#probably why the Imp was annoyed
photozoi · 2 months
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His IMPerial Majesty, Ruler of ALL the Things, and Keeper of the Cookies, just checking in with everyone to make sure you are all ok. (And wanting to show off his newest bling).
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Introducing the Crown Prince of Beans, who insisted he also be given a photo shoot like his Favourite Uncle.
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"Just because you got to wear mine Majesty Hat does not mean you get to haz on mine shiny Neck Stuff! Some stuff haz to be earned!" Gives the Bean the Evil Eye.
(The Imp is still out of sorts with me for putting his Majesty Hat on the Mungster. He shares everything with his Nephew, but apparently his Majesty stuff is off limits and now I am out of favour. Who knew?!)
Silken Windhounds
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mintaikk · 7 months
Why Blitzø Likes Stolas
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I've made jokes about Blitzø liking Stolas bcuz his type is tall, rich, powerful demons with musical talent, and that's probably kinda true, but I wanna talk about the real reasons Blitzø likes Stolas. Tldr at the end.
I think one of the major reasons Blitzø likes Stolas is how kind, sincere, and affectionate he is. Stolas is always making sure he is okay and is very passionate about litterally everything he does (dramatic little bitch, lol). And while he's ignorant ("my impish little plaything"???), he does mean well. Taking Octavia to Looloo Land to make her feel better, Going full demon mode to save IMP, his attentiveness to Blitzø during his mental breakdown in Seeing Stars, him absolutely adoring Octavia, him helping Ozzie when he gained no real benefit, etc, etc.
Also, expanding more on the affectionate part, Blitzø is shown to not get much affection or love in his life at all. His family situation was a giant mess (his dad literally sold him for 5 bucks and a condom Jesus Christ-), and Stolas is a very loving and affectionate person. Obviously, this is shown with Blitzø, but also with Octavia ('my precious little starfire', always staying patient with Via, even if he can be a bit dismissive, going full demon mode when Blitzø said he lost Via), and even his plants (he raised the flesh-eating plant since he was a kid, he pets the plant, on his insta he called a puprle rose "a handsome little rose"). And yeah, he's going to be affectione with Via, that's his daughter, but in Hell, (or maybe just from Blitzø's perspective, it'a hard to tell honestly) that's shown to be a rarity. So obviously, he's going to admire that about him.
And also, compare that to Blitzø's life. His dad saw him as less than, something happened that made his sister hate him, his mom seemed to be a good parent, but she's dead, his best friend and former crush hated his guts for 15 years, his daughter does care about him but she also mostly just shows anger and annoyance with him, and even Moxxie, who'd I'd argue is his best friend, gets annoyed with him constantly (I would too tbh but this isn't about that). Stolas just being his loving and affectionate self and being so happy to see him and always being so sweet to Blitzø is like a breath of fresh air to him.
Another thing is that Stolas shows clear interest in the things he likes. Take horses as example, bcuz we all know Blitzø is obsessed with them. Most of the time, his friends are pretty passive about it, but Stolas actually indulges him. Some of this is from their instas, but Stolas got him a horse Hoodie, he draws horses with him, and Stolas even got inspired to draw because of Blitzø.
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(Also, plz note that in another post he commented that it smells like Stolas, and I want everyone to appreciate how happy he looks in this photo while smelling it again)
Blitzø probably admires Stolas's theatrics as well because despite growing up in a Circus where you were supposed to be dramatic and showy, he was still always taught to ignore or hide his true emotions (Cash ignoring that he didn't want to go to the Goetia Palace because "MONEY"). And while Stolas was raised the same way, he still wears his heart and emotions on his sleeve and is always showing them, whether it be positive or negative
And we all know thst Blitzø has major self hatred issues, but Stolas was genuinely interested in Blitzø as a person. Laughing at his jokes, asking how his day went, and with all of this, you can't help but wonder if Blitzø was figuring out that he did too. I think that's why he was so heartbroken about Ozzie's. Because to him, Stolas hiding his face was just proof that Stolas didn't care. That he was just a little plaything. But, Blitzø liked that Stolas liked him for who he was, and that he didn't have to pretend to be someone different.
Yes, ik Blitzø wasn't here for some of them, and he thinks that Stolas is just faking all of this. BUT, Blitzø can notice things subconsciously, and the stuff that Blitzø wasn't there for was to talk about Stolas's character as well. That's why I wanted to talk about this, to talk about what Blitzø sees in Stolas and his character.
Feel free to add anything if you want! I'd love to hear your guy's opinions, takes, and thoughts on the ship. I'm probably gonna a make a post on why Stolas likes Blitzø at some point, lol
Tldr; Blitzø likes Stolas because he's kind, sincere, loving, affectionate, passionate, caring, dramatic, and likes Blitzø for who he is.
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itsmarsss · 3 months
Scandalous (Blitzø x Fem!Succubus!Reader x Stolas) [Helluva Boss] pt. 8 - Catharsis
How the mighty do fall. (Getting into a weird three-way situation with an imp and a succubus isn't exactly considered classy, Stolas)
Do you ever think about anyone’s feelings other than your own? 
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | pt. 5 | 1st bonus | pt. 6 | pt. 7 | pt. 9
Word count: 4,900
Warnings: self-deprecating thoughts, thoughts of death, heavy drinking, use of alcohol and sexual behavior as coping mechanisms. you know it's what you can expect from a blitzo-centered chapter. this happens right after the ozzie's chapter.
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Blitzø is going to die alone. 
He’s going to die alone and no one will attend his funeral or even visit his grave other than to spit on it and his gravestone will read ‘Here Lies Blitzo Buckzo’ and nothing more because no one will be there to tell them to cross out the O and he most certainly won’t be a beloved anything. He'll just stay Blitzo Buckzo, forever.
And Blitzo Buckzo fucking sucks. 
Sometimes he wishes he was able to think before he spoke. He never does much of that and he’s aware he’d probably have refrained from hurting half the people he’s hurt if he could just keep his damn mouth shut. He didn’t think about this all that much… except for when he did. 
Do you ever think about anyone’s feelings other than your own? 
Her voice rings in his head non-stop, like one of those annoying fucking church bells he’d come across once in the living world that ring every single hour, making it unable for its existence to be forgotten.
Do you ever think about anyone’s feelings other than your own? 
It rings over and over again, stubborn, and it just won’t fucking go away.
Do you ever think about anyone’s feelings other than your own? 
Blitzø drives home on his own, but not in silence. He turns the radio on and the volume up until he figures it must be loud enough that he’ll have trouble hearing his own thoughts. It doesn’t work. The shit thing about thoughts is that they’re not something you can just turn off when you get sick of them. They follow you everywhere, all the time, inconvenient and impossible to get rid of. He proceeds to ignore the songs that come on in favor of mumbling incoherent things under his breath in a desperate attempt to reassure himself that he’s not bothered by everything that just happened.  Things like I can think about people’s fuckin’ feelings and think you’re so much better than me, well fuck you and rich fuckin’ asshole thinks he’s hot shit and probably suckin’ face right now. 
You know, things that prove he doesn’t care one bit. 
He parks the van without a care, still too busy mumbling to himself, leaving it askew, taking up almost half of the parking spot next to his own. The old lady from 22 is gonna be pissed at the inconvenience. Well fuck her too. He doesn’t spare another thought on that. 
He dreads the walk up the stairs to the apartment, wishing he lived somewhere with an elevator, or in a house, or in a super sick fancy mansion where he used money as toilet paper when he took a shit because he was just that rich. Actually, scratch that, that sounds uncomfortable. At least his shitty apartment with limited hot water and four flights of stairs before it had real toilet paper, and it was the nice kind even, he always made sure of it even if it was a little more expensive. 
His little luxuries start to sound stupid when he’s been spending so much time around Stolas and all his fancy stuff.
When he opens the door and enters the apartment, his first immediate thought is to knock on Loona’s door. He groans once as he walks towards it and then once again when he spots the note she left taped to it. ‘Tex invited me to a party. Don’t wait up.’ Yeah of course he fucking did.
Do you ever think about anyone’s feelings other than your own? 
Does he? 
He does. He thinks he does, at least. Maybe not all the time, but why else would he have said those things to her other than to protect her feelings? It’s not his fault if she was setting herself up for heartbreak. She needed to kill those feelings and if she wouldn’t then he would, fuck being the bad guy. In fact, fuck her too! He could so think about other people’s feelings.
He groans a third time at the thought of spending the night all alone, because he already knows what being alone makes out of him, and he doesn't like it one bit. If he could, he’d never be alone, not even for a single second, ever. Maybe that way he wouldn’t be so pathetic and so sad, because that’s what being alone made of him: pathetic and sad. 
It’s why Blitzø used to hate weekends. 
Satan, he fucking hated them. Why couldn’t every day be a work day? Why would they need a break? If it were up to him, there would be no such thing as a weekend. Because on weekends he had nothing to distract him from the ever-growing nothing in the pit of his chest and that wasn’t much fun at all.
Until Y/N accepted the job at I.M.P.
Before that, they used to speak almost exclusively through text, extremely inconsistently. He’s never really been the greatest at texting, but he could spam her with stupid memes and pictures of him doing random things throughout his day and horse doodles that she didn’t seem mad about receiving. They spent a whole year like that, only meeting in person a few times here and there.
When he offered her the job he promised himself not to have any expectations because, well shit, why would she trade in an obviously well-paying job, with her best friend as her boss, where she’d been working for years on end without having to hurt or kill anybody, for whatever it was he was asking her to do? 
But then she said yes.
It wasn’t long until he figured out they weren’t all that different from each other. Apparently, as much as she liked to complain about needing a break, just to annoy him, she dreaded weekends too. Not that she’d just admit that point-blank, but they did go out on on a Friday night after work and she did drink one too many and she sighed and complained about having to go home and it was all so much like him. ‘I don’t wanna be alone, Blitz,’ she’d told him. 
