#and i can and will make it f2l every time teehee
yuwuta · 1 month
ok but prince yuuta/knight reader.. ?
shaking bc not to be myself or anything but this has the potential to be the cutest f2l au of all time if we make yuuta a long lost prince tangled style, except he’s not locked away in a tower, he just lives in your town and you two grow up together and you always play pretend that you’re the princess and he’s your knight and then one day a bunch of guards show up a very tall blonde man has to break it to yuuta that he’s actually related to the prince, which makes him royalty and it feels like one big joke, but it turns out to be very serious, so now your life long best friend is royalty and he’s got a million people swooning over him the first time he makes his big debut at some ball or gala but all yuuta can think about the entire time is how he should have found a way to make your childhood vows binding bc youre the only person he wants to marry :(( so like… maybe making you his knight is the second best thing right now idk whatever it takes to be close to you again 
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