yuwuta · 2 months
hi! this might be a bit of a vague ask, but how do you think yuuta is as a partner? like how does he treat his partner, his love language, giving & receiving affection, how a relationship with him would develop, etc. what are his guilty pleasures in a relationship? what are his favourite things to do with a partner? that kind of thing lol. i'm just in love with your yuuta so i was very curious! sorry!
hmm ok well there are basically 3 or 4 yuutas/yuuta aus that live in my head, and then like… some…. ground state version of him that is applicable to most boyfriend aus if that makes any sense 😭 idk how to explain this... but he’s got isomers that all can exist to me and then one normal version that’s just like… the core of who he is. i’m gonna stop talking about that now, but that’s all to say that the specifics of his guilty pleasures and favorite things to with his partner would depend on the au? but generally, he’s a very loyal and intimate person, so that carries through in all his thoughts and actions no matter which au it is
the love language his gives his acts of service. you want something, yuuta will get it for you or do it for you or figure out how to make it for you. he’s a yes man in the sense that he does not know how to say no to you. he’ll say yes before you can even finish detailing what it is you’re asking of him, and it stems from a few reasons.
firstly, yuuta is loyal, almost to a fault, so it doesn’t really matter what he does or who he hurts or undermines if he believes his words/actions are going to keep you safe or please you. his moral compass is skewed in the sense that he goes wherever you go, and it is about the final destination for him and not the journey; he wants to meet you where you are, and he won’t let things get in his way of getting to you. 
secondly, while yuuta is very jealous, possessive, and protective where it concerns you, he also has a deep desire for you to feel the same way about him, no matter how extreme or mundane that is. he wants to be the person you ask to do favors for you, he wants you to show him that you know that he’s yours to ask, to take advantage of, to, quite literally, make all your requests come true. also he pouts if you ask someone else, and considers murder if somebody else volunteers in his place. 
thirdly, there’s a bit of insecurity at play, too; yuuta puts you on a pedestal, and as such, he concretely believes that he isn’t truly worthy of you. you’re otherworldly to him, and he is just someone lucky enough to get to worship you in such proximity; so, he knows that, given the chance, anybody else would want to do the same thing, and he’ll be damned if he lets somebody else get the chance to take care of you. he knows somebody else could, so he doesn’t ever want to take the chance to let them. 
this last reason kind of ties in to all the previous ones, but he also gets off on pleasing you. in the literal, sexual sense, he could cum in his pants just from fingering you or eating you out, or honestly just kissing on the right day. but also, there’s a profound sense of pride and happiness in his chest whenever he does something for you. he’s happy to have made you happy or to have lifted a little burden for you, and he’s proud of himself because he’s proven to himself once again that while he might not be the greatest or strongest or smartest person, he’s more than capable of taking care of the person he loves, and that’s more than enough for him :(( also the words “thank you” coming from you is dirty talk to him he doesn’t even know it but his praise kink goes crazy
in terms of receiving affection, maybe quality time? yuuta could force his own proximity to you if he wanted to (and sometimes, he does), but there’s a certain… joy? relief? reassurance? when you choose to spend time with him or be close to him. it’s a reminder that you want to be with him even half as much as he wants to be with you. he also strikes me as the kind of person to have a bunch of little hobbies and/or to always have some kind of errand to run, so you choosing to tag along with him, or just sit in his room with him while he studies or reads or paints or whatever makes him very happy
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yuwuta · 2 months
hi. sharing some late night thoughts. vampirehunter!yuuta and blood-drunk-on-yuuta's-blood!reader. lover boy who falls in love and is so infatuated with reader that he let's them feed until they get more than satisfied. sick love yuuta who is happy to be able to provide for his lil creature of the night. bloody kisses and hungry touches. room for confusing morals and angst too haha. for the plot.
you’ve awoken something in me bc i once had this draft (for somebody else rip) about a vampire hunter who falls in love with vampire reader, and… ok well context and background idk if anybody remembers that plot line on wizards of waverly place when justin became a monster hunter, but then fell in love with juliet and had to lie to the monster hunter society program thing basically because he was breaking the rules and whatever… that is how i imagine this situation would, but it’s yuuta, so obviously… much worse 😇 
yuuta became a vampire hunter not because of any traumatic experience with vampires or deep-rooted hatred for them, but solely because he had a sister to provide for and the job paid well, and the monsters in yuuta’s mind and nightmares as a kid were infinitely scarier than any vampire he’s come across. he’s slain a couple before, even gotten rid of a few other monsters for a pretty penny, but when yuuta steps into your territory, it’s the first time he feels like he’s the one being hunted, and the worst part is, the sort of liked feeling like prey.
