#post session 75 ask
*psst* hey atlas want some popcorn whilst we tucker him out/give him existential dread?
Ahh, no thanks. Besides, there's no way he's gonna stop no matter how much you guys try. Just... face it. Lupus is always gonna be the way he is, he'll never change himself for the better. He won't even budge to listen. He's stubborn, so... it's pretty much a time waster at this point...
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punksocks · 1 year
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*reading charts for $75 (~10+ pages)per session
(!!Please credit me if you’re going to use/reference my observations! Thank you!)
Astrology Observations:
-Family edition
-No.9 (18+ only)
-No.11 (18+ only)
-No.16 Lilith Edition
-No.18 (18+ only)
-No.22 Lilith Edition Pt.2
-No.24 (18+ Only)
-Capricorn Observations (BDay Edition)
Lilith Posts:
-Lilith Square Ascendant
-Lilith Astrology Observations
-Black Moon Lilith & Your Untamable Femininity
-Lilith aspecting Asc culture
-Lilith Astrology Observations Pt.2
-To Tame The Untamable: Lilith & Obsession (Pt.1)
-To Tame The Untamable: Lilith & Obsession (Pt.2)
-Lilith & His Femme Fatale (18+ only)
-You (show) Astrology Analysis
-Spiderverse Astrology Analysis
-Ghibli Movies For The Signs
-Scorpio Asc/Pluto in 1st and Jealousy
-Opinions on the Moon Signs
-House Synastry
-Sagittarius & Where You Attract Foreigners
-Placements For Romantic Archetypes Pt.1: Accidental Playboy (18+ Only)
-Venus and Your Gifts From Aphrodite
-Decoding the Elements
-Placements For Romantic Archetypes Pt.2: The Siren (18+ Only)
-Placements for Romantic Archetypes (Pt.3): The Girl/Boy Next Door
-Capricorn Observations
—Opinions on the Mars Signs (18+ Only) (pt.1)
-Signs you’re on the right or wrong path
-Warning Signs That You May Have A Toxic/Karmic Significant Other
PAC Readings:
-Why do people stare at you?
(Open for aspect/placement questions (only answering 18+ questions for people over 18 !!), taking paid birth chart readings -please no birth chart pics in my inbox, closed for guessing signs)
-Likable/Charismatic Placements
-Lilith Opposition Ascendant
-Will I travel to foreign lands?
-Man’s Lilith conjunct woman’s moon
-is it normal to breakdown
-how to approach sag sun cap moon
-how to approach cap sun aqua moon
-What Art will I make and what will my audience be like?
-mars opposition asc
-Lilith appreciation (1 & 2)
-Leo mars s*xuality (18+ only)
-Lilith appreciation
-Taurus sun, Libra moon, Leo Asc
-Virgo Mars when they like you
-Lilith conjunct Venus in 8th
-Unlikeable Placements
-Neptune in 8th (18+ only)
-Gemini sun, Pisces moon, Leo Asc
-Neptune conjunct North Node
-What Lilith do I study?
-Venus conjunct Ascendant & 12th House Synastry
-Super Attraction Synastry
-How to get them back
-My opinion on beauty indicators
-Placements for Romantic Archetypes (Pt.3): The Girl/Boy Next Door
-Aquarius Sun, Capricorn moon, cancer ascendant
-Saturn in 7th & Relationships -Venus, Chiron, Lilith, & Part of Fortune in Sag in 7th
-Libra Asc, Gemini Sun, Aries Moon
-Am I ready for my Saturn return?
-What do you want for 3k celebration? (Closed)
-Sada (1998)
-You Won’t Be Alone (2022)
-Saturn in 6th
-Pisces moon/neptune conjunct moon
-Saturn lesson learned
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yourwitchmama · 7 months
Recorded tarot readings/spells/energy healing pricing and length (STATUS: open!)
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1 hr tarot reading ($100) 45 minute tarot reading ($75) 30 minute tarot reading ($50) 25 minute tarot reading ($35)
Energy readings can be added to your order or they can be done by themselves. I will use tools and record your session. These will be shorter in length, which is why they are cheaper than the tarot readings.
spells/energy healing
Add protection spell ($15) Add energy healing ( $15) Add banishing/hex breaking spell ($25)
Written readings:
Click here to check out my website
Please venmo me or paypal me describing your question, and add your email (unless you’d rather DM me with details on here)
If you want a reading that goes REALLY in depth with your question, looking at any and all circumstances and energies involved, I suggest the one 45 minute to 1 hour reading. If you are looking for some guidance on a situation, the 25-30 minute tarot reading is more for you. You can ask any question you want! Your video will be sent to you via email through a youtube link (the videos are all going to be unlisted)
one free reading will be given to a random user who chooses to reblog this post! I will DM you with details in a few days!
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Well now im curious, what are your top 10 etiquette violations
I'm not actually sure there are 10 tbh in that these are relatively broad - you could split them up more finely if you wanted but they cover a wide range of behavior. Also this is...a bit stream of consciousness. I do stand by 1 as the absolute Golden Rule of D&D in that it's really just so Me Me Me (more so than main character syndrome) that it's inexcusable, but like...rules 2- 6 are kind of all in the same nebulous position in my mind as are rules 7-10. 2-6 are "really bad, have a talk and be prepared to kick this person out if they don't shape up and honestly I would probably not want to hang out with them irl much if they don't shape up" and 7-10 are "maybe don't invite them to game nights but they could be okay otherwise."
Deliberately going against the general vibe of the table. This is the broadest but also obviously worst trait. If everyone else is here to play a serious playthrough of Curse of Strahd and they're all vampire hunters and whatnot and you're playing a clown in a hawaiian shirt named Jeff you are not funny; you are an asshole. I think that person who made the post of like "I'm playing D&D with my dad's friends and they're all fighters with tragic backstory and I'm a neon firbolg who resurrects our enemies and runs therapy sessions" should be beaten with hammers. Like, be unique, but if everyone else is going for a lighthearted vibe it's not time to bust out your darkest PC and vice versa. (This also goes deeper, like, if your table has decided PC death in-game is okay, you can request a change, but if you've never spoken up about this and then your character dies and you pitch a fit, that's on you.)
"Um actually my rich family solves this" and similar circumventing of obstacles in a way that cuts off all story avenues. It's fine to offer your services to help - sometimes the party will want it! But the worst player I've played with (who still did not violate Item 1) did this and short-circuited like 75% of the plot by being like "well my wealthy merchant family can probably smooth this over" and I wanted to, well, beat them with hammers. Brian Murphy of Naddpod calls this "showing up and trying not to play D&D" and he's right.
Closely related to/overlapping with item 2 but Main Character Syndrome. If you're a wizard and there's a nonurgent trial of strength? that is for the barbarian. If they ask for help, go for it, but don't just do everything. Share the table. Self-explanatory but man do some people not get it. I'm also grouping this with "my character wouldn't help" behaviors. Like to be clear, forgoing your turn as a roleplay thing is fine, but another Naddpod D&D Court regular topic is like "the player for whatever reason would not join combat bc their character wouldn't, and we nearly had a tpk because the encounter assumed our fucking cleric would be there".
Actually violating player agency. Closely relating to 2-3. Conflict is great and good. I think it's fine to lie, cheat, and steal from your party members if your table agrees on that. There are spells or abilities that lead to possession which is also valid if your table has talked through that. But you do not get to otherwise like, force another player character to do your bidding (unless your table has, again, decided this is okay). You cannot persuasion check other PCs into going against their desires unless that's a very specific conversation you've had out of character as a table. Even in game, like, the DC on persuasion checks can be arbitrarily high - even impossible - if someone would simply never do it.
Noncombat/non-violent D&D. There are other TTRPGs that are not heavily based on war games with character classes that aren't like 90% battle abilities and you should check those out. Anyone who plays noncombat/nonviolent D&D and is proud of it is dumb as the bag of hammers I'm beating the people of items 1 and 2 for and I don't respect them. I guess this isn't so much an etiquette violation in that if your entire table wants this you can all be terrible together, but it is kind of a dick move, especially since I both love D&D and find the anti-D&D crowd to largely be the most sour grapes-ass losers of all time, but also believe passionately that there are many things D&D does not achieve well because it is in fact a specific game with specific objectives. You should, if you want to play a game that is all social encounters and skill checks and no fighting, play the many indie games that would love your patronage and suit you admirably, not the most neutered, milquetoast, unsalted margarine version of D&D. I genuinely believe that people playing murderhobos or hardcore metagamers are VASTLY preferable.
