#pro harmony
chocfrog-enjoyer · 13 days
2024 HP fandom needs to freaking learn „The Three Laws of Fandom”
Because while criticizing a ship, and reasoning why you personally don’t like it, is okay; attacking/insulting people that ship, or not ship it, is what’s making fandom spaces unsafe.
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You don’t ship Harmony? Well good for you. I ship it.
The argument against supposed „incest” is rubbish. These two are not related and it’s one of the least freaking problematic ships out in the fandom 💀 like oh no… you ship FRIENDS to LOVERS? That have a very healthy relationship, trust, and are happy to spend time with each other? You’re so „weird and annoying”.
Out of all the shit this fandom ships which is;
- actual incest
- teacher/student
- huge age gap relationships
- Stockholm syndrome
Choosing to insult people for liking friends to lovers is wild. Especially since from what I saw this person doesn’t even advocate for canon Hinny, because there’s a ton of Ronarry post which: surprise surprise is also friends to lovers.
Younger and newer fans need to learn and abide by the Three Laws of Fandom, because I keep seeing that they don’t and it’s creating a toxic environment in the fandom.
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cimerran-714 · 7 months
The fandom likes to talk about how Ron was willing to let himself get hit by the Cruciatus curse in order to prevent Hermione from getting tortured. What happens afterwards, though, is that Romione shippers argue about how Harry hadn't done anything like that. After all, he was just asking Ron to shut up.
This, they claim, is evidence that Ron cares more about Hermione than Harry does. Or that Harry doesn't care about her at all.
I do think what Ron did here is very admirable, and there's absolutely nothing to critique about that. What I hate is how it turns into Harry bashing to justify shipping Romione.
First, it's important to keep in mind that Harry's comparatively more level-headed than Ron is. He's not as emotional & he rarely displays them openly (and when he does, it's in Hermione's presence, but that's something for another post).
As Harry wanted to figure out a way from the problem, he was getting disturbed by Ron screaming, which was affected his. concentration. Unlike Ron, who was reacting emotionally, Harry wanted to think about whether they would be able to escape the place. That's why he was asking him to shut up.
And that's a good thing. When you are in trouble and someone you like is getting tortured, you attempt to try and escape instead of getting carried away by your emotions.
To try and spin Harry trying to save Hermione into "he doesn't care about her" is a flat-out lie.
Honestly, if I were Harry, I'd be pretty pissed as well. Just look at it:
"HERMIONE!” Ron bellowed, and he started to writhe and struggle against the ropes tying them together, so that Harry stag- gered. “HERMIONE!” “Be quiet!” Harry said. “Shut up. Ron, we need to work out a way—“ “HERMIONE! HERMIONE!” “We need a plan, stop yelling—we need to get these ropes off—"
Harry wants to get the bindings off and work out a way. He wants to save Hermione, instead of just screaming to the void.
If even more evidence were needed:
Hermione was screaming again: The sound went through Harry like physical pain. Barely conscious of the fierce prickling of his scar, he too started to run around the cellar, feeling the walls for he hardly knew what, knowing in his heart that it was useless.
Her screaming "went through Harry like physical pain". And, also notice how he was "barely conscious of the prickling on his scar".
He's only done that once before, and that was when he was thinking about Sirius.
His love for Hermione is so powerful that he was able to block Voldemort out of his mind.
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red-pencil · 6 months
Sweet dreams this #AniMonday !
Since Bob's Burgers has been silent for a while, I figured I'd share some more of my Bob's animation . This was the first shot I called "I want that shot!" of the season. Really wanted to go for some GOOPY fx . I definitely had fun with these shots.
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luna-the-bard · 1 month
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Bill is taking over my brain and I haven’t even received the actual book yet, I’m just absorbing all the content on the internet like a sponge
Also that lalalala sound is eating at my brain
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hprecfest · 11 months
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Harry Potter Rec Fest 2023 ❄️
Harry Potter Rec Fest is a reccing fest celebrating our favorite Harry Potter works! It'll run December 1st - December 31st.
