#positive health
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raffaellopalandri · 2 years ago
Book of the Day - Positive Health
Today’s Book of the Day is Positive Health, written by Jolanta Burke, Pádraic J. Dunne, Trudy Meehan, Ciaran A. O’Boyle, and Christian van Nieuwerburgh in 2022 and published by Routledge. The authors are all experts in Positive Psychology, renowned authors, researchers, consultants, and coaches. Positive Health, by Jolanta Burke, Pádraic J. Dunne, Trudy Meehan, Ciaran A. O’Boyle, and Christian

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taku-yamada · 2 years ago
Lekker met Nederland vol.6
(元Dr.コトヌの蘭孊手蚘: Blog about life in the Netherlands by a Japanese doctor)
新幎初のブログは昚幎の第䞀匟の続きずなるオランダの「ポゞティノヘルス」第二匟の応甚線です。今回は前回のポゞティノヘルスの知識をベヌスに、具䜓的にどのようにPositive Healthが䜿甚されおいるのか、オランダの蚺療所を䟋にご玹介したいず思いたす。
Hello everyone! The year 2023 started and time flies so fast.
Thank you for waiting for my update.
In this blog, the first one of this year, I would like to tell you about application of ‘Positive Health’.
Based on the knowledge from my previous blog, which is about ‘Introduction of Positive Health’, I will elaborate how Positive Health is used in practical situations, through the examples of Dutch clinic.
Part. 1 クモの巣図を䜜成しよう Let’s make a spider web diagram!
Positive Healthが最初に䜿甚されるようになったのはクリニックなどで患者ず医療者が健康に぀いお話し合う堎面でした。
Positive Health (PH) was originally introduced in clinical practice, where patients and health care providers discussed health.
Reviewing the spider web diagram of PH again, there are six domains: (1) "bodily functions", (2) "mental well-being", (3) "meaningfulness", (4) "quality of life", (5) "participation", and (6) "daily functioning".
For each domain, there are 7 detailed questions (42 questions in total), and the participants are asked to rate each question on a scale of 0 to 10 (0: not applicable at all to 10: completely applicable).
In addition, the latest version of the Spider's Web Diagram 2.0 (Figure 1: in Dutch) uses a questionnaire with a total of 44 items, including questions on sexuality in "bodily functions" and questions on intimacy in "quality of life" .
The spider web diagram also differs according to different age groups, such as "adult," "adolescent (16-25 years)," or "child (8-16 years), with different detailed questions in order to make it easier to understand the concept of PH for all generations.
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匕甚(Reference): Institute for Positive Health (iPH) iph.nl Gespreksinstrument2.0
Examples of detailed questions on the spider web diagram for adults are as follows
1) Bodily functions
→"Do you have any complaints or pain about your body or physical condition?”
(2) Mental well-being
→ "Are you able to concentrate on things?”
3) Meaningfulness
→”Do you accept your life as it is now?”
(4) Quality of life
→”Do you feel happy?”
5) Participation
→”Do you have any help or support from others?”
6) Daily functioning
→”Are you able to manage your time schedule in your daily life?”
Patients are asked to fill out this questionnaire at home or at the clinic.
The spider web diagram will reflect the average of the scores of the questions for each dimention.
Part.2 クモの巣図を振り返ろう Reflection of the spider web diagram
There are two practical methods for reflection.
(1) Ask solution-oriented questions
(2) Use the Action Wheel
(1) Solution-oriented questions
The aim of the question is to help care providers make patients think differently and to create a context for change. Specifically, after creating a spider web diagram, the following questions are asked to the patient.
- What do you hope for?
- What difference will that make?
- What will be effective?
- What will be the next sign of progress? Or: What will be your next step?
Now let's see the example of using solution-oriented questions.
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The patient is a 58-year-old man who had a myocardial infarction three months ago.
He visited his family physician along with his two daughters and wife.
The preliminary spider web diagram showed an overall distribution of about 6-7 points.
