be commended. Nothing should find acceptance just because it is new, radical, and fashionable. “Orthodoxy” is not an evil if the doctrine on which the “orthodox” stand is sound. Who is anti-labor, those who want to lower labor to the Russian level, or those who want for labor the capitalistic standard of the United States? Who is “nationalist,” those who want to bring their nation under the heel of the Nazis, or those who want to preserve its independence? What would have happened to Western civilization if its peoples had always shown such liking for the “new”? Suppose they had welcomed as “the wave of the future” Attila and his Huns, the creed of Mohammed, or the Tartars? They, too, were totalitarian and had military successes to their credit which made the weak hesitate and ready to capitulate. What mankind needs today is liberation from the rule of nonsensical slogans and a return to sound reasoning.“ — Ludwig von Mises
For some twenty centuries Western man has come to accept the Aristotelian theory that the sensible position is between any two extremes, known politically today as the “middle-of-the-road” position. Now, if libertarians use the terms “left” and “right,” they announce themselves to be extreme right by virtue of being extremely distant in their beliefs from communism. But “right” has been successfully identified with fascism. Therefore, more and more persons are led to believe that the sound position is somewhere between communism and fascism, both spelling authoritarianism. The golden-mean theory cannot properly be applied indiscriminately. For instance, it is sound enough when deciding between no food at all on the one hand or gluttony on the other hand. But it is patently unsound when deciding between stealing nothing or stealing $1,000. The golden mean would commend stealing $500. Thus, the golden mean has no more soundness when applied to communism and fascism (two names for the same thing) than it does to two amounts in theft.” […] Libertarians reject this principle and in so doing are not to the right or left of authoritarians. They, as the human spirit they would free, ascend—are above—this degradation. Their position, if directional analogies are to be used, is up—in the sense that vapor from a muckheap rises to a wholesome atmosphere. If the idea of extremity is to be applied to a libertarian, let it be based on how extremely well he has shed himself of authoritarian beliefs. Establish this concept of emerging, of freeing — which is the meaning of libertarianism—and the golden – mean or “middle-of-the-road” theory becomes inapplicable. For there can be no halfway position between zero and infinity. It is absurd to suggest that there can be. — Leonard E. Read, Neither left nor right
RE: "The Left, on the other hand, is defined by a devotion to egalitarianism"
Just redefining the whole spectrum will get us all no-where, but moronic unnecessarily conflict. Talk about divide & conquer.
"In addition to our re-evaluation of the origins and nature of the Cold War, we engaged in a thorough reassessment of the whole “left-right” ideological spectrum in historical perspective. For it was clear to us that the European Throne-and-Altar Conservatism that had captured the right wing was statism in a virulent and despotic form; and yet only an imbecile could possibly call these people “leftists.” But this meant that our old simple paradigm of the “left Communist/total government … right/no government” continuum, with liberals on the left of center and conservatives on the right of center, had been totally incorrect. We had therefore been misled in our basic view of the spectrum and in our whole conception of ourselves as natural “extreme rightists.” There must have been a fatal flaw in the analysis. Plunging back into history, we concentrated on the reality that in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, laissez-faire liberals, radicals, and revolutionaries constituted the “extreme left” while our ancient foes, the conservatives, the Throne-and-Altar worshippers, constituted the right-wing Enemy. Leonard Liggio then came up with the following profound analysis of the historical process, which I adopted. First, and dominant in history, was the Old Order, the ancien régime, the regime of caste and frozen status, of exploitation by a war-making, feudal or despotic ruling class, using the church and the priesthood to dupe the masses into accepting its rule. This was pure statism; and this was the “right wing.” Then, in seventeenthand eighteenth-century Western Europe, a liberal and radical opposition movement arose, our old heroes, who championed a popular revolutionary movement on behalf of rationalism, individual liberty, minimal government, free markets and free trade, international peace, and separation of Church and State-and in opposition to Throne and Altar, to monarchy, the ruling class, theocracy, and war. These-“our people”-were the Left, and the purer their libertarian vision the more “extreme” a Left they were. So far, so good, and our analysis was not yet so different from before; but what of socialism, that movement born in the nineteenth century which we had always reviled as the “extreme left”? Where did that fit in? Liggio analyzed socialism as a confused middle-of-the road movement, influenced historically by both the libertarian and individualist Left and by the conservative-statist Right. From the individualist Left the socialists took the goals of freedom: the withering away of the State, the replacement of the governing of men by the administration of things (a concept coined by the early nineteenth-century French laissez-faire libertarians Charles Comte and Charles Dunoyer), opposition to the ruling class and the search for its overthrow, the desire to establish international peace, an advanced industrial economy and a high standard of living for the mass of the people. From the conservative Right the socialists adopted the means to attempt to achieve these goals: collectivism, state planning, community control of the individual. But this put socialism in the middle of the ideological spectrum. It also meant that socialism was an unstable, self-contradictory doctrine bound to fly apart rapidly in the inner contradiction between its means and its ends. And in this belief we were bolstered by the old demonstration of my mentor Ludwig von Mises that socialist central planning simply cannot operate an advanced industrial economy. The Socialist movement had, historically, also suffered ideologically and organizationally from a similar inner contradiction: with Social Democrats, from Engels to Kautsky to Sidney Hook, shifting inexorably rightward into accepting and strengthening the State apparatus and becoming “left” apologists for the Corporate State, while other socialists, such as Bakunin and Kropotkin, shifted leftward toward the individualist, libertarian pole. It was clear, too, that the Communist Party in America had taken, in domestic affairs, the same “rightward” path-hence the similarity which the “extreme” red-baiters had long discerned between Communists and liberals. In fact, the shift of so many ex-Communists from left to the conservative Right now seemed to be not very much of a shift at all; for they had been pro-Big Government in the 1930s and “Twentieth Century American” patriots in the 1940s, and now they were still patriots and statists.“ — Murray N. Rothbard
The way forward is to keep clear the distinction between law & ethics:
“It is becoming clearer and clearer to me that ethical and legal theory need to be completely disentangled and that at the essence of what libertarianism is we find a legal position rather than an ethical position (sure, the legal position can and is combined with various ethical positions, but this does not make the two identical in content). Understanding what rights are (legal) is different than deciding how, whether and in what ways to actually respect them or not in action (ethical). Now when I look back at Rothbard, I am seeing that he effectively was already doing this (some passages above and elsewhere, even in Power and Market), but was still bogged down in the use of the word "ethics” in the effort to distinguish what he was talking about from economic theory (and this usage continues in Hoppe, with the word “ethics” subbing in for what I think is actually “property theory.”). Yet in looking at what they are actually presenting rather than some labels, it is much much more about legal content (definition of property rights), rather than whether or not one ought to violate or respect such rights (knowing what they are being a separate question) on ethical grounds.“ - Konrad Graf
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Libertarianism is neither left, nor right - and yet people are not JUST libertarians. Stop trying to project your personal preferences and universalise them. Freedom brings people together. Trying to redefine the current conception of "left" and "right" is moronic and doomed to fail. The results will just be further conflict internally amongst libertarians instead of understanding everyone has their own "cultural" tendencies. This is why there is conflict.
Libertarianism will get nowhere until we realize that there is and can be no “libertarian” culture — Murray Rothbard, Left-opportunism: The case of S.L.S., part one, in Libertarian Vanguard, February 1981, p. 11.
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forsoothsayer · 5 years
It’s no coincidence that the fall of communism coincided with the start of the internet. And it may well be that the end of communism may be seen as Day 1 of world enslavement. With no left in the old sense, the entire Western world shifted to the right, and has been becoming more and more so with every few years. What is now a radical left, ‘socialist’ or even ‘Marxist’ outlook would have been a fairly central position even only 30 years ago (Jeremy Corbyn is an example of this). But to keep up the charade of having a left alternative to the right, the left have been reduced to having identical policies but to enormous virtue-signalling over political trivialities and inventions like LGBTVAXKPJCHDRTetc nonsense and have made huge agendas over these political trifles as a smokescreen for them being the same corporatist warmonger semi-fascists that the right are. And now, in the UK at least, the right, having seen the popularity of this leftist absurd idiocy, have also tried to become the ‘caring’ party in this goodness gracious great ball of fluff, as Big Mother smothers us all.
