#quote source: penguins of madagascar
yukii0nna · 3 months
I just can't get this quote out of my head. Curse my weird memory! This is also none canon I think
After Chandra is unsealed
Chandra: Hello did we win? Is everyone safe? How long was I asleep? Why does the air feel different?
Everyone there nods
The Question: You were out for a few hundred years. During which Magic was villainized before it was believed to be a myth. The earth fairies now want revenge on the humans. And the less you find out about pollution of the water and sky, the better. We're sorry .
Chandra: What?!
Everyone glares at him
The Question: What? I thought that was what the nod was for.
@zexal-club @kousaka-ayumu @punkeropercyjackson @insomniac-jay @lovelyllamasblog @liviavanrouge
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starwarstrashy88 · 6 months
Hunter: I don’t think you’re fit for duty right now, Tech
Tech: *sleep deprived and concussed* Flibbertigibbet man. I’m as juxtaposed as the next hamburger *falls flat on his face*
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Sirius: I don’t know, Remus, I think you’re pretty smart Remus: You also think there’s a little man in the fridge who turns the light off when you close it Sirius, clenching his fist: And one day I’ll catch him
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Donnie: Behold! The portal to time's past: The Chronotron!
Leo: So... It's a time machine?
Donnie: Well, yes?
Leo: Then why not call it a time machine?
Donnie: Yeah and while we're at it let's just call the Great Wall a fence, the Mona Lisa a doodle, and Albert Einstein Mr. Smarty Pants!
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incorrectquotesmcu · 1 year
Sam: I need options, let’s hear them!
Peter: [raises his hand]
Sam: No, we’re not running away.
Peter: [lowers his hand]
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Skipper: Ringtail, don't you ever knock?
Julien: I used to, but no one ever let me in.
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
*When the three are created*
Jawbreaker: Hello! Are you my new family?
Thrash: You don’t have a family, and we’re all going to die. Sorry.
Jawbreaker: What?!
Twitch: *Hits Thrash*
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Skipper: It's almost time to switch from our regular weapons to our holiday weapons!
Private: Is there a difference?
Kowalski: Yes. The holiday ones light up!
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incorrecthsrquotes · 6 months
Gunhaver: Admiral Flashfight! Speak to me, man! Flashfight: (dazed) Just a knock on the old monkey bus. Gunhaver: ...Admiral? Flashfight: No need to paint, I'm as flopsy-faced as ever. Gunhaver: I... don't think you're fit for duty. Flashfight: Flibbertigibbit, man! I'm as juxtaposed as the next hamburger!
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angelofthenight · 2 years
Oswald: (y/n)?
Oswald: (y/n)!
Oswald: *runs to (y/n) in slow motion*
You: Oswald?
You: Oswald!
You: *runs to Oswald in slow motion*
Oswald: (y/n)!
You: Oswald!
Oswald: (y/n)!
You: *grows angry* Oswald!
Oswald: *grows concerned* (y/n)?
You: *goes into full sprint, angry* OSWALD!!!
Oswald: *turns to run away* OH SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA!!!
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incorrect-malfoys · 1 year
Bellatrix: Apologizing is for the weak and wrong. Which is why Lucius should do it to me, because he is weak and wrong
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Jerri Rigg: "AAAAAH!" *gets hit in the head, HARD, causing her to fall to the ground*
The other hosts: *rush over to make sure she's okay.*
Conductor: "Jerri Rigg! Speak to me, woman!"
Jerri Rigg: "Just a... knock on the old..." *zap* "...monkey bus."
Master Mentalist: "Jerri...?"
Jerri Rigg: *stands up* "No need to paint, I'm as flopsy-faced as ever!" *wobbles away, clearly disoriented*
Master Mentalist: "I... don't think you're fit for duty."
Jerri Rigg: *still wobbling* "Flibbertyjibbit, man! I’m as juxtaposed as the next hamburger!" *splat*
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bumblingbee1 · 2 years
Wesker: Apologizing is for the weak and wrong. Which is why Chris should do it to me, because he is weak and wrong.
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ladymiraclewings · 1 year
King: Tell me something I don’t know.
Hooty: Without mucus, your stomach would digest itself. Hoot-hoot.
King: Tell me something else. Something less disturbing.
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"I struggle to comprehend emotions… and feelings... and women."
— Donatello at some point
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incorrect-supernoobs · 9 months
"I struggle to comprehend emotions... and feelings.. and women."
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