pizzapasta23045 · 5 months
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paulbenger · 2 months
Prophecy: a spiritual gift that builds the church
In the vibrant world of Pentecostal and charismatic churches, prophecy stands out as one of the most prevalent and impactful spiritual gifts. As a “power gift,” it operates dynamically, providing timely guidance as the Holy Spirit directs. Robert J Clinton aptly describes power gifts, like prophecy, as situational and dynamic, aligning us with what the Holy Spirit is saying at the moment,…
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eralaotah · 2 years
I could fight a small shark but I wouldn't survive a whale cum blast
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lunarblazes · 2 years
Ren needs something. His rule isn’t being properly respected—the hermits have grown restless and wild, challenging his authority.
Ren knows that the faerie stories of old are not just stories. There are tales of fae who aid any kind of rebellion, any kind of creature resisting a force, for a price. A small price, if Ren’s plan goes smoothly, which it will. Sir BDoubleO has seen to it that pure iron shackles are crafted and enchanted to bind Ren’s new helper to his will. No betrayals are to be had on this day.
And thus, Ren stands in the shopping district, a world away from where his hired help will find their task. He carefully steps around the faerie circle he’s concocted out of mushrooms around an old, battered stump, wary of getting too close and being sucked in. Fae are dangerous. Tricky. They cannot sense any weakness about you or they’ll pounce on it.
He waits for nightfall, until the stars shine overhead, the shackles in his hands poised and ready to coil around the first hint of faerie fire. As the sun rises, Ren sighs, deciding his hopes must be misguided.
It’s not a bright flash of light, or a spectacular supernova of petals. Ren smells the scent of sickly sweet rose petals, honeysuckle, and lavender on the wind before he’s even seen the creature. He snaps his fingers on instinct. The shackles lunge at the signal, snapping around the vague shape of a fae creature, and Ren smiles, his fangs on display.
“Hail and well met,” Ren says, inclining his head, but not looking upon the creature’s form. “I am King of these lands. Who might you be?”
Ren can feel the thing staring at him as its presence molds around the shackles. He’s forced it to show itself. An irritated sigh wafts in on the summer breeze as Ren continues to stare doggedly at the trees behind the circle.
“I am a traveler,” says the faerie, “and I am quite annoyed with you, King.”
“I require a boon,” Ren says swiftly.
“Don’t all of you?” the fae retorts.
“I offer payment.”
“Well, I should hope so,” it scoffs, “against faerie law not to.”
Ren blinks. He didn’t know that was a thing, but whatever. “I need your assistance. My people, they don’t respect me. I am setting up a gauntlet to test them, to prove that I am their rightful king, and I need your power to assist me.”
The faerie is quiet for a moment, contemplating the request. “I hate that that makes sense. Resisting a resistance. Wonderful technicality, I should have stopped those stupid stories.”
Ren doesn’t quite know what to say to that, so he just clears his throat. “Er, yes, I suppose? You will be paid a diamond, and to gaze upon your task we must travel to the Nether.”
“A diamond,” the faerie says incredulously. “One diamond.”
“Er… yes?” Ren says, trying desperately not to show any kind of hesitation and mostly failing. “That is your payment.”
A long suffering sigh from the circle. “I should have stopped doing this. Blast it.”
“Well, to the Nether!”
It’s only when Ren tries to move the faerie by the enchanted manacles around his wrists that he actually gets a good look at the creature. The manacles are bound to each other with a very large length of chain, large enough to let the faerie move its arms freely, lest they impede its work, and another length of chain sits resting in Ren’s palms so that he can lead the faerie around. He can lead it around and into the Nether by the manacles, and he begins to do so before pausing as he glimpses the creature’s face and freezes.
It has pale skin, only a slight red flush in the cheeks in the colder autumn air, and its wrists are clearly starting to blister. Small feathers wrap around its cheeks and the hollows of its eyes, shining iridescent in the rising sunlight; its hair is honey-colored, golden, and very fluffy, almost like puffy seeds. It doesn’t look very pleased, hissing under its breath when the manacles chafe against skin and leave blisters behind—fae can never touch pure iron. The enchantments might lessen the sting some, but it’s still gotta hurt based on the expression of the faerie being stuck in an eternal mix of annoyance and discomfort.