Not making a good faith effort to know the rules. You do not have to be good at D&D. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting for not knowing every rule of D&D. You only have to let the soft animal of your body have at least read the rules of your character's class, subclass, and race, and show up prepared, instead of being like "tee hee I listened to 5 episodes of TAZ Balance and am going to twirl my hair at the DM and hope they help little old me." The DM is BUSY and has SHIT TO DO. Read the fucking manual. It's okay to be wrong! It's not okay to be clueless on purpose.
Rules for Thee and Not For Me. Mostly a DM thing, and to be clear, the DM does have special rules bc they are the special one and this is obviously not about that. There are also rules that apply to NPCs/stat blocks and not PCs, and those are inherent to the balance of the game and are fine because NPCs have different abilities. But if, for example, you are requiring an athletics check of PCs to climb up on a ledge and don't permit acrobatics, your rogue NPC villain can't do acrobatics either unless they have some specific pre-written ability.
Metagaming pt 1: excessive metagaming: Part 2 will reveal the "excessive" but like. If you know trolls regenerate because you've been playing D&D for years but you are a level 4 INT 8 sorcerer in-game? you do not know trolls regenerate.
Metagaming pt 2: refusal to engage with the fact that this is a game: Sometimes you get the reverse, when people are like "well my character wouldn't realize that this magic item was important to your character" despite the other person RP-ing everything or "would I notice you were knocked out directly in front of me? It's a pitched battle!" Like. don't cheat but come on bro. This is, ultimately, a game. I will once again bring up Naddpod both because D&D Court exists AND they will do rule of funny shit (as Murph once pointed out, if you want to say you go to Ruby Tuesday's as a joke, great, if you try to use it mechanically, no, which is a healthy attitude towards immersion) AND Murph understands the concept of kayfabe.
Really extensive indecision that doesn't involve the whole party. This is mostly me but like. it's not fun, and I am impatient. If you're not an actual play livestream, you should take a break and in fact talk out of game and resume because god this drags. If everyone's on board obviously go for it but if it's one person's choice...babe the spotlight is on you, sing your solo or leave.
Basically: remember you are at a table with other people and you are telling a collaborative story in a system that is combat-heavy. I'm not bothered by (for example) someone stealing another character's item so long as they understand that this may lead to consequences for them! If you can dish it out but you're prepared to take it and your table trusts each other? Great! The problem is when people try to win against the other players, ask for special treatment they do not grant others, waste everyone's time unnecessarily, or skip to the end of the story; that's against the fundamental nature of the game. It's inconsiderate AND it misses the point.
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bitchesgetriches · 5 months
Punch Burnout Right in Its Stupid Face With Our New Burnout Workshop
In recent years your humble Bitches have been hired to give a few live, in-person speeches and workshops. We always ask the organizers to set a topic (since as you know, we can talk for hours on everything from our chickens to how everyone in the world can be categorized as either a Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard or a Dr. Richard Kimble from the 1993 classic The Fugitive). And we give our spin on whatever they suggest.
Then something interesting happened. During our closing Q&A sessions, no matter what the topic of our presentation was, the conversation with our audience would turn towards the same issue.
That issue was burnout.
Our call to action
Now, we already knew that burnout is a widespread issue. After all, we live on this planet. We’ve delved into the topic quite a bit over the years.
But seeing the pain in people’s eyes and hearing the desperation in their voices was a whole new level of fuckery. Awareness dawned on us that burnout is, for many people, a life-swallowing emergency faced without help, support, or even basic human compassion. These poor people are like sailors lost at sea. They use all of their strength to just keep floating for another moment. They’re too exhausted and depleted to swim for land, even if we told them where it was and how to get there. Our voices were reaching them far too late.
We’ve always felt it was our mission to help people. So when we saw for ourselves how many talented, bright, good-hearted people burnout was grinding into a fine powder, our new goal became clear.
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Now, at long last, we’re unveiling the fruits of our labor.
The Burnout Workshop, presented by Bitches Get Riches and written by us, is complete. Unlike in the past, you don’t have to attend an in-person event to hear it. It’s available to everyone, everywhere—and you can take it right now.
The Burnout Workshop
Based on exhaustive research and hundreds of conversations with friends and readers suffering from the effects of burnout, our first-ever publicly available online course includes:
A full-ass movie-length video you can watch (and rewatch) at your own pace.
A thick and juicy 75+ page workbook crammed with exercises, personality tests, guided questions, tips, resources, and more.
Empirical research on what burnout is and why it’s so uniquely life-ruining.
Real, actionable ideas to heal yourself with no boot-licking and no bullshit.
By taking the Burnout Workshop, we want everyone to…
Practice identifying the major red flags of burnout, including the three that scare us the most.
Understand the biological processes that make stress both harmful and beneficial.
Know the physiological and psychological effects burnout causes within our bodies
Discover the 5 personality traits that make you easier to manipulate and prone to burning out.
Learn to spot the 5 environmental traits that all toxic, evil, soul-sucking shitholes have in common.
Identify your self-sabotaging behaviors and try exercises to reverse them.
Develop habits, tactics, and scripts to defend yourself from toxic environments.
Laugh politely at our obscure references, cringey gags, and gallows humor.
Learn what powers you already have, and how to wield them to get what you need.
Stop taking personal responsibility for systemic problems.
Internalize the truth that it doesn’t have to be this way.
Walk away with concrete plans for change.
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Can I get a lil’ sneak up in this peek?
Hell yes. We’ve posted the introduction to the Burnout Workshop to YouTube to whet your whistle—a phrase whose mysterious and frankly disgusting origins we’ve never considered until just now. Watch it below.
How to access the Burnout Workshop
You can access the video and included workbook together through our Patreon page. You do not need to be a Patron to sign up! Click the link below to get started.
Get The Burnout Workshop Now
If you like it, please share it. We want to reach as many people as we can, and we could really use your help spreading the word!
We made the Burnout Workshop as affordable as possible. The obscene prices random influencers charge for AI-crafted horseshit is both professionally shocking and existentially terrifying to our frugal selves. Not in our workshop, friends. Like Gaston’s bare chest, every last inch of this is covered… with love. It represents hundreds of hours of our labor, including video editing from our amazing producer Ducky, who we take pride in paying a fair living wage for her efforts.
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Big major super duper THANK YOU
Over the last few months while we worked on the Burnout Workshop, the blog and podcast took a backseat. (Maybe you noticed we republished a lot of stuff and haven’t even released season 5 of the podcast yet.) This project has been a ton of work for us. We did it in the hopes that this new endeavor could help us reach readers who need help desperately, and aren’t gonna get it elsewhere.
Throughout this process our Patreon supporters stood by us, funding our work and keeping the lights on around here. And they did so without complaint, despite a sharp decline in the frequency of new content. We can’t thank them enough for their trust and patience.
Which is why our Patreon supporters got the workbook for the course FOR FREE a few weeks ago! In addition, Our Moms (the highest tier of Patreon support) are getting the workbook and the course video entirely for free (we love you, Our Moms). So if you’re interested in the course, but you’d rather support our mission with a continuous donation instead of a one-time purchase, you can do all of that through our Patreon.
From the bottom of our bitchy little hearts… thank you. We’ll be back with more of our regular stuff soon enough!
Get The Burnout Workshop Now
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palidoozy-art · 1 year
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Me and my group started a one-shot in Pathfinder 2E that might honestly transition to a full-fledged campaign. But because my work is never finished, I decided that for this campaign I'd try a "theme" of old jRPGs.
The tokens are heavily based off of Octopath Traveler's, and the portraits are heavily based off of the original Final Fantasy 7.
More of me rambling under the cut.
One of our players had a birthday and couldn't really make the session, so while they were absent my players wanted to try out more of Pathfinder 2e. I wanted to play more of Kjosev, so we decided we'd have a campaign set waaay the fuck back in time.
Almost 200 years ago in our weird CoS/homebrew world, there was an eclipse (caused by the Lord of Twilight Woods/Serafim) that lasted for an entire year. The world went from essentially quasi-industrial/advanced to early medieval, and roughly 75% of the population was killed off. When my players want to create new countries or races, one of the first things I ask them is "how did they survive the Eclipse?" -- because that's how impactful it was.
