#post surgery physical therapy
mypainclinicglobal · 2 months
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Experience top-tier post surgical rehabilitation at My Pain Clinic in Bandra, Mumbai. Our expert team focuses on post-surgery rehabilitation and provides effective physical therapy to facilitate a smooth and speedy recovery
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yuwuta · 2 months
peds surgeon yuuta??? u cant say things like that i need to jump. the cartoons, the glasses, of course his freaky ass would have a thing for u calling him doctor okkotsu i need to die id wanna tease him sm and be all over him but i cant think of anything if its in a hospital how did the greys anatomy ppl made it work?
the grey’s doctors were FREAKS LMFAOO bc there is not space to be doing all that in the on call rooms…. honestly yuuta is probably too busy to even try anything with you in the hospital 90% of the time… he’s either in surgery or buried in the research library or falling asleep standing up 😭 sometimes you two pass each other in an empty stairwell and have time for a kiss or two, but never more than that (also because yuuta has very little self-restraint when it comes to you… if he allowed himself more than that, then it would be much harder to stop…) 
sometimes the two of you will fall asleep in the same on call room. yuuta will page you there and by the time you arrive he’s already half asleep, it’s probably his only nap in the last 24 hours, so you do your best not to wake wake him when you cuddle up next to him. you get a few hours of bliss in his arms before his pager is waking the both of you up, and he’s got to scurry downstairs to the peds floor and in his hurry he doesn’t realize he’s snagged your lab coat instead of his own, and it’s only when he’s haphazardly slipped it on and the arms are too short and the shoulders are too tight that he figures it out. it’s too late by then, because gojo is the attending on this case which means he doesn’t miss anything, which means he’s the first to giggle and tease, poking at your name embroidered above the breast pocket, “oh? i didn’t know the two of you got married already! oh and you took her last name, how noble, yuuta!~” 
#anonymous#there's technically two separate doctor aus in my head#one is a gojo-verse where he's not a doctor but reader/kento/yuuji/shoko are in that one little drabble i posted#but in this gojo's anatomy universe they all get to be doctors 🙂‍↕️#some specialities are up in the air but so far peds unit is yuuta (resident) and choso (attending) and they do Not mess around#so very calm and gentle and sweet w the kids but when it comes to the medicine to the surgery to the treatments theyre Mean#they dont play around they dont lack of empathy they wont have it#i think... i think we have to have gojo as a brain surgeon... unfortunately... i think we do......#yuuji is a trauma resident in the other au but i think i'd do the same for him here idk it just fits him 😔#megumi is like..... the radiologist/x-ray tech that gets 40 calls an hour bc everyone wants their scans read in 20 seconds#and hes like no its Not a tumor no i wont run it again and no i dont have time for this 😐#or megumi is actually the parademic who brings in to the ER and hes like well these r drunk college kids... best of luck!#or megumi physical therapist... with his physical therapy dogs.....#nobara ortho resident and shes Scary LMFAOO#old lady comes in for a hip replacement and nobara's got her playlist on full blast having the time of her life hacking away LMFAO#nanami in internal/emergency medicine and hes trying to have his five (5) minutes of peace#and ofc gojo pops up like gnat and hes like nanamin! can i put this patient on blood thiners! and there goes nanamis lunch#yuuta.ask#doctor au
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charleslee-valentine · 3 months
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Happy 79th Ed Neal! 🎉 A real treasure, a real thoughtful and well spoken man. Been through a hell of a lot but still kicking and still lovin’ the characters he brought us. That kind of passion is as rare as his heart.
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mordacitatis · 1 year
just got my elliptical put together (after it sat almost assembled in the garage for...months) which means it's time to charge up the kindle and reread a bunch of books. thinking I'll start with @thebibliosphere's Hunger Pangs and then move to @seananmcguire's October Daye series
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Ugh I have a therapy appointment tomorrow and I'm so nervous T﹏T
I recently came to the realization that I wanna get top surgery (for both my gender and nonhuman identities) but I don't know how to talk about it.
I haven't told my parents about this yet. I'm really nervous when it comes to talking to them about stuff. They have been really great and accepting of my gender and nonhuman identities, but it's really awkward to talk about it with them. They are trying their best but they have a tendency to accidentally make me feel uncomfortable or ignored.
My parents love me a lot but we have verrry different opinions on things and they grew up in..... difficult times...... and it tends to show. They are trying so hard but they can't understand my situation and don't know what to do or say. despite their best efforts I feel like I can't really talk to them about anything.