He didn't wanna be alone either.
And so he took her back home and he slept on her couch and he stayed there the next day, keeping her company and, honestly, enjoying hers. 
That’s how their tradition started. Almost every single weekend, the two will find themselves in either of their apartments, in the ugliest clothes they own, to cook or order something extremely greasy and unhealthy and marathon a shit-ton of movies, staying in on Saturday after going out somewhere on Friday. Loona would routinely call it ‘patheticville’ and ‘loser day’ and things like that. 
He doesn't hate weekends anymore. 
Do you ever think about anyone’s feelings other than your own? 
And now he’d fucking gone and done this. 
He still wanted to fight, then. To argue, to scream, to yell. He wanted them to do it too. To get down and dirty and scream back at him. He wanted a reason to react.
Blitzø has always been very good at reacting. 
Do you ever think about anyone’s feelings other than you own?
But how was he supposed to react to that? The thought of grabbing his phone and texting her something along the lines of ‘fuck you and your pet bird too’ crosses his mind for a moment and, shit, maybe he is a prick, and he was gonna die alone wasn’t he? He was sure to if he kept doing this kind of thing. 
And maybe he fucking deserves it. 
Sometimes he wonders just how he’s going to die. Will it be peaceful? He hopes not. He sure as shit does not deserve peaceful. Maybe it could at least be cool. Maybe he could go down in a super badass shootout in the human world or a cool-as-fuck sword fight or something. Or maybe he’ll die in some dumbass way like tripping on the sidewalk and cracking his head open on the pavement. Maybe it’ll be in one of those days when he’ll be climbing up Stolas’ balcony and then he’ll slip and fall and break all his bones only to be found dead on the grass surrounded by ball gags and anal plugs. A stupid send-off for a stupid motherfucker. 
He throws himself on the couch instead and curls up into a ball, wishing he had a big royal-size bed with soft sheets and like three or four fluffy pillows, or even a simple twin-sized one, or at least that the couch was a pull-out. 
He grabs his phone and inevitably goes where he always goes when he feels like this- his ‘people I care about’ folder. He swipes through the various pictures. The ones of himself with I.M.P. in the living world, the one he made Moxxie pose with him for with them pointing their guns at each other, the one with Millie when she still had her long hair. The one from the day of Loona’s adoption, the one he took of Stolas sleeping next to him. The selfie with Verosika, the one he secretly took of Y/N watching the screen when he first showed ‘Spirit’ to her. 
And then he lands on the one. The one with Barbie and his mom. 
Blitzø is a 35 years old single father who kills people for a living. He’s been handling his own shit for almost two decades now. But in this moment… he just wants his mama.
Do you ever think about anyone’s feelings other than your own? 
What would she have thought of that?
Yeah, he should have known it would be a ‘cry himself to sleep’ kind of night.
Blitzø doesn’t know for how long he’s been passed out when he wakes up disoriented. He doesn’t remember falling asleep, and that probably explains why his body ached so much with how uncomfortable the position he’d slept in was. He wakes up with the barking sounds of Loona’s special ringtone and scrambles to pick it up. 
“Loonie baby? You alright? Did something happen to you, are you hurt?”
“No, Blitz. I just- can you just come pick me up?” She sounds like she’s been crying. Fuck, no, his baby needs him. No time to be sad.
He’s up in a second. “On my way. Send me the address.” He hangs up, searching for his car keys (which he found between the couch seats) and running down the stairs.
Loona went two rings down to Gluttony for this party. It makes sense, he supposes. He’s more of a Lust Ring party kind of guy himself, but he’s heard Gluttony parties got crazy. He accelerates as fast as the shitty van will let him and gets there pretty quickly, only to find her outside, still crying.
He rolls down the window before he even stops the car completely. “Hey, Loonie. How ya doin’, you alright?”
She wipes a tear with the back of her hand and enters the car with a huff, crossing her arms over her chest. “Yeah, I’m fine! I just wanna go.” She sounds anything but fine.
He’s about to ask her what happened when some fuckface he definitely doesn’t remember calls him by name. The wrong one. “Hey! That sounds like Blitzo!”
“The ‘O’ is silent, asshole!”
“Hey, I knew it was you! Fuck, man, where you been? You here for the party?”
“No, I’m just here picking up my daughter.”
The guy walks up to Loona’s window, and she hides her face from him with her hands, embarrassed. “Oh, shit, you have a daughter now?”
“Adopted!” She yells out, and it stings a bit, regardless of being objectively true. 
“Oh, man, you’re already leaving? Things just got started! Come in and show us all up again.”
Blitzø groans, annoyed by the insistence. “No, no, thank you, but I think Loonie wants to head back now.” 
Some other weirdo approaches the van, leaning on the passenger’s window. “Huh, the hottie wants to leave?” Come on, right in front of him? 
He instinctively starts to growl. “Watch it.”
“I mean, we could stay a little longer,” Loona tells him.
He sighs. He’s not normally one to turn down a party, especially one with free booze, but he feels that’s probably what he should do.. “I think we need to go, ‘kay? I think it’s been a long night.”
“Well, these people seem to know you. Come on! I think I wanna give this another try. Pleeeeaaase?” She gives him the goddamn puppy dog eyes and she knows he can already hardly resist fulfilling her requests.
Well, if she insists. He could definitely use a drink…
“Okay, fine. Maybe one drink.”
… Or a good old night of drinking to forget.
Blitzø downs two tequila shots before he’s even made it into the house. He downs four beers at rapid speed as soon as he does manage to get inside, crushing the cans and cheering loudly when he was done, and then suddenly he finds himself saying yes to a keg stand. It’s so easy he can do it in his sleep. Fuck being too old for this, he’d never be too old to have fun. And he can handle so much more than a keg stand. “Ha-ha! That was nothing, bitch! Give me a real challenge!”
Beelzebub herself appears in front of him, seemingly materializing out of nowhere (or maybe he’s just drunk), all cheers and neon colors and psychedelic paraphernalia floating around her, and she does challenge him. “Oh yeah? Wanna fucks with the big bitch, imp boy? I got a challenge for ya.” 
Someone somewhere murmurs “He’s gonna die.”
Now that sounds like a challenge he can get behind.
Vortex walks up to them, carrying two huge gallons of something and placing them on the floor between him and the Sin. “Aaaaight, let’s do this! From Bee’s personal supply, the hardest shit there is.” He crouches down to Blitzø’s height. “You ready, my man?” 
Fuck, this better fucking kill him alright. “Bring it, barky! I will drink you under this fucking table, you have no idea what kind of night I’ve had.” He struggles trying to pry the gallon open, and Bee uses her magic or whatever to make them levitate, extending a straw from it. Of course she’d flaunt her magical powers and her easy fucking life to him.
“Alright, shit-talker, but there hasn’t been a soul yet who can beat me at my own game, so you better bring the fire, baby!.” 
“Ohh, is Queen Bee too scawed to lose to a widdle imp like me?” He bets she is. And he bets she’ll be embarrassed when she loses to him (because she is going to lose). Fucking big names like her always are. 
“Oh, okay. Let’s get it on, you little bastard!”
Vortex signs for them to begin and it takes about two seconds for Blitzø to have downed about a fourth of it already, but why stop there? He pulls the straw out and pours the drink straight into his mouth, downing the entirety of it at light speed. He’s so quick Beelzebub even stops chugging her own, amused… Concerned? Noo, no way. Amused. 
He climbs on top of the huge gallon to be at face level with her and properly rub it on her face, high on the adrenaline of it all (and perhaps a little bit on the buzz from the extremely strong drink too). “Yeah, who’s the queen now?”
Loona cheers for him loudly, and it fills him with joy when she proudly yells out “yeah! That’s my dad!” Yeah. That’s damn right. 
Bee lets her own unfinished gallon fall down to the floor and crosses her arms over her chest. Yeah, definitely impressed. “Well, fuck me. That’s a first. I haven’t had a first in a while. That was magical, seriously. Impressive. I tip my crown to you, imp boy. Respect.” Fuck her still calling him imp boy, but she’s actually admitting his victory and shes bowing to him, as she fucking should. 
She howls, every hellhound around following suit, and Blitzø feels on top of the world. 
Why does the world start spinning when you get yourself on top of it? 
He almost falls to the ground, but then he’s getting held up by a bunch of strangers like a cool-as-fuck goddamn rockstar and, shit, why had he stopped getting wasted and doing this kind of thing every night again?
He doesn’t exactly remember when people started doing body shots off of him but he does remember getting freaky with a few of them, which did very little to make him feel good and honestly felt a little gross with the amounts of drinks getting spilled all over and making things rather… sticky, but it was doing wonders to his thought problem. 
Who would have known having four strangers’ tongues inside of you at once could be a great way to muffle the unsolicited thoughts in his head?
The second those people fuck off somewhere else the thoughts come in again, though. Stolas hiding his face in shame behind the menu. Do you ever think about anyone’s feelings other than your own? Y/n unable to look him in the eye. Are you worried someday I may have enough of it as well? Fizz is gonna hate him forever. You’re not my real dad! Verosika will always regret him. We could just… talk. Or… watch a movie? Or maybe… cuddle? Y/n’s crying face, Stolas’ disappointed one. Oh, they both had such fuckable faces didn’t they? Which reminded him: he really wanted to fuck someone.
He’s making out with a guy whose name he doesn’t know and whose face he doesn’t even remember when Loona pulls him off of him. “Oh, piss on a dick! What the fuck are you doing, Blitz?”
“This guy,” he grins, pointing to the unnamed man, who now stands still behind him. Wasn’t it obvious?
“It looks like you’re in the middle of a goddamn orgy. Stop!” Oh shit. Loona saw all that? An orgy does sound like some real fucking fun right now. Wait, focus, Loona. Fuck.