Rules & Guidelines - here or here
There will be a prompt for each day of the month.
◦ You may choose any fanfic that correspond to the prompt. ◦ You do not need to participate every day. ◦ You may combine prompts from another day of the month. ◦ And, you may rec more than one fic per prompt.
Here are the links to the prompts:
Day 1 - Day 16 Day 17 - Day 31
No AI generated content.
All eras, genres, ships, characters, associated Harry Potter media and then some are allowed.
If you are reccing a Mature or Explicit work, you must be 18+. 
If you want the blog to reblog your rec, please tag @hprecfest and #hprecfest2023.
We will not be reblogging posts that link to a Wayback Link/Google Drive/One Drive/and the like. You may still rec and talk about the deleted works.
We follow fandom rules around here - YKINMKBYKIO (Your Kink is Not My Kink, But Your Kink is Okay), DLDR (Don’t Like;Don’t Read) and SALS (Ship and Let Ship). We will not be reblogging posts that talk negatively about another ship, character, and/or writers.
If you have any questions, send an ask! Or you can email at [email protected]
Have fun! Let's gush over the fics and authors we love!
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skajador · 6 months
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Tokusatsu is kinda like pro wrestling anyways
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moonchild-in-blue · 1 year
Anyways. Shout out to the Vesselettes because they're doing a FENOMENAL job and I don't see enough appreciation for my girlies.
The live version of Ascensionism sounds beautifully gorgeous. When they come in and do that harmony after "diamonds in the trees, pentagrams in the night sky" ??
Yeah. I am legitimately ascending.
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sysmedsaresexist · 2 months
I'm so tired
Blah blah blah debunk debunk don't trust the TPA
Link a paper here
Don't trust the TPA
Suck my balls TPA
Go away, TPA
DID they really just say that?
(Yes, they did)
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
The "Ginny used a love potion on Harry" theory is probably from Harmonies gone off the fucking deep end
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queenlucythevaliant · 10 months
All I want for Christmas is nothing but my favorite carols in church
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agentfascinateur · 5 months
Judaism is more than its Zionist faction
Zionism, a movement which began in Europe in the late 19th century, is a form of Jewish nationalism and is the political ideology that drove the establishment of the state of Israel.  Theodor Herzl, known as the founder of Zionism, established the Zionist Congress in 1897. For decades, a majority of Jewish people around the world opposed the Zionist movement on religious or political grounds, and Herzl’s project only became the majority view among Jewish people in the 1920s and 1930s — although it still faced significant Jewish opposition.
And many Jews are anti-Zionism.
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cimerran-714 · 7 months
Ron and Hermione:
Always argue.
Disrespect and belittle each other.
Don't have a lot in common.
Harry and Hermione:
Rarely argue. If they do, they reach a compromise/agreement eventually.
Respect each other.
Have a lot in common.
I don't know about you, but I think it's already pretty clear what the better relationship is.
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potterpromptmeme · 11 months
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Round #2 is open!
Dreamwidth Community: Link
Current (Submitting & Prompting): Round #2: here Fill List: here
Sortable (View Only): Prompts: Here Fills Masterlist: here
AO3 Collection Anon AO3 Collection
Do read all the rules before commenting with your prompt and/or fill. Fills must be replied to the prompt you're filling. Not to the post itself. And don't forget to comment on the fill list afterwards! It's to help keep track of fills and alert users that a new work is up.
Any comments that break the rules will be screened and/or deleted.
The sortable prompts & fills are there to help us find the comment with the prompt/fill. This will be a traditional prompt meme as much as possible.
Have fun!
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aheckinmess · 7 months
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(One-shot series 1/3 chapters posted - posts regularly on Saturdays. If anyone knows who to credit for the Hizashi fanart, please let me know!) Read on AO3.
