#implied trauma
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abigailmoment · 1 year ago
It wasn't just bad luck that Staeve was targeted. It was a calculated attack. Halsin knew well enough how a caster could examine their enemies for tells. Halsin did it himself. Considered an opponent's tactics, and guessed at the places their mind would be most vulnerable.
You didn't have to be a gifted empath to watch how Staeve hurled himself into the thick of combat, right at the biggest bandit wielding the two-handed great sword, and think that the man might be vulnerable to a spell that exploited wisdom.
The fact that it took down Astarion too, well, perhaps that one was just bad luck.
It happened like this:
This is written about @velnna's Tav, Staeve. I was delighted to discover that they don't mind fan fiction being written about him.
I'm always cautious about writing for other people's OCs--getting voices right is so important to me. I have elegantly avoided that issue here.
Full text below.
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The fight was an incidental bit of banditry. Dangerous banditry, certainly. Bandits with  great swords, supported by wizards. Halsin hung back with Gale while the two rogues dashed forward to give truth to the old adage that the best defense was killing the other fellow extremely quickly. 
They cut down the man with the great sword and the woman with the mace and shield. Reinforcements were coming from around a rocky overhang. Halsin coaxed the earth to throw up entangling vines to slow them down. Gale drenched them with glimmering light that illuminated all their vulnerable points for Astarion and Staeve to shoot at.
Only the half-orc made it through the vines and the light. He was bloodied and wrathful. He was huge, but it was two against one, and the two were flanking with each other. It would have been an easy end to the combat, except that apparently there was a bandit wizard hidden somewhere in the trees who chose this moment to cast a spell. 
One second Staeve was a blood spattered half-drow sprinting full-tilt, sword out, towards a fighter twice his size. And then he was gone.
Some sort of teleportation? Banishment? Gale was saying something about trajectory and scanning the treeline. Halsin was yelling, he wasn't sure what, the concern was more important than the words. He started running forward. Because two rogues against a barbarian was fine, but one rogue against a barbarian was an extremely fast way for that rogue to die.
And Astarion knew that so he should be running away. But he wasn't running away. He was darting forward and ducking low and almost getting hit by a greataxe as he snatched something off of the ground. 
Then he was running, thank the Gods. There was something cradled in his arms, which meant he didn't have his rapier out as he scrambled back.
It was a cat. Halsin saw. They were ten feet away from each other when Halsin realized that Astarion was carrying a large, extremely upset tabby cat with grey-green fur.
That was when Astarion vanished. No. Not vanished. As the tabby tumbled to the ground, something small and white was already there, darting for cover. 
Then the half-orc arrived. Bellowing and huge, at least when compared to cats. Not quite as huge when compared to Halsin. 
Halsin decided to turn into a bear. It was amazing how many problems you could solve by turning into a bear. 
"I am feeling my oversight in not preparing dispel magic today," said Gale. "Or counterspell."
"This is not a situation we could have anticipated," Halsin said.
Staeve contributed to the conversation, but because of present circumstances, it came out as a meow.
He was large for a cat. His fur was pale brown, tabby-striped with green. His stripes crisscrossed in a way that reminded Halsin of his tattoos. His scar was a fur-less groove in his face. He had the same pale green eyes as always. That color was quite appropriate in a cat.
He meowed again, more insistently this time.
"We will," Halsin assured him. 
"You're speaking with him?" Gale asked. 
"Not magically," Halsin said. It had been a long day and he had barely anything left to cast with. "But I think I understand him."
"Do you?"
"Think a moment and I am confident that you too will guess what he wants from us."
It did only take a moment. Gale was an intelligent man, when prompted. And they'd all seen the small white cat vanish into the woods during the bear-orc fight.
"Ah. Of course." Gale addressed the cat, voice reassuring. "Astarion should be relatively safe though. Polymorph is temporary and even if something did happen to him in the interim, he would just revert to his natural form."
Staeve's whiskers went back and his ears went flat in a thoroughly unimpressed way. 
"I think it would be best to find him and make sure nothing happens," Halsin said with mellow diplomacy. 
"Of course." Gale paused, then said delicately: "Given my skill in woodland matters, or lack thereof, I may best serve this cause by getting out of the way."