What’s far more pressing to Ren, however, is that he knows that face. It’s twisted, somehow, projected and dialed up to ten, but he knows who this is, suddenly he’s very sure he does.
“Grian?” Ren asks.
“Took you long enough,” Grian grumps, attempting to cross his arms and only succeeding in burning his forearms with the manacles. “Let’s get on with the stupid project, shall we? Chop chop, I haven’t got all day, especially not for one diamond.”
“You’re not free until I say you are,” Ren reminds him, slightly giddy. “You’ve got all day if I say you have.”
Grian stares at him, then shrugs. “You’re the boss, sure.”
Ren turns back to the Nether portal grinning. Oh this is excellent. Grian is not only a faerie but a powerful enough one to have legends written about him! An ally of the known resistance in the kingdom, and there’s such an easily exploitable loophole to use against him! Their morale will be decimated when they learn their beloved assistant had built an impossible quest against them. It’s perfect! Glorious! Nothing could be going better!
Ren’s so caught up in the glory of actually capturing a powerful faerie that he nearly forgets to stop walking when they reach the vault. Grian yanks on the manacles, snapping Ren out of his daze.
“Earth to King,” Grian says testily. “What d’you want me to do?”
“Right, right!” Ren says, shaking himself back into his skin. “Well, you just—I want each of my minions to build me a vault room in here.”
Ren pretends he doesn’t see the way Grian’s skin crawls at being called a king’s minion. If he sees it, he’ll get caught up in the glory, and he has to pay very close attention to these instructions, or Grian might decide the terms of the contract are unsuitable, and then they’d be nowhere. The manacles were insurance against that; if Grian didn’t like the terms, Ren could just lock him up here until he did!
“Then, every willing citizen of mine kingdom will doth be placed in this chamber! If they defeat the games in the vault, I shall give up my crown. If they cannot rise to the challenge, I shall stay in power forevermore!” Ren continues dramatically.
“Forevermore?” Grian asks.
“Forevermore,” Ren says solemnly.
“Okay,” Grian says, “what do you want me to do about it?”
“I need you to make a room that will cause despair. Make them give up their hope,” Ren says. “They should reach your room and feel as though they’ve hit the worst challenge yet. I want there to be no chance of success.”
If Ren had been looking at Grian, then, he would have caught the way those electric blue eyes of his flicker gold with delight as he phrased his instructions, the way his sharpened teeth nearly outgrow his mouth for a moment before snapping back to their rightful place. Despite his excitement, Grian’s voice is even as ever when he responds, “no chance of success?”
“Mhm,” Ren says absently. He’s just realized that capturing and forcing such a powerful faerie for this project is a great way to legitimize his rule. He’d be the King who tamed an untamable creature, the very forces of the wind and sky themselves! King Ren, the king who bested a faerie, bound him in chains. His people had to respect him after that. “No chance of success.”
Grian smiles to himself. “I can work with that.”
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 years
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Omggggg! Remember how I ordered the winged funkos from Amazon? So I also posted about it on twitter and we had a few messages exchanged with amazonuk on twitter and they said they will send me a gift and they did!  ❤❤❤:)
Today I got a package with Aziraphale’s angel wings mug, the Agnes Nutter Prophecies notebook, and a box of sweets! :) ngk ngk ngk!
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supertyphoon-kai · 9 months
My favorite flavor of romantic NeuviFuri is always Neuvillette being soft and reverent towards Furina. But I like adding some Top Furina/Bottom Neuvillette to the mix and making Furina just as smitten to Neuvillette as he is for her.
I imagine once she gains more confidence, Furina starts to take the lead in their intimate moments. Her dearest Iudex is beautiful, afterall. She loves admiring Neuvillette's body, kissing and touching every part of him, leaving marks across his body. Neuvillette is left breathless and completely pliant under her. He's not used to all the praise and attention Furina is giving him.