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svartikotturinn · 8 years
Tel-Aviv huh? Whats your stance on the occupation?
It’s fucked up. Aside from politicians profiting off of it, journalism here is doing a shitty fucking job of covering it properly, preferring to publish fluff pieces about the army instead of covering the daily dickery going on in the Palestinian Territories (I’m not calling it Palestine strictly because de facto, it’s not an independent country yet; whether or not it should be is a separate issue I won’t go into now). But I do put a whole lot of blame on mainstream Israeli society who is hardly keen on hearing about it.
But the thing is, outsiders don’t quite realize how complicated the situation actually is. They don’t know, for example, that a lot of the territories conquered in the Israeli War of Independence were conquered for the sake of territorial continuity that was vital for the protection of Jewish territories that were too isolated to protect (Israelis aren’t aware that those territories amounted to 6% of the land here though). Or that the Green Line is extremely close to Gush Dan, where Tel-Aviv and its satellite cities are: if the rockets from Gaza make life for towns and kibbutzim around it hellish, you can imagine what kind of damage rockets on Gush Dan could deal. They also don’t seem to get how deeply ingrained the history of animosity towards Jews is ingrained in the Jewish psyche: I’ve heard quite a few Europeans and Americans talking about how anti-Semitism was pretty much a thing of the past, and while to a great extent they’re right, you can see Jews were pretty much spot on about their fear that it could come back any time, and that’s without even bringing up the rampant anti-Semitism in Muslim communities. (This is why Jews here are very suspicious of Western mediation.)
People don’t get just how hard dismantling the Occupation actually is. Aside from ‘mainstream’ right-wing Jews who see land ownership in terms of collective ownership by peoples rather than individuals (a notion I parodied here) and bring up historic Jewish presence dating back millennia (e.g. old coins with Jewish inscriptions or the notable absence of pig bones), or nuttier Jews claiming the evil psychopath Yahweh promised them the land, there are more practical concerns. Dismantling all the Settlements and re-settling Jews within the Green Line would be an economic and logistical nightmare: Israel is already struggling with a serious shortage of real estate as it is.
Also, Jews don’t really trust Palestinians for pretty good reason: their leadership has repeatedly talked about how they want to destroy all of Israel and take it over, relying on alternative historic facts claiming e.g. that Tel-Aviv was originally ‘Tal Rabí‘’ (nonsense, aside from a few neighbourhoods it was mostly built by Jews before the war on land bought legitimately and named after a monumental piece of Zionist literature). They believe that getting full control of Judæa and Samaria (using these terms instead of ‘the West Bank’ to emphasize that it’s an area much larger than just the strip of land along the Jordan River) and the Gaza Strip is just a way to get their foot in the door before taking over everything. And, of course, there’s the humanitarian concern of what establishing an overwhelmingly Muslim independent state would mean for its women and minorities and plain old political dissidents: so far their record hasn’t been all too great (honour killing, civil war between Fatah and Hamas, brutal murder of suspected collaborators, GSM persecution, Christian persecution…).
On top of that, Israelis have a lot of misunderstanding on their part. First off, Hebrew does not distinguish between ‘conquest’ and ‘occupation’ (both are כִּבּוּשׁ kibúsh), and most Israelis don’t get the difference between ‘conquest’ and annexation, as has traditionally been the case. For many Israelis, war is a process where participants essentially wager their territory in armed conflict, and territory lost fair and square should be ceded. This is especially the case for Israelis, who believe that they’ve never instigated a war; at most, they responded to aggressive actions the only reasonable way they could.
In general, international law and the customs of war are very recent, dating back to only a few decades ago. Israelis think that Western powers preaching to them about how wrong conquering territories is is incredibly hypocritical, not realizing the rules have changed or thinking they apply selectively. This is particularly infuriating to them as they believe that unlike Western empires, Israel needs its extra territories for survival (whether or not that’s true is an issue I won’t go into).
What complicates matters further is that English terminology also has its limits: while Hebrew distinguishes between ‘Palestine’ as a geographic term (אֶרֶץ יְשׂרָאֵל Èretz Yisra’él, lit. ‘Land of Israel’, also used extensively in religious contexts) and as a (would-be) political entity (פָלַסְטִין Falastín), English has one term for both, as does Arabic (فلسطين Filasṭīn). You can imagine how aggravated Israelis get when they come across what looks like trying to establish a hostile political reality but is actually just a reference to geography, but more pressingly, they don’t get what Palestinians actually claim.
Jewish Israeli narrative centres around the idea that they owned the land fair and square and were driven out of their rightfully owned territory, including Judæa and Samaria (partial truth: the traditional narrative claims Jews were expelled by the Romans, but the truth is many left voluntarily when the Romans started persecuting them), sometimes argued that God Himself gave it to them, and define their ‘peoplehood’ based on (overwhelmingly) religious practice; the Palestinian one, on the other hand, is based on connection to the land, emphasizing a connection to all the people who’ve settled in the region and their heritage. When they say ‘Jesus was Palestinian’ they think that’s true: he was Jewish by faith but was born and raised and lived his whole life here, his roots were here, ergo he was Palestinian. As a matter of fact, Palestinians are the ethnic group most closely related genetically to Jews, but Jews here would normally claim (as is taught in high school history, or at least was when I was in high school) that they are overwhelmingly descended from relatively recent immigrants who came when Jews started prospering, to get a chunk of that working for them. (This is often based on the widely derided claims in Joan Peters’ From Time Immemorial and selective and grossly misleading quotes from Mark Twain’s The Innocents Abroad.)
The Palestinians, on their part, think Jews came here as some kind of extension of colonial powers: they saw all those Jews coming in from European countries and put two and two together (which has some merit but is a GROSS oversimplification). This is why they often have more respect for Mizrakhi and Sephardi Jews than Ashkenazi Jews. And, of course, as pointed out above, they’re often all too keen on buying into anti-Semitic rhetoric: Israeli right-wingers often point out that Mahmoud Abbas himself was (and, they claim, still is) a Holocaust denier.
So you can see why there is little trust between the two sides and why dismantling the Occupation safely is akin to diffusing a very sensitive bomb. There has to be a lot more earnest dialogue before that can happen.
Also, amusingly (in a dark way), while leftist Jews (moderate and otherwise) are mad about all the money spent on the Settlements, Settlers are mad about how their Settlements don’t actually expand or multiply. The actual problem is that corrupt right-wing politicians pass the money to their own rather than the Settlements…
This is a very complicated issue, but I think there are plenty of steps Israel could take and simply doesn’t for some reason:
More emphasis on Arabic in school. Nowadays students are often given the choice between Arabic and French or Russian in many schools, and many get exempted from studying a third language to avoid learning a ‘terrorists’ language’ by getting a didactic diagnosis and feigning idiocy; about a year ago there was a bill proposed by MK Oren Khazan of all people to make it mandatory from the first grade, but from what I’ve heard it was not realistic considering the massive shortage of Arabic teachers in Israel, and I’m not sure why but it kinda stopped moving forward for some reason. (Personally I think Israeli and Palestinian Sign Languages should be taught too, as well as optional linguistics, but I’m kinda biased as a ling. major with a keen interest in SL and Deaf culture.)
Reforming the way civics and history are taught. Civics is grossly underrepresented in Israeli schools, putting ethnoreligious sentiment on equal footing with democratic concerns. History is often taught through a narrow prism of Jewish persecution, and things like legitimate objections Arabs had before 1948 and what the 1948 Exodus was actually like are barely mentioned if at all. (The 6% figure? I had no idea about it until it was mentioned on a blog and I looked it up myself. And if you ask most Israeli Jews, they’ll tell you the Arabs left willingly to allow Arab forces to take over and finish Israel off, so they’ve no right to complain Israel isn’t too keen on letting them back in.) Also, Tanakh as a subject should be abolished yesterday.
Training combatant soldiers to deal with civilian populations. I recently saw (parts of) a documentary about the Kfir Brigade, where the soldiers explained that they’d never been taught to learn to deal with civilian populations or even any Arabic beyond phrases like ‘stop or I’ll shoot’ or ‘give me your ID’. You can see how counterproductive this is to de-escalating tensions there.