Tags: Graphic violence, Hizashi Yamada x OC, Present Mic, Present Mic saves the day, Hizashi Yamada is a ray of sunshine, angst, hurt/comfort, scared reader, pro hero rescue
Word Count: 4,364 words
Summary: Ichijiku Aoki has lived in hell with Kigai as her captor for three years. During a chance encounter at a dance club, she runs into her first breath of fresh air in years: Hizashi Yamada. Kigai makes it clear that Ichi belongs to him, so dare she hope for a better life and an escape from her prison?
Author's Note: I haven't posted fanfiction in years, but after a two-year obsession with My Hero Academia, I have more than enough content to share. This first series is pretty dark, but there's some comfort and sweetness along the way. Enjoy.
TW: Implied/Referenced Sexual, Physical, and Emotional Abuse
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Chapter 1: Time Signatures
Ichijiku (Tigress)
In another life, listening to the pulsating beat of the music in the club might be fun. I might feed off of the voices singing at the top of their lungs, or delight in the changing colors flashing all around the dance floor. 
But I’m not living in another life. I’m living in hell.
“Give her another shot.” Kigai’s voice rises over the crowd as he gives me a look. Don’t you tell a goddamn soul what I’m doing or you won’t live to see the sunrise. His quirk stretches into my mind and reminds me just who I belong to. Of course, the bruises littering my thighs are testament to that too. Kigai would never let me go out in anything other than skinny jeans, so it’s not like anyone can see, though.
No one ever sees.
The bartender gives me a smile and I play the perfect part of being his playful partner, leaning over to give Kigai a kiss on his cheek, a loving gaze, and a swat at his butt while bile turns over in my stomach. I throw back the shot of tequila before Kigai puts his hands at my hips and looks directly at me. You’d better get out on that dance floor and pretend you’re having a good time. People have started looking at you.  “Why don’t you go have some fun, sugar? I know you don’t feel good, but the dance floor has always helped you clear your mind.”
He plants a slow and tender kiss on my lips, but all I feel is dread. I want to feel happy. I want to feel a flutter in my chest. I want to feel anything. Anything but Kigai.
You’re mine, Ichi. And don’t you forget that. His eyes bore into mine and then he turns away, laughing at a joke Shihito tells him. I can feel his gaze follow me as I put on my brave face and walk through the dance floor.
In some ways, I’m grateful for the tequila. Otherwise I’d never be able to play like everything’s fine. Winding my way through the undulating bodies feels easier to bear than seeing that look on Kigai’s face. The threat that always lingers there. In this mingling of bodies I can close my eyes and lose myself to the music, feel the beat move in conjunction with me instead of forcing me to move with it. 
The only time I’m conscious of is the time signature in the music. Minutes could pass, or it could be hours. What’s important is that Kigai doesn’t cut in and I can’t see those eyes trapping me in their domineering gaze. 
For the first time in three years, I’m reminded of the better parts of life.
And then the better part of life bumps into me.
“Whoops! Hey there, little lady. Sorry for the intrusion.” A blonde man with a broad smile and glasses apologizes to me. “Did I hurt you?”
For a moment my breath is taken away and my façade cracks. The best way I can describe him is pure sunshine. He only looks at me for a moment with that grin but the warmth seeps into my skin and makes me yearn for a normal life. My throat gets tight. Help me. I want to say. Please make him leave me alone. 
“Woah, hey, is everything okay? Did I really hurt you?” His puts a soothing arm on my shoulder as he makes himself heard over the crowd. “Why don’t you come sit down?”
“No!” I panic, forcing a grin on my face and hoping that he’ll shake it off as me being drunk. That’s what everyone else has done. “Really, it’s okay. I just get emotional when I’m drunk. I’m sorry. You just took me by surprise.” I shake my head as if trying to clear my mind and turn away from him. You’re too pure for someone like me, too beautiful for this world. If Kigai knew I slipped up…I can’t drag you down into this. You could get hurt.
“Hey, wait!” I hear him call behind me, but I ignore it and keep moving.