Halsin smiled. "It is a wise man who knows his limitations."
"I'll meet you all back at camp then?" said Gale.
"Take a potion of invisibility for the trip," Halsin suggested. "There might still be bandits about."
Staeve had gotten impatient with them, and was padding off into the forest. Halsin handed Gale the potion and hastened to follow.
Staeve scampered about the forest like he was looting the place. No hole, hollow log, wasp nest, or brown recluse spider-web was left uninvestigated. The loss of seventy five percent of his gray matter had done the man's already flagging survival instincts no favors. Halsin spent half of his attention looking for signs of a small white cat, and half of his time making sure Staeve's efforts at tracking didn't get him killed.
After being only a hairsbreadth quick enough to pull Staeve away from the entrance to a dire-badger-burrow Halsin decided that his partner was now going to be carried. Staeve made a meowling, writhing objection. He was terribly invested in the search. A compromise was reached when he was offered a perch high on Halsin's broad shoulders. Staeve proceeded to clamber from shoulder to shoulder as Halsin walked, ears always forward and alert, eyes bright, head turning this way and that as he scanned the woods.
Small cats with stealth training were not easy things to track through dense forest. Halsin did end up using his last spell slot to cast speak with animals. The local mice and voles always noticed when predators passed, even small ones. Halsin spoke to them while keeping one hand on Staeve, who watched the tiny creatures with bright, newly interested eyes.
Halsin of course spoke with Staeve as well, but it wasn't quite the same. Talking to a person who had been transformed into an animal was not the same as talking to that person. Shape changed you. How you saw things. How you thought. The mind of a cat was a fraction of the size of that of an elf or half-elf. Thinking with it was different. The change was easiest for druids. It was hardest for the cursed, who did not choose the new shape. Who were surprised by it.
He spoke to Staeve and learned things he had already known from observation. He reassured Staeve that the mice had given useful guidance.
That guidance led them north, then west, and then to a long hollow log, moss covered and broken in two places. A good hiding spot, and the sort of shelter that had a lot of escape routes. Staeve jumped off of Halsin's shoulder as the druid knelt down and they both peered inside.
In the darkness, Halsin could just make out a pair of ruby-bright eyes staring warily back at him. 
Beside him, Halsin watched Staeve relax for the first time since becoming a cat. He wasn't actually as large as Halsin had first thought--it was just that his hackles had been up and his tail puffed out for the duration of the transformation.
It could be a painful thing indeed, to have one's heart so completely entwined with another's safety. A deeply worthwhile thing, but a painful thing, sometimes. 
Halsin made a deferring motion to Staeve, who nodded in a rather un-catlike like way. Halsin stepped back from the log, moving slowly so as not to startle anything. He shifted a few feet away and sat close enough to watch, but far away enough that his looming size wasn't an ominous thing.
Staeve didn't go inside the hollow log. He sat at the entrance. Lay down at the entrance, body long and casual, head up on the lip of the log so he could keep looking inside. Modeling relaxation.
He started to purr. Halsin could hear him purring even from a few feet away. A loud, constant, soothing rumble. It somehow did not surprise Halsin that Staeve had a loud purr.
And then Staeve waited. Patient as anything. Waiting and watching and purring in a low buzz, as steadily as a beehive.
Halsin could not see inside the log, but he could guess at when Astarion moved because Staeve's ears would flick. Staeve had a fine poker face, but everyone had tells. 
Something happened, or occurred to him, that made Staeve raise his head and sit up slightly from his sprawl on the ground. Then he stood up entirely. He gave Halsin a significant look, and trotted off into the underbrush. 
Conscious that he had just been assigned new responsibility, Halsin shifted so that he had a good view of the log's entrances and everything around it. There wasn't much danger, Halsin’s presence in general kept most predators away from this space. But still.
During his vigil, Halsin saw the glimmer of red cat-eyes once. And only briefly. 
Staeve came back soon. He had a dead vole in his mouth and he looked exceptionally pleased with himself. He dropped the vole at the mouth of the log, took a few pawpads back and watched expectantly.
It took another long minute, but after that minute a small white cat crept out of the darkness.