The only person I've told is my oldest sibling. They were super great and supportive (and it helps that they are the one that gets this the most. They have their top surgery scheduled this Fall, and I'm really excited for them!!!) They were actually the one who helped me discover this, and they helped me process things when I first accepted that this is what I want.
The problem here is that a lot of places require a letter from a therapist/doctor, and I don't know what to do. I haven't even told my therapist about my nonhumanity yet. I really wanna be able to talk about it, but I'm scared. I really like my therapist and I don't wanna risk ruining things. I have only mentioned having body dysphoria to her once and that was really scary.
Do I try and talk about it tomorrow....??? Or should I continue to focus on the more immediate problems?
I've been having a lot of trouble eating lately. My autism has been causing a lot of problems in that most food sounds gross and inedible to me right now. That's what my therapist, my mom, and I have been talking about lately. Plus I've also had a really hard time getting myself to bed. The other night my dad found me still up and awake past 3 am. I am usually up past 1 or 2, and it's been taking a lot out of me.
I don't know what to do. I want to be open about my nonhumanity, and I really wanna be able to get the affirming care. But I'm really scared to admit it to others.
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dreamlogic · 1 year
#chronic blogging#shit chat#well at this point both of my parents (who i inherited my Just Tough It Out streak from) have#upon hearing how bad my post-hysterectomy pain has been#told me 'umm no you need to go see someone.' and 'please just go to urgent care i will pay for it if your insurance won't.' respectively#haunted by the ghost of my right ovary (sharp stabbing pains & debilitating muscle spasms around the incision site)#it's been 1.5 years since surgery and it's getting worse not better#at my 1mo post op i was like 'hey right side hurts a lot worse & the incision seems really wonky & off-center. thoughts?'#they said it was nothing to worry about give it time i might still be feeling pain up to 6mo post op#sooo 8mo post op contact surgeon again 'hey remember that thing i mentioned? yeah still hurts bad enough i struggle to walk sometimes'#she says eeehhh maybe you developed pelvic floor dysfunction or always had it and surgery made it worse. read this book & do some stretches#book stretches & muscle relaxers helped for a bit so i just carried on but it was not improving in fact becoming more persistent#lil over a year post op contact surgeon like 'HEY do not ignore me i am in an amount of pain that is NOT NORMAL and you WILL see me'#drive 1+ hrs for her to poke at me for ~10 minutes ignore most of what i was saying and determine it's just muscle spasms do more stretches#said physical therapy MIGHT help if i did it 2x monthly for at least 6mo. which would've involved commuting over an hour during the workweek#no THANK you i'll just keep doing my stupid stretches. and the thing is.#the stretches ARE helping. i feel my overall balance/flexibility/stamina improving#but that by contrast is making the STABBING PAINS WHERE MY RIGHT OVARY USED TO BE all the more obvious#'oh it's just muscle spasms' well why the FUCK are my muscles spasming around THIS SPOT EXCLUSIVELY for SEVENTEEN MONTHS STRAIGHT#i have essentially no pain on my left side at all. i feel overall just fine & dandy but i am convinced there is something#like. very seriously wrong on the right side causing this#and yeah if my surgeon won't listen to me maybe i will check myself into urgent care and demand an ultrasound#(which btw i asked for during my last visit & she told me it was unnecessary & to fuck off)#but now the two people who instilled me with a very deep mistrust for the medical industry#and from who i learned from via a lifetime of observation how to dissociate from chronic pain in order to function#are telling me 'yeah no this is bad you need a DOCTOR.' umm. i probably need a doctor.#was talking w/ E last night about degrees of pain & like. avg day is like 4-6 on a 0-10 scale. good days 2-3.#i don't consider calling out from work unless it's like an 8 or higher cause i'm just so used to it.#i'm sick of it. so fucking bored with being in constant pain. i want my life & energy back. i want a personality beyond Oh Just Tired back.#i wanna be able to enjoy touch again with immediately hitting overstimulation threshold due to pain.
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variksel · 7 months
i feel like im talking way too much about my broken leg rn (which Is Broken Bee Tee Dubs xoxo) and its prolly annoying but my friends i cant help it i can almost start walking again and every time i think about it i genuinely kinda feel like crying lmao
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mlmdarkfiction · 2 years
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mmetacarpals · 1 year
as kelly clarkson once said, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." what she didn't consider is that it might kill me before it makes me stronger
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varney-sioux · 2 years
So I have officially had top surgery. Tomorrow will be the start of my forth week since top surgery and final week of wearing the compression vest.