My feet rush towards the bathroom. I head inside and slam the first stall door I see before heaving into the porcelain bowl. Get it together, Ichijiku. I’ll kill Kigai. We can’t. I sob in the stall. We can’t do anything. Kigai has my family on his radar. We’re stuck! What a foul sack of shit. He’s not worth the stripes on my skin. I want to die. I know, Little Cub, and I’d surely embrace death knowing that you didn’t have to suffer this any longer. But we have to hold on. Change is coming. I can feel it in my bristling fur.
There’s a banging at the door that I know means I’m in trouble. I quickly wipe the tears from my cheeks frantically and flush the toilet before wetting a paper towel and dabbing under my eyes. Breathe. Get it together. We’ll survive. I’m right here with you.
I step out of the bathroom and Kigai’s hand wraps around my arm as he pulls me aside.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” He puts on a concerned simper, feeling my forehead with his free hand. You’re supposed to tell me where you’re going and why. You were trying to run away, weren’t you, bitch?  “I thought you were hurt. Did you get sick?”
“I think I drank too much.” I sniffle, looking down so he can’t use his quirk and I don’t have to listen to his haunting voice in my thoughts. It’s a mistake.
His hand comes under my chin. To an outside party it might look like he’s being a tender lover, but there’s bite in the way his fingers dig into my skin. You know I hate when you look away from me, whore.
“Honey, you only had one shot. When did you become such a lightweight?” He laughs. I’m sick of your damn excuses. He runs his fingers through my hair and his hands cup my cheeks as he kisses my forehead. “But if you need to take a seat, go ahead.” Stay where I can see you.
“Thanks, love.” I return his gesture of affection with a hug and a peck on his cheek.
For a while, I sit at the bar again, scrolling through my phone to look busy. I can’t see Kigai, but I don’t need to. His gaze always follows me, even when he’s not in the room.
“It looks like you needed a break, huh?” The blonde from earlier takes residence in the seat next to me.
I turn to look at him as I nurse a lemonade. He’s like a breath of fresh air.
“Yeah.” I look down at the table again and trace around the rim of my glass. “Sorry about earlier. I think I’d been dancing too long and was getting overheated.”
“Yeah, the dance floor can get overwhelming if you’re not used to it.” He laughs. The sound sings through my bones. 
“What’s your name?” I ask.
“Yamada Hizashi. But you can call me Hizashi.” He tilts his head like a puppy and the lights around him make him appear almost angelic. “What’s yours?”
“Nice to formally meet you, Ichijiku.” He answers. “Was that your boyfriend I saw earlier?” 
“Yes.” I smile into my cup to hide the disgust in my eyes. God, I wish he wasn’t. “He was making sure I was okay.”
“Ah, good to know. From back there it looked like he was going to hurt you, but I was obviously mistaken. I’m glad you’re safe, you know?” 
Something about the way he says it makes me look up at him and feel more hope than I have in a long time. I feel seen and heard. After a cursory glance around the club without seeing Kigai, I feel safe enough to answer.
“Kigai’s not a dangerous man. He doesn’t hit me and he likes to make sure I’m taken care of.” My eyes scream the opposite. I hope he catches it. I hope he doesn’t. “He knows my favorite colors and we watch my favorite movies all the time and he loves me. He never calls me names and he always asks before he touches me; Kigai doesn’t want to hurt me.”
Hizashi’s hand moves closer to mine and when I look at him I don’t feel sick.
“So you don’t need my help at all, do you?” He asks. He doesn’t break my gaze. 
My lips part in a relieved gasp;  I’m ready to tell him everything, but my eyes hold terror as Kigai catches my gaze from across the room. What the hell are you telling him? His smile follows me even though he’s standing beside the DJ. Abruptly, I stand and move away from Hizashi.
“It would be better if you stayed away from me.” I hiss under my breath, cursing myself for wishing for a normal life. Cursing myself for dreaming that I’d ever be able to get away from Kigai. What was I thinking? If Kigai finds out, it’ll be my head. But at least Hizashi knows. Maybe he can get help! Why would he help me? He probably has no idea I need help. I was reading too much into it. No one ever notices the bruises. Or they make excuses if they do.  That’s right. No one cares about you. Who cares about a stupid whore? She’s not a whore. Kigai’s a manipulator and a rapist, and that’s all there is to it, fiend.