Changing arbitrary regulations used by Border Patrol. You can read more about it here.
Making justice against soldiers who bully Palestinians and worse more visible. The way things go now, while justice is normally served (if only for fear of foreign involvement), far too many get off the hook too easy, with the military court system delaying justice until the law says it’s been too long past their service to prosecute them, or they get comically small punishments (this normally happens when the military needs the soldier for some reason). When it is served, the IDF should e.g. spread leaflets announcing it and claiming repeatedly that they are earnest in their attempts to clean up their act.
Banning openly racist soldiers from serving. There’s a Facebook page dedicated to documenting horrifyingly racist outbursts on Facebook, including people wishing violent death on Arabs, African refugees, and children with a Jewish father and a Jewish mother in Israel, and celebrating events like the recent massacre at the mosque in Québec; the number of comments left by people serving in the IDF (some of which relish the thought of massacring Arab babies) is horrifying. I’ve even met a person in south Tel-Aviv (which is notorious for its rampant xenophobia) who boasted being a war criminal.
Abolishing conscription, or at least restricting it severely. There have been two state committees who looked into it and determined that conscription should be abolished already and replaced with a professional military. Opponents of this move include not only the IDF itself, which absolutely looooves its fat cheques and cushy jobs for its senior officers, but also run-of-the-mill Israelis who are afraid that the IDF would dwindle to the point Israel couldn’t defend itself against its enemies surrounding it (including, according to them, so-called ‘friends’ who signed peace treaties but are just waiting for an opportune moment to stab it in the back). I think it should either be abolished or, as they did in Sweden up until a few years ago, recruit only those who are most fit to serve. Aside from the obvious need for soldiers who do their job right, the current situation means that Israelis normally can’t distinguish between soldiers and civilians and think that attacking soldiers (‘our children’) is as illegitimate as attacking civilians, labelling guerrilla fighters (who, don’t get me wrong, are legitimate targets in an armed conflict) ‘terrorists’ (the media does that too and that sure as hell doesn’t help).
Better coordination within the military. As of now the IDF has a surplus of soldiers who are grossly mismanaged as a result of petty infighting from within. That’s how you can find offices with one secretary collapsing under the workload and another with three secretaries with barely any work to do. This is a pretty serious issue in and of itself, but this gets even worse when you consider that, for example, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip don’t know how far away from the Separation Wall they have to be to avoid getting shot (which is pretty serious because many of them have agricultural lands close to the fence that they can’t work on).
Taking a stronger stand against settlements the State had no hand in building. Some particularly zealous Settlers sometimes take Palestinian land by force, relying on the fact that their legal owners would have to go through a legal hell to get it back, and that the military normally follows an order saying they’re not allowed to physically touch Settlers. Those should be clamped down on HARD.
Abolishing the underhanded techniques the State uses to seize Palestinian land. Israel uses the military to declare certain areas as necessary for training and kicks the locals out, then a year later they say that since the owners left their land for over a year they no longer have a claim to it, and allow Settlers in instead. It does the same with KKL and the Israeli Antiquities Authority. This shit needs to stop.
Applying Israeli law to Settlements that already exist. What Israelis don’t get is that when outsiders talk about the ‘apartheid state’ in Israel they don’t mean ‘within the Green Line’: nominally, Arab Israeli citizens are perfectly equal before the law (aside from where the stupid fucking Millet system is in force). This refers to Judæa and Samaria, where Settlers are generally subject to Israeli law (not always: the mayor of Ariel once boasted how he claimed not to be a legitimate part of Israel when he needed to pay taxes but it was when it needed funds from the State), but Palestinians are subject to martial law. This means, among other things, that employers over there can get away with paying Palestinians below minimum wage. While Israel is in charge it should do so properly.
Reforming imprisoned terrorists. As the UK demonstrates, this is immensely helpful in gutting terrorism from within.
Actually sticking by contractual obligations. Yitzkhak Rabin famously got the Oslo Accords going (hell, he got shot to death for it), but in practice he never actually took down a single Settlements, claiming that ‘there are no sacred dates’ (i.e. ‘I’ll take ‘em down… eventually’). On the other hand, enough violent resistance and outright terrorism on the Palestinians’ part got Israel to leave the Gaza Strip unilaterally. The Palestinians naturally understood that Israelis understand nothing but brute force.
Understanding what actually comprises terrorism. Aside from attacking soldiers, as explained above, Israelis seem to be under the impression that diplomatic moves (e.g. ratifying the Geneva and Rome conventions and pushing for recognition in the UN) are terrorism too (‘state terrorism’). As one blogger put it, they might soon call Palestinians breathing ‘respiratory terrorism’.
Abolish the religious exception to anti-incitement laws. Israel obviously has laws against incitement to violence, but for some bizarre reason those laws do not apply to incitement made on a religious basis. This gives both Jewish and Muslim religious leaders the ability to incite somewhat freely, avoiding persecution, while young hotheads do their bidding and get fucked over for it. (Kinda like right-wing militia leaders, as described here, under #2.) Israel needs to crack down on all the bullshit it allows as part of ‘religious freedom’ in general, but for the purpose of this discussion, this is the #1 priority.
Back in the day I used to believe in cantonizing the country and giving the Gaza Strip and Judæa and Samaria a special status similar to Québec. I wrote about it extensively here. I asked around, and Jews mostly told me that they think it would be nice, but the Arabs would be against it; then I asked Arabs, who mostly had no objections to the idea. I asked MK Zehava Gal’on, who said she didn’t trust the Jews to not turn this country into a full-blown apartheid state all over. I eventually let go of the idea when I talked to an Arab student who was more politically aware, who said it was impractical because the State has the habit of not allowing Arab towns and villages to form or expand (this, coupled with poor law enforcement in Arab areas, creates the problem of violent criminal wars over territories), and keeps building new Jewish communities between them to detach them from one another. You can’t have Arab cantons this way.
On a final note: I want to point out that this is what I think Israel should do. Palestinians also have more than enough steps they can take, but I don’t live there, so I don’t really know what it’s like over there and I don’t get a say anyway. However, I do want to point out that the Palestinian Authority makes selling (and I think renting too, but I’m not sure) lands to Israelis punishable by death; this means that even if Settlers legitimately buy (or rent) the lands they want to settle on, it could be a huge pain to prove the legal owner of their lands allowed them to do so, because they’d be putting them at huge risk. One leftist activist, Ezra Nawi, notoriously boasted turning in would-be sellers to the PA; as a leftist myself, I was utterly infuriated: as far as I’m concerned, as the legal owners of the land, they have every right to do as they please with it.
And that pretty much concludes my views on the issue. Thanks for giving me the chance to clarify it.
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friend-clarity · 4 years
Jordan Peterson: The activists are now stalking the hard scientists
Hudlicky (a prominent Canada Research Chair at Brock University) voiced a smattering of opinions deemed unacceptable by the Leftist Twitter mob. No matter: once the complaints emerged, the editor of the journal in charge of Hudlicky’s work — Dr. Neville Compton — removed the paper from the journal’s website, and offered an abject apology for daring to have published it. Dr. Greg Finn, Provost and VP Academic at that institution, saw nothing wrong with stabbing one of his university’s most esteemed scientists in the back at the first sign of trouble. 
What were Hudlicky’s sins? His 12-page document (about 4,000 words) dealt with issues affecting organic synthesis research. However, Hudlicky voiced a smattering of opinions deemed unacceptable 
Under Diversity of Workforce: “In the last two decades many groups have been designated with ‘preferential status’ (despite substantive increases in the recruitment of women and minorities). Preferential treatment of one group leads inexorably to disadvantages for another. Each candidate should have an equal opportunity to secure a position, regardless of personal identification/categorization. Hiring practices that aim at equality of outcome is counter-productive if it results in discrimination against the most meritorious candidates. Such practice has also led to the emergence of mandatory ‘training workshops’ on gender equity, inclusion, diversity, and discrimination.” (90 words out of 4000)
Under Transference of Skills: “The training and mentoring of new generations of professionals must be attended to by proper relationships of ‘masters and apprentices’ without dilution of standards. Hudlicky described two conditions which must be met if the successful transfer of skills is to occur: first, the knowledge in question must be transferred within three generations, or risk being lost forever; second, there must be ‘an unconditional submission of the apprentice to his/her master.’ This applies not only in the sciences but also in art, music, and martial arts…. Submission to one’s mentor is rarely attainable today. Many students are unwilling to submit to any level of hard work demanded by professors. The university does not support professors in this endeavour as it views students as financial assets and hence protects them from any undue hardships that may be demanded by the ‘masters.’ This situation, coupled with the fact that professors have less and less time to mentor students in the laboratory, cannot provide for a productive transfer of skills, especially the maintenance of standards and integrity of research.” (170 words out of 4000). 
