magicluckystars · 10 days
William, Liam, Harrison, Alfons, Elbert, Roger and Jude playing among us
did I know that among us is dead? yes. did I decide to do this anyway? also yes. this is my contribution to the Ikemen community for today. I hope you all like it!
I would love to see your ikevil ocs playing among us with crown, what do you think it would be like?
Was originally planning to do everyone, but this has been sitting in my drafts for forever so decided to post it
I am still a beginner writer so my work may not be the best and characters may be ooc! constructive criticism and reblogs help <3
genre: crack. pure crack. but you can clearly see my favourite
TW: mentions of death in game
generally I think they’d all be pretty good considering they kill ppl irl too, but here are specific headcanons!
you can NEVER tell when this man is imp or not. when he’s accused/voted out he just laughs.
Always watches people do visual tasks
when he is imposter, he would probably use sabotage relentlessly to get everyone distracted and then kill someone. Would probably kill in comms because almost nobody goes there
Uses vents when necessary, but prefers to walk to his locations to avoid suspicion
probably likes to see everyone scrambling to fix his sabotages.
when he’s crewmate, it’s somewhat hard to sneak up on him but he can be killed. Likes to fool around in the ghost chat
pairs with victor (unsurprisingly) all the time, but works well with everyone else too
Makes a decent effort not to reveal himself as imposter but admits it when he’s backed into a corner
when he gets imposter, he kills people so damn fast- uses sabotages as he needs it, but probably uses o2 sabotage or comms sabotage the most
mainly uses vents to get around
As a crewmate, ALWAYS knows when someone is sneaking up on him.
forgets about his tasks sometimes but does them when he remembers
probably does his elec tasks last
pairs with Harry (unsurprisingly) but also likes to pair with William and Alfons.
AMAZING at imposter. Lies so fluently sometimes even Alfons and will can’t tell when he’s lying.
mainly uses emergency meetings and dead body reports to kick people off the ship but kills people too
again, uses sabotage when necessary. Uses comms sabotage and reactor sabotage the most
uses vents to get around, not as good as liam when it comes to sensing someone behind you but still pretty good. Knows when someone’s in the room, or in a neighbouring room
As crewmate, he does his tasks as quick as he can and can make accurate guesses as to who is the imposter.
Likes to pair with Liam, Ellis and Will but doesn’t like to pair with Victor.
Probably took him a while to get the controls
doesn’t talk much as crewmate or imposter, only when he’s questioned directly
As imposter, he uses kills and o2 sabotage to win. he uses sabotage a lot to again, distract everyone while he’s plotting something
directs the blame onto someone else usually
as crewmate, does his elec tasks second or third, doesn’t really get why elec is such a hotspot for imposters but uses it anyway when he is
forgets about some of his tasks but when he’s done he just kinda. stands in one place unless there’s a sabotage
Usually pairs with Alfons or alone, but sometimes he likes to pair with William as well
Alfons I had no idea for him I’m sorry
Decently good at both imposter and crewmate. Although better at imposter
probably places bets on the outcome of the game
as imposter, he sabotages a lot and uses the admin map to win(like if everyone’s on one side of the map, he’ll sabotage something on the other side of the map)
if he wants to finish the game quickly though, he’ll kill people more. probably self reports but kills someone, runs away from the body, then runs back and reports it
one of those annoying types that doesn’t do their tasks unless told to
definitely uses vents primarily to get around
usually kills when people are doing the upload and download task
watches people do visual tasks if he’s in the mood
Usually pairs with Elbert or alone, but likes to pair with Liam sometimes. Doesn’t like to pair with roger.
Equally good at both, but better at crewmate
as an imposter, he mainly kills people and uses sabotages. he mainly uses o2 sabotage.
like will, prefers to walk to his locations but uses vents when he wants to.
probably likes to see people squirming when they’re wrongfully accused
does his electrical tasks first to avoid getting killed
does his tasks quickly and reminds everyone to do theirs
Usually goes alone, but likes to pair with Ellis if he agrees. Wants to pair with Alfons but he never agrees
Doesn’t like crewmate, but does it when he gets it. Alright at imposter
denies being imposter to the end
usually intimidates someone into a corner, either to wrongfully accuse them (when he’s the imposter) or to get them to admit their guilt. Jude believes in guilty until proven innocent and does not trust anyone.
does his tasks sometimes, but focused mainly on outing the imposter
when he’s imposter, he uses a combination of venting and walking.
likes the lights sabotage and the reactor sabotage the best.
Doesn't usually pair with anybody and mostly works alone, but sometimes pairs with Ellis
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magicluckystars · 10 months
TWST incorrect quote #1
(might have alr been done before. based off of a conversation I had with my sister.)
Crowley, about to get m*rdered by Yuu: Wait, Yuu! Violence is never the answer!