“Are you looking at my girl?” I’m suddenly face to chest with Kigai. Shit. He was closer than I realized. Fuck!
“Kigai, honey, it’s okay. I was just coming to find you. It’s fine.” I place my hand on his arm and squeeze, trying to redirect him. 
“No, it’s not fucking okay.” Kigai growls, glaring bullets into Hizashi’s eyes. 
“Hey, man. You have the wrong idea.” Hizashi puts his hands up, looking composed and calm. See? He knows nothing. Everything you told him went straight over his head. “She bumped into me earlier and I was just making sure she’d gotten back to the bar safely.”
“She bumped into you? Or were you trying to cop a feel?” Kigai snarls, dangerously tense.
“Kigai, please.” I beg, pulling at the front of his shirt to make him look at me. Why the hell did you let him get close to you, huh? You know you belong to me. Not some sleaze who’s just going to fuck you and leave you out to dry. After everything I’ve done for you. His words reach into my mind and I do the only thing I can to get out of the situation. I reach up around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. 
Thankfully, Kigai seems to take the bait. He becomes more possessive, gripping my hips so hard I know there’ll be bruises there in the morning. His tongue invades my mouth and he tugs fiercely at my lip. When he pulls back, he still turns a fiery glare onto Hizashi.
“Don’t you get near my girl again, got it?” Kigai wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to him. My eyes lose their shine. I guess that’s it. We’re stuck again. All in good time, Little Cub. All in good time.
He pulls me away and I risk one last glance back at Hizashi. One last hopeful plea begging him to help, but he’s not looking back at me. 
. . . . .
Six months go by that Kigai refuses to take me out again. For six months he beats the lesson into me.
“You were trying to be a clever little whore, weren’t you?” His foot connects with my jaw, but I don’t make a sound. I take it. “Thought you had a savior. Someone to take you away from me, right? But you’re mine! If you left me do you know what that would mean for your family? For you?” He yanks me up by my hair. “They’d be up shit creek without a paddle and it’d be all your fault!” 
“I’m sorry, love.” I whimper out, hating the taste of the words on my tongue. “It won’t happen again.”
“Damn right it won’t.” He lets go of me and I catch the brunt of my weight on my arms. Tears trickle down my cheeks and then suddenly he pulls me into his arms and then onto his lap on the bed.
“You know I love you, right?” He coos in my ear, saying the words that my heart wants to hear in the most twisted tones. “It’s just…seeing you with that other man…mmm…I hated seeing that. You know he was just trying to manipulate you, right? Use you when you were vulnerable?”
You’d know all about that wouldn’t you? I wish I could have been more specific…told him something more concrete. Then maybe I wouldn’t be stuck here. It’s not your fault, Dear One. “I know, Kigai. I’m sorry. I wasn’t feeling good and I just wanted someone to talk to.”
His grip tightens on me. “You could have found me.”
“You were busy, Kigai, I didn’t want to ruin your time.” I turn and kiss his cheek to make the comment more believable. “I love you.”
“Mmm, that’s what I like to hear.” He kisses under my ear and it burns. Nauseous flames swim along my body until he leaves me broken under the covers. I curl up into a ball as he gets up from the covers and starts grabbing his clothes. “C’mon, baby, get your clothes on. I think you’ve learned your lesson. I’ve got a surprise for you.”
I don’t question it. I’m silent as I pull on my clothes and fix my hair. When I’m ready, I take the arm he offers me. 
“You’re gonna like this, baby.” He rubs a small bruise he made at my neck, smiling as we head out into the street and he looks at me. You’d better not tell anyone it’s anything other than a love bite, got it? Or I’ll have your family hunted down with a snap of my fingers.  “Look at how beautiful you look with my marks on you. Everyone will know who you belong to, yeah?” 