This should surprise no one, but Astarion was a beautiful cat. Slender and graceful with large eyes. His fur was pure, silvery white and just long enough to curl slightly. He moved with a cautious precision that Halsin recognized as his habit, and that deeply suited his new form. 
He sniffed at the vole. He shot Staeve a judgmental look, because Gods forbid the man accept any kindness without prevaricating about it in some way. He glanced at Halsin. And then he leaned down to slide exceptionally long canines into the corpse's chest.
Staeve flopped down about a foot away and watched him with an expression of pleased devotion that would honestly be a bit more appropriate on a dog.
Astarion ate fastidiously, and without getting even a blot of blood on his snow-white fur. When he finished he licked his teeth.
When Staeve was quite sure Astarion was done eating, he sidled up slantwise, sauntering around the vole corpse as if he just casually happened to be taking a stroll in this part of the forest for no particular reason. He stopped just short of Astarion. His ears were forward. His tail flicked lightly from side to side. 
Astarion regarded him levelly with his 'I know what you're doing and I know you think you're being clever about it but you're not' expression. Then, as if granting a boon, he deigned to rub his forehead gently against the underside of Staeve's chin.
Staeve took this as the invitation that it was and pressed back, much more enthusiastic and honest in his delight at the contact. Which in turn gave Astarion an excuse and space to do what he wanted and enjoy it.
They were always very dear to watch together. Whatever form they took. In about a minute they were curled over each other on the ground and Staeve was industriously grooming Astarion's head.
Halsin let this go on for as long as he could. But the shadows were lengthening, and they were very close to the Shadowlands, and he was out of spell slots, and the rogues were currently housecats.
"It is getting late, dear ones," he said softly. 
Astarion twitched at the interruption, and Staeve licked him three times along the neck and chest in a soothing way. Then they disentangled from each other and padded over to Halsin.
Halsin picked up Staeve, but he knelt down and laid his arm on the ground so that Astarion could climb up and find what perch he wanted by himself. They did both end up in his arms. Staeve was tired and quite ready to be carried, and Astarion didn't want to be out of contact with him.
As Halsin walked through the woods with an armfull of cat, Staeve started to purr again. It was really the most marvelous sound. A soothing distillation of satisfaction and care. Almost enough to tempt one away from being a bear.
Astarion did not purr. Some cats didn't. Or purred only very rarely. But Astarion did, at one point, look up at Halsin and blink his bright red eyes very slowly. 
And that was a precious thing.
Other stories like this.
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whumpshots · 5 months ago
Whumptober #15
Trope of the day: childhood trauma
Whumpee involuntarily flinches when Caretaker accidentally closes the door with more force than intended - loud 'thud' and a quick hushed "Whoops" is heard as they move through the house.
And that is all.
Still, Whumpee is tensed up and their heartbeat far too fast against their chest. Loud doors, footsteps... even the way someone says "Hi" makes Whumpee feel like they did something wrong. That someone will walk up and scream at them.
Or worse.
The door to the kitchen opens and Whumpee jumps when Caretaker comes in, instinctively hiding that they were about to make themselves something to eat. Caretaker just smiles at them, walking to the fridge.
"Have you seen the cheese?," they ask, rummaging through the fridge as Whumpee feels their mouth run dry.
"Sorry, I uh... It's here," they mutter, moving to give Caretaker the package they hid behind themselves, hoping the other cannot see the sandwich they were about to make. They didn't ask, they were just hungry. Now they fucked up, they always fuck up...
"Thanks, kid," Caretaker just says with a smile and gets a plate. "Do you want to stay there or eat your sandwich?" Raising their brows they look at Whumpee, who cannot stop themselves from probably looking really dumbfounded.
Caretaker's hands are on their shoulders, still giving them some space as Whumpee ducks their head. "You can move freely in this house and you can eat whatever and whenever you want. Okay?" They wait for an answer, but Whumpee's tongue is too heavy. So they just nod. "Okay. Then let's have some lunch together."
