#wait but anon you might have fixed all the problems w a gojo draft of mine i owe you
yuwuta · 1 month
have the best of both worlds and go princess reader x runaway foreign prince turned knight satoru/yuuta
wait i like this… and i can see it for either of them… yuuta who ran away from his prince duties because he was always outcast by the other royals and cabinet members, considered a cursed child and tortured until he’d had enough :(( eventually you or one of your knights catch him and he’s so scrawny and malnourished, you take pity on him, give him something to eat and one of the many rooms in the castle. your head butler is the one that sees potential in yuuta and suggests you keep him here, yuuta agrees quickly, not just out of obligation bc you saved his life but because (1) instant lover boy, sort of already fell for the kind princess who treated him like a person for the first time in his life, (2) if yuuta was truly born to be someone to serve other people, maybe becoming a knight is his second chance :((((((((((
gojo running away and not getting caught seems a bit harder only because he just Looks like royalty, there’s no way someone could see him and not immediately see that he’s related to the king and queen, so let’s say he’s not actually of royal blood by birth, but he married into it. was sort of forced into it? he’s gorgeous, so it’s not hard to imagine that royal families have been trying to arrange betrothals since he was young, thinking only in vain of securing strong and beautiful heirs. his parents refute this, but when his mother passes away, some sleaze takes advantage and satoru ends up engaged and married to some duchess he doesn’t particularly care for. he’s not a bad husband, but he refuses to sleep with his new wife for a multitude of reasons, but mainly because he won’t be used as some accessory to produce an heir. it makes her father mad and long story short, he gets himself divorced and almost beheaded, but he makes his way out… it doesn’t stop other people from trying to force his hand into marriage, until you, quite literally, buy his freedom. turns out, your parents and his parents were old friends and as the princess, you had the power to make good on their friendship and free satoru, from, essentially being passed around and sold into marriage again. you tell him he doesn’t owe you anything, but that, ironically, only makes his loyalty towards you grow… he definitely freeloads in your castle for a bit, is brash and doesn’t follow proper mannerisms, but you’re the princess and you say it’s okay and satoru likes that… you have power and you seem to use it appropriately, you’re strong and you don’t care to ruin other people’s lives for the sake of a child. he likes that, he likes you, he thinks you’re a rebellious little princess underneath all your formalities and he wants to stick around and see that, so turns to being your knight, and makes it his life mission to see just how far he can get you to go for him… anyway….
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