... so we decided: hey, wouldn't it be cool if we ran something set there? So that's how it started.
It'll also be one of the first time I get to be a full-fledged player in 3+ years, as Ellerian's player will be taking the reins and DMing (the concept interests him a lot). The Eclipse hasn't happened yet, and I don't know when it will. He's told me "I want you guys to fall in love with the world first, then I want to take that away."
The characters, from their portraits, left to right, top to bottom;
Calim (Chaotic Good Summoner) - A blind first quarter elunin (rabbitfolk/viera from my previous post) who can only 'see' through his summon, a shadow drake. He's a college dropout and constantly cracks jokes about being blind. Didn't even know he was a summoner until he finally managed to pull out an eidolon to save a slave girl.
Juno (Lawful Good Fighter) - A genderless waning gibbous elunin who serves as a member of the Night Watch. They take their job extremely seriously. The party hasn't gotten a chance to meet them much, sadly, but hopefully will get more interaction in the future.
Kjosev (Neutral Good Druid) - A dusk elf druid that I've rambled about extensively, but he's a druid of Twilight Woods. A former wizard and seer, he lost his ability to cast arcane spells after being tortured and paralyzed in parts of his hands. He adapted to druidic magic after isolating himself in the Woods. Left to try to warn people of a great calamity. He doesn't know what, specifically, is going to happen, just that it'll be bad.
Genrik (Lawful Evil Summoner) - A dusk elf who was a former teacher. He's a dusk elven supremacist, calling humans 'hairless apes' and insisting that the dusk elf kingdom will rise again. Eventually. It won't, but he seems pretty sure of himself. He only escaped the destruction by stealing a fiend (to enslave, of course) and fleeing when the armies came. He assumes everyone knows him (they don't).
So far they are extremely fun, and I am excited about it. The style also saves me a lot of time as we can just, uh. Borrow sprites from Octopath and other jRPGs.
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Heya! I just wanted to let you know I think you're very cool! You have very good TTRPG and you seem really sweet and smart. :)
I’m flattered! Hopefully that RPG actually comes out one day. Sadly my skill is very much in the realm of large foundational system, or finding new niches in existing design spaces. Which makes for some GREAT homebrew material, but when it comes to fully fleshing out a playbook/list of abilities/what have you, I immediately hit a wall.
I’ve also admittedly hit a very fundamental flaw with the game im working on. It’s designed to be a ‘west marches’ style campaign game for play by post with very large player counts, in theory. HOWEVER, it technically caps out at 75 characters and also the more characters and concurrent sessions are going on, the faster the Crew playbook equivalent breaks down from over leveling. If you have 50ish players, and all of them are playing a game at once, your crew sheet is going to get maxed out WAY too quickly. Currently have a few solutions I’m toying with for building on that, involving the squad splitting dynamically as it grows.
However then it starts falling apart at the faction level of the game. Having dozens of factions is cool and makes the world feel very dynamic, but FUCK is it a lot of book keeping, and asking players to be aware of a world evolving that quickly is not AT ALL what I want out of a game DESIGNED to be a slow paced game you do one or two actions in per day during your day-to-day IRL downtime.
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mia-studyhaus · 7 months
Article Review - The Athletic Heart
Today’s topic focuses more on fitness! Particularly, its effects on the heart’s shape and size. As an athlete myself, I am more than excited to share a summary of this article with you:
1. Exercise is introduced to be an integral tool in maintaining health in individuals by having its benefits mentioned, such as an improved mood, prevention of cardiovascular diseases, as well as stronger muscles. Then a question is asked: What happens if one exercises too much? The answer is: When exercise is done more than recommended guidelines (In the US, it is more than 150 minutes of medium-intensity work or 75 minutes of high-intensity work combined with two strength-training sessions), changes do occur in the body. In this article, the focus is on the heart — where structure and function are affected, resulting in what we call the athletic heart.
2. The athletic heart is not inherently harmful — yet it can make some people vulnerable to specific cardiac complications. The writer then introduces two types of exercises in order for us to understand how they cause changes in the heart that lead to these above-mentioned implications. They are: dynamic and static exercises. Dynamic exercises demand the heart to pump more blood to the rest of the body and this, when done in excess, can enlarge it due to the large volume of fluid that passes through its chambers. Static exercises require the heart to pump blood to the skeletal muscles to sustain the effort required to push or pull weights. When they are done more than required, they also cause dilation but with thickened walls to withstand the pressure from the blood flowing through. The article also interestingly notes that some exercises are a combination of both of the types above.
3. The athletic heart usually affects those who exercise for more than one hour every day of the week, and this includes any of the types of exercises mentioned above. There are two main complications of this condition mentioned in this article: Atrial fibrillation (abnormal heart rhythm) and coronary artery calcification or CAC (build up of calcium in the heart arteries). Both of these increase the risk to get affected by a stroke. Atrial fibrillation possibly occurs in athletes as the enlargement in the chambers (specifically, the atrium) could cause inflammation and scarring, along with the effects of stress and environment. While the reason behind CAC in athletes is not that clear, it does not make them more susceptible to complications.
4. Yet, to conclude the article, the writer mentions how it is still important to exercise within the recommended guidelines as this keeps the heart strong and flexible enough to pump out enough blood for daily processes even at an old age. A compliant cardiac system is useful at any age — so start exercising! Love this message at the end.
Overall, I think this is a mind-opening article to learn more about the heart’s functions (we always hear about what happens to the heart if you exercise too less, not too much) and it pushes a message to stay healthy!
Disclaimer: This is purely a concise reflection on the points presented in the article. These are not my opinions at all. I am only posting knowledge.
Follow @studyhaus for more articles!
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We will watch you. We will watch you scream. We will watch you do the same things over and over expecting a different outcome because you believe you are exceptional. We will watch you fail.
[Lupus is screaming/howling/barking with all his might to make the torture orchestrated by the anons end while furiously continuing to maim, still with the mindset that he'll succeed in whatever goal he fixes on himself.]
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cheesus-doodles · 2 years
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I posted 396 times in 2022
285 posts created (72%)
111 posts reblogged (28%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 339 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#tokyo revengers - 241 posts
#cheesus answers - 229 posts
#tokyo revengers x reader - 167 posts
#yandere tokyo revengers - 166 posts
#yandere tokyo revengers x reader - 163 posts
#tokyorev x reader - 123 posts
#tokyorev - 92 posts
#sano manjiro - 79 posts
#mikey x reader - 75 posts
#yandere platonic toman - 68 posts
Longest Tag: 104 characters
#also i accidentally deleted the hanma one before i could save what i wrote because the shame is too much
My Top Posts in 2022:
Which of the boys give the best hugs?
maybe a quick rating this time instead of a ranking? didn't do all cause feeling a bit lazy... long drop should be (hopefully) either tonight or tomorrow akjsndkalsndlakj i'm so happy the prize fic is almost done! meanwhile will probably take some time off to answer some asks or smth
Platonic TR Boys Hug Ratings
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Kazutora: 6/10. Very nice hugs, warm and tight, perfect height as well, but loses points because sometimes hugs can become tight to the point of suffocating, and he absolutely will not let go unless someone intervenes. Will not hesitate to hug you anytime and anywhere, especially when he gets jealous of the attention you were giving someone else, or receiving from strangers.
Baji: 8/10. Shy hugger, doesn't dare to ask for hugs from you or return your hugs in front of anyone else, because that's not what a big bad delinquent like himself does. Will freeze up if you try to hug him in public, face burning bright red. But when the two of you have some privacy, this baby boy's hugs has to be one of the best hugs out there - soft, gentle and warm. Will instantly let go if someone interrupts though.
Mikey: 2/10 Lazy, lazy boy. Any hug either turns into an impromptu cuddle session or a carry, because Mikey basically is ready to melt into your arms in a split second. Whenever this baby boy wants a hug from you, be ready for him to basically just drape himself all over you, demanding you give him a hug. Doesn't ever initiate, but will cling to you like a leech the moment he gets a hug from you. Will make you carry his full weight if he can latch on to you, will fall asleep in your arms standing straight up.