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autisticlenaluthor · 3 months
chapter 14 is about to be the hurtiest comfortiest hurt/comfort that ever did hurt/comfort
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mercschumini · 8 months
WHAT DO YOU MEAN ANDREA KIMI ANTONELLI CAME FROM ROSBERG RACING??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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seth-shitposts · 11 months
I think
I'm going to go polish another part to post for the Defectors AU Concept fic on Ao3
Polish up the post I made about the AU where Tua & The Grand Inquisitior lived and Kallus convinced them to Join the Rebellion/Switch Allegiances.
I'll figure it out when I get to the docs or if someone has a preference and tells me before I figure it out.
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
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On October 28, 2017, the anonymous user now widely referred to as “Q” appeared for the first time on 4chan, a so-called image board that is known for its grotesque memes, sickening photographs, and brutal teardown culture. Q predicted the imminent arrest of Hillary Clinton and a violent uprising nationwide, posting this:
HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.
And then this:
Mockingbird HRC detained, not arrested (yet). Where is Huma? Follow Huma. This has nothing to do w/ Russia (yet). Why does Potus surround himself w/ generals? What is military intelligence? Why go around the 3 letter agencies? What Supreme Court case allows for the use of MI v Congressional assembled and approved agencies? Who has ultimate authority over our branches of military w/o approval conditions unless 90+ in wartime conditions? What is the military code? Where is AW being held? Why? POTUS will not go on tv to address nation. POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics. POTUS knew removing criminal rogue elements as a first step was essential to free and pass legislation. Who has access to everything classified? Do you believe HRC, Soros, Obama etc have more power than Trump? Fantasy. Whoever controls the office of the Presidency controls this great land. They never believed for a moment they (Democrats and Republicans) would lose control. This is not a R v D battle. Why did Soros donate all his money recently? Why would he place all his funds in a RC? Mockingbird 10.30.17 God bless fellow Patriots.
Clinton was not arrested on October 30, but that didn’t deter Q, who continued posting ominous predictions and cryptic riddles—with prompts like “Find the reflection inside the castle”—often written in the form of tantalizing fragments and rhetorical questions. Q made it clear that he wanted people to believe he was an intelligence officer or military official with Q clearance, a level of access to classified information that includes nuclear-weapons design and other highly sensitive material. (I’m using he because many Q followers do, though Q remains anonymous—hence “QAnon.”) Q’s tone is conspiratorial to the point of cliché: “I’ve said too much,” and “Follow the money,” and “Some things must remain classified to the very end.”
What might have languished as a lonely screed on a single image board instead incited fervor. Its profile was enhanced, according to Brandy Zadrozny and Ben Collins of NBC News, by several conspiracy theorists whose promotion of Q in turn helped build up their own online profiles. By now, nearly three years since Q’s original messages appeared, there have been thousands of what his followers call “Q drops”—messages posted to image boards by Q. He uses a password-protected “tripcode,” a series of letters and numbers visible to other image-board users to signal the continuity of his identity over time. (Q’s tripcode has changed on occasion, prompting flurries of speculation.) As Q has moved from one image board to the next—from 4chan to 8chan to 8kun, seeking a safe harbor—QAnon adherents have only become more devoted. If the internet is one big rabbit hole containing infinitely recursive rabbit holes, QAnon has somehow found its way down all of them, gulping up lesser conspiracy theories as it goes.
  —  The Propecies of Q
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1929crash · 1 month
Jesus Caucus Oppressors UNMASKED
A gang of mystics infiltrated the Libertarian Party. They seek to “oppress” those who are “against God.” First The Libertarian Party platform sold the Supreme Court on women having individual rights in Roe v. Wade. Nine years later, Ayn Rand rejected Reagan Republican efforts to use the initiation of deadly force to re-enslave women into involuntary labor and servitude. Mystical conservatives…
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Song of the Day
8 Apr., ‘24
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zipzittyart · 8 months
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- Lore Edit -
Mystic Corruption - MLP Infection AU
Corrupted by their intense overwhelming desire to fulfill their destiny, the Elements of Harmony began to transform and warp as their desire began to grow into a hunger for something greater.
Unfortunately, as this began to take place Fluttershy was exposed to a vicious form of Swamp Fever. This lead to a rapid increase of symptoms, the desire and hunger speeding up the process in which she became infected with a now mutated disease- Mystic Corruption.