Jun 24, 2020  •  Brock University professor Tomas Hudlicky. Brock University. By Jordan Peterson
So many messages of appalling idiocy, detestable envy, and envy embarrassing to behold, crossed my desk in the last fortnight that I found myself in the rare position of having too much to record — a writer’s dream. But that content also indicated that the bell is tolling, and that I am one of those for whom the death knell sounds.
I have watched the universities of the Western world devour themselves in a myriad of fatal errors over the last two decades, and take little pleasure in observing the inevitable unfold. It is a failing of human reason, with all its limitations, ego, and pretensions, to serve as Cassandra; to derive a certain satisfaction in watching the ship whose demise was foretold breach its hull on rocks hidden from all other observers. The self-righteous pleasure of “I told you so,” is, however, of little comfort when the icy water wends its way around ankle, knee and thigh, threatening to swamp everything still retaining its incalculable and unlikely value, even if it simultaneously makes short shrift of the ignorance and willful blindness that is frequently part and parcel of the death of something once great.
It is also necessary to note that the catastrophic failures of process and aim which I am about to relate were by no means hidden from the public view by the persons and institutions in question. They were instead positively trumpeted to all by multiple attempts to harness the powers of social media and announced, more traditionally, in press releases designed to indicate the success of some great and laudable moral striving. It is nothing less than a dire day when the proud revelation of vices of deadly and multifarious seriousness serve to substitute for announcements of genuine and valuable achievement, but that is where we are at — make no mistake about it.
The first story emerges at Brock University, in cahoots with the scientific journal Angewandte Chemie — the former an educational institution of moderate reputability; the latter a prestigious place of scientific publication among chemists. It is no easy matter to find a permanent tenured faculty position at such a university, or to publish research findings or literature reviews/summaries in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The latter process generally requires several years and multiple resubmissions and rounds of editing by a minimum of three colleagues with expertise in the field per submission, as well as approval by the editor. Angewandte has a rejection rate of 80% — and it should be noted that that rejection rate only accounts for papers that the submitting researcher(s) felt were of sufficient quality to be considered.
Dr. Tomas Hudlicky of Brock submitted an essay memorializing and updating a piece written thirty years ago, which has been widely recognized as powerfully influencing the direction of the chemistry subfield in question (organic synthesis).
The good doctor holds a prestigious Canada Research Chair, a position funded by a large federal initiative devoting about $300 million per year in the attempt to attract to Canada (or encourage to stay) researchers who are of particular promise, as evidenced primarily by their research productivity. That, in turn, can be measured with reasonable objectivity with metrics such as number of peer-reviewed articles in relevant scientific journals (more than 400 in Hudlicky’s case), by noting how many times such articles are cited by other authors over the years subsequent to publication (Hudlicky: 13,300) and, finally, by a measure known as the h-index, which provides a single numerical indication of how many publications have received a variable minimum number of citations. A researcher with an h-index of 10 has published 10 papers with 10 or more citations; a researcher with an h-index of 57 (Hudlicky’s score) has published 57 papers with 57 or more citations.
Hudlicky’s research productivity is admirable and rare. The mere fact that he obtained a position as a Canada Research Chair meant that his department, as well as the relevant federal governmental agency, both determined he was a fish well worth landing. Plus, the universities that hire researchers competent enough to be considered for a Canada Research Chair competition are not doing those they are attempting to recruit any favour by offering them a position; rather, it is an honour for the university to be chosen by the researcher in question.
Hudlicky’s paper in Angewandte Chemie was peer-reviewed positively, judged as desirable by the relevant editorial staff, and published. This meant that it managed the difficult job of passing through the eye of a needle, and entering the kingdom of heaven, at least as far as research chemists might be concerned. But some of Hudlicky’s surmises with regard to the state of organic synthesis raised the ire of a Twitter mob howling about “academic feudalism” and calling it an “antidiversity screed.”
Twitter seems to exist primarily for the purpose of generating mobs — composed primarily of individuals who are hungry for blood and desiring to bask in the joys of reasonably risk-free reputation destruction, revenge and self-righteousness. Furthermore, as far as Twitter mobs go, those who complained about the Angewandte Chemie publication were by no means numerous, constituting perhaps less than a dozen.
No matter: once the complaints emerged, the editor of the journal in charge of Hudlicky’s work — Dr. Neville Compton — removed the paper from the journal’s website, and offered an abject apology for daring to have published it. Furthermore, he reported the “suspension” of two of the journal’s editors and cast aspersions on Hudlicky’s ethics, stating that his essay did not properly reflect fairness, trustworthiness and social awareness, while implying that the now-pilloried author and his peer reviewers and editors were discriminatory, unjust and inequitable in practice.
What were Hudlicky’s sins? His 12-page document (about 4,000 words) dealt with issues affecting organic synthesis research and communication, covering topics such as the range of research options available, integrity and trustworthiness of the relevant literature, transference of skills from mentor to trainee, impact of information technology, the corporatization of the university environment, the effect of new technology, the diversity of the available work force, and the competition for resources among researchers. However, Hudlicky voiced a smattering of opinions deemed unacceptable by that small number of people who both read his submission and were somewhat active on Twitter. Here are the sentences constituting his wrong-think, which I have paraphrased slightly for length.
Under Diversity of Workforce: “In the last two decades many groups have been designated with ‘preferential status’ (despite substantive increases in the recruitment of women and minorities). Preferential treatment of one group leads inexorably to disadvantages for another. Each candidate should have an equal opportunity to secure a position, regardless of personal identification/categorization. Hiring practices that aim at equality of outcome is counter-productive if it results in discrimination against the most meritorious candidates. Such practice has also led to the emergence of mandatory ‘training workshops’ on gender equity, inclusion, diversity, and discrimination.”
So those apparently objectional words constitute 90 of 4,000 — a small proportion of the essay, and the proffering of an opinion that insists “if”: not that diversity, inclusivity and equality provisions necessarily produce prejudicial hiring practices, but that they may under some conditions and with sufficient lack of caution have exactly that effect. It is also important to note that these opinions paraphrase very closely a decision reached and publicized by a German court in 2007, at least according to a supporter of Hudlicky who dared express an opinion supporting his colleague.
The Twitter trolls who objected to this opinion nonetheless reacted as if Hudlicky had said that efforts to “diversify” hiring and student selection were definitively harmful, and this is simply untrue.
Under Transference of Skills: “The training and mentoring of new generations of professionals must be attended to by proper relationships of ‘masters and apprentices’ without dilution of standards. Hudlicky described two conditions which must be met if the successful transfer of skills is to occur: first, the knowledge in question must be transferred within three generations, or risk being lost forever; second, there must be ‘an unconditional submission of the apprentice to his/her master.’ This applies not only in the sciences but also in art, music, and martial arts…. Submission to one’s mentor is rarely attainable today. Many students are unwilling to submit to any level of hard work demanded by professors. The university does not support professors in this endeavour as it views students as financial assets and hence protects them from any undue hardships that may be demanded by the ‘masters.’ This situation, coupled with the fact that professors have less and less time to mentor students in the laboratory, cannot provide for a productive transfer of skills, especially the maintenance of standards and integrity of research.”
This is an additional 170 words, and offers an opinion most famously put forward by Michael Polanyi, a polymath of genius level, who made contributions to chemistry, philosophy and economics, and who delineated the importance of “tacit knowledge” (knowledge that was acted out but not necessarily articulated) in the transmission of specialized technical ability across the generations. Hudlicky was therefore criticized and pilloried by individuals on Twitter who appeared to know nothing of Polanyi’s work (and for whom such ignorance was arguably justifiable) but also by the editor of Angewandte, for whom such ignorance was most certainly not.