When the doctor asked about his current treatment, especially his rehabilitation, the patient replied, "The rehabilitation is disappointing; I don’t seem to make any progress.”
So the doctor first asked, "What are you hoping for?"
He swallowed and says "I want to have a better relationship with my children.”
The doctor listened to him and asked, "Does this question make you emotional? The patient finally began to cry.
The doctor continued to ask her daughters, "Do you often see your father crying?” The daughters replied, "This is only the second time in our lives.”
When the doctor asked when the first time was, the daughters replied, "It was three months ago, when daddy had a myocardial infarction, and he was crying and screaming, 'I'm dying!’ ".
The doctor asked, "Is the relationship with your children as important as not wanting to die, and does it make you more emotional?". The patient nodded softly and tears flowed down his daughters' faces as they heard his answer.
As a next step, the doctor asked the patient, "Who can help you, in this respect?" The daughters both raised their hands. After further questioning, the patient replied that he kept so tired after the myocardial infarction, and he appeared restless and agitated because his recovery was not going well. He realized that he had become short-tempered and angry and he was taking his frustrations out on his family. Therefore, he wanted to fix it and get along with his family again.
Then the doctor asked, "What could be a first step in that direction? “.
His wife said, "How about you start by asking nicely when you want your children to tidy up, instead of ending with the comment that they never clean up after themselves? “. Everyone had to laugh at this heartfelt message.
During this discussion, the patient promised to do his best to treat her daughter kindly first.
At a follow-up outpatient visit two weeks later, he expressed his wish to change the atmosphere at home and figure out the cause of his irritability, so the doctor made an appointment with a mental health nurse.
After a few weeks, his irritability gradually dissipated due to the counseling, and as a result, his relationship with his family improved a lot. Moreover, he came up with some plans with his family, and he eventually became more motivated in his rehabilitation. Later, his spider web diagram showed improvement in scores, especially in bodily functions and quality of life.
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The main point in this case is that the doctor didn’t tell the patient to "do something," but the patient took the lead in the process of coping with his or her own problems.
Also, despite that the scores of "bodily functions" and "quality of life" increased lastly, it is important to note that the increase was not due to aiming for the improvement of the spider web diagram from the beginning, but rather because of the patients themselves looking at their own health, identifying problems through discussion, and working on them.
ステップ1今はどうですか あなたのクモの巣を芋お、䜕か気づくこずはありたすか
ステップ2. 䜕がしたいですか あなたにずっお倧切なものは䜕ですか
ステップ3䜕ができるのか 自分にずっお䜕が実珟可胜ですか?
ステップ4䜕を決めおいるのか 最初の䞀歩は䜕ですか
ステップ5. それをやらないこずにした理由は䜕ですか
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図1(Figure1): Institute for Positive Health (iPH) iph.nl. Applying action
(2) Action Wheels Method
This approach method ((Figure 2: Dutch) follows five steps to ask about the patient's health problems.
Step 1. How do you think about yourself now? What do you notice about your spider web?
STEP 2. What do you want? What is important to you?
STEP 3. What can you do? What is feasible for you?
STEP 4. What have you decided to do? What is your first step?
Step 5. What is the reason you have decided not to do it?
- 5A: What is the reason you have decided not to do it?
- 5B: What do you need to do it anyway?
こちらに぀いおも、具䜓䟋を芋おみたしょう。 患者は8歳の女の子で型糖尿病を持っおいたす。
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Let's look at a specific example here as well.
The patient is an 8-year-old girl with type 1 diabetes.
She and her mother visited the family doctor with abdominal pain as the main complaint.
The mother was particularly concerned about her daughter's abdominal pain. The doctor first asked the mother if she had been examined by a pediatrician. The mother replied that she had been examined by the pediatrician, but he had found no particular condition that warranted further treatment, and that she would have to tolerate the pain.