the first time, he wasn’t actually looking for you. there were reports of disturbances, and naturally, he was hired to rid the area of potential threats. nobody could pinpoint that there was a vampire in the area, but yuuta could feel it, could feel you. he could tell you were different, you had some kind of control over him despite the fact that he’s couldn’t see or hear you, and yet he was drawn to you. in the three weeks of searching the dense area, yuutas seen two werewolves, a mummy, three goblins, and even a snake hybrid, but never you. he felt like you were toying with him, like he was the rabbit hopping fruitlessly to reach a carrot you dangled in front of him, but he liked the ache in his legs, the desperation to be face to face with you turned into an insatiable drive and shameful need to continue to be the object of your focus. he’s shown up to town with enough monsters slain in tow that the people who hired him feel safe, blissfully unaware that you’re lurking nearby. yuuta’s job is finished, and yet, he find himself back on that mountain, searching for you—looking, yearning, because hunting is the wrong word. humans only hunt what they are afraid of, and yuuta does not fear you; he is the one hoping to be found. 
when he finally does get to see you, he’s bloody and beaten and half-dead from an encounter with a particularly pesky zombie and you’re the one that saves him. he feels oddly cozy in your overwhelming presence, and he’s disappointed when you let him go—why don’t you kill him? or tortue him? or keep him? doesn’t he owe you his life, aren’t you allowed to take whatever you see fit as payback? he meets you a few more times before you finally take him up on his offer, and yuuta is far too eager to offer his neck to you, and then embarrassed when you bite at his wrist instead—and yet, he’s still aroused; by the feeling of your teeth in his flesh, by being under your command, by being used for your satiation. you become drunk on yuuta’s blood, but he’s been infatuated with you from the start, desperate to be needed and willing to please. 
the first time you bite his neck instead of his arm or wrist, he begs with wet eyes to be the only human you feed from, and is far too happy to be kept as yours when you promise him that exclusivity. he likes that you toy with him, that he’s the hunter but you’re not afraid of him; you tell him to keep working as hunter, and he doesn’t understand why, but then you sink your teeth in his flesh while he’s on the phone with supervisors, lying about the presence of a vampire in the area while that same creature is sat in his lap, feeding off of his blood. he promises them to get the job done, vows to follow their word, only to come back to you and that’s when yuuta truly feels the thrill of the hunt—and the longer you know yuuta, the more you take from him, the more he gives, the more he deceives his fellow humans and his begs to be yours, you begin to wonder which of you is more of the monster in this equation.
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yuwuta · 1 month
loyal to a fault… indescribably lovestruck…. knows no bounds when it comes to protecting you…. is supposed to be your knight, but assumes the duties of your butler too just because he wants to take care of you in every way possible, hates the thought of somebody else being this close to you… doesn’t think any of your suitors are deserving of you… kneels before you every chance he gets even though he’s not always required to, it’s important to him to bow to you, to hang his head and worship the ground you walk on… worries you when he meets you in the garden and there’s blood on his face, and all he can do is smile, and be happy because “it is not mine, but how blessed am i to have my princess worry for me”
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yuwuta · 2 months
How do you think yuta would reacts with an obsessive partner? not to the point of being a yandere but pretty close
honestly…. not even sure that he wouldn’t realize that it’s Weird behavior like he’s so strange and his perceptions of everything are so skewed he might just think it’s completely normal like those celebrity couples you occasionally hear weird ass things about, but you know that to them it’s the norm…. weird and obsessive for weird and obsessive, i like it 
there’s also the chance that it takes a partner being as obsessive as him for him to realize things are not normal lmfaooooo. that doesn’t mean he won’t like it, but you two being each other’s wake up calls is funny 😭
in general tho, yuuta seems like he’s dissapointed/pouty when you don’t threaten to like, handcuff him to the couch or something like he almost wants you to be strangely obsessed with him lololololllll doesn’t have to be all the time, but he wouldn’t be opposed to getting smacked every now and then…. threatened to be locked in a room just bc you’re ovulating and you don’t want anybody else to perceive him sounds like a good time to him…. average desires for a boy like him... the need to be Kept is so strong w him, you could honestly be as possessive as you want
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yuwuta · 1 month
knight yuta *swoons* if you’re actually wanting votes
i was surprised to see that all the comments and asks were overwhelmingly in yuuta’s favor, i was unfamiliar with your guys’ game i thought gojo would have taken over 😭
i know i just answered a knight yuuta ask, but a different version just popped up in my head… one where he’s not the strongest knight in your brigade, he’s hardly considered knight-worthy at all—he stutters, and is easily flustered, lack close-combat skills, took him way longer to even be comfortable with his sword than others, but his parents were knights and the gojo family has always run the queens guard, and so, yuuta remains a knight. he’s the runt of the group, but he’s always been your favorite :( he’s kind and approachable, he treats you like someone precious, not just some thing valuable to be locked away in a tower. yuuta’s your best friend, and you feel like he actually cares about you, not just you as the princess :(( he’d be so fun to tease, and he just plays along, not just because you outrank him, but because he sort of likes being flustered by you, likes the power difference between you both, and sounds too cute when you mess with him and he pouts, “princess… please, have mercy” 
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yuwuta · 2 months
no judgies pls but.. is it just me or does Yuta have yandere potential? Like not the super psycho kidnap shit 💀 but he's just a little 'too possessive' a little 'too loyal' and a lil 'too protective' to be a normal guy..