Mystic Corruption causes the infected victim to start transforming and begin fusing into their cutiemark. Due to this corruption the infected will begin to act out in order to make sure they fulfill a propecy created by their sudden wave of delusions. The victim will begin to enter a state of psychosis as their mind is overtaken with a insatiable hunger, a hunger they have no way of satisfying. Their mental sanity begins dwindling due to the overwhelming agony and discomfort the body is going through. The worst part to this disease is that as the pony transforms, the disease keeps the pony fully conscious. The pony is able to hear, feel and think whilst stuck in their mind. The infected will begin to act against their own will, no longer able to control their own actions.
The internal organs begin to liquify or crystalize, causing large sharp protrusions, rotting flesh, feather loss, hair loss, flexible bones and hypermobile joints. Depending on the location of where the pony desides to stay once the infection takes over it will occasionally begin to fuse with its surroundings. In Fluttershys case due to the initial cause for illness being swamp fever she has began to transform into a tree. She is unable to move effectively as her limbs begin to take root.
Fluttershy will become the main source of this now mutated disease. Any exposure to the flowers she will create as she grows into the same trees that infected her will cause immediate reactions!Starting with bloodshot eyes, bloody or runny nose, heart palpitations, vertigo and a overwhelming sense of confusion.
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guaxinimraccoon · 5 months
Agora, a pergunta q nn quer calar: por que o Toby roubou o livro?
MEU DEUS eu achei que já tinha dito isso em algum lugar, mas dei uma procurada aqui e nada de achar o link disso pq eu NUNCA EXPLIQUEI DJKSKJDSKJDS MALZ bora lá
My bud here asked a very important question: why Tobias stole a very sacred and important book?
The short answer is: because Tobias has a curse and he wanted to find a cure.
OMG HOW- calm down, first things first.
As I said before, when Alex and Elisa started to take their relationship more seriously, Alex would hang out in the Colony using a shrinking potion and preteding to be an imp. He was well accepted as one by Elisa's fellow imps and fairies and they never had many problems with his disguise.
But there was this one, powerful, envy fairy who took notice that something about Alex was... off.
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She started to do her own investigations and ended up finding the truth out: Alex was no imp, but a human in disguise. Although, to her, this was actually very good news.
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Why? Because this fairy - Irwalia - comes from a family that has been preaching an ancient propecy over a century now. Said prophecy omens that, one day, a being with the strongest of souls - a fairy soul - and the strongest of bodies - a human body - would be born to free the Colony from it's decades of war.
There are a lot of fairy families that preach this prophecy till this day, but all of them are taken as delusionals by most of the Colony's inhabitants. It's impossible to have a being that has a different soul from it's body, it just can't happen. But they hold onto their beliefs firmly regardless.
When Irwalia learned the truth about Alex, she couldn't help but be ecstatic: she had finally found a human inside the Colony's walls. And, if SHE was the one who discovered him first, then she must be the one meant to give birth to this prophetic child… right?
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In a vengeful and spiteful spirit, Irwalia decided to not report Alex to the Colony's authorities, but instead take her anger out on what the human and his imp wife treasured the most: their only child.
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Alex and Elisa didn't took long to find Toby, afterall she wanted to take her revenge in front of them...
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Irwalia cursed Toby with something that not only breaked Alex's heart, but made the child defenseless if he ever encountered a human: if in close proximity to a human, Toby is completely unable to do any kind of magic.
This may not sound like a big deal, but imps, especially imp borrowers, take great advantage from their magic abilities to protect themselves from the sight of humans and their malicious intents. And, of course, Toby would never be able to obtain his full magic potential (which he has a lot of) around his own father.
Aside from all that, his hair is now bright blue, a side effect of the curse that makes it difficult for him to hide from humans and dangerous animals.
Toby grew up not being allowed to leave the Colony EVER because of his curse. So when he became an adult, after getting involved in a lot of trouble inside the Colony, being the little thief and vagabond that he is, he thought-
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Unfortunately, he never had the chance to actually seek a cure for his curse in the book because he was discovered for his theft before that, yeah, it was all kind of pointless, he truly sucks at hiding.
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Huh, I also wonder why it worked...
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