I was wondering if anyone had tips on getting moving and active (slowly, within restrictions) to gently get moving again? Like physical therapy exercises I can do at home, if anyone has ever had any. My surgeon is unfortunately new to top surgery and doesn't have allot of resources for that stuff. They certainly seem to know what they're doing surgically, but just haven't been at it long enough to I guess develop knowledge of this type of stuff to recommend. I'm definitely going to request to go to physical therapy as soon as I'm able to get ahold of my pain doctor. But I just was wondering if anyone knew things to get me started at home, because I feel like there has to be someone with resources out there that I'm not finding.
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animalcuckllective · 2 months
I really enjoyed seeing marshes on the drive to one of the day cares today. I love marshes, I think about doing wetlands volunteering all the time but I'd have to buy stuff for it first. I need those gay boots that go up to your crotch.
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labsportstherapy · 4 months
Sports Rehabilitation and Wellness Services St Paul
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If persistent pain is affecting your daily/recreational life, LAB Sports Therapy is here for you. Our skilled Physical Therapists specialize in injury and pain management. Through a thorough assessment, we’ll identify the specifics of your pain and develop a customized plan to support your recovery. Count on our expertise for personalized care aimed at facilitating a prompt and effective rehabilitation process.
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jepergola · 5 months
New story today: "We Interrupt This Surgery With a Bit of an Earthquake"
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cbphysiotherapy · 6 months
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Role of Physical Therapy in Chronic Pain Management | Back 2 Health
In a world where many people deal with long-lasting pain, finding ways to feel better is a constant effort. Among the various solutions, physical therapy is like a helpful guide for those facing ongoing discomfort. It's more than just exercises; it's a complete approach that deals with the real causes of pain while boosting overall health. This article, we delve into the transformative potential of physical therapy for chronic pain management, unraveling its nuanced techniques and profound impact on restoring quality of life.
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goevent · 8 months
Unlocking the Power of Pre-and Post-Surgery Physical Therapy with Reactive Clinic in Red Deer
In the journey towards recovery from surgery, one of the most crucial steps is often overlooked: physical therapy· At Reactive Clinic, we understand the significance of comprehensive pre-and post-surgery physical therapy in enhancing outcomes and restoring optimal functionality· As one of the premier physiotherapy services in Red Deer, we pride ourselves on offering top-tier care tailored to each individual's needs·
Pre-and Post-Surgery Physical Therapy sets the stage for a smoother recovery by strengthening muscles, improving range of motion, and enhancing overall physical condition· By working closely with our experienced physiotherapists before your procedure, you can mitigate the impact of surgery and expedite the rehabilitation process· Our team utilizes advanced techniques and personalized exercise regimens to prepare your body for the challenges ahead, ensuring you are in the best possible shape for surgery·
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Post-surgery physical therapy is equally vital in promoting healing, reducing pain, and restoring function· Our dedicated therapists employ evidence-based practices to create customized rehabilitation plans designed to address specific surgical outcomes and individual goals· Whether you've undergone orthopedic surgery, joint replacement, or any other surgical procedure, our comprehensive approach focuses on optimizing recovery and maximizing long-term results·
At Reactive Clinic, we recognize that every patient is unique, which is why we prioritize personalized care and attention to detail· Our skilled therapists take the time to assess your condition, understand your concerns, and develop a tailored treatment plan that aligns with your needs and preferences· From manual therapy and therapeutic exercises to modalities such as ultrasound and electrical stimulation, we leverage a diverse range of techniques to facilitate your recovery journey·
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Beyond addressing immediate post-operative challenges, our holistic approach emphasizes education and empowerment· We equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to manage your condition independently, fostering long-lasting improvements in function and quality of life· Additionally, ongoing support and guidance are integral parts of our continuum of care, ensuring that you remain on track towards achieving your rehabilitation goals·
With Reactive Clinic, you can trust that you're receiving the best physiotherapy services in Red Deer· Our commitment to excellence, combined with our passion for helping individuals overcome obstacles and regain independence, sets us apart as leaders in the field of pre-and post-surgery physical therapy· Take the first step towards a smoother recovery journey by visiting our website here to learn more and schedule your appointment today·
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