The doctor's examination did not reveal any new clues as to the cause of the abdominal pain, and he suspected functional abdominal pain (a general term for abdominal pain of unknown cause that does not have any serious underlying disease), but the mother wanted the doctor to perform a more detailed examination.
The doctor gave the girl a simple pediatric version of the Positive Health Questionnaire, which she was asked to fill out and discuss at her next appointment.
In a subsequent outpatient visit, the doctor asked the girl, "What is most important to you in your life?". She replied, "My friends at school are the most important”.
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Her spider web chart at this time showed particularly low scores for "participation" and " bodily functions”.
The doctor continued, "What would make you feel happier?" The doctor continued, "What could you do to feel more comfortable?”. The patient replied, "I would like to go to my friend's house to play and stay at home”.
At this time, the mother did not allow her daughter to go out outside of school at all because of her diabetes.
She wanted to keep her daughter's insulin injections under control at all times.
So the doctor asked, "What do you think is the first thing she needs to do to be able to interact more with her friends? And what are things we can do first?". The girl then asked her mother if she would allow her friend's mother to check her insulin. The mother replied, "I just received a new patch-type diabetes sensor device, so I may not have to check it by myself every time. To be honest, I still have some concerns, but with that device, she may indeed be able to go to her friend's house".
Since the mother still did not seem convinced, the doctor asked again, "Are there any obstacles for you with this plan?" . The mother was silent for a moment and then, with tears streaming down her face, confessed that she still had difficulty accepting her daughter's diabetes and that it was painful for her.
The doctor recommended that the mother make an appointment with a mental health nurse in addition to the diabetes nurse to help her deal with these feelings.
The mother then allowed her daughter to stay over at a friend's house based on the plan we discussed, and the mother herself gradually made time to confront her daughter's condition through a series of counseling sessions.
After that, the girl no longer visited the hospital with abdominal pain as her main complaint.
In this case, the combination of the spider web diagram and the Action Wheels interview enabled us to find not only the abdominal pain, but also the girl's distress at not being able to play with her friends, as well as the girl's mother's anxiety and true feelings of not being able to accept the fact that her daughter was ill.
In addition, the low values of "participation" and "bodily functions" in the spider web diagram were clues in unraveling the girls' real distress and helped visualize their health problems.
In this way, we can actually approach patients' health-related problems by reflecting on them according to the method based on the spider web diagram.
1.  慢性・反埩性の粟神疟患がある、粟神科ぞの入院を繰り返す
2.  幎間耇数回の入院歎がある
3.  30日以内の再入院回数が倚い
4.  䞀぀以䞊の慢性疟患がある
5.  3人以䞊の専門医による治療を受けおいる
6.  腫瘍病倉があり、倚くの怜査、高次医療機関で治療を受けおいる
7.  緩和ケアを受けおいる
8.  ポリファヌマシヌ(倚くの薬剀を内服しおいる状態)がある
9.  薬物乱甚歎がある
10. ホヌムレスである
11. ぜい匱性がある (フレむルがある)
12. 孀独である
13. 高霢である
In this blog I introduced some practical ways of Positive Health mainly in the clinic setting.
In future practice settings in the Netherlands, it is said that the Positive Health approach will be particularly effective for patients with diverse and complex health backgrounds (called ‘hot spotters’). Specifically, hot spotters are those with the following factors.
1. chronic or recurrent psychiatric illness, repeated psychiatric hospitalizations
2. a history of multiple hospitalizations per year
3. frequent readmissions within 30 days
4. one or more chronic illnesses
5. treated by more than 3 specialists
6. has a tumor lesion and is undergoing many tests and treatment at a higher level of care
7. receiving palliative care
8. has polypharmacy (taking many drugs)
9. has a history of substance abuse
10. homeless
11. has frailty (frail)
12. lonely
13. old age
たた、曎に蚺療珟堎以倖の堎面ᅵᅵ䟋ずしおは、カナダ圚䜏のコロンビア人医垫でか぀研究者のAlex Jadad氏が、ポゞティノヘルスのコンセプトをベヌスに様々なITテクノロゞヌを甚いお地域䜏民、政府、医療、保険䌚瀟などが぀ながるネットワヌクサヌビスを䜜成しおいたす。
There was a study with 40 hot spotters at a family physician's clinic in the Netherlands, and it indicated that interviews using the Positive Health approach improved patients' health problems, increased spider web chart scores, and reduced health care costs.