“Look, I didn’t expect you to come here and see any of this, Loonie, I’m so sorry, but it’s a party! I’m just having fun with uh… uh…” he turns back around to the man Loona pulled him off of. “The fuck is your name again?”
Ew. “Christ on a stick, you would be a Dennis. Get the fuck away from me! I’m not fucking a Dennis tonight. I need a Monica or an Alejandro here, stat.” He’s genuinely surprised that works when some hunky dude pulls him into his huuuge chest. Fuck yeah. “Better.”
Loona punches his Alejandro in the face, and he sincerely doesn’t give a fuck about it, because the world is spinning again, which is weird because this time he does not feel like he’s on top of it at all. In fact, it feels like the world is the meanest dom top ever and he’s a whiny, whiny bottom just sore all over from getting spanked ‘till his ass hurt. Not in a good way.
He falls back on Loona, and she catches him. “You don’t need anyone else sucking your face, freaky weirdo.” She throws him over her shoulder. “You need to drink something other than beelzejuice.”
She pulls him into the van, and she doesn’t rush to get home, because, according to her, she can see he’s already about to throw up. No he’s not, no sir! Ma’am. Loonie. 
His mind clears a little as they make their way back home, and he pulls out his phone from his back pocket. Thankfully it’s still there.
“The fuck are you doing, dumbass? That’s gonna make you dizzy.”
“Gotta… gotta draw a thing.”
“You gotta draw a thing?”
“Yeah,” he affirms, as if that was enough information for everything to be self-explanatory, even nodding his head yes for emphasis. He surprisingly manages to take his time and put real effort into doodling it, showing it to Loona before sending it.
“Does it look like I did it drunk?” He slurs, letting out an unintentional burp.
“It actually looks pretty good, Blitz.”
“So. Who’d you call stupid?”
“Don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Can you call me dad again?”
He presses send and clicks on Stolas’ contact next, only to see there’s an unread message in their chat.
Stols:  I’m sorry if anything I said or did offended you tonight. 
Ha. Bet you really fucking are. 
Still, he’s not Stolas’ fucking boyfriend. What was there to expect from him? Why would he expect anything? 
To Blitzø’s surprise, Stolas begins typing immediately, as if he’d been waiting obsessively for his reply.
Stols: Next time you come over, maybe we can talk about what happened at Ozzie’s?
Talk about it? What was there to talk about? Blitzø wanted nothing more than to bury the memories of tonight the deepest under the ground he possibly could. But of course Stolas would want to talk about it.
He always wants to fucking talk about shit.
Blitzy: Y?
Stolas types for what feels like forever, and it must have been, seen that they’re now only one street from the apartment complex, before he sends in a huge-ass paragraph. 
Stols: I’m sorry! Nevermind, it’s not a big deal. I was just worried about you. You seemed very upset and you took off so fast. I’m sure things will be fine with Y/N, she likes you very much, I can see it. Maybe I read too much into everything, though. Not everything is about me, haha. I’m  glad that’s not the case. I wasn’t upset either I just wanted to make sure you weren’t and obviously you can handle a stupid joke a clown can make. Asmodeus can be very invasive in his humor, and Y/N says she’ll talk to him about it, but I thought it was funny myself. What he said about me at least. I enjoy being the subject of jest. Maybe you can say mean things to me too next time you come over. 
Now that is too much to fucking deal with right now. Which means he won’t. 
Blitzy: SHUR.
He clicks out of Stolas’ chat, taking one last glance at Y/N’s before turning his phone off. She hasn’t seen what he sent yet, and that’s actually okay. 
Loona parks the van messily, doing the same thing he’d done earlier and letting the car occupy some space from the neighbour’s spot. He doesn’t even think before asking her to fix it.  “Sweetie, could you just park it a little more to the right?”
Yeah, Blitzø, why do you even care? “Well I don’t want that freaky cat lady to be up my ass about it tomorrow.” Yeah, that. Sure.
She doesn’t seem to find it in her to argue or even as much as groan, simply readjusting the car. She has to carry him over her shoulder again and all he wishes on the way up this time around is that he were a little more sober. She plops him down on the couch and he curls into himself once again while she grabs him a glass of water. 
Nothing to distract him from his thoughts now. 
“I had a really shitty day,” he tells her.
“Oh, yeah? Is that why you drank like five gallons of who-knows-what?”
“I don’t want her to hate me.”
“The person you called stupid?” 
He nods, hiding his face from her when the tears start coming in. “Fuck, Fizz was right. I’m gonna die alone, aren’t I? Just a wrinkly, old, withered waste. Will you be there, Loonie?” Blitzø feels whatever consciousness he’d gained back slipping away again by the second, this time from the need to sleep rather than the alcohol. At what point did he get so tired?
“Be where?” Loona asks, and he’s too out of it to respond properly, only mumbling half-coherent things like lonely and die alone over and over. “I’ll be there, dad," she tells him anyway, and covers him with a blanket, the softest one they own. “Now go the fuck to sleep,” she orders, and he does hear it, he just doesn’t have the strength to say anything in response as he feels himself drifting off to sleep, his last thoughts being that at least he can’t think about anything while asleep and that… 
He vomits all over the living room floor. 
“Oh, fuck, I did need to throw up.”
[. . .]
You feel stupid when it’s Fizzarolli who finds you crying in Ozzie’s waiting area. He skips his way to the room, humming along to some song you can’t quite make out, and he almost doesn’t see you on his way into the office. He hears you sniffling, though, and turns to face you. It takes him a couple seconds to process that it’s you.
“Y/N? What are you doing here? Um. You okay there?”
You look up at him, but it doesn’t feel like you can say anything yet. 
“I-” He motions behind him with his thumb. “I’m gonna- I’m gonna get Ozzie. Stay here, yeah?”
You don’t even know why exactly you’d asked Stolas to send you here when you were still mad at Ozzie. Or maybe not mad. Just… sad about everything that spiraled out of what he did. 
Then again, did you even have anywhere else to go? You could absolutely not make the night worse for Millie and Moxxie by showing up at their place, thinking of Blitzø made you sad and Stolas was not an option. You had Ozzie, though. And you know you always will, despite whatever stupid shit one of you might do. 
And it honestly beats going home to a big pile of nothing. 
Ozzie appears shortly, Fizz having done as promised and fetched him. Fizz doesn’t come back, though, letting you and Ozzie have a moment to talk on your own, which is nice of him.  
“Hey, pretty babe. Fizz said you were here.” He looks you up and down, worried. “Are you crying?”
“Why did you do that?” 
“Why did you fucking sing about all that, why did you- it was so humiliating, Oz, fuck!”
“Oh. I am so sorry. I didn’t know. I didn’t know. It got out of control. I didn’t even know you would be here tonight. You didn’t call me.”
“I didn’t know I was coming either.”
“You wanna tell me what that means?”
“It’s stupid.”
“Alright. That’s okay. I am sorry, though. We took the joke too far and I realized too late that it wasn’t funny.”
“Yeah. It wasn’t. So please don’t fucking do that again. It’s humiliating enough to… fuck... and everybody saw it, and- I…” You groan in frustration, struggling to get your words out. 
“No more about Stolas or any of you. Okay? Promise.” He sits down next to you on the fancy couch and he lets you lean on him. “Did something happen between you?”
You hesitate before speaking. “I didn’t- I don’t know what I was thinking. Maybe I am stupid. Of course he’s ashamed to be seen with us.”
You nod. 
“Did he… tell you that?”
“Well he didn’t deny it.”
“Okay." He takes a deep breath, probably trying to think of how to handle the situation. "You’ll have time to think about all of this. Alright? Now you’re coming with me, you’re taking a bath and you’re sleeping over, and we’ll talk about everything tomorrow. There’s no need to hurt yourself more thinking about it right now.”
He stands up and turns to leave the room, but looks back when he doesn’t hear you do the same. You’re still sat sit still on the couch.
You look up at him. “Oz?”
“Do you think I’m stupid?”
“Do you think I’m stupid?” You repeat yourself.
“What- of course not. Did somebody say that to you?”
You don’t reply. 
He purses his lips together, thinking. “Are they worth feeling stupid for?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve gone through this before.”
“It’s different, you know that.”
“Yeah, it’s worse. They’re not hurting you back this time around, they’re just hurting you.”
You decide he was right. You don't want to talk about this right now. “Can we please not talk about it?”
He hesitates before nodding in agreement. “Yeah. ‘Course, babe.” He grabs your hands and pulls you up. “Come on.”
All the crying makes you so tired you’re almost passed out the second you lie down on the soft, silky bedsheets of Ozzie's guest room bed. Taking a look through your texts before you let yourself fall asleep, you click on Stolas’ contact once you see a notification for an unread text. 
Stolas: I am truly sorry if I did something to hurt you or make you uncomfortable with me tonight. It’s not your obligation to talk Asmodeus  out of doing anything and I did not feel embarrassed because of you or Blitz. If you need space from me I will understand, but I want you to know that is not how I feel. And, for the record, I don’t care what that Verosika person said about you. I hope you’re alright. 
It is way too late and you are way too tired to process or deal with all of that, and honestly? You still do feel stupid, and don’t want to further that feeling by replying to him immediately. That feels too pathetic- it feels like proving Blitzø right.
You’ll reply tomorrow.
You click on Blitzø’s contact next, which also had a notification signaling an unseen message, and you brace yourself for a 'fuck you’ text or something of the sorts. 
You can't keep yourself from smiling when you open the text, turning the phone off and just waiting for sleep come to you, and things feel a lot less shitty than just a second before.
Having friends is pretty fucking okay.
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A/N: everybody say thank you @sweetadonisbutbetter and also wish them a happy birthday!! the adorable little doodle blitzo drew is theirs and they did it especially so i could put it in this chapter which is so nice of them and so fucking cool!!
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luna-loveboop · 9 months
It's all "links meet aus" and "zeldas meet aus", but where's my "companions meet aus"?