Draken: 10/10 Perfect hugs every time. Not afraid to dish out hugs anytime he feels like it or when he feels like you need one, but will not initiate in front of the Toman gang because he doesn't want the members to start to think he's soft. Unless its you who initiate - and then all of a sudden its not a problem anymore. Doesn't even question when you suddenly want one, just bundles you into a warm hug.
Mitsuya: 9/10 one of the best huggers around, had a ton of practice giving hugs to his little sisters. Just right tightness and always comfortable - can even detect when you need a hug, and dish one out on the spot. Doesn't matter where or when, will give you a full hug or even a side squeeze if you look even the smallest bit down. Loses a point because sometimes he forgets his sewing needles stuck in his jacket.
Pah: 5/10 Too impatient to stand still for long, so his hugs never quite last long enough for it to feel particularly comforting. Hugs also sometimes become tight enough to feel more like a squeeze instead of a wrap.
Hanma: -1/10. Doesn't bother with returning a proper hug most times, doesn't even pat your back. All this boy does would be give a lazy drawl about being clingy, even if he does enjoy the hug. Also too bony ouch, be careful if you're looking for someone to glomp, those sharp edges bound to hurt.
Izana: 3/10. Honestly Izana's hugs are great, warm, comfortable and long, even lets you snuggle your face into the crook of his neck (though he will demand payment for the favour), but loses a lot of points because this baby boy has zero social awareness or built-in danger sensor. Will demand a hug in the middle of a pedestrian crossing, will absolutely throw a tantrum if you don't give him his hug right there and then, and will proceed to make you stand there in his arms as long as he wants to.
Kakucho: 11/10. Not only does he make up for Izana's absolute lack of social awareness by picking up and moving the two of you off the road and somewhere safe while you are trapped in Izana's hug, he also will take the risk of facing Izana's wrath for giving you the hug you deserve in front of his boss whenever you look like you need one but Izana is too busy ignoring you during his bouts of jealousy.
Ran: 4/10 Great hugs, probably from all the practice he got when Rindo was younger. No shame in dragging you singe-handedly into a one-sided squeeze no matter the situation the two of you were in, even if it was right before he got into a fight. Would be higher if he stopped shoving your face into his armpit after returning your hug.
Rindo: 8/10 Nice, comfy hugs, knows where to put his arms when he hugs you so that you get just the right tightness, likes to rest his chin on the top of your head as well. Loses points cause he keeps making fun of you for the hug even though he was the one that initiated, will tease you even harder if it was you who hugged him first.
South: 7/10. Makes sure to watch his strength around you, so his hugs always feel like you're hugging a warm teddy bear. Though because of his physique, can be a bit too hard to snuggle, so loses points for that. Also loses points because South will pick you up, tuck you under one arm, and forget that you are there as he goes about his day because you weigh essentially nothing.
859 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
Uuuuhhhhhh izana relationship hcs? Like when reader and izana was still dating.
comfort posting.... i hate this ride im on - these HCs can be for both regular darling or boss from the Reds' universe! not edited, i will when i wake up tmr zzz
Red Dragonflies Masterlist | Masterlist
In a Relationship with Izana HCs
Yandere Izana
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dating the 8th President of the Black Dragons is as wild a ride as it sounds, because Izana plays by no other rules but his own
not that you knew when you first accepted his hand
the only person that Izana has ever considered his equal, you can be sure that this boy has never seen you as below him even once ever since you caught his eye
the light of his life, its your bright smile and loving hugs that keeps him from spiralling completely into madness
he loves you so, so much - every waking moment he is apart from you is spent thinking about what you're doing and when he can see you again
Izana looks forward to nothing more than doting on you more and more, and of course, having you dote on him
this usually brutal, uncaring gang leader melts away into a soft, needy boy around you - even if he is the middle of a gang meeting, everything stops so that he can carefully take your delicate hand into his
needs you to be threading your fingers through his hair while he is cuddling, needs you to give him all the kisses (both light pecks on his lips and cheeky ones on the top of his head)
needs you to let him hug and cuddle and kiss you on your shoulder and your lips and breathe in your scent
maybe even to nibble on your collarbone and the shell of your ears so that everyone would know who you belonged to
a very clingy boy, if he can get away with being superglued to your side, he will
wants to follow you everywhere, fingers lightly trailing on your skin below your shirt or holding your hand no matter what you were doing
tries to follow you into the bathroom as well, hadn't worked so far
can't sleep well without being huddled right up against you, listening to your breaths trail off into light snores
will absolutely make a scene if he's right there and your full attention is not on him - from whining and whimpering, pulling on your clothes, gently tugging on your hair, burying his face into your chest all the way to throwing a full fit, the whole waterworks or grabbing whoever dared steal your attention from him by the collar and demanding they leave immediately
he is your boyfriend, not this piece of scum
its a cold day in hell when Izana doesn't accompany you throughout the school day, insisting that you seat in his lap while he seats in your chair, or cuddling and having a nap in yours
your teachers and classmates have learnt to ignore him a long time ago
even rarer that you don't also find this white-haired boy already busy intimidating every last male schoolmate walking out your school gates while leaned against his motorbike
because you know he will make the special effort to come every day - despite knowing that you loved him as much as he did you, his ingrained trust issues were hard to shake
what if some shithead thought he could pick on you? unlikely, given he had the Black Dragons personally intimidate and threaten every last student in your cohort
but what if you fell and no one helped you? or what if someone else thought it was a good idea to make a move on what was his when he wasn't present?
plus you're not allowed to ride a motorcycle yourself, or anyone else's, and Izana doesn't trust the public transportation system as far as he could throw a bus
See the full post
881 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
Ok but imagine Rindou losing it when he’s taken to juvie and realizing he can’t see his friend anymore or “protect” them from others
yup yup yup absolutely, have more HCs cause brainrot goes brrrrrr
Link to previous HCs
Rindo in Juvenile HCs
Yandere Bestfriend Rindo
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not gonna lie, this poor boy will probably go mad with the stress of not being able to see you everyday, and having to think about what you were doing without him there to watch over you
honestly didn't think much about it when he was first detained along with Ran since he had already seen you this morning at school
the realisation only started to dawn on him when it turned dark outside and Rindo found himself starting to get jittery, unable to sit still - now that he was trapped here, who was going to check in on you?
he would usually swing by your house twice every night - once before you fell asleep
And then a few hours later after he was done beating up the scum that inhabited his streets and your school, to make sure that you were actually in bed and sleeping, and that your main door was well locked (he can just shim your window open if he needed to after all)
Ran could practically see the gears turning inside the head of his younger brother as Rindo slowly pieced together his growing fears
If he was locked inside here, that meant that there was no one to accompany you at school, which equals no one around that could protect you, scare off potential bullies or worse (potential friends, he shudders at the thought)
plus, you weren't exactly the brightest of the bunch - Rindo was absolutely convinced that you would follow some stranger home just because they asked you to
or what if you ran across some delinquent scum that would take advantage of your kindness and naivety??
The absolute horror - Ran had to bascially whack Rindo in the back of his head and knock him out because this baby boy was on the verge of a breakdown and couldn't stop pacing around the brothers' shared cell
turns out, you really were as airheaded as Rindo had feared - you simply assumed that your bestfriend was not feeling too well and had decided to stay at home for the day, and you had gone about your day as usual
and you did this without first checking by calling him like he told you to, even though he had drilled this into your thick skull multiple times
he knew you didn't even try because you were surprised to learn that Rindo had been arrested when he could finally call two days later
which was the first thing Rindo did the moment he had access to a phone, much to Ran's amusement
you even had to ask him what juvie was
it wasn't the first time the two brothers spent time being locked up, but it was sure as hell the first time Rindo did after taking you under his wing
the older Haitani thought it was absolutely hilarious all the different shades of red Rindo was turning as he shouted at you through the phone, before quickly paling when he listened to what you had to say
took pity on his younger brother and stole the phone from him (which Rindo gladly handed over) so that he could properly explain to you the situation
Rindo insisted you come to juvie everyday despite only being able to meet you once a week, and of course you being you, obediently followed his instructions without a second thought
you quickly made friends among the guards, though they were nonetheless very confused at seeing you popping up everyday asking to see the same person again and again
but they always came out with either Ran or empty-handed
the times when Ran came out instead, you were still happy to chat with him, the older Haitani listening amused to you rambling on and on about school and life and the past day/week since you've spoke with Rindo
See the full post
917 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
Am I Ugly?