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krokorokden · 4 months ago
average afab autistic experience in high school
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the-nado-hunter · 8 months ago
Random Hetalia character head cannons/hc histories and characterizations that float in my brain but I’ve never written down - starting with England, America and Germany since I’ve thought about them the most lol:
- Was the reverse of Alfred where he actually physically and emotionally aged much slower than most nations. He was barely not a teenager when he first took in Alfred (and his other “kids” by extension) when he was not at all ready/had even fully matured himself.
- I have a hc that nations who “get too big” (meaning the territory under their name grows) they kind of lose themselves and get less distinct and coherent in their motivations and sometimes don’t feel themselves at all, too many voices in their head so to speak. Unfortunately Arthur “lost it” during a pivotal part of his relationship with his family, hence all his strained relationships.
- Once he took on those responsibilities he suddenly jumped in physical age a bit. So while Alfred sees him as being SO much older (calling him an old man) his time in the nation equivalence of life stages was uneven and all over the place.
- it wouldn’t be until the 60s/70s/80s that Arthur had the time and ability to “make up for lost time” hence his musical and punk phases. He finds himself in some ways.., also likely dissolves into addiction problems at the same time.
- In the modern era he still has many anger issues but he’s a lot more calm and sure of himself, however he’s got a built up emotional wall and a whole lot of hidden self hatred that’s going to take a long long time to resolve, and he isn’t quite there yet and tends to lash out and push people away rather than deal with things.
- He was very sheltered by Arthur at first, he was kept out of almost everything for most of his early life. If Arthur wasn’t present (which he often wasn’t due to the two having vastly different understandings of the passing of time) there were people hired and cycled out to take care of him. He can’t help himself though, even if he’s being treated like a sheltered little prince he wants to go run free in the fields and get into shit. He’s basically a Disney princess in his early life is what I’m saying lol.
- reality hits him like a ton of bricks when he’s roughly looking/acting about 14-15. He realizes likely through being exposed to other nations starting to come in and managing to slip out to talk to people just how much has been hidden from him and the resentment grows. And he starts REALLY growing even faster.
- Despite all that he went full on into a “fight” coping mechanism and never stopped. He put on a “mask” at one point in his life and it hasn’t come off. He’s never really deeply dealt with anything so he progressively seems more and more obtuse and seemingly arrogant to overcompensate for not wanting to face any sort of pain.
- He’s deeply deeply lonely and desperately wants closeness and to open up- yet at the same time the idea of seeming “weak” or “vulnerable” is terrifying to him. Him and Arthur are more similar than they would like to admit with how they mask and push people away despite really REALLY needing love and closeness.
- it depends on if you accept the “Germany is HRE” theory or not, but either way I tend to think they at least have the same body but might be different entities or ‘spirits’ so to speak. That being said I imagine Ludwig specifically not only was “born” into a body that was preexisting and therefore already past a decent part of childhood, I imagine that his body was at first incredibly weak, frail, and he was very sickly for quite some time.
- I’ve written a fic about this, but I personally hc Ludwig from about 6-15 years old in appearance being almost completely unable to walk and needing braces and assistance to get around. His brother obviously loves and cares about him, but Ludwig couldn’t help but feel frustrated and like a burden. He really does look up to his big brother and is worried about being weak and reliant on others for the rest of his life.
- Ludwig GETS his strength, and as soon as he’s able to walk on his on he becomes obsessed with being as strong and capable as he possibly can be. He wants to never have to rely on anyone again, feeling an odd sense of guilt for needing so much help.
- he’s, in the end… kind of socially inept. Gilbert isn’t exactly the pinnacle of a socialized man himself - So despite being mostly independent and capable he doesn’t really understand social situations, or how to understand himself and others. Feliciano is both jarring and someone I think he becomes interested in him because Feli is capable in something he never has been and really is teaching him a lot.
- Unfortunately Ludwig had in face overcompensated for his past feelings of being a burden he’s taken so much on and has become such a protector that he’s almost unable to set boundaries and say no to requests to take on extra work- malicious or not.
- we already know Ludwig tends to explode and bark directions at people, to me it’s always been a clear sign of how much stress he’s under- but he winds up just appearing scary and he once again takes on more responsibilities and feelings of “something must be wrong with me”.