potential…. i fear he invented the archetype LOL yuuta is just fiercely loyal ://// he never intends to come across as “yandere” or too much, but it’s a consequence of how he loves. he just does, it’s all consuming, it drives his very being, so it’s naturally more intense than other people, but to him it’s normal yk? like he doesn’t think he loves more than other people, he just thinks he acts in the fundamental definition of love, so, to him, all his words and actions are normal and justified the irony is he is not even close to normal he’s definitely strange as fuck LOLLL he has a very skewed perception of everything bc he’s a freak but it’s part of his charm <22
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yuwuta · 29 days
ok but prince yuuta/knight reader.. ?
shaking bc not to be myself or anything but this has the potential to be the cutest f2l au of all time if we make yuuta a long lost prince tangled style, except he’s not locked away in a tower, he just lives in your town and you two grow up together and you always play pretend that you’re the princess and he’s your knight and then one day a bunch of guards show up a very tall blonde man has to break it to yuuta that he’s actually related to the prince, which makes him royalty and it feels like one big joke, but it turns out to be very serious, so now your life long best friend is royalty and he’s got a million people swooning over him the first time he makes his big debut at some ball or gala but all yuuta can think about the entire time is how he should have found a way to make your childhood vows binding bc youre the only person he wants to marry :(( so like… maybe making you his knight is the second best thing right now idk whatever it takes to be close to you again 
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yuwuta · 1 month
have the best of both worlds and go princess reader x runaway foreign prince turned knight satoru/yuuta
wait i like this… and i can see it for either of them… yuuta who ran away from his prince duties because he was always outcast by the other royals and cabinet members, considered a cursed child and tortured until he’d had enough :(( eventually you or one of your knights catch him and he’s so scrawny and malnourished, you take pity on him, give him something to eat and one of the many rooms in the castle. your head butler is the one that sees potential in yuuta and suggests you keep him here, yuuta agrees quickly, not just out of obligation bc you saved his life but because (1) instant lover boy, sort of already fell for the kind princess who treated him like a person for the first time in his life, (2) if yuuta was truly born to be someone to serve other people, maybe becoming a knight is his second chance :((((((((((
gojo running away and not getting caught seems a bit harder only because he just Looks like royalty, there’s no way someone could see him and not immediately see that he’s related to the king and queen, so let’s say he’s not actually of royal blood by birth, but he married into it. was sort of forced into it? he’s gorgeous, so it’s not hard to imagine that royal families have been trying to arrange betrothals since he was young, thinking only in vain of securing strong and beautiful heirs. his parents refute this, but when his mother passes away, some sleaze takes advantage and satoru ends up engaged and married to some duchess he doesn’t particularly care for. he’s not a bad husband, but he refuses to sleep with his new wife for a multitude of reasons, but mainly because he won’t be used as some accessory to produce an heir. it makes her father mad and long story short, he gets himself divorced and almost beheaded, but he makes his way out… it doesn’t stop other people from trying to force his hand into marriage, until you, quite literally, buy his freedom. turns out, your parents and his parents were old friends and as the princess, you had the power to make good on their friendship and free satoru, from, essentially being passed around and sold into marriage again. you tell him he doesn’t owe you anything, but that, ironically, only makes his loyalty towards you grow… he definitely freeloads in your castle for a bit, is brash and doesn’t follow proper mannerisms, but you’re the princess and you say it’s okay and satoru likes that… you have power and you seem to use it appropriately, you’re strong and you don’t care to ruin other people’s lives for the sake of a child. he likes that, he likes you, he thinks you’re a rebellious little princess underneath all your formalities and he wants to stick around and see that, so turns to being your knight, and makes it his life mission to see just how far he can get you to go for him… anyway….
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