I wanna see midna bash fi and navis heads together for annoying her
I mean can you imagine the sheer chaos of all the Zelda companions meeting and going on a journey together? They're all companions/guides! One of thems a talking hat for hylias sake how are they supposed to take initiative?
I think it'd be like Lu where they all just meet up, but can you imagine the chain just somehow finds out this happened (and twilight is just like guys I am so sorry about midna) (but they're also really oddly touched that all their friends met each other too)
Pretty sure midna would be the sort of leader, since the last time she was in a foreign world she just found the nearest dude and started ordering him around. By like halfway through twilight princess she was literally asking LINK to accompany her to get what she needed.
But like. 90% of the group would be fairies. Which can't heal. One is a talking hat who just needs a head? He can't go on midnas cause she throws him off with her magic hair, poor ezlo is just trying to keep up.
They also have these weird green shadows who come around? They don't talk, but there's a rock, a fish, a bird, and a lady who just appear and stab things and shoot wind water fire and lightning.
Also midnas really confused why wolf link just shows up and kills things every now and then (from botw amibo)
Fi is the one who can talk to Hylia and awaken memories and get guidance and information or whatever, but she only does this by ballerina dancing and the others are always pissed at her anyways "WE DONT KNOW WHAT BATTERIES ARE OR A WII REMOTE WILL YOU PLEASE GO BACK IN SWORD FORM ALREADY" "I detect there is a 90% chance you need a key to open this door" "wow. Your perception is unparalleled fi."
Also there's a boat. A boat. Who is also good at taking charging since he's a king, which causes some friction between him and midna, since she has to grab him by her hair to move him half the time.
And with the fairies. Again. They all offer advice mainly. And with the fairies a lot of their main role is speaking and getting attention and pitching in? They come on an intersection and there's a chorus of bells all shouting the same directions. Ezlo is trying to cover the kings ears from his place on the boats head
Also there's this ghost/spirit of Zelda that everyone just feels REALLY strong loyalty to. But she's just like this kid who wants her body back?! They try to protect her but she can turn into a purple knight and stab things so there's that. I think there's also some animal companions from ooa/oos so.
Side quests are nonexistent they don't care about a village or gathering frogs for a kid they are there to save the world on a mission linear plot it is
And it's interesting because you have so many of them who just vanish and then appear to give loud advice. All at once. And the fighting skills basically fall to those weird green shadows that shoot various elements and fight and randomly disappear. Midna and spirit Zelda can fight, and Fi can too (kind of like how she fights as a sword in hyrule warriors). Also up to you if midna is drop dead gorgeous or devilish imp.
By the end they find whatever enemy so they can go back and midna is so pissed by this point that she hears the word "batteries" from Fi and goes full on fused shadow and just obliterates the jerk
***I have not played all the games so do not know or understand all of the companions and probably got some stuff wrong
Bonus: there is a child in a village named Link who does not have the spirit of the hero. He is stalked for three days until Fi decides his vibes are off and they all stop telling him he's the chosen one
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buttered-bearcat · 2 months
I honestly don't see why some people insist that Stolas is a rapist.
Was the relationship he had with Blitzø toxic? Sure. Was their relationship transactional? Of course it was. But he realized what he was doing was wrong and tried to make things right by giving him an Asmodean crystal so he could go to Earth without breaking the law. (Of course, that didn't go nearly as well as he hoped it would.)
Blitzø never really seemed too uncomfortable with the idea of having sex with Stolas, (Though he did say "ew" when Stolas assumed he broke into his mansion to ravish him when they reunited as adults, but we can chalk that up to imps hating the upper class in general.) just indifferent at worst. And besides, he didn't have to have sex with Stolas when he tried to steal his grimoire. He could have just ran off after tying him up and never looked back, which he probably would have done if Stolas didn't chirp about how happy he was to be wanted sexually by someone he saw as his "first ever friend." Blitzø even seemed to be internally debating what to do, and chose to have sex with the bird out of pity.
Although, I will grant that Stolas could have (and probably should have) picked a much better time to establish their arrangement than when Blitzø was in the middle of a mission and being shot at by cannibalistic, Satanist hillbillies.
There's also the fact that Blitzø is shown to really enjoy having sex with Stolas in the episode "Full Moon" when he's talking/singing about how he's perfectly fine with their arrangement.
If Blitzø really hated having sex with Stolas so much, he could have just never given the grimoire back or looked for alternate methods of going to Earth, like stealing an Asmodean crystal off some some unsuspecting succubus/incubus before killing said succubus/incubus (or killing them and then taking their crystal). Sure, he might be annoyed with the prince when he flirts with him in public or calls him when he's busy with something important (i.e. roleplaying with dolls he made of his employees), but I don't really see that as him being unwilling to interact with him sexually.
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suzukiblu · 28 days
WIP excerpt for lottie behind the cut; a pocketful of Kons. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
He’s the only one who cares about that, Bart guesses, since nobody else has to.
So it sucks, yeah. 
It really, really sprocking sucks. 
Helen sighs, her shoulders slumping, then glances back towards the TV. Bart finishes off the last bar and throws the box and wrappers away and glowers at the stupid grilled cheese that’s taking forever and then grabs a couple of bananas and eats them too and then gets back to the couch just in time to see Match start nibbling testingly at his own little chunk of protein bar and Helen finishing turning back to the TV. 
“Is this still on?” he asks, squinting dubiously at it. It’s still the news, and on top of that still footage of the maybe-armored/maybe-robot guy. How much of that do they even have, geez. 
A lot, he guesses. 
“It’s been less than five seconds, Bart,” Helen says, looking frustrated for a moment–a million-billion moments, at Bart’s speed–and then just sighs again. “You need to stop spending so much time in subjective time. It’s doing nothing for your patience.” 
“I guess,” Bart replies with a shrug, and then Helen doesn’t say anything back for so long that he forgets what they were talking about to begin with and runs back to the kitchen for another banana. He forgot to save a bite of the first two for Match to try, and maybe he’ll like ‘em or at least he’ll like getting brought ‘em ‘cuz he liked him setting up the mirrors and stuff for him and why’s he always have to slow down, why can’t anyone else just grifin’ speed up for– 
“Bart!” Helen shouts out of nowhere, and Bart trips over the coffee table coming back into the living room and, uh. Whoops. 
Ow, he thinks from the floor, blinking up at her as Match immediately drops his protein bar chunk and starts screeching at her, for like . . . some reason? 
Bart’ll figure it out later, he guesses. 
“What was that for?” he asks her with a frown. Helen looks frustrated, and Match zips over and starts pushing at his face with his tiny little super-strong hands, for . . . some other reason, Bart guesses, he really doesn’t know. “Stop squishing my face. Why are you squishing my face? It’s annoying.” 
Match scowls at him, then grabs onto both of his cheeks and squishes them together. 
“I think you’re kind of a brat,” Bart says, squinting sourly at him. “Did I tell you I think you’re kind of a brat yet? ‘Cuz I definitely do think that.” 
He really definitely thinks that, yeah. 
“Imp,” Match says accusingly. Bart doesn’t really feel like that’s an answer, really? 
Then again it’s not like Match knows any other words yet and he definitely doesn’t know any Pocket-talk, so that’s probably kinda unavoidable and– 
“Please focus, Bart,” Helen says, pinching the bridge of her nose. “If this is your soulmate on the news . . .” 
“Oh, he’s probably not,” Bart says with a shrug, because Match really seemed annoyed when he asked if the guy on the news was him or not. “Especially if he’s Superman. She’s? They’re? I dunno, I didn’t figure out if they’re piloting a robot yet or not, so who knows.” 
Helen–frowns, and lowers her hand away from her face to give him a weird look. Bart pretends it’s not a weird look. It’s fine. He’s just–it’s fine. That’s all. 
“Bart, your soulmate is Superman,” Helen says. 
“Oh, yeah,” Bart agrees. “But he’s not that Superman. Like, the first guy, I mean. The first guy’s still gonna be dead for like–ummm, what’s the date again?” 
Helen stares at him some more. 
Bart doesn’t fidget. 
At least not slow enough for her to see, anyway. 
“Pretty sure the robot guy isn’t the first Superman either,” he says. “Superman’s real big on people seeing his face. And doesn’t even wear gloves or anything. But like, especially the face thing, right?” 
“Why do you think your soulmate isn’t Superman, Bart?” Helen asks carefully. 
“‘Cuz I asked Match?” Bart replies, wondering why that’s even, like, a question? Obviously he asked Match. A) it’s super-obvious, and b) why would he not ask Match? Who else would even know, anyway? 
“You . . . asked him,” Helen repeats slowly, staring blankly at him again. 
“Yeah,” Bart says, still wondering why this is even a question. “Like, he’d know. And also I wasn’t actually allowed to leave the house and I don’t have the Fortress of Solitude’s phone number or anything so–” 
“Bart,” Helen cuts in, glancing sidelong at the TV for a moment, and then down at Match. “If he’s not Superman, then who is he?” 
“I dunno,” Bart says. “Maybe he’s Nightwing, actually."
“Who?” Helen looks bewildered. Bart squints at her. Do they not have Nightwing yet? At least one of them, anyway? 
“I mean, there’s been a lot of Supermen, and I guess a lot of them looked pretty much the same?” he says, then shrugs purposelessly. Not that he ever really paid attention to all that ancient history stuff, just he vaguely remembers hearing about it a couple times. “I guess, anyway. Though maybe he’s Supergirl, actually, I guess she looks kinda like Superman sometimes too. Match, are you Supergirl?” 
Match fixes him with the most dubious look in the world, then gestures pointedly at himself. Bart has absolutely no idea what said gesturing means, but okay, he guesses. 
“I don’t think he’s Supergirl either,” he tells Helen. ”Though if he is maybe somebody should ask her about her pronoun preferences?” 