As a further example of an off-site application, Alex Jadad, a Colombian physician and researcher in Canada, has created a network service that connects local residents, government, healthcare, and insurance companies using various IT technologies based on the concept of Positive Health.
Specifically, he has developed a health care app that will act as an incubator to help each user achieve an individualized wellbeing assessment and optimal health status, and by linking various stakeholders such as governmental medical services, medical institutions, and insurance companies to the app. Thus, the app can provide tailor-made services, health-related decision support and networking to more than 4 million people in 95,000 organizations. Moreover, it is said to have reduced the cost of health care for service users to only 25% of the average spending in the OECD countries as a whole.
Therefore, it is expected that Positive Health will be used for organizational networking and project management in the future.
曎に2021幎11月11日にはポゞティブヘルス生誕10呚幎蚘念匏兞もあり、開発者のMachteld Huber医垫をはじめずした基調講挔、そしお医療、教育、郜垂開発、健康管理サヌビスなど各分野の第䞀線で掻躍するスピヌカヌによりそれぞれの分野でのポゞティノヘルスの掻甚に぀いおの玹介やワヌクショップがありたした。䌚堎には日本に初めおポゞティノヘルスを玹介した翻蚳家のシャボットあかね氏をはじめ、倚くの方々が来堎しおいたした。
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写真1 : 筆者 (å·Š)ずHuber医垫  (䞭倮)、シャボット氏 (右)
Picture 1: author (left), Dr. Huber (center), Ms. A Chabot (right)
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写真2 : 筆者 (å·Š)ずJadad氏 (右)
Picture 2: author (left), Dr. Jadad (right)
The 10th anniversary of Positive Health was celebrated on November 11, 2021, with keynote speeches by Dr. Machteld Huber, the developer of Positive Health, and speakers from the front lines of medicine, education, urban development, and health care services, who introduced the use of Positive Health in their respective fields. The event also featured workshops and introductions to the use of Positive Health in various fields, including medicine, education, urban development, and health care services. Many people attended the event, including Ms. Jeanette Akane Chabot, a translator who first introduced Positive Health to Japan.
Positive health has many possibilities for the future, and I believe that it will play an active role in Japan, where the environment regarding health has become more complex, including the declining birthrate and aging population.
I hope that this blog will help you to rethink and deepen their thinking about health. And if you are interested, let's learn more about positive health together and put it into practice.
Thank you for reading to the end!
Huber M et al. Handbook Positive Health in Primary Care -The Dutch Example-.2022 Houten. bohn stafleu van loghum
【オランダ語ずオランダのスナップショット(Snapshot of the Netherlands)】
-本日のオランダ語レッスン(Today’s Dutch lesson)-
‘Gefeliciteerd’ (ヘフェリシテヌド)
This is the Dutch word for "congratulations.
It is often used to celebrate someone's birthday, marriage, birth, passing exams, graduation, and other happy occasions. In the Netherlands, graduation ceremonies are held every semester in February or September. On a personal note, I am pleased to announce that I graduated from the graduate school, university of Leiden successfully. I was very happy to hear the word 'Gefeliciteerd' from many of my friends. I am sure that many of you in Japan will be celebrating birthdays, marriages, births, and other happy milestones from winter to spring, such as entrance exams, employment, graduation, and so on. In addition to the usual "congratulations," how about giving a congratulatory message in Dutch?
Photo(1): ラむデン倧孊アカデミック校舎(倧孊最叀の建物。400幎以䞊の歎史がある)
Leiden University Academic Building (oldest building at the university, with a history of more than 400 years). It is also the venue for Leiden University's graduation ceremonies for Bachelor, Master, and PhD.