Research prowess is no longer as important as willingness to mouth the appalling commonplaces of political correctness
Acquisition of this knowledge, according to Polanyi, required precisely the unfreedom recommended by Hudlicky — followed (with the acquisition of the aptly named Master’s degree) by autonomy in thought and action increased beyond what would have been capable in the absence of the devoted apprenticeship in question. Such a process can only be undertaken by a pupil capable of regarding his or her teacher as a true mentor, and by a mentor bent on the eventual production of a pupil more capable than him or herself.
None of that, according to Hudlicky (and this is a not unreasonable hypothesis in this day and age) is possible in the university as currently constituted, even in the hard sciences. Not only is it not possible, he implies, but it is no longer posited even as an acceptable aim. In a properly functioning institute of training, however, it might be argued that disciplined and contractually-mediated temporary subjugation to higher authority is eminently desirable, despite the limited sacrifice of casual autonomy that might require, if the person or persons to whom the subjugation is made are true experts. It is the willingness to undertake this apprenticeship, as well as the capability of superseding it, that makes up the master in “Master’s degree”—a designation that Brock still grants, despite potentially colonial overtones at least as damning as those that characterized Hudlicky’s writing.
That is the sum total of Hudlicky’s academic crimes. He has faced severe retaliation on no less than six separate fronts for his hypothetically unforgivable thoughts — the two we have already discussed, and four more, including, third, the cancellation of an entire issue of the journal Synthesis (published by Thieme), which was to be dedicated to his 70th birthday and for which invitations had already been sent to more than forty prominent scientists; fourth, the elimination of any mention of his work in yet another journal, Highlights in Chemistry; fifth, a statement by a European chemical society (not as yet made public) hypothetically critiquing his ongoing collaborations with researchers from that continent; and sixth, his transformation into whipping boy by his own faithless professional colleagues at the administrative level at Brock University.
Dr. Greg Finn, Provost and VP Academic at that institution, saw nothing wrong with stabbing one of his university’s most esteemed scientists in the back at the first sign of trouble. The provost wrote a painfully cringing apologetic “open letter to the public,” claiming, of course, that Hudlicky’s opinions, if in the least controversial, were in no possible manner representative of Brock University as a whole, and essentially hanging that institution’s hypothetically valued top chemist out to dry. Finn states that Hudlicky’s article “…contains descriptions of the graduate supervisor-graduate student relationship that connote disrespect and subservience. These statements could be alarming to students and others who have the reasonable expectation of respectful and supportive mentorship…. [The statements in this paper] do not reflect the principles of inclusivity, diversity and equity included in the University’s mission, vision and values as approved by our Senate and Board of Trustees.” Only an individual accustomed to dining on very thin gruel or simply spoiled meat would find any nourishment in statements with such content and of that quality.
An admirable university, secure in its worth, would have determined very quickly that one Hudlicky was, conservatively, worth ten Finns, and acted accordingly. But research prowess is no longer as important as willingness to mouth the appalling commonplaces of political correctness in the hallowed corridors of academe.
Two other recent events drive these points home. A highly cited professor of physics, who I cannot name, at a university I cannot name either (suffice it to say that the former has garnered 100+ publications and 7000+ citations in a highly technical field) had his standard Canadian Federal grant application rejected because he had failed to sufficiently detail his plans to ensure diversity, inclusivity and equity (DIE) practices while conducting his scientific inquiry. It is now standard practice for university hiring boards to insist that their faculty job applicants submit a DIE plan with their curriculum vitae — a terribly dangerous occurrence of its own.
I believe that the fundamental reason such plans are required, particularly of those who practice in the so-called “hard” STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) is so that those who could not hope to assess the quality of research endeavours in those specialties as a consequence of their own inability or ignorance, can be made into judges by enforcing the adoption of standards of attitude and behaviour that have nothing to do with the fields in question.
Consider this, in addition: a group of three professors at Concordia were awarded a New Frontiers in Research Grant (announced in late 2019) aimed at “engaging Indigenous understanding and involving Indigenous communities in the co-creation of knowledge, the project aims to decolonize contemporary physics research and attract Indigenous students.” The head researcher, Dr. Tanja Tajmel, “questioned the colonial assumptions made in the way Western science evaluates light and what it considers knowledge.” Dr. Louellyn White, associate professor in First Peoples Studies, added that “Indigenous ways of knowing have been suppressed and marginalized throughout academic history and we are finally gaining momentum in elevating Indigenous knowledges as equally valid to Western science… If we, as an institution, do not embody the Territorial Acknowledgement by recognizing and affirming the expertise of our Elders as Knowledge Keepers, the acknowledgement becomes nothing but empty platitudes.” Dr. Ingo Salzmann, the last of the three principal investigators to whom the funds were awarded, says, “The culture of physics certainly changes with diverse people involved.” He argues, “Therefore, decolonizing science involves challenging the underlying hierarchies.”
The refusal of the research grant application specifically requesting funding for what must now apparently be regarded as “colonialized — or colonized (?) — physics” and the success of the application that had the magical mention of “indigenous knowledge” should alert us to the fact that with the increasingly successful politicization of the university the STEM fields comprise the next frontier for occupation by the politically correct.
Qualified and expert researchers in such fields are already in great danger of being pushed aside by activists of the proper opinion. The rest of us will pay in the longer run, when we no longer have the will or the capacity to make use of the rare talents that make people highly competent and productive as scientists, technological innovators, engineers or mathematicians. Wake up, STEM denizens: your famous immunity to political concerns will not protect you against what is headed your way fast over the next five or so years.
Jordan Peterson is a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, a clinical psychologist and the author of the multi-million copy bestseller 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos. His blog and podcasts can be found at jordanbpeterson.com.
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watchmanis216 · 5 years
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
This house of mourning is full of Idiocy, Manure Politics, and the stuff that nightmares are made of! But in the end, the Harvest is coming; a reward for all their efforts!
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Psa 9:15-20
(15)  The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.
(16)  The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah.
(17)  The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
(18)  For the needy shall not alway be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever.
(19)  Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight.
(20)  Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
The rehash of white supremacy, of Nazism, and trashing of Donald Trump is just that. Old news, retired some time ago and brought out for this occasion.  Politics and Washington DC all tie together in a myriad of tired worn out phrases. Who cares if the blood of men hollowed the grounds of Charlottesville, Antietam, Gettysburg, Little roundtop, and others. Once before we had division which was bitter. Today, again; the division is there, the lies are there, the stretching of the truth certainly is there, and bigoted leftists in their own right are most certainly there.  One thing is certain, Americans have never really learned the lesson of the Civil War. It was not about slavery or state’s rights. It was about division and bitterness.  To be sure, this makes for the most disgusting display of ignorance that America has witnessed.
Burn baby burn, House of Mourning, House of Mirth
It’s as if they really think Hitler is in the White House. It’s as if they really think this small group of Nazis are going to take over. But when Obama came on the scene with his socialist ideas, open border policies, and globalist socialist agendas; no one took notice. Like airheads on cocaine, leftists loved the Obama push for world order and the socialist way of life. Let everyone have their own opinion except the right, although today there is no right; just wrong. There are no republicans and democrats, just Trump haters. Today the motion sickness of expedient idiocy floats through DC like a fog bank that rolls in off the Potomac.  As I watch this stuff and the stupidity that is America today, I am constantly reassured there is no hope, as long as, division and idiots rule Congress. As long as, Idiots run rampant in the street hating everyone who disagrees with them. As long as, no one has a free voice, nor free vote, or the individual who can continue to stand tall once they have given their opinion. Today, voicing your opinion for Donald Trump, for instance; in the end gets you beaten up!
But today I hear a barrage of ideas, investigations, talking points, articles, and protests. Everyone fighting, everyone mad, everyone pulling in opposite directions, and finally everyone self-absorbed about giving their own point of view. That is what the left wants, to make everyone tired. To make the people give in and say; go ahead and make America as you want. Let me say it for everyone; go ahead and remake America. I disagree with you, but let the consequences fall on your own head! It is for this reason that America today faces the greatest threat of its existence. But of course, the biggest problem we have today is found in three letters, S–I–N!