Helen looks a little stressed, for some reason. Bart doesn’t get it. She starts to open her mouth to say something–and takes a subjective month about it–but gets interrupted when the front door opens and Max walks in through it. 
Max looks at Helen’s stressed expression and then at Match’s dubious look and then at Bart, and then he sighs. Bart–prickles, kind of.
It doesn’t feel good, that Max sighed like that about him. 
Not like it ever does, though.
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A Heart Overflows
Genshin men reacting to your drunken confession.
FT. Xiao and Childe
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Tags: PG, TW:Drinking, GN!Reader, Crushes, Confession, Pining, Fluff, No One Takes Advantage of Drunk!Reader, Humor and Blushing Note: I’m dipping my toes into writing again so enjoy this short fluff (Needless to say No Beta). This was real fun and I am open for requests if anyone wants a part 2. <3 (Repost)
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Xiao - Denial
Xiao appeared moments after his name left your lips. He hadn’t expected you to be in a tavern and surrounded by so people. The room was bustling and he appeared enough distance away to go undetected. The yaksha let out an annoyed sigh, you probably said his name only in passing. Nonetheless, he did his due diligence and lingered for a moment to ensure nothing was amiss. He was lax, until you reached the bottom of your third drink far too quickly. Xiao’s eyes watched you like a hawk. He kept a respectful distance to let you enjoy your night, but after seeing glass after glass go down he made the executive decision to intervene. 
“You’re being reckless.” Xiao loomed over you in an instant. He offered no greeting to you or any of the guests at your table. Instead of pleasantries, the adeptus placed his hand over your drink and pushed it aside. You eyes slowly followed up his arm until finally focusing on the dazzling man standing next to you. A bright smile broke out across your features as you beamed up at him, completely and utterly disregarding the irritation he radiated.
“Xiao! Perfect yor here! I w's just talkin' about you.” You exclaimed, lacing your fingers into the hand he held over your drink. “Come drink with us! Please?” You pleaded, even nuzzling your face into his hand for good measure. Xiao stood frozen in place, his brain nearly short circuiting from the unexpected and unfamiliar show of affection. Why were you smiling up at him with such yearning? Why hold his worn and calloused hand so tenderly? And why is his chest hammering so hard that he could hear his heartbeat in his ears? The teasing from the other patrons present, snapped Xiao back to the present situation. Your safety, that’s all that mattered right now. 
“You’re clearly already drunk. I’m taking you home.” Xiao avoided your gaze while using your jointed hands to urge you to your feet. It didn’t seem up for debate, but you didn’t mind. 
“As lon' as I get t-go with you.” You slurred a little, clumsily rising up with the man's help. “I’ll go an'where for you.” The words rolled carelessly off your tongue while you held the adeptus’ arm as support. He was forced to turn towards you and steady your balance as you rambled on. “I only wa-to be where you are Xiao. I want t-be with you. Is that cool? Like c'n I be yours?” You ask the last question softer and sweetly, leaning your head on his shoulder to speak into his ear. The remaining guests at your table proceeded to whistle and cheer you on, hearing every word. 
“You’re talking nonsense. We’re leaving.” Xiao’s voice was notably an octave higher and face burned bright red all the way up to the tip of his ears. The two were gone instantly in a puff of smoke.
Xiao refused to answer any of your babbling or look you in the eye at all for the remainder of the night. No one was able to find the adeptus the next following days either. The night was foggy in your memory and you couldn't piece together why Xiao only approached you after a week of avoidance. Even when you asked, he wouldn’t budge and stated that he is never letting you drink that much again. He convinced himself you were out of your mind drunk and could never mean what you said. Even if your soft touches and alluring words do replay over and over in the yaksha’s mind.
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Childe - Tease
You should have known it would be a slippery slope drinking with the Snezhnayan man. His smooth yet teasing remarks had you both knocking back drink after fiery drink. You could have sworn you had Childe on the ropes after that last round. How could he be grinning so impossibly wide if he wasn’t completely wasted? In reality Tartaglia knew he had won ages ago, you had been long since been swaying from side to side and retelling the beginning of your joke for about an hour now. The harbinger just couldn’t bare to pull himself from the entertaining show before him. Your attention was fully his and he would greedily take it for as long as you would offer. It wasn’t often you would be this unreserved with him, and he found himself lost in your carefree antics. 
“Did this bottle disappear?” You asked confused, eyeing the man suspiciously. “You didn’t finish this all yourself did you? Man you must be soooooo drunk!” You accused and burst into a fit of laughter. The laugh so infectious that it drew a chuckle from the redhead too.
“Oh definitely! But don’t worry I wouldn't dream of leaving a comrade’s cup empty.” Ajax winked and waved to the bartender for another bottle. Your eyes stayed fixed on the man’s blue eyes, your cheeks rosy and eyes partially lidded. “See something more you’d like?” Childe teased, noting your blatant staring. You blink, unaware you were even staring. A grin spreads across your lips, feeling bold enough to challenge him at his own game. 
“Sure, I’d like a kiss.” You teased back in the same tone. “Your lips always look so soft, I want to see if they taste good too.” The harbinger eyes widened and his mind stalled for just a moment, processing how serious the request was. It was surely tempting, but he knew that the prize he was after he would need to behave. The tipsy man was quick to regain his composure, clearing his throat and shooting a flirty smile back at you. 
“How about this?” Ajax stood, taking your hands in his to help you to your wobbly feet. “We get you home safe tonight and if you ask again just as sweetly tomorrow...” He paused, coming in close to speak softly into your ear. “I’ll let you taste as much as you want.”
True to his word, Tartaglia ensures you get home safely. You are so far gone the only thing you could really focus on is moving your feet, leading Childe to carrying you back in his arms. He’s positively charmed, quite happy with the outcome of the night. You wake up to a splitting headache and an ominous note on your bedside. 
I’ll be waiting ;)
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<A/N: I reworked these so hard and even got rid of one lol. I wasn't 100% happy with any of them except Childe.
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mischiefmaker615 · 9 months
Loki request: Loki telling reader, "I want to see you wearing nothing but moonlight."
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Rating: R
Note: Honestly this reminded me of one of my favorite Phantom of the Opera Songs ♥
You wrapped your arms around yourself as you carefully walked through the gardens of the palace, doing your best to not trip and kill yourself while your dress flowed behind you. Honestly, why did he want to play these games now? You had the whole day free and yet he chose nightfall to send a servant to tell you that Prince Loki has requested your presence in the garden. Okay.. he could at least tell you where in the garden considering this place was practically built like a maze and even had raised tree roots where one could easily trip if you weren’t careful.
‘’Loki?’’ you called, your voice hissed but tried to be quiet since it was after hours where one shouldn’t be out here- not alone at least. The silent reply had you a bit more irritated as you shook your head and picked up your dress a little more to make the walk easier.
This wasn’t anything new from our childhood friend and.. new lover. It seems that ever since you both decided to finally be together, his teasing became a bit more frequent. Why? He probably just enjoyed seeing your sharp reactions and how you would handle the situation but honestly- this was borderline childish; and yet you couldn’t help but smile as your eyes searched.
You passed yet another turn in the hedges before you opened your mouth to call his name once more, only to be silenced by a palm and an arm snaking around your waist to pull you back- your back to a solid chest. Your body tensed to fight but relaxed when you recognized his chuckle and scent, giving his arm a whack before he released you to let you spin around.
‘’are you crazy?? At this hour I hope this is imp-‘’
‘’shh darling,’’ he chuckled with a finger to your lips and you gave him a look at being silenced. ‘’I indeed have a proposition- no, a mild demand I wish from you’’ he explained, his voice low as if someone could hear him although you were a good distance away from the palace- enough where you might has well have taken a horse.
Giving a glance around as if you wanted to figure why the gardens had something to do with this request and not in your own quarters where you could have conversed, your eyes changed to mild concern as you kept your voice just as low as is ‘’of course.. what is it?’’
Mischief danced in his eyes and you should have known as you sighed, his hand gently taking yours and pulling you more into the gardens from possible prying eyes before his hands rested on your hips. A gentle smile stayed on his lips and contentment on his features as he relished your presence with him and his grip on your frame told you he wouldn’t let you step away.
The lack of response could have been annoying if he hadn’t pressed his lips to the crook of your neck and collarbone, earning a gasp to leave your lips as your hands moved to his forearms as if to push him away. ‘’Loki- what is your request?’’ you asked, your voice cracked as shyness crept over your features as you glanced behind you, only to feel him smile against your skin.
‘’I want to see you wearing nothing but moonlight." He murmured against your skin as he kissed up your neck and you look back to try to look at his face to see if he was serious but his close proximity made it difficult.
‘’L-Loki- you know you have your chambers or mine.. w-we can’t do that here, we could get caught!”’ you stammered and felt him chuckle as his hands began to glide slowly up your sides.
‘’and yet that never stopped you when you allowed me to take you in the library, the dining hall, the-‘’
‘’this is outside’’ you hiss and grip his shoulders as he walked forward, a leg between yours as you take steps back until your back found the tree he was guiding you towards and trapped you there.
‘’I see no difference darling, we could have been caught any given time. take away walls, there’s still no difference. If anything, this would be easier because everyone should be asleep’’ he smirked and his finger tips ghosted against your back, lightly brushing against you skin as he slowly loosened your dress strings.
‘’and what of the time your poor servant walked in on us when you tried taking me in the stables?’’ you shuddered at the embarrassment and heard him laugh at the very memory.
‘’dear Aura will be fine, everyone knows you belong to me so they should see it as not a surprise that I wish to pleasure you any chance I may receive’’ he warned and began sucking at your neck, your eyes closing in slight defeat and wouldn’t doubt there would be marks tomorrow.
‘’your so shameless..’’ you sighed, biting your lip as he gently grinded his knee between your legs, suddenly feeling the sudden urge to close them as you felt your pleasure begin to build.