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Photo (2): 校舎に䜵蚭されたチャペル。ここで卒業蚌曞授䞎を行いたす。
Photo (2): The chapel attached to the school building. Diplomas are conferred here.
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Photo (3): 倧孊院卒業蚌曞授䞎匏にお筆者ず孊友ずの写真(この日に合わせお袎を着たした)
Photo (3): Photo of author with his classmates at the graduation ceremony (I wore ‘Hakama’ Japanese traditional cloths for ceremony).
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Photo (3): ラむトアップされた倜のラむデンの街。クリスマスから冬の間は続く
Photo (3): The city of Leiden at night with light up. It lasts from Christmas holidays to whole winter times.
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Photo (4): 冬晎れの倪陜が照らすKatwijkのビヌチ。北海に面し、海の向こうにはむギリスがある。
Photo (4): The beach in Katwijk lit by the winter sun. The beach faces the North Sea, with UK on the other side.
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Tot zien in de volgende blog (See you in the next blog) !
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chipsy · 20 days ago
There will be a lot of posts soon from people sharing how much they achieved in 2024. But in case someone needs to hear this, it's okay if the only thing you did this year was just get through it.... It's ok.
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lotuspositivity · 2 months ago
You don't have to force yourself to bounce back so quickly. I read something recently that said "when you come in from a rainstorm, you don't expect yourself to be dry and warm right away", and it really resonated with me. It's okay to take time to dry off and warm up. Take the time you need to process what happened to you.
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positivelyqueer · 3 months ago
it’s so important for your health to regularly interact with people at least a decade older than you who aren’t family, especially as a young person.
When my 45 year old teammate gives me advice on mental health and I know she understands because she’s had a tough adult life.
When my 32 year old friend tells me his life started improving for the first time the year she turned 30.
When the 60 year old man at the soup kitchen gives me permission to grieve by telling me I’m ‘just a baby’ with only gentleness in his voice.
It’s so much easier to abandon and break out from the cultural idealisation of youth when you surround yourself with wonderful people in all stages of their lives.
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thatpinkkwitch · 10 months ago
i just heard the phrase “if you wouldn’t trust their advice, don’t trust their criticism” for the first time and i don’t think i’ve ever needed to hear anything more
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catchymemes · 2 months ago
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bewellr · 2 days ago
Harnessing AI to Write My Book
My experience of how AI helps organize extensive content into a cohesive book. Ongoing, exciting, and frustrating process.
The Dream of Writing a Book For 30 years, the thought of writing a book has lingered. It was a dream that seemed just out of reach as I became overwhelmed by the sheer volume of material I had collected over the years. As a professor with over 20 years of experience, I have spent my career writing countless blog posts and approximately 70 professional articles. Moreover, I have produced numerous

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recoverr · 1 year ago
i don't know who needs to hear this, but guilt, self-hatred and shame are not sustainable sources of growth and healing. you can't hate yourself into feeling better, or being better. you can't repeatedly punish yourself for your flawed humanity and expect wholesome results.
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selfhealingmoments · 11 months ago
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notasoupcompany · 7 months ago
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minimalist-quotes · 4 months ago
You deserve a healthy love with someone who hears you, sees you, understands you, appreciates you, supports you, and loves you. Someone who is patient, communicates clearly, and creates a calm safe space to heal, grow, and bloom together. A love you don't have to heal from.
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allthatispeculiar · 2 months ago
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ed-recoverry · 2 months ago
I love you everyone in red states right now.
I love you everyone who has family that is/will celebrate a Trump victory.
I love you everyone surrounded by loved ones actively voting against your rights.
If you voted for Kamala, you did everything you could and you should be proud.
All of your frustration and anger is justified, understandable, and fair.
I’m sending you all love and peace.
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artbylittlebug · 6 months ago
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