“Of course. Only yours.” I nod, swallowing past the lump in my throat.
Before long he leads me to a karaoke bar. The sight of it puts a pep in my step; even though I’d rather be here with anyone else except Kigai, this is the most I’ve gotten out in months. I’ll take what I can get.
“A karaoke bar? How did you know?” I giggle, kissing his cheek as I slip into the assumed role.
“I know my babygirl.” He pauses to kiss me roughly outside the door before pulling me inside. He pays for the two of us before we’re taken to a private room where a few of his friends are waiting. “I hope you don’t mind, some of my buddies came to join us.”
“It’s okay.” I promise, even though seeing all of them makes my heart sink. “As long as they don’t bother me.”
“They’ve already been warned, babe, they’ve already been warned.” Kigai winks at me. Don’t test those waters after I’ve let you out. “Would you like to go first?”
“Yes, please.” 
Once again, the music distracts me from my own crumbling little world. Life seems full of more promise as the notes spill from my lips. 
“Hey, Takamaru! I’ve gotta take a piss. Keep an eye on my girl, okay? Make sure she doesn’t get into too much trouble.” Kigai chuckles and glances at me before he leaves. Don’t do anything stupid.
“Sure, man.” Takamaru doesn’t even look in Kigai’s direction. He’s too busy focusing on Shihito’s selection. “What the fuck, man?! You’ve sung homura three times already! Pick something new.”
“Shut up, Taka, it’s the only song I know.” Shihito huffs, pulling up the microphone again.
“Hey, do you guys mind if I go grab a snack?” I ask, wanting to get some fresh air without Kigai hovering over me. If he gets back before I do, I can always blame Takamaru. He never goes too hard on his buddies. 
“Sure, Ichi. Can you grab me a granola bar while you’re at it?” Takamaru tosses me a couple yen. 
“Sure thing.” I nod and head towards the vending machine on the balcony. 
I walk by a room where I hear such sweet sonorous notes I can’t help but glance into the window. Hizashi?! My feet stutter and I nearly trip. I have to keep walking. Kigai is liable to beat him up if he even sees he’s in the same building. If I were to stop and wave? Impossible. I force myself to keep walking until I make it to the machine. 
Once I’ve got a pack of crackers and Taka’s granola bar, I hang over the railing and take a deep breath. When did this all start? Why did I let myself get roped into this? I hate this… None of this is your fault, Little One. Kigai is a manipulator and a fiend. And his quirk makes it inanely difficult to give any sort of proof to the authorities of your predicament. 
“Fancy seeing you here.” Hizashi’s voice joins me on the balcony. I jump back as if stung and start backing away from him. His moves his hands from his pockets and holds them up in surrender. “Woah, hey, I’m not going to hurt you.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about.” I turn to look and make sure Kigai isn’t headed back to our karaoke room and then back to Hizashi. “You can’t be here.”
“Is he hurting you?” He asks me bluntly, eyes somehow fierce and kind all at once.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I choke out, starting to speed walk back into the building. This can’t be happening. Kigai’s going to kill him if he sees him anywhere near me! 
His hand grabs my wrist and I’m forced to pause and turn back to him.
“Is he hurting you, Ichijiku?” 
The first time I saw his gaze in the club, I nearly lost myself. Seeing it now, so intentional and worried…I feel I have no choice.
“Yes.” I hiss, eyes watering. “Yes, he hurts me. All the time. For big things, for little things. But I take it, okay?” Part of me is angry. Not even at Hizashi, just everything in general. Why the hell am I in this predicament? What did I do except love people and want them to love me back? It’s okay. You’re allowed to be angry. Especially at this situation. “I take it because Kigai says he’ll hurt my family if I don’t. Because they’ll die if I don’t suck it up like a good girl, alright? And he’s going to hurt you too, Hizashi. He’ll hurt you really bad if you so much as look at me. If you’re so much as seen with me.” I keep glancing back, waiting at any moment for Kigai to round the corner and exact his punishment. “So go! Leave me alone. I don’t want anyone else to get hurt for my sake…please.” I beg, finally yanking my hand free of his hold.