Yandere TR Boys
A/N: some random thoughts, might not be fully coherent (edit: consider joining us on discord! we have cookies and a side of big brain ideas)
Another day, another after-school outing with your friends. The question of whether your friends thought you were pretty had begun its rent-free life as a random thought you had after your teacher had brought up the saying "Beauty is in the eye of its beholder". It wasn't something you had ever bothered about previously, but the quote somehow managed to hook itself into your brain, and you spent the rest of the day wondering about it.
Did your friends think you were ugly? They did still spent all this time with you, so it probably mattered not to them (and by extension, you), but the curiosity was eating you alive until it wasn't, and the thought was pushed to the back of your head for the rest of the school day. You trotting down the familiar stairs back home after your usual after-school shower to where they were waiting for you near your front door, only to have the thought suddenly rear up again as your friend asked if you were to go.
"Am I ugly?" Well depending on who you dropped that bomb on, the fallout and extent of damage control needed would vary greatly.
Izana would immediately assume that someone had dared utter such blasphemy to you, grabbing you by the arm and insisting you tell him where you had heard that. And when you fail to respond in a timely manner, caught off guard by his reaction, he instead snatches up his gang jacket that he had left draped over your sofas, marching straight for the door before he even put it on fully in an attempt to go and strangle whatever scum dared say something so foul against you - and you knew his first destination would be your school and your poor classmates, given you hadn't been anywhere else. You, of course, were being dragged along so you could point out to him whoever he needed to kill punish. This baby boy is fuming mad, and you better quickly intervene and explain yourself before he has a chance to pull out his phone because oh boy, this is going to get messy real quick. Someone is still going to land in hospital though, whether you know it or not - Izana needs to take his anger out somewhere.
Kazutora, on the other hand, would instantly go into a panic attack, thinking that he must have done something wrong, something that might have implied you were not the most beautiful person he had ever laid their eyes on. This poor baby boy bursts into tears and come running for your arms, trying to tell you that he thought you couldn't be further from the truth but it only comes out as blubbering and whimpering. You were a bit slow to bundle him into your arms like you always did, surprised by his reaction, but Kazutora only took it as a sign that you now hated him for whatever he did, which only makes the waterworks more dramatic as he begs you not to leave him while making a mess on your shirt. Your outing at this point would turn into a stay-in with lots of cuddles and ice-cream as you reassure your friend again and again that it was just a thought from a quote brought up in class, and that yes, you didn't hate him one bit.
Ran would just pause to stare at you for a bit, before burst out laughing at your question. You're a bit puzzled to say the least, but at least you get concerned when he starts doubling over in pain from laughing too hard. One of the few boys who absolutely knows what's up and what you were asking, this boy finds it hilarious that of all the things you could ask him, of all the questionable things your friends had been subjecting you to - it was this that you were the most curious about. Never going to give you a straight answer, instead be prepared for Ran to tease the ever-loving shit out of you for bringing up the question as you two left for your outing, only finally claiming to stop because of your cute pout and whining. Buys you ice cream so that you would stop faking being mad at him.
Mikey would take a moment to look you over with a critical eye, before he would give you his very honest answer with no filter - that he liked this look much better than your usual outfit, and that you should wear this more often. This poor boy probably thought that you were asking for his opinion, which you were to be fair, just not actually on your outfit but on generally what he thought of you. Only realizes that he might have done something wrong when you don't reply him immediately, before quickly (and poorly) trying to backtrack and say that he never thought you looked ugly. You, of course, just burst out into laughter with how innocent your friend really is, before having to stop and promise Mikey a taiyaki because of how hurt he was (or so he claimed at least).
Draken is probably one of those in the privilege group who can easily read your flow of thoughts and know what you were trying to ask - the question was probably just another one of those that you had to blurt out before you self-combust with curiosity. Smoothly tells you that you would always be a cute little bunny no matter what you wear or how old you were, only for you to pout and start insisting that you were strong like them, and that you were absolutely not a bunny. Cue this boy playfully rubbing his knuckles into the top of your head while you squeal. It was a mission accomplished for him - your train of thoughts had been redirected and you were distracted from questions that Draken didn't particularly want to answer on a chance that you thought he was lying (even if he would never).
Baji turns around so fast to blurt out a "Absolutely not!" that he got whiplash. You think he might have strained his neck with that speed since you even got a little jumpy, but obviously that didn't quite seem to bother him. This baby boy grabs your hands and starts blabbering right away but how pretty you looked no matter what you were wearing, his mind in turmoil trying to think of any possible reason why you could be feeling insecure around him, then finally realising what he was saying when you start chuckling and his face instantly flushes red. Don't tease him too much about what he said in his moment of panic because you know he meant it - Baji is just way too shy to admit it. Would still make sure to hint at how pretty you were to him throughout the outing and the rest of the day though.
Hanma would throw one arm around you, tattooed hand pinching one cheek as he bend down to meet your face, asking if you rather he answer yes or no, all the while with his signature sly smile plastered across his face. Similar to Ran and Draken, this boy knows what's turning in your head, deduced that rather than insecurity or bullying, it was probably just something brought up in your classes earlier that day. The question he threw back made you stumble a little, before you realized what he was doing and started whining that he was dodging your very legit question. Hanma would just brush off your accusations and start walking, making off comments about killing to get some karaage now while you hurry to catch up, your thoughts instantly turning to food when he brings up that new store that had just opened down the street.
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1,198 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Reader will spend a fortune on hair ties. Baji stops bringing his rubber bands and asks for them from the Reader. Mikey suddenly starts to lose it. Draken pretends that he did not have time to braid at home and does it next to the kira in order to borrow her rubber band. Some boys, who rarely collect their hair, suddenly start doing it more often in front of Reader (*cough* Chifuyu *cough*). "Oh, is that a scrunchie on your arm? Give me please. Mine is torn." Do they return them? Not
nsalkjdnaslkjdnals this is cute and sweet too :') i think imma save up all the dark stuff to hit yall in one go so that i don't accidentally spoil anything ayyy
It all started when you offered your hair tie to Baji - you probably shouldn't have offered your spare to anyone to begin with, no matter how miserable Baji looked with his hair down in the middle of summer, whining and complaining about how the only hair tie he had on him broke. Doesn't matter when you pass your hair tie to him, whether if it was just you and him, or you were in the midst of your whole group of Toman friends, the moment that band changes hands, everyone knows about it and that's all it takes to cement the idea in your friends' minds. The game begins.
Begins as just Baji, then Mikey, asking to 'borrow' your hair tie, either using the excuse that theirs had snapped or they had lost it, but Kazutora and Draken quickly catch on to what the other two are doing. And sure enough, the two of them start getting in on the game as well. Draken complaining that his hair tie broke again so could he pretty please have yours, and Kazutora, to your surprise, starting to tie his hair up as well. Mitsuya and Pah are sadly left out because neither have hair long enough to tie, but that doesn't mean they are below swiping those scrunchies from the others. But the game was taken to the next level when Kazutora one day decided to ask if you could help him with his short ponytail (since he didn't have much experience tying up his hair, but insists that its too hot not to do so) after borrowing yet another hair tie from you, and now everyone comes whining asking for you to do their as well.
Mikey coming straight with his bedhead so that you can brush his hair for him as well, Draken snatching you up from your seat while class goes on around you so that you can braid his hair just the way he like it, Baji tugging at your sleeve and refusing to let go until you put his hair up in a ponytail for him. The most prized hair tie is of course the one that you are currently wearing, so the boys are definitely playing a game of chicken, trying to goat one of the others into being the first to borrow your hair tie so that they get the spare, and then quickly being next in line to get your generously offered scrunchie straight off of your hair.
And mind you, it doesn't matter if the hair ties or scrunchies you lent them were pink, frilly, covered with Hello Kitties. Nope, the boys wear those as a badge of honor, since the other Toman founders, and the boys from the other gangs recognize them - even start to subtly flex their collection. Begins by wearing one spare on their wrist, then two, then hanging them secretly off their bags, or on their pants hoops especially if they were going into a fight. And no doubt the Black Dragon and Tenjiku boys get jealous - how could they not having to see Toman with collections of your stuff?