‘’and you are so mine’’ he purred and loosened your strings so that the dress could slowly slip down off of you, making you move your arms to try to catch the material to keep you covered but he caught your wrists instead.
The dress fell down to your ankles as he raised and pinned your wrists above your head, the other hand resting at your hip as he leaned back slightly to take in the view of you in just your panties now.
‘’gods darling.. I don’t know how I ever let you sleep at night..’’ he breathed and smirked as you shivered, redness at your cheeks as his eyes traveled and how the slight cold met your skin.
‘’most nights you don’t’’ you corrected, making him chuckle and moved his hand up your side to cup your breast, making you blush.
‘’and each time it’s glorious, how you tremble underneath me as I rut you like a stallion in heat, the noises you make each time I kiss you, how hard you flutter and clench when you cum..’’ his voice got more husky as he spoke, dipping his head down to lick and kiss at your breast while his hand kneaded and massaged the other one.
Your eyes slowly closed, head falling back to rest against the tree as your hands gripped his shoulders. he always loved to tease you, to bring out the redness in your cheeks and make you lose your words. You wondered if people were adding the wrong definition to his silver tongue title as he made you shiver in pleasure and forget where you were.
His tongue flicked and his mouth sucked at your breast, moaning that sent a vibration against you before he removed his mouth to attack the other one and his hand took over where he would pinch and knead.
‘’L-Loki..’’ you moaned, your voice almost a whimper as his knee teased your center and you could hear him chuckle. He always knew what you wanted.. what you needed and he took a step back with him hands grasping yours.
Love was in his eyes as he drank you in, looking at you as if he was gazing at you for the first time as he guided you a bit more into a better yet hidden clearing. Of course, you knew you were safe with him. even if someone’s presence was coming close, he had his magic to conceal you both.. servant Aura just took you both by surprise that day as you both were distracted in the moment.
‘’lie down love, I wish to worship you..’’ he whispered and laid his cape down in the grass before you lowered yourself onto your back where he didn’t hesitate to loom on top of you. ‘’you’re so beautiful Y/N.. so beautiful..’’ he breathed, moonlight highlighting your curves and features as if everything was perfectly placed like a display.
Your cheeks reddened at his words, a smile slowly forming on your lips as you looked up at him with the same shared love as he held for you. ‘’only yours Loki..’’ you whisper the promise and he inhales, his eyes closed as he relishes in the words you gave him.
Dipping his head down, he pressed his lips gently to yours, moaning against your lips as he lowers his body against yours, making you shiver by the cold armor, making him chuckle as he pulls up a bit. ‘’my apologies darling, better?’’ he asks as his eyes flash briefly a hint of green before he is just as naked as you.
‘’indeed’’ you giggle and your hand reaches up to tangle your fingers in his hair, bringing his head down and back to your lips again.
Loki happily abides by it and deepens the kiss with his body resting against your own, skin on skin and fitted perfectly against each other. Your arms wrap around his neck as you kiss, his tongue gliding into your mouth and massaging your tongue, pulling another moan out of you as you feel him growing harder.. if that was even possible.
His lips eventually left yours as you caught your breath, dragging them down your body as he left open mouth kisses and his hands gliding at every inch of your skin before his lips began to caress your inner thighs.
You bit your lip, a shyness creeping over your body as you suddenly began to feel exposed and went to close your legs but he was quick to stop you. If you had, you might as well would have crushed his head as his hands stayed curled around your thighs to keep them apart where he left hickeys along your inner thighs before glancing up into your eyes with a smirk.
‘’the things you do to me..’’ he breathed, staring up at you in almost absolute awe as moonlight lit up your eyes and body, almost bathing in it as his finger tips curled into your skin ever so slightly in possessiveness.
Just as your body arched by the action, Loki then took the opportunity to dip his head down and attach his lips to your clit, moaning at your taste as he sucked and flicked his tongue over your swollen bud. The sudden action made your body jerk slightly with a gasp but he had a good hold on you that kept you open for him.
You were going nowhere.
Your eyes rose up to the sky, the stars seeming closer tonight as your fingers curled into the grass as his mouth worked his magic. His tongue ran stripes up and down your cunt, paying special close attention to your clit as he flicked and sucked, lapped and moaned- sending vibrations strain through you as you shuddered.
Our pleasure was building and your breathing switched to pants, your back aching as he brought you closer and closer to that sweet edge he knew you were desperate for. That sly devil liked to take his time though, keeping you where he wanted you as your body yearned for your orgasm.
A gasp left your lips as he slowly slid a finger into you, all the way to the knuckle before he kept a steady rhythm of pumping into you while his mouth sucked and flicked at your clit. He knew he was good at this, and each reaction you gave you felt him smirk against your cunt and you knew what he wanted.
‘’P-Please.. please Loki..’’ you begged, your voice barely being able to make out the words as you took short breaths, feeling your orgasm right there as your eyes fluttered shut and your back arched.
‘’anything you ask my darling..’’ he purred, giving your cunt an open mouth kiss before he reattached himself again, this time with faster friction with his tongue and his long digit pumped with a curl- giving you just what you needed.
Your orgasm hit hard as you cried out his name and your hands flew to his hair, gripping it as you felt him moan and pumped every faster, making you squirm as your body shook. It washed over you and you could almost see the stars fall to your eyes as your mouth gasped for air, Loki taking his time slowing down to help you ride it out but also to lengthen your pleasure before he slowly rose his head with a smile.
Your essence was still on his chin, making you blush with almost drunk eyes and he chuckled, wiping his mouth clean and a tongue swiping his hand to waste nothing before he crawled up your body to look down at you again, his body resting gently against yours as you both caught your breaths.
‘’my delicate rose, so sharp but can also bloom perfectly by the right caretaker’’ he grinned and you couldn’t help but laugh as you rested your arms against his shoulders.
‘’you need to work on your pick up lines, silver tongue’’
‘’would you consider that a pick-up line if I already have you?’’ he smirked, beginning to run the tip of his nose along your collarbone and his finger tips ghosting between your breasts.
You couldn’t help but smile and closed your eyes as you felt his tip press at your entrance.
‘’you will always have me..’’
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It’s probably just a fun wink to her fans, but the way the hate sink characters repeat criticism that people have said rubs me the wrong way. Striker saying, “Why is it always a sex thing?” and Adam yelling “too much red” when getting attacked by Alastor just feels like she’s saying, “All of my critics are hateful bigots!”
Yeah honestly its tacky. With Striker it especially annoys me because of all the other elements to his character like the fact he was a respectable cool menacing antagonist and he is against the hierarchy of hell. People got a little too fond of him for that which is illegal because it hurts the shows fave goldenboy sins and goetias 🙄 got a little too real the way he pointed out that the entire upperclasses benefit from the subjugation of imps even if they're "one of the good ones" I guess...
The three Vs, Adam, Mammon, Striker since he was made to deteriorate, Stella since shes now apparently just an idiot pawn of her brother, the cherubs, DHORKs, Chaz, arguably Crimson with some things he did... its just a lot. I do love a load of the previously mentioned characters! There's nothing wrong with having some characters like that. I thought that the cherubs and DHORKs worked well as being idiots for lighter more comedy based episodes and moments in S1, and then Striker filled the role of a more serious antagonist. I think Crimson should have served as being more serious than he was too.
But no actually instead the villains are ALL stupid idiots that get teehee dunked on! Its too much for my tastes at times. As fun as it can be, in too much excess its getting so boring. I would like these shows to maybe try having villains that aren't actually just stupid idiots getting screwed over but that are somewhat smart and have genuine menace. For once. Especially Hazbin personally since its tone seems a little less silly than Helluva is was supposed to originally be (sigh). Plus that would feel really good for S2 of Hazbin since they could contrast against Adam. Also when we have pilot Alastor we know they could make a really mysterious powerful villain. If they could do wildcard Alastor like that I see no reason why they couldn't do a powerful scary antagonist you take seriously.
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 4 months
My pupils
Ungrateful, Arrogant, Lazy, there were many words Kalego could use to describe his students. Many of them were imbeciles. Undisciplined. Hence why he was placed in charge of such a rowdy bunch.
He had had troublesome students before. It was no different than any other year he taught at the school. However... he never took into account how difficult the next few years would be.
To think it all started with one brat! The grandson of the chairdemon himself. He honestly wished he could have gone back in time and retired as soon as he heard about the attendance of such a creature.
His foolish pride had thought he could tame such a wild child within a few days. Having him easily under heel. He couldn't have been more wrong.
That little menace had the nerve to prove him wrong! Having no respect for authority and tuning him into a familiar. The audacity!
It wasn't just him that caused the teacher such a headache. No, he had twelve other rascals to handle as well. What did he do in his past life to enable such torture?
Individually, it probably wouldn't be so bad. But no... he had them all together. Everyday... for the next 6 agonizing years.
He often wondered if he'd survive such a daunting task for so long. Of course, his pride wouldn't allow him to quit. It would be shameful on both the school and his name if he were to do so.
So, as much as it pained him, he would stay. Despite the urge to resign. Truthfully, someone would probably drag him back even if he were to do so. Another irritating reality.
Some things were easy to brush off. Such as Allocers constant questions and interest in obtaining more knowledge. Just answer plainly offering research materials for reference.
Or working around Kerori's work schedule as an idol. As well as sending her study aids so she doesn't risk lowering her grades. Practically child's play.
Now, dealing with Jazz's sticky fingers could be annoying. Forcing apologies out of the young demon and attempting to keep the greedy child humble.
Not that it helped since he had an enabler like Lied. The cocky little imp thinking he could get away with such childish pranks so easily. He often had to discipline the pair.
Speaking discipline... he still needed to figure out a proper punishment for Kamui... again. Why is it so difficult for that bird brain to understand that the female students don't appreciate such actions? He has the nerve to call himself a gentleman with such an attitude.