Tear up the constitution. Burn the bill of rights. Give everyone in America everything free. Let them sit on their asses watching liberal talk show hosts who will reassure them that in their world everything is fine. Who cares if America is great. Afterall, it is the white man’s fault. It is the black man’s fault if that black man doesn’t hate whites like the liberal black fascists who push white hatred do. Let the Indians blame the whites, let the Mexican’s hate the whites, let everyone hate everyone else. If that is all you can do, then go ahead and hate. Why believe in a good God of mercy when you can hate, be vile, and act like a bitch dog in heat. Why turn around and let this nation heal? Why show mercy when you can just as well beat the suckers up. Why listen to anything good, anything moral, and anything just when you follow the globalist agendas of the leftist power dealers of Soros, Obama, black lives matter, and others.
Yes, go ahead and do it, afterall; who cares that America is basically a nation that is purely godless anyway.  You want all the statues removed? Go ahead and tear down statues of Gen. Lee, Abraham Lincoln, and any others you hate. Tear down the Confederate flag, the American flag, and anything else you want. Go ahead and blame the one in the White house. You might as well paint it black or purple or yellow; because you are a bunch of yellow suckers who are too frightened to admit you are wrong. You are a nation of people for the most part that blames a White billionaire who won the election for President and is now the target of every nut job on the left.
Psa 75:4-8
(4)  I said unto the fools, Deal not foolishly: and to the wicked, Lift not up the horn:
(5)  Lift not up your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck.
(6)  For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.
(7)  But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.
(8)  For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them.
If you would listen, really listen to yourself; maybe you would know the vile filth you push. If our politicians would shut up and just stop talking; all of them. Be silent, work as a peacemaker; and look to the Lord. But for the masses, there is no god. There is only purpose and pursuit of your goal, your agenda. That agenda is felt today as you continue to tear down America, to burn her cities, to remove Trump who wants to make America great again. What is more, because you won’t listen; there is little hope left that anything will make this nation truly great again. But for many on the leftist side, the alt-left, the left, and the republicans and democrats who take part in this visible display of stupidity; you will push your own way no matter what. Though the chasm of division grows by leaps and bounds daily, don’t stop now. Allow the fuel of your rebellion to follow through. Burn, baby burn; trash it all, hate everyone except those who will join in your foolhardy expedition of self-destruction. When the ashes then become cold, and you see the cold dead fingers of America lay in a heap; then be proud oh fool!
The leftists are shocked at everyone and everything, all the time! That is, except for the fact they are never shocked by the things they say. They legitimize their threats, violence, and hate; and in the end, it is either Trumps fault or the conservatives.  The two groups, Alt-left and Alt-right are merely reflections of what is in the political parties in America. They mirror the hatred we have seen in DC and the nation called America for a very long time now!
The pit you have dug for those who oppose you shall instead be for you. You shall fall into your own misery when the day dawns on the harvest of your shame!
Be proud for you have really shown us what your vision was to become.
Be proud of fool, for in your eyes only are you a hero!
Anathema, cursed; is that nation and that man whose God is not the Lord!
  Ecc 7:4-6
(4)  The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.
(5)  It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.
(6)  For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: this also is vanity.
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About WIBR/WARN Radio page here House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Origins: Experience, Dedication, and Anointing
Many years ago we started out in college broadcasting over our college transmitter. Then we broadcast into 150 nations over World Harvest Shortwave Radio and World Wide Christian Radio
Today, we are still moving forward with the gospel. We are the Watchman Institute of Biblical Research and the Watchman Alert Radio network.
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
A Reminder: Listen to our Streaming WARN RADIO 24/7 ->Listen to our Stream: click this link for player in new tab.
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
WIBR/WARN Current Broadcasts
  Thursdays  6:30-9:30 pm mst Remnant Battle Lines
Remnant Battle Lines on WIBR/WARN Radio 6:30 pm mst Thursdays
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Fridays 6:30-8:00 pm mst Sound the Shofar
Sound the Shofar Fellowship on WIBR/WARN Radio Fridays 6:30 pm mst
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
House of Mourning, House of Mirth House of Mourning, House of Mirth This house of mourning is full of Idiocy, Manure Politics, and the stuff that nightmares are made of!
0 notes
kelluinox · 16 days
"Fuck America. Fuck America."
Fucking leave America you ungrateful little bastards. If this is your stance. If you hate America this much - LEAVE. Now. Yesterday. Go to the places you venerate so much in your moronic chants of "Yemen Yemen you make us proud" and "Iran you make us proud". Experience those regimes on your own fucking skins and stop belittling the experiences of people who risked everything, who risked their lives to escape them. You should be fucking grateful you were born in America every single fucking day. You should be grateful for the freedoms you have and stop playing at oppression. Being oppressed isn't a cutesy fun experience you disgusting immature embarassments for humanity. You know what being oppressed is like?
In Russia you can be arrested for standing on a sidewalk with a blank sheet of paper. You can be arrested for printing out a portion of your own country's constitution. You can be arrested for openly insulting the government and opposing the war Putin started to fulfill his imperial ambitions. You can be arrested for saying Crimea belongs to Ukraine. You can be arrested for writing "No to vobla" in chalk. You can be arrested for anti war graffiti. You can have your daughter be put in solitary confinement for drawing an anti war picture in class while you yourself are kidnapped and secretly put away in prison. You can be arrested for liking the wrong post on social media, or leaving the wrong comment. You can be arrested for taking a picture in front of a church in case you somehow "offend the feelings of the religious". A little girl can be harassed by police for wearing blue and yellow ribbons in her hair while you yourself can be arrested for wearing blue and yellow clothes. You can be arrested for wearing rainbow earrings. You can be arrested for "promoting LGBTQ" (basically you're arrested just for being LGBTQ, or if you're suspected of being LGBTQ). You can be stopped at the airport and questioned and your phone searched for any anti war content. As a woman you can't defend yourself if someone tries to hurt you. You can be charged with "exceeding self defense" if you dare harm your assailant. The police will look the other way if you experience domestic abuse. Women and girls are regularly sent back to their relatives in Chechnya where they are abused and honor killed. Human rights advocates are imprisoned and sometimes even murdered. Families of those who vocally oppose the government are harassed and threatened. And all of this isn't even a complete list because the list of what goes on here is fucking endless. And in places like Iran it gets even WORSE.
It's not cute. It's not fun. You stupid little shits will start crying the moment you experience true oppression and run back to "evil fascist America" faster than I can say "I told you so".
100 notes · View notes
watchmanis216 · 5 years
Blame a Left leaning, Trump hating Liberal
Attention: Editors, Writers, Bloggers, and News Hounds!
It is time to begin our campaign to the people who directly support a true Americana. One where the constitution rules and the decency of all people exist. The recent election and the subsequent and continual whining by those who feel they have been disavowed and threatened are now told it is time to shut up and stop listening to those voices who tell you it is American to be so childish.
Today, we begin our “Blame a Left leaning, Trump hating Liberal Campaign”!
Pro 26:4-5(4)  Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.(5)  Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit. Psa 14:1 (1)  To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
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  If you are a left leaning liberal but take no pleasure in the way your comrades in arms have acted and you really hate what is going on as described below, then this campaign is not about you!
  “But should the people of America once become capable of that deep simulation towards one another, and towards foreign nations, which assumes the language of justice and moderation while it is practicing iniquity and extravagance and displays in the most captivating manner the charming pictures of candor, frankness, and sincerity, while it is rioting in rapine and insolence, this country will be the most miserable habitation in the world; because we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion.
Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
–John Adams, To the Officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts, 1798
Blame a Left leaning, Trump hating Liberal
It is time, way past time. Starting today, why don’t you start to “Blame a left leaning, Trump hating Liberal”! Now I am not talking about hating them, but to simply ‘Blame them’. After all, we have had months of temper tantrums, flare ups, protests, people getting beat up, tears flowing, hearts stopping, calling out for violence, blaming Trump, threatening Trump, and so much more that these nuts have done.