- i think many in the fandom have joked about it but Ludwig to me is SO repressed and SO gay it’s not even funny
-I would expect poor Ludwig to hit a breaking point and have a nervous breakdown eventually, which I do want to write at some point, just gotta not procrastinate lol
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 5 months ago
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Not the best quality sketches but they already made me quietly sob
“Work Mom”
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lakilogan · 9 months ago
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Laki's bath
"They will not stop watching until you have truly come clean."
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starstruck-flames · 2 years ago
Comfort - Mirio
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A/N: Please… please forgive any shitty writing/typos! I still have a cold… recovering from a tattoo. My god it never ends!
You know, it takes a lot to feel ready to love again. I just want you to know I’m really proud of you.
Content includes!! Shower fluff, shower smut, implied trauma/PTSD, Mirio is a big ol softie but also he’s loving what he seeees, overall this is just a soft loving post but as always tell me if I miss something!, fingering, soft sex implied after
Song for your mood?
He could hear the shower as soon as he walked through your apartment door. Chances are you poorly timed it for his arrival, that’s okay! He smiles, striding over to the bathroom door. He can hear music playing but…
A knock.
“Mirio?!” He hears you call out, clearly you definitely didn’t realise what time it is… he can’t help but chuckle in response.
“Sure is! Mind if I come in? Or do you want privacy today?”
“…Come on in!”
He can’t help but smile softly, of course he wants you to know when those boundaries are set but it does always make it more fun when he can appreciate the natural state of your body. He gets himself all hyped up just thinking about it as he runs back out to the hallway, knowing EXACTLY which wall leads into your shower. He grins, letting his head phase through slowly.
Though, what he didn’t expect was for you to be totally ready for that, giving him a wet kiss on the forehead.
And my…
The view is impeccable.
“Haha… hey sunshine!” He calls out, glancing around. “I’m gonna come through, back up a little for me?”
You take a step back as Mirio phases through, his clothes obviously already off as he lets out a soft sigh at the hot water against both of you.
“I needed this…”
He looks a little surprised as he feels you press up against him, not in a… sexual way but it’s clear you needed some love right now. Mirio chuckles, pressing a soft kiss against your wet hair.
“And this. Is everything ok?”
“Rough day.” Is muttered out, your face smushed up against his chest. “…Memories is all.”
His smile flattens a little as he hears this, pulling you in more for a tight embrace. Mirio’s hand messing with your hair as he thinks on what he should say…
“You’ve come to trust me a lot more, haven’t you honey?” He asks softly, feeling you nod against his chest. “And I think… I really do think that’s incredible. I can’t imagine how it even feels but I can only imagine how incredible you are to be strong enough to keep going.”
You feel his chest let out a long huff, struggling to speak. He knows you don’t need words but he really wants you to know just how he feels. It’s incredible to watch from his perspective, and maybe it’s a little biased but Mirio truly, truly loves you for your strength. Even if he’s physically stronger, ehe.
He takes a step back, making you look at him as he smiles. “I really couldn’t be luckier to have met you, and to have your trust. I hope you know that.”
Planting a soft kiss on your wet skin again, he chuckles, noticing your wandering eyes. Maybe you hadn’t intended to look… there, but he knows sometimes you get embarrassed by these softer moments.
“Hey, hey, eyes up here sunshine.” He chuckles, leaning in ever so slightly. “Unless you…” He trails off, wondering if this is badly timed. “Hey, if I’m ever being a pig, tell me, okay?”
“You’re not.” Is all you can respond, fingers… ever so lightly trailing his abdomen. “I’m really glad you found the patience to love me.”
He smiles brightly again, his hair completely flattened by the water at this point as his hands wrap around your butt. He’s careful, pressing you up against the shower wall.
“Honey… I would have waited years for you if you needed it.” He chuckles. “Of course… I am glad to be here. Right now. With you.”
There’s a long pause.
“…Can I-“
He smiles softly, pulling you into a gentle kiss. His fingers are careful, feeling around your hole before a single digit slips in. The small gasp and whine as he presses in is enough to already start making him go crazy but today… today he’s going to make sure you feel nothing but loved. His movements are slow, precise as he feels your body respond oh so positively to him. And his body aches for you.
“Now… one more question.”
“Do you want to keep going here or…?”