At least he could say he's also seen growth in some of his students. Take Sabro, for example. That prideful attitude of his was far more manageable than when the child first arrived. Far more humble.
Or Soi, who constantly hid. Now, he actively participates and interacts with his classmates. A vast improvement.
If only he could get Picero to stop sleeping in class. That would be preferable. Instead, he constantly has to smack the drowsy teen awake.
Goemon has a rather interesting positivity. Now if only he could somehow apply that to his grades. That would certainly make things easier.
He wasn't amused by Elizabetta's attempts to get better grades by using her bloodline magic or flirting. He constantly had to remind his coworkers not to go easy on her just because of her looks. Although he was quite proud of how she handled the music festival.
Then, there was the matter of Iruma's two main subordinates. Or friends as he called them. The chaos that those two caused alone was a mountain of paperwork.
Never in a million years did he think that such a vigorous student like Alice could be so blinded by one individual. It's as if the boy forgot about his own growth. Does he have no dignity?
... thinking that he probably doesn't. Seeing as he's so obsessed with his superior that it's borderline insane. Not that clara is any better.
Her grades aren't exactly the best. Her loud, rambunctious attitude disturbs the other students attending any class she's in. Honestly, he's not sure what to do with such a wild thing.
He's half tempted to keep her on a leash to ensure she doesn't wander off. Although knowing that gremlin, she'd easily escape. If only she focused that energy on her assignments.
Still, despite all their flaws. Ignoring their constants defiance to the higherarchy. He would still admit they were his pupils.
He was their teacher. He would guide them into becoming powerful demons. He'd see them all graduate on time even if it'd kill him.
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(This takes place in a au where they were secretly married, got into a fight, and Alastor did the disappeared for 7 years thing, but never got divorced. They meet each other face to face for the first time in 7 years after the events of Hazbin Hotel S1)
Alastor: And why would I listen to you? *Is annoyed*
Vox: *Lifts up a literal human heart*
Alastor: …….. I’m listening
(Where did Vox get the heart, let’s just say he somehow managed to find a commercial for a specific team of Imps who just so happens to have access to the living world…..if you watched Helluva Boss you know)
I love a good crossover of all kinds, organs of all kinds especially hearts are probably a delicacy in the Cannibal Town. IMP's commercial probably had to get Vox's approval like most things do
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neko-loogi · 11 months
Heeeyy, I'm back with a new Helluva Boss opinion post thingy
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Okay so, the Mammon episode- it was alright I guess? Tbh it didn't strike me as super awesome or anything, it's just kinda there?
Anyway, let's talk about it a little bit!
So I wanted to start off with Mammon himself, I'm gonna be honest I don't hate him but I don't like him either. I'll admit I do actually like his voice, I'm sure y'all might find it annoying but I dunno, I like his accent and the way he talks is kinda funny. His design tho? Eh, it could use some work.
For instance, his eyes are weird, like every time he was on screen my first thought was always: "Wow, he looks like Robin from TTG". I also hate how he's shaped like your typical "fat" character from cartoons. But for some reason they decided to give him skinny arms but a round body. He's weirdly disproportionate, which is disappointing because they definitely could make a better plus sized character design. But oh well, knowing Viv, she wouldn't even try.
I will admit his true demon form is kinda cool, except that I actually thought he was going to be a caterpillar or something but he's a spider? I swear, Viv has some weird design choices.
Moving on, the episode was cluttered as hell. It had way too much stuff in it, which made the episode feel eternal. Not only that but the episode has 4 songs.. FOUR FUCKING SONGS- When will Viv realize that not every HB episode needs a song? Like is this shit an animated series or a fucking musical? Make up your mind Viv-
Anyway, I'm glad this episode focuses on Fizz, but his character did feel a bit off in certain scenes, but aside from that everything else was fine. (I found that scene of Fizz talking to the deaf imp child while using sign language to be very endearing).
Alright, I'mma point out a few other things real quick:
Ozzie's relationship with Fizz is absolutely adorable and I love them so much. However I don't understand why they portray their relationship as a bad thing? Like, fucking Queen Bee is dating Vortex (who's a hellhound, and they are a lower class than imps) and nobody says anything and she's a sin- so why can't Ozzie do the same??
I also happen to noticed that Fizz and Mammon's relationship is similar to Angel Dust and Valentino's- I just hope they don't completely butcher my boy Fizz, because he's the ONLY character I genuinely like from this god awful series.
Edit: I find it outrageous that Fizz apologized to Blitzo in the previous episode for the accident and claims that yes, he was affected by it but he's gotten over it. Yet here, he's super insecure about it and seeks approval from Mammon. It doesn't make sense- I swear it's like the characters are evolving backwards (as in the character development just resets and they act like nothing happened).
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I also just wanted to say that this character made me feel super uncomfortable throughout the episode (which I guess is the point, but honestly they didn't need to add him.) Like, was it really necessary to include this Reddit mod, Discord user incel with an obsessive personality to the episode? He doesn't really contribute much other than to probably trigger people who have dealt with some form of harassment like this, and to make Fizz look super helpless so that Blitzo can defend him.
Blitzo didn't contribute anything to the episode, they didn't need to add him either. Like we get it he's the main character but that doesn't mean he has to be in every fucking episode doing absolutely nothing other than saying a bunch of curse words or shooting someone.
In conclusion, I didn't like this episode that much. I was expecting more to be completely honest.
Sorry if this post was a little long- I wanted to write more stuff but I don't want to burden y'all with reading a lot of shit lmao. Anyway, that's all, love ya <3
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strikersexhaver · 1 year
Diamond in the Rough 💎
A/N needed more Striker content, so decided to dedicate a whole blog for it. Mostly because especially with the new episode had a lot more ideas with our favorite cowboy!
This is more of ‘if Striker had an S/O that was on the same strength level as him’ making them equals, it has a bit of angst, some fluff here and there.
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Striker prided himself on not needing anyone, not having anyone to lean on.
He normally refused having anyone having a more genuine relationship with him, due to having it all taken away within a blink and not wanting to deal with that pain.
He met you in Wrath, during a hunt for something to eat for dinner. Hunting for the wild hell hogs (or demon hogs) to take down and skin.
It was never an issue for him as he usually was able to, until you stole his catch. Either by stealing, or just simply fighting over it.
Striker was pissed, alongside his horse Bombproof, as he also had to feed his steed. But even though he was- he was… oddly amused. You gotta be real bold to steal from him, he’s one of the most wanted hellborns in wrath and you come outta the blue to steal from him?
Okay… He’ll bite.
He played dumb for a while, doing the exact same routine and waited for you. Letting you take his catches before he was able to have something to track you down.
He’s an assassin, a bounty hunter, all that good stuff and his name is literally Striker- he’d be able to find and strike you down it’s his thing after all.
When he did however… He felt something he did not like, he saw you struggling which every person was- but, here was different. You struggled like he did, it made him hesitate but he still went ahead to confront you.
“Ya’ must be pretty bold to steal from me…” He looked at you and bared his teeth, seeing the fear in your eyes before you ran off to grab a weapon.
He let you pick it up, he wanted to see what he was really facing. Because you might’ve been struggling like he was, but he was a diamond in the rough. He had to see if you were one too.
And he did, he saw- the fight between the two of you went on for a long while because both of you kept constantly besting the other. It was only until both of you were tired and beaten by each other did you both stop.
You could not even do anything when he crawled out and gave one last look at you before slipping away- he gave you a threat on to not attack his prey again.
He thought you would take the bait and actually go after his catches again, but when he when you didn’t he was baffled. The inner primadonna in him was irritated, but he wondered why he was so annoyed.
Then it hit him that he started to enjoy having someone on his level.
Because of this, and how rare he thought it was to find someone equal. He sought you out often, making you surprised on how he kept finding you every time, whenever and wherever.
He took the time to get to know you, to learn whatever he could about you because he started to genuinely like you.
Which eventually led him to care about you, and you started caring about him too. He no longer had to worry about his food being stolen! Maybe even you’ll get him food sometime… Probably as a gift when he’s busy.
Striker noticed his feelings rising, how he could stare at you longer than usual. He started wishing he could hold you.
He realized he started liking you in a not-so platonic way anymore and that scared him truthfully. For as much as he disliked people like Blitzø, his issues were similar as he dreaded losing someone he cared about again.
Dreaded someone would take you away from him, then leave him all alone once more. He didn’t wanna live that, so- he stopped visiting you and practically vanished.
It hurt you, because you started liking him too. Enjoying the close moments you two had together, you eventually decided to take up what he did to you and find him this time.
Finding him all the way back into his hideout, surrounded by railroads.
(Granted you got the help from the Mariachi imps)
You found him moping about, distracting himself by sharpening his knife.
You attempted to confront him calmly about it, but he responded to you coldly- something you were not used to. Even when you two met and fought, he showed some emotion like anger, cockiness, or confidence.
He tried pushing you away until his emotions bubbled out and he said things that he was meaning to say. Not a love confession, but admitting he cared..?
“I don’t wanna spend all this damn time carin’ about ya’-! All this time just to watch ya’ get stolen away from me, by Satan knows what-“ He huffed before looking at you, seeing the mix of hurt yet understanding in your eyes.
He felt bad, so he said nothing else and sat back down expecting you to leave until you sat next to him and leaned on him. That was the start of him realizing, even if he pushed you away- he wanted you around.
(A/N the actual romantic headcanons)
It would never be said out loud, more of like an unspoken commitment to each other that deemed you both as each other’s partners. Either romantically, or sometimes business wise- as he asked you to help him on his bounties or assassinations.
If he really needed the help, he’s still a prideful man and asking for help can bring someone’s pride down.
Hence why he only does it when he really needs help.
He’s not a too vocal guy on genuine romantic feelings, he’s gonna say ‘I love you too’ when you say it but it’ll be much rarer if he says it to you first.
He personally prefers playful flirting.
Which he flirts a lot, in a more playful way than serious romance.