When I hear Kigai’s voice down the hall, I don’t look back. I rush back into the room just in time and hand Taka his granola bar. I start nibbling on my crackers so I can compose my face before he walks in. I smile at him and offer him a cracker.
“Oo, got me a snack, baby?” He takes the whole pack and leaves me the one. “Thanks.”
The rest of the evening, I’m too nervous to sing like I want to. I pick one or two songs to make sure Kigai’s off my scent, but mostly I watch him and his friends sing. In reality, I keep watching the door to make sure Hizashi doesn’t walk by.
By the time we get ready to leave, it’s dark. I assume that Hizsahi is long gone, because as we walk by his room on our way out, it’s empty and quiet. Thank you, Lord. He deserves a better lot in life than this. 
“Damn, Kigai, every time we go out for karaoke I forget just how shitty of a singer you are.” Taka teases as we give the desk lady her key back. 
“Hey, man! I’m not that bad. At least I can carry a tune.”
“Barely.” He snorts, before nudging Shihito. “And this fucker only has one song he can sing!” 
The ribbing continues as we walk out the door. I keep my eyes down and my arm wrapped around Kigai’s until a group of voices convene on us and someone suddenly pulls me out of Kigai’s grasp.
“Police! Get on the ground, now!” Someone barks out, and my brain struggles to keep up.
Kigai and his pals look shocked to say the least. Kigai is the only one who tries to struggle, of course. “Get the fuck off me! Let my girl go! Babygirl, tell these fuckers to get off me!” 
“Don’t hurt him!” I call out, aching heart bleeding for him even in spite of all the bruises he’s left on my heart and my body.
“Get on the ground.” The cop repeats, needing two more officers to help bring Kigai down to the ground. “Sir, you’re under arrest.”
The world around me sways. My breath gets shaky and I start crying as I beg them to leave him alone. What am I doing?! I want them to take him but… He’s a manipulator. He’s made you afraid and obligated to him. I want him out of my life. I don’t ever want to see him again. My pleas ultimately die down as my sobs get louder. 
The weather is colder in the darkness. My body starts shaking and I start swaying.
“It’s okay, ma’am. We’ll get it taken care of. You’re safe now.” The woman holding me rubs my shoulders and starts looking around. “Can one of you grab a jacket for–”
“I’ve got it taken care of.” Hizashi’s voice melts into my eardrums as the police get Kigai into the back of their cruiser. I wrap my arms around myself and then he’s got something warm and soft wrapped around my shoulders. “Here. Take my jacket.”
I turn to Hizashi and then back to the police cruiser. I look at the woman.
“Excuse me, Officer?”
“Yes, ma’am?”
“Th–That man…Kigai…he…he said he’d hurt my family if I ever turned him in. Are they–”
“This young man here told us the story. We’ve got a unit at their house.” She assures me, rubbing my shoulder. “You don’t have to be afraid anymore, honey. We’ve got it all covered. We’ve been trying to find definitive evidence to put this guy away for years.”
I look at her, disbelieving. “H=How did you find any evidence?”
The officer looks at the cruiser as Kigai is hauled off, before she looks at Hizashi with a smile and then back to me. “Your friend here said that he recorded your conversation in the karaoke place. He said he’d previously met you and was suspicious of the situation.”
“I hadn’t seen you in months. I was scared I was too late to do anything, so when I saw you…” He pauses. “I started recording on my phone before I walked over to talk to you. I was hoping that maybe if I was blunt enough…you might tell me what was going on.” Hizashi admits sheepishly. “So we left as soon as I got the evidence just in case your group was planning on leaving soon.”
For a long time, I just stare at him. I memorize everything I can about him. The way his hair frames his face and the small, pampered mustache making his smile pop out on his face. Then there’s his eyes.