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mors-pulchritudo · 4 days ago
“ᥲ 𝖿ᥱᥱᥣіᥒg 𝗍һᥲ𝗍 ᥒᥱ᥎ᥱr 𝗊ᥙі𝗍ᥱ g᥆ᥱs ᥲᥕᥲᥡ.”
Possible tw: slight disturbing(?) imagery under the cut
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alt ver.
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Taglist : @drowning-in-cabbages @theirstarsaligned @ramshackle-thorned-rose
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wretchedwoes · 1 year ago
Edgy dog vent doodles
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whumpshots · 2 years ago
Whump Snippet Saturday #19
Caretaker has been watching whumpee for quite some time now, having witnessed their body relax more and more around them and the group. It's something small and subtle, but great progress for someone who has been through so much shit.
Accidental touches don't cause them to panic anymore, a well-meant hand placed on their shoulder causes only a soft flinch - and most importantly - some relaxation afterwards. Sometimes caretaker gets the feeling that whumpee seeks the touch, but doesn't know how to communicate it.
Which is why caretaker has been watching them from the sofa for the past few minutes, patting the cushion next to them. "Want to sit down for a moment?", they ask and wait for whumpee to sit down next to them, not as vary as they were months ago.
It takes some awkward silence until whumpee scoots over, inch by inch, gaze averted like they are watching something interesting in the corner of this room. Until their shoulders touch.
Caretaker tries to hide their smile and carefully puts their arm around whumpee, who tenses up a little until they relax more and more. "It's okay, you can stay as long as you want." And whumpee does.
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 7 months ago
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Not so fun Bernadette note
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eldritchbean-shapeshifter · 8 months ago
Ugh I have a therapy appointment tomorrow and I'm so nervous T﹏T
I recently came to the realization that I wanna get top surgery (for both my gender and nonhuman identities) but I don't know how to talk about it.
I haven't told my parents about this yet. I'm really nervous when it comes to talking to them about stuff. They have been really great and accepting of my gender and nonhuman identities, but it's really awkward to talk about it with them. They are trying their best but they have a tendency to accidentally make me feel uncomfortable or ignored.
My parents love me a lot but we have verrry different opinions on things and they grew up in..... difficult times...... and it tends to show. They are trying so hard but they can't understand my situation and don't know what to do or say. despite their best efforts I feel like I can't really talk to them about anything.
The only person I've told is my oldest sibling. They were super great and supportive (and it helps that they are the one that gets this the most. They have their top surgery scheduled this Fall, and I'm really excited for them!!!) They were actually the one who helped me discover this, and they helped me process things when I first accepted that this is what I want.
The problem here is that a lot of places require a letter from a therapist/doctor, and I don't know what to do. I haven't even told my therapist about my nonhumanity yet. I really wanna be able to talk about it, but I'm scared. I really like my therapist and I don't wanna risk ruining things. I have only mentioned having body dysphoria to her once and that was really scary.
Do I try and talk about it tomorrow....??? Or should I continue to focus on the more immediate problems?
I've been having a lot of trouble eating lately. My autism has been causing a lot of problems in that most food sounds gross and inedible to me right now. That's what my therapist, my mom, and I have been talking about lately. Plus I've also had a really hard time getting myself to bed. The other night my dad found me still up and awake past 3 am. I am usually up past 1 or 2, and it's been taking a lot out of me.
I don't know what to do. I want to be open about my nonhumanity, and I really wanna be able to get the affirming care. But I'm really scared to admit it to others.
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sulfur1c-4cid · 1 year ago
yeah it's 2:30 am perfect time for a hunter rant.