Only on special occasions, maybe like an anniversary he’ll sing you a song on his guitar.
He’ll give you rides on Bombproof (if you made up to the horse for stealing it’s food beforehand)
Striker’s a violent guy as everyone knows, so him being protective of one of the only people that cares about him is practically a given. And with what he’s experienced, in his mind it’s the best action.
His love language is mostly, acts of service, to physical touch either or he loves providing.
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magicluckystars · 13 days
William, Liam, Harrison, Alfons, Elbert, Roger and Jude playing among us
did I know that among us is dead? yes. did I decide to do this anyway? also yes. this is my contribution to the Ikemen community for today. I hope you all like it!
I would love to see your ikevil ocs playing among us with crown, what do you think it would be like?
Was originally planning to do everyone, but this has been sitting in my drafts for forever so decided to post it
I am still a beginner writer so my work may not be the best and characters may be ooc! constructive criticism and reblogs help <3
genre: crack. pure crack. but you can clearly see my favourite
TW: mentions of death in game
generally I think they’d all be pretty good considering they kill ppl irl too, but here are specific headcanons!
you can NEVER tell when this man is imp or not. when he’s accused/voted out he just laughs.
Always watches people do visual tasks
when he is imposter, he would probably use sabotage relentlessly to get everyone distracted and then kill someone. Would probably kill in comms because almost nobody goes there
Uses vents when necessary, but prefers to walk to his locations to avoid suspicion
probably likes to see everyone scrambling to fix his sabotages.
when he’s crewmate, it’s somewhat hard to sneak up on him but he can be killed. Likes to fool around in the ghost chat
pairs with victor (unsurprisingly) all the time, but works well with everyone else too
Makes a decent effort not to reveal himself as imposter but admits it when he’s backed into a corner
when he gets imposter, he kills people so damn fast- uses sabotages as he needs it, but probably uses o2 sabotage or comms sabotage the most
mainly uses vents to get around
As a crewmate, ALWAYS knows when someone is sneaking up on him.
forgets about his tasks sometimes but does them when he remembers
probably does his elec tasks last
pairs with Harry (unsurprisingly) but also likes to pair with William and Alfons.
AMAZING at imposter. Lies so fluently sometimes even Alfons and will can’t tell when he’s lying.
mainly uses emergency meetings and dead body reports to kick people off the ship but kills people too
again, uses sabotage when necessary. Uses comms sabotage and reactor sabotage the most
uses vents to get around, not as good as liam when it comes to sensing someone behind you but still pretty good. Knows when someone’s in the room, or in a neighbouring room
As crewmate, he does his tasks as quick as he can and can make accurate guesses as to who is the imposter.
Likes to pair with Liam, Ellis and Will but doesn’t like to pair with Victor.
Probably took him a while to get the controls
doesn’t talk much as crewmate or imposter, only when he’s questioned directly
As imposter, he uses kills and o2 sabotage to win. he uses sabotage a lot to again, distract everyone while he’s plotting something
directs the blame onto someone else usually
as crewmate, does his elec tasks second or third, doesn’t really get why elec is such a hotspot for imposters but uses it anyway when he is
forgets about some of his tasks but when he’s done he just kinda. stands in one place unless there’s a sabotage
Usually pairs with Alfons or alone, but sometimes he likes to pair with William as well
Alfons I had no idea for him I’m sorry
Decently good at both imposter and crewmate. Although better at imposter
probably places bets on the outcome of the game
as imposter, he sabotages a lot and uses the admin map to win(like if everyone’s on one side of the map, he’ll sabotage something on the other side of the map)
if he wants to finish the game quickly though, he’ll kill people more. probably self reports but kills someone, runs away from the body, then runs back and reports it
one of those annoying types that doesn’t do their tasks unless told to
definitely uses vents primarily to get around
usually kills when people are doing the upload and download task
watches people do visual tasks if he’s in the mood
Usually pairs with Elbert or alone, but likes to pair with Liam sometimes. Doesn’t like to pair with roger.
Equally good at both, but better at crewmate
as an imposter, he mainly kills people and uses sabotages. he mainly uses o2 sabotage.
like will, prefers to walk to his locations but uses vents when he wants to.
probably likes to see people squirming when they’re wrongfully accused
does his electrical tasks first to avoid getting killed
does his tasks quickly and reminds everyone to do theirs
Usually goes alone, but likes to pair with Ellis if he agrees. Wants to pair with Alfons but he never agrees
Doesn’t like crewmate, but does it when he gets it. Alright at imposter
denies being imposter to the end
usually intimidates someone into a corner, either to wrongfully accuse them (when he’s the imposter) or to get them to admit their guilt. Jude believes in guilty until proven innocent and does not trust anyone.
does his tasks sometimes, but focused mainly on outing the imposter
when he’s imposter, he uses a combination of venting and walking.
likes the lights sabotage and the reactor sabotage the best.
Doesn't usually pair with anybody and mostly works alone, but sometimes pairs with Ellis
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trashogram · 17 days
Sharing my comments, opinions, pet peeves and random thought on the Weaboo-boo short:
•Some grown ass woman that died and went to Hell really did send an imp hitman after another woman they didn't know at all just because years ago she supported some fictional couple online. Sounds like... someone we know
•Why some random anime merchandise Emberlynn happened to be wearing was powerful enough to repel a real demon? Why is it magical in the first place? Seems like a huge plot hole left there
•What could Emberlynn have done to deserve being sent to Hell?
•How come once in Hell she inmediatly found where Blitzø is? I know this is mostly a joke, I just like to complain
•I think Emberlynn has grounds to be a really good character. There's countless examples of characters that start being intensely annoying and grow to be amazing and beloved. I already like her more than so many of the main cast (though that's not hard because they are so unlikeable). Also she looks cool in her information file, like someome you can become friends with. Thanks for coming to my TED talk
Heya 👋 Thanks for sharing!
Yeah I get what you mean by someone we know. I’m just wondering if she’s aware and actually making fun of herself or she’s laughing about it like she’s not done needlessly awful things for fandom nonsense too 👀
Maybe I’m just to exasperated at this point but the dumb anime merch actually having power against demons is eh for me. Blitzø didn’t need to make mouth love to the Asmodean crystal this time around either so 🤷‍♀️ the writers just don’t care .
I think Emberlynn actually said she saw the I.M.P. billboard and found Blitzø that way? Idk why she’s in hell — the creators of HB probably think she deserves it just for being cringe horny.
Emberlynn could be a really fun character if they gave her depth! But they haven’t even spared Millie some depth and she’s part of the main cast 😃 Still I agree I do like her (and I will until she returns and does something unforgivable like ship Stolitz, then she will lose me forever).
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
^ a good argument that Stolas should have been the villain
no but fr it's actually kinda sad - if the show actually wanted to have a nuanced take on abuse with a believably written abuser, Stolas is the closest they've ever come to doing it successfully - he's not a shrieking monster every time he's onscreen, he has consistent motivations, and he's also a terrible, terrible person:
he's a sexual abuser & exploitative. he uses his book and Blitzo's need to keep his job to exploit sex out of him every month
he's abusive. both to Blitzo and his imp servant. he squeezes the life out of his imp servant and ignores the black eye Stella gave him.
he's manipulative. he waits until Blitzo has used the book for some time & is in imminent danger to propose the deal. he expects sex as a reward for rescuing Blitzo then wonders why Blitzo is apathetic towards him
he's selfish & terrible at reading emotional cues. he assumes everyone else is fine doing what he wants until they physically yell at him, storm off or break down in tears
he wants and sometimes tries to be a good dad but is neglectful. he blames Blitzo for Via going missing when he was the one who caused her to flee the house (something he apparently didn't even notice until Blitzo called him?), he prioritizes Blitzo (flirting and having sex with him, that is) over her constantly
he's classist. he talks down to, demeans and fetishizes imps. the ones he doesn't he doesn't even notice exist (M&M).
he's incapable of admitting fault. he's gone from apologizing to Via for the mess his adultery made to claiming there was no betrayal at all. the next ep is likely to be chock full of him blaming Blitzo for leading him on even though Blitzo has done nothing but maintain their deal (only exception being Ozzie's, which was still within the confines of their deal, so limited sympathy for Stolas there tbh). his 'what have I done?' look after Ozzie's lasted all of five minutes before he went back to blaming Blitzo in 'Stolas Sings'
he's deluded. he somehow thought Blitzo wanted a relationship with him despite having forced him into what's essentially sexual slavery and then called it a 'lie' when Blitzo shut him down over it
he's hypocritical. he calls Stella a bitch to Via's face in the same scene he claims he isn't turning her against her mother. he uses Via as an excuse for not breaking up the marriage sooner even though his marriage to Stella was so woeful his daughter probably would have been better off out of that environment
he's incapable of showing empathy. his reaction to Blitzo's panic attack is to sexualize him some more. he's never shown signs of even trying to relate to Blitzo, and bumped into his daughter without even noticing she was there in Seeing Stars
he ignores people's feelings. Blitzo rejects his flirting, brushes him off multiple times and gets annoyed at Stolas calling him petnames. Stolas still sexualizes him into s2 and the most he's managed is calling him by his proper name. it took him until Blitzo snapped at him for him to notice Blitzo isn't smiling in any of his phone pictures
he can't understand what he's done wrong when told bluntly & directly what the problem is. his text "apology" reeks of "I'm sorry you were offended", not "I'm sorry for what I did wrong"
he has a victim complex. he's a powerful prince but simultaneously passive and unwilling to take steps to make life better for himself. he is the centre of his own universe
he's emotionally dependent. his happiness is dependent on Blitzo loving him back
if the show had just leant into that - and Blitzo slowly realizing just who he was dealing with - it could have been cathartic to see the deal broken. instead it's gonna be more victim blaming BS
We joke about it being The Stolitz Show, but Victim Blaming BS Show is just as fitting.
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