Your scrunchies become almost like a currency, with everyone looking to swipe some of your precious hair ties for themselves. Ran and Rindo found they had the best luck with obtaining some by simply asking you for them, which you were more than happy to "lend" them should they manage to catch you alone without your Toman guard dogs. Izana personally preferred relieving Mikey of his collection, though this usually ends in a fight. This boy didn't mind helping himself either, simply pulling off the scrunchie you were wearing and insisting that you helped him put it on his wrist, much to your amusement. Koko and Inupi earned theirs through a combination of wit and nimble fingers, proudly showing them off against their white uniforms.
You of course had no idea that all this was going on under the surface, only becoming slightly sad at the number of hair ties and scrunchies that were going missing, and at the disastrous amount of money you were spending on replacing them. Never once angry at your friends for not returning them, since you didn't doubt that they would return them eventually, and they must really need those hair ties.
The scrunchie war would rumble on until Baji one day absentmindedly returned the spare scrunchie he had on his wrist to you, realizing what he had done a moment later and having a mental panic, yet only to have you immediately brighten and thank him enthusiastically, lavishing your attention on a now very smug boy while the rest could only watched on jealously. And now the reverse game would start - paying you for your attention in returned scrunchies and hair ties.
1,526 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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daerwyn · 6 months
Hey, I just came by your page and I instantly feel in love with Paul/Bella story; Ticking Time Bomb!! It was amazing. I wonder how the pack going to reacted with her doing drugs. I feel like they know she doing something.
Just asking, will you be doing any update for that story. I would love to read more.
love your stories also☺️
Hello, lovely! I'm so sorry it fell abandoned!
I actually have about six completed chapters locked up in my scrivener file that I've been re-reading this morning and am going to post :) After these six chapters, there are (about) seven more that are in various stages of drafting (mostly half or 75% of the way finished) that I am going to do my best to finish as soon as I can!
Thank you so much for your interest and support <3 Enjoy!!
-- Daerwyn
(The story requires an AO3 account for reading due to its content and warnings attached.)
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grandprovidence · 6 months
Grand Providence development update 3/17/2024
Hello! This almost slipped my mind today but I am a vigilant person so to the updates it is.
The first mechanic is one that builds off of one I spoke about before, that being enemy types having general resistances and vulnerabilities. This mechanic being weapon oils and armor waxes. Armor waxes are items that temporarily add a damage type resistance to armor while oils can either add additional damage of a certain type or additional damage when fighting a specific creature type. Both of these items act as the reward that players can gain when they take the time to investigate an enemy before engaging it. They also act as a guide for new players. When a player sees an item that gives them a large boost towards damage against a specific creature they want to know what they’re about to fight to ensure their money or crafting items are not wasted. This leads to players investigating areas the enemy was seen in, asking people about the creature they may have seen, or studying an old dungeon for any hints as to what may be inside.
On the topic of enemies this is less of a mechanic but is still important to the gameplay of GP. That being the distribution of enemy types and the general levels of enemies players encounter. It’s a common piece of information that most campaigns of a TTRPG don’t make it to the later levels. This along with the fact that creatures with huge amounts of power being common makes them feel less special means that a good distribution of enemies is important. Because of that I decided to have almost 40% of the enemies be BR0 or BR1 with smaller percentages being in the higher battle ratings. I also divided the enemy types so that, in said earlier levels players are more likely to fight flora, beasts, and other humanoid creatures while in later levels players will be fighting divine, extrinsic, and magical enemies. This is twofold as a way for players to feel like their enemies have evolved with them while also allowing for a certain type of enemy to become more of a horde enemy as players continue through the game. A group of three flora enemies could prove to be a challenge to early adventurers while, later in a campaign, players can fight through a forest of thirty of that same enemy without breaking a sweat. This is to let players look back and see how far they’ve grown in strength.
The last mechanic is part of something larger. That can be said about all mechanics but this one especially. My game day post last week had me consider a lot about what games do to help game masters master their games and how I dislike letting people who are passionate enough about this hobby flounder when they aren’t level designers or writers. Because of this I am trying to make a way to take an idea for a quest or adventure, break it down into its smallest parts, and flesh out those parts so that none get left behind or neglected. My first step is to get an idea for a way to quantify an adventure. How grand is this? How difficult will it be? How much time will it take? One way is through experience and, due to grand providence not having scaling EXP, how it is assigned. Grand Providence plans for players to have around 1,000 EXP by the end of a campaign with an average of 12, 25, or 50 EXP per session for longer, average, or shorter campaigns respectively. Keeping that in mind a quest that gives 75 EXP in an average length campaign should take three sessions. To then allot this EXP I made the final mechanic of this week. For the combat, social, and exploration sections of an adventure I made EXP charts. These charts measure the overall difficulty of an encounter. Fighting a small group of minions, having a short argument with someone who doesn’t care much, or traveling a short jaunt to the dungeon? These are smaller encounters that should then take up less time in the session. Going up against a boss and their lackeys, convincing a king to change the march of their army based on little evidence, or racing against the continent on a time limit? These are all things that can take one or more entire sessions and should give an equal amount of experience to the characters. This mechanic will hopefully help run the adventures Providences have while also helping them know how many real life sessions said adventure will take, making it so one shots don’t spiral out into five session long adventures or vice versa.
My next step is the information both players and characters need. A good way to help the Providence know when players need a lead or how to give out information that could make or break a session from feeling well paced or not is proving to be difficult. If anyone has any advice on giving players information let me know, I always look forward to improving my craft!
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giantratbf · 2 years
I posted 204 times in 2022
That's 204 more posts than 2021!
75 posts created (37%)
129 posts reblogged (63%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 181 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#winx club - 113 posts
#my art - 59 posts
#winx - 49 posts
#winx fanart - 21 posts
#winx flora - 16 posts
#sketch - 16 posts
#color palette challenge - 14 posts
#winx helia - 14 posts
#🌟 - 12 posts
#ask tag - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#if i had a paid therapy session for each time someone told me to open up more and put myself out there i'd probably learn to do it by now
My Top Posts in 2022:
here she is
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as promised
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855 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
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@princessanieloid ya :3c
923 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
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florelia hugs florelia hugs
1,882 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
winx club screeshot redraw
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2,422 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
little things i do that i headcanon the winx girls also do :)
(autism edition)
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See the full post
3,461 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cuteasducks9 · 1 year
I am home from Paris, and just about recovered enough to share some of my thoughts from the convention.
My number 1 take away is that Danielle, Stefania and Grey are truly 3 wonderful and inspiring human beings and I will be forever grateful that I got the opportunity to meet them. No matter how stressful the entire experience was I will cherish these moments for my whole life.
My second thought is how the fuck does this company run conventions for a living??? The disorganisation and lack of any clue what the fuck was going on by 75% of the staff was unbelievable. The clear hazards and safety issues of the way they were running photographs was evident from the very first session in which everyone was cramped into one area and there was no regard for the safety of literally anyone. My wife had a full on panic attack in the middle of a crowd of people, I had to get her outside and not one member of staff bothered to ask if she was ok. Thankfully with some air and space she was ok! (And after I had explained to someone what had happened we were actually allowed to wait relatively separate to other people, not that that really solved the chaos)!
The sheer amount of overselling of extras was a major issue from this money grabbing company. And it meant that people got an unfair amount of time to spend with guests and others like myself were well and truly rushed through certain things. And I did not get my Stefania autograph which I am not mad about because literally they wouldn't even let her take a break and I don't blame her for leaving without doing some of the autographs, unlike the member of staff who tried to blame it on Stefania (she was heavily defended by the fans who were missing out).
Anyhooo enough waffle from me, or this will turn into an absolute shit post of a rant. Might post more about the good side of my experience when I have more brain power.
Much love 🧡
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
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I posted 4,021 times in 2022
That's 4,021 more posts than 2021!
3,008 posts created (75%)
1,013 posts reblogged (25%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,896 of my posts in 2022
#ask - 618 posts
#replied on phone - 473 posts
#jungkook x reader - 117 posts
#jungkook - 110 posts
#oto spoilers - 102 posts
#jungkook series - 90 posts
#jungkook ff - 88 posts
#jungkook angst - 86 posts
#jungkook smut - 85 posts
#oto - 66 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#pls if u don’t enjoy the series that’s okay!! honestly i’m not offended but please don’t interact with it if you’re not enjoying it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Pi Gasu Series Collection
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vampire!jungkook, donor!reader, explicit smut, angst, death, vampire au, fantasy au. 18+ content minors dni 🔞 new banner created by the magnificent @jkshandsomegirlfriend - thank u!