I feel like Hunter (er. me. kind of.) would feel really betrayed by nsh. they gave them the rot even if it was an accident, now they have to suffer for the fault of someone else. the rot makes them feel disgusting and like something is eating them from the inside. and it gives them urges and hungers and intrusive thoughts. and they're expected to forgive nsh for that/nm? tiny vent I guess but when I was younger I wanted to be with my mom so bad. I wanted her to love me and be proud of me and make me feel like my family was normal for once. after I learned why I was like this (shit went down that I can't remember) I felt fucking sick for wanting to have a mom. and I'm supposed to forgive her for that? for causing so much pain like something was eating me from the inside. ig I'm better now but sometimes I'm still pissed. for years she did nothing but dig herself a deeper hole and I thought I'd never be ok with her being around me. and now she got the help she needs and I just kind of calmed down. the things that scared me have mostly stopped. the only time I could forgive was when the problem was basically fixed. I don't imagine hunter would take too kindly to forgiving their maker when their own body isn't really even theirs because of him. they probably trusted nsh to keep them safe, after all they were buddies right? and now they're just waiting to die from a mistake nsh didn't fix. especially being more upset if it could be fixed, and nsh just didn't want to waste time on it. I want them to have a happy ending, I don't think they would succumb to the rot completely (I think Monk would help with it.) but they still have a right to be upset for all the shit they went through. maybe they forgive nsh eventually. who knows
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thenerdyclarinetist · 2 years ago
Me now that I finally have the paperwork. 😂💕 I promise to be a better driver than my mom and not hurt anything.
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whumpshots · 2 years ago
Whump Snippet Saturday #33
It's been a while since whumpee was able to go outside without coming home drenched in sweat and shaking, almost throwing up. They see whumper lurking everywhere, their anxiety spikes way too high whenever they hear a noise.
But whumpee forces themselves to go outside, not wanting whumper to have these lasting effects on them. Their confidence shatters like glass when someone hoots their car horn only a few metres away and panic grasps their heart with ice-cold hands.
Looking for a way out, they run into a stranger, who looks at them with raised brows as they try to keep their shaky hands under control, tears only waiting to spill and roll down their cheeks. Walking around confused and disoriented, they suddenly feel a hand on their arm.
"Too loud?", a gruff voice asks and whumpee grits their teeth, but nods softly. "Let's get you inside for a minute," caretaker mutters and gives them a small smile, a hand on their back already guiding them into a small store. "It gets better with time, kid. Just take a deep breath right now."
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nyandela-catalogue · 1 year ago
I saw you privated the ask I sent asking about counterparts and Piety’s origin. I assume it was because of the question about Piety? I was able to read your response and it seemed pretty intense- at least, the part about Piety did -so I completely understand. May we have the info about the counterparts again at least, please? I am quite fascinated, I’m sorry.
No need for apologies, dear friend. I am happy to provide.
I will append the original ask text and response (minus the question and answer about Piety) to this post here =)
Anything indented/in the “chat” format comes from the original response.
Original Ask:
“Oh goodness, that’s intense, but quite cool at the same time! I have some other questions if you don’t mind. [redacted] And how come counterparts are… a thing? I apologize if either question is insensitive.”
Thank you. It can be quite miserable to be seen as a monster, but if you talk about your life and your role in it like you’re a monster in a “scary story”, people tend to like it a little more.
I am going to put the rest under the cut for everyone’s sake, as well as because it has somewhat heavy themes.
Read at your own discretion. Heed the tags. Thank you.
Counterparts of Ces, Mark, Ada, and Jonah exist because of numerous reasons- mostly because of emotions they couldn’t hold or process on their own and thus caused us to exist.
Brutus is the inverse of Ces, a reflection of a part of him he grew beyond being. It is the oldest of all the counterparts- as in, he’s been around the longest -and has seen. A lot. It tries to eat or hurt Socker often because Brutus is a being of envy and a deep undying hunger, and Socker has a whimsy that Brutus lacks.
The Actor is Mark’s unhealthy coping mechanisms + trauma all wrapped into a neat little haunted marionette. It doesn’t do much, just sometimes wail and move around when people aren’t looking. It hates attention, and will fall limp if somebody it distrusts is looking at it.
Adamned is a result of Adam being unable to hold all the anger he can feel. His rage was so immense it became someone else entirely, and that has since mellowed out Adam and left his counterpart grappling with that.
I exist because of Jonah’s in-source trauma, because of his regrets, and as an eternal reminder that Adam and Jonah are both the guilty parties that ended in both their fates.
I hope that answers your questions, and I apologize for my vagueness. I’m not allowed to talk about everything, for obvious reasons.
I hope this helps satisfy your curiosity for now~ I am hoping Adam draws the Actor soon, as I have some plans I wish to enact =}
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