One look and my body works without my permission. I wrap my arms around him, tackling him into a hug and feeling three years of pain and grief claw out of my chest and manifest as sobs.
“Thank you, Hizashi.” I hold his back in a death grip, and I feel him pat my back delicately. 
“I couldn’t sit by and watch you get hurt without doing anything.”
“Ma’am, would you like me to walk you to your home?” The officer asks me, also reaching over to rub my shoulder.
“I don’t have anywhere to go right now.” I admit with a sniffle. “But if you can go with me to grab my stuff from Kigai’s, that would be great.” I turn to Hizashi. “Will you come with us? Please?”
“Of course. I won’t leave you alone right now. That a problem with you, Officer?” 
“Not at all.” She assures.
When we make it to Kigai’s house, there’s blue and red lights flashing there too. Hizashi steps with me inside as the officer gets debriefed on other things found out about Kigai’s dastardly affairs. “It’s just down this hall.” I assure him.
Going back into Kigai’s room sends a cold chill down my spine. You’re mine, whore. You belong to me, understand? I pull Hizashi’s jacket tighter around me, before steeling my nerves and grabbing my bag and stuffing it.
“Anything you need me to grab?” Hizashi asks as he looks around.
“No. I don’t have much.” I toss in my phone and charger, a few changes of clothes, toothbrush, hairbrush, and a few other necessities. “I think that’s all.” I say once I’ve got everything together. When at last I turn to him and meet his gaze, I’m expecting to hear foul words stabbing into my brain.
He is not Kigai, Little One. It’s going to be okay. 
My nose quivers as I look at him. “He’s really gone.”
“He won’t hurt you anymore, Ichijiku.” Hizashi nods. “You don’t have to be afraid anymore.”
I don’t have to be afraid.
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Continue Reading -> Ch. 2
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hprecfest · 9 months
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HP Rec Fest 2023 - Roundup
It has been a wonderful event!
This is the roundup post in which all the recs are organized by prompts.
Thanks again to everyone who participated! ❄️❄️❄️
Day 1 - A favorite fic under 5k
Day 2 - A comfort fic
Day 3 - A podfic
Day 4 - A fic with art
Day 5 - A non-AO3 fic
Day 6 - An unreliable narrator fic
Day 7 - A canon-compliant fic
Day 8 - A canon-divergence fic
Day 9 - A rare pair fic (less than 2000 fics on AO3)
Day 10 - A fest fic
Day 11 - A dark fic
Day 12 - A WIP you’re following
Day 13 - A fic with over 100k words
Day 14 - A favorite series
Day 15 - The most recent fic you bookmarked
Day 16 - A fic that made you laugh
Day 17 - A fic that made you cry
Day 18 - A fairy-tale inspired fic
Day 19 - Fic with the hottest smut
Day 20 - A fic rated G
Day 21 - A thought-provoking fic
Day 22 - An unfinished fic (hasn’t updated in 10 years or author stated it been abandoned)
Day 23 - A soulmate fic
Day 24 - A holiday fic
Day 25 - A fic rated T
Day 26 - A fic with an ending you can’t stop thinking about
Day 27 - A Muggle-AU fic
Day 28 - An under-rated fic
Day 29 - A post-canon fic
Day 30 - A pre-canon fic
Day 31 - A fav amongst favs
Bonus tag index ❄️
All posts are cross-tagged for character and ship. While we would like to provide a full index of these, it may take a while to compile given the extensive number of these. In the meantime, we would like to offer this much-abridged character and ship tag index, ordered alphabetically by first name.
Albus Dumbledore Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley Harry Potter Hermione Granger James Potter James Sirius Potter Lily Evans Potter Minerva McGonagall Pansy Parkinson Regulus Black Remus Lupin Ron Weasley Severus Snape Sirius Black Teddy Lupin Tom Riddle
Draco/Harry Harry/Severus Harry/Tom Riddle Hermione/Draco James/Lily No ship (gen fic) Sirius/Remus
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