An introduction to Jungkook’s world
Divine Sinner
In which you encounter your first vampire, or five
Divine Sinner pt.2
Jungkook reconsiders your last conversation
Twin Roses Between Twin Thorns
You visit your family for the first time in a year
Memories That Last For Eternity
Jungkook needs you to donate, now
Damned If We Do, Dead If We Don’t
Donating blood for Jungkook is taking its toll on your body
The New World
You discover a shocking truth that leads you to Euphoria
One Of Me, Two Of Us
Jungkook doesn’t take your threat lightly and agrees to help
When Two Become One
Jungkook has been keeping a close eye on you since you learned about your lineage
1,977 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
Her | First Love 
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bestfriend!jungkook, tattooist!jungkook, F2L, angst, fluff, smut
Word Count - 7k
Jungkook has had it bad for you for a very long time. Warnings: swearing, mentions of puberty and sex, angst, unrequited love, high key very cute
Jungkook has been madly in love with you for as long as he can remember, from the moment he laid eyes on you in preschool he knew you were the one. Ridiculous isn’t it? How someone can know something of that magnitude at three years old. But he swears blind to this day that he’s known it his whole life. You were both playing in the sandbox, building what you deemed to be magnificent castles when in reality they were nothing more than sad looking piles of sand and dirt. It was the way you shared your spade with him without hesitation, the way your eyes lit up when he’d finished his castle, the way you hugged him goodbye even though you’d known him less than four hours. That was it, that was the moment Jungkook swore to himself that he would marry you one day. You’ve been best friends ever since.
Y/N Jeon. He wishes.
At the ripe age of thirty and several failed relationships later, here you both are – still best friends, still single, still not married to each other. He scoffs, his tattoo client visibly tensing from the sound.
“Sorry, I wasn’t laughing at you.” He chuckles, shaking you from his mind like he’s managed to do every other day since preschool, “Sometimes I get lost in thought and zone out when I work… It’s weird, I dunno. I’m sorry.”
The woman whose ribcage he’s currently drawing on smiles at him, she’s around his age but judging by the silver band and modest diamond on her ring finger she’s just being friendly. “What were you thinking about?”
At this he pauses, underneath his face mask he’s grinning but he doesn’t know for sure if his client can tell, “My first love… actually my only love.”
“How long have you been together?”
“Hmm…” Jungkook contemplates lying to save face, but perhaps a late night therapy session with a stranger paying him is what he needs right now, “Actually we’re not together… She’s been my best friend since we were three.”
The woman’s jaw is on the ground, eyes blown wide, “What?! How does that even happen? Does she know that you love her?”
“She does, I told her last week on a camping trip.” He nods once, briefly changing the needle he’s using to a thicker kind for shading.
The woman laid in front of him has a point, how does something like this even happen?
“So I guess I should start from the beginning…”
At three years old Jungkook was behind on a lot of milestones, he wasn’t wholly non-verbal but he was shy around new people and preferred not to speak what little words he did know at that point. To say he was nervous about being away from his parents for the afternoon for his preschool tester day would’ve been an understatement. He wailed, he sobbed, he screamed, he pretended to be sick… He did everything in his power not to go. But he’s sure glad he did.
“Hi Jungkookie!” The teacher clapped excitedly upon his arrival, “It’s nice to meet you!”
Jungkook shifted awkwardly in place with teary eyes, his mom had just left the building and he remembers clear as day how he struggled to keep it together. After he hung his coat up he decided to venture into the outdoor playing area, he figured it was probably quieter there. As an extremely introverted child he was disappointed to see that someone else had the same idea as him already, a girl, sat in the sand pit wearing a pink dress with sunflowers on the skirt. She was the cutest thing he’d ever seen, her hair in pigtails and her smile brighter than the sun itself when her gaze landed on his small body in the doorway.
“What’s your name?” Even her voice was pretty when she spoke, Jungkook recalls the way that was the first time he’d ever experienced butterflies. “My name is Y/N… It’s okay if you don’t want to say yours. I don’t mind. Do you want to play with me?”
Kook nodded shyly, he made his way over to the sandpit and it wasn’t long before he was totally engrossed in helping you build your ‘princess castle’ if he remembers correctly that’s what you’d called it. Even though he was too nervous to speak you kept rambling about anything and everything a three year old would know about. The sun, the sky, the way sand doesn’t taste very nice and you recommended that he doesn’t put his sandwich down onto the dirt. No, you offered to hold his sandwich instead when he needed to stand up for a moment. You were his first friend, his only friend at that point. And he already loved you.
When the afternoon came to an end Jungkook remembers how disappointed he was to say goodbye, your dad had arrived in a big silver car which looked expensive for the time. He was impressed, he liked cars. Your excitement upon noticing your father waiting for you in the reception was undeniable, you practically squealed until you realised that meant it was time to say goodbye. Your soft features made a frown, you even looked cute when you were sad.
“That’s my daddy!” You pointed to the man you vaguely resembled who wore a suit that day, “I have to go… Will I see you tomorrow?”
But Jungkook was too afraid to speak.
“It’s okay.” You reassured him with a smile, your nose scrunched slightly before you spoke again which made him smile back, “I hope I see you again! I had fun! Bye!”
As you made your way over to the door with messy steps he found himself chasing after you, his little legs carrying his weight fast enough to easily run ahead of you.
“My name is Jungkook.” He pouted, “I had fun too.”
The next thing he can remember was being pulled into a hug, your tiny chubby arms wrapped round his middle as though it was second nature. You were warm and your hair smelled like coconuts. It didn’t last long but the memory of your grin when you waved goodbye is something that’s forever engraved into the walls of his brain – even now.
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2,162 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
Stay With Me Series Collection *completed*
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exhusband!jungkook, singledad!jungkook, unplanned pregnancy, EX2L, angst, fluff, smut
all chapters and drabbles will be uploaded in chronological order
Drabble 1 | Preview 
Forgotten Memories
Hope pt.1
Hope pt.2
The Date
Take Two
Seven pt.1
Seven pt.2
A Star In Your Sky | Finale
2,866 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
Over The Odds Collection *completed*
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ceo!jungkook, sugardaddy!jungkook, smut, angst, fluff, S2L
All chapters & drabbles will be updated in chronological order (banner created by the multitalented @opaljm THANK U SM)
Teaser | 1.6k 
In which you first encounter billionaire Jungkook and his best friend Taehyung.
Terms and Conditions | 5k
Jungkook makes you an offer you’d be a fool to refuse 
The Contract | 4.k
Being different to his usual sugar baby, you convince Jungkook to make some changes to his contract
➳ Drabble 1 | Blank Cheque | 1.2k jk pov ➳ Drabble 2 | Best Friend | 1.4k jk pov
Publicity | 4.4k
You and Jungkook go on your first official date 
➳  Drabble 3 | Unrequited | 1.5k jk pov ➳  Drabble 4 | Regrets | 3k  
Do Your Worst | 6k
You and Jungkook go on a trip
➳ Drabble 5 | Best Friend pt.2 | 1.9k jk pov
The Confession | 5.5k
Jungkook reacts badly when you bump into your ex in the club
➳ Drabble 6 | Best Friend pt.3 | 1.6k jk pov  ➳ Drabble 7 | 134340 | 1.2k
파트너 | 6k
In which you meet Jungkook’s parents
➳  Drabble 8 | Fallout | 3k jk pov ➳  Drabble 9 | Outside | 1.4k ➳  Drabble 10 | The Argument | 1.4k
Between Us | 4.4k 
You drunkenly admit how you really feel about Jungkook to your best friend Jimin
➳  Drabble 11 | Weird | 2.3k ➳  Drabble 12 | Regrets Pt.2 | 2.5k ➳  Drabble 13 | Slow Down | 4k jk pov ➳  Drabble 14 | Ruthless | 1.8k jk pov
Celebration | 4.6k
Your family host a welcome home party for Ruth
➳  Drabble 15 | Relevance | 1.8k ➳  Drabble 16 | Best Friend pt.4 | 1.9k jkpov
The Pretender | 6k
The series of events that lead to the leak
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4,076 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
happy birthday loser; jjk x reader; 18+
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summary: after three years of simping over your roommate, you give him one hell of a birthday celebration. idiots to lovers pwp oneshot. literally zero plot
warnings: explicit smut, mutual thirsting, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, squirting, loud filthy (unprotected) sex. wrap before u tap
a/n: happy birthday jungkook! this is my first oneshot in 4+ years so be gentle w me please, usually i prefer to write series but i wanted to challenge myself and ofc write something special for everybody's favourite maknae's birthday. enjoy!
word count: 8k
On Thursdays you cook burgers for dinner.