Chaotic! Yuu: Y'know what? You're right, Headmage...Violence is never the answer. *puts weapon down* Crowley: There, that's better! Now, I have a very important task for you- Chaotic! Yuu: Violence was the question and the answer is YES. AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGHH! *going at Crowley with their axe full speed* Crowley: Yuu, NO-
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magicluckystars · 10 months
Would the twst boys let me affectionately bite them?
heavily inspired by @superhamwriting’s post of whether or not the twst boys would let them lick their face. Go check that out here!! AN: it’s not really biting, it’s more like latching onto the victim someone I like (friends) and using my teeth to make sure my mouth doesn’t slide off their shoulder
Riddle: Confused at first. Would probably off my head, but gets used to it. Would not let me do it in public.  Ace: probably. When he gets used to it probably still weirded out Deuce: maybe. Like his lover, Ace, weirded out by it
Trey: doesn’t even question it.  Cater: Yep.  Leona: Nope. Would probably growl at me like “tf you doing herbivore??”
Ruggie: NOPE. He’d be like “Dude what??”
Jack: probably not.  Azul: No.
Jade: Maybe?
Kalim: Yep! Probably gets into the habit of doing it and pisses Jamil off
Jamil: No. I would get the side eye from him.  Vil: do I LOOK LIKE I HAVE A DEATH WISH
Rook: Probably. I guess since it’s out of love he’d let me?
Epel: Maybe one or two times but it makes him feel weirded out 
Idia: Nope. One step near him and mans running like he forgot to walk his fish.
Ortho: I guess?? I probably wouldn’t bite him because I don’t wanna crack my teeth on his metal suit-
Malleus: YES. poor mans don’t know much about people so he thinks that this is a way humans show affection 
Sebek: Nope.
Silver: doesn’t really mind
Lilia: absolutely! It’s kind of weird but whatever!
Sorry if it’s ooc
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magicluckystars · 9 months
Who's your vibe: Heartslabyul
saw @coralinnii doing it and thought it looked fun, so I'm gonna try it!
here's how to play, taken directly from @coralinnii's post:
out of the 20 traits I think of about the TWST guys, bold or highlight the traits you associate or vibe with. No competition, no challenge, just fun.
Riddle: 10/20
collared outfits \ academically driven \ watching documentaries for fun \ pocket watches \ feeding stray animals \ rose-infused smells \ actions speak louder than words \ crossword puzzles \ reread books \ is always perfectly on time \ anxious cook \ socially awkward \ tea over coffee \ sweet tooth \ valedictorian \ photographic memory \ perfectionist \ horseback rides \ manners maketh man \ ironed shirts
Trey: 4/20
freshly baked bread \ mint scents \ big sibling energy \ hats \ friend who plans everything \ safety first \ casual clothes \ supreme baker \ loves kids \ writes neatly \ loves to spoil others \ secretly mischievous \ doesn’t want to stand out \ green clovers \ beware the nice ones \ dental care is best care \ loyal to the end \ hidden muscles \ easily embarrassed \ simple and chill \ cool tone colours
Cater: 8/20
social media presence \ keeps a lot of secrets \ social expert \ spicy food lover \ exhausted little sibling \ cute little fangs \ flirty \ skateboards \ guitars \ so many selfies \ band tees or hoodies \ trendy accessories \ fortune telling \ cute cafes \ pompadour \ winky face \ go with the flow \ cute nicknames \ peace signs pose \ rock n’ roll vibes \
Ace: 9/20
jerk with soft spot \ shortcuts are best cuts \ angry worry wart \ brutally honest \ cheeky hearts \ prostratinator \ tsundere \ magic tricks \ sore loser \ playfully insults friends \ talks to friends during class \ messy hair \ accidentally very dramatic \ secretly sappy \ stepping around the rules \ idolizes big siblings \ visits friends without warning \ trouble magnet \ cocky smirk \ brings playing cards everywhere \
Deuce: 4/20
book dumb \ changing for the better \ grease monkey \ bad rep \ momma’s kid \ ride-or-die \ super gullible \ fights back \ two-toned varsity jackets \ bikes are cool \ single parent child \ delinquent days \ works on honor code \ musclehead \ good with chores \ can’t go wrong with adding eggs \ won’t know till you try \ one-track mind \ do shit, get hit \ hardworking \
0 notes
magicluckystars · 2 years
I currently write for:
-twisted wonderland
Requests are OPEN! Matchups are CLOSED!
I WILL do:
-Angst (I don't have much experience writing angst so it may be a little bit cringy)
-Anything I'm uncomfortable with
If you don't want to request anything or just want to chat/chill, thats fine too!
Please know that if i personally feel uncomfy with a request, I have the rights to decline it!
#luckywritesstuff - my writing!
#luckyshitposts - shitposts
#luckysharesimportantstuff - important things
~more tags to come~
Obey me!
The brothers accidentally call MC Lilith <- older brothers
The brothers accidentally call MC Lilith <- younger brothers
Twisted Wonderland
Heartslabyul: A not-so-perfect first Halloween (riddle one-shot)
Would the twst boys let me affectionately bite them? (all characters)
~nothing here yet~
~nothing here yet~
~nothing here yet~
~nothing here yet~
~nothing here yet~
~nothing here yet~
Would the twst boys let me affectionately bite them? (all characters)
William, Liam, Harrison, Alfons, Jude and Elbert playing among us
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