Well, conservatives and Christians alike; “what you sow, so shall you reap”! If you act like a child, you will be treated like a child. If you act like a liberal left wing nutcase who cannot accept a duly elected President and you intend on protesting and causing trouble until the second coming of Jesus Christ or when he is no longer in office; then so be it!
The fiasco at the Oscars made the news. But sorry boys and girls I don’t give a Tinkers dime about your show. Nor do I care about the golden Oscar, nor about who won! I gave up on that political feast of Hollywood liberalism long ago. Don’t care, will never care, and don’t care what you think of Trump! After all, your continual bashing, hating, and finding fault of Trump everyday day simply presents to me just how:
Utterly Childish you are…Utterly incapable of anything that makes sense…Utterly impossible to discuss anything rational with you…Utterly and absolutely crazy!
Yep! It is time.
Ecc 7:9
(9)  Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.
Everything is your fault. From now on, if a fly gets into my house, or Iran does something stupid, or that nutcase in North Korea who just gunned down more of his top officials does something else dumb; well it’s a left leaning Trump hating Liberal’s fault.
Your case against Donald Trump is preposterous. The fact that we have Republicans that join democrats and really do nothing is not surprising to us. We know that the Republican Party, Republican elitists are just like the Democrats. In many cases they are our worse enemy. We have case after case all about how they act. The election and the way the Republican Party treated Trump is another example. But also what they did to Ron Paul is also a travesty. So you see, we could actually lump you knuckleheaded leftists who hate Trump right along with the ultra-pseudo republicans as well.
Don’t worry we won’t blame you forever. We are not like you. We put up with Barack “the lawless” Hussein Obama who took the Arab side over Israel, the UN and EU over America, who pushed lawlessness down our throats, who dissed the constitution, and much more.
We never protested in the streets for eight years!
As for the Liberal left leaning media of CNN, MSNBC, MSN, CBS, ABC, Washington Post, and many others; my life is much better now that I stopped reading these fodder mills for the left socialist agenda and nut case policies of rich billionaires.
Blame a Liberal
Write posts and publish them and pointedly aim at those described in this article
Use social media to not let up on those who refuse to stop their idiocies as describe herein
For some these other methods may work. Hold town hall meetings, street gatherings, and use invasion tactics of opponents at their meetings just like they like to do to the opposition.
Leave your comments, ideas on promoting this campaign, or send us your thoughts on this regard and if it isn’t too offensive we will publish them here!
Don’t answer a fool according to his folly
Use Understanding and wisdom
Don’t be a companion of fools
Yours truly, a right wing conservative, Ultra-right wing and one who blames the Left Leaning Trump hating Liberals
Pro 10:23
(23)  It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.
 Pro 17:12
(12)  Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a man, rather than a fool in his folly.
 Pro 1:7
(7)  The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
 Pro 13:20
(20)  He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
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WIBR/WARN Radio and Christian Ministry “Heralding the Truth of Gods’ Word!
Blame a Left leaning, Trump hating Liberal An in-depth Biblical commentary, writing from the WIBR/WARN Radio by The Watchman Dana Glenn Smith Listen to the WIBR/WARN Radio with the Watchman and Co-Hosted by Tower, see schedule that follows.
        Alert: Attention the Battle we Face
Be sure to check out the latest “The Battle We Face” a endtime focus for Remnant Believers in Jesus Christ!
Check out Warn Radio TV!
Check out Western Garden Survivalist TV!
Be sure to visit our 7 Garden Tips for the Apocalypse page!
Be sure to visit the Writers Life Blog www.danaglennsmith.com Blame a Left leaning, Trump hating Liberal “Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”
“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words”
Visit our website:  www.danaglennsmith.com
Also do not forget this! Hints, tips, lifestyle Gardening; Do not miss our Visit Gardening lifestyles Page, Video, and slides!
Blame a Left leaning, Trump hating Liberal
WIBR/WARN Radio is an end time, preaching, teaching, advocacy, and warning agency heralding in the second coming of Jesus Christ to this earth. We cover many news items on the persecuted church and are advocates for those being persecuted overseas. About WIBR/WARN Radio page here Blame a Left leaning, Trump hating Liberal WIBR/WARN Websites are www.warn-usa.com, www.warn-radio.com, www.wingswatchman.org and have been combined into one large resource depository which can be heard worldwide.Hear us Worldwide: Info Here! Proclaiming The ‘Truth’ found in the Word of God. Biblical, indepth, prophetic, pulling no punches regarding God’s Word . Visit the ‘Writers Life’ Blog www.danaglennsmith.com on DanaGlennSmith.com
About WIBR/WARN Radio page here Blame a Left leaning, Trump hating Liberal
Don’t miss this: America’s Takedown: Soros four step plan to destroy the nation Related posts to America’s Takedown and the Soros Machine
So, They Didn’t Get their Way but left Wing Media is Thrashing in Hate!
Sweeping the Mean Streets “Liberal Bigotry in action”
Electoral College and the Popular vote ‘Keeping dishonesty at Bay’
Blame a Left leaning, Trump hating Liberal
Visit WIBR/WARN Archives
A Vast resource of Christian teachings based on Gods Word following the Apostolic teachings given to them by Yeshua, Jesus Christ
Find The Warn-USA Archives here
Find The WingsWatchman.org Archives here Blame a Left leaning, Trump hating Liberal
Covering the World this is WIBR/WARN Radio
Warn Radio Blog
Global News RSS Headlines
About WIBR/WARN Radio page here Blame a Left leaning, Trump hating Liberal
Origins: Experience, Dedication, and Anointing
Many years ago we started out in college broadcasting over our college transmitter. Then we broadcast into 150 nations over World Harvest Shortwave Radio and World Wide Christian Radio
Today, we are still moving forward with the gospel. We are the Watchman Institute of Biblical Research and the Watchman Alert Radio network.
Blame a Left leaning, Trump hating Liberal
WIBR/WARN Current Broadcasts
  Thursdays  6:30-9:30 pm mst Remnant Battle Lines
Remnant Battle Lines on WIBR/WARN Radio 6:30 pm mst Thursdays
Blame a Left leaning, Trump hating Liberal
Fridays 6:30-8:00 pm mst Sound the Shofar
Sound the Shofar Fellowship on WIBR/WARN Radio Fridays 6:30 pm mst
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11 Blame a Left leaning, Trump hating Liberal
Blame a Left leaning, Trump hating Liberal Blame a Left leaning, Trump hating Liberal Attention: Editors, Writers, Bloggers, and News Hounds! It is time to begin our campaign to the people who directly support a true Americana.
0 notes
watchmanis216 · 7 years
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
This house of mourning is full of Idiocy, Manure Politics, and the stuff that nightmares are made of! But in the end, the Harvest is coming; a reward for all their efforts!
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Psa 9:15-20
(15)  The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.
(16)  The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah.
(17)  The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
(18)  For the needy shall not alway be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever.
(19)  Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight.
(20)  Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
The rehash of white supremacy, of Nazism, and trashing of Donald Trump is just that. Old news, retired some time ago and brought out for this occasion.  Politics and Washington DC all tie together in a myriad of tired worn out phrases. Who cares if the blood of men hollowed the grounds of Charlottesville, Antietam, Gettysburg, Little roundtop, and others. Once before we had division which was bitter. Today, again; the division is there, the lies are there, the stretching of the truth certainly is there, and bigoted leftists in their own right are most certainly there.  One thing is certain, Americans have never really learned the lesson of the Civil War. It was not about slavery or state’s rights. It was about division and bitterness.  To be sure, this makes for the most disgusting display of ignorance that America has witnessed.
Burn baby burn, House of Mourning, House of Mirth
It’s as if they really think Hitler is in the White House. It’s as if they really think this small group of Nazis are going to take over. But when Obama came on the scene with his socialist ideas, open border policies, and globalist socialist agendas; no one took notice. Like airheads on cocaine, leftists loved the Obama push for world order and the socialist way of life. Let everyone have their own opinion except the right, although today there is no right; just wrong. There are no republicans and democrats, just Trump haters. Today the motion sickness of expedient idiocy floats through DC like a fog bank that rolls in off the Potomac.  As I watch this stuff and the stupidity that is America today, I am constantly reassured there is no hope, as long as, division and idiots rule Congress. As long as, Idiots run rampant in the street hating everyone who disagrees with them. As long as, no one has a free voice, nor free vote, or the individual who can continue to stand tall once they have given their opinion. Today, voicing your opinion for Donald Trump, for instance; in the end gets you beaten up!