But today isn’t just a regular Thursday.
It’s your roommates birthday, his twenty-fifth to be exact, so when you ventured to the grocery store last night you were sure to pick up the ingredients for his favourite meal in preparation for tonight. Samgyeopsal.
Pork belly is his favourite meat, you’ve been subjected to many a conversation about how tasty he finds it, how it’s the right balance of protein and fat, how it goes with anything, how he likes to wrap the succulent meat in lettuce leaves before submerging it into sauce and shoving it into his mouth.
It’s his favourite food without a shadow of a doubt. And so you’ve taken it upon yourself to cook it for him on his birthday. He is your favourite person after all, without a shadow of a doubt.
Jungkook moved in with you three years ago, at a very dark time in your life when you were wallowing in your post-breakup blues. You initially met the triple threat of tall, dark and handsome Jungkook at an open mic night when he struck up a conversation with you at the local bar.
As if being gorgeous isn’t enough, he’s a very talented singer and guitarist too, he and his grungy rock band like to play at bars and clubs on weekends. When he’s not busy at his nine to five as a software engineer, where he’s due to be leaving any minute now.
The more you got to know him you quickly realised he’s somewhat of a loser. Not a loser in the sense of having no friends and nothing significantly interesting about him – not in the slightest. Jungkook is a loser in the sense that he’s extremely introverted, painfully so, and lacks social skills.
He prefers to stay home after a gig, he doesn’t care for parties or girls or even much alcohol. He loves the quiet life, spending most evenings glued to his laptop to play videogames or sat beside you on the sofa binging something on Netflix. When he's not running his expert fingers over the nooks and crannies of his guitar.
Truthfully you’ve been kind of infatuated with him for a while now, he’s just so endearing and rib-shatteringly hilarious without even trying. It’s hard not to fall for him. His smile is earth-shatteringly perfect, his touch more so. You are but a woman after all, and a woman has needs and desires just like everybody else.
Jungkook being what you both need and desire daily.
At the time you met him a relationship was the last thing on your mind. Him moving into your spare bedroom was just a way to make up the rent and bill money your ex-boyfriend used to pay. But now you’re three years single save for the very occasional one night stand and Jungkook has never looked more appealing.
Maybe it’s the way he helps you reach snacks on the highest shelf when your tiptoes fail you. Perhaps it has a little something to do with the sweet melodies that flow from his pierced lips, flooding the apartment whenever he showers. It could be the fact he likes to ‘air-dry’ and parades around the place wearing nothing but a damp towel after said showers. Or it might have something to do with the way the supple skin beneath his big brown doe-eyes crinkles when he smiles.
But maybe, maybe, it’s because he’s everything you never realised you were looking for – until it quite literally showed up on your doorstep and moved in.
Okay so maybe you’re down bad for your roommate, but who in their right mind wouldn’t be? If you had to pick one word to describe Jungkook it would be… Perfect, handsome, funny, sweet, sentimental, ripped, gorgeous, talented. Any of those work just fine, it would be an insult to simply pick just one.
One of the many perks about living with Jungkook is that you’re both organised messy people, sure there’s some clutter here and there throughout the apartment but you both know damn sure what junk is where. Your personalities match, you don’t make the rules, they just do. All your friends say it, as do his friends. You'd be a show-stopping couple for sure.
It’s just that well… The man is somewhat emotionally constipated, can’t smell what’s right under his nose no matter how many hints you’ve given. Like a nose-blind lion on the prowl, there's a willing zebra right here, but he hasn't seemed to notice.
Wearing low-cut shirts at dinner, skirts that are a little too short, always making sure your makeup is clean and dewy looking even when wearing sweats. The innocent flirting that’s nowhere near innocent on your end. You shower him with compliments on the daily, being sure you don't appear too indifferent or nonchalant about it. You mean every compliment you've ever given him.
You like him, but you didn’t realise how frustrating that would prove to be giving his obliviousness.
But that all ends tonight.
You’re wearing a simple black slip dress, the smooth fabric ending just below the curve of your ass and the straps are so dainty that he’s bound to notice your exposed cleavage. Maybe even the lace trim of your sheer bra too, complete with a matching thong of course.
It’s not uncommon for you to get dressed up randomly, even before Jungkook moved in, you’ve always liked making an effort and looking pretty. It makes you feel good, confident even. You even went as far as to shave today, ensuring you're extra smooth, yknow just in case.
It's been a whole eleven months since you invited a guy back here, and the outcome was less than satisfying. Much like all your sexual endeavours, he got his and all you got was the ick. You haven’t seen the guy since.
It’s been a hot minute since Jungkook invited a girl back here too, maybe even over a year now. The way your roommate likes to saunter around half-dressed with long, messy brunette hair and a wicked smile has always affected you, made your mouth dry and your panties damp. Truthfully you don’t understand how a guy like that is single, well maybe it's because he doesn’t appear to have a radar for women, but you’re grateful nonetheless.
Black helium balloons fill your lounge, the big ‘25’ being the most obvious. You’ve spent the day mentally preparing for this, you want to show him how much you appreciate everything he does for you and celebrate his birthday properly. From him always prepping extra breakfast in the mornings just to make sure you’ve eaten, to his inked fingertips giving you back massages when you’ve hit the gym a little too hard. He’s usually the one to cook dinner most nights, so tonight you want to return the favour with a smile.
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5,990 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will launch his 2024 presidential campaign during a social media event with Elon Musk on Wednesday night, multiple sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.
DeSantis will declare he is seeking the Republican nomination during a live, audio-only Twitter Spaces event at 6 p.m. ET Wednesday, the sources said. The Twitter conversation will be moderated by Musk ally David Sacks.
Later Wednesday, DeSantis will appear on Fox News to talk about his campaign. He is also expected to file with the Federal Election Commission this week, which would formally enter him into the 2024 race.
Musk, the high-profile tech billionaire who bought Twitter last year, has said that he intends to back DeSantis in 2024.
News of their event was first reported by NBC News.
The Governor's plans for launching a White House bid have shifted this year.
Among the initial ideas was for DeSantis to tout his wins after the close of the Florida Legislature's current session, throughout May and well into June, while holding off on formally announcing a 2024 run as long as possible, sources familiar have told ABC News.
But as speculation grew that he was in fact gearing up to run, and as former President Donald Trump and Trump's political operation unleashed an onslaught of attacks, the Governor and his team moved up his timeline -- even scrapping tentative plans to launch an exploratory committee and moving up a formal announcement date to May rather than June, sources have said.
Separate from his Twitter event Wednesday, DeSantis' team has also been planning for him to hold an official kickoff in his hometown of Dunedin, outside Tampa, according to sources. That event is tentatively planned to take place the week of Memorial Day, but sources have cautioned that the details could still change.
The Governor will also meet with donors at a two-day event in Miami that begins Wednesday.
He will enter the Republican primary field as Trump's biggest rival for the nomination. A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll showed DeSantis as Trump's nearest potential opponent among Republicans and GOP-leaning independents.
Among the six best-known candidates, Trump clinched 51% of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents while DeSantis garnered 25%. Still, a majority of those voters said they'd be satisfied with either Trump (75%) or DeSantis (64%) as their presidential nominee.
DeSantis held a call last week with donors and supporters where he took on Trump directly.
“You have basically three people at this point that are credible in this whole thing,” he said, according to two people who were on the call.
“[President Joe] Biden, Trump and me. And I think of those three, two have a chance to get elected president: Biden and me, based on all the data in the swing states, which is not great for the former president and probably insurmountable because people aren’t going to change their view of him," he said.
On Tuesday, Trump's team responded to news of DeSantis' upcoming announcement by criticizing him as avoiding scrutiny.
“Announcing on Twitter is perfect for Ron DeSantis," a Trump adviser told ABC News. "This way he doesn’t have to interact with people and the media can’t ask him any questions."
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