But today I hear a barrage of ideas, investigations, talking points, articles, and protests. Everyone fighting, everyone mad, everyone pulling in opposite directions, and finally everyone self-absorbed about giving their own point of view. That is what the left wants, to make everyone tired. To make the people give in and say; go ahead and make America as you want. Let me say it for everyone; go ahead and remake America. I disagree with you, but let the consequences fall on your own head! It is for this reason that America today faces the greatest threat of its existence. But of course, the biggest problem we have today is found in three letters, S–I–N!
Tear up the constitution. Burn the bill of rights. Give everyone in America everything free. Let them sit on their asses watching liberal talk show hosts who will reassure them that in their world everything is fine. Who cares if America is great. Afterall, it is the white man’s fault. It is the black man’s fault if that black man doesn’t hate whites like the liberal black fascists who push white hatred do. Let the Indians blame the whites, let the Mexican’s hate the whites, let everyone hate everyone else. If that is all you can do, then go ahead and hate. Why believe in a good God of mercy when you can hate, be vile, and act like a bitch dog in heat. Why turn around and let this nation heal? Why show mercy when you can just as well beat the suckers up. Why listen to anything good, anything moral, and anything just when you follow the globalist agendas of the leftist power dealers of Soros, Obama, black lives matter, and others.
Yes, go ahead and do it, afterall; who cares that America is basically a nation that is purely godless anyway.  You want all the statues removed? Go ahead and tear down statues of Gen. Lee, Abraham Lincoln, and any others you hate. Tear down the Confederate flag, the American flag, and anything else you want. Go ahead and blame the one in the White house. You might as well paint it black or purple or yellow; because you are a bunch of yellow suckers who are too frightened to admit you are wrong. You are a nation of people for the most part that blames a White billionaire who won the election for President and is now the target of every nut job on the left.
Psa 75:4-8
(4)  I said unto the fools, Deal not foolishly: and to the wicked, Lift not up the horn:
(5)  Lift not up your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck.
(6)  For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.
(7)  But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.
(8)  For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them.
If you would listen, really listen to yourself; maybe you would know the vile filth you push. If our politicians would shut up and just stop talking; all of them. Be silent, work as a peacemaker; and look to the Lord. But for the masses, there is no god. There is only purpose and pursuit of your goal, your agenda. That agenda is felt today as you continue to tear down America, to burn her cities, to remove Trump who wants to make America great again. What is more, because you won’t listen; there is little hope left that anything will make this nation truly great again. But for many on the leftist side, the alt-left, the left, and the republicans and democrats who take part in this visible display of stupidity; you will push your own way no matter what. Though the chasm of division grows by leaps and bounds daily, don’t stop now. Allow the fuel of your rebellion to follow through. Burn, baby burn; trash it all, hate everyone except those who will join in your foolhardy expedition of self-destruction. When the ashes then become cold, and you see the cold dead fingers of America lay in a heap; then be proud oh fool!
The leftists are shocked at everyone and everything, all the time! That is, except for the fact they are never shocked by the things they say. They legitimize their threats, violence, and hate; and in the end, it is either Trumps fault or the conservatives.  The two groups, Alt-left and Alt-right are merely reflections of what is in the political parties in America. They mirror the hatred we have seen in DC and the nation called America for a very long time now!
The pit you have dug for those who oppose you shall instead be for you. You shall fall into your own misery when the day dawns on the harvest of your shame!
Be proud for you have really shown us what your vision was to become.
Be proud of fool, for in your eyes only are you a hero!
Anathema, cursed; is that nation and that man whose God is not the Lord!
  Ecc 7:4-6
(4)  The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.
(5)  It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.
(6)  For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: this also is vanity.
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
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  A Reminder: Listen to our Streaming WARN RADIO 24/7 ->Listen to our Stream: click this link for player in new tab.
House of Mourning, House of Mirth An in-depth Biblical commentary, writing, teaching from the WIBR/WARN Radio by The Watchman Dana Glenn Smith
 We have vast resources; Audio, Video, and indepth articles. We also provide many materials in High Def Digital Content Articles in PDF E-book format. There is no cost, charge to you! While it is not free to produce, we provide these materials for whoever comes to our websites.  To help keep costs down, we have ads, books, and other items to sell.
But the backbone of our support comes from those individuals who join with us in ministry to help us spread the message of Jesus Christ and his Gospel to the glory of our God and Father.
Listen to the WIBR/WARN Radio with the Watchman and Co-Hosted by Tower, see schedule that follows.
Alert: Attention the Battle we Face
Be sure to check out the latest “The Battle We Face” a endtime focus for Remnant Believers in Jesus Christ!
Check out Warn Radio TV!
Check out Western Garden Survivalist TV!
Be sure to visit our 7 Garden Tips for the Apocalypse page!
Be sure to visit the Writers Life Blog www.danaglennsmith.com
“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”
“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words”
Visit our website:  www.danaglennsmith.com
Also do not forget this! Hints, tips, lifestyle Gardening; Do not miss our Visit Gardening lifestyles Page, Video, and slides!
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
WIBR/WARN Radio is an end time, preaching, teaching, advocacy, and warning agency heralding in the second coming of Jesus Christ to this earth. We cover many news items on the persecuted church and are advocates for those being persecuted overseas. About WIBR/WARN Radio page here WIBR/WARN Websites are www.warn-usa.com, www.warn-radio.com, www.wingswatchman.org and have been combined into one large resource depository which can be heard worldwide.Hear us Worldwide: Info Here! Proclaiming The ‘Truth’ found in the Word of God. Biblical, indepth, prophetic, pulling no punches regarding God’s Word . Visit the ‘Writers Life’ Blog www.danaglennsmith.com on DanaGlennSmith.com
About WIBR/WARN Radio page here House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Recommended Remnant Resources for you the believer in Jesus Christ on http://www.DanaGlennSmith.com
The Epic Saga of Responsibility
God’s Eternal Clock of Redemption
Faultless to Stand Before the Lamb
America Blood Guilt ‘The Sins of Tophet’
Will the Ungodly, Rich, Powerful Escape America?
America House of Long Shadows
The Battle We Face
Recommended Remnant Resources for you the believer in Jesus Christ on http://www.Warn-Usa.com
The Epic Saga of Responsibility
Reprobate: The nation whose god is not the Lord!
Prophecy Blood guilt ‘Updated for 2017’
The Aperitif of the Coming Son of Perdition
Islam and the Antichrist Jesus
Book the Watchman for your next Event
The Battle We Face
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Visit WIBR/WARN Archives
A Vast resource of Christian teachings based on Gods Word following the Apostolic teachings given to them by Yeshua, Jesus Christ
Find The Warn-USA Archives here
Find The WingsWatchman.org Archives here House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Covering the World this is WIBR/WARN Radio
Warn Radio Blog
Global News RSS Headlines
About WIBR/WARN Radio page here House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Origins: Experience, Dedication, and Anointing
Many years ago we started out in college broadcasting over our college transmitter. Then we broadcast into 150 nations over World Harvest Shortwave Radio and World Wide Christian Radio
Today, we are still moving forward with the gospel. We are the Watchman Institute of Biblical Research and the Watchman Alert Radio network.
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
A Reminder: Listen to our Streaming WARN RADIO 24/7 ->Listen to our Stream: click this link for player in new tab.
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
WIBR/WARN Current Broadcasts
  Thursdays  6:30-9:30 pm mst Remnant Battle Lines
Remnant Battle Lines on WIBR/WARN Radio 6:30 pm mst Thursdays
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
Fridays 6:30-8:00 pm mst Sound the Shofar
Sound the Shofar Fellowship on WIBR/WARN Radio Fridays 6:30 pm mst
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
House of Mourning, House of Mirth
House of Mourning, House of Mirth House of Mourning, House of Mirth This house of mourning is full of Idiocy, Manure Politics, and the stuff that nightmares are made of!
0 notes